[sqlalchemy] Re: New assert_unicode flag

2007-11-27 Thread Rick Morrison
also, what im considering doing, is having assert_unicode only be implicitly turned on for the Unicode type specifically. the engine- wide convert_unicode and String convert_unicode would not implicitly set the assert_unicode flag. That makes more sense to me, and I would prefer it. The

[sqlalchemy] Re: New assert_unicode flag

2007-11-27 Thread Rick Morrison
the assert_unicode thing only happens with python SQL expressions, usually DDL is issued using textual SQL. if youre using a SQL expression for your DDL The creates/drops are via Metadata.create_all() / .drop_all(), so perhaps there's an expression in that path? Didn't trace it yet (as I

[sqlalchemy] Re: New assert_unicode flag

2007-11-27 Thread Rick Morrison
Running much better this way... I think this will make the next release and adoption of the feature a lot easier. Me too, many thanks for the quick turnaround! --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[sqlalchemy] Configuring logging

2007-11-23 Thread Rick Morrison
Is there any way to configure logging on an engine instance after the engine has been instantiated? it looks to me as if the engine init checks the module logger status and sets a couple of flags _should_log_info and _should_log_debug. (I'm guessing these are there to keep the logging function

[sqlalchemy] Re: features: database drivers and ssl

2007-11-14 Thread Rick Morrison
Hi Marco, There is a DB2 driver in the works, but I haven't heard much noise about it lately, so I don't know what kind of progress is being made. As for supported drivers, the three engines you mention are all supported, I think that PG is probably has better test coverage than either Oracle or

[sqlalchemy] Re: 2 questions

2007-11-13 Thread Rick Morrison
i have non-ORM updates happening inside ORM transaction (in after_insert() etc). How to make them use the parent transaction? i have a connection there. You can pass in the Session and use Session.execute() to reuse the session connection. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~

[sqlalchemy] Re: 2 questions

2007-11-13 Thread Rick Morrison
in the after_*() there are (mapper, connection, instance) arguments - but there's no session. Any way to get to that? mapext.get_session() does not look like one http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/04/sqlalchemy_orm.html#docstrings_sqlalchemy.orm_modfunc_object_session

[sqlalchemy] Re: threadlocal transactions, engine, and the Session

2007-11-13 Thread Rick Morrison
I use a similar technique with a Pylons controller, but instead of engine.begin(), I use session.begin(). Then by passing around the session for all calls made by that controller, I can use Session.execute() for expression-based and text-based SQL mixed with ORM ops, and it all commits in one shot

[sqlalchemy] Re: Oracle date/datetime oddities

2007-11-12 Thread Rick Morrison
The issue is that in essence, both answers are right. ANSI SQL specifies different data types for DATE fields and DATETIME fields, where DATE fields do not hold the time portion. Oracle, SQL Server and other database engines have their own ideas about how best to handle dates / datetimes. SA

[sqlalchemy] Re: Save the default function into the database

2007-11-11 Thread Rick Morrison
I guess you know that storing the actual bytecodes (or the source) of a Python function in the database itself is not going to buy you much: Since the function bytecodes or source would be in Python, only a Python interpreter could run it to produce the function result, and if you know you're

[sqlalchemy] Re: ensuring all connection-related file descriptors are closed?

2007-11-11 Thread Rick Morrison
Also depending on how you are starting the subprocess, you may have control over open file handle inheritance. The subprocess module, for example allows you to close all open inherited files, which would include open sockets for DBAPI connections (or a file handle in the case of SQLite). You could

[sqlalchemy] Re: Deprecation error raised for query on singly inherited table query ?

2007-11-11 Thread Rick Morrison
Ah good thanks: I had noticed that too and was just ignoring it until it bugged me enough. Laziness pays off again! --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To post to this group, send email

[sqlalchemy] Re: how can I do such a sorted query?

2007-11-08 Thread Rick Morrison
Most database engines support a couple of SQL functions that help in cases like this, read your database docs for either the ISNULL or the COALESCE function. Another technique is to use an SQL CASE statement. For all three methods the idea is to supply a default value to substitute when the

[sqlalchemy] Re: unicode support for MSSQL

2007-11-08 Thread Rick Morrison
This is going to be messy, as the support for unicode varies among the various MSSQL DBAPIS (which is in lart part why multiple DBAPI support is needed by the MSSQL driver). ODBC looks to me to tell the best story: The newer ODBC drivers have an autotranslate feature that somehow retrieves the

[sqlalchemy] Re: Select entire column

2007-11-07 Thread Rick Morrison
One of the reasons that Query.select() is deprecated is that the way it was named led to this kind of confusion. The Query() class is used for ORM operations, and when it's used as mapped against a table, it's going to give you all the columns from the table by default. There are ways of defining

[sqlalchemy] Re: access mapped object attributes

2007-11-06 Thread Rick Morrison
all of them? same as any Python object: obj_attributes = [k for k in obj.__dict__] On 11/6/07, Christophe Alexandre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I am also interested in retrieving all the attributes resulting from the ORM. The loop on '.c' will list only the database columns. Is there

[sqlalchemy] Multiple mapper extensions broken in 0.4

2007-11-05 Thread Rick Morrison
Seems that when multiple mapper extensions are used, only the first is run. Testcase attached --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To post to this group, send email to

[sqlalchemy] Re: Multiple mapper extensions broken in 0.4

2007-11-05 Thread Rick Morrison
Ah. OK, thanks! I checked in a small update to the 3.x - 4.0 migration guide in the docs to note this. On 11/5/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: you need to return EXT_CONTINUE for your TimestampExtension methods. Rick --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

[sqlalchemy] Re: Polymorphic relations

2007-11-03 Thread Rick Morrison
with that (also that its not trying to make some bizarre self-referential join on the table). id actually want to file a bug report that this didn't raise a whole bunch of errors and alarms... On Nov 2, 5:23 pm, Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Please have a look at the attached

[sqlalchemy] Re: Add arbitrary information to some classes

2007-11-02 Thread Rick Morrison
, and mutliple dicts arent helping in that case anyway. keys can be placed as tuples (such as ('myext', 'somekey')) if namespace collisions are a concern, but that kind of thing has to be done by conventions regardless. On Nov 1, 2007, at 10:40 AM, Rick Morrison wrote: That sounds reasonable

[sqlalchemy] Polymorphic relations

2007-11-02 Thread Rick Morrison
Please have a look at the attached testcase that mixes single-table polymorphic inheritance, primaryjoin overides on the relation() and a secondary table. SA seems to add a WHERE clause to filter for the polymorphic type on relations that it calculates, but forgets to add it for the test case. Is

[sqlalchemy] Re: Add arbitrary information to some classes

2007-11-01 Thread Rick Morrison
That sounds reasonable to me; my knee-jerk thought was that we might need to worry about memory usage, but these references are only on low-count instances like tables, columns, sessions and mappers, not ORM object instances. On 10/31/07, Paul Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, Ah sure,

[sqlalchemy] Re: Add arbitrary information to some classes

2007-10-30 Thread Rick Morrison
personal opinion: I'm not wild about either 'attributes' or 'properties', (a) they seem too long, and (b) yes, they are too similar to generic ORM terms many many moons ago (pre Windows-1.0) I used an Ascii-GUI thing called C-scape (I think it's called vermont views now). anyway, most of its

[sqlalchemy] Re: Add arbitrary information to some classes

2007-10-30 Thread Rick Morrison
The core can (and does) use these buckets too, so I'm not sure about the user-y moniker. Hold it. I thought the whole point of this was to separate core usage from user usage? To create a safe-zone for library user's private data. But if that were it, I'd only be +1 on a spelled out

[sqlalchemy] Re: Add arbitrary information to some classes

2007-10-30 Thread Rick Morrison
Ah sure, so it's to be a namespace for namespaces, a shared dict() parking lot. Got it. So then, how about aux etc other or maybe miscdata extra more additional supplemental auxiliary adjunct appendix surplus spare augment --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLalchemy coding style

2007-10-30 Thread Rick Morrison
If you don't want to pollute the current namespace, then make an indirect reference. 1) Make a module of your own, say db.py 2) In db.py: ... from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.orm import * ... table1 = Table('footable', ...) ... # other

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy 0.4.0 Released

2007-10-17 Thread Rick Morrison
..coincidentally released on the self-same day when I am finally taking the wraps off 0.4.0 for a spin on a new project. Congrats on this huge release, everybody! On 10/17/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey list - I'm very happy to announce that we've put out 0.4.0 final.

[sqlalchemy] Re: LIMIT in update()

2007-10-16 Thread Rick Morrison
Yes, that would be the only thing that has a hope of working across database engines. LIMIT with UPDATE is MySQL-only AFAIK. For SA, joins in updates can be tricky, so the correlated query would best be a IN() or EXISTS() query that has the limit you want. To get a deterministic set of records

[sqlalchemy] Re: Can't insert records into a MS SQL database

2007-10-07 Thread Rick Morrison
BTW the assume autoincrement for integer PK behavior is a hangover from the early days of the module, where I originally copied from the PG module. Since PG doesn't have the funky it's ok to explicit ID insert now mode, the problem doesn't surface there. I think the behavior was meant more for

[sqlalchemy] Re: Insert select results

2007-09-20 Thread Rick Morrison
It's on the to-do. This would be a great place to start hacking on SA if you're interested, it's a feature that's been requested a few times now. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To

[sqlalchemy] Re: Feature suggestion: Description attribute in Tables/Columns

2007-09-20 Thread Rick Morrison
This is Python, after all, and it would be trivial to simply put whatever attribute you want on a Table, Column or any SA object. SA would just need to stay out of the way and agree not to use a certain attribute like description or userdata, or whatever.

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy: like and security (sql injection attacks)

2007-09-20 Thread Rick Morrison
Don't build SQL strings up from fragments that contain user input -- it's what makes the application subject to SQL injection in the first place. Safest would be to use a bound parameter for the literal. See here for details:

[sqlalchemy] Re: Nested selects

2007-09-20 Thread Rick Morrison
Yes, those are called subqueries; they're fully supported by SA. Your query above has a couple of items of note: a) it's a correlated subquery: the inner query references items in the outer query. (supported by SA) b) it's a self-join: the inner query and outer query reference the same table.

[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL connection url format?

2007-09-17 Thread Rick Morrison
Hi Scott, ...to develop on Windows and deploy on Linux. It sounds like pyodbc is the best option pyodbc works well in Windows, but I've heard on Linux, not so much. pymssql is your best bet for Linux. Note that pymssql does not work with unicode, limits SQL identifiers to 30 characters, and

[sqlalchemy] Re: ForeignKey + schema

2007-09-14 Thread Rick Morrison
Im not sure about creation, but I've not had any problems using cross-schema foreign keys, relations, joins and so forth using SQLAlchemy 0.3 and PostgreSQL. ..and of course the test case I wrote up to show the problem worked fine. Turns out the issue was in the PK declaration for the table

[sqlalchemy] Re: Why is explicit 'and_' required for filter but not filter_by?

2007-09-14 Thread Rick Morrison
I think it might be more historical than anything else. Back when what is now filter() was a single argument to the select() call, on the SQL-API side, and there couldn't take any additional arguments, as the select() call was already pretty heavy with keyword arguments and it was easy to get

[sqlalchemy] Re: Profiling support

2007-09-14 Thread Rick Morrison
I believe the 0.4 unit tests have profiling support, have a look there. On 9/14/07, Hermann Himmelbauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I'd like to know if there is some profiling support in SQLAlchemy. It would be nice if there would be some data accompanying SQL statements in the logfiles

[sqlalchemy] ForeignKey + schema

2007-09-13 Thread Rick Morrison
SA 0.3* doesn't seem to handle relationships between tables in different schemas very well: it seems to think that schema.A - public.B is: schema.A - schema.B and even specifying primaryjoin= in the mapper won't help it. There seems to be no directive to say use the default /

[sqlalchemy] Re: db autogenerated pks?

2007-09-12 Thread Rick Morrison
SQL Server provides no facilities for retrieving a GUID key after an insert -- it's not a true autoincrementing key. The MSSQL driver for SA uses either @@IDENTITY or SCOPE_IDENTITY() to retreive the most-recently inserted autoincrement value, but there is no such facility for getting GUID keys.

[sqlalchemy] Re: How to get ID back from database after save?

2007-09-11 Thread Rick Morrison
You should find it at z.USER_SID after the flush. Not sure about your save() and flush() calls howevershould be session.save_or_update(z) and session.flush() On 9/11/07, Lukasz Szybalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I am saving to my column in this way. How do I get the primary key

[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL default_schema

2007-08-15 Thread Rick Morrison
there's just a few odd places, and I wonder if drop table is one of them, resulting in the original cause of this thread. I don't think that DROP is a special case. Look upthread. The incorrect DROP happened in the same wrong schema as the incorrect CREATE. The problem is that the check-table

[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL default_schema

2007-08-14 Thread Rick Morrison
It's for the delete (which then does not happen because the table is not found) Sure, but the drop is being issued in the correct default schema (dbo). The error is not that the drop is being issued in the wrong schema, it is that the table was *created* in the wrong schema, and so is not where

[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL default_schema

2007-08-14 Thread Rick Morrison
Sure, but the drop is being issued in the correct default schema (dbo). No it's not. If I don't enable checkfirst the table is dropped, which means both statements are issued on the wrong schema (considering that the check is right). Ah OK I didn't get that from the previous messages. Then it

[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL default_schema

2007-08-14 Thread Rick Morrison
Should ansisql recognize and use default schemas, or should the DB dialect somehow override the construction of the table name? The more I think about this, the more I'm becoming convinced that specifying an implicit default schema in all generated SQL is a pretty bad idea. The reason is that

[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL default_schema

2007-08-13 Thread Rick Morrison
That SQL log is from the table existence check. Although it's unclear from the trace and log as to whether the check is for the table create or for the table drop, it is correctly using the default schema, which is 'dbo' on all MSSQL platforms. So, the table check and the drop are working

[sqlalchemy] Re: Using SA to move data between databases

2007-08-13 Thread Rick Morrison
It's an SQLite-ism. See the recent thread on the type system. I've had exactly this issue with SQLite vs. MSSQL. On 8/11/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: i'm Wondering if all the unicode strings (at least table/column names) should be converted back into plain strings as they

[sqlalchemy] Re: Using SA to move data between databases

2007-08-13 Thread Rick Morrison
but it would be more sane if power(connect_args) = power(url_args), that is, connect_args is the more general/powerful/ way, and url allows a subset (or all) of connect_args items; and not vice versa -- connect_args is the programatical way, so that should do _everything_.. If we ever get

[sqlalchemy] Re: DateTime version issues

2007-08-08 Thread Rick Morrison
FYI I believe there is a ticket to make improvements in the type system that would allow strings to be given as date input (among other conveniences), and I don't think it's a bad thing. Lots of databases make the conversion anyway, and it's ultimately pretty confusing thing to have various

[sqlalchemy] Re: DateTime version issues

2007-08-08 Thread Rick Morrison
I think there's something a little simpler we need - some documentation. For all the SA types we should document the type that convert_result_value returns, and that convert_bind_param expects, and check that all the DBAPIs stick to this (probably with unit tests). I'm pretty sure there's

[sqlalchemy] Re: DateTime version issues

2007-08-08 Thread Rick Morrison
Yeah of course date formats vary, it's one of the trickier issues in type adaption, can be computationally expensive, etc. A full-on date parser is probably just way out of scope for SA (the excellent dateutil package already handles it pretty well). I'm of the opinion that it would not be so

[sqlalchemy] Re: autoload'ing metadata

2007-07-27 Thread Rick Morrison
MSSQL is case-sensitive, and wants to see queries to INFORMATION_SCHEMA in UPPER CASE. See mssql.py.uppercase_table() for the gory details, or rather, THE GORY DETAILS ;-) On 7/27/07, Christophe de VIENNE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi svil, Still no luck. I don't know if the

[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL Time

2007-07-26 Thread Rick Morrison
you may do better to focus your efforts on getting PyODBC working better on Unix. Agreed here. One stable and supportable DBAPI for MSSQL would be really nice. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[sqlalchemy] Re: Dialect default schema

2007-07-26 Thread Rick Morrison
I'm going to reply here, as I can't seem to login to trac again. I did manage to get comments in for #685 #679 - committed in r3050 #684 - committed in r3051 #685 - needs more discussion see the Trac comments Thanks for the patches! Rick On 7/26/07, Christophe de VIENNE [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL Time

2007-07-26 Thread Rick Morrison
what needs to be modified? can it be done by a src-patch? maybe i can apply it runtime (;-) I think the patch has been out for a few weeks now, so it will likely be in the next release of pyodbc. There is also an easy workaround, pass use_scope_identity = False to the Engine ctor, and it

[sqlalchemy] Re: Dialect default schema

2007-07-26 Thread Rick Morrison
Thanks for having a look at the tests, Christophe. Responses below: The reason is that MSSQLDialect.get_default_schema_name takes no argument, while the unittext gives it an engine. The Mssql dialect, for example, does take an argument. It looks to me like get_default_schema_name() has

[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL Time

2007-07-26 Thread Rick Morrison
The dependancy chains looks like this (more or less): pymssql == DBlib == FreeTDS == wire pyodbc (Unix) == iodbc / unixodbc == FreeTDS == wire pyodbc (Win) == ms-odbc == OLEdb == wire The unicode problem for pymssql is in DBlib, not FreeTDS Rick On 7/26/07, Christophe de VIENNE [EMAIL

[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL Time

2007-07-24 Thread Rick Morrison
The list is useful only for a hacker on the MSSQL module, not for general users, but FWIW, I've added it to http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/DatabaseNotes I generally try to respond directly to help encourage anyone willing to offer a hand on the MSSQL module, as I don't have the time these

[sqlalchemy] Re: Idea for 0.4: URI params / create_engine arguments

2007-07-10 Thread Rick Morrison
ugh...i was so happy that Dialect could be written with normal keyword arguments.while i want comprehensive, i didnt necessarily want to require a getopt layer for every dialect (as well as every Engine class, every Pool class, etc). Well the enumeration of the options targeted for a

[sqlalchemy] Re: Idea for 0.4: URI params / create_engine arguments

2007-07-09 Thread Rick Morrison
Sorry about the sporadic posts, I'm travelling if we are going whole hog with query strings (basically we're talking about adding pool options mostly), a comprehensive solution needs to be added in DefaultEngineStrategy. All that sounds fine, if Paul is still interested, I'll work with him on

[sqlalchemy] Re: Idea for 0.4: URI params / create_engine arguments

2007-07-08 Thread Rick Morrison
On 7/8/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: thats ugly to me. if you know your DBAPI uses a certain argument, you should be able to just pass it through. similarly i dont want SA's args with some ugly prefix. prefixing is just a hack for something this fundamental. Well the DBAPI

[sqlalchemy] Re: Table updates using data mapping

2007-06-26 Thread Rick Morrison
Updates and inserts on the ORM side of the street are single-object kinds of things. The pattern is to load a list of objects, make the appropriate modifications to the those in-memory objects, and then issue a session flush(). This type of bulk operation is best done with the SQL generation

[sqlalchemy] Re: help with IronPython

2007-06-20 Thread Rick Morrison
The SA MSSQL module currently supports the three DBAPI modules mentioned above (pyodbc, pymssql, adodbapi). You'll need to either get one of those three to import under IronPython, or add support for the IPCE adaptor. On 6/20/07, d_henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I recently tried SA

[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL: using pyODBC

2007-06-15 Thread Rick Morrison
Sounds like the invalid cursor state bug that I thought might have been fixed for pyodbc in r2729. Maybe not... Try adding the keyword parameter use_scope_identity = False to the create_engine() call and see if that clears it up. On 6/15/07, che [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: forgot to

[sqlalchemy] Re: mssql reflection NoSuchTableError

2007-06-12 Thread Rick Morrison
Just tried it here on a Linux + pymssql box and it worked fine. The 'NoSuchTable' error would indicate that the table is not found, as you surmised. Check to make sure the table is really persisting after your first session with the table create. In the meantime, I'll see if I can get pymssql

[sqlalchemy] Re: mssql reflection NoSuchTableError

2007-06-12 Thread Rick Morrison
Works in Windows, too, sqlalchemy 0.3.8, Python 2.5, pymssql 0.8.0, MSSQL 2005 Try upgrading your pymssql if you're not at 0.8.0. If that won't work, then I would suggest a switch to pyodbc Rick On 6/12/07, one.person [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: one.person View profile More

[sqlalchemy] Re: mssql reflection NoSuchTableError

2007-06-12 Thread Rick Morrison
That looks OK to me. Try pasting that query (cleaned-up) into a query window on Enterprise Manager and see what kind of results you get. The ? arguments are positional, so the first would be the table 'zone'; the second the schema 'dbo'. On 6/12/07, one.person [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[sqlalchemy] Re: [MySQL] Checking if commit() is available

2007-06-08 Thread Rick Morrison
try: t.commit() except: print 'Holy cow, this database is lame' On 6/8/07, Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: is there a way to determine if the underlying MySQL DB is able to perform a commit() operation? The following code fails (likely because the underlying MySQL db is pretty

[sqlalchemy] Re: [MySQL] Checking if commit() is available

2007-06-08 Thread Rick Morrison
Well it's not so evil if all you're doing is testing to see if commit() is available -- I wasn't trying to suggest that it was a great pattern for your whole application. On 6/8/07, Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --On 8. Juni 2007 14:05:39 -0400 Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

[sqlalchemy] Re: SA and pyodbc connections

2007-06-07 Thread Rick Morrison
] wrote: Hi, If you could mail the output off list to both myself and Rick Morrison, that would be magic. Well, the summary is: FAILED (failures=20, errors=245) Looks like making this solid on Unix would be a mammoth task. Not one I'm prepared to take up at the moment, being mostly

[sqlalchemy] Re: Accessing tables in multiple databases with one connection (MSSQL)

2007-06-06 Thread Rick Morrison
MSSQL has a history of confusion about what is owner and what is schema, and there has been shifting back and forth over the years as they tried to decide if they wanted to be like Oracle, or like Sybase. Recently the 2005 version added real schemas as well, so a table identifier can I believe

[sqlalchemy] Re: Generative style on SQL-API layer

2007-06-06 Thread Rick Morrison
Beyond the API littering, there may be instances where it is difficult or impossible to remove a query attribute, because adding the attribute caused a join calculation or reordered parenthesis, or whatever. The second pattern is better, e.g. save a copy, rather than mucking things up with

[sqlalchemy] Re: Generative style on SQL-API layer

2007-06-06 Thread Rick Morrison
Yeah, I'm +1 on .where() as well. On 6/6/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Jun 5, 2007, at 10:30 PM, Mike Orr wrote: I do think .append_whereclause should be changed to .append_to_where. A SQL statement can have only one WHERE clause; what you're actually appending is an

[sqlalchemy] Re: SA and pyodbc connections

2007-06-06 Thread Rick Morrison
I'm interested in the results too, as well as the ODBC config. I'm still in the process of setting up a buildbot slave on Ubuntu that's going to be running pyodbc as well. I normally use pymssql, and it'll be my first serious go with pyodbc. If it's OK with the list, maybe you can post the

[sqlalchemy] Re: Column name mapping problem in 0.3.7

2007-06-06 Thread Rick Morrison
. that of labels...its because of some issues that arise with some auto-labeling that happens inside of ansisql.pyso its fortunate i dont have to get into that. On May 1, 2007, at 12:57 PM, Rick Morrison wrote: The underlying DBlib limits *all* identifier names, including column names to 30

[sqlalchemy] Re: Accessing tables in multiple databases with one connection (MSSQL)

2007-06-05 Thread Rick Morrison
I don't think so, not directly. Short-term, here's a couple of things to try: -- you may be able to create views in the local database that reference the warehouse tables, and access these views as if they were local tables. -- you may be able to hack up something by using the schema support in

[sqlalchemy] Re: Accessing tables in multiple databases with one connection (MSSQL)

2007-06-05 Thread Rick Morrison
it through pyodbc with a hard-coded string, and if that works, then along with the owner construct, it should just a few tweaks to MSSQL dialect. On 6/5/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Jun 5, 2007, at 4:05 PM, Rick Morrison wrote: I don't think so, not directly. Short-term

[sqlalchemy] Re: PROPOSAL: whack query.select(), selectfirst(), selectone(), select_by(), selectfirst_by(), selectone_by(), get_by(), auto-join feature

2007-06-04 Thread Rick Morrison
The use of scalar() here seems out of place with both the common CS usage of the word (e.g. scalar == single-valued), and the use of scalar() in the SQL layer. Single row results in the ORM are rows, not a single datatype. It's another potential point of confusion, like the ORM .select() is/was.

[sqlalchemy] Re: PROPOSAL: whack query.select(), selectfirst(), selectone(), select_by(), selectfirst_by(), selectone_by(), get_by(), auto-join feature

2007-06-04 Thread Rick Morrison
: On Jun 4, 2007, at 9:56 AM, Rick Morrison wrote: The use of scalar() here seems out of place with both the common CS usage of the word (e.g. scalar == single-valued), and the use of scalar() in the SQL layer. Single row results in the ORM are rows, not a single datatype. It's another potential

[sqlalchemy] Re: PROPOSAL: whack query.select(), selectfirst(), selectone(), select_by(), selectfirst_by(), selectone_by(), get_by(), auto-join feature

2007-06-04 Thread Rick Morrison
Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Jun 4, 2007, at 9:56 AM, Rick Morrison wrote: The use of scalar() here seems out of place with both the common CS usage of the word (e.g. scalar == single-valued), and the use of scalar() in the SQL layer. Single row results in the ORM are rows

[sqlalchemy] Re: PROPOSAL: whack query.select(), selectfirst(), selectone(), select_by(), selectfirst_by(), selectone_by(), get_by(), auto-join feature

2007-06-04 Thread Rick Morrison
That's one of the reasons I prefer to treat Query() like an iterator and roll my own first-order functions like first() etc. -- see my other message regarding this. On 6/4/07, Mike Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 6/4/07, Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The use of scalar() here

[sqlalchemy] Re: pattern about nested transactions?

2007-05-23 Thread Rick Morrison
Isn't this the very thing that the session / UOW constructs are supposed to address for case #1? This can all break in a web application that doesn't want to maintain any in-memory state at all -- for those you can serialize via pickle/JSON/whatever the objects being manipulated and hold them in

[sqlalchemy] Re: error after insert using mssql and sqlalchemy 0.3.7

2007-05-23 Thread Rick Morrison
Hi Jim, The autoload feature for SQLAlchemy sometimes guesses wrong about auto-sequenced columns. Check that your users.user_id column has an auto-generating key (IOW, is it of type IDENTITY)? If so, please post your version of MSSQL and pyodbc. IDENTITY insert for MSSQL columns has recently

[sqlalchemy] Generative style on SQL-API layer

2007-05-09 Thread Rick Morrison
Hey Mike, I've really gotten to like the generative style of query building that the ORM layer uses, and I find myself developing a number of patterns that use that style to good advantage. Today I found myself struggling with a query in the low-level SQL-API layer that the generative approach

[sqlalchemy] Re: Buildbot

2007-05-01 Thread Rick Morrison
, 2007, at 11:43 AM, Rick Morrison wrote: Hi Mike, Pursuant to our discussion on another thread regarding buildbots, I've got a preliminary buildbot slave VM set up as follows: Ubuntu 6.10 VMware tools Python 2.4 Buildbot 0.7.4 Postgres 8.2.2 MySQL 5.0.37 Sqlite 3.3.17 (also known

[sqlalchemy] Re: Column name mapping problem in 0.3.7

2007-05-01 Thread Rick Morrison
s/DBAPI/DBlib/ On 5/1/07, Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The label-truncation code is fine. The issue isn't SA. It's the DBAPI that pymssql rides on top of...identifier limit is 30 chars, is deprecated by Microsoft, it will never be fixed. Try pyodbc, which has no such limitation

[sqlalchemy] Re: Column name mapping problem in 0.3.7

2007-05-01 Thread Rick Morrison
The underlying DBlib limits *all* identifier names, including column names to 30 chars anyway, so no issue there. Where does the character limit go in the dialect? Can I follow Oracle as an example? On 5/1/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On May 1, 2007, at 11:18 AM, Rick

[sqlalchemy] Re: Buildbot

2007-05-01 Thread Rick Morrison
I wouldn't think that pysqlite being installed on the master is an issue: the tests would be run on the slave and in the slave environment. I think that Skip's sqlite issue is more likely one of: a) using the included pysqlite in Python 2.5+ and issues with that or

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlch. + ODBC + DBISAM... :-(

2007-05-01 Thread Rick Morrison
! :-) Paul Rick Morrison wrote: .3.6 was stable (at least for me). One of the issues to address is going to be the multi-DBAPI support. Keeping all three stable at the same time can be tough. So starting .3.7, making pyodbc the only supported configuration is OK with me, although

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlch. + ODBC + DBISAM... :-(

2007-05-01 Thread Rick Morrison
, this would also depend on some ODBC provider on Unix like unixodbc/iodbc/some commercial stack. Rick On 5/1/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On May 1, 2007, at 4:17 PM, Rick Morrison wrote: The 0.3.7 bug is my fault, I checked in the changes without testing on pyodbc. Didn't know

[sqlalchemy] Re: IN() bug bit hard

2007-04-30 Thread Rick Morrison
Hey where are we with this? Does #476 fix #545, or are they unrelated? What is the current behavior in 0.3.7 with an empty IN() list? On 4/21/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Apr 13, 2007, at 4:17 PM, Ants Aasma wrote: I'll try to create a test suite for it next week, I

[sqlalchemy] Buildbot

2007-04-30 Thread Rick Morrison
Hi Mike, Pursuant to our discussion on another thread regarding buildbots, I've got a preliminary buildbot slave VM set up as follows: Ubuntu 6.10 VMware tools Python 2.4 Buildbot 0.7.4 Postgres 8.2.2 MySQL 5.0.37 Sqlite 3.3.17 (also known as version du semaine these days...) FreeTDS / UnixODBC

[sqlalchemy] Re: Proposal: Make pyodbc the preferred DB-API for MSSQL

2007-04-29 Thread Rick Morrison
Done in rev #2577 On 4/16/07, Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Unless there's any objections, I think it's time to make pyodbc the preferred access method for MSSQL. Currently the MSSQL module checks for DBAPI interfaces in this order if one isn't specified explicitly: adodbapi

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlch. + ODBC + DBISAM... :-(

2007-04-27 Thread Rick Morrison
] wrote: On Apr 26, 2007, at 6:31 PM, Rick Morrison wrote: Sounds like a great idea -- is there an existing buildbot master to tie into, or will the whole thing be new? well my limited understanding of buildbots says that we would need to make one that responds to SQLAlchemy version

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlch. + ODBC + DBISAM... :-(

2007-04-26 Thread Rick Morrison
only like four tests that don't pass now, and I would wager those are because of database feature issues, not overt bugs. Maybe it's time to start putting MSSQL on the regular test rotation. On 4/26/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Apr 26, 2007, at 5:53 PM, Rick Morrison wrote

[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlch. + ODBC + DBISAM... :-(

2007-04-26 Thread Rick Morrison
Sounds like a great idea -- is there an existing buildbot master to tie into, or will the whole thing be new? On 4/26/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Apr 26, 2007, at 6:15 PM, Rick Morrison wrote: .3.6 was stable (at least for me). One of the issues to address is going

[sqlalchemy] Re: connecting to ODBC backed by MS-SQL?

2007-04-16 Thread Rick Morrison
It sounds like its getting to be time to make pyodbc the preferred DBAPI interface for MSSQL. I'll start a new thread to see if there's any objections. On 4/16/07, Victor Ng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sweet! This seems to work well now. Is there a way I can update the documentation for the

[sqlalchemy] Proposal: Make pyodbc the preferred DB-API for MSSQL

2007-04-16 Thread Rick Morrison
Unless there's any objections, I think it's time to make pyodbc the preferred access method for MSSQL. Currently the MSSQL module checks for DBAPI interfaces in this order if one isn't specified explicitly: adodbapi pymssql pyodbc I'd like to change it to the exact opposite: pyodbc

[sqlalchemy] Re: pymssql and encoding - I can not get \x92 to be an '

2007-04-11 Thread Rick Morrison
...and while I'm making this thread unnecessarily long, I should add that while pymssql may not understand Unicode data, the pyodbc DB-API interface does. Thanks to recent work by Paul Johnston, it's on fast-track to becoming the preferred MSSQL db-api for SA. On 4/10/07, Rick Morrison [EMAIL

[sqlalchemy] Re: pymssql and encoding - I can not get \x92 to be an '

2007-04-11 Thread Rick Morrison
Last I heard, pyodbc was working on any POSIX system that supports odbc (most likely via unixodbc or iodbc) http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyodbc/ -- check out the supported platforms On 4/11/07, Marco Mariani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Rick Morrison wrote: ...and while I'm making

[sqlalchemy] Aliasing within functions for eager loads

2007-04-10 Thread Rick Morrison
I've noticed that if you specify a primaryjoin criteria for a mapper relationship, SA automatically aliases the table/column names when doing an eager load of that relationship. But this doesn't seem to work if within that primary join, a column is referenced inside of a .func; SA leaves the

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