Re: [freenet-support] Freenet on FreeBSD

2004-08-11 Thread TLD
Paul wrote:
> I'm working on setting up a freenet node on a machine running FreeBSD
> 4.6. The java vm that is already installed (and is the most current
> version) is a java 1.3 vm. Sun does not release a vm for the BSDs. At

You really need at last the (possibly latest) 1.4 jvm, sorry.
Me, I use the 1.4.2 linux version on NetBSD, and it works very well.

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Re: [freenet-support] Load

2004-07-20 Thread TLD
David Masover wrote:
> Takes more than 3 mins for port  to start listening.
> When it does, wget reports "connection reset by peer".

what's your mainport.allowedHosts= setting, and what's the IP of the
computer you're trying to access from?
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Re: [freenet-support] What are the scales for the histogram plots?

2004-07-11 Thread TLD
Weiliang Zhang wrote:
> If that's the case, the bars in the histograms would grow indefinitely??
> There seems to be a maximum, when reached, the bars stop growing. That
> might be explaining why we are seeing de-specialisation? Shouldn't we
> use ratios instead?

>From one of the pages, fifth line:

scale factor: 0.042384106665849686 (This is used to keep lines < 64 characters)

That is, every "=" means about 23.6 units.

The limit is 64 characters, then the scale factor kicks in (and resizes
everything). This has NOTHING to do with de-specialisation.

Have a good day :)

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Re: [freenet-support] Re: Traffic usage?

2004-05-24 Thread TLD
Toad wrote:
>>2. I really suspect that more serious bandwidth limiting should be done at an
>>operating system (router) level rather than at the Freenet level. I suspect
>>that's what you'll be told around here. That way you can also take account of
>>things happening other than your node. :-) 
> Perhaps. That would also lead to high message send times though. Freenet
> needs to know what the limit is even if you use external limiting.

Is message send time a problem? I mean, AFAIK freenet is able to recognize
links with higher latency and use them as little as possible, thus reducing
the outbound traffic over those links in favour of "local"
(=not-so-limited) nodes.
The other two possibilities, namely lower bandwidth for all and an add-on
to fred, look uninviting: the first because it's just sub-optimal, the
second because both it requires much work on fred (to implement the
different bandwidth levels and to test them -- how many nodes would benefit
from that?) and, for those who need the feature, does not significantly
reduce the amount of configuration work (compared to a QOS system).

Please correct me if I'm wrong! :)


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Re: [freenet-support] Freenet directory sharing between Linux/windoz

2004-05-18 Thread TLD
Roger Oksanen wrote:
> I'm guessing that freenet does a listing to decide if there exists a 
> valid datastore. It would not be to efficient to open every file just 

Lame as it may sound, try disabling the index file for the datastore.

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Re: [freenet-support] Datastore loses keys on restart

2004-05-18 Thread TLD
Daves Lists wrote:
> My node was up for 1 day 10 hours when I restarted it to increase the
> thread limit. After the restart I lost about 6000 keys. My datastore is
> set to 50 gigs and is no where near full. Below are the stats before and
> after. Were those just temporary keys that were deleted after the
> restart?? I’m running 5082 on WinXP pro.

Probably so. Temporary keys are lost upon restart, and it takes a while
(how long?) before they are committed to the store.
Up to date, I do not know a way to cleanly bring down the node, where by
"cleanly" I mean all of: completing the transfers pending or in progress
(while not accepting new ones), committing or removing temp files, clean
exit for the jvm.

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Re: [freenet-support] Freenet directory sharing between Linux/windoz

2004-05-17 Thread TLD
Thomas Guyot-Sionnest wrote:
> However, everytime I switch OS, I lose all my datastore.

Did you try sharing the same node, ??nodes_*, ngrt*, rtprops_* files
between the two installations?

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Re: [freenet-support] Freenet Stable Build 5039

2003-11-19 Thread TLD
This build turns off rejecting queries based on output bandwidth usage,
a feature that is unnecessary (we have other ways of limiting bandwidth
usage) and counterproductive to routing. 
Maybe so, but I doubt having a "Data waiting to be transmitted" value above 
30 minutes worth of transmission (with full bandwidth usage) is good for 
the routing, either.
I noticed the value notably lower in the latest builds (in the order of 
5-10 minutes) with the bandwidth usage-based queryreject; I hope things 
won't get Mighty Bad again :)

Might a "I have the key you need but my band is full and can't send it 
right now, try searching with the other nodes meanwhile and come back later 
if you really need it" message help such situation?

/~\ The ASCII    TLD
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[freenet-support] Wrong reporting of used temp size?

2003-02-13 Thread Tld

If I am reading it right, there is an error.
Otherwise, I don't understand what "Space used by temp files..." means :)

Build: 557
Space used by temp files in the data store		None

# du temp
21672   temp

--- TLD
> I have evil to make function freenet

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Re: [freenet-support] Build 554: Server sends no data on requeststo port 8888

2003-02-06 Thread Tld

Success, for me. Good job :)

Matthew Toseland wrote:

D*mn, is that's all there's too it. Why did have I ignored that for so
long time... Oh well, tried that to, and it doesn't work either.

Build 555 should fix all this... does it?

--- TLD
> I have evil to make function freenet

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Re: [freenet-support] Build 554: Server sends no data on requeststo port 8888

2003-02-06 Thread Tld
Tld wrote:

Allan Beaufour Larsen wrote:

I've just upgraded to build 554, and now I get no data when trying to
browse localhost:. It worked fine in 552. Any explanation?

Stupid Q: Have you restarted the node (shut down and re-launched)? I get 
the very same error when I haven't restarted the node.
Okay, I get the same error with the same build. I guess it's the build 
that's broken :-|

--- TLD
> I have evil to make function freenet

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Re: [freenet-support] Build 554: Server sends no data on requeststo port 8888

2003-02-06 Thread Tld
Allan Beaufour Larsen wrote:

I've just upgraded to build 554, and now I get no data when trying to
browse localhost:. It worked fine in 552. Any explanation?

Stupid Q: Have you restarted the node (shut down and re-launched)? I get 
the very same error when I haven't restarted the node.

--- TLD
> I have evil to make function freenet

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Re: Suggestions (was: Re: [freenet-support] Lamer Help)

2003-01-12 Thread Tld
Pete wrote:

sending them to the mailing list is a tad pointless, I mailed mine into the
list to help the guy who started the Lamer help thread, but it got put to
one side for moderation, as it was larger than 40k, so that'll never see the
light of day again as the lists aren't really moderated, anything that ends
up there gets deleted.

What about compression? 40k max size would mean about 28k (plus headers and 
such) of stuff, I think a compressed seednodes.ref (maybe chopped down to 
fit the size) would be small enough; every platform I can think of has 
support for zip or gzip files so that should not be a big problem.

--- TLD
"Oh, how uncomfortable that word must feel on your lips: evil.
 Good...there is no good, there is no evil. There is only flesh,
 and the patterns to which we submit it." [Pinhead]

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Suggestions (was: Re: [freenet-support] Lamer Help)

2003-01-12 Thread Tld
Pete Soden wrote:

And for anyone who would publish a seedref file but don't wont it on their
own personal site they pay for their are plenty of free hosting services
that you can lie to about you age address name etc ot get an account so
that's no excuse.

That is one possibility; I guess google would then be able to tag them and 
a search for seednodes.ref might help. Everybody should use the very same 
filename, and I'd say "seednodes.ref" is an appropriate one.

Another possibility, upload monthly to the ML (weekly?) a seednodes.ref. 
Then it would stay in the mail archives, for everyone to go fetch it. I 
think. :)

and didn't someone start mirroring once? What happened to

What are the requirements for that? I might just go and do that.
I don't have a big pipe to the 'net, but if the choice is between (very) 
slow and down, I'd go for the slow one.


--- TLD
"Oh, how uncomfortable that word must feel on your lips: evil.
 Good...there is no good, there is no evil. There is only flesh,
 and the patterns to which we submit it." [Pinhead]

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[freenet-support] Mail me

2002-12-14 Thread Tld

Here it is, the mail :D

--- TLD
"Oh, how uncomfortable that word must feel on your lips: evil.
 Good...there is no good, there is no evil. There is only flesh,
 and the patterns to which we submit it." [Pinhead]

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Re: [freenet-support] Freenet noob needs help with setup

2002-12-13 Thread Tld
Byron Gibson wrote:

" The request couldn't even make it off of your node. Try again, perhaps 
with the GPL to help your node learn about others."

Did you seed your node?
For the first run, you need to download (or have someone send you) 
seednodes.ref , as explained on the documentation.

--- TLD

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Re: [freenet-support] Maxmimum number of connections?

2002-12-11 Thread Tld

I have have read somewhere (i do not know anymore, where i have read it),
that the maximum connections are set to the same value as the setting
"maximumThreads"in the settings. But i do not know, if the setting "maximumThreads" is
also deprecated. So just try it ;)

Now, now. This is interesting.
I tried lowering the maximumThreads value (to 60 or such). What resulted 
was even worse than before: 25, 30 connections and it was dead again.

So I tried the other way, setting it to 512 (from 120, the default).
Its uptime is now 40 minutes, the average number of active connections is 
about 80 (the top I've seen so far is 138..!) and it's working jolly good.

What I'm thinking about is that the "what to do when maximumThreads value 
is reached" routine has something bad in it, at least not compatible with 
the kaffe 1.0.7 I have installed.
Hope this helps solving some problems :)

P.S.: Have i said already that i cannot write English... 
It sure is good enough to have the message unerstood :)

--- TLD
"Oh, how uncomfortable that word must feel on your lips: evil.
 Good...there is no good, there is no evil. There is only flesh,
 and the patterns to which we submit it." [Pinhead]

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Re: [freenet-support] too free to work

2002-12-11 Thread Tld
Leo Kortekaas wrote:

Cheers, I'm a N00b so PLEASE bear with me. Downloaded freenet, followed 
instructions, couldn't find Java. (Although I think it was installed (using 
suse 8.0)). Downloaded the j2re, followd instrutions, rpm-ed file: couldn't 
find java. Now what? I am now sure that java is installed. Still not getting 
the hang of user/su stuff. Installed in user mode using su. Hope you can make 
something out of this, thanx for helping (I hope), best regards, Leo

Is "java" in path? Try running it by hand: write "java" on the command line 
and see what comes after. If a "no such program" error you need it in the 
path :)

If it is, check you have set the appropriate environment variables, like 
classpaths (depends on what you installed)

Hope this helps :)

--- TLD
"Oh, how uncomfortable that word must feel on your lips: evil.
 Good...there is no good, there is no evil. There is only flesh,
 and the patterns to which we submit it." [Pinhead]

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[freenet-support] Maxmimum number of connections?

2002-12-11 Thread Tld


I have noticed that my node dies when number of opened connections reach 
50. I am using #537
I get loads of inbound traffic, so it takes less than a minute to reach 50 
connections and crash again. Then a script kicks in and reloads freenet for 
another couple of minutes, and so on.

I have tried with setting "maxNodeConnections=35" in freenet.conf, but I 
still have "Number of open connections: 48" or near that.
I was told on IRC that maxNodeConnections is deprecated, but I couldn't 
find an alternative directive, and noone could tell me of one. :(
Hence I ask on the mailing list, hoping someone has a solution.

I really do not want to shut my node down, and neither to make it transient 
until a more stable version appear (of either the java machine or the 
freenet jar).

Thank you :)

--- TLD
"Oh, how uncomfortable that word must feel on your lips: evil.
 Good...there is no good, there is no evil. There is only flesh,
 and the patterns to which we submit it." [Pinhead]

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Re: [freenet-support] maxHopsToLive in Freenet configuration file

2002-12-11 Thread Tld

what about allowing many node references in the routing table, allowing
the pull of the key from the most "key-near" node so the user gets his
stuff *as fast as possible*, but reseeding the data fred just fetched to
a node which is somewhere "key-near" the node we got the key from, so we
would duplicate the data *after we fetched it*?

I guess that would not scale well, especially for systems with low 
resources (available to freenet).
And, once the network has grown big enough, the situation would require a 
new enlargment of the table to not fall into a new blackhole.

I think. :)

--- TLD
"Oh, how uncomfortable that word must feel on your lips: evil.
 Good...there is no good, there is no evil. There is only flesh,
 and the patterns to which we submit it." [Pinhead]

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Re: [freenet-support] maxHopsToLive in Freenet configuration file

2002-12-10 Thread Tld

maybe the default values for 
> rtMaxNodes=50
> rtMaxRefs=50
> are too low, so

your node's connectivity is bad? i increased them both to hold up to 500
entries and within an hour i got 174 noderefs! (okay, i did not have a
permanent node, so they had just 1-25 keys assigned, but what the heck

Oh my gosh, you are trying to hold 500x500=25 keys!
I am quite sure this would end up with a big use of store space, and unless 
you really have a big one I believe it would eat up space from actual 
content `:|

i wonder if there is any good reason why these values are limited to 50
entries and not to +INF ?

I am quite sure about the MaxNodes: if you have a perfect routing table 
(network is fully connected: everyone knows everyone) then you will 
probably get things with HTL=1 or something very close. On answer, you and 
you alone (maybe one or two more) will have cached the content. Hence, 
things will get much worse (if a couple of nodes go down you loose the 
files). Also, bigger tables mean more CPU consumption.
Also, results get cached in paths. If you get lots of alien keys (those 
that are not "near" your node's assigned key) you will loose important data 
(the one you should be having), causing great havock. Data key localisation 
is one of the things that make freenet routing algo work.
Maybe there are better reasons, or mine has a flaw in it. Anyway, that's 
what I think :)

--- TLD
"Oh, how uncomfortable that word must feel on your lips: evil.
 Good...there is no good, there is no evil. There is only flesh,
 and the patterns to which we submit it." [Pinhead]

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Re: [freenet-support] ZIPs :p

2002-11-24 Thread Tld

- no standard (sigh), no libraries, maybe no documentation or sources to be able to reimplement it?
+ 100 files to one
+ best compression

so my vote goes to ZIP which is nearly the same as RAR, is cleaner than JAR and combines the best of TAR and GZ, without any drawbacks, comes 
right with java and ist widely spread

Well, I want to say something on that.

ZIP do NOT have the best of TAR and GZ. .tar.gz will almost often be better 
than .zip because .zip does not consider files as a unit: the archive is 
conceptually the union of small one-file compressed archives.
Wow, I sure was unintellegible.

ZIP files' central directory resides at the end of file (as you can see 
when you have a multi-part zip file), which means that if the end is lost 
you might have hard times rescuing the contents.
As for the RAR files (from the quick view of the files), the directory is 
interleaved with the files, which means that you can start reading files as 
the archive is coming through.

Also, RAR files have the ability to have redundancy (in case of loss of 
some data) and the solid archiving which ZIP files miss so much.

As for the standard/implementation/libraries, the decompressor can be 
downloaded from, C++ source 
under freeware licence. This means you can decompress natively under almost 
any platform, but for compressing you still have to resort to the official 
RAR program (not everyone might be willing to use some IA32+MS-DOS emulator 
to build archives), which still leaves room for "volunteers" to grab your 
files off of FN, pack them, re-upload them (maybe a bot?), then you check 
the archives' content and send them under SSK. Loads of work, nonetheless :P
Also, I'm not sure a java version can be built from the C++ version, 
perhaps because of license issues, but IANAL and really don't know if it 
would be possible (maybe a mail to the author of the sw might help with that).

In the end, I say that in freenet it should not matter the speed of the 
decompression, it should the size of the archive: the normal throughput of 
the 'net will most probably be about 4 (or more!) orders of magnitude of 
the decompression algo. Also, smaller files means more space available for 
storage, which in turn raises the chance of a key being held.
Hence, I'd say go for the best compressor available out there (to my 
experience it's RAR, but the issues might be just too many to allow its 
use) and implement that. Or, build a layer for compressors and allow future 
extensions (like, start with .zip and eventually add another (de)compressor 
in another version), but that might bring to freenet dialects, which is 
something to avoid, esp. in the first time.

'nuff said. Back to my crypt.
--- TLD
"There is no Good, one thorough, there is no Evil, there is only Flesh"

support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Performance on slow hardware

2002-11-07 Thread Tld

Fredrik Jonson wrote:

After restarting freenet, wich by the way is updated to Build: 533
with the script from the install archive, the system load
is back down to 0.16 according to 'top'. Freenet itself claims the
estimated load is 53%.

I still find it strange that freenet's performance is so poor that
merely 10 connections can build up a system load well over 12. Anyone
out there who has an explanation for that?

Yes, in 533 they fixed the "100% cpu usage" bug many people experienced :)

--- TLD
"There is no Good, one thorough, there is no Evil, there is only Flesh"

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Re: [freenet-support] getting bigger - time to raise defaults?

2002-11-05 Thread Tld

Matthew Toseland wrote:

>Fixed default HTL is evil. Add (signed) a random number to each request.

Even that is not sufficient. If you access a site with lots of images
and many of the requests go through a particular node, then it can
deduce a probability for you being the originator, which gets pretty
high if it's a big freesite. The correct response is to implement
mixmastered first two hops, which we will not implement before 1.0.

I am not sure about what you mean by "mixmastering the first two hops". I 
read it like you're talking about sending originating requests to a random 
node (no matter if it's nearer to the data), which might work as long as 
the enemy isn't all around you (in a good %).
But what about the second hop (the first is you)? How does he know it has 
to randomize the path? If the packet is tagged then he knows it's you the 
sender. If it is not, the "best" path will be chosen, which in turn might 
as well go to those nodes you're trying to avoid.
Am I missing something?

>Fixed default maximum HTL is even more evil. To be more protected you must
>not use that number, so you have a max HTL=24, with might not suffice for
>some content.

Hmmm. Why? BTW, please don't modify the maximum HTL parameter unless you
_really_ know what you are doing, if you modify it by hand then future
increases in the default value won't be implemented by your node because
it will use the overridden value.

Why you shouldn't use 25? Because it is a flashing neon light saying "it 
was me who sent that".
Why not all content will be reachable? Well, I see that for some content I 
really have to search thoroughly (more than 20HTL) before I get it.

About setting the max HTL, that is not a problem right now. I might as well 
set it to 1024, I doubt anyone will set the default that high in the near 
future :). In other words, anyone except me will clamp that value to 25 or 
whatever default it becomes, and almost nothing changes.

I argue that any default fixed value for max HTL could compromise 
anonimity. I also think max HTL should be a (partially randomized) value. 
If code for that change will be included I guess it won't matter if I have 
set my max HTL or not, since max HTL will change over requests.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Greetings :)

--- TLD
"There is no Good, one thorough, there is no Evil, there is only Flesh"

support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Tired of my complaining yet? If not, read!

2002-11-05 Thread Tld

Roger Hayter wrote:

A solution suggested on this list was to run a proxy programme (?Squid)
on the Freenet server, and, presumably, proxy  to a different port
for the other machines to contact.  Sounds as if it might work, but my
server has other little jobs and can't spare resources for another
unnecessary daemon.  Would be interested to know if it works though?

Yup. squid-ding freenet server works just fine. Just ask for 
http://localhost:/ and that's it. You just need to remember to pass by 
the proxy to reach the not-local-anymore localhost :)

--- TLD
"There is no Good, one thorough, there is no Evil, there is only Flesh"

support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Tired of my complaining yet? If not, read!

2002-11-05 Thread Tld

Robert Carroll wrote:

no matter what.  If people need to control access this can be done with a
firewall.  ssh tunneling is no solution for windows users, unless someone
out there knows how this could be done in windows.

For windows clients solutions exists:
Cygwin's openssh works just great for that. OTOH you need cygwin installed :)
If not that, SecureCRT (commercial product) does SSH+port forwarding.
Maybe PuTTY (free, IIRC) has port worwarding too, but can't remember well.

For servers (freenet running on windows) too:
Cygwin's openssh again (this time sshd :) )
And all those neat remote administration tools, ranging from VNC to 
PCAnywhere to BackOrifice&clones ( :) )


--- TLD
"There is no Good, one thorough, there is no Evil, there is only Flesh"

support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] getting bigger - time to raise defaults?

2002-11-05 Thread Tld

Zlatin Balevsky wrote:

The network is getting bigger and bigger.  Most of my requests DNF with
htl 15 but are retrieved with 25.  Maybe its time to up the defaults a bit.

There is a bigger problems with actual implementation of HTLs: unless a 
node operator explicitly asks otherwise, all requests get out with HTL=15. 
This means that the node you send the request to will be able to guess 
(with low probability of error!) that you are the originator of the request.
Fixed default HTL is evil. Add (signed) a random number to each request.
Fixed default maximum HTL is even more evil. To be more protected you must 
not use that number, so you have a max HTL=24, with might not suffice for 
some content.

Iff I manage to understand the code I'll try to offer a patch to this 
problem. Menawhile you are advised to change your configuration from 15/25.

--- TLD
"There is no Good, one thorough, there is no Evil, there is only Flesh"

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