Re: [Biofuel] Oil shale

2005-09-05 Thread Tom Irwin

Hi Robert and all,
With all of that investment you can expect things to continue as usual. Move to higher ground folks. Global warming and climate change isn´t going to get any better for a long long time. I believe we are officially in the Atlantic hurricane season this week. I hate to sat this but more storms will be heading to my country soon as well as the Caribbean and Central America. Any tropical storms entering the Gulf of Mexico have a good chance of becoming at least catagory 3 hurricanes until the waters there cool below 30 C. Brace for more of the same until December. Also I would expect this to be a yearly event. 
Tom Irwin 

From: robert luis rabello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.orgSent: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 20:32:36 -0300Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Oil shaleRay J wrote:> heating rock to 700degrees... then encasing the area in ice so the > oil dont get awaythen pumpin out what u want and they still get > 3.5 to 1 net energy gain... wow isnt oil great sounds like > a pipe dream to meThere is a LOT of money flowing into this kind of technology right now. A former client of mine, who designs the layout of oil refineries in Canada, told me that investment in tar sands and oil shale is creating yet another energy sector boom in Alberta.robert luis rabello"The Edge of Justice"Adventure for Your Mindhttp://www.newadventure.caRanger Supercharger Project Page mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org at Journey to Forever: the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

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Re: [Biofuel] Vacation is Over... an open letter from Michael Mooreto George W. Bush

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
oops - I meant N.O. New Orleans...

> bless you, mike.  there have been moments i thought i was the only person
> on
> the planet who believed that.
> btw, what's "NA"?
> -chris b.
> In a message dated Mon, 05 Sep 2005 19:15:45, Mike Weaver writes:
>>They chose to have no follow on plan in Iraq.  It's eerily similar to NA.
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000
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Re: [Biofuel] Vacation is Over... an open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush

2005-09-05 Thread capt3d
bless you, mike.  there have been moments i thought i was the only person on 
the planet who believed that.

btw, what's "NA"?

-chris b.

In a message dated Mon, 05 Sep 2005 19:15:45, Mike Weaver writes:

>They chose to have no follow on plan in Iraq.  It's eerily similar to NA.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Oil shale

2005-09-05 Thread robert luis rabello
Ray J wrote:

> heating  rock to 700degrees...  then encasing the area in ice so the 
> oil dont get awaythen pumpin out what u wantand they still get 
> 3.5 to 1 net energy gain...  wow isnt oil great  sounds like 
> a pipe dream to me

There is a LOT of money flowing into this kind of technology right 
now.  A former client of mine, who designs the layout of oil 
refineries in Canada, told me that investment in tar sands and oil 
shale is creating yet another energy sector boom in Alberta.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

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Re: [Biofuel] Vacation is Over... an open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
Have you ever worked for the federal government?  Do you know the real 
reason there was no post conflict reconstruction plan in Iraq?  I do.
I worked on perhaps the most comprehensive database in the world on how 
to manage post conflict reconstruction.  It went back to the Marshall plan.
It was simply brilliant.  And amazingly, it was supported by the US 
ARMY's non-profit Association, AUSA.  When the retired colonels and 
generals who worked on it, all career military, but also progressive, 
dedicated, intelligent and caring people (Democrats) took it to the 
Pentagon and State, the Bushies basically told them to stick where the 
sun doesn't shine.  They just didn't want to hear it.  It's like being 
told there is a hurricane coming and willfully ignoring the warning for 
4 days...
They chose to have no follow on plan in Iraq.  It's eerily similar to NA.

John Hayes wrote:

>Jerry Eyers wrote:
>>The reason that FEMA couldn't respond, is because there is very
>>little of FEMA left. 
>>No one at DHS knows anything about repsonding to disasters and
>>they had fired everyone who did.  Result?  Just look around.
>>The problem is DHS and the funding for FEMA.  Simple sollution...
>>put the $ back where was supposed to be and for what it was
>>intended, and get rid of the SS (oops, I mean HS).
>Seems to me putting a lawyer with no knowledge of disaster relief in 
>charge of the federal agency disaster relief might have been part of the 
>problem, eh? Political cronyism that stresses loyalty over knowledge, 
>experience and competence strikes me as a rather glaring problem. I 
>mean, after 9/11, who could have imagined that FEMA would need respond 
>to a disaster?
>I could even forgive our President if he'd replaced Brown once it became 
>clear that Brown had no clue what he was doing. Hell, it's not like the 
>President couldn't have gone to his bench and put Guiliani in the game. 
>But no, our President's exact words were:
>"Brownie, you're doing a helluva job. The FEMA director is working 24 
>hours a day."
>Are you kidding me? Brown admits on national TV that he has no knowledge 
>of thousands of refugees at the convention center, and our  says he's 
>"doing a helluva job." It would be farcical if the results weren't so 
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Oil for Food Myths: Enough Already!!!

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
I think the overall concensous was that the embargo of technology 
succeded - he didn't rebuild much of anything.  He was, more or less, 
contained militarily.
I frankly don't know enough about the blockade to say whether it 
worked.  I do think, based on what I've read, that the effects fell 
mostly on the poor.


>rick, you're right.   sadam hussein is hardly a saint.  but you're 
>misinformed about how the blockade and oil for food worked.  oil for food was 
>after several years of blockade/sanctions, which, among other things, 
>prohibited iraq from selling oil.  even if he had diverted, as clearly he 
>should have, 
>all money from unnecessary projects, this would have not covered the 
>shortfall that existed in properly feeding and providing medical care to all 
>of iraq's 
>people.  thus it was proposed that iraq be allowed to sell oil under un 
>auspices to provide for these needs.
>the program *worked*.  the level of corruption was less than 10% iirc, and 
>was not due to lack of controls.  anti-corruption monitoring was built in, and 
>actually detected a lot of the relatively small amount of the underhanded 
>dealings that did go on (to most if not all of which, btw, american oil 
>had ties).  the problem was that the oil for food commitee, of which the u.s. 
>was a member and over which exercised a lot of influence, basically ignored 
>these warnings.
>much more corruption occurred outside the auspices of the oil for food 
>program, in the form of oil smuggling.  who was supposed to be in charge of 
>this?  the blockade forces i.e. the u.s. sixth (?) fleet.
>i've posted links about this in the past.  you can find them in the archives.
>(and, btw, about sadam 'rebuilding' his military, the bush administration 
>itself, in its early months recognized that iraq had barely reconstituted any 
>it's pre-desert storm military capability.)
>-chris b.
>In a message dated Mon, 05 Sep 2005 10:43:27, Richard Littrell writes:
>>However, this assertion about the US led blockade has always 
>>seemed to me grossly unfair.  Large numbers of children (and adults for
>>that matter) died as a direct consequence of how Sadam chose to spend 
>>the money from the oil for food program.  He built 27 palaces and. . . .
>Biofuel mailing list
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[Biofuel] Of Disasters, Natural and Otherwise

2005-09-05 Thread Appal Energy

Of Disasters, Natural and Otherwise *

*By Tim Wise

September 2, 2005

The city I called home for ten years is dying: a slow, agonizing,
all-too-terribly public death, before the eyes of the nation and the world.

It is dying, as are far too many of its people, because our national
leaders only have the stomach, or the talent (or both) for killing, as
in Iraq or Afghanistan, but not for rebuilding eroding levees, nor
rescuing people, as is desperately needed now. Fallujah? Oh yeah, we can
do that. We can drop bombs and break things. New Orleans? Well, now wait
a minute, we can't go in there. It might be dangerous.

And while New Orleans will certainly be re-born, let there be no doubt
of her imminent demise at present. The Birthplace of Jazz, home of the
nation's best food, most amazing architecture and many of its kindest
people is headed for the status of a graveyard, in which will be buried
not only tens of thousands of human souls, but businesses, entire
neighborhoods, even a culture. Gone.

If you thought New Orleans was haunted before Hurricane Katrina, stick
around. The dead will soon own every inch of it.

Children and old folks are perishing on national television; on streets
I have walked a thousand times. People from the poorest sections of New
Orleans are hanging on by the slimmest of threads: people from
communities I have been in hundreds of times. People I know.

Bodies are floating in the streets; others are laid out on dry land,
covered by blankets to provide them with what little dignity one can
salvage in times such as this. Babies are dying of thirst; the elderly
for lack of medicine.

Yet Congress took four days to come back from their vacation to arrange
for an emergency aid bill. People who rushed back to work late one night
not too long ago so they could save the life of Terry Schiavo--who
couldn't even feel pain--because life is so precious to them, couldn't
manage to hustle it back to D.C. for four days to help save the dying in
New Orleans, who unlike Schiavo can indeed feel their own pain: every
ache, every infection, every single bit of it. People who, unlike
Schiavo are mostly poor and mostly black, and who provide less political
capital one supposes for the so-called pro-life movement, than the
persistently vegetative or the run-of the-mill fetus.

And even when they did return, they only allocated a little more than
$10 billion to relief efforts. Ten billion dollars: merely a fraction of
what our nation has spent to bomb and strafe and occupy Iraq, and a mere
drop of piss in the ocean compared to what this nation forked over to
bail out the Savings and Loan industry when it was looted by rich white

Oh, and speaking of white people and looting.

To hear an awful lot of folks tell it--like several on forum boards like
the one at is a black thing, what with supposed gangs
of armed men roaming the streets of the city, stealing big screen TVs
and guns, all due to their savagery, their lack of values, their moral
depravity. Apparently, in their world, white people don't loot. Not the
S&L bandits, not Ken Lay and his buddies at Enron, not the crooks at
Halliburton: never. Only the black and poor, and this they know because
Fox News, and for that matter CNN, the networks and most every other
media outlet told them so, by way of image after image of looters
demonstrating a so-called break with civilized norms of behavior.

In the chat rooms you can spend only a few minutes before being
assaulted by yet another bloodthirsty know-nothing, calling for the
shooting of looters on sight. And not only those stealing so-called
luxury items, but even food, water, diapers, medicine or clothes to
replace the soaked and largely ruined rags remaining on their backs.

But anyone who can't understand why someone would break into a store and
take things in the midst of this kind of tragedy clearly isn't trapped
in the middle of it. They are the ones who had the means to get out of
the flood zone before the hurricane hit. How nice for them.

And now they sit back, comfortable, wherever they may be, in an air
conditioned room, filling up chat boards with vicious diatribes, in
which they seem to take an almost sadistic pleasure at referring to
looters as "sub-human scum," "cockroaches," "vermin," "animals,"
"slime," and any number of other creative and dehumanizing slurs. Others
openly call for the building of a separation wall between Orleans Parish
and the much whiter Jefferson Parish, if and when the area is
reconstructed, so as to "keep the animals out" of the areas with "decent

The media's role in stoking this kind of bigotry and hysteria has been
prodigious. It hasn't been enough to simply note that looting has taken
place. Rather, reporters are discussing the activity as if it were some
coordinated attack, planned by gangs even prior to the storm. As one CNN
reporter put it, the citizens of New Orleans wer

Re: [Biofuel] Oil shale

2005-09-05 Thread Ray J
 "  They don't need subsidies; the process should be commercially 
feasible with world oil prices at $30 a barrel. The energy balance is 
favorable; under a conservative life-cycle analysis, it should yield 3.5 
units of energy for every 1 unit used in production. The process 
recovers about 10 times as much oil as mining the rock and crushing and 
cooking it at the surface,

  While the rock is cooking, at about 650 or 750 degrees 
Fahrenheit, how do you keep the hydrocarbons from contaminating ground 
water? Why, you build an ice wall around the whole thing. As O'Connor 
said, it's counterintuitive.

   But ice is impermeable to water. So around the perimeter of 
the productive site, you drill lots more shafts, only 8 to 12 feet 
apart, put in piping, and pump refrigerants through it. The water in the 
ground around the shafts freezes, and eventually forms a 20- to 30-foot 
ice barrier around the site. "

heating  rock to 700degrees...  then encasing the area in ice so the 
oil dont get awaythen pumpin out what u wantand they still get 
3.5 to 1 net energy gain...  wow isnt oil great  sounds like 
a pipe dream to me

Ray J


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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Is Katrina the end to Bush's conservatism

2005-09-05 Thread Appal Energy
Thank you Andy.

>Tim Wise, who is a brilliant anti-racism activist, and lived in New
>Orleans 1986-1996, just sent us this...We will continue to forward his
>commentaries on the unpreventable hurricane, and its preventable
>aftermath, over the coming days...
>-- Forwarded Message
>From: Tim Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 17:03:23 -0500
>Subject: article on Katrina
>I have been paralyzed this last few days, unable to write anything.
>That changed today.
>This is the first of several things I'm going to be getting off my
>Hope you all find them useful, or confirming, or cathartic, or whatever.
>not, just delete them and move on I guess.
>By Tim Wise
>This is an open letter to the man sitting behind me at La Paz today, in
>Nashville, at lunchtime, with the Brooks Brothers shirt:
>You don't know me. But I know you.
>I watched you as you held hands with your tablemates at the restaurant
>we both ate this afternoon. I listened as you prayed, and thanked God
>the food you were about to eat, and for your own safety, several hundred
>miles away from the unfolding catastrophe in New Orleans.
>You blessed your chimichanga in the name of Jesus Christ, and then
>to spend the better part of your meal--and mine, since I was too near
>table to avoid hearing every word--morally scolding the people of that
>devastated city, heaping scorn on them for not heeding the warnings to
>before disaster struck. Then you attacked them--all of them, without
>distinction it seemed--for the behavior of a relative handful: those who
>have looted items like guns, or big screen TVs.
>I heard you ask, amid the din of your colleagues "Amens," why it was
>instead of pitching in to help their fellow Americans, the people of New
>Orleans instead--again, all of them in your mind--chose to steal and
>at relief helicopters.
>I watched you wipe salsa from the corners of your mouth, as you nodded
>agreement to the statement of one of your friends, sitting to your
>her hair neatly coiffed, her makeup flawless, her jewelry sparkling.
>you asked, rhetorically, why it was that people were so much more decent
>amid the tragedy of 9-11, as compared to the aftermath of Katrina, she
>offered her response, but only after apologizing for what she admitted
>going to sound harsh.
>"Well," Buffy explained. "It's probably because in New Orleans, it seems
>be mostly poor people, and you know, they just don't have the same
>She then added that police should shoot the looters, and should have
>done so
>from the beginning, so as to send a message to the rest that theft would
>be tolerated. You, who had just thanked Jesus for your chips and
>said you agreed. They should be shot. Praise the Lord.
>Your God is one with whom I am not familiar.
>Two thoughts.
>First, it is a very fortunate thing for you, and likely for me, that my
>young children were with me as I sat there, choking back fish tacos and
>own seething rage, listening to you pontificate about shit you know
>Have you ever even been to New Orleans?
>And no, by that I don't mean the New Orleans of your company's sales
>conference. I don't mean Emeril's New Orleans, or the New Orleans of
>Mardi Gras parties.
>I mean the New Orleans that is buried as if it were Atlantis, in places
>the lower 9th ward: 98 percent black, 40 percent poor, where bodies are
>floating down the street, flowing with the water as it seeks its own
>Have you met the people from that New Orleans? The New Orleans that is
>as I write this, and as you order another sweet tea?
>I didn't think so.
>Your God--the one to whom you prayed today, and likely do before every
>because this gesture proves what a good Christian you are--is one with
>I am not familiar.
>Your God is one who you sincerely believe gives a flying fuck about your
>lunch. Your God is one who you seem to believe watches over you and
>you, and brings good tidings your way, while simultaneously letting
>thousands of people watch their homes be destroyed, and perhaps ten
>or more die, many of them in the streets for lack of water or food.
>Did you ever stop to think just what a rancid asshole such a God would
>to be, such that he would take care of the likes of you, while letting
>babies die in their mother's arms, and old people in wheelchairs, at the
>foot of Canal Street?
>Your God is one with whom I am not familiar.
>But no, it isn't God who's the asshole here, Skip (or Brad, or Braxton,
>whatever your name is).
>God doesn't feed you, and it isn't God that kept me from turning around
>beating your lily white privileged ass today either.
>God has nothing to do with it.
>God doesn't care who wins the Super Bowl.
>God doesn't help anyone win an Acad

Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-05 Thread Keith Addison
"We need food and water and they sent us men with guns" - Katrina survivor

> "They give us food and they shoot us," a Somali said [of UN 
>peacekeepers in 1993].

Such extraordinary comparisons one can make.

John posted a message titled "Is Katrina the end to Bush's brand of 
'conservatism'?" which had some interesting links: 

But I think it could be or is the end of more than that, and it's 
been kind of obvious from the time the full scale and scope of the 
disaster became known, along with the unbelievable central fact that 
left the rest of the world stunned - that the most powerful, wealthy 
and capable nation there's ever been had just lost a major city 
through sheer incompetence.

Never mind the Twin Towers, this is "the greatest calamity in 
American history". What is one supposed to say? "Butterfingers!" or 

Stratfor Report: New Orleans: A Geopolitical Prize
A simple way to think about the New Orleans port complex is that it 
is where the bulk commodities of agriculture go out to the world and 
the bulk commodities of industrialism come in.

Incompetence and worse - from today's gleanings (with thanks to Tom 
Feeley of ICH):

New Orleans crisis shames Americans
The only difference between the chaos of New Orleans and a Third 
World disaster operation, he said, was that a foreign dictator would 
have responded better.

The Two Americas
By Marjorie Cohn
Last September, a Category 5 hurricane battered the small island of 
Cuba with 160-mile-per-hour winds. More than 1.5 million Cubans were 
evacuated to higher ground ahead of the storm. Although the hurricane 
destroyed 20,000 houses, no one died.

Bodies Are Strewn 'Like Roadkill'
By Scott Gold and Alan Zarembo
Teams searching for survivors in attics and on rooftops have been 
given instructions to tie bodies that they encounter to street poles 
so they can be collected later.

Cuba has twice offered to send fully equipped medical personnel with 
experience in disaster relief.

Washington tried to cover it up and didn't reply:

Tell Bush & Congress: Accept Cuba's offer to send doctors to the 
hurricane victims!
Specifically, Cuba is offering to send 1,100 medical doctors with 
26.4 tons of medications and diagnosis kits at no expense to the U.S. 
(they will even bring their own food and water).


Navy ship nearby underused
The Bataan's hospital facilities, including six operating rooms and 
beds for 600 patients, are empty.

Americans are seeing things they're not used to seeing, and used to not seeing:

Amanda Lang: Left Behind
We are afraid of each other. Isolating ourselves to our own class or 
perceived kind behind 'gated' neighborhoods and communities, we drive 
with blinders in SUVs towering above the fray at lightning, 
gas-guzzling speeds looking over, through, and/or around our fellow 
citizens trying to do anything but see them.

Now they're seeing this:

Failing at War, Peace and Dignity
By Dan La Botz
Hurricane Katrina blew off the façade of American society. It pulled 
back the curtain to reveal the millions who live in poverty, mostly 
African American in New Orleans, but in other cities Latino, Native 
American, and white. The most apparent failure of the state has been 
in emergency response, but far greater has been the failure to create 
a stable existence, a decent society for millions.

And much besides:

New Orleans is a bad place to be poor
New Orleans officials issued an almost cynical evacuation order in a 
city where they know full well that thousands have no car, no money 
for airfare or an interstate bus, no credit cards for hotels, and 
therefore no way to leave town before the deadly storm and flood 

How the Free Market Killed New Orleans
Everyone was expected to devise their own way out of the disaster 
area by private means, just as the free market dictates, just like 
people do when disaster hits free-market Third World countries.

Along with just where the buck stops:

Brown pushed from last job: FEMA chief had to be `asked to resign'
The federal official in charge of the bungled New Orleans rescue was 
fired from his last private-sector job overseeing horse shows.

Ex-officials say weakened FEMA botched response
Government disaster officials had an action plan if a major hurricane 
hit New Orleans. They simply didn't execute it when Hurricane Katrina 

Re: [Biofuel] Oil for Food Myths: Enough Already!!!

2005-09-05 Thread capt3d
rick, you're right.   sadam hussein is hardly a saint.  but you're 
misinformed about how the blockade and oil for food worked.  oil for food was 
after several years of blockade/sanctions, which, among other things, 
prohibited iraq from selling oil.  even if he had diverted, as clearly he 
should have, 
all money from unnecessary projects, this would have not covered the 
shortfall that existed in properly feeding and providing medical care to all of 
people.  thus it was proposed that iraq be allowed to sell oil under un 
auspices to provide for these needs.

the program *worked*.  the level of corruption was less than 10% iirc, and 
was not due to lack of controls.  anti-corruption monitoring was built in, and 
actually detected a lot of the relatively small amount of the underhanded 
dealings that did go on (to most if not all of which, btw, american oil 
had ties).  the problem was that the oil for food commitee, of which the u.s. 
was a member and over which exercised a lot of influence, basically ignored 
these warnings.

much more corruption occurred outside the auspices of the oil for food 
program, in the form of oil smuggling.  who was supposed to be in charge of 
this?  the blockade forces i.e. the u.s. sixth (?) fleet.

i've posted links about this in the past.  you can find them in the archives.

(and, btw, about sadam 'rebuilding' his military, the bush administration 
itself, in its early months recognized that iraq had barely reconstituted any 
it's pre-desert storm military capability.)

-chris b.

In a message dated Mon, 05 Sep 2005 10:43:27, Richard Littrell writes:

>However, this assertion about the US led blockade has always 
>seemed to me grossly unfair.  Large numbers of children (and adults for
>that matter) died as a direct consequence of how Sadam chose to spend 
>the money from the oil for food program.  He built 27 palaces and. . . .

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Is Katrina the end to Bush's conservatism

2005-09-05 Thread Andy Karpay

Tim Wise, who is a brilliant anti-racism activist, and lived in New
Orleans 1986-1996, just sent us this...We will continue to forward his
commentaries on the unpreventable hurricane, and its preventable
aftermath, over the coming days...
-- Forwarded Message
From: Tim Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 17:03:23 -0500
Subject: article on Katrina

I have been paralyzed this last few days, unable to write anything.

That changed today.

This is the first of several things I'm going to be getting off my
Hope you all find them useful, or confirming, or cathartic, or whatever.
not, just delete them and move on I guess.

A God With Whom I am Not Familiar
By Tim Wise

This is an open letter to the man sitting behind me at La Paz today, in
Nashville, at lunchtime, with the Brooks Brothers shirt:

You don't know me. But I know you.

I watched you as you held hands with your tablemates at the restaurant
we both ate this afternoon. I listened as you prayed, and thanked God
the food you were about to eat, and for your own safety, several hundred
miles away from the unfolding catastrophe in New Orleans.

You blessed your chimichanga in the name of Jesus Christ, and then
to spend the better part of your meal--and mine, since I was too near
table to avoid hearing every word--morally scolding the people of that
devastated city, heaping scorn on them for not heeding the warnings to
before disaster struck. Then you attacked them--all of them, without
distinction it seemed--for the behavior of a relative handful: those who
have looted items like guns, or big screen TVs.

I heard you ask, amid the din of your colleagues "Amens," why it was
instead of pitching in to help their fellow Americans, the people of New
Orleans instead--again, all of them in your mind--chose to steal and
at relief helicopters.

I watched you wipe salsa from the corners of your mouth, as you nodded
agreement to the statement of one of your friends, sitting to your
her hair neatly coiffed, her makeup flawless, her jewelry sparkling.
you asked, rhetorically, why it was that people were so much more decent
amid the tragedy of 9-11, as compared to the aftermath of Katrina, she
offered her response, but only after apologizing for what she admitted
going to sound harsh.

"Well," Buffy explained. "It's probably because in New Orleans, it seems
be mostly poor people, and you know, they just don't have the same

She then added that police should shoot the looters, and should have
done so
from the beginning, so as to send a message to the rest that theft would
be tolerated. You, who had just thanked Jesus for your chips and
said you agreed. They should be shot. Praise the Lord.

Your God is one with whom I am not familiar.

Two thoughts.

First, it is a very fortunate thing for you, and likely for me, that my
young children were with me as I sat there, choking back fish tacos and
own seething rage, listening to you pontificate about shit you know

Have you ever even been to New Orleans?

And no, by that I don't mean the New Orleans of your company's sales
conference. I don't mean Emeril's New Orleans, or the New Orleans of
Mardi Gras parties.

I mean the New Orleans that is buried as if it were Atlantis, in places
the lower 9th ward: 98 percent black, 40 percent poor, where bodies are
floating down the street, flowing with the water as it seeks its own
Have you met the people from that New Orleans? The New Orleans that is
as I write this, and as you order another sweet tea?

I didn't think so.

Your God--the one to whom you prayed today, and likely do before every
because this gesture proves what a good Christian you are--is one with
I am not familiar.

Your God is one who you sincerely believe gives a flying fuck about your
lunch. Your God is one who you seem to believe watches over you and
you, and brings good tidings your way, while simultaneously letting
thousands of people watch their homes be destroyed, and perhaps ten
or more die, many of them in the streets for lack of water or food.

Did you ever stop to think just what a rancid asshole such a God would
to be, such that he would take care of the likes of you, while letting
babies die in their mother's arms, and old people in wheelchairs, at the
foot of Canal Street?

Your God is one with whom I am not familiar.

But no, it isn't God who's the asshole here, Skip (or Brad, or Braxton,
whatever your name is).

God doesn't feed you, and it isn't God that kept me from turning around
beating your lily white privileged ass today either.

God has nothing to do with it.

God doesn't care who wins the Super Bowl.

God doesn't help anyone win an Academy Award.

God didn't get you your last raise, or your SUV.

And if God is even half as tired as I am of having to listen to

Re: [Biofuel] All plastic processor

2005-09-05 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Ron

>I am currently getting all my materials together to build a 
>processor. It seems to me that some people are building with metal. 
>I would like to go all plastic except for a couple of things that 
>are unavoidable (namely pipes, heating elements and  joints). It 
>seems to me that I will have less problems down the roads going this 
>route? Please help. I will take all the advice I can get.

Heating elements and plastic processors have a deservedly bad 
reputation, though it can be done. There's so much about all this in 
the archives, it's been discussed ad nauseam. Try a search for 
"plastic processor" or "automatic washing-machine".

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[Biofuel] All plastic processor

2005-09-05 Thread Ron Waugh

I am currently getting all my materials together to 
build a processor. It seems to me that some people are building with metal. I 
would like to go all plastic except for a couple of things that are unavoidable 
(namely pipes, heating elements and  joints). It seems to me that I 
will have less problems down the roads going this route? Please help. I will 
take all the advice I can get.
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Re: [Biofuel] BD Q's on WVO and Chemicals

2005-09-05 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Chuck

>first off, many thanks to all those people on the list with 
>experience in biodiesel who take the time to answer what must often 
>seem like silly questions. that said, i have a few of those silly 
>questions to ask myself. we've just started producing test batches 
>of biodiesel from wvo

You should start with virgin oil. Start with minimum variables, then 
add them one by one as required. Start here:
"Where do I start?"

>with an interested group in the northern philippines. as we 
>continue, i'm hoping to make future trials as beneficial to our 
>learning process as possible. in that respect here are the issues i 
>would appreciate insight on (or the link to where the info already 
>*heavily used and reusedand rereused WVO (is there a point at 
>which the oil has been used so much that it becomes unprocessable? 
>any specific issues increase?)

For beginners, you'd best avoid anything that titrates at more than 
about 5 ml 0.1% NaOH solution, and 2.5 to 3 ml would be better. No 
oil is truly unprocessable, but whether it's worth your bother is 
another matter.

>*mixing types of oil including solids like lard and fats in one 
>batch (i've read examples mentioning mixed batches, but what issues 
>do we need to be mindful of?)

As Mike said, heat, stir, titrate and go.

>*chemical purity (are the numbers given on journey to forever based 
>on 100% pure and so if only 94% pure should we adjust accordingly? 
>is there a point where the chemical is too impure, like 30%pure, to 
>even adjust?)

The Journey to Forever website is specific about it in each case, but 
you don't specify which chemicals you mean. NaOH, methanol, 
isopropanyl should be pure, probably you're asking about those. This 
shouldn't be interesting you yet, if ever, you should be minimising 
the variables, not looking for new ones.

>i think that's it for now. i wouldn't be surprised if most of these 
>questions were already addressed on the journeytoforever website


Best wishes


>but i haven't found them yet due to limited internet time. i'm still 
>reading through the different types of reactors so hopefully we 
>could more easily process small test batches. thanks again. its 
>surprising this stuff hasn't caught on sooner.

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Re: [Biofuel] Bioheating Oil

2005-09-05 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Tom

> I have had some success in making biodiesel, am interested in 
>bioheating oil as described at JtF. It tells how to make a 60L batch.
> I have a question about the amount of lye used.
> "Use  the amount of lye indicated by titration."
> "Using the standard amount of lye for 60L  "
>1. Does this mean use:
>Amount of lye from titration + 3.5g lye/L of oil?
>(as in biodiesel production)

Where it says "Use... the amount of lye indicated by titration" the 
word "titration" is linked to the basic titration instructions where 
it says: "Take the number of millilitres of 0.1% lye solution you 
used and add 3.5. This is the number of grams of lye you'll need per 
litre of oil."

>Since the process converts less of the oil into biodiesel,
>with much unconverted glycerides, bioheating oil sounds like a mix 
>of biodiesel and WVO with the free fatty acids removed.

Some unconverted and partly converted glycerides left, quite a lot 
glycerine removed but less than with fuel-grade biodiesel, most or 
nearly all FFA removed. It is not a "mix" of biodiesel and WVO.

>2. Will WVO burn in waste oil heaters designed to burn used crankcase oil?

Did you read this?
Journey to Forever's forced-air biofuel heater

>If not, would the addition of biodiesel to the WVO work?

Yes, but as explained in the link above, it's much more expensive 
that way and bioheating oil is less trouble to make.

>If so, can anyone suggest a ratio to try?
>(My impression is that bioheating oil is less than 50% biodiesel.)

Not so, it's not a mix. It "splits", it's biodiesel, but with a poor 
conversion ratio. Why don't you make some? That'll give you a much 
better impression. It bears no resemblance to WVO.

>3. Any problems if we mix bioheating oil with the used crankcase oil?

We're not interested in burning used crankcase oil and we have no 
experience of it, but we've been working with a bunch of people who 
use it. Commercially available waste oil heaters burn at high 
temperatures, engines run hotter than they used to and lube oil has 
additives to keep it from burning. It would be surprising if they 
couldn't handle bioheating oil, or WVO.

Best wishes


> I am experimenting with biodiesel in with my heating oil and 
>burning it in my own furnace, but it's not my waste oil burner and I 
>tend to be a bit more cautious with other people's stuff.
>   Tom

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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-05 Thread Keith Addison
Oh dear... you sure have some homework to do Rick, on just about all 
counts. I suggest you do so before you argue any further about it, on 
just how that half-million-odd children died and why (Hakan didn't 
say they starved), on the Iraq food program under Saddam Hussein 
(very few people starved) and a comparison with the situation now, on 
Saddam gassing his own people, and probably a whole lot else, because 
you have it all wrong. And we've had it all out here before, so the 
onus is on you to prove what you say, not on us to disprove it, we've 
already done so.

Best wishes


> Dear Hakan,
>I hold no brief for the second Gulf war and am totally disgusted with
>George Bush and was so before it became cool to be disgusted with George
>Bush.  However, this assertion about the US led blockade has always
>seemed to me grossly unfair.  Large numbers of children (and adults for
>that matter) died as a direct consequence of how Sadam chose to spend
>the money from the oil for food program.  He built 27 palaces and
>diverted money to rebuild his military.  Given how he gassed and
>tortured Iraqis before the first Gulf war he needed no help from the US
>to visit atrocities on his own people.   If he had used the money the
>way it was intended, for food and medicine, nobody would have starved.
>Also, this is without taking into consideration the hundreds of millions
>of dollars he had stashed away outside the country that could have been
>used to feed his people.  Or do we say that, since he was a head of
>state, he stole the money fair and square so it was his?
> >>
> >>
> >>>Kim,
> >>>
> >>>During the years between the first and the second Gulf war, a very
> >>>large number of children died each year, something that Galloway
> >>>picked up in his part of the US "oil for food" hearings. "..- who died
> >>>only because the fact that they were born in Iraq at the wrong time".
> >>>Many 1,000's more than anything from the hurricane. I still have the
> >>>Galloway speech at,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>This was a direct consequence of the US led blockade. In this case
> >>>it was not the parents, it was the "Americans".  I did not see many
> >>>Americans being upset about that.
> >>>
> >>>Hakan

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Re: [Biofuel] Vacation is Over... an open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush

2005-09-05 Thread John Hayes
Jerry Eyers wrote:
> The reason that FEMA couldn't respond, is because there is very
> little of FEMA left. 

> No one at DHS knows anything about repsonding to disasters and
> they had fired everyone who did.  Result?  Just look around.

> The problem is DHS and the funding for FEMA.  Simple sollution...
> put the $ back where was supposed to be and for what it was
> intended, and get rid of the SS (oops, I mean HS).

Seems to me putting a lawyer with no knowledge of disaster relief in 
charge of the federal agency disaster relief might have been part of the 
problem, eh? Political cronyism that stresses loyalty over knowledge, 
experience and competence strikes me as a rather glaring problem. I 
mean, after 9/11, who could have imagined that FEMA would need respond 
to a disaster?

I could even forgive our President if he'd replaced Brown once it became 
clear that Brown had no clue what he was doing. Hell, it's not like the 
President couldn't have gone to his bench and put Guiliani in the game. 
But no, our President's exact words were:

"Brownie, you're doing a helluva job. The FEMA director is working 24 
hours a day."

Are you kidding me? Brown admits on national TV that he has no knowledge 
of thousands of refugees at the convention center, and our  says he's 
"doing a helluva job." It would be farcical if the results weren't so 


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[Biofuel] Bioheating Oil

2005-09-05 Thread Thomas Kelly

 I have had some success in 
making biodiesel, am interested in bioheating oil as described at JtF. 
It tells how to make a 60L batch. 
 I have a question about 
the amount of lye used.
 "Use  the amount of 
lye indicated by titration."
 "Using the standard amount 
of lye for 60L  "
1. Does this mean use:
    Amount of lye from titration + 
3.5g lye/L of oil?
    (as in biodiesel 
    Since the process converts less 
of the oil into biodiesel,
with much unconverted glycerides, bioheating 
oil sounds like a mix of biodiesel and WVO with the free fatty acids 
2. Will WVO burn in waste oil heaters designed to 
burn used crankcase oil?
    If not, would the addition of 
biodiesel to the WVO work?
    If so, can anyone suggest a 
ratio to try? 
    (My impression is that 
bioheating oil is less than 50% biodiesel.)
3. Any problems if we mix bioheating oil with the 
used crankcase oil?
 I am experimenting with 
biodiesel in with my heating oil and burning it in my own furnace, but it's not my waste oil burner and I tend to be a bit more 
cautious with other people's stuff. 
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Re: [Biofuel] Materials, Venturis and Biodiesel

2005-09-05 Thread JJJN

Gregg Davidson wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> The * VERY * first thing you need to make sure of when putting 
> biodiesel in your gasoline engine is that the addition of methanol 
> in * ANY * form will not damage your engine. *I strongly suggest* * 
> you read your owners manual *.
> *I recently bought a new vehicle & out of couriousity looked at the 
> fuel specs. Use of gasoline, and */* or gasoline-ethanol* *mixtures is 
> allowed, but gasoline-methanol mixtures or the addition of methanol in 
> any way, shape, form, or fashion can damage or destroy vital engine 
> components.*
> ** 
> Respectfully,
> Gregg Davidson
> **

Thanks Greg,
I decided against using it as an additive right now except into an old 
lawn mower that I have. ( no loss..probably should be in dump anyway) 
But I did use it in an old Kerosene lamp.  I guess its just so cool to 
see something you made do what its supposed to (quality tests) then to 
see it burn so clean no smoke at all  well thats just cool.  I plan 
on having  the ASTM  testing done  for  quality before I use it in my 
Cumins.I have a long ways to go before I am at that level though.

I am still looking for information about white PVC pipe and and how it 
stands the chemicals. I want to experiment with my venturis as a vacume 
source and for introduction of Methoxil. Any guidance??

> * *
> *
> *
> */Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> Hello Jim
> >I had some general question about Biodiesel:
> >
> >1. I have some PVC Venturis that I thought would work for mixing the
> >Methoxil and oil together. Would it tear up the PVC? How about
> Venturis
> >and PVC in the washing process?
> >
> >2. How much if any Biodiesel can be added to gasoline engines as an
> >upper lubricant and carb cleaner additive?
> See:
> Biodiesel in gasoline engines
> Best wishes
> Keith
> >3. Has any one gotten good results from this usage of biodiesel?
> >
> >4. Will this use work with 2 stroke engines? I need to winterize
> my boat
> >and wonder how that would work as opposed to sea foam.
> >
> >5. I can get methanol for $2.24 US is this good bad or average?
> >
> >Thank you
> >Jim
> ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Vacation is Over... an open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush

2005-09-05 Thread Jerry Eyers

This is such balloney.  It is so easy to be an armchair quarterback.
He needs to research his facts a little before spewing junk.
The reason that FEMA couldn't respond, is because there is very
little of FEMA left.  It was put under the control of the "department
of homeland security" which has spent two years cutting it's 
budget and siphoning off the cash into it's own projects.  There
was little response because there is little FEMA left to respond
No one at DHS knows anything about repsonding to disasters and
they had fired everyone who did.  Result?  Just look around.
Besides, I have never seen anything intelligent come from Mr. Moore
except this kind of headline-grabbing-attempt verbage.
The problem is DHS and the funding for FEMA.  Simple sollution...
put the $ back where was supposed to be and for what it was
intended, and get rid of the SS (oops, I mean HS).

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Re: [Biofuel] Solar Hot Water and Radiant Heat

2005-09-05 Thread Ken Dunn
I know its not much better but, I believe our insert is rated at 40% 
efficiency.  We plan to move to a more efficient catalytic wood burning 
insert as soon as we can swing the finances.  Vermont Castings claims 
78% efficiency of one of their models.

Kirk wrote:

Your insert with a fan is probably 300% more efficient than a fireplace. 
That means instead of 98% of the heating value of the fuel being lost up 
the chimney only 90% is lost.

THe only fireplace I know of that is worth owning is the Finnish masonry 
firplace and I think it weighs 2 to 3 tons. Definitely not a trivial 
second storey affair.

I myself favor biodiesel cogeneration so electricity and heat are 
obtained from the same fuel. Can reduce electricity cost to around 5 
cents a kilowatt hour. Then there is the reliability of not being 
vulnerable to problems on the grid. Lousiana is a good case in point re 
not having your own.

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Re: [Biofuel] Gmail anybody else want to try?

2005-09-05 Thread Brian Rodgers
I read your praise of gmail in the biofuel list and
had to check it out myself.  I proceeded to their site
to see what's what to find they aren't offering signup
at this time which explains your nice offer to give up
one of your extra accounts.  If you still have ID
available I'd like to try gmail for myself.
Thanks a bunch and will see ya on the list ^^
Great. Yeah I have 99 left after the one I gave to you'

Hi All
The List Admin was having a lot of problems getting through on my
business domain so we switched to my Gmail account. What a marvelous
change. Google mail organizes things by thread! Plus google recommends
that you save everything. With a search engine built in posts are
right here when I want them. Sorry if I sound like an ad for google,
this is working so much better, there may be ramifications I don't
know about, but oh well.  Google gives us fifty free invites and these
accounts are currently at 2.7 gig each.
Let me know if you need one.
Brian Rodgers

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[Biofuel] Anyone hear anyrunblings in the rendering world about "protecting our turf?"

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
I ran into a guy who works for the owner of a large trap grease operator 
in the South - Ga. and area.  His take was that there will be some 
effort on the
part of the "big boys" to:

1.  Push legislation that will make WVO a substance that will require 
certification and insurance to handle.  This will expensive enough to 
drive off us little guys.
2.  Rework existing contracts with restaurants to scare the owners and 
lock us out.
3.  Require a "certified facility" to handle WVO.

Some states already have some laws on the books but as I understand 
these are not too onerous.

I already subscribe to one industry publication and am planning to join 
a few others to see if the above is true.  I'm also thinking of 
attending a conference or so to take the pulse of the industry.

In closing,

1.  I hope that readers will keep an eye on state and federal WVO 
legislation and if something comes up, alert the gang.
2.  If some or all of the above does come to pass I plan to try to raise 
enough money to start a WVO facility here in the DC (MD VA DE) area.
3.  I have just started researching this - if anyone knows more I would 
like to hear!


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[Biofuel] If New Orleans Levees and Pumps had been the subject of an Al Qaida Attack

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
would the response been any different?  Isn't this really a 
demonstration that 4 years after 9/11 the Bush Administration has failed 
to formulate a response to an attack (or catastrophe) on US soil?  
Wouldn't the 255 Billion spent to date in Iraq have helped shore up the 
US's defenses and response capability?

He's done nothing but waste our tax dollars in a war we can't win.

And what happened in Afganistan?  Seems to me we promised to right their 
ship and help set them on the road to stability.  But GW had to take his 
shiny Army out and go on an ill-concieved joyride in a neighborhood we 
don't understand.  I have a friend from that part of the world and he 
once told me:  "Look, I was born and raised in that part of the world 
and have a very good understanding of the politics, customs, religious 
aspect (Shia/Suuni) and even I could not draw a roadmap nor give you a 
clear cut explanation.  Their history is measured in centuries and 

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Re: [Biofuel] Is Katrina the end to Bush's brand of 'conservatism'?

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
If you watch the main stream media, it seems that black people are 
portrayed as "looters" while white people are presented as "scavengers"

J Wermont wrote:

>Good articles, but I sure wish people (who are mostly progressive
>and should know better) would stop referring to people who are taking
>food and supplies, in order to survive, as "looters". It makes them
>sound like violent savages, when in fact, they are barely surviving
>in a hell hole, with little help from their government "services".
>Joyce W
>On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 01:34:58PM -0400, John Hayes wrote:
> > Very interesting. While the folks at are already 
> > counter-spinning hard due to the supposed bias in the "MSM" (Mainstream 
> > Media), more intellectual folks are starting to ask if  Katrina 
> > represents a tipping point for the current administration and their 
> > worldview.
> > 
> > I first noticed it with Fukuyama's recent column about Iraq on Tuesday.
> >
> > 
> > Then Brooks wrote an interesting history of Floods and US politics.
> >
> > 
> > The same day Douthat wrote an eye-opening piece on the neo-con world 
> > view and how it deals with 9/11 versus Katrina.
> >
> > 
> > Noam Scheiber at the New Republic replied to Douthat's piece.
> >
> > 
> > Tom Bartnett said the Bush admin "makes Jon Stewart's job such a 
> > frickin' cakewalk that the man should send his Peabody's to the White 
> > House as a thank-you."
> >
> > 
> > And then today Brooks essentially said we've already reached the tipping 
> > point since the Bush adminstration lacks competence.
> >
> > 
> > Very interesting times we live in.
> > 
> > jh
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Biofuel mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> > Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> >
> > 
> > Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
> > messages):
> >
> > 
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Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help

2005-09-05 Thread Fritz Friesinger

Hey Rick,
maybe Bush is'nt so bad after all,if he lets in so 
many "illegal Immigrants" from Mexico,after all you guys are the Grandsons of 
illegal Immigrants anyway or was ther anything all going on when the "Indians" 
have been driven out or killed by the white men?Or how about the Africans shipt 
in by the Slavetrade was this legal?
Its probably to much asked from Americans to admit 
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 12:01 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to 
  Send Immediate Medical Help
  Dear MiguelWe are already swaying to cuban music which 
  is really fine.  As for spanish, that will be spoken because of the Bush 
  administration's refusal to do anything of substance about illegal immigration 
  from Mexico.  They could end it in a matter weeks if they wanted to but 
  they don't.  If it weren't for all of the other incredibly vile things 
  this administration has done, this would be the worst.RickMike 
  Weaver wrote:
  Uh, actually he figured out all the National Guardsmen are in Iraq and 
Cuba is planning to invade.  This is the advance unit.
We'll all be speaking Spanish, and swaying to the Cuban beat by Christmas.
I, for one, am looking forward to the food if nothing else.



ith Addison wrote:


  He such a nice guy he wants to send 1100 fully specially trained 
Soldiers to this country

  Wow, Juan, thank heavens you saw through his evil plan, and just in 
the nick of time to save the US from being overwhelmed, not to 
mention CAWKI! Phew! What a narrow escape! Is that 1100 just the 
advance guard or do you think they'd do the whole job by themselves? 
Man, *that* specially trained, huh? What else did your researches 
reveal - are their stethoscopes made by Kalashnikov, deadly at any 
range less than 1mm? Anyway, you saved the world! Pity about all the 
patients but hey, you can't have everything. Sorry Mr Nice Guy Fidel, 
no Bay of Doctors this time!



From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 07:12:24 -0500 

Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help to US, Says Fidel Castro

Havana, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro Friday offered 
the United States eleven hundred
doctors with extensive international experience, plus medicines and 
diagnostic teams, to help the
victims of Hurricane Katrina.

The head of state participated this afternoon in the Cuban 
television program The Informative Round
Table, dedicated to the tragic situation in various states of the 
northern nation that were in the
path of the devastating storm.

Fidel Castro said that at 11.32 am local time on August 30 he 
instructed the Cuban Foreign Minister
Felipe Pérez Roque to convey to the American government Cuba´s 
condolences for the loss of human
life caused by the cyclone.

At that time, he noted, the magnitude of the human and material 
catastrophe in Louisiana, Mississipi
and Alabama was not known.

The message, conveyed to the American authorities not only by the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
Havana but also by the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, 
indicated Cuba´s willingness to send
doctors and necessary medical teams to those states, as well as 
three field hospitals and the
personnel required to staff them.

He indicated that in spite of their bilateral political and 
ideological differences, the island has
always maintained a principled position in eventualities such as 
this, and he recalled the attitude
assumed by Havana following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

On that occasion the Cuban government was possibly the first to 
offer assistance to the United
States, when it put the island´s airports at the disposal of 
airliners flying towards that nation,
he said.

Fidel Castro said that the offer of August 30 did not seek 
publicity, and this was stressed in the
message sent to the American authorities.

He referred to statements of the spokesman of the US State 
Department Thursday evening about the
offers of aid received by Washington from various parts of the 
world, which failed to mention that
of the biggest of the Antilles.

President Castro informed that early tomorrow morning Cuba could 
send to the areas of greatest need
the first 100 general medicine specialists, complete with backpacks 
containing 24 kilograms of
essential medicines and diagnostic instruments for emergency situations.

Equally, within the next two days Cuba could send another thousand 
specialists in general medicine,
plus equipment.

Fidel Castro emphasized that these are all professionals with 
extensive medical experience tested in
the mo

Re: [Biofuel] B100 and jet fuel

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
In Africa DC3's are used.

TarynToo wrote:

>Hi all,
>I wandered the web for a bit and found these as well many others:
>While these don't give specific answers, It seems like turboprops might  
>be most efficient for delivering large loads, fairly quickly, with  
>least fuel. Seems like one of the issues is pounds of fuel per hour vs  
>speed. Does anyone know the fuel costs associated with delivering  
>people at 800 kmph versus the 500 kmph?
>Should we be replacing our medium range jet fleets with turboprops?
>On Sep 4, 2005, at 2:43 AM, Alan Petrillo wrote:
>>Greg and April wrote:
>>>The short answer is no.
>>The short answer is _yes_.  Baylor University did some testing with B20
>>in their Beech King Air 90, and found that it did just fine.
>>The report was available at the website for a while, but  
>>can't find it just now.  A Google search of the site produced this:
>>Purdue University also did some testing on aviation fuel, and the  
>>is available here:
>>Keep in mind, turbines are, almost by definition, multifuel engines.   
>>long as it doesn't overheat their burn units turbines don't care what
>>they're running on.  You should see the list of alternate fuels for the
>>OH-58 scout helicopters I flew in the Army!
>>>Jet travel is also one of the
>>>least efficient forms of transportation there is.
>>That depends on how you look at it.  If you consider it in terms of
>>passenger seat miles per gallon then it comes out around 24mpg, IIRC,
>>which beats most SUV's.
>>I did have a link to an article which went into this much more in  
>>but I have lost it.
>Biofuel mailing list
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Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Biofuel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 39

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
Sorry about that - I just replied to the post - I'll keep an eye out in 
the future...


Keith Addison wrote:

>Seems nobody told either of you NOT to post messages with such titles 
>as "Re: [Biofuel] Biofuel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 39"!!!
>But in fact they did: at the top of the Digest it says: 'When 
>replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than 
>"Re: Contents of Biofuel digest..."'
>Use the thread title or give it a new title.
>Keith Addison
>Journey to Forever
>KYOTO Pref., Japan
>Biofuel list owner
>>nuts.  who told you about the Vicodin?  was it Redler?
>>>shoot, mike(s), come on.  if i'm going to shill for you, you've 
>>got to let it
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
I already speak Spanish so it doesn't bother me.  With regards to 
immigration, legal or illegal, all I will say is that the current system 
needs reform. 

Richard Littrell wrote:

> Dear Miguel
> We are already swaying to cuban music which is really fine.  As for 
> spanish, that will be spoken because of the Bush administration's 
> refusal to do anything of substance about illegal immigration from 
> Mexico.  They could end it in a matter weeks if they wanted to but 
> they don't.  If it weren't for all of the other incredibly vile things 
> this administration has done, this would be the worst.
> Rick
> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>Uh, actually he figured out all the National Guardsmen are in Iraq and 
>>Cuba is planning to invade.  This is the advance unit.
>>We'll all be speaking Spanish, and swaying to the Cuban beat by Christmas.
>>I, for one, am looking forward to the food if nothing else.
>>ith Addison wrote:
He such a nice guy he wants to send 1100 fully specially trained 
Soldiers to this country


>>>Wow, Juan, thank heavens you saw through his evil plan, and just in 
>>>the nick of time to save the US from being overwhelmed, not to 
>>>mention CAWKI! Phew! What a narrow escape! Is that 1100 just the 
>>>advance guard or do you think they'd do the whole job by themselves? 
>>>Man, *that* specially trained, huh? What else did your researches 
>>>reveal - are their stethoscopes made by Kalashnikov, deadly at any 
>>>range less than 1mm? Anyway, you saved the world! Pity about all the 
>>>patients but hey, you can't have everything. Sorry Mr Nice Guy Fidel, 
>>>no Bay of Doctors this time!
>From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help
>Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 07:12:24 -0500
>Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help to US, Says Fidel Castro
>Havana, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro Friday offered 
>the United States eleven hundred
>doctors with extensive international experience, plus medicines and 
>diagnostic teams, to help the
>victims of Hurricane Katrina.
>The head of state participated this afternoon in the Cuban 
>television program The Informative Round
>Table, dedicated to the tragic situation in various states of the 
>northern nation that were in the
>path of the devastating storm.
>Fidel Castro said that at 11.32 am local time on August 30 he 
>instructed the Cuban Foreign Minister
>Felipe Pérez Roque to convey to the American government Cuba´s 
>condolences for the loss of human
>life caused by the cyclone.
>At that time, he noted, the magnitude of the human and material 
>catastrophe in Louisiana, Mississipi
>and Alabama was not known.
>The message, conveyed to the American authorities not only by the 
>Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
>Havana but also by the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, 
>indicated Cuba´s willingness to send
>doctors and necessary medical teams to those states, as well as 
>three field hospitals and the
>personnel required to staff them.
>He indicated that in spite of their bilateral political and 
>ideological differences, the island has
>always maintained a principled position in eventualities such as 
>this, and he recalled the attitude
>assumed by Havana following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
>On that occasion the Cuban government was possibly the first to 
>offer assistance to the United
>States, when it put the island´s airports at the disposal of 
>airliners flying towards that nation,
>he said.
>Fidel Castro said that the offer of August 30 did not seek 
>publicity, and this was stressed in the
>message sent to the American authorities.
>He referred to statements of the spokesman of the US State 
>Department Thursday evening about the
>offers of aid received by Washington from various parts of the 
>world, which failed to mention that
>of the biggest of the Antilles.
>President Castro informed that early tomorrow morning Cuba could 
>send to the areas of greatest need
>the first 100 general medicine specialists, complete with backpacks 
>containing 24 kilograms of
>essential medicines and diagnostic instruments for emergency situations.
>Equally, within the next two days Cuba could send another thousand 
>specialists in general medicine,
>plus equipment.
>Fidel Castro emphasized that these are all professionals with 
>extensive medical experience tested i

Re: [Biofuel] BD Q's on WVO and Chemicals

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
chuck mellin wrote:

> first off, many thanks to all those people on the list with experience 
> in biodiesel who take the time to answer what must often seem like 
> silly questions. that said, i have a few of those silly questions to 
> ask myself. we've just started producing test batches of biodiesel 
> from wvo with an interested group in the northern philippines. as we 
> continue, i'm hoping to make future trials as beneficial to our 
> learning process as possible. in that respect here are the issues i 
> would appreciate insight on (or the link to where the info already is):
> *heavily used and reusedand rereused WVO (is there a point at 
> which the oil has been used so much that it becomes unprocessable? any 
> specific issues increase?)
Dunno.  I've quit fooling with really nasty oil.  Just not worth the 
hassle.  Keith will know better.

> *mixing types of oil including solids like lard and fats in one batch 
> (i've read examples mentioning mixed batches, but what issues do we 
> need to be mindful of?)
Only thing I do is heat and stir the whole batch, then titrate and go.  
Again, unless you have gobs of  free bad oil delivered,  why bother?

> *chemical purity (are the numbers given on journey to forever based on 
> 100% pure and so if only 94% pure should we adjust accordingly? is 
> there a point where the chemical is too impure, like 30%pure, to even 
> adjust?)
Got me.

> i think that's it for now. i wouldn't be surprised if most of these 
> questions were already addressed on the journeytoforever website but i 
> haven't found them yet due to limited internet time. i'm still reading 
> through the different types of reactors so hopefully we could more 
> easily process small test batches. thanks again. its surprising this 
> stuff hasn't caught on sooner.
> Chuck
>Biofuel mailing list
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Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help

2005-09-05 Thread Richard Littrell

Dear Miguel

We are already swaying to cuban music which is really fine.  As for
spanish, that will be spoken because of the Bush administration's
refusal to do anything of substance about illegal immigration from
Mexico.  They could end it in a matter weeks if they wanted to but they
don't.  If it weren't for all of the other incredibly vile things this
administration has done, this would be the worst.


Mike Weaver wrote:

  Uh, actually he figured out all the National Guardsmen are in Iraq and 
Cuba is planning to invade.  This is the advance unit.
We'll all be speaking Spanish, and swaying to the Cuban beat by Christmas.
I, for one, am looking forward to the food if nothing else.



ith Addison wrote:


  He such a nice guy he wants to send 1100 fully specially trained 
Soldiers to this country


Wow, Juan, thank heavens you saw through his evil plan, and just in 
the nick of time to save the US from being overwhelmed, not to 
mention CAWKI! Phew! What a narrow escape! Is that 1100 just the 
advance guard or do you think they'd do the whole job by themselves? 
Man, *that* specially trained, huh? What else did your researches 
reveal - are their stethoscopes made by Kalashnikov, deadly at any 
range less than 1mm? Anyway, you saved the world! Pity about all the 
patients but hey, you can't have everything. Sorry Mr Nice Guy Fidel, 
no Bay of Doctors this time!



From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 07:12:24 -0500 

Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help to US, Says Fidel Castro

Havana, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro Friday offered 
the United States eleven hundred
doctors with extensive international experience, plus medicines and 
diagnostic teams, to help the
victims of Hurricane Katrina.

The head of state participated this afternoon in the Cuban 
television program The Informative Round
Table, dedicated to the tragic situation in various states of the 
northern nation that were in the
path of the devastating storm.

Fidel Castro said that at 11.32 am local time on August 30 he 
instructed the Cuban Foreign Minister
Felipe Pérez Roque to convey to the American government Cuba´s 
condolences for the loss of human
life caused by the cyclone.

At that time, he noted, the magnitude of the human and material 
catastrophe in Louisiana, Mississipi
and Alabama was not known.

The message, conveyed to the American authorities not only by the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
Havana but also by the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, 
indicated Cuba´s willingness to send
doctors and necessary medical teams to those states, as well as 
three field hospitals and the
personnel required to staff them.

He indicated that in spite of their bilateral political and 
ideological differences, the island has
always maintained a principled position in eventualities such as 
this, and he recalled the attitude
assumed by Havana following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

On that occasion the Cuban government was possibly the first to 
offer assistance to the United
States, when it put the island´s airports at the disposal of 
airliners flying towards that nation,
he said.

Fidel Castro said that the offer of August 30 did not seek 
publicity, and this was stressed in the
message sent to the American authorities.

He referred to statements of the spokesman of the US State 
Department Thursday evening about the
offers of aid received by Washington from various parts of the 
world, which failed to mention that
of the biggest of the Antilles.

President Castro informed that early tomorrow morning Cuba could 
send to the areas of greatest need
the first 100 general medicine specialists, complete with backpacks 
containing 24 kilograms of
essential medicines and diagnostic instruments for emergency situations.

Equally, within the next two days Cuba could send another thousand 
specialists in general medicine,
plus equipment.

Fidel Castro emphasized that these are all professionals with 
extensive medical experience tested in
the most difficult sanitary conditions of the Third World, who also 
have English language proficiency.



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Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor - Plastic Processors

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
Been there done that.  Stainless best, then plain old steel.  Will 
probably use a 55 gal drum or a Appleseed-based when I scale up my 
current stainless rig.
Plastic ok to learn on.


Mills, Duncan wrote:

>I've got a 55l polyprop (PP) processor - bad choice. Nothing sticks to it -
>silicon peels off, epoxy flakes away. Works best to have mechanical seals to
>stop leaking.  There is specialized equipment for bonding PP to PP - I was
>quoted 4500ZAR (715USD).  If you're mass manufacturing processors and you've
>specified the mixing pump and heating element, with ports and orifices the
>correct size then I guess a plastic of sorts would be cheaper.  
>I'm busy making a steel processor - silicon stops leaking and epoxy sticks.
>Duncan Mills
>082 853 8356
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Weaver
>Sent: 02 September 2005 10:01 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor
>FuelMeister - Voldemort lives...
>>Thank you, Yes I received that email after I sent mine.
>>Juan G.
>>>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor
>>>Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 04:01:39 +0900
>>>Hello Juan
I would appreciate some help. I am new to the list and I read a few

on one of the threads that metal tanks should be used to make a

processor. There are 2 processors I saw on the web 1 at Freedom Fuel

the other at BioDiesel gear. Both are polyethylene ( i am sure most on

list have seen them) are these any good?  Also is there any other place

or otherwise where I could find biodiesel processors in kits or

>This E-mail message and its attachments are subject to the disclaimers 
>published at 
>Barloworld Equipment - 7 Values:
>Integrity + Uncompromising Customer Service + Long Term Customer
>Relationships + Passion For Our Brands + Professionalism + Effective
>Communication + Winning Through Team Work.
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Re: [Biofuel] New Orleans Mayor: "CIA Will Wipe Me Out"

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
That's the problem w/ democracy - you get who you vote for.

Kirk McLoren wrote:

> Too bad competence isn't a requirement of holding office.
> Kirk
> =
> New Orleans Mayor: "CIA Will Wipe Me Out"
> September 3, 2005 10:02 p.m. EST
> Douglas Maher - All Headline News Staff Reporter
> New Orleans, Louisiana (AHN) - Apparently suffering from stress and a
> bit of paranoia, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin tells CNN Saturday night
> that he believes the CIA will "wipe him out" after his criticism of
> President Bush and the Federal Government in response to Hurricane
> Katrina.
> Mayor Nagin seemed to have calmed down after meeting with
> President Bush
> for two hours on Friday but became stressed again over the current
> situation still unfolding in his city.
> The Mayor has come under serious scrutiny and criticism in the
> last 72
> hours after photos of parking lots filled with school buses that were
> sitting in a foot of water were released on the Internet. Many
> critics
> of the Mayor and Gov. Blanco say the buses could have saved an
> estimated
> 20,000 people if they had been used for emergency evacuations which
> President Bush had declared two days before Katrina hit.
> Nine stockpiles of fire-and-rescue equipment strategically placed
> around
> the country to be used in the event of a catastrophe still have
> not been
> pressed into service in New Orleans, CNN reports Saturday night.
> Responding to a CNN inquiry, Department of Homeland Security
> spokesman
> Marc Short said Friday, "The gear has not been moved because none
> of the
> governors in the hurricane-ravaged area has requested it."
> A federal official says the department's Office for Domestic
> Preparedness reminded the Louisiana and Mississippi Governors'
> offices
> about the stockpiles on Wednesday and Thursday, but neither
> governor had
> requested it.
> As the picture becomes much more clear many in Congress believe
> that a
> total collapse of communications on the local and state level
> contributed to the catastrophic conditions the city of New Orleans
> has
> been under.
> "It has become apparent that after President Bush declared the
> state of
> Louisiana a state of emergency a few days before the hurricane hit,
> communication with the White House and FEMA from city officials in
> New
> Orleans and the Governor collapsed," says Senator Dr. Bill Frist,
> who is
> currently helping victims with medical needs around the city.
> "Our priority now is to save as many lives as possible, and things
> are
> improving by the hour," adds Frist.
> Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
On Anglais, "steal of money"!

Frantz DESPREZ wrote:

>Mike Weaver a écrit :
>>FuelMeister - Voldemort lives...
>In french, "voldemort" can mean "death flight" or "steal of dead"
>Biofuel mailing list
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Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
Mattew 16:?

Have to go to church in my SUV.  Bye now.

Ian Hodgson wrote:

> Your so right tallex, I would add people of concience need to become 
> more outspoken more public more active if we are to win the wars.
> What wars I think the first war is the battle to save humanity,  we 
> need to sway the mind of MR/MRS Average from that of the self 
> endulgent self centered consumerist. To people who live value centered 
> lives. Then maybe we (the people of the western world) will not be so 
> willing to be bought off by all the things that affect our bottom line 
> ie interest rates and tax cuts, infaltion figures.
> When we are given the price of alternative energies for example, 
> they(politicians) speak as though the environment is at thier disposal 
> to either take into account or not, when your at the accountants you 
> are not allowed to say "don't include the cost of that" yet Bush and 
> my Prime Minister John Howard seem to think they have a right to do 
> that just by, for example, ignoring the Kyoto treaty.
> The bible says what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world 
> but lose his own soul.
> I believe we are in the middle of a great irony we are loosing our 
> souls in an attempt to gain the world but the irony is who will want 
> to live in this world after the worst of humanities greed has finished 
> with it.
> So the first war is for the hearts of the people, then the  second war 
> (to save the plannet) can be won.
> So what am I trying to say, in a nuthell some should be ativists for 
> their beliefs, some should even be prepared to be jailed, some should 
> be educators some letterwritters to papers and some talk on radio some 
> should talk to their children parents relatives and guide them, all 
> should be true to what they know is right and be themselves, and I 
> think if enough people do things like that , maybe enough people will 
> stop voting with thier wallets so that the big changes that we all 
> need can actually happen.
> regards
> Ian
> */"Alt.EnergyNetwork" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> Big deal,
> He cut 2 days off his vacation to do this
> ...all for the cameras. As noted by others below, he was the one who
> cut army core of engineers budget
> for urgent repair on sinking dykes and improvements to flood
> control systems.
> He is the one who continues to distort sound science, the problems
> of global warming and weakening the environmental protection act.
> As mentioned by others as well, he is the one who has troops, vital
> rescue equipment in Iraq when needed here NOW.
> The lack of a well planned rapid advanced response to this
> disaster is a shame.
> There are many hard questions that will need answers in the months
> to come.
> regards
> tallex
> Alternate Energy Resource Network
> 1000+ news sources-resources
> updated daily
> ---Original Message---
> > From: Greg and April
> > Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost
> > Sent: 03 Sep '05 03:33
> >
> > He spent the day on the ground today, walking parts of New
> Orleans, and
> > Mississippi.
> >
> > Just like 9/11, it was a few days after it happened.
> >
> > Greg H.
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Mike Weaver"
> > To:
> > Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 20:45
> > Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost
> >
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > I personally can't believe all he did was fly by in his jet and look
> > down.  This is a catastrophe far worse than 9/11 and all he does
> is a
> > fly by?
> > I can't even get started on Iraq because I don't want to get
> wound up
> > right now.
> >
> > Hakan Falk wrote:
> >
> > >Mike,
> > >
> > >LOL, you did a very good joke, I liked it.
> > >
> > >Hakan
> > >
> > >At 16:53 02/09/2005, you wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >>Whine whine.  At least he caught Osama Bin Laden, just like he
> promised.
> > >>
> > >>Hakan Falk wrote:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>>Taryn,
> > >>>
> > >>>You must admit that he killed many more in Iraq for the money,
> > >>>he is responsible for those death also, maybe he call that
> > >>>efficiency instead. More killed for the money. I can guarantee
> > >>>that the pictures of devastated people that we now see from
> > >>>Orleans, have been going on for many years in Iraq. So it is
> > >>>not only Bush fault, he only raised the bar and achieved much
> > >>>more in shorter time frame.
> > >>>
> > >>>When media show the desperation among the Iraqi people, it
> > >>>is not many who cares, maybe Orleans will create more of
> > >>>compassion for the country that US occupy. The homes that
> > >>>are des

Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-05 Thread Richard Littrell

 Dear Hakan,

I hold no brief for the second Gulf war and am totally disgusted with 
George Bush and was so before it became cool to be disgusted with George 
Bush.  However, this assertion about the US led blockade has always 
seemed to me grossly unfair.  Large numbers of children (and adults for 
that matter) died as a direct consequence of how Sadam chose to spend 
the money from the oil for food program.  He built 27 palaces and 
diverted money to rebuild his military.  Given how he gassed and 
tortured Iraqis before the first Gulf war he needed no help from the US 
to visit atrocities on his own people.   If he had used the money the 
way it was intended, for food and medicine, nobody would have starved.  
Also, this is without taking into consideration the hundreds of millions 
of dollars he had stashed away outside the country that could have been 
used to feed his people.  Or do we say that, since he was a head of 
state, he stole the money fair and square so it was his?


>>>During the years between the first and the second Gulf war, a very
>>>large number of children died each year, something that Galloway
>>>picked up in his part of the US "oil for food" hearings. "..- who died
>>>only because the fact that they were born in Iraq at the wrong time".
>>>Many 1,000's more than anything from the hurricane. I still have the
>>>Galloway speech at,
>>>This was a direct consequence of the US led blockade. In this case
>>>it was not the parents, it was the "Americans".  I did not see many
>>>Americans being upset about that.

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[Biofuel] New Orleans Mayor: "CIA Will Wipe Me Out"

2005-09-05 Thread Kirk McLoren
Too bad competence isn't a requirement of holding office.
=New Orleans Mayor: "CIA Will Wipe Me Out"September 3, 2005 10:02 p.m. EST Maher - All Headline News Staff ReporterNew Orleans, Louisiana (AHN) - Apparently suffering from stress and a bit of paranoia, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin tells CNN Saturday night that he believes the CIA will "wipe him out" after his criticism of President Bush and the Federal Government in response to Hurricane Katrina.Mayor Nagin seemed to have calmed down after meeting with President Bush for two hours on Friday but became stressed again over the current situation still unfolding in his city.The Mayor has come under serious scrutiny and criticism in the last 72 hours after photos of parking lots filled with school buses that were sitting in a foot of water were
 released on the Internet. Many critics of the Mayor and Gov. Blanco say the buses could have saved an estimated 20,000 people if they had been used for emergency evacuations which President Bush had declared two days before Katrina hit.Nine stockpiles of fire-and-rescue equipment strategically placed around the country to be used in the event of a catastrophe still have not been pressed into service in New Orleans, CNN reports Saturday night. Responding to a CNN inquiry, Department of Homeland Security spokesman Marc Short said Friday, "The gear has not been moved because none of the governors in the hurricane-ravaged area has requested it."A federal official says the department's Office for Domestic Preparedness reminded the Louisiana and Mississippi Governors' offices about the stockpiles on Wednesday and Thursday, but neither governor had requested it.As the picture becomes much more clear many in Congress
 believe that a total collapse of communications on the local and state level contributed to the catastrophic conditions the city of New Orleans has been under."It has become apparent that after President Bush declared the state of Louisiana a state of emergency a few days before the hurricane hit, communication with the White House and FEMA from city officials in New Orleans and the Governor collapsed," says Senator Dr. Bill Frist, who is currently helping victims with medical needs around the city."Our priority now is to save as many lives as possible, and things are improving by the hour," adds Frist.
		 Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.___
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Re: [Biofuel] Solar Hot Water and Radiant Heat

2005-09-05 Thread Kirk McLoren

>>> >From a related yet different perspective, do I introduce any trouble >>by burning>>my wood burning fireplace insert?://
Your insert with a fan is probably 300% more efficient than a fireplace. That means instead of 98% of the heating value of the fuel being lost up the chimney only 90% is lost.
THe only fireplace I know of that is worth owning is the Finnish masonry firplace and I think it weighs 2 to 3 tons. Definitely not a trivial second storey affair.
I myself favor biodiesel cogeneration so electricity and heat are obtained from the same fuel. Can reduce electricity cost to around 5 cents a kilowatt hour. Then there is the reliability of not being vulnerable to problems on the grid. Lousiana is a good case in point re not having your own.
		 Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.___
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Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-05 Thread John Hayes
Ian Hodgson wrote:

> When we are given the price of alternative energies for example, 
> they(politicians) speak as though the environment is at thier disposal 
> to either take into account or not, when your at the accountants you are 
> not allowed to say "don't include the cost of that" yet Bush and my 
> Prime Minister John Howard seem to think they have a right to do that 
> just by, for example, ignoring the Kyoto treaty.

Which is an argument for cap and trade pollution controls. Such methods 
may not be perfect, but once you force markets to internalize 
enviromental costs, it becomes much harder to ignore. It forces people 
to do the right thing, not because of morals, but rather, because of 
economics. And frankly, as long as people and corporations are allowed 
to ignore environmental costs, the majority will.


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[Biofuel] Vacation is Over... an open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush

2005-09-05 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Friday, September 2nd, 2005

Dear Mr. Bush:

Any idea where all our helicopters are? It's Day 5 of Hurricane Katrina 
and thousands remain stranded in New Orleans and need to be airlifted. 
Where on earth could you have misplaced all our military choppers? Do 
you need help finding them? I once lost my car in a Sears parking lot. 
Man, was that a drag.

Also, any idea where all our national guard soldiers are? We could 
really use them right now for the type of thing they signed up to do 
like helping with national disasters. How come they weren't there to 
begin with?

Last Thursday I was in south Florida and sat outside while the eye of 
Hurricane Katrina passed over my head. It was only a Category 1 then but 
it was pretty nasty. Eleven people died and, as of today, there were 
still homes without power. That night the weatherman said this storm was 
on its way to New Orleans. That was Thursday! Did anybody tell you? I 
know you didn't want to interrupt your vacation and I know how you don't 
like to get bad news. Plus, you had fundraisers to go to and mothers of 
dead soldiers to ignore and smear. You sure showed her!

I especially like how, the day after the hurricane, instead of flying to 
Louisiana, you flew to San Diego to party with your business peeps. 
Don't let people criticize you for this -- after all, the hurricane was 
over and what the heck could you do, put your finger in the dike?

And don't listen to those who, in the coming days, will reveal how you 
specifically reduced the Army Corps of Engineers' budget for New Orleans 
this summer for the third year in a row. You just tell them that even if 
you hadn't cut the money to fix those levees, there weren't going to be 
any Army engineers to fix them anyway because you had a much more 
important construction job for them -- BUILDING DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ!

On Day 3, when you finally left your vacation home, I have to say I was 
moved by how you had your Air Force One pilot descend from the clouds as 
you flew over New Orleans so you could catch a quick look of the 
disaster. Hey, I know you couldn't stop and grab a bullhorn and stand on 
some rubble and act like a commander in chief. Been there done that.

There will be those who will try to politicize this tragedy and try to 
use it against you. Just have your people keep pointing that out. 
Respond to nothing. Even those pesky scientists who predicted this would 
happen because the water in the Gulf of Mexico is getting hotter and 
hotter making a storm like this inevitable. Ignore them and all their 
global warming Chicken Littles. There is nothing unusual about a 
hurricane that was so wide it would be like having one F-4 tornado that 
stretched from New York to Cleveland.

No, Mr. Bush, you just stay the course. It's not your fault that 30 
percent of New Orleans lives in poverty or that tens of thousands had no 
transportation to get out of town. C'mon, they're black! I mean, it's 
not like this happened to Kennebunkport. Can you imagine leaving white 
people on their roofs for five days? Don't make me laugh! Race has 
nothing -- NOTHING -- to do with this!

You hang in there, Mr. Bush. Just try to find a few of our Army 
helicopters and send them there. Pretend the people of New Orleans and 
the Gulf Coast are near Tikrit.


Michael Moore

P.S. That annoying mother, Cindy Sheehan, is no longer at your ranch. 
She and dozens of other relatives of the Iraqi War dead are now driving 
across the country, stopping in many cities along the way. Maybe you can 
catch up with them 
before they get to DC on September 21st.

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Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor - Plastic Processors

2005-09-05 Thread Mills, Duncan
I've got a 55l polyprop (PP) processor - bad choice. Nothing sticks to it -
silicon peels off, epoxy flakes away. Works best to have mechanical seals to
stop leaking.  There is specialized equipment for bonding PP to PP - I was
quoted 4500ZAR (715USD).  If you're mass manufacturing processors and you've
specified the mixing pump and heating element, with ports and orifices the
correct size then I guess a plastic of sorts would be cheaper.  

I'm busy making a steel processor - silicon stops leaking and epoxy sticks.

Duncan Mills
082 853 8356

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Weaver
Sent: 02 September 2005 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor

FuelMeister - Voldemort lives...

> Keith,
> Thank you, Yes I received that email after I sent mine.
> Juan G.
>>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor
>>Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 04:01:39 +0900
>>Hello Juan
>> >I would appreciate some help. I am new to the list and I read a few
>> days
>> >on one of the threads that metal tanks should be used to make a
>> biodiesel
>> >processor. There are 2 processors I saw on the web 1 at Freedom Fuel
>> >the other at BioDiesel gear. Both are polyethylene ( i am sure most on
>> >list have seen them) are these any good?  Also is there any other place
>> >or otherwise where I could find biodiesel processors in kits or

This E-mail message and its attachments are subject to the disclaimers 
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Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-05 Thread Ian Hodgson
Your so right tallex, I would add people of concience need to become more outspoken more public more active if we are to win the wars.
What wars I think the first war is the battle to save humanity,  we need to sway the mind of MR/MRS Average from that of the self endulgent self centered consumerist. To people who live value centered lives. Then maybe we (the people of the western world) will not be so willing to be bought off by all the things that affect our bottom line ie interest rates and tax cuts, infaltion figures. 
When we are given the price of alternative energies for example, they(politicians) speak as though the environment is at thier disposal to either take into account or not, when your at the accountants you are not allowed to say "don't include the cost of that" yet Bush and my Prime Minister John Howard seem to think they have a right to do that just by, for example, ignoring the Kyoto treaty. 
The bible says what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his own soul. 
I believe we are in the middle of a great irony we are loosing our souls in an attempt to gain the world but the irony is who will want to live in this world after the worst of humanities greed has finished with it.
So the first war is for the hearts of the people, then the  second war (to save the plannet) can be won.
So what am I trying to say, in a nuthell some should be ativists for their beliefs, some should even be prepared to be jailed, some should be educators some letterwritters to papers and some talk on radio some should talk to their children parents relatives and guide them, all should be true to what they know is right and be themselves, and I think if enough people do things like that , maybe enough people will stop voting with thier wallets so that the big changes that we all need can actually happen.
 "Alt.EnergyNetwork" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Big deal,He cut 2 days off his vacation to do this...all for the cameras. As noted by others below, he was the one whocut army core of engineers budgetfor urgent repair on sinking dykes and improvements to flood control systems.He is the one who continues to distort sound science, the problemsof global warming and weakening the environmental protection act.As mentioned by others as well, he is the one who has troops, vitalrescue equipment in Iraq when needed here NOW.The lack of a well planned rapid advanced response to this disaster is a shame.There are many hard questions that will need answers in the months to come.regardstallexAlternate Energy Resource Network1000+ news sources-resourcesupdated daily Message---> From: Greg and
 April <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost> Sent: 03 Sep '05 03:33> > He spent the day on the ground today, walking parts of New Orleans, and> Mississippi.> > Just like 9/11, it was a few days after it happened.> > Greg H.> > > - Original Message -> From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: > Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 20:45> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost> > > Thanks.> > I personally can't believe all he did was fly by in his jet and look> down.  This is a catastrophe far worse than 9/11 and all he does is a> fly by?> I can't even get started on Iraq because I don't want to get wound up> right now.> > Hakan Falk wrote:> > >Mike,> >> >LOL, you
 did a very good joke, I liked it.> >> >Hakan> >> >At 16:53 02/09/2005, you wrote:> >> >> >>Whine whine.  At least he caught Osama Bin Laden, just like he promised.> >>> >>Hakan Falk wrote:> >>> >>> >>> >>>Taryn,>  >>>You must admit that he killed many more in Iraq for the money,> >>>he is responsible for those death also, maybe he call that> >>>efficiency instead. More killed for the money. I can guarantee> >>>that the pictures of devastated people that we now see from> >>>Orleans, have been going on for many years in Iraq. So it is> >>>not only Bush fault, he only raised the bar and achieved much> >>>more in shorter time frame.>  >>>When media show the
 desperation among the Iraqi people, it> >>>is not many who cares, maybe Orleans will create more of> >>>compassion for the country that US occupy. The homes that> >>>are destroyed and people killed in Iraq, are 100's times more> >>>than Orleans.>  >>>Hakan>   >>>At 08:38 02/09/2005, you wrote:>     Wow, nice catch Bede, Fits right in with "is there blame?"> > I just love to blame stuff on Bush and his cronies. Except...I'm not> sure that all the kings men could have put Orleans together again.> > Certainly, having pissed away the country's emergency resources, Bush> is responsible for many of
 the deaths in La and Ms. Kinda like stupid> kids who empty the fire extinguishers in school.  But I think Katrina,> and years of head-in-the-sand development is what drowned Orleans.> > taryn>> 

[Biofuel] BD Q's on WVO and Chemicals

2005-09-05 Thread chuck mellin
first off, many thanks to all those people on the list with experience in biodiesel who take the time to answer what must often seem like silly questions. that said, i have a few of those silly questions to ask myself. we've just started producing test batches of biodiesel from wvo with an interested group in the northern philippines. as we continue, i'm hoping to make future trials as beneficial to our learning process as possible. in that respect here are the issues i would appreciate insight on (or the link to where the info already is):
*heavily used and reusedand rereused WVO (is there a point at which the oil has been used so much that it becomes unprocessable? any specific issues increase?)
*mixing types of oil including solids like lard and fats in one batch (i've read examples mentioning mixed batches, but what issues do we need to be mindful of?)
*chemical purity (are the numbers given on journey to forever based on 100% pure and so if only 94% pure should we adjust accordingly? is there a point where the chemical is too impure, like 30%pure, to even adjust?)
i think that's it for now. i wouldn't be surprised if most of these questions were already addressed on the journeytoforever website but i haven't found them yet due to limited internet time. i'm still reading through the different types of reactors so hopefully we could more easily process small test batches. thanks again. its surprising this stuff hasn't caught on sooner.

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