Rsync 3.3.0 released

2024-04-06 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync version 3.3.0. This is a bug fix release, with the
increased version bump being a delayed reaction to some of the recent
larger changes that have happened.

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

The github repos have moved to a new RsyncProject organization. Because
various life events have been monopolizing my time, I reached out to Tridge
(the original author) and he has graciously agreed to get back into rsync
work, along with Paul Mackerras, who was also an early contributor to
rsync. This new team will be working mainly on maintenance tasks, and not
so much on new features. If you want to get involved, feel free to reach
out on the new discord RsyncProject channels.

For rsync on github and discord:

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Re: [PATCH] Add --omit-{device,special}-times options

2023-05-26 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, May 16, 2023 at 7:28 PM Marc Aurèle La France wrote:

> Similar to --omit-{dir,link}-times:
> --omit-device-times  omit device files from --times
> --omit-special-times omit sockets and fifos from --times

I'm not convinced these are needed at present.

Also, fix corner case that allows --omit-dir-times to be ignored.  See
> unchanged_attrs() and recv_generator()'s call to try_dests_non().

Directories aren't linked together, so they aren't passed to
unchanged_attrs() or try_dests_non().

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Re: [PATCH] Fix the counting of device files and symlinks

2023-05-26 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, May 16, 2023 at 7:28 PM Marc Aurèle La France via rsync <> wrote:

> Device files should be counted as devices, not symlinks.

Thanks for the catch! I fixed this the other day.

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Re: xfer_sum_len type bug

2023-05-26 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, May 16, 2023 at 2:03 PM Derek Martin wrote:

> This appears to be because of a type mismatch between xfer_sum_len
> (declared as [signed] int) and the third arugment to memset, whose
> function prototype is (from the man page):
>void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);

If that is the case, why does it not complain about file_sum_len, which is
also an int that is passed to memset()? The only difference I see is that
xfer_sum_len's memset() is in match.c while file_sum_len's memset() is in
checksum.c, and the only difference I can see with that is that the int is
local to checksum.c and extern in match.c. Very strange. I'm more inclined
to change them into unsigned short values, as they are quite small integers.

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Rsync 3.3.0pre1 released

2023-04-29 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync version 3.3.0pre1 for release testing. This is mainly
bug fixes, with the increased version bump being a delayed reaction to some
of the recent larger changes that have happened.

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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Re: out-format in one line

2023-01-28 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sat, Jan 28, 2023 at 1:22 AM Michael Homscheidt wrote:

> I use rsync with the option --out-format '%o %n‘ but want to have the
> contents of the mesages to be overwritten.

You can't make rsync do that directly, but you can filter the output.  For
instance, the following python3 script runs rsync with an --out-format that
starts with "<>" and filters the combined stdout + stderr output, putting
repeated "<>" lines over the top of each other (using ANSII reverse-index &
clear-to-EOL escape sequences). It also allows error/info lines to remain
visible: they do not overwrite the prior merged line and a new merged line
starts below it. If a line is too long to fit on a single terminal line
then there will be some downward movement, but that could be improved
should you desire to do so.

Name this script something like "solo-rsync":

import sys, subprocess
rsync =
['rsync', '--outbuf=line',
'--out-format=<>%o %n',
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
folding = False
for line in rsync.stdout:
if line.startswith('<>'):
if folding:
print("\033[A" + line[2:].rstrip("\n") + "\033[K")
print(line[2:], end='')
folding = True
print(line, end='')
folding = False

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Re: Apparent synchronization bug in rsync

2022-12-08 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 12:49 PM Kevin Korb wrote:

> The first "Bug Fix" listed in is
> almost certainly related.  Apparently it was fixed via remote option but
> since your test doesn't include networking that fix wouldn't help.

No, the bug was fixed in 3.2.4 and it included an extra feature that allows
rsync to bypass the bug in an older remote rsync that still has the bug.

On 12/8/22 15:03, Mark Raymond wrote:

> This looks like a bug to me; am I missing something? If it is a bug,
> I'm  happy to create an issue in GitHub.

I have managed to get a test case that fails.  If you want to also supply
one, feel free.
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Re: EVP_MD_CTX_new unresolved reference

2022-10-25 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sun, Oct 23, 2022 at 6:25 AM Randall wrote:

>checksum.o(.text._158011632+0xe2): unresolved reference to
> EVP_MD_CTX_new.
> This is on the NonStop ia64 and x86 platforms. Can you guide me?

You have a couple choices:

   1. Re-run ./configure with --disable-openssl added to the options.
   2. figure out what library holds the  EVP_MD_CTX_new entry point on your
   system (if any) and get that library listed in the LIBS setting in the
   Makefile (or maybe tweak LDFLAGS).

The first option is certain to get you going (just w/o openssl crypto).
The second option might be as simple as adding -lssl right *before* the
-lcrypto on the LIBS=... line of the Makefile. You might also/instead need
something like -Wl,-L,/usr/local/lib (if the lib is in a weird dir).

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Rsync 3.2.7 released

2022-10-20 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync 3.2.7. This has some new features & fixes, including
various bug fixes for arg validation & filter-rule validation.

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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Re: [3.1.3] --remove-source-files $SRC/ $SRC/ - erases all files

2022-10-19 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 11:01 PM Sridhar Sarnobat wrote:

> 90% of my data losses are caused by rsync'ing from dir A to dir A

Upgrade to 3.2.6 (or 3.2.7pre1):

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Re: How to use --rsh with multiple sub-arguments?

2022-10-07 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at 1:46 AM c.buhtz wrote:

> You see there are several sub-arguments that need to be put to "ssh" via
> the "--rsh".

In addition to what Kevin said, I find it easier to put customizations into
the ~/.ssh/config file under a custom hostname (or the main hostname, as
you prefer).  For instance:

Host name1
Hostname localhost
Port 22
User username
ServerAliveInterval 240
LogLevel Error
IdentifyFile /some/path

At that point you can ssh and/or rsync to "name1" and all those options
auto-apply (you don't even need the "user@" bit). And rsync should default
to using ssh these days (though exporting RSYNC_RSH=ssh does make extra
sure of that).

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Rsync 3.2.7pre1 released

2022-09-30 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync version 3.2.7pre1 for release testing. This has a few
new features and continues in the fixing of bugs in the extra validation of
args & filter rules.

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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Re: Implicit containing directory sometimes rejected as unrequested

2022-09-25 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
The git code should have this fixed.  Feel free to build it yourself, or
try the executable in the tar file from here:


On Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 5:02 PM jimc via rsync 

> Version: rsync-3.2.6-1.1.x86_64 from OpenSuSE Tumbleweed, get it from
> (or .src.rpm).
> Symptom: In certain circumstances (see the reproducer script), rsync
> from a remote source to a local destination and using a --files-from
> list
> sometimes rejects an implicit containing directory with this error
> message:
>  ERROR: rejecting unrequested file-list name: usr/lib64
>  rsync error: protocol incompatibility (code 2) at flist.c(998) \
>   [Receiver=3.2.6]
> Success or failure depends on arcane determinstic variations, and there
> is a suspicion that the same input might produce different output at
> different times.  However, I repeated two variants 20 times a few secs
> apart and they always worked or failed.
> I've found these variant behaviors:
> * With either sender version, receiver 3.2.5 always works and 3.2.6
>sometimes fails.
> * If both the source and destination are local, it always works.
> * If the destination is remote, it works.  Failures are seen with a
>remote source.
> * All my test cases have two implicit containing directories.
>The first one has never been seen to fail but the second one does.
>I haven't investigated if third or subsequent dirs would fail.
>In one case where the second dir failed, exchanging the two filenames
>led to both of them succeeding.
> * I'm using rsync in a configuration management system and it needs some
>options.  If I remove -K -O --numeric-ids leaving only --rsh=ssh -a
>--files-from, it fails or works equally.
> * If I add --trust-sender then failing cases start working.
> v3.2.5 has an addition to recognize if a rogue sender adds unrequested
> toplevel names etc.  (CVE-2022-29154)  The option --trust-sender
> disables the new paranoia.  If this option is added to the execution
> command line, spurious rejections disappear.  Clearly the bugfixes in
> file-list processing added in v3.2.6 had a bad interaction with the new
> paranoia.
> Attaching reproducer script .
> --
> James F. Carter   Email:
> Web: (q.v. for PGP key)
> --
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Re: rsync --daemon complains parsing nonexistant /etc/rsyncd.conf

2022-09-20 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 6:13 AM Paul Slootman wrote:

> IMHO rsync is correct in refusing to run with a missing rsyncd.conf.

Yeah, it's one of the ways that some installs prevent a superfluous daemon
from starting up -- if it's not configured, you don't want it.

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Re: Build error on Solaris 10

2022-09-20 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 11:21 AM İhsan Doğan via rsync <> wrote:

> ./mkgitver
> ./mkgitver: test: argument expected

Looks like your OS's "test" doesn't support "-e".  If you tweak the "if [
-e" to be "if [ -d" you should be fine.

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Re: Patch: disable path sanitization for modules rooted at "/"

2022-09-19 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Wed, Sep 7, 2022 at 6:25 AM Thor Simon wrote:

> When running in daemon mode with a module rooted at “/” [...] it seems to
> me that path sanitization is not useful in this case.

In a typical Linux install, the default of "use chroot = true" already
results in sanitize_paths = 0 for a path "/' module, so you must have "use
chroot = false" set in your config file. The test you added is already a
part of the prior "if" since module_dirlen is 0 when the module_dir is "/".

Thus, the weird part is why the code thinks that we need to force
sanitation on for all use-chroot=off cases (especially when a chroot("/")
doesn't accomplish anything extra for a "/" path).  In looking at the
various module configuration possibilities, if we're not chrooted and not
serving "/", then a check of just module_dirlen is sufficient to get
sanitation enabled.  If we are chrooted and we have an inner module_dirlen,
that also triggers the sanitization.  So it seems to me that the earlier
check can be changed to be just "if (module_dirlen)".  I'll probably make
that change after a bit more contemplation.

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Re: 3.2.6: ERROR: rejecting unrequested file-list

2022-09-13 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 9:06 AM Carlos Carvalho wrote:

> The debug option didn't change the output at all.

That seems quite unlikely to me. But ignoring that, the latest git should
hopefully have the issue you're seeing fixed.  Rsync packagers will want this
newest commit

this filter-verification fix


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Re: 3.2.6: ERROR: rejecting unrequested file-list

2022-09-12 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
It helps to have some kind of a reproducer.  Also, keep in mind there are 2
kinds of rejections: unrequested args and unfiltered files.  The latter
should have a big improvement in the latest git version. If you want some
debug info on arg rejection, try adding `--debug=filter5` and see what
auto-created filter rules get added to approve incoming file-list items.
That might show you which file-list item is being mistranslated.

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Re: Patch: more detailed error logging when an ACL unpack error occurs

2022-09-11 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sat, Sep 10, 2022 at 1:29 PM Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> Would you be interested in adding this patch to the rsync-patches repo or
> incorporating it into rsync directly?

I don't recall seeing that before, so thanks for pointing that out.  I've
committed the change to the rsync git.

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Re: Make an rsync using script with old and new versions of rsync without using the "old" way (--old-args)?

2022-09-10 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 1:19 AM c.buhtz wrote:

>   4. `--protect-args` activates the "new" behavior

Essentially, just in a way that has a couple drawbacks: it would have
refused to work with rsyncs older than 3.0.0, and it would have refused to
work with a remote rrsync setup (since the "protected" args are sent via
the protocol where rrsync can't see them to verify them).

  5. `--old-args` and `--protect-args` are the opposite of each other?

Yes, protecting the args prevents things like remote space splitting and

My goals are
>   1. Use the "new" arg protection way introduced with 3.2.4
>   2. Scripts/applications using that "new way" should work with old and
> new versions of rsync without checking for the rsync version on the
> current system.

The easiest way to do that in a script or even in a user's shell-rc files
is to export 2 environment variables:


If rsync is 3.2.4 or newer, it will see the newer env var and continue with
its new-style arg protection (since the 0 tells it you don't
want --old-args to be used).  An older rsync will not even notice that
variable and will instead ensure that --protect-args is enabled by default,
giving it a similar style of arg protection, just one that will complain if
a remote rsync is 2.6.9 (which should be pretty much gone these days) or an
rrsync restricted shell.  These variables don't interfere with manual
overrides on the command-line -- they just ensure the default is what you

Your suggestion of forcing on --seclude-args (aka --protect-args) via -s is
also a reasonable way to go in most instances.

I'm using `-s` here because `--protect-args` will be renamed to
> `--secluded-args` in rsync 3.2.6.

Just because --secluded-args is its new name doesn't mean that rsync stops
accepting the older arg name. But -s is always easier to type.

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Rsync 3.2.6 released

2022-09-09 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync 3.2.6. A fairly simple bugfix release.

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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Re: Problems building rsync with Clang 15 beta

2022-08-18 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 9:27 AM Paul Eggert wrote:

> But if rsync must add -pedantic-errors for some reason, it should do so at
> the very end of 'configure'

I think I'll just get rid of it except for some private builds.

perhaps it'd be better for rsync to also add -pedantic-errors only for GCC
> not Clang

My configure script did that using the $GCC var that configure sets:

if test x"$GCC" = x"yes"; then

Maybe Clang 15 broke the testing idiom that sets $GCC?

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Re: CVE-2022-29154 and v3.2.3

2022-08-17 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 9:30 AM Mark Esler wrote:

> I am curious if CVE-2022-29154 affects rsync 3.2.3 or rrsync 3.2.3 and
> earlier.

The security page  covers this: it's
all versions prior to 3.2.5.

if old_style_args is set to true then the add_implied_include function
> promptly returns.

The NEWS  discusses this
under PACKAGING: the new verification feature requires the quoted args
feature from 3.2.4. Without that change, rsync can't reliably determine
what the remote arguments actually are (many people add quotes to old-style
args, expect splitting on spaces, variables can be expanded, etc).  Asking
to use unprotected remote args therefore implies trusting the sender.
There is some discussion about this in the manpage

One alternative would be to force --protect-args on by default (there is a
configure --with-protected-args option for that) and then base the security
bypass on protect_args being 0 instead of old_style_args being non-0.

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Rsync 3.2.5 released

2022-08-14 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync 3.2.5. A bugfix release that includes a couple
security fixes.

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:


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Rsync 3.2.5pre2 released

2022-08-08 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
Rsync version 3.2.5pre2 is now available for release testing. It mainly
includes fixes for the new file-list security code and a buffer fix for the
included zlib code.

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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Re: Reading a batch file

2022-08-07 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Fri, Aug 5, 2022 at 12:56 PM sergio hernandez wrote:

> I need to be able to read the batch file for an external application that
> I'm developing. But I don't know what is the structure used in the file.
It's a capture of the rsync protocol. Pretty much only rsync knows how to
read it as it's not defined anywhere.

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Re: Is there a better way to transfer data that doesn't use so much cache?

2022-08-04 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Wed, Aug 3, 2022 at 7:10 PM Dan Stromberg wrote:

> However, if you transfer a large amount of data and do not intend to
> retransmit that data any time soon, then the memory isn't really put to
> good use, and can actually cause your system to slow down significantly -
> particularly if there's a lot of such data transferred.

I have always rejected overcomplicating rsync with cache control code (the
complexity of a --drop-cache patch I saw was quite horrifying).  In the
past I pointed people towards as one way to
get posix_fadvise used by an rsync copy.  That project now apparently
suggests creating a memory-bounded cgroup, which sounds interesting.

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Rsync 3.2.5pre1 released

2022-08-01 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync version 3.2.5pre1 for release testing. This includes
a checksum fix that affects some architectures (such as ARM), improves the
security of the received file list, enhances the manpage, etc.

I'd really appreciate it if people would give this release some extensive
testing and see if the improved security results in any false alerts. I did
a bunch of testing and found a few options that caused a problem (and were
then fixed), but there may be more.  You can use a side-effect of the
option  to work
around an invalid complaint, but please also report it.  Thanks!

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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Re: Rsync 3.2.4 released

2022-06-18 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
For those packaging rsync 3.2.4 using a C compiler where "char" defaults to
"unsigned char", such as ARM systems, rsync 3.2.4 will potentially generate
the wrong rolling checksum values, thus failing to optimize the copy with
the full amount of matching local data from a prior copy when high-bit
characters are present.  This can be fixed using a simple configure patch:

After applying that, doing a full configure & make will fix things up
(those updating an existing build dir can use "make reconfigure" & make).

This fix is committed to git for the upcoming 3.2.5 release.


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Re: Problem with file exclusion pattern

2022-05-04 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 7:35 AM H wrote:

> However, would I not still need --include='*/'  since I want it to
> recourse into all subdirectories?

Only if you could have a directory that matches the lock name and you
didn't want to exclude it. The default is to include a file/dir unless
something excludes it. So you only need an include if you need to make an
exception to an exclude rule that comes after it.

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Re: Problem with file exclusion pattern

2022-05-02 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 3:33 PM H wrote:

> rsync -vHrltDium -c --chmod=Du+rwx,go-rwx,Fu+rw,go-rw --no-perms --stats
> --include='*' --include='*/' --exclude='*.~lock*' --exclude='*' -e "ssh -y
> -p 22" ~/test/ someone@

See the latest manpage's filter-rules section
 an easy way to
debug where filtering is going wrong. Doing that would show you that
everything in your transfer is being matched by the first include option
you used.  This is because (as the 2nd paragraph in the filter section
explains) the first matching pattern is acted upon. A good general rule of
thumb is to move more specific rules prior to more general rules.  However,
in your command above, you only need the one lock-excluding option (since
the default is to include anything that doesn't match any of your rules)
and not any of the other include/exclude options.

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Rsync 3.2.4 released

2022-04-15 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync 3.2.4. Another typical release with both bug fixes
and some enhancements. It also contains a security fix for the bundled zlib
1.2.8, which may or may not be used in your particular build configuration.

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:


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Rsync 3.2.4pre4 released

2022-03-27 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
Rsync version 3.2.4pre4 is now available for release testing. This is
planned to be the final pre-release before 3.2.4. It contains some
configuration improvements for the optimization features, some bug fixes,
and the addition of --copy-devices.

To see a summary of the release changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, patches,

See also rsync on github:

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Re: Restriction enforcement

2022-03-12 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 7:15 AM Hove, K.W. van (Koen, Student M-CS) via
rsync  wrote:

> I noticed that --max-size, --min-size, --exclude, and --include are only
> sent by the client as a "request" to the server, and that if the server for
> some reason chooses to ignore those options and include those files in the
> file list anyway, the client will happily run with it.

That is not based on client & server but rather sender & receiver. The
sender gets the filter (include/exclude) commands so that it can trim the
list it sends, but the client uses the min/max size values to figure out
which files it wants to request. The client only uses the filter rules if
it is running deletion commands. The daemon has a bit more paranoia, with
an extra filter list that is consulted on both the sending & receiving
side. So, one simple change that could be done would be to tweak
generator.c & receiver.c and add in filter checks of the main filter_list
where it is checking the daemon_filter_list.

So, for the most part, rsync expects each side to do their job and doesn't
double-check non-security things (it does security-check that the file list
hasn't gone outside the request's bounds and that it doesn't leverage a
symlink as a way to escape the hierarchy, for instance).  There is also the
problem that the generator has no direct way to tell the receiver what it
is doing (given the big loop of information from generator to sender to
receiver) so a rogue sender could be written to send files that the
generator didn't request.

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Re: Trying to elevate rsync privileges when connecting over ssh without using NOPASSWD in sudoers

2022-03-11 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 4:57 AM Dr. Mark Asbach via rsync <> wrote:

> b) Passing the password to sudo via stdin using --rsync-path "echo
> MYPASSWORD | sudo -S rsync" (see

In that ask-ubuntu example they are running a client rsync via sudo, not
the server side.  The server requires the socket to be on stdin, so you
can't use stdin earlier on the command-line for something else.

One thing you could do is to create a custom askpass script that provides
the password on stdout. You must put that script on each remote system
because the SUDO_ASKPASS environment variable must only contain a program
name, so it will not allow a one-line remote invocation (i.e.
SUDO_ASKPASS="echo FOO" fails). For example, create a shell script named
something like echo-askpass:

echo "$SUDO_PASS"

and then use this option to rsync:

--rsync-path "SUDO_ASKPASS=/path/echo-askpass SUDO_PASS=MYPASS sudo -A

You could simplify that by moving those environment variables into your
ansible config, perhaps by grabbing the password out of the ansible vault
or having ansible prompt the user. That would let you run "sudo -A rsync"
and not have the password in the command.  The ansible docs detail how to
set remote environment variables.

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Re: use absolute paths in transfer list

2022-02-17 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 2:57 AM Fourhundred Thecat via rsync <> wrote:

> how can I print the full paths?

If you're pushing files (which includes a local copy), putting "%f" into
--out-format gets you the full specified path for the source files.  It
likes to strip the leading slash, so I'll toss that into the format and
assume you'll always use absolute paths:

rsync -a --del --out-format='/%f%L' /path/one/ /path/two/ /dest/path/

If you're pulling files, you could switch to a daemon-over-ssh setup
(creating a remote ~/rsyncd.conf file with a single module in it) and
specify a log directive with %f in it.  I believe that gets you a log file
of the full path names, but not any extra path info in the output.

Of course, if you have a single source, you could fudge the info:

rsync -a --del --out-format='/one/path/%n%L' host:/one/path/ /dest/path/

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Re: Confused as to why rsync thinks time, owner and group of many files differ

2022-02-07 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 2:23 PM Andy Smith via rsync 

> When rsync considers times as being different, it means mtime, right? Yet
> these files have identical mtimes. They also have identical uid, gid and
> permissions.

They  do now, but it looks like you have lots of files hard-linked together
and presumably 2 of them aren't the same anymore on the source. Thus, the
file gets modified to the other version during the transfer and then
modified back elsewhere in the transfer.

If you get rid of the --inplace option, rsync will be able to separate them.

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Re: trailing spaces in exclude-from file

2022-01-27 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 1:08 AM Jürgen Bausa via rsync <> wrote:

> However, it didn't work in the beginning and took me some time to find
> out, that a space at the end (e.g. "+ /mnt/Windows/Users " in the second
> line) will be interpreted and thus, the directory is assumed to be "Users "
> and not "Users".

When working on some filter rules it helps to use --debug=FILTER or
--debug=FILTER2 options. (While these are implied by -vv and -vvv
respectively, it's better to be more specific in what you want to debug.)
The FILTER2 level mentions the add_rule(RULE_HERE) call where a trailing
space would be visible prior to the trailing paren, though it might not be
immediately obvious.  I've just made a change in git that makes rsync
output a warning message in either debug-filter level if there is a
trailing space or tab on a rule, which will help someone notice it if they
didn't intend to specify it.

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Rsync 3.2.4pre3 released

2022-01-19 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
Rsync version 3.2.4pre3 is now available for release testing. This fixes an
issue with local copying and the arg-escaping (due to no shell being used).

To see a summary of the release changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, patches,

See also rsync on github:

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Rsync 3.2.4pre2 released

2022-01-15 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
Rsync version 3.2.4pre2 is now available for release testing. I decided to
go ahead and make a fairly significant change from pre1 to pre2: the new
backslash escaping of remote args.  This should be a more compatible change
than making --protect-args enabled by default, and I figured that since
there was already an output change in 3.2.4 it would be good to group this
(potential) scripting-relevant change into one release rather than dividing
it over 2 separate releases.

To see a summary of the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, patches,

See also rsync on github:

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Re: Trying to cross-compile rsync 3.2.3 for an M1 Mac

2022-01-05 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 7:39 PM Fred Fugate via rsync 

> It seems that the rsync source tarfile includes lib/md5-asm-x86_64.S, but
> for my compilation to work, I need a file called lib/md5-asm-aarch64.S ?

Try configuring with --disable-asm.  I imagine 3.2.4pre1
 would have done that for you with its various
configure improvements.

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Re: --copy-unsafe-links unexpected behavior with unsafe symlinks

2022-01-04 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
To be extra clear (since I was overly terse in my hasty answer), here's
your last example fixed for you:

$ cd ~/dev
$ rsync --copy-unsafe-links -aivz --delete ~/tmp/TST/tree/

This is how rsync knows where the safe restriction lies -- at the top of
the transfer (the final slash). Thus, your statement about your desired
restriction not being possible is false.

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Re: --copy-unsafe-links unexpected behavior with unsafe symlinks

2022-01-03 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
Read the section on --copy-unsafe-symlinks and make the change I
recommended.  That's all there is to it. When a dir name is in the
transfer, it is not the top of the transfer tree. It's parent is. This is
pretty standard rsync stuff, where trailing slashes are very important to

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Rsync 3.2.4pre1 released

2022-01-02 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
Rsync version 3.2.4pre1 is now available for release testing. This has a
pretty typical combination of bug fixing and enhancements.

To see a summary of the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, patches,

See also rsync on github:

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Re: --copy-unsafe-links unexpected behavior with unsafe symlinks

2021-12-31 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sun, Nov 28, 2021 at 12:53 PM Cristian via rsync 

> $ rsync --copy-unsafe-links -avz --delete tree XXX

In this case, the "tree" directory is a part of the transfer inside the
top-of-transfer dir (the current directory). Thus any symlinks that don't
try to escape the current directory are considered to be OK.  You should
instead suffix "tree" with a slash and add "tree" to your destination path:

$ rsync --copy-unsafe-links -aivz --delete tree/ host:/old/path/tree/

This is discussed in the man page
 (search for "unsafe").

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Re: malloc assert

2021-01-31 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 2:19 AM Hans Andersson wrote:

> I occasionally get the following error when running rsync [malloc.c
> assertion]

Since rsync doesn't supply any malloc code, that's probably a question for
your C-library provider. You might first try out 3.2.3, which fixed a
couple mem issues in the xattr code, but since you don't seem to be using
xattrs, that may not change anything. You could also try running rsync
under something like valgrind and see if it spits out any mem issues
(though it would run more slowly while doing it). Please keep in mind that
it's always most helpful to upgrade before starting in on a
debuggin session.

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Re: Bug when using rsync -r --delete -b --backup-dir

2021-01-15 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 1:33 PM CRTS via rsync 

> then the empty directory does end up in bkp.

You mean "does not".  That is correct, as it only creates backup dirs to
hold backup files. I recall this being specifically chosen as the desired
outcome but not the details of why (since it was many years ago). In
any case, it's unlikely to change.

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Re: Is there a default for 'pid file' for rsync in daemon mode?

2021-01-02 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Fri, Jan 1, 2021 at 2:13 PM raf wrote:

> maybe the pidfile should be locked

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Re: Is there any way to restore/create hardlinks lost in incremental backups?

2020-12-13 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I should also mention that there are totally valid reasons why the dir
might be huge on day4. For instance, if someone changed the mode on the
files from 664 to 644 then the files cannot be hard-linked together even if
the file's data is unchanged. The same goes for differences in preserved
xattrs, acls, and ownership.  In such a case you could decide that you
don't care about the change in meta info and tweak it on the earlier files
to match day4's files and then the suggested re-link command would decide
it could join them together.  You'd probably then need to keep going and
re-link day5's pictures (since it was probably linking to the old day4's

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Re: Is there any way to restore/create hardlinks lost in incremental backups?

2020-12-13 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
You could rsync the current day4 dir to a dir, and list all the
prior days as --link-dest options. Make sure that you're using the same
xatt/acl options as your official backup command (the options may or may
not be present) so that you are preserving the same level of info as the
backup.  You also have the choice of copying the whole day4 dir or just the
day4/pictures dir, as you see fit.

For example:

rsync -aiv --link-dest=../day1 --link-dest=../day2
--link-dest=../day3 day4/
mv day4 day4.bad
mv day4

If you only want to reprocess the pictures subdir, just tweak the "day4/"
arg to be "day4/pictures" (no trailing slash) and change the mv commands to
deal with just that subdir.


On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 9:29 AM Chris Green via rsync 

> I run a simple self written incremental backup system using rsync's
> --link-dest option.
> Occasionally, because I've moved things around or because I've done
> something else that breaks things, the hard links aren't created as
> they should be and I get a very space consuming backup increment.
> Is there any easy way that one can restore hard links in the *middle*
> of a series?  For example say I have:-
> day1/pictures
> day2/pictures
> day3/pictures
> day4/pictures
> day5/pictures
> and I notice that day4/pictures is using as much space as
> day1/pictures but all the others are relatively small, i.e.
> day2 day3 and day5 have correctly hard linked to the previous day but
> day4 hasn't.
> It needs a tool that can scan day4, check a file is identical with the
> one in day3 then hardlink it without losing the link from day5.
> There's jdupes but that does lose the link from day5 so you'd have to
> apply it to all the directories after the one that's lost the links.
> --
> Chris Green
> ·
> --
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Re: A strange problem with my daily backups performed via rsync

2020-11-02 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Mon, Nov 2, 2020 at 3:03 AM Manish Jain wrote:

> rsync -av --delete src dst  # but protect dir dst/XYZ from deletion
> I tried "--filter 'protect dst/XYZ'" but that does not prevent the
> directory dst/XYZ from being deleted.

The "dst" dir isn't in the transfer, so it can't appear in a filter rule*.
If you really specified "src" instead of "src/" (with a trailing slash)
there's no way rsync would ever delete dst/XYZ since it's putting all files
into dst/src. You could protect dst/src/XYZ using a filter of "protect
/src/XYZ/" (the leading slash makes it match at the top of the transer, and
the trailing slash makes it match only a dir).  If you're actually copying
"src/" then you would "protect /XYZ/" (you should always match the names
you see in the transfer's verbose output).

*: Note that you could alternately specify an absolute filter rule such as
--filter "P/ /mnt/dst/XYZ/" since the "/" qualifier to the protect makes it
match an absolute  pathname.  Those rules are slightly less efficient than
matching transfer paths since rsync has to convert the name before it can
compare it, but that tends to not be a big deal for most transfers.

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Re: Syncing multiple sub-directories to one directory

2020-09-30 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 4:46 PM Rob Campbell wrote:

> Thanks for your help.  What you provided didn't work for me because that
> still placed things in subdirectories.

Ah, that's what you were trying to do. Your original email sounded like you
just didn't want it to recurse into subdirectories.

An easier solution than what you ended up with is to specify a trailing
slash after the dir names since that tells rsync you want to copy the
content of a directory rather than the directory by name:

rsync -riv --progress --include '*.jp*g' --include '*.png' --include
'*.dng' --include '*.raw' --include '*.nef' --exclude '*'
/my/phone/root/dir/{Duo,DCIM,WhatsApp}/ /my/backup/directory/for/images/

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Re: strange crash with md5p8.diff + xxhash

2020-09-29 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 9:01 AM Madhu via rsync 

> Turns out the comment in rsync.h: (struct name_num_obj):
> struct name_num_item list[8]; /* A big-enough len (we'll get a
> compile error if it is ever too small) */
> isn't correct. I don't get a compile error.

Gcc likes to generate just a warning, not an error, which is enough for me
to notice the issue and fix it.  However, it would be nice if it was an
actual error, so I'm tweaking to specify -pedantic-errors
(sometimes followed by --Wno-pedantic) for gcc, which seems to turn it into
an error just fine.  I've also expanded the array a bit.

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Re: rsync 3.1.3 dry run bug?

2020-09-29 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 12:27 PM Dipl.-Ing. Wolf-Dieter Pichler wrote:

> In this example output rsync says that it would just perform two
> group changes, BUT despite the -n option it actually synced some documents.

I doubt that very much, so I'd suggest checking on what else might be going
on.  Rsync has a bunch of safety functions with built-in dry-run checks
that keep it from making the changes that it itemizes that need to be
done.  And if it didn't even mention that a file needs to be updated,
there's no reason for it to have somehow made a secret change.  If you were
expecting to see a file change in the list of dry-run changes and it's not
there, then something prior to the rsync dry-run must have changed it.
Given that you're using -H, you might check if the affected file was linked
to a file that was recently changed in some other copy.

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Re: Syncing multiple sub-directories to one directory

2020-09-29 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 7:38 AM Rob Campbell wrote:

> I would like to sync many subdirectories into one directory with no
> subdirectories. I've tried
> rsync -rv --progress --include '*.jp*g' --include '*.png' --include
> '*.dng' --include '*.raw' --include '*.nef' --include 'Duo' --include
> 'DCIM' --include 'WhatsApp' --exclude '*' /my/phone/root/dir/
> /my/backup/directory/for/images/

You didn't specify what isn't working as you expect. That command works
fine for the 3 listed dir names as long as you either don't have matching
files inside /my/phone/root/dir (or as long as it's ok to also copy those
files) and as long as there aren't subdirs or files named the same as the 3
top dirs you included. The latter can be fixed by anchoring your dir names
and making them only match a dir (e.g. --include '/Duo/').  If you want to
have the copy avoid files in the top dir you can either change all the
file-based includes to have a "*/" prefix (such as "--include '*/*.png'
...") or you can change the dir includes into args and exclude '*/*'
instead of "*".  The last option would look like this (I also tossed in -i):

rsync -riv --progress --include '*.jp*g' --include '*.png' --include
'*.dng' --include '*.raw' --include '*.nef' --exclude '*/*'
/my/phone/root/dir/{Duo,DCIM,WhatsApp} /my/backup/directory/for/images/

That assumes you've got bash to do the brace expansion, but you could
change that into 3 arg paths if you need to. You may also want to add --del
if you want rsync to delete inside the 3 listed dirs.

I'm not sure why you listed an extra command with "NewDir" when it's not
mentioned in the first command.  If that is an indication that you really
want to copy all dirs under root/dir (not just the 3 named dirs in the
first command) then you could use an include of "/*/" to match any dir in
the root of the transfer, like this:

rsync -riv --progress --include '*.jp*g' --include '*.png' --include
'*.dng' --include '*.raw' --include '*.nef' --include '/*/' --exclude '*'
/my/phone/root/dir/ /my/backup/directory/for/images/

One last suggestion, I like to make the args shorter by using -f (filter)
commands, so an include example is -f '+ *.png' and an exclude example is
-f '- /*/' (those are identical to the equivalent include/exclude args, so
that's just personal preference).

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Re: Skip source files that differ from existing destination files with a warning?

2020-09-23 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 5:32 AM Matt McCutchen wrote:

> For the "not transfer" part, I can use --ignore-existing, but I don't see
> a direct way to be warned only about source files that differ from
> existing destination files.

Indeed, the 2-step approach that you mentioned is all that the released
rsync supports.  I've just checked-in a change that adds the `--info=skip2`
option that will add a suffix to the "exists" message that indicates the
existence-skipped file's status: "type change", or "sum change" (requires
`-c`), "file change" (based on quick check), "attr change", or "uptodate".

My reading of the code also suggests that if the sender is
> malicious, --ignore-existing will not stop the receiver from processing a
> transfer of an existing destination file initiated by the sender

Undoubtedly true, since the only thing the option does is limit what files
the generator will request. At some point it will be good to double-check
that the receiver doesn't get a file that the generator didn't request, but
the current nature of the round-robin pipe through the sender makes that
difficult without some new kind of direct generator-to-receiver flow of
information.  I have an idea of how I'd like to improve rsync's
receiver-side process setup in the future, but it's not easy to tweak in
the current version.

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Re: Security issue: How to report it privately to the maintainers?

2020-09-02 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 8:43 PM Philippe Höij wrote:

> There is a security issue in rsync that needs to be disclosed to the team.

I added a security policy to the repo which indicates that security issues
can be emailed to me.

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Re: Rsync 3.2.3 released

2020-08-07 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 10:46 PM Rupert Gallagher wrote:

> I noted that rsync writes a gmon file on the source path and leaves it
> there when it terminates.

Nope, it doesn't.  You'll need to figure out what's going on with your

Also, I have 12GB of cache in ecc ram that rsync is not using.

It uses whatever memory it needs plus whatever filesystem caching your OS

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Re: Rsync 3.2.3 released

2020-08-07 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 11:48 PM Michal Ruprich wrote:

> I see that a couple of patches from the rsync-patches tar have
> disappeared, like acls.diff or xattrs.diff yet I don't see the changes in
> the code. Is there a reason for their removal?
Various things were removed that had limited value or were something that
had no chance of ever being merged.  The acls & xattrs diffs were never
needed for any released rsync, but some distros may want to keep applying
their own version of the patches if they think they have pre-3.0.0 rsyncs
hanging around that have pre-release xattrs/acls support (so after 12 years
I'll let them deal with any remaining effects of their distributing
pre-release patches). I'll probably be removing some more patches soon as I
weed through them.  One example of something that will probably go away is
the source-filter_dest-filter.diff -- it's marked as being very dangerous
and thus never something that would go in an official release (so it would
be horrible if someone ignored the cautions and distributed an rsync with
that applied).

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Rsync 3.2.3 released

2020-08-06 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync 3.2.3.  It contains a smattering of bug fixes and
various enhancements.

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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Re: Rsync 3.2.3pre1 released

2020-07-29 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 4:43 PM Nelson H. F. Beebe via rsync <> wrote:

> xxhash in particular is not a package that we have needed before, so none
> of the clients has it.

All new, wonderful libraries have a point in time where they begin to get
used.  If you transfer large files then you probably want it.  If you use
compression then you also probably want at least zstd.  The INSTALL file

includes full details on the things you might want to install before
running configure and the suggested package-install commands that would
have probably helped you out.

I also noted that the configure script asks for installation of cmarkgfm or
> commonmark

No, it does not for a release. It sounds like you grabbed a github repo
snapshot tar file instead of a release tar file. The release tars include
various generated files to make a normal install easier, and do not require
any commonmark stuff nor autoconf stuff.  One other thing that is not well
documented is that you can grab the latest generated files for the latest
git commit using "./prepare-source fetchgen".  Currently that requires an
existing rsync and an openssl binary (since samba's rsync daemon requires
an ssl connection these days).

The configure script bails out when a library is not found

Yeah, that is on the annoying side.  It would be nice if it created a full
list of the missing items and then failed with a full summary of what
should be either added or disabled.

Thanks for the package lists.  Many of those were already in the INSTALL
docs, but I haven't had access to a Fedora host, for instance, and getting
some info there is helpful.  You did err on the side of installing too much
stuff, though.  You installed some cmark tools which aren't related to the
python3 library, for instance.  And you installed some other python
libraries, such as a python version of xxhash, which is also not needed.
The extra installs don't harm anything, though (other than your disk space).

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Rsync 3.2.3pre1 released

2020-07-27 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
have made rsync 3.2.3pre1 available for release testing. This combines some
bug fixing with a good chunk of enhancements.

To see a summary of the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, patches,

See also rsync on github:

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Re: Syncing from two sources to one target and deleting files not in either source

2020-07-21 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 4:15 AM @lbutlr wrote:

> how can I remove files on Server 3 that do not exist on either Server 1 or
> Server 2?

If you want rsync to do the deletions during a copy from one of the
servers, you'll need a filter file of "protect" (P) rules for every dir and
file on the other source server (you could also cull the list to avoid P
rules for files that they have in common, but that's not mandatory).  The
filter file would need to have lines like "P /foo" and "P /path/bar" in it
where the "/" refers to the top of the transfer, not the top of the
filesystem. That would allow you to copy from (for instance) server 1 with
--filter=". protect-rules" and --del (and --dry-run the first time) and
have it avoid removing any of the files unique to server 2.

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Re: --exclude vs --filter

2020-07-11 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 12:59 AM Roland wrote:

> can "--filter" statements completely replace "--exclude" statements

Yes.  The old-style exclude/include options just turn into the simplest
form of exclude/include filter rules.

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Rsync 3.2.2 released

2020-07-04 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync 3.2.2.  This is a few more portability fixes, some
improvements to the newest features, and some other simple changes.
Hopefully this will be the last of these recent touch-up releases.

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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Rsync 3.2.2pre3 released

2020-06-30 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have made rsync 3.2.2pre3 available for release testing. This release has
a fix for a crash that affects some daemon setups.  I also took the
opportunity to make the daemon parameters configuration simpler to keep all
the define/init/access bits in sync.

To see a summary of the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, patches,

See also rsync on github:


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Rsync 3.2.2pre2 released

2020-06-28 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have made rsync 3.2.2pre2 available for release testing. I noticed a
couple more minor issues with building from an alternative dir, so I
simplified the build-dir idiom to put all the generated files in the build
dir instead of having some of the configure-related ones in the src dir.
This simplification made it easy to improve my patch-maintenance and
release scripts, so I did that as well. And I finally moved the version out
of the configure script so that I don't need to re-run configure every time
the version number changes.

To see a summary of the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, patches,

See also rsync on github:


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Rsync 3.2.2pre1 released

2020-06-27 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have made rsync 3.2.2pre1 available for release testing. This is a few
more portability fixes, some improvements to the newest features, and a
couple other simple changes. If no blocking issues are found, this will be
released as 3.2.2 soon. At that point I imagine that this will be the last
of these recent touch-up releases.

To see a summary of the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, patches,

See also rsync on github:

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Re: Rsync Daemon Remote Pull

2020-06-27 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 7:17 AM Chandrasekar Natarajan wrote:

> Kindly help me to resolve this.

One thing you can do is to change the initial command from "rsync" to
"/usr/bin/rsync" (if that is where the real command is installed in your
setup) in order to try to avoid any script & shell alias effects (but it
won't avoid any popt alises). It's only your system where the problem
exists so you're the one that needs to figure out where the
local non-option arg is coming from in your setup (since it's something
wrong outside of rsync and outside of the never-exact command you say
you're running).

If all else fails, move the real rsync aside and put a shell script in its
place that tells you the args it's getting (be sure to install this in
place of /usr/bin/rsync or whatever path the real rsync is installed at):

for arg in "${@}"; do
  case "$arg" in
-*) echo "Option: $arg" ;;
*:*) echo "Remote arg: $arg" ;;
*) echo "Local arg: $arg" ;;

Just ignore that saying the port number is a local arg (it's an arg to the
--port option) or change your run to use "--port=4783" (with an equal sign)
since the script doesn't know which options take args.  That should show
you exactly what rsync is getting. If that shows no issues then you should
be looking for a popt alias that is injecting an extra local arg into the
command line (as described earlier).

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Re: Rsync Daemon Remote Pull

2020-06-26 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 3:02 PM Chandrasekar Natarajan wrote:

> Unexpected remote arg: user@x.x.x.x:port/module

This means that your non-option args starts with a local arg, contains a
remote arg somewhere in the middle, and ends with either a local or remote
arg.  None of those are valid because all the source args must match in
being either local or remote.

So, you need to figure out where the local path comes from early in the
command-line.  For instance, if you copied an "--option" that has some kind
of unicode char instead of real dashes, it could look like an option but
actually be parsed as a local arg.  Or you may have some kind of alias or
script that is adding an arg early in your rsync command-line.  Be sure to
check for shell aliases, popt aliases (the ~/.popt and /etc/popt files),
and "rsync" scripts on your path.

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Re: rsync with mode --delete

2020-06-26 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 10:24 AM Budi Janto wrote:

> path = /mnt/DATA
> Any idea or suggestion to prevent client's data loss?

There are several options:

   1. Set the "pre-xfer exec = /script/name" in your daemon module and make
   the script check if a /mnt/DATA/known-to-exist-subdir is missing and if so,
   do an "exit 1".
   2. If your server rsync is at least 3.2.1, set the "early exec =
   /script/name" in your daemon module and make the script verify that the
   drive is mounted & attempt to mount it if it is not (return an error code
   if unable to mount it).  The mount action is not possible in the pre-xfer
   exec script because rsync has already done a chdir to the empty mount by
   the time this script runs.
   3. Move everything down into a deeper directory and tweak the path in
   your daemon module to be "path = /mnt/DATA/subdir" so that the transfer
   will fail when the mount is not there (because the subdir is not there).

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Rsync 3.2.1 released

2020-06-22 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync 3.2.1.  This is mainly a few fixes for some release
issues and portability problems. There's also a couple new features, just
for good measure.

To see a summary of all the recent changes, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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Rsync 3.2.1pre1 released

2020-06-21 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have made rsync 3.2.1pre1 available for testing.  This is mainly a few
fixes for some release issues and portability problems. There's also a new
feature, just for good measure. If no blocking issues are found, this will
be released as 3.2.1 soon.

To see a summary of all the changes since 3.2.0, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

The patches directory is in a separate tar file (for those that want one or
more of the patches):

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, etc.:

See also rsync on github:


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Rsync 3.2.0 released

2020-06-19 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have released rsync 3.2.0.  This is a feature release with a number of
bug fixes.

To see a summary of all the changes since 3.1.3, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

The associated rsync-patches content is available here:

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, etc.:

See also rsync on github:


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Rsync 3.2.0pre3 released

2020-06-17 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have made rsync 3.2.0pre3 available for testing.  This is mainly some
improvements in configuration and portability fixes.

Let's see if this one will end up being the last "pre" version before
3.2.0. Please give it a try! Send feedback via email to the rsync mailing
list. Bugs can be created via bugzilla tickets, github issues, or discussed
on the mailing list.

The changes since pre2:

   - Various configure changes to make sure that the packager doesn't miss
   out on new features that require new dependencies.
   - Made the SIMD code opt-in instead of opt-out.
   - Configure now checks to ensure that if the man pages are missing that
   there's a python3 setup that can generate them (the early info is better
   than a future make failure). Man page generation can also be disabled via
   configure option.
   - Fixed a portability issue with some sed code by turning it into awk
   - Fixed a Makefile portability issue.
   - Updated the config.guess and config.sub, which helps with newer OS
   releases such as Centos 7.
   - Ran test compilations on FreeBSD, Solaris, CentOS, AIX, Ubuntu,
   openSUSE, Debian, & Cygwin.
   - Fixed a build issue when iconv is not available.

To see a summary of all the changes since 3.1.3, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

The patches directory is in a separate tar file (for those that want one or
more of the patches):

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, etc.:

See also rsync on github:


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Rsync 3.2.0pre2 released

2020-06-15 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have made rsync 3.2.0pre2 available for testing.  I got some nice
feedback on a couple items in the pre1 release, so I decided to roll up
that with a few other changes and release pre2.

I'm hopeful that this will end up being the version that gets released as
3.2.0, so please give it a try! Send feedback via email to the rsync
mailing list. Bugs can be created via bugzilla tickets, github issues, or
discussed on the mailing list.

The changes since pre1:

   - Renamed the "haproxy header" daemon parameter "proxy protocol".
   - Added preliminary gnutls support to rsync-ssl script (it's not
   auto-discovered yet due to a bug in gnutls-cli that is being reported
   - Some manpage & .md-file improvements, particularly around
   non-breakable spaces and dashes.
   - Make more error messages mention if the receiver or the sender is
   - Made a couple rrsync updates.
   - Document in rsyncd.conf.5 how to setup an SSL/TLS rsyncd proxy from
   haproxy or nginx.
   - Various release script improvements and fixes.

To see a summary of all the changes since 3.1.3, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

The patches directory is in a separate tar file (for those that want one or
more of the patches):

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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Rsync 3.2.0pre1 released

2020-06-13 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have made rsync 3.2.0pre1 available for testing.  This release has a
bunch of fixes & new features.

Please test the code and send feedback via email to the rsync mailing list.
Bugs can be created via bugzilla tickets, github issues, or discussed on
the mailing list.

To see a summary of the changes since 3.1.3, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

The patches directory is in a separate tar file (for those that want one or
more of the patches):

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, etc.:

See also rsync on github:

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Re: bug: xattr filter rule treated as file filter rule on the remote side

2020-06-13 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 10:03 AM Andras Nagy wrote:

> Summary: an xattr filter rule (e.g. --filter='-x! user.*’, which is
> suggested by the documentation) is treated as a file filter rule on the
> remote side.

This got fixed in git a long time ago, but I (sadly) haven't yet made a new
release that includes it. It will be in 3.2.0.

The issue was that the filter-sending code was not modified to include the
'x' qualifier when writing out these rules.

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Re: Rsync 3.1.3 segfault

2020-06-13 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 7:22 AM Marcin Krol wrote:

> The code responsible for segfault is new popt_unalias function added
> in 3.1.3. To be exact this line causes segfault:
> poptAddAlias(con, unalias, 0);

I have never seen this crash occur, but it dawned on me that the reason is
most likely that the function calling poptAddAlias() created an argv array
with only one element in it instead of the more proper 2-element array with
room for a trailing NULL.  I've tweaked the code to change that.

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Re: Regarding an "earlier" variant of `pre-xfer exec` [feature request and proposed patch]

2020-06-10 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 8:00 AM Ciprian Dorin Craciun via rsync <> wrote:

> Therefore I've tried to patch `rsync` myself, mainly by copy-pasting the
> code related to `pre-xfer exec` option:

Thanks for the patch, and sorry for the slow response!  I took your idea
and tweaked it into an "early exec" daemon parameter that runs at the same
spot that your "bootstrap exec" ran.  My resulting version also has the
code for early & pre-xfer reorganized a bit into functions that both the
before-transfer execs can share, and I managed to fix a couple minor issues
that I noticed along the way (such as the RSYNC_PID environment variable
not matching between the pre & post exec funcs).

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Re: Delta-compression and --write-devices

2020-06-10 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 11:05 AM Laurens Blankers wrote:

> Based on the log output and the source code I suspect that the problem
> occurs because the delta-compression determines the size of the
> destination to be 0.

Indeed, that looks to be exactly what is wrong.  I adapted the code in the
receiver into the latest version of the copy-devices.diff (in the
rsync-patches git), which should hopefully fix it for you.  I compiled it,
but didn't have an easy way to test it.

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Re: Preserving destination group and owner

2020-06-04 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 3:07 AM Alberto Cabello Sánchez wrote:

> I'm trying to get an rsync updating some files without changing their
> owner, groups or permissions. I've read man pages etc. stating I need to
> use the "--no-o", "--no-g", "--no-p" flags

You'll need to also specify --inplace in order for rsync to just use the
existing files instead of creating a new one and moving it into place. Any
new files will still be owned by the copying user (root in your case).  If
all the files are going to end up being owned by one particular user &
group, you could instead include the -o & -g options along with the
--chown=user:group option and the receiving side will create/chown all the
files in the transfer on the receiving side to that user and group (without
needing to use --inplace).

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Re: Enabling easier contributions to rsync

2020-05-25 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 7:09 PM Karl O. Pinc via rsync <> wrote:

> FWIW, I find sending an email with an attachment a lot easier than having
> to login to github, clone, push, and open a pull request.

Patches are still fine by me, so no mandatory pull requests here.

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Re: Enabling easier contributions to rsync

2020-05-25 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I've decided to give hosting it on github a try, especially since there's
been a lot of nice contributions lately.  Hopefully this will make it
easier for both the people sending patches as well as for me to snag the
changes.  I'll continue to push changes to the samba git as well.

Here's the new repo:

Feel free to open issues there, but we won't do any migration of current
tickets from bugzilla unless it looks like we're going to be staying long


On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 11:54 AM Ben RUBSON via rsync 

> > On 26 Apr 2020, at 20:37, Filipe Maia via rsync 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Are there plans to soon move to github or some other place where people
> can easily contribute to rsync, making the software discussion more lively
> and productive?
> > I've seen several useful patches being submitted (e.g. faster checksums)
> which many others could really use...
> +1 for GitHub, would really be convenient !
> Wayne, time to switch ? :-)
> Ben
> --
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Re: [PATCH] Optimized assembler version of md5_process() for x86-64

2020-05-23 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 4:37 AM Sebastian Andrzej Siewior <> wrote:

> Wouldn't it be better to add support for a crypto library (like openssl)
> which would provide optimized algorithms for more than just one platform
> without the need to maintain it separately?

Adding optional support for openssl's crypto library is also a good idea.
I've made rsync's MD5 code able to support using either the crypto library
or the rsync-included MD5 code.  I did not bother to try to support it for
MD4 checksums, since those are mostly historical & there are some weird
exceptions for really old rsync compatibility that would need to be worked
out.  However, I might make it where the main MD4 checksum is covered by
openssl and just the historical ones get the historical code.

I've also added a comment to the checksum.c file about my support of being
able to distribute a dynamically linked version of rsync that links with
the openssl and xxhash libraries (since they are both BSD 2-clause
licensed), especially since this should (IMO) be considered to be covered
under the System Libraries part of the GPL.

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Re: checksum feature request

2020-05-22 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 8:02 AM Bill Wichser via rsync 

> Attached is the patch we applied [to add xxhash checksums]

Thanks, Bill!  I finally got around to finishing up some checksum
improvements and have added support for xxhash in the master branch. The
latest version in git now picks the best checksum algorithm in common
between the client & server version, and will support future checksum
algorithms being added without the need for a protocol bump.  It also
supports a new RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST environment variable that allows the
user to limit what checksum algorithms they want rsync to use (in addition
to the already existing --checksum-choice=FOO option that forces the
checksum choice).

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Re: [PATCH] Optimized assembler version of md5_process() for x86-64

2020-05-22 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 11:08 AM Jorrit Jongma via rsync <> wrote:

> This patch introduces an optimized assembler version of md5_process(), the
> inner loop of MD5 checksumming. It affects the performance of all MD5
> operations in rsync - including block matching and whole-file checksums.

Thanks for the optimizing patches, Jorrit!  I've merged your latest changes
into the git master branch.

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Re: [PATCHv2] SSE2/SSSE3 optimized version of get_checksum1() for x86-64

2020-05-21 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 7:29 AM Jorrit Jongma via rsync <> wrote:

> I've read up some more on the subject, and it seems the proper way to do
> this with GCC is g++ and target attributes. I've refactored the patch that
> way, and it indeed uses SSSE3 automatically on supporting CPUs, regardless
> of the build host, so this should be ideal both for home builders and
> distros.

Very cool stuff!  Sounds like this should be a nice improvement for x86
systems. I've tweaked your patch just a bit and changed it to where it is
disabled by default unless configured with --enable-sse2, just to be extra
cautious. Once it gets some validation testing we can change that to be
enabled by default.  Thanks!

As for xxhash support, the current version of that patch is in the patches
git repo (it hasn't been merged yet):;a=blob_plain;f=xxhash.diff;hb=6f3c2cd839ccbae8dc74222f9f8a60aef0156d43

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Re: [draft PATCH] whitelist support for refuse options

2020-05-17 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 2:06 PM Nick Cleaton via rsync 

> This adds support for whitelisting the acceptable options in the "refuse
> options" setting in rsyncd.conf. It introduces "!" as a special option
> string that refuses most options and interprets any following strings as
> patterns of options to allow.
> For example, to allow only verbose and archive:
>   refuse options = ! verbose archive

I had been thinking about doing something like this recently, so I
appreciate the patch.  I like your idea of (temporarily) using the descrip
value to keep track of what gets refused, which I also used in my
implementation. I went with a slightly different idiom of adding negated
match terms instead of using "!" to toggle into a different mode that
affects all the following match terms.

The current git now has support for things like the following:

refuse options = * !a !v

refuse options = delete-* !delete-during c

To make things easier, some vital options (such as "server" & "dry-run" &
"no-iconv") are not matched by wild-card terms, so the above refusing of
"*" leaves those options alone while still allowing someone who really,
really wants to disable --dry-run the ability to do so by specifying
"dry-run" (a non-wild match) in their refuse list. The new rsyncd.conf
manpage lists the options that are not matched by wild-cards.

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Re: How to display IP of mirror site and exclude it

2020-04-22 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 8:15 AM Gerard E. Seibert wrote:

> Since this does not happen on all of the mirror sites, I would like a way
> to get a list or have rsync display the IP of the site it received an error
> message from and a way to block the use of that IP in the future. Is that
> possible?

You can get rsync to ouptut the IP it connected to by using this option:

As for avoiding a bad IP, rsync doesn't choose the IP itself, so there are
a couple things you could do instead of hacking on the rsync source code to
add some DNS-lookup and IP-exclusion code:

The simplest is to put a single IP & domain-name combo into your /etc/hosts
file, at which point that will be the only mirror that rsync uses for that
domain name.

If you instead want it to cycle between multiple IPs, you could use a
simple caching DNS setup via dnsmasq. This software has a very simple
override method where you specify a "addn-hosts=/file/name" line in its
config file and then put multiple /etc/hosts style lines into it (since
dnsmasq will add all the "IP DOMAIN" lines into a multi-IP result for that
DOMAIN, unlike the normal local resolver which just picks the first IP).
You'd just need to be sure to configure your localhost DNS lookups to use
dnsmasq, which can be as simple as adding a "nameserver" line at
the start of your /etc/resolve.conf file in front of your other nameserver
line(s) (since dnsmasq skips a leading localhost nameserver line for its
forwarded requests while local lookups use the first line in preference to
the others). An alternative config option would be to add "alias"
directives into the dnsmasq config where you tell it to replace a bad IP
with a known-good IP.

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Re: [PATCH] Replace with mkproto.awk

2020-04-07 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
Thanks for the patch!  I've gone ahead and included it in the latest git
since it should make a standard build a little simpler. I do note that for
any patched builds where the yodl (.yo) doc files got changed that there is
still a perl dependency when running the tweak_manpage script on the
yodl2man output. That would be a much rarer build, though (since the
release tars contain the default .1 and .5 output files).


On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 1:19 PM Ethan Sommer via rsync <> wrote:

> > I can't speak for rsync, but nowadays Perl isn't that rare, that a
> > dependeny on it for build purpose would matter. IMHO.
> It might not be rare, but it's certainly less universally available than
> awk, which is preinstalled on pretty much every unix-like OS out there.
> > There are many flavours of AWK. Are you sure, that your AWK replacement
> > runs everwhere?
> I tested every common implementation I know of, and found that it didn't
> work with busybox, awk, I'll be sending the updated patch that works
> with at least gawk, mawk, nawk, busybox awk, and openbsd awk right after
> this.
> --
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Re: Allow "--in-place" as an alternative option name for "--inplace"

2020-04-05 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
> On Jun 26, 2019, at 2:53 PM, Jan-Benedict Glaw via rsync <> wrote:
> > As I commonly spell --inplace as --in-place, I'd like to suggest this
simple patch:

On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 7:29 PM @lbutlr via rsync 
> If we’re going to do that add --remove-source and --delete-source as
aliases for whatever the command is I have to look up every single time.

The --remove-* options are not named --delete-* because they happen on the
sending side, not the receiving side. This makes things like the daemon
"refuse options" setting easier as you can easily specify exactly what you
want to refuse via wildcards (such as "remove-*" or "delete-*").

If you have your own favorite option names, feel free to specify them in
the ~/.popt file:

rsync alias --in-place --inplace
> rsync alias --srcdel --remove-source-files
> rsync alias --delete-source --remove-source-files

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Re: [PATCH] Bug fix for file comparison

2019-03-16 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 12:27 AM Florian Zumbiehl via rsync <> wrote:

> in the file comparison code: The
> current code skips the unchanged_file() check when that check succeeded for
> an earlier candidate, which could lead to accepting a file with a different
> checksum as unchanged, for example.

Thanks for pointing that out and for your patch!  I've committed a fix for

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Re: zlib issues

2019-03-16 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 6:02 AM Christoph Gentsch via rsync <> wrote:

> I just had a look at the rysnc code (master branch) and realized, that
> there is a copy of the zlib included. So I checked if the CVEs from 2016
> are patched in this, and NOPE! they arent!

Thanks for pointing that out. Those zlib security fixes are now checked-in
to git.

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Re: preallocate working incorrectly in 3.1.3

2019-01-15 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 6:11 PM TR Reardon via rsync 

> I believe that the changes to support --preallocate and --sparse together
> have broken --preallocate by itself (commit
> f3873b3d88b61167b106e7b9227a20147f8f6197)

Indeed, those "opts" values were reversed, and thus fallocate wasn't told
to keep the size 0.  I've checked in a fix.

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Re: rsync sends -C and -x options silently

2018-05-16 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 10:04 AM Anand Buddhdev via rsync <> wrote:

> This newer rsync version appears to be sending -C and -x options to the
> server, even though they are not set on the client side.

It's not. What it is doing is sending information in the -eSTRING option
that tells the server some extra compatibility info that can apply to even
older protocol versions. In the --server -e arg's string the 'x' and 'C'
flag characters can be present these days, and more internal flags may be
added in the future. So, it sounds like you just need to fix your option
parsing to recognize that -e is followed by a free-form string arg. Also
note that when --server is specified, the -e arg has a different meaning
than it does to the client, so don't be confused by the -e option in the

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Re: Unfortunate results from fake-super

2018-02-04 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 5:20 AM, Dave Gordon via rsync  wrote:

> [...fake-super symlink saved as a file...]

This results in the copy being world-writable.

Indeed. The file initially gets created as a mode-600 file, but the code
later tweaks the permissions to match the symlink, which is (as you note) a
bad thing.

My first reaction is to change the code in set_stat_xattr() (in xattrs.c)

   if (fst.st_mode != mode)
   do_chmod(fname, mode);


   if (fst.st_mode != mode && !S_ISLNK(file->mode))
   do_chmod(fname, mode);

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Rsync 3.1.3 released

2018-01-28 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
Rsync 3.1.3 is now available for downloading.  This is a security, feature,
and bug-fix release.

To see a full summary of the changes since 3.1.2, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

See the rsync website for other downloads, including diffs, patches, etc.:

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Re: Rsync 3.1.3pre1 released

2018-01-15 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 6:20 AM, Randall S. Becker 

> Incompatibility introduced at 3.1.3pre1. These are not present at master,
> which compiles cleanly.

The master branch and 3.1.3pre1 were pretty much the same until just a
moment ago (except that the tar files get some generated files that aren't
present in git, such as the autoconf generated file).

sys/file.h is not available outside LINUX, so the requirement for its use,
> including apparently, flist.c, sadly breaks the NonStop port.

The include of  was added in 1998 and hasn't changed since then.

cc -c99 -I. -I. -I./zlib -I./popt -g -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -c syscall.c -o
> syscall.o
> return utime(fname, t);
> ^
> "/home/git/rsync/syscall.c", line 448: error(252): argument of type
> "time_t *" is incompatible with parameter of type "const struct utimbuf *"

This is apparently because HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF is not set but should be.
You might want to look into to see why this is failing, or
just tweak the generated config.h file.

cc -c99 -I. -I. -I./zlib -I./popt -g -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -c lib/compat.c -o
> lib/compat.o
> return gettimeofday(tv);
>   ^
> "/home/git/rsync/lib/compat.c", line 154: error(250): too few arguments
> in function call

Similarly, it looks like your system needs HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY_TZ defined by

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Rsync 3.1.3pre1 released

2018-01-14 Thread Wayne Davison via rsync
I have made rsync 3.1.3pre1 available for testing.  This release has a
couple security fixes, a few new features, and a smattering of bug fixes.

Please test this new release and send email to the rsync mailing list with
any questions, comments, or bug reports.

To see a summary of the changes since 3.1.2, visit this link:

You can download the source tar file and its signature from here:

The patches directory is now in a separate tar file (for those that want
one or more of the patches):

See the rsync website for other download methods, including diffs, etc.:

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