Re: [squid-dev] Benchmarking Performance with reuseport

2016-08-09 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2016-08-04 klockan 23:12 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: > >   > I imagine that Nginx are seeing latency reduction due to no longer > needing a central worker that receives the connection then spawns a > whole new process to handle it. The behaviour sort of makes sense for > a > web server (which

Re: [squid-dev] [PATCH] Make Squid death due to overloaded helpers optional

2016-08-09 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2016-08-09 klockan 11:47 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: > > Yep, that matches both my understanding and motivation to return ERR > in > the explicitly configured on-persistent-overload=err case. I'd say make it configurable. on-persistent-overload=abort/err/ok/unknown to represent all three

Re: [squid-dev] HTTP meetup in Stockholm

2016-07-12 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2016-07-12 klockan 18:34 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: > I'm much more in favour of binary formats. The HTTP/2 HPACK design > lends > itself very easily to binary header values (ie sending integers as > interger encoded value). Following PHK's lead on those. json is very ambiguous with no

Re: [squid-dev] HTTP meetup in Stockholm

2016-07-11 Thread Henrik Nordström
sön 2016-07-10 klockan 11:33 +0100 skrev Kinkie: > Hi all, >   at the end of the month I will attend the HTTP meetup in Stockholm. > Besides having a chance to see Henrik, I'd like to collect your > feedback and opinions on the topic that are likely to be touched. Oh, This have completely

Re: [squid-dev] Digest related question.

2015-03-18 Thread Henrik Nordström
mån 2015-03-16 klockan 04:03 +0200 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: My main concern until now is that if squid would have the cached object in a digest url form such as: http://digest.squid.internal/MD5/xyz123; Squid would in many cases try to verify against the origin server that the cached

Re: [squid-dev] [RFC] Squid 4.0 ideas

2015-03-13 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2015-03-10 klockan 23:58 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: There is approximately 8-18 months year between series releases now. A very arbitrary choice whenever it seems reasonable to release a batch of features. My undertanding of the proposal stated was that we keep that current practice, but

Re: [squid-dev] [RFC] Squid 4.0 ideas

2015-03-12 Thread Henrik Nordström
sön 2015-03-08 klockan 07:49 +0100 skrev Kinkie: Beta releases can be managed just like they are now: MAJ.0.X would be beta MAJ.Y (Y=1) would be stable Correct. Today we have release numbers that is made of major.minor (2.5, 3.0, 3,1.., 3.5), followed by patchlevel where beta releases are

Re: [RFC] bandwidth savigns via header eliding

2014-07-26 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2014-07-25 klockan 19:05 +0300 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: The response to alex question why would anybody want to drop cteonnt-length: header: Some places do not allow cookies or POST for external services and it's sometimes can looks weird but I still understand why would it be

Re: [RFC] bandwidth savigns via header eliding

2014-07-21 Thread Henrik Nordström
lör 2014-07-19 klockan 11:35 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: The above email is talking about a nnCoection: close header which appears to be a result of a bug in some 15-year old software. Identifying that rare header would be overall harmful -- Squid would spend more resources on detecting that

Re: [RFC] unified port directive

2014-06-12 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2014-06-12 klockan 21:01 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: When FTP transfer protocol is added is the time to determine if the fpt_ prefix is actually necesary or the *existing* protocol= parameter can be used alone. FWIW the only strong reason http_ and https_ are currently used is to determine

Re: [RFC] flag day commits

2014-06-09 Thread Henrik Nordström
sön 2014-06-08 klockan 23:05 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: When a change can it should avoid being a flag-day. But if breaking into a set of smaller incremental changes is difficult or causes too much annoyance from repeated painful merges or wastes audit time on other patches, then it seems

https_port CONNECT

2014-05-18 Thread Henrik Nordström
It looks like Mozilla is finally adding support for TLS encrypted proxy connections. So if we still have the problem with CONNECT not properly handling TLS then it might we a good idea to finally fix that. Regards Henrik

Re: How long is a domain or url can be?

2014-04-30 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2014-04-30 klockan 06:22 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: HTTP defines no limit. - squid defines MAX_URL of 8KB, along with a header line limit of 64KB total, and a helper line limit of 32KB total. Unless it has been fixed the UFS based stores also have an implicit limit on cached entries

Re: [RFC] use libnettle for crypto

2014-03-11 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2014-03-11 klockan 09:53 +0200 skrev Tsantilas Christos: No objection, just to note that these algorithms are implemented in openssl library too and squid already has dependencies to openSSL. And in Squid-2 used OpenSSL MD5 if linked to OpenSSL, or some system MD5 implementation (i.e.

Re: Fwd: [CTTE #727708] Default init system for Debian

2014-02-13 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2014-02-13 klockan 09:43 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: I am not sure which approach is the best, but I am sure we need to clearly define and document the new semantics to avoid repeating -N problems which were caused primarily by folks (including myself) interpreting what -N means

Re: Fwd: [CTTE #727708] Default init system for Debian

2014-02-11 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2014-02-12 klockan 10:13 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: Sigh. Amos Why sigh? systemd have worked well for me for years now.. except Squid.. For Squid the main impact is that we really should have a dont daemonize yourself run mode which don't otherwise limit functionality. The -N option we

Re: Fwd: [CTTE #727708] Default init system for Debian

2014-02-11 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2014-02-12 klockan 10:47 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: Exactly. More deep changes needed. Well, systemd (and most other service monitors) do manage services that background themselves as well, just not optimally. So it's more changes desired, not strictly needed. But seriously, it's a very

Re: Fwd: HTTP/1.1 revision status [was: HTTP/1.1bis draft -26]

2014-02-10 Thread Henrik Nordström
mån 2014-02-10 klockan 21:48 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: FYI for anyone interested in the HTTP/1.1 compliance project or related work. The HTTPbis drafts are now etched in stone. You can find links to the HTTPbis work on 1.1 and 2.0 protocols here:

Re: [RFC] Squid process model and service name impact

2014-01-29 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2014-01-29 klockan 13:29 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: hard-coded is being used a bit much here. I don't think any of us are arguing for that. Lets look at the BNF: = chroot pid_filename chroot = {squid.conf chroot} | / pid_filename = {squid.conf pid_filename} |

Re: [RFC] Squid process model and the need for -n

2014-01-28 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2014-01-28 klockan 11:25 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: Why do we need a command line option to specify a service name? Can the service name be configured via squid.conf? The squid.conf location is already configurable via command line, of course. If I remember correctly the service name is

Re: [RFC] Squid process model and the need for -n

2014-01-28 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2014-01-28 klockan 12:15 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: but squid.conf location is already configurable via the command line. Why another option, that is now propagated to non-Windows builds, without even defining what service is in non-Windows context (AFAIK). If I am not mistaken the

Re: [RFC] Squid process model and service name impact

2014-01-26 Thread Henrik Nordström
sön 2014-01-26 klockan 13:59 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: So how do we safely allow users to configure where the IPC sockets are located on a per-worker basis while also allowing workers to communicate over them to each other? Please elaborate. How do using a service name for these differ from

Re: [RFC] Squid process model and service name impact

2014-01-24 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2014-01-24 klockan 08:57 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: Please note that since Windows admins want a service name even if they do not run multiple single-build instances on the same box, setting that service name should not suddenly make their life more difficult by altering squid.conf

Re: [RFC] Squid process model and service name impact

2014-01-24 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2014-01-24 klockan 14:27 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: using the same Squid build (bug 3608). That bug report contains a suggestion to make the currently ./configure-set IPC paths explicitly configurable in squid.conf, but using service name side-effects also works. I am not sure which

Re: BZR local server?repo?

2014-01-23 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2014-01-23 klockan 09:53 +0200 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: Since I do have a local server I want to have an up-to-date bzr replica. I can just use checkout or whatever but I want it to be be updated etc. I am no bzr expert so any help about the subject is more then welcome. What I do is that

Re: [PATCH] client-side redesign pt1 - Comm::TcpReceiver

2014-01-22 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2014-01-21 klockan 22:45 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: All the TCP clients and servers you are willing to include (as future TcpReceiver kids) in the current project scope have at least one thing in common -- they all read and write protocol messages over [persistent] TCP connections. Why do

Re: [RFC] FTP gw source layout

2014-01-22 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2014-01-21 klockan 14:37 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: [FWIW, the term FTP Gateway was suggested by Henrik during initial RFC review. Henrik thought that using HTTP semantics internally means we are a gateway. I changed the project name in order to avoid having an argument. Technically, it is

Re: [RFC] FTP gw source layout

2014-01-21 Thread Henrik Nordström
mån 2014-01-20 klockan 11:45 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: FTP gateway[1] code[2] work well, and we are polishing it for the official submission. The biggest change we need to make is to rearrange where the new code lives in Squid src directory. For the record I have no opinion on either of

Re: [RFC] Automating private cache mode in Squid

2013-08-14 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2013-08-13 klockan 16:01 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: the urltag approach used in squid-2 could be used here as general mechanism. It allows http_port or external_acl to add a piece to the object key. This allows splitting cache based on - port received on - username -

Re: [RFC] Automating private cache mode in Squid

2013-08-07 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2013-08-07 klockan 16:51 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: My previous thoughts around this have all revolved around the idea of adding the clients IP address to the cache key when private proxy mode is enabled. This has a major issue though in that it does not solve anything for users with

Re: Windows compilation error

2013-07-30 Thread Henrik Nordström
Found this expired in the list moderation queue. Sorry, can't really help much with mingw build environment issues but maybe someone on the list knows? or at least what mingw installation documentation to read? ons 2013-05-15 klockan 14:25 +0100 skrev Srini: Hi, I am trying to compile Squid

Re: What is The logic of Vary Headers cachiness?

2013-07-26 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2013-07-25 klockan 14:20 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: The variant of an URL is identified by it's ETag value. Are ETags required by HTTP in a Vary context? Or is it just what you see some origin servers implementing? To identify the variant yes. Without ETag the variant have no identiy.

Re: What is The logic of Vary Headers cachiness?

2013-07-26 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2013-07-25 klockan 23:37 +0300 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: The main problem with ETAG from what I have seen and I need to read more about ETAG, is.. couple mirrors ETAG should be the same for all servers objects in the level of HASH like.. which is not.. an example: ETag uniqueness is only

Re: What is The logic of Vary Headers cachiness?

2013-07-26 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2013-07-26 klockan 14:44 +0300 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: So etag is fine but per server or per url. ETag is per URL. metalink\hashes are more global. Yes. since the list of mirrors is big and there is a list of them it would be very simple to use StoreID helper to identify them faster

Re: What is The logic of Vary Headers cachiness?

2013-07-25 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2013-07-24 klockan 18:46 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: The full logics (still missing from squid-3) involves an n-m map of requests to response variants. I thought Squid already tries to support that. Or are you talking about responses with varying Vary header values (discussed further

Re: What is The logic of Vary Headers cachiness?

2013-07-25 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2013-07-25 klockan 17:23 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: We think alike. See my other reply. Although the lookup per-match is not required. HTTP only requires that we identify a whole set of options and pull the most appropriate - with some requirements around defining appropriate. newest

Re: What is The logic of Vary Headers cachiness?

2013-07-25 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2013-07-25 klockan 18:53 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: Which problem specifically? that churn exists? that it can grow big + churn? races between clients? or that letting it out to disk can cause churn to be slooow? In the design used by Squid-2 there is quite a bit of churn in the x-vary

Re: What is The logic of Vary Headers cachiness?

2013-07-25 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2013-07-25 klockan 22:06 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: I don't see why those are necessary. At the x-vary level all that is necessary is the response details to be searched for in the request headers. ie if x-vary says variant has Content-Encoding:gzip then search for Accept-Encoding:gzip

Re: What is The logic of Vary Headers cachiness?

2013-07-24 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2013-07-24 klockan 10:01 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: That is what Squid does today, bugs notwithstanding. If the found store entry is the special Vary entry, then Squid does another lookup, with the appropriate header values added to the store key hash. Yes, but is only part of what is

Re: What is The logic of Vary Headers cachiness?

2013-07-17 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2013-07-17 klockan 23:34 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: Also, I think if the variant needs to be invalidated Squid currently coded to drop all variants and/or the main x-vary-* stub object during revalidation. The HTTP/1.1 specs need to be checked to see if that is right or if only the one

Re: [PATCH] Deprecate log_icap and log_access configuration directives

2013-06-13 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2013-06-13 klockan 23:59 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: As a temporary measure, how about adding a directive log_stats allow/deny acl acl acl ... and using it only for the statistcs gathering functions as done by log_access allow? That's fine for me. But should be named something more

Re: [PATCH] Deprecate log_icap and log_access configuration directives

2013-06-13 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2013-06-13 klockan 08:16 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: I suggest stats_collection because it works better with allow/deny keywords that will follow: stats_collection deny internal +1 Regards Henrik

Re: [PATCH] Deprecate log_icap and log_access configuration directives

2013-06-12 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2013-06-12 klockan 14:25 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: Please also note in the descriptive message that this alters the documented behaviour of Requests denied for logging will also not be accounted for in performance counters., and now makes all traffic get performane counters

Re: I was wondering about SSL\socks support from squid side?

2013-06-12 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2013-06-13 klockan 02:18 +0300 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: I have seen the wiki: Nothing implemented. And have not been given any priority as it's not HTTP related. and was wondering about it very much! I have a situation that I have access to SSL

Re: Do we have any connection with RH squid maintainer?

2013-06-04 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2013-06-04 klockan 11:48 +0300 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: I was wondering about the major bugs that was found in 3.1 that RH and therefor CentOS doesn't have in their RPMS. Double negation there? Have you tried tiling a bug report in redhat bugzilla? It's the best contact method available

Re: NA - token = fatalf

2013-02-12 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2013-02-12 klockan 14:41 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: Hello, Could somebody with better authentication and helper knowledge clarify whether the token field is indeed required for Nagotiate ERR and NA responses? If not, can we just remove the above quoted fatalf() blob and make the

Re: NA - token = fatalf

2013-02-12 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2013-02-13 klockan 14:41 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: Yes you can remove these fatal() if you want, but it needs to result in authentication failure NA is authentication failure. Must not result in anything else. Regards Henrik

Re: eventAdd with zero delay?

2013-01-30 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2013-01-30 klockan 12:21 + skrev Rainer Weikusat: Thank you. The reason I'm asking is mainly because 0-delay events are, according to the comment in schedule, supposed to be executed in FIFO order. Is this generally true for events, ie is the actual ordering criterion always a pair

Re: scalable event scheduling

2013-01-30 Thread Henrik Nordström
mån 2013-01-28 klockan 22:29 + skrev Rainer Weikusat: Since Mr Rousskov was so kind to publically question my honesty and/or mental sanity when I claimed that replacing the O(n) event scheduler with a more scalable implementation would be easy (and in fact, so easy that even using the STL

Re: [RFC] default HTCP

2013-01-23 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2013-01-23 klockan 18:41 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: With HTTP/1.1 functionality Variants are much more common and the ICP failure rate is growing quite high. Yes.. I propose altering the default behaviour of peering to using HTCP queries by default. If HTCP is fixed to handle

Re: [RFC] remove negative_ttl directive ?

2013-01-11 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2013-01-11 klockan 18:53 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: Can anyone present any actually useful reason to keep it despite the problems it presents? referse proxies need to be able to cache error responses even if there is no cache-control. But it does not need to be a specific directive.

Re: Default behavior for --enable-esi?

2012-12-26 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2012-12-27 klockan 13:38 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: IIRC it is still off because it is not wanted by many installations and adds a large footprint to the binary. The more useful surrogate-capabilities sub-component is auto-enabled on reverse-proxy traffic regardless of ESI. Plus still

Re: Why tcp_recv_bufsize also acts as tcp_send_bufsize?

2012-12-13 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2012-12-13 klockan 00:45 -0800 skrev Tianyin Xu: Accoding to the code, when setting tcp_recv_bufsize, Squid also set the same amount as tcp_send_bufsize? And the send log printing message (line# 1794) seems problematic because the failure is caused by setting tcp_send_bufsize (the flag is

Re: [BUG] (13) Permission denied with workers | squid 3.2.3 and 3.3 rev 12500.

2012-12-07 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2012-12-06 klockan 21:54 +0200 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: On cache log I am getting these: 2012/12/06 21:34:29.780 kid3| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 10 to [::]: (13) Permission denied Odd.. the debug output indicates this is a request for assigning an ipv6:port. What do strace say?

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-12-04 Thread Henrik Nordström
mån 2012-12-03 klockan 22:25 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: I disagree with this logic. Yes, sawActivity approach supports long chains, but they are not the loop's fault! If some chain is too long, the bug is in that chain's code and should be fixed there. If it cannot be fixed there, then the

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-12-04 Thread Henrik Nordström
mån 2012-12-03 klockan 23:12 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: BTW, once zero-delay events are removed from the code, the event queue will no longer need to be a part of the wasActivity loop and the loop will disappear. Note: Legacy zero-delay addEvent events are meant to be called once per comm

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-12-04 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2012-12-04 klockan 08:39 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: heavy events in the context of addEvent events are really this is very heavy, and there is only allowed to be one and only one heavy event per comm invocation. If there is multiple heavy jobs competing for time they are meant to get

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-12-04 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2012-12-04 klockan 08:39 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: There are several ways to interpret the designer intent when looking at undocumented code. I cannot say whether all of the currently remaining zero-delay events use your interpretation, but I am certain that I have added zero-delay

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-12-03 Thread Henrik Nordström
sön 2012-12-02 klockan 22:27 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: My understanding is that the bug is in Squid store rebuilding(?) code that assumes that Squid will have time to do some I/O before the next timed event is fired, but actually there is a lot of non-I/O work to do, In such case the bug is

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-12-03 Thread Henrik Nordström
mån 2012-12-03 klockan 09:07 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: Yes. IIRC, it has been broken before my AsyncCall changes to the main loop. The sawActivity code is from the AsyncCall merge in rev 8812. This will poll non-comm event loops until they are completely idle having nothing to do.

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-12-03 Thread Henrik Nordström
mån 2012-12-03 klockan 15:53 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: True (although the current small maximum select(2) delay is a result of bugs elsewhere in the code and should not really be there). If we can do the right thing here easily, we should (instead of adding more future problems). And I think

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-12-03 Thread Henrik Nordström
mån 2012-12-03 klockan 15:53 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: We just need to make sure that heavy events (certain timed events and signals) interrupt the sawActivity loop. This will fix the issue you are facing without introducing new problems. Another question on this.. how to fit the concept of

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-12-03 Thread Henrik Nordström
mån 2012-12-03 klockan 09:07 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: Could you please fix this properly by adding AsyncEngine::timeTillNextEvent() or similar API and removing loop_delay manipulation from checkEvents() as discussed above? The attached patch adds AsyncEngine::timeTillNextEvent() API. It

Re: [PATCH] Do not send unretriable requests on reused pinned connections

2012-12-02 Thread Henrik Nordström
lör 2012-12-01 klockan 18:02 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: a) If we are talking about unretriable requests, the client already violated HTTP by sending such a request over the persistent client connection. Some of these clients may fail to handle resets properly. End-user-agents have much more

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-12-02 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2012-11-30 klockan 15:38 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: On 11/30/2012 02:25 PM, Henrik Nordström wrote: We should look into why it is at all needed. From what I can understand it should not be needed. Agreed. Please do that if you can. Found it. The event loop gets saturated with timed

Re: [PATCH] Do not send unretriable requests on reused pinned connections

2012-12-01 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2012-11-30 klockan 23:07 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: I am not sure what you are asking about, but I can try to rephrase: This bug is difficult to fix because some pinned connections should be reused and some should not be. Pinned connections that can be re-pinned but have not had any HTTP

Re: [PATCH] Do not send unretriable requests on reused pinned connections

2012-12-01 Thread Henrik Nordström
lör 2012-12-01 klockan 11:42 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: come. Why can't TPROXY reopen a server-side connection? Because it tries to use the original source ip:port, but it's in TIME_WAIT from the previous connection and can't be reused. Regards Henrik

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-11-30 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2012-11-30 klockan 10:47 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: IIRC, Rock store diskers should process queries while rebuilding so db open should not fail due to rebuild itself. I bet this is actually related to the problem discussed below. I think so too. - kid registration failures at startup

Re: [PATCH] Do not send unretriable requests on reused pinned connections

2012-11-30 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2012-11-30 klockan 15:30 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov: Squid is sending POST requests on reused pinned connections, and some of those requests fail due to a pconn race, with no possibility for a retry. Yes... and we have to for NTLM, TPROXY and friends or they get in a bit of trouble

Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-11-28 Thread Henrik Nordström
While trying to set up an advanced Squid-3.2.3 with 4 workers, a number of rock stores for different objects and per-worker aufs caches for larger files I ran into multiple issues. - Quite frequent NULL pointer assertions failures in peer selection if the client aborts before peer selection have

Re: Multiple issues in Squid-3.2.3 SMP + rock + aufs + a bit of load

2012-11-28 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2012-11-29 klockan 15:08 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: Does anybody know the rationale for having xmemset at all? I don't see muhc of a meaningful rationale. memory debugging tools already handle it without any wrapper. Regards Henrik

Re: Cant compile squid 3.2.3 with ssl-crtd (FEDORA 17 x64)

2012-11-27 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2012-11-27 klockan 04:44 +0200 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: I tried to build squid 3.2.3 on fedora 17 x64 and got an error. compiling options -g -O2 -c -o certificate_db.o In member function גvoid Ssl::CertificateDb::load()ג:

Re: MD5 and URL validation (continue to other very old thread)

2012-11-22 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2012-11-21 klockan 21:06 +0200 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: The problem is that it only being checked while a file is being fetched from UFS(what I have checked) while from RAM it wont be checked. There is no risk of object store displacement in RAM. The result is that when store_url_rewrite

SNMP mib change

2012-10-31 Thread Henrik Nordström
yadi hno: can you confirm that it is okay to simply swap the Counter32 SNMP OID type to Counter64 without changing OID numbers? Generally it's not OK to change existing entries, quite many pollers configure the data type. But it is a balance. Both changing data types and changing the MIB with a

Re: bzr repository upgraded to 2a format and restructured

2012-10-16 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2012-10-16 klockan 05:39 +0200 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: I did that already and I get error while updating: ##start $ bzr update Doing on-the-fly conversion from RepositoryFormat2a() to RepositoryFormatKnitPack6(). This may take some time. Upgrade the repositories to the same format

Re: Squid code analysis using Coverity

2012-10-11 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2012-10-11 klockan 13:30 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries: Did you mean we should have no cost being part of their program? or that there is an admin control panel (contact person?) you have available to do more than I could? There is no charge to be part of their Open Source program, and

Re: Squid code analysis using Coverity

2012-10-11 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2012-10-11 klockan 23:23 +0200 skrev Kinkie: Please once you're done, please share the recipe so I can try to hook it into Jenkins for CI. It's quite simple. Basically a normal build but wrapping the make call in a cov-build tool by them, and then uploading the result written by their

Re: Squid code analysis using Coverity

2012-10-10 Thread Henrik Nordström
Squid is a member of the Coiverity Open Source programme, but we have not been actively using it. tis 2012-10-09 klockan 00:27 +0400 skrev Dmitry Kurochkin: Hello. We are evaluating Coverity tool for static analyzing of Squid code (see bug 3635 for details [1]). Initial results with

Re: Summary of store_url project and some questions before posting some patches.

2012-10-06 Thread Henrik Nordström
lör 2012-10-06 klockan 17:24 +0200 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: Code implementation is quite simple but since I was working with the old bzr revision 12317 ant now its about 30 revisions up I dont have a clue on what to do. are you stuck on repository format upgrade, or on incompatible changes

Re: Spaces in ACL values

2012-09-14 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2012-09-14 klockan 08:23 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: Interesting. I did not expect much support for this, but two out of three responses so far suggest this approach, essentially. When the dust settles, perhaps we should post to squid-users as well to get more feedback? clarity have higer

Re: I have a question about the md5 hash.

2012-09-13 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2012-09-13 klockan 12:05 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: Just had a thought. I wonder if this is related to the releases which people suddenly started having cache MISS for a period with no visible reason. That could be the releases where we added/removed methods from the registered set.

Re: I have a question about the md5 hash.

2012-09-13 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2012-09-13 klockan 12:07 +0300 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: but in the logs is see a lot: 2012/09/13 11:48:51.798 kid1| StoreEntry::checkCachable: NO: not cachable Is it a 200 OK response. Suspect it's a 304? Regards Henrik

Re: [RFC] One helper to rewrite them all

2012-09-13 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2012-09-12 klockan 10:18 +0300 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: For the no cachable situation something should be done to lower performance issues that could come from using store_url, some kind of flag validation before sending it to the helper? That only helps in the case where we know from

Re: [RFC] One helper to rewrite them all

2012-09-13 Thread Henrik Nordström
tor 2012-09-13 klockan 11:20 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: I think long-term we want to have ICAP/eCAP generating ETag+Digest headers for requests and responses and store using those headers as the index key. How do you generate an ETag from a request? ETag is a response header, set by the

Re: I have a question about the md5 hash.

2012-09-12 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2012-09-12 klockan 10:26 +0300 skrev Eliezer Croitoru: if it was a string what will be the string structure? It's not a string. The first hashed octet is the Squid internal method representation in binary integer form. Followed by the requested URL. See storeKeyPublic() function for

bzr repository upgraded to 2a format and restructured

2012-09-12 Thread Henrik Nordström
As per prior discussions the bzr repository have now been upgraded to 2a format. New master repository layout is a flat layout with branches trunk 3.2 3.1 3.0 more branches will be migrated over on a need basis. There is also branches/... symlinks in place so old branch URLs

Re: [RFC] One helper to rewrite them all

2012-09-11 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2012-09-11 klockan 15:52 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: Hm... I wonder if we are making a design mistake here by following Squid2 steps: one helper to rewrite request URL, one helper to rewrite store URL, then one helper to rewrite some special HTTP header, etc. Would it be better to extend

Re: [RFC] One helper to rewrite them all

2012-09-11 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2012-09-12 klockan 11:05 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: However, we want also to back-port this feature into 3.2 (3.1?) and maintain upgrade compatibility with 2.7 implementation, at least to start with. Do we really want to backport new features? Regards Henrik

Re: Failure ratio

2012-09-10 Thread Henrik Nordström
mån 2012-09-10 klockan 15:11 +0100 skrev Konstantin Korsunov: All working good, but some times 3 times per day I have next error: Failure Ratio at 1.02 Going into hit-only-mode for 5 minutes... That means that an unexpected amount of the proxied requests have failed, and to avoid further

Re: BZR repository upgrade re-proposal.

2012-09-09 Thread Henrik Nordström
sön 2012-09-09 klockan 19:15 +0200 skrev Kinkie: It seems that the schedule was missed. Yes. Been ill since friday. Combination of sleep deprivation and a cold taking it's poll. When is the next chance? Haven't seen any indications of any remaining reasons to not being able to switch.

Re: [RFC] CONNECT and use_ssl cache_peer

2012-09-09 Thread Henrik Nordström
sön 2012-09-09 klockan 21:34 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: Henrik and I seem to disagree on this being a good idea being plugged into BodyPipe. But as I see it BodyPipe is where Upgrade, WebSockets and SSL-Bump should be happening in a node which internally receives the tunnel connection and

Re: [RFC] CONNECT and use_ssl cache_peer

2012-09-08 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2012-09-07 klockan 21:54 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: However, when the proxy receives a CONNECT request, it diverts the request to is aware of peer selection logic but lacks the code that establishes an SSL connection to SSL peers. Yes, long time bug that no one has

Re: BZR repository upgrade re-proposal.

2012-09-05 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2012-09-05 klockan 09:03 +0200 skrev Kinkie: I'm glad that a consensus is forming. The next question would then be who will perform the upgrade, and when - assuming noone speaks up against it. This friday? Regards Henrik

Re: BZR repository upgrade re-proposal.

2012-09-04 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2012-09-04 klockan 11:00 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: It would be nice to have specific instructions on how to update a local branch to support 2a. I see bzr upgrade command but it is not clear whether that is sufficient, especially with all the talk about two repositories (old and 2a).

Re: Native FTP proxying

2012-09-04 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2012-09-04 klockan 12:22 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: A FTP client-side might be accepted, allowing Squid to act as an ftp-ftp gateway using HTTP semantics internally, even accepting ftp-http gatewaying if you want. But not sure it makes sense to add native FTP proxy support. Can you

Re: Native FTP proxying

2012-09-04 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2012-09-04 klockan 16:29 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: Why would the second approach be required by some? In other words, what kind of FTP functionality the first approach cannot support? I do not favor the second approach, but I would like to know what we are losing by using the first

Re: BZR repository upgrade re-proposal.

2012-09-03 Thread Henrik Nordström
tis 2012-09-04 klockan 10:56 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries: FWIW: I'm in favour of the upgrade, it is a large part of the build timeout issues on rio Debian sid build slave, it causes timeouts while converting the repo changes and/or downloading large portions of repo changeset data before for

Re: [PATCH] Do not reuse persistent connections for PUTs

2012-09-01 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2012-08-31 klockan 10:58 +0300 skrev Tsantilas Christos: 1) To decide if it can reuse a healthy persistent connection. Inside FwdState::connectStart, we are getting a persistant connection and even if it is healthy, if we want to send eg a PUT request we are closing the persistent

Re: [PATCH] Do not reuse persistent connections for PUTs

2012-09-01 Thread Henrik Nordström
fre 2012-08-31 klockan 21:44 +0300 skrev Tsantilas Christos: So looks that a good solution should be (similar to) the solution proposed by Henrik... 100 Continue aviods the race entirely on requests with bodies, leaving only bodyless requests in the we may not retry this on failure but we need

Re: [PATCH] Do not reuse persistent connections for PUTs

2012-08-29 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2012-08-29 klockan 12:42 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov: Hello, I saw bogus ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT responses while testing Squid v3.1, but the same problem ought to be present in v3.2 as well. A compliant proxy may retry PUTs, but Squid lacks the [rather complicated] code required to

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