Re: [freenet-support] Mac

2015-12-14 Thread dean
On 12/13/15 15:25, Luis Rivera wrote:
> Hello,

Hi Luis,

> Earlier today I was running Freenet on Normal security and decided to 
> increase the cache from whatever it was before to 120GB.
> Anyway, I noticed that the number of connected nodes started dropping over 
> the course of a few minutes until the Freenet icon in the Mac status bar went 
> from Blue to Red.
> I shut it down and tried to open up the tray one more time, but the icon just 
> shows up in the status bar and remains red. I installed another Freenet in a 
> different directory, and that one seems to be working just fine. How do I fix 
> the original Freenet?

Could you check the end of your wrapper.log and logs/freenet-latest.log
for errors or anything that looks serious and either post to the list or
via a pastebin service? This will help the developers to understand
whats happened.

Remove any personal information first ( ip addresses, ports, etc).

> Thanks,
> Luis E. Rivera

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Re: [freenet-support] Installing Freenet on Kali Linux

2015-09-10 Thread dean
On 11/09/15 13:00, Pedro Serrano wrote:
> Hello,
> I have problems installing freenet on my Kali Linux.
> Cannot run program 
> "/usr/local/Freenet/bin/" error=13, 
> Permission denied ?
> but I'm using root!
> (sorry for my bad english)

Is the script executable? eg ls -l
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Re: [freenet-support] Convert to Linus was:Freenet memory useage

2015-08-11 Thread dean
Hi Dave,

On Mon, 2015-08-10 at 20:51 -0500, Dave Larsen wrote:
> I don't know how to get Linux I tried all day today every site I 
> tried to dl something from says windows cannot open this file type or 
> there is no file type that is supported something like that tried  
> direct downloads everything the same didn't work 

I cannot tell from your messages if you have managed to install Linux
or not so i will reply both ways.
Ok I would recommend doing some research on installing and using Linux
before you try anything else. An example:
utorials/784060-the-complete-beginners-guide-to-linux. It is not
something you can download and run from windows( with the exception of
wubi). Normal installation is to download an image, burn/copy to a usb
stick/cd/dvd and boot your computer with that.
** This can result in wiping *EVERYTHING ON YOUR HARD DRIVE***
so think twice before doing ;-)

>   Sorry i don't know how to start a new msg

To start a new topic you want to hit 'new' or 'compose' in your email
client and use the 'To' address :
When you reply to an email you are joining your mail to the existing

>  but I changed os to Linux but I really don't know what I'm doing, I 
> would like to put freenet on my external hdd but it doesn't give me 
> the option that I understand,  says something about choosing the 
> directory, not what disk or drive to put it on I had it on once but 
> it I believe was on my internal hdd  what can/do I do please help new 
> to Linux but figuring it out  slowly thank you

In Linux everything is a file there is no c: or d: drives.
Normally your first or internal drive is called sda in the 'devices'
folder, and your partitions are the number after the drive. so
/dev/sda1 'should' be the first partition on your internal drive
/dev/sdb or /dev/sdc are 'might' be your external drive - google will
help you there too.

> The effort of learning Linux will be worth it.

This is true, but its a very steep learning curve.

Good luck
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Re: [freenet-support] Reducing memory usage

2015-07-19 Thread dean
On Sun, 2015-07-19 at 13:27 -0500, Dave Larsen wrote:
> i am still having issues with freenet taking an asston of ram, i 
> restarted my pc last nite before i went to bed, got up turned my pc 
> on the only thing that does this is freenet,  i looked at my ram its 
> at 68% just started not downloading anything,  ive got the wrapper 
> set at 256 max memory but it still goes way above that,  is there any 
> other way(s)  to control how much memory(ram) freenet or java uses, i 
> cant run 24/7 cuz, and again only when freenet itms running  my ram 
> climbs to the roof my pc slows down sometimes freezes up please help 
> thanx
Hi Dave,

How much is an asston? 68% of what?
I have always found my node to happily sit under Wrapper Max memory
usage but mine is set to 1G. 256MB is probably not enough.

I would unload as many plugins as you can ( try running your node with no plugins
for a bit and see if your pc is still usable. Your node should run ok
without any but its usefulness will be limited ;-)

ps Please start a new email thread when starting a new topic

Hope this helps
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Re: [freenet-support] issue loading freenet on mac ox

2015-06-20 Thread dean
On Sat, 2015-06-20 at 00:39 -0500, Joel Foxworth wrote:
> i signed up for and tried to load freenet and having
> issues with it saying it need to enable java runtime environment. i've
> downloaded the latest version of java. pls help. Thx!!
Hi joel,

Can you provide some system/container, Java and freenet details? We have
a seen issues with Java detection on Mac which could be solved with
installing the jdk (Java development kit) instead of the jre, i have no
idea if that applies to you.
Have tried contacting for support? You might have
better luck there.

As a side note I would be very cautious downloading software like this
from the Internet, my first thought is Honeypot see [0].  *Anything*
could be bundled in with this software, and the membership system kind
of defeats the purpose. Please try the official freenet download [1] we
will be better able to help you here.


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Re: [freenet-support] PLEASE HELP FREENET ISSUES

2015-05-17 Thread dean
On Sun, 2015-05-17 at 00:26 -0500, Dave Larsen wrote:

> i opened this account to seek help with apparently, EVERY aspect of
> !ST off, why is there no easy to reach REAL, useful, help and
> support for CORRECTLY setting up, and CORRECTLY configuring, for
> maximum preformance,and useability OF FREENET
> 2ND, im browsing with 40-60 peers accessing my FREENET node, but all
> of a sudden, i get a screen saying FREENET is startingup or shutting
> down, when i didnt do anything to stop it, if it was started, it
> shouldnt stop unless I,(ME) stops it,
> i have it set up to start at my computers startup, so theres no reason
> for it to startup again unless, I,(ME), stops it.
> 3RD, when i can stay "on" long enough to dl a file, i generally get an
> error of some kind, saying either; certain files are corrupted, to
> delete them /or save and restore them, or, i get internal java lang
> heapspace error/ but the worst one is, i have a file complete but i
> get a ; "", for 99% of what i have "successfully
> downloaded" , not too successful, huh, All of what i have tried to dl
> has been less than 1.16 gib, tried fetching them every way possible
> but i almost always get the above issues.
> 4TH, i am doing this on brand new, 500gb 7200 rpm hdd, 4 g ram, 60mbps
> up, and download wifi speed, (my computer reads 72mbps for that),
> freenet detects 59mbps for my up and dl speeds, no data limit, no
> bandwidth limit, i have dedicated 100 gib of space for the datastore,
> and 20gb each, for the 3 other stores, i have my ram cache, (instead
> of the 43mib it wants to give me), i set it up to 240 mib. i have my
> os, FREENET, java, 7zip, chrome, adobe flash player and vlc player, i
> also have 1 3rd party system cleaning program and one ram boost
> program. my os and all its files are on a partition with mozilla, and
> the booster and cleaner, with 226 of 248 gb freespace, the rest is on
> its own partition with 98 of 217 gb freespace, so i should, by rights,
> have plenty of space and speed for this program i have also done the
> things to speed up and hold mem longer and this and that for mozilla
> firefox but nothing worksive tuned my pc for best preformance i disk
> clean virus check and defrag on a semi-regular basis
> i can almost always get to where i want to go, but when i start trying
> to dl stuff, all hell breaks loose, ive been trying this for a month
> now and i may have successfully downloaded 3-4 working files, but with
> all the crap that keeps hapening, i loose it, please help, even if
> this isnt the right page for help,
> i really like where i can go here in the FREENET, and would like to
> become a valued participant, maybe even a donor, but, if it dont work,
> im not going to waste my time and money, ive already put in 200 hours
> of pretty much unsuccessful effort, and maybe, if im lucky, 10-15
> successful hours in, please even if this is not the right place, if
> you can, forward this to someone that can help, im giving my
> permission to do so, or point me in the right direction for REAL HELP
> AND SUPPORT FOR FREENET, google is removing info from the web to
> assist with freenet, i couldnt find any useful help on tor either, if
> therer is info out there its either old or removed,crossed off on
> google, hopefully, its worth saying this , but i doubt it,cuz i havent
> had any luck finding real help yet, but im going to say, thank you in
> advance for taking the time to read this and for any future
> associations
>  sincerely thisguy0417
> this second part i was upset it looks like im yelling because until
> now all the places they told me to try were dead ends i singed up with
> your mailing list but never got anything back until today  i do say
> stupid things when im upset and i apologize for my stupidity , ive
> been having issues with it since the 1st time i downloaded it,and have
> been fruitlessly seeking help, i just want this to work right i know
> its slow im not looking to speed up my setup of freenet, i just want
> to be able to keep it running without crashing out every other 10 or
> 15 mins and not get all the errors i get all the time and the random
> shutdownsand startups, sometimes ill click on a tab ,changes to that
> tab, then its a page that says freenet is starting up, i have it set
> to start at my computers startup so why does this happen or the random
> shutdowns, when i start it it should stay running until i stop it,even
> if there are no nodes connected, i gave all the details i could in the
> above the only reason i sent the bottom one, is because when im upset
> i also come up with some good ideas and thrers a real good one down
> there again i apologize for my upset stupidity but please read on 

[freenet-support] Repeated error

2013-07-05 Thread dean mean

I am getting the following error message when trying to
configure my freenet node



I have followed the guide step by step, including re-writing
the wrapper file, inputting 7370 as the value, I have reinstalled the software
and Mozilla every time I have tried, either 5 or 6 times now,



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[freenet-support] please help with Putfiles (see error messages)

2001-06-10 Thread Dean Bat


When I use manifest.jar to insert files (a freesite)
the process gets very slow at the end, and I get the
following errors in freenet.log.

Is this normal or a bug or something wrong with what I

Send failed on return to null
Send failed on return to null
Not caching data for 3542f7860c3341b1, bad data stream
or data I already have.
Send failed on return to tcp/
Send failed on return to null
Return to null failed on no more references
Authentication timed out
Send failed on return to null
Send failed on return to null
Return to null failed on no more references
Return to null failed on no more references
Send failed on return to null
Send failed on return to tcp/
Authentication timed out
Send failed on return to tcp/
Send failed on return to null
Send failed on return to null
Send failed on return to null
Return to null failed on no more references
Authentication timed out
Send failed on return to null
Send failed on return to tcp/
Authentication timed out
Send failed on return to null
Authentication timed out
Exception caught: Read
timed out padding...
Exception caught: Read
timed out padding...
Not caching data for 214c88ea8139fa9d, bad data stream
or data I already have.
Not caching data for 1dd0301a241d5bbd, bad data stream
or data I already have.
Not caching data for 39d6d1f098634880, bad data stream
or data I already have.
Not caching data for 12a0a19a96230729, bad data stream
or data I already have.
Not caching data for 4358faeeb9b0c700, bad data stream
or data I already have.
Authentication timed out
Not caching data for 4b3a31b2ab08def7, bad data stream
or data I already have.

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