Re: [rt-users] Submitting tickets via emai is causing rt-server.fcgi to hang

2011-08-07 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good evening,

On 5/08/11 at 11:17 AM -0400, Thomas Sibley 

And I've attached a copy of the message I just sent to RT.

The attached message doesn't make RT blow up on a vanilla system, so
it's specific to your install.

Thanks for looking at the problem. I've continued my 
troubleshooting, and today I found the culprit. There was a 
scrip which was spinning (while loop). I disabled that and 
everything is working fine.

I didn't investigate why that scrip wasn't working since it's 
not needed any longer anyway. (I saw it contained a while loop 
and considered it a suspect.)

Thanks again for your help.


   Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊ 

O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] Submitting tickets via emai is causing rt-server.fcgi to hang

2011-08-02 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good morning,

On 2/08/11 at 9:50 AM -0400, Thomas Sibley 

On 08/02/2011 08:39 AM, Charlie Garrison wrote:

After doing more testing it appears that multi-part messages (or
messages with attachements) are causing the RT processes to hang. Can
anyone think of a reason for that, or how I can troubleshoot it?

Are there any other log messages?  Can you capture a multipart message
that causes it consistently?

There are no other log messages. Here are the log messages 
associated with the last test:

[Wed Aug 03 00:31:44 2011] [error] [client] 
FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/usr/local/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi"
[Wed Aug 03 00:31:44 2011] [error] [client] 
FastCGI: server "/usr/local/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi" stderr: 
[Tue Aug  2 14:31:44 2011] [error]: Couldn't find sender's 
address (/usr/local/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Email/Auth/
[Wed Aug 03 00:31:44 2011] [error] [client] 
FastCGI: server "/usr/local/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi" stderr: 
[Tue Aug  2 14:31:44 2011] [error]: Could not record email: 
Could not load a valid user (/usr/local/rt4/share/html/REST/1.0/NoAuth/mail-gateway:75)

And I've included (below) a copy of the message I just sent to 
RT. (I tried sending it as an attachment but it bounced.)

If I send that same message as plain-text it makes it through 
and creates a ticket.


   Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊ 

O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

= Copy of test message =
From: Charlie Garrison 
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Multi-part test
X-Universally-Unique-Identifier: 44cc0d4f-9163-4758-9839-6076e27ed1f6
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 00:29:27 +1000
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v1244.3)

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;

This is a multi-part test of creating a ticket via email.


Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/html;

This is a multi-part test of creating a ticket via email.Charlie


2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] Submitting tickets via emai is causing rt-server.fcgi to hang

2011-08-02 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good evening,

On 1/08/11 at 7:31 PM +1000, Charlie Garrison 

I've upgraded a v3.6.6 setup to v4.0.1 and some tickets being 
created via email are causing perl process to hang (or appear 
to hang) with 99% CPU (& ticket doesn't get created either). It 
doesn't happen with all messages and I'm stuck trying to work 
out why some messages are causing it.

After doing more testing it appears that multi-part messages (or 
messages with attachements) are causing the RT processes to 
hang. Can anyone think of a reason for that, or how I can 
troubleshoot it?


   Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊ 

O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

2011 Training:

[rt-users] Submitting tickets via emai is causing rt-server.fcgi to hang

2011-08-01 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good evening,

I've upgraded a v3.6.6 setup to v4.0.1 and some tickets being 
created via email are causing perl process to hang (or appear to 
hang) with 99% CPU (& ticket doesn't get created either). It 
doesn't happen with all messages and I'm stuck trying to work 
out why some messages are causing it.

The upgrade is using a fresh rt4 directory. The RT_SiteConfig 
file was re-created (carefully). I created a new database, 
imported from old database, and ran the various db upgrade processes.

I'm using the following plugins:

Set(@MailPlugins,(qw(Auth::MailFrom Filter::TakeAction)));

I get the following in the error_log:

[Mon Aug 01 18:38:45 2011] [error] [client] 
FastCGI: comm with server "/usr/local/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi" 
aborted: idle timeout (300 sec)
[Mon Aug 01 18:38:45 2011] [error] [client] 
FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/usr/local/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi"
[Mon Aug 01 18:38:45 2011] [error] [client] 
FastCGI: server "/usr/local/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi" stderr: 
[Mon Aug  1 08:38:45 2011] [error]: Couldn't find sender's 
address (/usr/local/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Email/Auth/
[Mon Aug 01 18:38:45 2011] [error] [client] 
FastCGI: server "/usr/local/rt4/sbin/rt-server.fcgi" stderr: 
[Mon Aug  1 08:38:45 2011] [error]: Could not record email: 
Could not load a valid user (/usr/local/rt4/share/html/REST/1.0/NoAuth/mail-gateway:75)

I added some warn statements to GetCurrentUser sub in, but warn statements don't get logged. So I'm 
apparently not understanding the code flow.

Can anyone suggest what I need to do to troubleshoot this further.


   Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊ 

O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] Multiple instances of RT

2006-12-29 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 30/12/06 at 3:34 PM +1100, Shen, Tyler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Does anyone know how I can run multiple instances of RT at a time? For
>some reason, I can only run one instance of RT or another, but never
>both. There seemed to be some conflicts when apache were loading two 
>rt3/bin/ Any suggestion is appreciated.

Have you followed the suggestions on this page:



   Charlie Garrison  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

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Re: [rt-users] Re: [Rt-devel] [PATCH] ProxyPass and 3.6.1 redirect function

2006-09-06 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good morning,

On 6/9/06 at 7:12 PM +0930, Michael Brader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Charlie Garrison writes:

> > Should I apply this patch to solve the problem, or is there some
> > other 'official' method to solve it?
>The official method which was pointed out after I sent in my patch is
>to use ProxyPassReverse as follows:
>ProxyPassReverse /
>See one of:
>depending on your version of Apache. I don't know how to do
>ProxyPassReverse with mod_rewrite, so you might want to use my patch.

According the documentation, I should just be able to use ProxyPassReverse. OK,
I was going to say it didn't work but I just found my syntax error. That does
solve it.

It's not an ideal solution though since requests can come from different domain
names (eg. either or .com) but at least I know what I need to do now to
fix it. 

Thanks again for your help.


   Charlie Garrison  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

Community help:
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[rt-users] Re: [Rt-devel] [PATCH] ProxyPass and 3.6.1 redirect function

2006-09-06 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 18/8/06 at 3:03 PM +0930, Michael Brader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>We have RT set up behind a proxy ie.
>ProxyPass /

We have a similar setup (except we're using mod_rewrite to setup the frontend
proxy) and I'm encountering the same problem.

>I'm sending the patch in case it's useful for anyone else running RT
>in this manner. Just set $UseCanonicalRedirect to 1 in

Should I apply this patch to solve the problem, or is there some other
'official' method to solve it?

And Michael, thanks for making the patch available.


   Charlie Garrison  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

Community help:
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [rt-users] Problem with RT-Extension-CommandByMail

2006-09-06 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good afternoon,

On 4/9/06 at 4:14 AM +0400, Ruslan Zakirov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Is there something I can do to get more logging detail? Then maybe I can get
>> some clues as to where the problem might be.
>First of all, in the repository we have version 0.05 which is newer
>than on the CPAN. You can check out from the SVN or wait for new

Is this the repository you are referring to?

OK, I think I just found the newer version you are referring to.

>To debug you can use next command: `rt-mailgate --url 'http://...'
>--queue general --action 'correspond' --debug`. As input type
>something like:
>Subject: test
>hit ctrl+d at the end.

I had forgotten about that technique for testing, thanks for the reminder. And
it did direct me towards the problem. One of the modules was complaining about a
missing sub. I basically had a corrupt install; I cleared out all the
CommandByEmail files and restored the Interface/ file. I re-installed
CommandByEmail and did NOT apply any patches. And I had to change one of the
modules to import the missing sub.

Messages are now getting processed and entered into RT. I'm still not getting
any changes to tickets based on commands in email messages. Maybe that will be
fixed with v0.05.

>Also there is problem with default value of the --action argument in
>3.6.0 and may be 3.6.1, try to add "--action correspond" to all your
>mail aliases. I fixed it in the RT repository, but don't remember if
>it was included into 3.6.1 or not.

My rt-mailgate commands already had an explicit --action, so that shouldn't be
an issue.

Thanks for your help.


   Charlie Garrison  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

Community help:
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [rt-users] Problem with RT-Extension-CommandByMail

2006-09-03 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good morning,

On 3/9/06 at 6:57 PM -0400, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> This is the point where one usually runs the tests.  They might point
>> out something which has gone wrong with CommandByMail and your system.
>Jesse informs me that its non-trivial to run the CommandByMail tests. 
>They require a running, installed RT instance.  Additionally the tests
>are "destructive" in that they actively add tickets and send mail via
>your installed RT instance.  So don't run them against a production

Yep, I found that out the hard way. I was running tests but quickly got tired of
deleting all the 'test' tickets. The tests were failing, but still creating

Is there something I can do to get more logging detail? Then maybe I can get
some clues as to where the problem might be.


   Charlie Garrison  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

Community help:
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [rt-users] Problem with RT-Extension-CommandByMail

2006-09-03 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good morning,

On 3/9/06 at 7:44 PM +0400, Ruslan Zakirov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>1. Without logs I couldn't say anything helpful.

Agreed, but I'm not sure where to look. There is nothing in the apache
error_log. And this is all I get from the rt.log:

[Sun Sep  3 19:23:47 2006] [debug]: Converting 'US-ASCII' to 'utf-8' for
text/plain - Doing command test [5] (/usr/local/rt3/lib/RT/

If you have any suggestions for getting something useful into the logs, I'd love
to hear it.

>2. You may try 3.4.6 RC without any patch

I decided to update to 3.6.1 if I was going to bother with an update. The
CommandByMail stuff is still not working. I have tested with and without the
Interface/ patch.

If I use this line in then messages get processed and a ticket
is created:

@MailPlugins = qw(Auth::MailFrom );

But if I use this line instead then no ticket is created:

@MailPlugins = qw(Auth::MailFrom Filter::TakeAction);

Any ideas?


   Charlie Garrison  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

Community help:
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[rt-users] Problem with RT-Extension-CommandByMail

2006-09-03 Thread Charlie Garrison
Good morning,

I have installed RT-Extension-CommandByMail-0.03 in my RT v3.4.5 setup. After
completing the installation steps, RT stops processing any messages via
rt-mailgate. Once I comment the @MailPlugins line then messages get processed

I used the following install procedure:

cd ~/src/RT-Extension-CommandByMail-0.03
perl Makefile.PL
make install
cd /usr/local/rt3
patch -p0 <
vi etc/
(added following line at end of file, before trailing "1;")
@MailPlugins = qw(Auth::MailFrom Filter::TakeAction);
apachectl stop
apachectl start

I also tried some variations of the above, but nothing seems to work. I can't
see anything in rt.log that sheds any light on the problem.

What am I possibly doing wrong? How can I get RT-Extension-CommandByMail to


   Charlie Garrison  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

Community help:
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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