Re: CSRebuttals please-could silver cause selenium problems

2007-12-17 Thread Ekowal459
Unfortunately I can't say anything to disprove it and I won't say it's impossible either though I doubt it. Nutrients are often antagonistic to each other. When some ratios are thrown far out of kilter, deficiencies can be antagonized. Calcium and magnesium are antagonistic

Re: CSurinary tract infection

2007-11-27 Thread Ekowal459
This might help too. [I am not financially affiliated with Doctor Mercola in anyway by the way] _Research Supports D-Mannose for UTIs_ ( From the desk of: J. D. Shafer-Author of the 90+ Newsletter and Blog-Are you aware of

CSCS: Off Topic-OIL PULLING-Willing to talk about it?

2007-10-29 Thread Ekowal459
Hi everybody. I'm researching a subject for a potential article on oil-pulling and Doctor Karach's claims regarding it. If anyone on the list has negative or positive feedback on this subject that they'd like to contribute and would like to participate in a questionnaire about

Re: CSVitamins Minerals question-if I only had three

2007-10-22 Thread Ekowal459
I'd have to make my own disclaimer like Dr. Sylver in that I'm a distributor for two out of three of my must-have supplements as well. If that turns some people off...then I'm glad I'm not ''some people'', lol. 1. I don't go without our Ultimate Classic the

Re: CSsupplements and ''safety''-Ron Paul-lithium,niacin, etc.

2007-09-24 Thread Ekowal459
The reason why people had an ''outcry'' is because THEY WERE trying to take supplements away from people. They were, always have been, still are and will continue to try and take supplements away from the people because they are the biggest threat to the pharmaceutical industry. The

Re: CSCholesterol Magic Numbers-Too Low-Too High-What's the cause?

2007-09-07 Thread Ekowal459
I've written extensively on cholesterol and I'd be worried if mine dipped to 120s territory too Wayne. I guess you could look at it hoping that in fact it's just your body needing less like Dee mentioned, everybody's different BUT I'm wondering if you aren't consuming some type of

Re: CSWhat can I do with an over-large aloe vera plant?

2007-08-11 Thread Ekowal459
I have a very large aloe vera plant that I have been growing for several years. It is getting over-large for it's pot, and because of the weather it can't be planted outdoors, etc. Is there some way I can process it? How should I use it up, since I don't want to waste it? Dan

Re: CSLauric acid -OT-Candida-coconuts-infant formula-the kitchen sink

2007-07-25 Thread Ekowal459
In a message dated 7/25/2007 6:44:01 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Thanks very much for this. I am aware of the awful cholesterol debacle, but unfortunately, the masses refuse to believe anyone other than the establishment. So if I take a teaspoonful of

Re: CSLauric acid -OT-Candida-coconuts-infant formula-the kitchen sink

2007-07-24 Thread Ekowal459
Although at least present in things like real unprocessed milk, the most popular source of lauric acid at the moment is coconut oil. Lauric acid is reportedly great for the immune system. It is a fatty acid that they do use in soaps and various cosmetic products. It is uniquely

Re: CSIodine, Iodide and Iodate

2007-07-03 Thread Ekowal459's Iodoral supplement has Iodine and potassium Iodide combo. It will come with a small instruction sheet that will tell you to go to a doctor for testing for thyroid issues though. This is the supplement for iodine most recommended by Dr. Flechas. I'm not sure about Iodate.

Re: CSLeslie--iodine, iodide

2007-07-03 Thread Ekowal459
In a message dated 7/3/2007 10:40:43 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I cannot find this post in the mail. Anyhow, I hope this list will look into iodine--it is like nothing else I have experienced!! Very telling info at _altcancer.com_

Re: CSdental: Aloe dente

2007-06-09 Thread Ekowal459
I just wanted to add to this by saying that my father's once upon a time chronic tooth infections were often alleviated immediately by a piece of our aloe plant being placed gel side down directly on the tooth. We never tried aloe powder but I can certainly see it helping. Very

Re: CSSupplement -v- Drugs

2007-05-09 Thread Ekowal459
Um, I don't know where you're at but Vitamin K is NOT only available via prescription in the United States of America...yet. Chicken soup is used for colds therapeutically but the body rarely produces chicken soup internally. Chicken soup however, not a drug...yet. What you

Re: CSTO TERRY - In memory of Nancy

2007-04-30 Thread Ekowal459
I would appreciate this account too, thank you for the offer Terry. If I understand correctly that this same woman? did in fact just pass as a result of a car accident recently, my condolences to anyone who knew her also. JD _

Re: CSAutism help

2007-04-12 Thread Ekowal459
If he does have any toxicity problem with Mercury, Cadmium or Arsenic in particular, I would look into age/weight appropriate dosage of chelated selenium with a doctor who knows about it. I did my last newsletter on selenium and it is antagonistic towards those elements and

Re: CSStill OT Cholesterol

2007-03-19 Thread Ekowal459
I just did my last newsletter on cholesterol and lowering it naturally but also mention the danger of it being too LOW. If anyone would like a copy, send me a letter personally requesting Cholesterol,Antioxidants,Alzheimer's, MS paper. It's quite lengthy. JD/Lance

Re: CSrestless leg syndrome

2007-03-16 Thread Ekowal459
In my opinion, the potassium, magnesium and calcium suggestions are the best ideas but B vitamins might help too. I'd suggest the magnesium and calcium capsule in chelated form for optimal absorption. For potassium it might be better to look to the diet than at supplements.

Re: CSrestless leg syndrome - blank mssg?

2007-03-16 Thread Ekowal459
Looks like a blank message. -Ken Bagwell : It may have been a problem with the background on my AOL mail. Try this, no background. In my opinion, the potassium, magnesium and calcium suggestions are the best ideas but B vitamins might help too. I'd suggest the magnesium and calcium

Re: CSOT prozac diabetes??/Lithium danger

2007-03-02 Thread Ekowal459
Let's remember that Lithium is not all equal and natural mineral lithium is not altered like prescription lithium. JD BRBRBR**BR AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: CSsupplements

2007-02-17 Thread Ekowal459
Sometimes I'm asked about a high quality straight E supplement from customers. Since the company I'm an associate with has no straight E, I refer them to who offers one from the AC Grace Company. JD

Re: CSnitrofurantoin

2006-09-05 Thread Ekowal459
Hi, ever thought of doing liver/gallbladder flush? I've heard of it helping a lot of symptoms of people who no longer had their gallbladder. Often helping the problems that gallbladder removal was SUPPOSED to help but didn't. ''Lance''

Re: CSCS on mold?

2006-08-25 Thread Ekowal459
Great! Thank you very much. ''Lance''

Re: CSCS on mold?

2006-08-24 Thread Ekowal459
Has anyone ever tried CS on Black mold or any other type of mold growth in their home? If so, what did you use and how did it turn out? ''Lance''


2006-08-22 Thread Ekowal459
I might suggest wheat grass juice for healing your poor intestines. Growing it yourself can be very cheap and not very difficult.

Re: CSCS Crohn's Disease?

2006-08-21 Thread Ekowal459
The head of my company Doc Wallach tends to suggest that Crohn's is largely just a big mess of food allergies that need to be recorded and weeded out. Whatever causes an attack or registers significantly on a pulse test-Don't touch it. On my end I'd have to suggest that SBOs might be of

Re: CSlithium and bi polar

2006-08-07 Thread Ekowal459
I was on a conference call last week for my company which anyone can get in on if they're interested or want to ask a question. I can't remember if that one was hosted by a doctor or an RN but it was one of them. Anyway she said that in order to use the mineral lithium as a product from the

Re: CSsupplements to Terry/Soils depleted for sure

2006-08-05 Thread Ekowal459
Much of my information comes from my company listening in on conference calls and asking the doctors that work for the company my numerous and often skeptical questions. However long before this experience I've been researching many different sources and reviewing many opinions from Medical

Re: CSpancreatic cancer

2006-07-30 Thread Ekowal459
I've totally lost track of who wanted the cancer information. I just got finished typing a bunch of this information out from a book for someone I know whose mother has lung cancer and I knew there was someone on here before, asking for whatever information we could give. If they/You haven't

Re: CSProblem with Inulin

2006-07-29 Thread Ekowal459
I've taken a similar flora product for about four months from at the beginning of the year while on the candida cleanse and used a stevia powder made with it and experienced no side effects. No unpleasant ones like that anyway. As I understand it, a lot of beneficial

Re: CSgrapefruit seed extract

2006-07-21 Thread Ekowal459
That's fascinating. Thank you very much for posting that. I personally appreciate hearing these things. I try to stay up on all these kinds of factoids because I'm in the supplement business and I've never even heard this before. Although I have heard that a lot of companies use some man

Re: CSBrooks B---EFT

2006-07-17 Thread Ekowal459
I used it successfully once on a bad hip. It was very very tight and loosened up almost immediately. Very strange but I've been talking it up to people. Could be the next great thing for common people to treat themselves with.

Re: CSCS/Cystic Fibrosis...what's the deal?

2006-04-19 Thread Ekowal459
I have been highly and painfully informed about Dr. Joel Wallach's research into Cystic Fibrosis in Humans and other specimens like monkeys. This man as far as I am concerned proved without any doubt that CF was never genetic or anything other than deficiency of the trace mineral selenium.

Re: CSRe: Re: CSCS/Cystic Fibrosis...what's the deal?

2006-04-19 Thread Ekowal459
I have read most of it although the beginning about how the earth makes minerals and how it is tested is a little bit past my range. I got the dire gist of that part though. Great book, Let's play doctor is also in my library which I think is great. My family is in his associate program for

Re: CSRe: Re: CSHerbal Healer Academy CS, was Re: CSCrohn's Disease

2006-03-22 Thread Ekowal459
Yes Absolutely the books- for pretty much whatever ails you.

Re: CSHerbal Healer Academy CS, was Re: CSCrohn's Disease

2006-03-20 Thread Ekowal459
_Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Doctor Wallach - DR. Get the 30 missing minutes from Dead Doctors Don't Lie tape!!!_ ( Has an interesting idea when it comes to Crohn's although I really don't know how on the mark it is-I know Wallach is a great doctor. His

Re: CSHerbal Healer Academy CS, was Re: CSCrohn's Disease

2006-03-18 Thread Ekowal459
If this has been addressed, I apologize. I just picked up on this subject line. Are any of you familiar with Dr. Joel Wallach and/or his thoughts on Crohn's disease?

Re: CSvitamin E

2006-01-12 Thread Ekowal459
I don't know anything about Weil's views on CS but he is certainly not up to my expectations on the effects of electromagnetic chaos.

Re: CSvitamin c

2006-01-08 Thread Ekowal459
Right foods alone? Have to disagree. Our soil is highly depleted in this country from over farming and little replenishing takes place. If it's not in the soil-it's not in the food. Potassium you can count on, it's put back in to ensure a good yield for farmers. Copper-not generally a

Re: CSvitamin E

2006-01-08 Thread Ekowal459
I read about a man who cured his scleroderma [may've spelled that wrong] with raw lemons and huge thousands of IU's of E a day. They told him it was going to kill him. I read that in an Andrew Weil book about self-healing. Good book but Weil is sheepish sometimes as a health pundit/dr. but

Re: CSvitamin c

2006-01-07 Thread Ekowal459
I didn't say that was the only cause of wrinkles and white hair-that was just me being smart although seriously it is a sign of copper deficiency. It seems I've sparked a controversy about the age thing. I'd rather go at one twenty if I was healthy...

Re: CSvitamin c

2006-01-06 Thread Ekowal459
If you are not seriously ill- do not take this much vitamin C. It is an antagonist to both zinc and copper from my understanding. At these levels you will develop a deficiency of both of these minerals. Pauling clearly had a copper deficiency at death. The white hair and the wrinkles are

Re: CSvitamin c

2006-01-06 Thread Ekowal459
Um, yes actually it is rampant amongst the elderly. Check out the research bud. p.s. why die at ninety if you can die at 120?

Re: CSsystemic candida, CS, diet- newbie:)

2006-01-01 Thread Ekowal459
Are you doing more than the diet or are you on supplements to kill the candida also? What are you trying to improve in your health?

Re: CSRe: CS for varicose veins

2005-11-17 Thread Ekowal459
The Vitamin E I can't even remember-that's been stored in my brain for a long time waiting for an excuse to come out. The copper is based off of the information on the Dead Doctors Don't Lie audio tape although I have a cassette I think there is a cd and a book now, maybe check your local

Re: CSRe: CS for varicose veins

2005-11-15 Thread Ekowal459
This is my first message on this list I think. I hope I am not repeating something said in a message I've deleted without mind, but I just have to put in my two cents. Colloidal copper or about three chelated copper capsules a day plus a suggested dose of full spectrum Vitamin E like the

Re: CSRe: CS for varicose veins

2005-11-15 Thread Ekowal459
You folks are way over my head in actually making colloidal anything. I am new to the list and don't make colloidal silver but joined in hopes of learning. I am only referring to ready made colloidal copper likely to be with other colloidal minerals like calcium and magnesium all from plant