Re: [freenet-support] Re: RNFs

2004-06-24 Thread Michael R. Stork
Toad wrote:
SIX HOURS? Woah... my address gets changed at most once a month...
It depends on when they do system maintenance. As long as their system 
is up, and you stay connected, you should keep renewing the same IP. 
AFIK most cable/dsl ISPs give you a 3-7 day lease on an IP. If you're 
still on at the end, it's generally just renewed, and most routers will 
let you release/renew your IP to keep the lease current. If they bring 
their server down, then you probably won't get the same IP back when it 
comes back up. Also, if you're off-line when your IP expires, it won't 
renew until you're back on, so again you'll likely to get a new one.

Mike S.

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Re: [freenet-support] Uptimes (was DATA STORE)

2004-06-16 Thread Michael R. Stork
Jay Oliveri wrote:
On 16 Jun 2004 at 10:07, Michael R. Stork wrote:

Anytime I've had to restart my node, it appears that the data store is
just plain gone. I can go from having my resources at 60+% full one
minutes, restart, and I'm at 0. That and it then seems to need to be
active again for 10+ hours before clicking on anything is practical.
Unfortunately I'm only able to run a transient node at the moment,
something I'm working to remedy, and doing so seems almost worthless.

 This sounds like a bug, and since the thread 
doesn't specify stable/unstable what conclusion can you come to?

You *should* be able to shut down the node and restart it without much of a 
problem.  If someone was in the middle of a transfer from your node, I 
would expect it gets restarted or drops out.  At any rate once the data is 
in your datastore it will stay there until it's forced out by more recent 

I was running stable and still "announcing my presence" to test the node 
out, don't know about the other person who brought this up.

Irregardless, it has been pointed out by multiple people that until 
you're had your node up for quite some time, some have said as long as 
48 hours, that you're not going to be able to make any connections. I've 
found this to be very accurate, and even after running for 2 1/2 days 
up, I was still getting "couldn't get key" and the like errors on most 
links I clicked. It seemed that they'd either come up almost instantly, 
or not at all.

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Re: [freenet-support] DATA STORE

2004-06-16 Thread Michael R. Stork
Toad wrote:
On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 03:55:08AM -0700, miguel wrote:

What I can't figure is this...
When I stop Freenet for whatever reason, and then restart it, it looks
to me like it should load some of my previously acquired data and images
etc. quickly, getting them from my own datastore.  Instead though, here
we go again, tapping fingers on desk, going for coffee, taking a nap,
going out for a movie, taking a vacation when, upon return, VOILA, I'm
back to where I was before restarting Freenet.

What are you complaining about here? Is data being lost from the store
or are you just annoyed that it takes so long to restart the node?

Anytime I've had to restart my node, it appears that the data store is 
just plain gone. I can go from having my resources at 60+% full one 
minutes, restart, and I'm at 0. That and it then seems to need to be 
active again for 10+ hours before clicking on anything is practical. 
Unfortunately I'm only able to run a transient node at the moment, 
something I'm working to remedy, and doing so seems almost worthless.

Unfortunately, from what I'm understanding of the rest of your response, 
it doesn't sound as if there's anything to be done about this, other 
then not restart. Is that a correct interpretation ?

Mike S.
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Re: [freenet-support] norton firewall

2004-06-15 Thread Michael R. Stork
David Masover wrote:
so. If they're curious, then they'll ask about it. But if someone is
asking for an answer to a very specific question, then turning it into

If someone asks "Does anyone know how to make crispy bagels in the
microwave" and I suggest using a toaster instead for that particular task,
then I'm not directly answering their question, but I may be helping them
more than someone who says "Sure, you just use a blowtorch on them
afterwards" or something.
That's a bit of an extreme analogy -- I admit Windows isn't quite as bad
as toasting bagels in the microwave.  Not quite.

Yes that's an extreme analogy, and not the most accurate one. What would 
be more appropriate for the current circumstances would be someone 
saying that they have an electric range, and want a good recipe for 
making beef stew. And you telling them that electric is no good, that 
before they do anything else they need to rip out their stove and 
install a gas one. Oh and beef isn't good for them anyway so here's this 
really tasty tofu recipe.

The poster asked a rather simple and direct question, which was then 
turned into a soap-box for the perils of running Freenet on a Windows 
based system. Now if that person hasn't decided that this whole Freenet 
thing is way too complicated and that she wants no part of it, I'd be 

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Re: [freenet-support] norton firewall

2004-06-15 Thread Michael R. Stork
David Masover wrote:
an excuse to tell them how ignorant they are for "not doing it your way"

I was suggesting my way.  I wasn't implying that anyone was stupid.
Perhaps it wasn't you that made the first comment, but the first person 
who started talking about Linux in this thread did so by implying that 
doing anything other then installing Linux was stupid and a waste of 
time. If that wasn't you, then you just jumped on the Linux rant after that.

niche that's not going to be supported by the mainstream. And, if it

I suspect that this niche would include much of freenet.  If I don't even
trust my ISP, how am I supposed to trust Microsoft?
I NEVER said I trusted Microsoft ! I don't even really like Microsoft, 
and I agree that Windows isn't a great OS. What I disagree with is your 
assertion that it's possible to do all the same things with Linux as you 
can with Windows. Yes, there is more software being produced now that 
will run under Linux, but there's no where near the same variety.

ever does take off, and surplant Windows as the standard, then the
hackers will just start writing their malicious code to infect it, and

It's already got something like 25-30% of the web server market.  Don't
you think they've been trying?  Maybe it's the open-source nature, or the
engineering of these systems that makes them more secure?

And ? You're just helping make my point. 25-30% of a small portion of 
the total computer market is what in terms of totla number of computers 
? I'm still guessing it's less then 1%. Most of Freenet, how many 
Freenet nodes are out there ? 2500 or so ? Again, a small niche market. 
I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with Linux. I've said several 
times now, that I agree that Linux is more secure then Windows, I just 
think that using any oppurtunity to try to push it is just plain stupid. 
The average computer user, not technician or programmer, is running 
Windows. When they ask for help configuring a piece of software, so that 
Freenet works ON THIER SYSTEM, telling them to go out and buy another 
system to install Linux on, or that they should wipe their existing OS 
and run Linux, just so that they can run a Freenet node is moronic. If 
you want to expand Freenet, the way to do it is not by making it seem 
like the only way to do so is on a Linux system.

As to responding more intelligently then the ranter, well I'd say that 
isn't all that tough to do. What is hard to do is is to have a 
reasonable discussion when the other person chops out the majority of 
your post, and then responds to a small snippet as if that were it's 
entirety. (Yes, I snipped a bunch from this last post, cheifly the more 
insulting crap.)

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Re: [freenet-support] norton firewall

2004-06-15 Thread Michael R. Stork
Jay Oliveri wrote:
Being that this is a "support" list, support those who have questions in 
things you have answers for and ignore the rest.  And let those who wish to 
remain ignorant of the technical details remain so.

Thank you ! You summed up rather nicely what I was trying to get across. 
If someone wants to install Linux rather then Windows, then they'll do 
so. If they're curious, then they'll ask about it. But if someone is 
asking for an answer to a very specific question, then turning it into 
an excuse to tell them how ignorant they are for "not doing it your way" 
seems rather counter to the concept of a support group.

And while there is a group out there that feels that the sun rises and 
sets on Linux, until the number of systems running it comes even close 
to 1% of the number of computers currently in use, all it is is a small 
niche that's not going to be supported by the mainstream. And, if it 
ever does take off, and surplant Windows as the standard, then the 
hackers will just start writing their malicious code to infect it, and 
it'll be some other niche group ranting about how secure their systems are.

Mike S.
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Linux vs Windows was (Re: [freenet-support] norton firewall)

2004-06-14 Thread Michael R. Stork
David Masover wrote:
| What, a linux/unix box is *not* a software firewall? :)
Point taken.  But Linux kernel vs Norton userspace?  About the third
time I've said so on this list, but I just turn off the _services_ that
I don't use, and people get denied anyway, with no special firewall.
What's the big deal, if I'm not running Windows?
I really don't think anyone is arguing that Linux isn't more secure then 
Windows, but you're discussing apples and oranges here. Most people are 
NOT using Linux, therefore the average discussion is, by default, going 
to be based on Windows unless they've specified otherwise. Jumping into 
these discussions and citing Linux examples is pretty much useless, 
especially when the thread was someone asking how to install/configure a 
piece of WINDOWS software on a WINDOWS based system. Shout the 
advantages of Linux as much as you'd like, in threads ON linux, but what 
is the point of trying to muddy up a thread that has absolutely nothing 
to do with Linux, just because you feel it's a better system ? This 
would be like me going onto a board discussing how to do engine repair 
on a Honda and throwing out tips on how to fix a Dodge, in every thread !

Just my $.02
Mike S.
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Re: [freenet-support] norton firewall

2004-06-14 Thread Michael R. Stork
David Masover wrote:
Michael R. Stork wrote:
| a hardware firewall and NAT. I wouldn't connect any PC direct to a
| cable/DSL line.
I would.  A linux one.  Or better, a BSD one.  With daily updates.  The
firewall really wouldn't help all that much for me, although I do use
NAT as an effective firewall for the internal network. 

U, no offense, but are you just being intentionally argumentative ? 
My post started out by saying that I agreed with the original poster 
that Linux was more secure then Windows, but that since most people 
aren't going to take the time to hook up a linux box between their 
primary PC and the internet, or use Linux as their primary OS, the 
alternative was to use a router and to NOT hook their PC directly to a 
cable/DSL connection.

Mike S.
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Re: [freenet-support] norton firewall

2004-06-14 Thread Michael R. Stork
I'm not a Linux nut, but I agree with this in principal. Just using a 
software firewall is totally insecure. Your best bet, if you don't want 
to bother setting up a Linux box to act as your go between, [...]

What, a linux/unix box is *not* a software firewall? :)
LOL  Good point, perhaps I should have specified a windows based 
software firewall.

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Re: [freenet-support] norton firewall

2004-06-14 Thread Michael R. Stork
David Masover wrote:
Madeline Brubaker wrote:
| Would someone step me through setting up Norton Internet Security
| Professional properly? I'm not entirely sure how to
Do yourself a favor, and don't run that software.
Yes, I'm a Linux nut.  My attitude towards Windows boxes is:  almost all
Windows boxes are so horribly insecure that I don't trust anything to
them, including my full name. 
I'm not a Linux nut, but I agree with this in principal. Just using a 
software firewall is totally insecure. Your best bet, if you don't want 
to bother setting up a Linux box to act as your go between, is to get a 
router. You can get a decent router for $35-$50, and that will give you 
a hardware firewall and NAT. I wouldn't connect any PC direct to a 
cable/DSL line.

Mike S.
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Re: [freenet-support] Norton Firewall

2004-06-13 Thread Michael R. Stork
Madeline Brubaker wrote:
Would someone step me through setting up Norton Internet Security 
Professional properly? I'm not entirely sure how to:
1) Find the IP address of my NAT or Firewall.
The FAQ says to consult my manual but I can't find this information.
It depends on whether or not you're using a router.
If you aren't, then go to a command prompt (DOS prompt) and type 
IPconfig. (this is the command for XP, it'll be slightly different under 
different OS) This will give you the IP of your computer.
If you are, go to the router console, this will usually involve opening 
your browser and entering the URL of the router, typically 
or If you've added a password, you'll be prompted for it. 
Once you're in the console, look for a tab that says Status. Look under 
the WAN heading for the IP address. This will be your "broadcast" IP, 
what's seen by the internet, and that's what you need to enter. The LAN 
IP will just be the local IP of your PC within your own little network, 
and will be something similiar to the router's URL ( or 
( This IP is only important for when you configure the 
router or firewall port to pass any requests for your freenet port to 
the PC that's hosting the node.

Hope this helps. Feel free to e-mail me direct if you need further 
Mike S.

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Re: [freenet-support] alert

2004-06-06 Thread Michael R. Stork
Robert Greenage wrote:
I received the following "Alert" while I was in the process of d/l one 
image that was part of a larger file. I was connected to freenet at 
the time. Any thoughts?
The connection was refused when attempting to contact
Do you use a router ? I was getting that error all the time for a while. 
I think I finally got my router configured properly, and haven't seen it 
since. Might be a coincidence, but that's my thought on what to check.

Mike S.
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Re: [freenet-support] Re: Connecting to Freenet ?

2004-06-03 Thread Michael R. Stork
Jose M.Arnesto wrote:
On Thu, 03 Jun 2004 15:32:17 -0400, "Michael R. Stork"

Hi there
I'm trying to set up a Freenet node, and I'm not having any luck at all. 
I've followed all the instructions for opening up ports on my router, 
and I've reseeded several times now.

What is the problem you are experiencing? An error message (if
so, which)? Are you uncapable of downloading anything from Freenet?
What? Details, please.
	If it is the latter, I would run Frost
( to see if you receive messages. If that is
the case, your node is alive and it will just need time to get
integrated into the network.

You know what, I think it was the time issue. I've been trying to get 
onto "Freedon engine, and getting the error message "Couldn't connect to 
the network. Are you sure you have configured Freenet correctly? Also 
make sure that you are connected to the internet." "Couldn't get Key" & 
one about the network possibly being busy and to reseed my nodes. But I 
was just able to get onto Freedom Engine, so it's likely that the 
problems solved. It's odd that it couldn't load the thumbnails on the 
main internet screen, or even get to the readme file though.

Oh well, I'll give it time and see what happens.
Mike S.
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[freenet-support] Configuring Freenet w/ NAT Router ?

2004-06-03 Thread Michael R. Stork
Hi there
I'm new to this list. I'm also new to Freenet. I'm trying to set up a 
Freenet node, and I'm not having any luck at all. I've followed all the 
instructions for opening up ports on my router, and I've reseeded 
several times now.

I'm running Win XP Pro SP1 with all the latest updates, the latest build 
(5084) of Freenet,  and my router is a D-Link DI-604. Within the router 
I've opened  the following ports; 64028 (the listen port listed in the 
freenet INI file), 8481, & . I opened the last two just to be on the 
safe side, since it wasn't working anyway. I'm connected to the net, and 
I'm able to get other P2P software to work; Limewire, Kazaa, Shareazaa, 
so I'm not sure why Freenet won't get through.

Hope someone can provide an answer.
Mike S.
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[freenet-support] Connecting to Freenet ?

2004-06-03 Thread Michael R. Stork
Hi there
I'm trying to set up a Freenet node, and I'm not having any luck at all. 
I've followed all the instructions for opening up ports on my router, 
and I've reseeded several times now.

I'm running Win XP Pro SP1 with all the latest updates, the latest build 
(5084) of Freenet,  and my router is a D-Link DI-604. Within the router 
I've opened  the following ports; 64028 (the listen port listed in the 
freenet INI file), 8481, & . I opened the last two just to be on the 
safe side, since it wasn't working anyway. I'm connected to the net, and 
I'm able to get other P2P software to work; Limewire, Kazaa, Shareazaa, 
so I'm not sure why your software won't get through.

Anyway, hope that you can help
Mike S.
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