Jerry Eyers wrote:
> The reason that FEMA couldn't respond, is because there is very
> little of FEMA left. 

> No one at DHS knows anything about repsonding to disasters and
> they had fired everyone who did.  Result?  Just look around.

> The problem is DHS and the funding for FEMA.  Simple sollution...
> put the $ back where was supposed to be and for what it was
> intended, and get rid of the SS (oops, I mean HS).

Seems to me putting a lawyer with no knowledge of disaster relief in 
charge of the federal agency disaster relief might have been part of the 
problem, eh? Political cronyism that stresses loyalty over knowledge, 
experience and competence strikes me as a rather glaring problem. I 
mean, after 9/11, who could have imagined that FEMA would need respond 
to a disaster?

I could even forgive our President if he'd replaced Brown once it became 
clear that Brown had no clue what he was doing. Hell, it's not like the 
President couldn't have gone to his bench and put Guiliani in the game. 
But no, our President's exact words were:

"Brownie, you're doing a helluva job. The FEMA director is working 24 
hours a day."

Are you kidding me? Brown admits on national TV that he has no knowledge 
of thousands of refugees at the convention center, and our  says he's 
"doing a helluva job." It would be farcical if the results weren't so 


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