Re: [Tagging] maxweight : x tons exept for bus

2024-09-11 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Sep 9, 2024, 09:07 by

> I somehow doubt that the traffic sign specifies the  maximum actual weight,
> most likely it sets the maximum permitted weight of the vehicle at full
> load, as specified by the manufacturer.
This likely depends on a country and maybe even region in a country.
For example in Poland standard used max weight sign (B-18) is limiting
actual weight (so it may end allowing empty truck and banning heavily loaded
small vehicle).


> maxweight : x tons exept for bus

maxweight:conditional=none @ bus

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Two way street, but entry of motor vehicles blocked at one end. Relation correct? Tagging correct?

2024-06-01 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

May 21, 2024, 17:19 by

> Am Di., 21. Mai 2024 um 15:01 Uhr schrieb Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <> 
>> >:
>> In such case I would typically place such tags on
>> a short section (meter or two) of way near end where
>> such restriction is applied.
> the restriction is not applied to a section, it is applied to a point, you 
> may not cross the sign in this direction.
yes, but tagging very short stretch of road (say 3m where it is not connected 
to anything) 
conveys the same info without using relations
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Two way street, but entry of motor vehicles blocked at one end. Relation correct? Tagging correct?

2024-05-21 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
In such case I would typically place such tags on 
a short section (meter or two) of way near end where 
such restriction is applied.

May 20, 2024, 22:02 by

> I could use
> A one-way street with a counter-flow cycle lane
> highway=unclassified
> oneway=yes
> oneway:bicycle=no
> cycleway=opposite_lane
> But motor traffic is allowed within the block, to go either way.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Difference between "yes" and "designated" in access tags

2024-05-01 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 30, 2024, 08:48 by

> On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 at 16:36, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <> 
>> > wrote:
>> At least in Poland we distinguish between 
>> signage with legal implications and route
>> markers.
>> In fact, some bicycle trails are signed where
>> cycling is illegal
> So does that then make it legal?

if cycling is illegal according to traffic law, then posting
bicycle trails signs does not override traffic law

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Difference between "yes" and "designated" in access tags

2024-04-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

30 Apr 2024, 02:39 by

> On 30/04/2024 9:59 am, Andrew Harvey wrote
> Everything I've seen pretty much goes with: signposted or marked in some way 
> to indicate usage = designated.
At least in Poland we distinguish between 
signage with legal implications and route

In fact, some bicycle trails are signed where
cycling is illegal 

Also there are places with "pedestrians allowed" vs "pedestrian street".___
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Highway classification in Antarctica

2024-04-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 28, 2024, 02:56 by

> On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 at 14:46, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
>  wrote:
>> If very big island has no roads at all except single small road between
>> two houses it does not mean it is highway=trunk road.
> I agree, but note that the wiki in principle allows this distorted
> interpretation twice:
> "a road of highest importance, forming the main road network there,
> should be highway=trunk" [1]
> "highway=trunk: The most important roads in a country's system that
> aren't motorways." [2]
If there is region without road network (Antarctica, my balcony, Sealand,
Mars, bottom of Atlantic Ocean etc - even if some road vehicles have 
some typical passaged) then it is not applicable as there is no road network 

At least that was intended meaning (I checked with person who added this
text, which was me - see

Do you have a good idea how to make it more clear that such malformed
meaning was not intended?

(second note also may benefit from fix as the most important in 
Vatican is not highway=trunk - though again, maybe it can be avoided
via "Vatican has no road network system").
But confusion is not applicable to Antarctica as it is not a country, as
far as I know.

> There is also some confusion in the wiki regarding highway=tertiary. It says:
> "highway=tertiary: The next most important roads in a country's
> system. (Often link smaller towns and villages)" [2]
> And:
> "Outside urban areas, tertiary roads are those with low to moderate
> traffic which link smaller settlements such as villages or hamlets."
> [3]
> So what is it that highway=tertiary links? Hamlets, villages, smaller
> towns? Any of those?
I guess it kind of depends on area? I would not expect thorough consistency
across world and what is described as "hamlet" is probably not so consistent.
Though making it more consistent would be nice (if anyone would start a 
separate thread it would be nice)

> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> Fernando Trebien

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Highway classification in Antarctica

2024-04-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 28, 2024, 22:50 by

> 3. If they are hamlets, shouldn't the main routes connecting them be
> mapped as highway=tertiary, based on the definitions in the wiki? [1]
> [1] >
why you think that place=hamlet are automatically entitled to

Why you link this relation as related? This road serves mines, not
only research stations/hamlets.

And is not a wiki definition.

(have I missed intended link? or are there multiple [1] anchors?)
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] How to Tag Steps in a Bridleway

2024-04-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
1) at least some people may be interested in places where cycling across
steps is legal (not fan of MTBing etc but at least some people like it?
not really sure here about whether it is actually something that people
look for )

2) people may be interested in places where cyclists nominally have
right of the way but actual infrastructure is not suitable for cycling

3) yes, routers need to look also on other tags and process various
obstacles (see also surface=sand and so

And in general meaning is clear: these are steps were cyclist are
allowed to cycle.

Note it does not mean that cycling is feasible or a good idea there.

Apr 29, 2024, 08:36 by

> Generally speaking, how do we reconcile these two?
>  bicycle=yes
> highway=steps
>  What is a data consumer supposed to infer from this as opposedto 
> just highway=steps? As long as foot=designated, aren'tcyclists always 
> allowed to get off the bike and push/carry it?And wouldn't they have 
> to when there are steps?
> Jens
>  On 28/04/2024 21:35, Peter Neale via Tagging wrote:
>> Hi DaveF,
>> Acting on advice, I havealready split the Bridleway and 
>> re-tagged 2 sections as:
>> bicycle=yes
>> designation=public_bridleway
>> foot=designated
>> highway=steps
>> horse=designated
>> incline=down  (or up)
>> lit=no
>> surface=paved
>> The steps can be seen onaerial imagery (a bit fuzzy on Bing, but 
>> particularly clearin the aerial imagery whose name shall not be 
>> mentioned inOSM), plus I remember running through there a few  
>> monthsago, so I know that the steps are there.   I intend to 
>> visitagain soon and add more detail (number of steps, etc.)
>> Between these is a sectionof the orignal way, which is now >> 
>> I hope this helps and thatyou agree with the tagging.
>> Regards,
>> Peter
>> (PeterPan99)
>> On Sunday, 28 April 2024 at 17:35:58 BST, Dave F viaTagging >> 
>>  >>  wrote:
>> Could you provide the link to the OSM way please?
>>  DaveF
>> On28/04/2024 15:19, Peter Neale via Tagging wrote:
>>> Advice, please.
>>> A local Public Bridleway has a few(3, 4 or 5 from 
>>> Aerial imagery) steps going downbefore it passes 
>>> under a road bridge, and asimilar number up again 
>>> on the other side.
>>> How can I best tag this?  Accordingto the wiki, 
>>> "highway=steps" seems to be *analternative to*, not 
>>> *a qualification of *"highway=bridleway". I don't 
>>> want to misleadconsumers by breaking the bridleway, 
>>> but I don'twant cycling consumers to be unaware of 
>>> the factthat there are a few steps to descend / 
>>> ascend,which may require a dismount.
>>> Regards,
>>> Peter
>>> (PeterPan99)
>>> ___Tagging mailing list>>> 
>> ___
>>  Tagging mailing list
>>  >>
>>  >>
>> ___Tagging mailing list>> 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Highway classification in Antarctica

2024-04-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 25, 2024, 16:16 by

> I also think that such changes also imply corrections to the following
> section regarding how importance is to be assessed by mappers:
> Particularly this sentence:
> "In a region with poor infrastructure, a road of highest importance,
> forming the main road network there, should be highway=trunk,
> regardless of being a high-quality wide asphalt road or a low-quality
> narrow track worse than highway=service in other regions."
> The consensus here seems not aligned with this. This section also
> references the following proposal:
> Whose summary says:
> "the general definition of highway=* should be changed to importance
> for the road grid (hierarchical position in the interconnecting
> network) instead of physical attributes"
> What is missing is a statement about whether one starts judging such
> networks by importance from the top (trunk downwards) or from the
> bottom (tertiary upwards).
Antarctica has no real road network so missing top levels of road classes
is fine.

It is also missing roads between major large cities because it has no
major large cities.

If very big island has no roads at all except single small road between 
two houses it does not mean it is highway=trunk road.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Highway classification in Antarctica

2024-04-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 25, 2024, 14:20 by

> Considering that requiring local surveys in Antarctica would lead to
> an empty map and that assuming that governments are always lying would
> prevent us from importing government data
please reread message you are responding to

"without any verification based on primary sources (local observations, 
satellite/aerial imagery, ground photos"

using satellite or aerial imagery or ground photos does not require visiting
such place in person

BTW, I think that at this point
section should be removed.

("more intensively maintained than the other long distance routes" is not
enough to be highway=trunk)

> On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 at 04:51, Christoph Hormann  wrote:
>> I wanted to add some cautionary advice here.
>> Mapping in the Antarctic in OSM is to a much larger part than on other 
>> continents fueled by 'imagined' things.  I am not talking about stuff here 
>> individually made up by mappers but more institutionally conjured ideas, 
>> projections and to some extent also political propaganda.  The percentage of 
>> things mapped in the Antarctic in recent years that is based on secondary 
>> sources (government/institutional publications, wikipedia etc.) without any 
>> verification based on primary sources (local observations, satellite/aerial 
>> imagery, ground photos) is rather high - in a way that in the long term 
>> would become a serious problem for OpenStreetMap.
>> Having looked at a lot of satellite imagery from the Antarctic over the 
>> years i can clearly say that a lot of claims that are being made about 
>> 'roads' in the Antarctic - in OSM or in Wikipedia - do not hold up in 
>> scrutiny against primary source evidence.  And in such cases you'd have to 
>> ask yourself:  Do you want OSM to represent the observable reality on the 
>> ground or do you want it to reflect the major consensus narrative of a 
>> certain cultural sphere.
>> As a basic definition a route of navigation on land has two requirements to 
>> qualify as a road/path in OSM:
>> * it is physically manifested in some form, at least during those periods 
>> when it is used (in case of seasonal roads on seasonally dry/frozen 
>> lakes/rivers for example).
>> * it is used in the physically manifested form with some level of regularity 
>> and permanency.
>> Two examples from outside the Antarctic that would probably not qualify:
>> The first simply lacks a physical manifestation (because the ground is too 
>> dynamically re-shaped by wind and the route used is too variable in its 
>> exact course).  The second visibly demonstrates that no single physically 
>> manifested track is commonly used by the different users of the route.  Both 
>> of these are evidently verifiable routes of navigation (a bit like ferry 
>> routes) - but, by established meaning of the road tags in OSM, not roads 
>> (though of course mappers are free to map them as such - as evidenced by the 
>> examples).
>> Looking concretely at long distance supply routes in the Antarctic - those 
>> are largely quite comparable to the linked to cases outside the Antarctic - 
>> except that most of them are much more sparsely used for very specific 
>> purposes (supply of a specific remote location with certain goods that are 
>> impossible or much less cost efficient to transport via airplane).  By 
>> established conventions of functional road tagging in OSM these would almost 
>> all be service roads (no through-traffic to other destinations than the ones 
>> the route ends at).  The level of physical manifestation varies a lot 
>> depending on local snow and wind conditions and type and frequency of use.  
>> Some routes that have likely not been used for many years are clearly 
>> visible in images while others (some of which are claimed to be used with 
>> high frequency on Wikipedia and elsewhere) have clearly no physical 
>> manifestation.
>> In general, it is unlikely that mappers at large can be convinced to refrain 
>> from inflating tagging in the Antarctic to compensate for the variable scale 
>> of the Mercator projection or to reproduce certain subjective believes of 
>> importance.  This applies to both routes of navigation and populated places. 
>>  The solution would be to create distinct tagging to account for the 
>> concrete features that exist and are practically verifiable specifically to 
>> be used in parallel with the subjectively inflated (and therefore 
>> semantically meaningless) mainstream tags.  In this specific case that would 
>> be tagging of routes of land navigation with sporadic use and 
>> permanently/regularly populated places that

Re: [Tagging] Highway classification in Antarctica

2024-04-24 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 24, 2024, 17:55 by

> On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 at 12:06, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <> 
>> > wrote:
> > Antarctica has no cities, towns and villages.
> McMurdo Station, the largest and most important research station in 
> Antarctica, has been mapped as place=town since 2009, then briefly as 
> place=hamlet from 2012 to 2015, and then place=town again since 2015 with a 
> brief edit war trying to map it as place=city. Should this be fixed?
in my opinion yes, but I am not willing to invest time to convince people or 
edit it
(there is a lot of more obvious changes that should be done, I am cleaning some 
vandalism right now, this is at most dubious tagging for renderer - and far far 
obvious than many other I have seen)

(at least it is not tagged as place=city)

> > No people live there permanently.
> There is a permanent civilian population in the Chilean Villa Las Estrellas 
> and another in the Argentinian Fortín Sargento Cabral (Esperanza Base). 
Interesting. I was trying to dig into it and found more conflicted info.
(it seems that population is year-round there but specific people are not 
living there
permanently and this places are setup to increase strength of territorial 

> And then there are the so-called 
> “permanent” research stations, staffed year-round, never empty, but which 
> rotate staff regularly. I think these stations qualify as settlements and 
> should not be treated as collections of empty structures. They can be seen as 
> temporary workplaces, similar to ports or mines, which, despite not even 
> having a "population" staying overnight, still influence decisions about 
> highway classification.
I agree.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Highway classification in Antarctica

2024-04-24 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Apr 24, 2024, 16:35 by

> This will assign very low road classes
> across the continent.
I would expect such outcome. Antarctica has no cities, towns and villages.

No people live there permanently. It has things like research stations.

I have not made in-depth exploration of topic but I would expect
zero highway=motorway
zero highway=trunk
zero highway=primary
zero highway=secondary

even highway=tertiary is dubious for me there at initial glance
highway=tertiary seems too much

that looks like service road for access of airport, maybe
highway=unclassified at most

highway=secondary in such case seems absurd for access road to an
airport in such case, this island should not have highway=secondary anywhere at 
(unless I missed town located there)
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] The reason to not use loc_name is far too subjective.

2024-03-28 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Mar 27, 2024, 20:33 by

> If it's not on a road sign or in a street gazetteer database then it's almost 
> certain not to have a name. 
maybe in some areas of world, but not everywhere

many names are not in either of that
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Where should name tags be added on administrative boundaries?

2024-03-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
something weird is with your link in some views

reposting it:

Mar 24, 2024, 17:31 by

> I’m thinking about expanding the administrative boundaries in my area, and 
> from what I’ve found in my research, the most effective approach involves 
> creating a relation and specifying roles like ‘outer,’ ‘admin_center,’ and 
> ‘label’ as detailed on the wiki page:
> 2 
> However, I’m a bit unsure about where to add name tags. Should I exclusively 
> add them on the label node, only on the relation, or on both the label and 
> relation?
> Looking at examples from around the world, it seems that name tags are often 
> found on both entities but aren’t consistently synchronized, which could lead 
> to inconsistencies.
> FYI I have also posted the same question on Discourse: > 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] tagging "loose" paving stones

2024-02-21 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
I also would go with surface=paving_stones - and maybe add also smoothness tag,
and agree with Fernando

Feb 21, 2024, 01:47 by

> I think they are surface=paving_stones because:
> - the stones are very flat on top
> - it seems that the objective was to arrange them snugly, although the fit 
> may have deteriorated a little
> - it seems pretty easy to ride a bike there, but not skate, which is what one 
> generally expects from surface=paving_stones; surface=sett is a little more 
> difficult for cycling because the stones are less flat and the surface as a 
> whole is also less flat
> I think surface=sett is usually more like this: > 
> On Sat, 17 Feb 2024 at 15:55, Anne-Karoline Distel via Tagging <> 
>> > wrote:
>> That's the best I can do for now: >> 
>>   You can kind of see the gaps between the stones.
>> On 17/02/2024 17:46, Åbn wrote:
>>> I think you should provide a picture.
>>> On February 17, 2024 5:19:06 PM UTC,  Anne-Karoline Distel via 
>>> Tagging >>>  
>>> >>
 I'm not sure I'm understanding the differences between surface=sett 
 andsurface=paved or if what I'm trying to map is covered by either. Where 
 Ilive, there are some streets that are paved, but the stones aren't 
 setfirmly, so they wobble a bit when you drive/ cycle over them. It 
 isperfectly safe, but it allows rainwater to drain quicker, at least 
 Ithink that is the reason for this type of paving. It sounds a bit like 
 axylophone (well, lithophone, I guess), when going over them.Considering 
 climate change and the higher likelihood of flooding etc, itwould be 
 important to map the difference between paved streets thatdon't allow for 
 quick drainage and these loosely paved streets. There isprobably some 
 technical term for it.So, in short: Do we have a tagging scheme for those 
 or not?Anne
 Tagging mailing list

>> ___
>>  Tagging mailing list
>>  >>
>>  >>
> --
> Fernando Trebien

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Liquidator store tagging

2023-12-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
is it selling specific type of products or everything from dried fruits through 
and mugs to industrial solvents and cars?

Dec 17, 2023, 23:03 by

> any idea for which is the best tag for a liquidator store (one that sells 
> goods from liquidated retailers)?

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shops for display

2023-11-22 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Nov 22, 2023, 22:05 by

> sent from a phone
>> On 22 Nov 2023, at 18:33, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging 
>>  wrote:
>> I would consider it more as device than showroom
> can you provide a dictionary definition for “device” that could refer to a 
> room? Because the ones I looked at wouldn’t fit.
I was referring to display setup in windows and/or orientationally boarded up 
vacant shop, not to a room.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shops for display

2023-11-22 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Nov 22, 2023, 17:47 by

> Am Mi., 22. Nov. 2023 um 17:12 Uhr schrieb Anne- Karoline Distel
> :
>> My case was where you can't enter the premises, it's really just displaying 
>> goods or even (slightly different) displaying contact details for the 
>> business which has moved to the outskirts of town.
> yes, your thread was somehow "hi-jacked" because we discovered we
> might also need tagging for showrooms. I think the best solution for
> your situation is no shop and maybe some advertising=* tag
> Actually "advertising" says it is for advertising devices, and your
> situation isn't a device I guess, so maybe it is a showroom without
> admittance?
I would consider it more as device than showroom
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shops for display

2023-11-22 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
there is also

"Shop primarily used to pick-up items ordered online. May have meager supply of 
which was used for shops which has basically no actual supply of products (
or sometimes nothing at all)

>From what I heard name of shop type makes no sense in English in this context,
shop=* is dubious here but I am not aware of a better tagging for that

Nov 22, 2023, 11:22 by

> This is becoming much more of a problem.
> In the UK we have a shop called Argos, where you order from a catalogue then 
> the item appears on a conveyor from an attached storage area a few minutes 
> later. You could also ask to see something before you bought it. A few years 
> ago they were large shops that had stock of pretty much everything in the 
> catalogue.
> Now they have become small areas in a supermarket which have no stock and 
> everything has to be ordered online and collected the next day. Other high 
> street shops are going the same way and making themselves irrelevant.
> On 21 November 2023 20:42:02 GMT, Niels Elgaard Larsen  
> wrote:
>> On Tue, 21 Nov 2023 13:01:32 +0100
>> Martin Koppenhoefer  wrote:
>>> sent from a phone
 On 21 Nov 2023, at 12:47, Niels Elgaard Larsen 
 wrote: The wiki for Tesla says that Tesla showrooms are tagged
 shop=car A lot of shop=kitchen are really showrooms where you can
 order a kitchen which will be installed in you kitchen. The shop do
 not actually have kitchens for sale in the store.

>> I agree with that.
>> But from the users point of view, there are some implicit expectations
>> depending of what is sold.
>> For shop=estate_agent it should be obvious that you do not get anything
>> physical at the store.
>> For shop=car it is less clear.
>> Also for shop=kitchen, some places will sell you a flatpack kitchen,
>> that you can put in the back of your car.
>> I once drove to a shop=pet only to find out that it was the office for
>> a pet webshop that had a small showroom of cat scrathcing pads, etc.
>> For eg furniture, appliances, bathroom devices, bicycles, glassware
>> there are showrooms and a user could reasonable expect to be able to go
>> there and just buy an item.
>> With more stuff being sold online, we will probably see more showrooms,
>> and I think we should have a way to tell users if they can buy anything
>> at a shop, or it is just a showroom.
>>> „ordering“ a kitchen or car in a shop is a sale, IMHO. The word sale
>>> does not imply you take the goods away with you immediately, nor that
>>> they are necessarily present at the point of sale.
>>> Cheers Martin 
>>> Tagging mailing list
>> Tagging mailing list

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shops for display

2023-11-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
advertising=display_window works much better than shop=display_only
(as it is not a shop)

though maybe there is value with more immediately clear meaning?

Nov 20, 2023, 21:37 by

> Sounds like something like "advertising=display_window" or similar would make 
> more sense
> Alex
> On Mon, Nov 20, 2023, 21:29 Martin Koppenhoefer <>> > 
> wrote:
>> sent from a phone
>>  > On 20 Nov 2023, at 20:59, Anne-Karoline Distel <>>>> 
>> > wrote:
>>  > 
>>  > Hi,
>>  > 
>>  > is there a way to tag shops that are not used for selling goods
>>  > directly, but are just used for display for the actual shop or even to
>>  > advertise something different? Here in Ireland, I think they are often
>>  > used to hide the fact that it's actually a vacant premises, and rates
>>  > are also different, I believe, if you're not actually conducting
>>  > business there. Would "shop=display_only" be a way to do it? I would
>>  > still like to have an option to mark them as vacant,  in a way.
>>  > 
>>  > They could be using the space inside to display their goods or even just
>>  > have the windows covered in decals to advertise that they have moved or
>>  > to advertise local sights or whatever.
>>  according to the wiki a shop is selling goods or services, if they don’t do 
>> either it’s not a shop for OpenStreetMap.
>>  Cheers Martin 
>>  ___
>>  Tagging mailing list
>>  >>
>>  >>

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Proposal: Use description instead of name for route relations

2023-10-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Oct 18, 2023, 09:30 by

> On 17/10/23 23:22, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at4:51 AM Warin <>>>> 
>> >wrote:
>>> On 17/10/23 04:17, Paul Johnson wrote:
 Presently, it's common for route  relations to have names 
 that violate "name is only the  name" and "name is not 
 ref" and "name is not  description" rules for name=* tags.

>>> I don't find it common in 'my area' of mapping. One ortwo 
>>> examples would demonstrate the situation?
>>> In any case:
>>> The name tag is used on may things for example;buildings, 
>>> parks, schools, highways ... 
>>> The use of the name tag as 'name only' applies whereever 
>>> the name tag is used. This is similar for othertags such as 
>>> elevation, width, colour etc. No matterwhat feature they 
>>> are used on the tags carry the samecharacteristics and 
>>> restrictions. It is not necessary torepeat these 
>>> characteristics and restrictions for everymain feature.
>> Routes have names, too!  For example, here's the relationfor OK 
>> 51, named for the name of the route.  >> 
>> Meanwhile, I 40 in Arkansas has a good example of a namethat is 
>> actually a ref and a description, not a name.  >> 
>>  Finally, OK 19 is an example of a properly describedno-name 
>> route.  >>
> Ok. I still don't see a necessity of repeating the name tag  information 
> inside the relation tag...
this proposal wants to remove wrong advise that advocates adding fake names to

maybe just removing this bad advise without proposal would be a good idea
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Proposal: Use description instead of name for route relations

2023-10-17 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Oct 17, 2023, 11:49 by

> On 17/10/23 04:17, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> Presently, it's common for route relations to havenames that violate 
>> "name is only the name" and "name is not ref"and "name is not 
>> description" rules for name=* tags.
> I don't find it common in 'my area' of mapping. One or two  examples 
> would demonstrate the situation?

name=Tram 64 (nocny): Bronowice Małe => Os. Piastów
from is an example

this tram line has no name

"Tram" is additionally wrong as not matching local language and "nocny" part)

useful label could be made from ref=* from=* to=* tags and there is no need
at all for this fake name.

Note that info that it is a night tram is not provided in any structured form, 
only as part of the fake name. This fake name should be removed and info
that it is a night tram put into some tag or into description=* 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Tagging for the renderer : One-way "flow" bicycle tracks

2023-09-10 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Sep 10, 2023, 23:37 by

> On Mon, 11 Sept 2023 at 01:25, Niels Elgaard Larsen <>> > 
> wrote:
>> Volker Schmidt:
>>  > Be careful: oneway=* is a legal access tag, only valid for vehicles, not 
>> for pedestrians.
>>  We do have a lot of highway=footway,oneway=yes
> Also know of suspended Tree Walk walkways e.g. > 
>>  which are 
> signposted as oneway, & tagged the same
And there are oneway hiking trails where it is a legal restriction.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - Cell Phone Reception

2023-08-07 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Aug 7, 2023, 02:58 by

> On Sun, Aug 6, 2023 at 6:39 PM Evan Carroll <>> > wrote:
>> While I don't disagree, that's not an argument for OSM. OSM's job isn't to 
>> mitigate real world safety issues caused by technology. It's to map 
>> generally useful geographically verifiable things.
> I don't understand how cell coverage isn't verifiable - visit the site (e.g. 
> campground) in question, pull out your phone, note how many bars, try to make 
> a call, send a text, use some data (perhaps run a speed test). Yes, it is 
> only good for your carrier, but the carrier should be recorded. Yes, there 
> could be network congestion, or a tower could be out, but we map roads, and 
> they can be congested, or closed due to accidents, flooding, landslides, 
> construction, etc.  In some way, this is getting back to our roots, actually 
> getting out and surveying, rather than just relying on satellite/aerial 
> imagery.
Mapping congestion of roads is also out of scope for OSM.

And cell phone reception varies wildly based on weather, time of year, 
internals of operator, load on operator...

What seems potentially mappable is a place where people go (in area of poor or 
coverage) to use phones as connection is better or existing at all there.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - Intentionally omitted name tags

2023-07-31 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Jul 30, 2023, 19:48 by

> Le 30.07.23 à 18:52, Brian M. Sperlongano a écrit :
>> On Sun, Jul 30, 2023 at 12:08 PM Marc_marc > > wrote:
>>  did we need to have this thread again and again ?
>> What do you believe should go into the name tag of the bodies of water known 
>> in French as océan Atlantique or the body of water known as Itämeri in 
>> Finnish?
> my personal preference is to have a name=* in a neutral language
> such as esperanto
esperanto is not a neutral language either (more neutral in some aspects,
less in some other aspects)

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [Talk-GB] Fords and how to provide information to help with routing apps

2023-07-04 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Jul 4, 2023, 17:05 by

> On Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 03:14:47PM +0100, Ian Dent wrote:
>> Previously it was tagged as ford=impassable but this isn't a valid value and
> On reflection, that doesn't seem such a bad tag.
ford=impassable makes no sense

ford is by definition a passable place across waterway, if 
something is impassable then it is not a ford

if passage across waterway become destroyed: delete that
section of road/cycleway/footway.

(as usual, if really needed it is possible to temporarily use
lifecycle prefixes to prevent bad edits if nothing is left,
or map disused:highway= as long as some remains are visible

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - Wave Lounger

2023-07-02 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Jul 2, 2023, 10:40 by

> Am So., 2. Juli 2023 um 10:10 Uhr schrieb Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
>> Why not subtag for 
>> ?
> That other tag can be applied to areas in two different ways: either
> representing a single item - or as a place, where
> commonly/sometimes/seasonally/depending on time of day/and who knows
> what - none, one, or more loungers can be found.
> This one is meant for fixed installs only and not for use on areas.
> The lounger tag cannot be reused because it is designed too badly.

I do not really see a big problem here, if someone wants they can 
add extra tags counting capacity/number of loungers or
intermittent=yes or seasonal=yes
But this should be listed in proposal to let people judge is it a good idea___
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - Wave Lounger

2023-07-02 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Why not subtag for

amenity=lounger lounger=wave
amenity=lounger lounger=wave_lounger

seems better to me as someone can map lounger without classifying
it subtype (and we may have ideas to map more lounger classes in

And mentioning how to distinguish amenity=lounger from
amenity=wave_lounger would be useful in either case


"Generalisation should be up to the cartographers and not the mappers."

1) it depends on generalization type, some generalisation
is unavoidable at time of mapping and makes sense
Any classification of real objects (tagging objects in OSM)
already is some generalization

2) It is not changing that 

(A) cascading tagging
( amenity=general_class general_class=detail )

(B) using properties 
( amenity=general_class property=value )

is very often better
than (C) direct superdetailed classification
- amenity=super_detailed_subtype_a
- amenity=super_detailed_subtype_b
- amenity=super_detailed_subtype_c
- amenity=super_detailed_subtype_d
- amenity=super_detailed_subtype_e

amenity=wave_lounger sounds to me like using natural=oak
rather then natural=tree + separate property for mapping that
it is an oak ( say, taxon:en=oak )

or historic=memorial_bench instead of historic=memorial memorial=bench
or historic=blue_plaque instead of historic=memorial memorial=blue_plaque
or... (see other values at
Jul 2, 2023, 00:55 by

> Please weigh in on this proposed new tag, here, in the community
> forum, in the wiki talk page:
> Looking forward
> ___
> Tagging mailing list

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shop=gun shop=guns shop=weapons shop=firearms

2023-06-27 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Jun 20, 2023, 06:35 by

> Jun 20, 2023, 01:36 by
>> In English, the adjective for the shop tends to be singular, when that
>> adjective is a noun.  The plural just sounds funny.  For example we have
>> "car dealer", "grocery store", "grocery store", "cell phone store", etc.
>> So I am fine with shop=guns being viewed as a typo for shop=gun.
> Can anyone else confirm this? I though that shop=guns would be preferable
> But after that comment and looking at > 
> I am not really sure.
I documented shop=gun at
and reverted one of my edits that changed shop=gun to shop=firearms

(will look at all shop=firearms and shop=guns and check whether any other were
retagged from shop=gun by me recently)
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shop=gun shop=guns shop=weapons shop=firearms

2023-06-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Jun 25, 2023, 01:13 by

> Martin Koppenhoefer  writes:
>> sent from a phone
>>> On 24 Jun 2023, at 00:29, Minh Nguyen  wrote:
>>> But if we focus too pedantically on legal status at the expense of
>>> common sense, then we've reinvented designation=*, and mappers and
>>> data consumers have to find yet another key to express what could've
>>> been in highway=*.
>> oh yes, absolutely, if legal status and common sense/reality are not 
>> congruent we should record both.
> (...)
> But none of that matters to OSM; if there is a shop that is selling
> cannabis, then it is tagged as such, regardless of whether it is a
> federal crime but not a state crime, a crime under neither legal regime,
> or a crime under both.  And it doesn't matter exactly how either regime
> defines what is or is not unlawful.
> So I find the attention to legal definitions in the present discussion
> bizarre.
That is a different situation. 

shop=medical_cannabis would be analogous to shop=firearms
as it is a legal term (if I understood it right) with variety of differences
across places and wild changes in its definition over time, and
therefore a poor terms to use in OSM (like shop=firearms apparently)
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shop=gun shop=guns shop=weapons shop=firearms

2023-06-22 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Jun 21, 2023, 15:51 by

> It is absolutely the wrong thing to say that shop=firearms means "a shop
> that sells whatever the local law means by firearms".   This is a
> general principle in OSM that we define something and then expect
> mappers to use the OSM definition, not local language.
Though if some specific term is primarily legal term and has crazy
definitions varying across world - then using a different term is a better idea,
if such term is available and is less confusing.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shop=gun shop=guns shop=weapons shop=firearms

2023-06-22 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Jun 22, 2023, 14:46 by

> Martin Koppenhoefer  writes:
>> sent from a phone
>>> On 21 Jun 2023, at 15:52, Greg Troxel  wrote:
>>> It is absolutely the wrong thing to say that shop=firearms means "a shop
>>> that sells whatever the local law means by firearms".   This is a
>>> general principle in OSM that we define something and then expect
>>> mappers to use the OSM definition, not local language.
>> I am not sure I can subscribe to this. Generally our tags are used
>> when the thing meets the local expectations of “such thing”, e.g. an
>> amenity=cafe or amenity=pub in England is probably different from
>> places with such a tag in Germany. Or a shop=bakery in England will
>> not necessarily sell the same kind of bread than one in France.
> Of course it won't have the same kind of bread.  But it will still be a
> shop that sells primarily things that have been baked, pastry and bread.
> Suppose in some other country, bakery is a term that means a shop that
> primarly sells sausages.  We wouldn't say that this should be
> amenity=bakery.
And this is not merely theoretical!

word "bar" in Polish does not mean the same as in English and has
much wider meaning range.


Place selling,_Poznan,_pomidorowka,_watrobka.jpg
as typical thing is not amenity=bar even if it is locally called "bar".

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shop=gun shop=guns shop=weapons shop=firearms

2023-06-19 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Jun 20, 2023, 01:36 by

> In English, the adjective for the shop tends to be singular, when that
> adjective is a noun.  The plural just sounds funny.  For example we have
> "car dealer", "grocery store", "grocery store", "cell phone store", etc.
> So I am fine with shop=guns being viewed as a typo for shop=gun.
Can anyone else confirm this? I though that shop=guns would be preferable

But after that comment and looking at
I am not really sure.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shop=gun shop=guns shop=weapons shop=firearms

2023-06-19 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Jun 19, 2023, 23:57 by

> On Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 03:48, Marc_marc <>> > wrote:
>> > Maybe also create shop=knives page
>>  Does it make sense to create a primary tag for each type of weapon?
> Yes it does, as you also have shops that are primarily intended to sell 
> knives e.g. >> , & which is not just a 
> shop=houseware as they also sell hunting, fishing & trade (chef / butchers 
> etc) knives.
I have created

> You also have shops that only sell ammunition, not guns: > 
> has single use
Is there a different tagging for that or is it not mapped/extremely rare?

> There should probably also be a shop=archery, as bows & arrows are often 
> found in their own shop, not associated with shooting.
I would use shop=sports sport=archery, though shop=archery has some uses
(maybe there are archery shops where shop=sports sport=archery would be 

Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] shop=gun shop=guns shop=weapons shop=firearms

2023-06-19 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
OSM Wiki currently claims that

shop=guns should be replaced by shop=weapons

Tag:shop=firearms redirects to shop=weapons

Tag:shop=gun redirects to shop=weapons

I propose (based on info I gathered to)
- remove claim that shop=guns should be replaced by shop=weapons
(due to information loss, there are also for example shops selling knives)
- remove shop=firearms and shop=gun and shop=guns redirects

Maybe also create shop=knives page

Create shop=firearms page, describing shop=gun and shop=guns as duplicates of 


Basically I propose to
- document shop=knives
- document shop=firearms
- undeprecate shop=firearms
- change deprecation targets of shop=gun and shop=guns


Comments are welcome!

PS maybe shop=weapons weapons=guns or shop=weapons weapons=firearms
would make sense, and be preferable over shop=firearms?
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] road accident memorials

2023-06-11 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
In Poland many of them are small crosses without any text or description
so it is not entirely obvious why they were placed (though you can guess 
quite reliably).

Jun 11, 2023, 14:31 by

> I would think that they are still memorials, if they commemorate  an 
> accident or suicide.
> I'm not aware of terribly many use cases for man_made=cross,  maybe at 
> open air church service locations or along stations of  the cross.
> Food for thought, anyway.
> Anne
> On 11/06/2023 10:29, Mateusz Konieczny  via Tagging wrote:
>> I typically tagged such crosses as man_made=cross
>> historic=memorial memorial=cross man_made=cross ?
>> Jun 11, 2023, 02:27 by >>>> :
>>> A historic=wayside_cross does not mark the spot; it is not  left in 
>>> a
>>> location where someone is buried or died. It is a way to  make sure 
>>> the
>>> soul of the deceased gets into heaven easier by having  passers by 
>>> pray
>>> for the soul. You don't have to believe in it, but that's  what 
>>> people
>>> believed back then (and maybe some still do).
>> note that it is not the only reason for placingthem
>> ___Tagging mailing list>> 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] road accident memorials

2023-06-11 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
I typically tagged such crosses as man_made=cross

historic=memorial memorial=cross man_made=cross ?

Jun 11, 2023, 02:27 by

> A historic=wayside_cross does not mark the spot; it is not left in a
> location where someone is buried or died. It is a way to make sure the
> soul of the deceased gets into heaven easier by having passers by pray
> for the soul. You don't have to believe in it, but that's what people
> believed back then (and maybe some still do).
note that it is not the only reason for placing them

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - Extended playground equipment

2023-05-27 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Is it supposed to include also coin operated ones that make 
caught one

re: playground=hammock

These are also placed independently from playgrounds. Maybe have single tag for 

re: playground=artwork
why not just normal artwork tagging? 

"If it has a significant art relevance, consider also adding tourism=artwork. "

Note that vast majority of tourism=artwork has no art relevance and definitely 
significant art relevance

re: playground=steps
why not use regular step tagging?

(the same goes for some other tags)

May 27, 2023, 08:46 by

> Hi all,
> anyone who maps playground equipment from time to time might be  familiar 
> with the issue: The playground values from the wiki  represent only a 
> small range of possible playground devices, for  many others you have to 
> get creative, come up with your own tags  or dig through TagInfo to see 
> how other mappers might have mapped  a device.
>  As a group of mappers who regularly map playgrounds, we are  proposing 
> more values to the list of documented playground  equipment to better map 
> typical devices that had no documented  value before.
>  >
>  Please discuss this proposal on its Wiki Talk page.
> Best,
>  Alex for the group of proposal authors

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Tagging proposal On Wheels app 2 - Changing places and changing table

2023-05-22 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Is it about
for adults?

May 22, 2023, 14:20 by

> Changing places
> For the moment there is no tag for a changing place: > 
> With the On wheels app we want to add
> amenity=changing_places
> Possible tag combinations would be:
> toilets:wheelchair  (yes, no)
> entrance:width    (number)
> shower:wheelchair    (yes, no)
> hand_basin:wheelchair (yes, no)
> changing_table   (yes, no)
> Changing_table:
> We want to add the following new tags to changin_table:
> changing_table:size or changing_table:user_type   (children, adults)
> changing_table:hoist      
>   (yes, no)
> changing_table:type   
>    (manual, electric, fixed)
> Robin Julien
> On Wheels
> Virusvrij.> 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] roof:shape=pitched imprecise value ?

2023-04-24 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 24, 2023, 18:43 by

> sent from a phone
>> On 20 Apr 2023, at 22:04, Marc_marc  wrote:
>> is roof:shape=pitched an imprecise value ?
> as you ask about imprecise, what about “round” or “many”?
"many" has valid use case
"Marks that building has multiple different roof shapes at once"
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] openGeoDB* discardable ?

2023-04-22 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 20, 2023, 22:18 by

> Le 17.04.23 à 15:43, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging a écrit :
>> Given how many of them are (<20 000) I think that bot edit
>> removing them would be a good idea.
> this was also my first idea, but as a Swiss contributor is opposed
> to it, the edition in question will not be done in Switzerland.
oh, then such sad workaround may be needed (though personally
I would rather put on TODO list and retry in in 2025 - still faster
than centuries of waiting till all objects with discardable tag will
be edited by editor that has discardable tag list for removal)

but in such case adding them to discardable tags is also fine
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shop=screenprinting

2023-04-21 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 21, 2023, 16:19 by

> Le 21.04.23 à 16:01, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging a écrit :
>> Apr 21, 2023, 14:31 by
>>  Le 21.04.23 à 14:08, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging a écrit :
>>  Apr 21, 2023, 01:33 by
>>  On 20/04/2023 19:50, Mateusz Konieczny via talk wrote:
>>  undocumented shop values
>>  I'm using shop=screenprinting
>>  a better value or a good value that need documentation ? :)
>>  is it selling supplies for screen printing or offering it as a
>>  service? Or both?
>>  it sells the screenprinting-on-demand service as well as many
>>  pre-screenprinted objects (e.g. t-shirts or coffee cups with slogans)
>>  it doesn't sell supplies for screenprinting
>>  craft is done elsewhere, not at the shop location
>> so is it about printing something on objects?
>> or is it also about regular printing on paper?
> yes on objects
> not "copy a paper on paper" nor print a pdf on paper,
> it's not a shop=copyshop
shop=printing_on_objects ? seems more clear than shop=screenprinting

(not a native speaker disclaimer)

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shop=screenprinting

2023-04-21 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 21, 2023, 14:31 by

> Le 21.04.23 à 14:08, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging a écrit :
>> Apr 21, 2023, 01:33 by
>>  On 20/04/2023 19:50, Mateusz Konieczny via talk wrote:
>>  undocumented shop values
>>  I'm using shop=screenprinting
>>  a better value or a good value that need documentation ? :)
>> is it selling supplies for screen printing or offering it as a service? Or 
>> both?
> it sells the screenprinting-on-demand service as well as many
> pre-screenprinted objects (e.g. t-shirts or coffee cups with slogans)
> it doesn't sell supplies for screenprinting
> craft is done elsewhere, not at the shop location
so is it about printing something on objects?

or is it also about regular printing on paper?

BTW, we also miss a good tag for printing services more developed
than A4 copies in low quality covered by shop=copyshop
- we have no good way to mark places where you can go and print
few copies of A3 or A2, in colour, in reasonable quality - shop=printing
was also widely used for places where you can print only low quality
A4 prints.
Maybe subtags for availability of A2/A3 print services would be helpful?
Not sure is separate shop=* tag is a good idea as there is no clear border
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shop=screenprinting

2023-04-21 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 21, 2023, 01:33 by

> On 20/04/2023 19:50, Mateusz Konieczny via talk wrote:
>> undocumented shop values
> I'm using shop=screenprinting
> a betterr value or a good value that need documentation ? :)
is it selling supplies for screen printing or offering it as a service? Or both?

shop=screen_printing_supplies seems better for first
and maybe craft=screen_printing for second?
Or shop=screen_printing_services ?___
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Is tagging of fuel: assumed to be exhaustive?

2023-04-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 19, 2023, 22:46 by

> Matija Nalis:
>> Hm, I do, but as it would be rather hard to prove (and such proof is not
>> paramount here), lets us just agree that it is how certain amount of
>> mappers use it (without trying to quantify it with subjective guesses).
> I think it depend a lot from key to key.
>> I think that my point remains that:
>> - one method is clear and unambiguous ("fuel:lpg=no")
>> - one method is not clear / is ambiguous ("fuel=octane_98;diesel").
> Yes, but only because we have no way of denoting that lpg is not being sold 
> in the second format and that you knew that lpg was not being sold when 
> tagging it.
> consider instead for example opening_hours.
> The wiki is not very clear about whether it is exhaustive. I.e., if you for a 
> facility tag:
>  opening_hours=Mo-Fr 09:00-20:00
> is it open on weekends, or is it not specified?
For opening hours I would expect that at least normal operation is tagged
(it may be still closed during some general nationwide holidays but 
this specific case I would expect to be closed on weekends and if
open on weekends then it would tagging mistake)

opening_hours=Mo 09:00-20:00
means that it is open only on Mondays

> If I know that it is closed on weekends, I prefer to tag it:
>  opening_hours=09:00-20:00; Sa-Su off
> to avoid ambiguity.
Not sure does it help much.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Is tagging of fuel: assumed to be exhaustive?

2023-04-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 19, 2023, 00:14 by

> On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 17:08:39 +0200, Marc_marc  wrote:
>> Le 18.04.23 à 16:53, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging a écrit :
>>> Is tagging of fuel: assumed to be exhaustive?
>> no, some contributors will fill in what they are interested in,
>> others will fill in everything that is visible (and may not
>> be able to see the blue additive pump not visible from the car pumps), 
>> others will do an exaustive survey
> Agreed.
I made initial edit in

Feel free to edit/amend/improve.

Thanks for all comments!

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Is tagging of fuel: assumed to be exhaustive?

2023-04-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 18, 2023, 17:12 by

> Le 18.04.23 à 16:53, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging a écrit :
>> Is tagging of fuel: assumed to be exhaustive?
> no, some contributors will fill in what they are interested in,
> others will fill in everything that is visible (and may not
> be able to see the blue additive pump not visible from the car pumps), others 
> will do an exaustive survey
>> For example amenity=fuel + fuel:octane_80=yes
>> Is it implying that it is sole type of fuel available?
> no
Great, I will note it at relevant wiki page unless someone will protest.

>> Is it possible to mark that fuel station
>> has solely fuel:octane_98 and fuel:octane_80 ?
>> It seems that fuel:others=no is used a bit for that purpose
> yes *:others=no but also *:*=only exist for that purpose
=only works only when you have station offering single fuel, right?
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Is tagging of fuel: assumed to be exhaustive?

2023-04-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Apr 18, 2023, 17:39 by

> I have come across a few cases where a mapper has has blindly answered no to 
> a list of octane ratings that do not exist in the country they are mapping in.
> In the UK it is safe to assume every filling station sells Euro 95/E10 and 
> diesel.
Are there also LPG-only stations in UK?
Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Is tagging of fuel: assumed to be exhaustive?

2023-04-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
For example amenity=fuel + fuel:octane_80=yes

Is it implying that it is sole type of fuel available?
Would it be mistake to tag 
amenity=fuel + fuel:octane_80=yes
when also some other fuels are available?
It seems to be fine, is it right?

Is it possible to mark that fuel station
has solely fuel:octane_98 and fuel:octane_80 ?
It seems that fuel:others=no is used a bit for that purpose
resulting in

Previously asked on
but there was minimal response
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] openGeoDB* discardable ?

2023-04-17 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Given how many of them are (<20 000) I think that bot edit removing
them would be a good idea.

I see a point of making tag discardable if there are say 100 000 000 uses
of it, but at this volume bot edit seems preferable over slowly removing it over
centuries as other edits are being made.

Apr 15, 2023, 16:46 by

> Hello,
> the openGeoDB* tags were added during an import in 2008 [1] in europe
> and according to the wiki [2], the osm data maj project is long dead
> and was problematic.
> years later we still have plenty of occurrences of tag cases
> if we had to do it again, current good practice would refuse to flood osm 
> with internal tags to an external database (except sometimes an id such as 
> wikidata)
> I thus propose to change the status of these tags in discardable
> so that those are not preserved during the edition of an object
> some county, for ex Belgium, have already decided to remove them [3]
> notice ?
> Regards,
> Marc
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> ___
> Tagging mailing list

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Difference between graffiti and mural

2023-04-15 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
why only "notable"?

Apr 15, 2023, 19:17 by

> Hi,
> I would like to properly document the use of 'artwork_type=graffiti', a 
> previously undocumented but widely used tag, to clarify the difference (if 
> any) between a graffiti and a mural ('artwork_type=mural').[1]
> Any suggestions? Any comments would be appreciated.[2]
> Regards,
> Daniel Capilla
> [1]
> [2] 
> ___
> Tagging mailing list

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Status of clothes=motorcycle

2023-04-06 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
As far as I see they have not provided - either on page or in edit description
why it is deprecated or where it was discussed.

I reverted it.

Thanks for catching it.

I am not aware of any deprecation here or of a good reasons for that.
This tags may make sense at least for some shops, though I am
not familiar with this type of retail.

Apr 6, 2023, 10:53 by

> One of the wiki editors (Rtfm) insists that the clothes=motorcycle tag has 
> been deprecated in favor of motorcycle:clothes=yes. For me it's not.
> What do you think?
> Regards, 
> Illia. 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - EV Charging Station Mapping

2023-03-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Mar 31, 2023, 01:53 by

> On 30/03/2023 18:13, NKA mapper wrote:
>> tor. 30. mar. 2023 kl. 18:14 skrev Andy Townsend  <>> 
>>>> >:
>>> How do I know if an "amenity=charging_station" in theOSM 
>>> data is a "single charge point" or a "group ofchargers"?
>> The intention is to not have a difference. Both a singlecharger 
>> location and a multi-charger location is a placewhere you could 
>> charge your vehicle, and the proposal is tomap them the same 
>> way. This is similar to a fuel station,where I would tag one 
>> single pump, typically at a rurallocation, as amenity=fuel. 
> That would be a problem, as trying to use the same tag for  different 
> physical objects always is in OSM.  If I
> gis=> select count(*) from [some database table] where amenity  = 
> 'charging_station';
>   count
>  ---
>     267
>  (1 row)
> How do I know what I am counting?  How do I count just "single  charge 
> points"?  How do I count "groups of chargers"
You are counting distinct charger points, some of them may have single charge 
with capacity for one car (may be tagged capacity=1), some may be single charge
point with capacity for more cars (may be tagged capacity=2 or something), some 
may be
groups of two charge points and so on.

Note that currently you also can get both "30 charger points, each as own 
and "single station mapped once" so situation will get better, not worse.

>> Of course tags like capacity and socket would giveindications.
> If tagged, but plenty exist without those: >
Yes, problem exists also now anyway.

StreetComplete asks about this missing info

>> And if amenity=charging_station is tagged as an areaaround a 
>> number of charge points, that would be a group.
> That'd need to be a spatially-aware query, and I wouldn't assume  that 
> data consumers can easily do that.  At the place where I  detect charging 
> stations I don't have that capability: > 
>   .
> If the same tag must be used for both, the only way to tell  "single 
> charge point" from "group of chargers" is to have a tag  that is set to 
> indicate which is which.  If "newtag=single" it  means it's a single 
> charge point, if "newtag=group" it's a group,  and if "newtag" is not 
> set, we don't yet know, and need to  encourage local mappers to add the 
> tag.
I guess that can be useful.

How you distinguish "marks group of chargers" and "marks single charger within
group of chargers" now?

Is it "ideally proposal would introduce this ability" or "proposal breaks 
existing ability"?
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - EV Charging Station Mapping

2023-03-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Mar 30, 2023, 18:14 by

> On 30/03/2023 09:25, NKA mapper wrote:
>> The  definition of >> amenity 
>> >> =>> charging_station 
>> >>  will 
>> change slightly  and will represent both locations with a single charge 
>> point and  locations with a group of chargers.
> How do I know if an "amenity=charging_station" in the OSM data is  a 
> "single charge point" or a "group of chargers"?
I guess that in such cases it may be possible to tag it both as charging 
station and
a charge point at the same time?

Invent charge_point_count=1 ?
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - EV Charging Station Mapping

2023-03-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Mar 30, 2023, 16:11 by

> Le 30.03.23 à 12:43, Lionel Giard a écrit :
>> we use the same idea for amenity=fuel where it just shows  the place where 
>> there is one or more fuel pump.
> in no case did amentiy=fuel designate a pump and then be changed
> to designate all the pumps in the same location.
> it you really want to have an amenity to keep
> the same idea as for fossil amenity,
> why not amenity=charing_place
> but keep the current in-use meaning amenity=charging_station inchanged
that would be far worse: break many data consumers and require retagging far 
more cases

And would also redefine amenity=charging_station anyway

>> And it also seems logical to use "man_made" category to tag  the individual 
>> charge points as we do for fuel pumps.
> that doesn't answer my objection: don't change the meaning
> of an existing tag :
> For years we will end up with a tag with two meanings: the old and
> the new and it will be impossible to review the old tag since part
> of the new meaning (amenity=charging_station = a site of 
> man_made=charging_station) uses the same tag as the current meaning 
> (amenity=charging_station = a charging station, that may be part of
> a bigger site)
> not being able to migrate from the old to the new schema is the worst thing 
> you can do to destroy data quality
It is sufficient to review all cases with amenity=charging_station next to each 
which is doable and only tiny amount of cases will require on the ground checks
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - EV Charging Station Mapping

2023-03-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Mar 30, 2023, 10:50 by

> Hello,
> Le 30.03.23 à 10:25, NKA mapper a écrit :
>> The definition of amenity=charging_station will change slightly and will 
>> represent both locations with a single charge point and locations with a 
>> group of chargers. A new optional feature, man_made=charge_point will be 
>> created to separate detailed mapping of each charge point from the main 
>> amenity amenity>=charging_station feature at locations.
> I disapprove the idea of changing the meaning of "in use" tag.
> we already have what you want :
> - a charging station : amennity=charging_station
> - a site of charging station relation type=site
type=site are highly obnoxious to use, create and edit

with relatively low number of affected objects, no need
for action from data consumer side in most cases and better
semantics it seems rare case where redefining in use tag
makes sense

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [OSM-talk] Proposed automatic replacements of multiple surface=* and shop=* values (review welcomed!)

2023-02-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Feb 25, 2023, 23:21 by

> I'm moving this to tagging.
> Am Sa., 25. Feb. 2023 um 22:04 Uhr schrieb Mateusz Konieczny via talk <> 
>> >:
>> Shops selling pierogi are definitely not shop=pasta
> compare these pictures, 
> pierogi: >
> pasta: > 
> maybe it should be shop=noodles? I had tagged a pasta shop with noodles, but 
> when I checked in taginfo I saw there were only 3 others, but more than 600 
> shop=pasta so I changed the tag.

I guess that my protest was caused by being aware only about pasta secca (dried)

I guess that you can argue that fresh pasta is subtype of dumpling 
( ) or that dumplings are subtype of 
fresh pasta.

still tagging shop selling pierogi (that require heating/boiling to be eaten)
 as shop=pasta seems alien to me and I would prefer something else
And seems something separate.

my tagging ideas for place selling pierogi almost ready to eat but 
requiring further cooking, sold fresh - not frozen:

shop=food food=pierogi
shop=food food=prepared_meal cuisine=pierogi
shop=food food=prepared_meal prepared_meal=pierogishop=food 
shop=food main_food=pierogi
shop=prepared_meal prepared_meal=pierogi

or if I would hate data consumers


but this way you will get endless shop values for various food,
as there is basically endless variety of shops selling some highly
specific food type. Just from Poland you would get
shop=oscypek (special type of cheese)
shop=obwarzanek (special type of bread snack)
shop=śliwowica (some plum-related alcohol)
shop=smoked_mackerel (specific method of preparing specific fish)
and so on

(I would tag them with more generic fitting value and add this info as
additional tag, say shop=cheese cheese=oscypek )

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Combining "locked=yes" with various access tags

2023-02-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Feb 25, 2023, 20:57 by

> Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging  writes
>> what worse, even if tagged in say highway=service this gate may
>> be not large enough to fit a car
> highway=service by definition is enough for cars so if there is a gate
> on a highway=service that does admit cars on both sides, but is not wide
> enough for a car, then I would say this is mistagged and there should be
> a short way that is path or whatever.
Good point, I even argued for that viewpoint recently.
Still, car can fit but maybe lets say that bus will not fit.

>>> With
>>>  access=private
>>>  foot=yes
>>>  locked=yes
>>> then it says that phsical passage is not possible and hence if people
>>> can walk around then it needs a way representing walking around.
>> this one is tricky and expecting that it will be used consistently
>> will not work well
> True, but we have to guess at what is right, and then when users do it
> wrong explain and fix.
I kind of hope for more clear solution.

>> +1 to separate bypass ways if matching reality
>> not sure how to handle cases where bypass way does not work
>> (for example you can crawl under lift gate, it is allowed, you cannot get 
>> around it)
> I guess that's still a separate way that's path with a height
> restriction, even if it overlaps.
I was thinking about case where there is no path at, you walk on road,
under lift gate.

>>> I realize there have  been "but we can invent complicated bypass tags"
>>> but those seem to not interact well with existing data consumers and it
>>> does not seem we have consensus.
>> +1 though some cases where bypass way does not work are annoying
> I think if we let it overlap it's ok.
If there is only road and there is no path then mapping path does
not work well either.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Combining "locked=yes" with various access tags

2023-02-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

In general I agree but

Feb 25, 2023, 19:58 by

> I am assuming --  but the wiki is unclear -- that
>  access=private, tagged on barrier=gate
> means that all modes of travel have a right of access only with
> permission
note that some may not physically fit (even with permission your elephant
may be still not fitting some entrances)

>  and that
>  access=private
>  foot=yes
> means that all modes need permission except for foot which has a legal
> right to pass.
note that often foot=permissive would be more accurate
but foot=yes is used
(especially common in areas where legal right of way is rare or not
existing and basically all =yes are actually =permissive)

> With
>  access=private
>  foot=yes
>  locked=no
> then it's clear that physical passage is possible for all modes.
not entirely

for example if tagged on highway=footway line then  I would
not assume that car would fit there

what worse, even if tagged in say highway=service this gate may
be not large enough to fit a car

>   With
>  access=private
>  foot=yes
>  locked=yes
> then it says that phsical passage is not possible and hence if people
> can walk around then it needs a way representing walking around.
this one is tricky and expecting that it will be used consistently
will not work well

+1 to separate bypass ways if matching reality
not sure how to handle cases where bypass way does not work
(for example you can crawl under lift gate, it is allowed, you cannot get 
around it)

> I realize there have  been "but we can invent complicated bypass tags"
> but those seem to not interact well with existing data consumers and it
> does not seem we have consensus.
+1 though some cases where bypass way does not work are annoying

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - landcover proposal V2

2023-02-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Feb 21, 2023, 12:30 by

> On 19/2/23 06:00, Mateusz Konieczny via  Tagging wrote:
>> Feb 17, 2023, 11:03 by >>>> :
>>> On 16/2/23 21:11, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging  wrote:
>>>> Feb 16, 2023, 10:18 by >>>>>>>> :
>>>>> landuse=meadow should delete the vegetation in the  
>>>>> description leaving the use ... "Used to tag an area of  land 
>>>>> used for hay (meadow) or for grazing animals  (pasture)." 
>>>>> That would make it clear and possibly reduce  its misuse. If 
>>>>> you can only see grass then you don't know  if it is a 
>>>>> meadow, so don't map that .. but map the grass!
>>>> note that barn storing hay is notlanduse=meadow and according 
>>>> to 
>>>> "land used for hay (meadow)" maybe interpretedin way claiming 
>>>> this.
>>> That problem already exists with the present description, so  no 
>>> change there. 
>> It does not exist:
>> "An area of meadow or pasture: land primarilyvegetated by grass
>> and other non-woody plants, mainly used for hay orgrazing."
> Arr I see your point (finally) .. How is this?
> "Used to tag an area of land used to produce hay (a meadow) or  for 
> grazing animals (a pasture)."
seems to work for me
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Combining "locked=yes" with various access tags

2023-02-24 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Feb 24, 2023, 00:43 by

> It's a little unclear to me what a "locked=no" gate is.
access=private locked=no would be a gate that anyone can open
but they are not allowed to without a permission from owner.

Personally I would consider mapping this as quite dubious.

>  foot=yes on a barrier=gate means that a person on foot can pass the
>  gate (perhaps by walking around it) with minimal difficulty, such that
>  the gate's presence should not affect routing
1) if they can walk around it then map path around it

2) if they can but are not allowed to bypass it then it will not be foot=yes
(also on path around it) is an example
of path where barriers can be bypassed but is illegal and dangerous to use
(has signs mentioning how many people died there while illegally
crossing railway tracks)

>  barrier=gate locked=no (or no locked, default?) means that all modes
>  may physically pass, with a mode-specific typical cost
>  barrier=gate locked=yes means that all modes may not pass, unless
>  there is a mode-specific foot=yes or bicycle=yes

> So we need three properties:
>  legal right of access, perhaps only needed on ways
>  physical ability to pass a gate
>  is the gate locked, and if so which modes does that apply to

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway=trailhead

2023-02-24 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Feb 24, 2023, 09:25 by

> On 23/2/23 21:18, Peter Elderson wrote:
>> I would like to change the status of thisestablished tag to 
>> approved. I have altered the previous >> proposal 
>> >>  to 
>> match the establishedpractice.
> No, it has not been 'approved' so it would be misleading to claim  it is 
> 'approved'. (Approval is given by voting on a proposal these  days.)
> The status might be 'de-facto'. 
And I changed it to "de-facto".

Personally, I would consider vote just to change status to "approved" seems 
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Combining "locked=yes" with various access tags

2023-02-22 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Feb 21, 2023, 22:05 by

> They can also be removed by maintenance workers operating with permission 
> from the local Council  (I have tagged the access rights of the ways with 
> "motor_vehicle=permit"
=permit is for cases where permit is routinely granted to all

this would be rather =private at most

we really should deprecate rename this access field, it is misinterpreted all 
the time
making it useless (=permit_ordinarily_granted ? )
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Combining "locked=yes" with various access tags

2023-02-21 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Feb 21, 2023, 15:24 by

> I would like the help of the list to clarify the meaning of having a 
> "locked=yes" tag on a barrier node together with some allowed access tags.
> The introduction to the "locked" tag wiki page > 
>>  says:
>> access >> =*>>  is used to 
>> describe the legal permission to travel through a barrier but does not 
>> indicate in emergencies what the physical access is
> Therefore, my understanding is that 
> As far as non-emergency routing, the "locked" tag should be ignored.
> A "locked=no" tag indicates that a legal access restriction is not enforced 
> by a lock and therefore could be overcome in case of an emergency.
> A "locked=yes" tag indicates that the legal access restriction is enforced by 
> a lock and therefore cannot be overcome in case of an emergency.
In general I agree.


It may be nitpicking but I would phrase it "cannot be overcome by just opening 

Depending on exact barrier it may be relative easy to cross, and depending on
exact emergency, customs and local law barrier may be destroyed by responders,
in some cases quite easily.

In some cases for example gate may be locked by you can get around it easily.

> The "How to map" description in the wiki page seems to assume a gate or a 
> barrier with a simple "access=no". It is not clear with respect to any 
> permitted access methods. 
>  For example, barrier node with the following tags:
> tag
> value
> barrier
> gate
> motor_vehicle
> no
> locked
> yes
> bicycle
> yes
> foot
> yes
> I think this tagging says: 
> There is a locked gate that blocks motor vehicles
> There are no access restrictions for pedestrians and bikes

I agree but I cannot imagine such barrier.

> This is not the interpretation of other people, as seen in a discussion on a 
> GraphHopper routing issue
>   > 
> There you could also find a picture of such a barrier.
> Please help us resolve the differences
That is better mapped by mapping path around barrier, at least in my opinion.

See say

This can be more easily understood without elaborate hard to interpret tagging

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - landcover proposal V2

2023-02-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Feb 17, 2023, 11:03 by

> On 16/2/23 21:11, Mateusz Konieczny via  Tagging wrote:
>> Feb 16, 2023, 10:18 by >>>> :
>>> landuse=meadow should delete the vegetation in the  description 
>>> leaving the use ... "Used to tag an area of land  used for hay 
>>> (meadow) or for grazing animals (pasture)." That  would make it 
>>> clear and possibly reduce its misuse. If you can  only see grass 
>>> then you don't know if it is a meadow, so don't  map that .. but 
>>> map the grass!
>> note that barn storing hay is not landuse=meadowand according to 
>> "land used for hay (meadow)" maybe interpreted inway claiming this.
> That problem already exists with the present description, so no  change 
> there. 
It does not exist:

"An area of meadow or pasture: land primarily vegetated by grass
and other non-woody plants, mainly used for hay or grazing."

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - landcover proposal V2

2023-02-16 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Feb 13, 2023, 20:14 by

> Hi,
> Le lun. 13 févr. 2023 à 14:11, Andy Townsend <>> > a écrit :
>> > By the way, I saw some changes leading to x10 contribution  rates and 
>> > be criticized as disrupting longstanding practices or  established 
>> > tagging.
>> An actual example would be really useful here.
> Here are some, very specific tagging but whatever:
> * Back to 2013, replacing power=station and power=sub_station by 
> power=substation and power=plant
> Respectively 4 + 11 in 5 years (30k/year) versus 50 + 7 in 8 
> years (71k/year) => x2.3
Have you compared increase in activity with change in OSM activity in general
or other unrelated object types where no such changes happened?
For example other power network tagging where no such proposal happened
or happened at a different time?

It seems dubious to attribute that change solely to this deprecation.

More likely seems that whatever reason caused greater interest resulted in the
increased mapping activity and tagging proposals.
Not that tagging proposals resulted in greater activity.

Is it possible that change in tag use was result of imports?

> * In 2018, replacement of voltage-high/voltage-low by 
> voltage:primary/voltage:secondary
> Respectively 6200 + 4600 in 8 years (1350/year) versus 11+95000 in 5 
> years (41k/year) => x30
> has clear
sign of import/bot edits

no idea why you would attribute that to tagging proposal

> * In 2021, replacement of tower:type=branch by line_management=branch or 
> split or cross
> Respectively 3600 in 7 years (515/year) versus 22030 in 2 years (11k/year) => 
> x21
here using tower:type was a clear mistake, so making tagging this detail more 
could have a good effects.

Though not sure had this tag change had any serious opposition.

> Regarding the valuable point you make on tagging meta data making osm tags 
> invisible for common users, I wonder why we are busy with writing readable 
> proposals and then stuck on updating manually every toolchain with the same 
> information.
because various tool do different things with OSM data

(though area data type for example would help, see )

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - landcover proposal V2

2023-02-16 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Feb 16, 2023, 10:18 by

> landuse=meadow should delete the vegetation in the description  leaving 
> the use ... "Used to tag an area of land used for hay  (meadow) or for 
> grazing animals (pasture)." That would make it  clear and possibly reduce 
> its misuse. If you can only see grass  then you don't know if it is a 
> meadow, so don't map that .. but  map the grass!
note that barn storing hay is not landuse=meadow and according to 
"land used for hay  (meadow)" maybe interpreted in way claiming this.
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - landcover proposal V2

2023-02-10 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Or to be more specific solved problems, if any, are much smaller than size 
of change of longstanding tagging practices.

Deprecation of old-style multipolygons was also change of
"longstanding tagging practices" but much smaller in scope and with much 
greater benefits.

I listed some obvious issues at the talk page, but in general to start process 
replacing natural=water you would need really good arguments.

Feb 10, 2023, 19:16 by

> This is a change to longstanding tagging practices and is therefore dead on 
> arrival.
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2023, 11:33 AM Cartographer10 via Tagging <> 
>> > wrote:
>> Tjuro and I started a proposal to formalize the usage of `landcover=*`. The 
>> proposal is now open for feedback 
>> Please discuss this proposal on its Wiki Talk page.
>> Kind regards,
>> VIncent
>> ___
>>  Tagging mailing list
>>  >>
>>  >>

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [Talk-us] New MapRoulette Challenge - Add Surface to Highways

2023-02-03 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Users in Algeria were asked to map motorway surface in tunnels, based
on aerial imagery.

It become marked as surface=ground, see

adding surface to motorways is of so dubious utility that for example
StreetComplete is not asking to specify such surface if missing.

Overall effort/effect ratio is really bad here and effect may be more negative
than positive.

I agree that mapping surface on more minor roads is useful and in fact I am 
right now coding a better support for that in StreetComplete (surface overlay).

But mapping surface of motorways seems to not be a good use of time,
and asking others to do this is quite surprising.

H, maybe I should implement 
"motorways are assumed to be concrete/asphalt" in StreetComplete surface 

Feb 3, 2023, 10:23 by

> I use routing to measure accessibility to schools and health clinics here in 
> west Africa. I have to make sure that my models also work in South Asia. 
> Having the surface tag attributed makes processing infinitely easier because 
> I don’t have to adjust my default values based on country.  Across Africa, 
> and south Asia, many secondary, primary, trunk roads are not paved. Knowing 
> which ones are and which ones aren’t is important to me.
>  I understand that having tagging like this does not benefit you, but does it 
> hurt you? If it doesn’t hurt you and it may help somebody else is there a 
> problem?
> Even outside the routing world, surface tags can be used to estimate the 
> amount of noise coming from a roadway. for example, Concrete is way louder 
> than asphalt. Such data could be used to estimate the noise pollution levels.
> This is very analogous to some of the attributes that one can find on 
> schools. Does the school have running water? Does the school have bathrooms? 
> None of these apply in California, but all of them apply elsewhere in the 
> world.
>> On Feb 3, 2023, at 03:25, Brian M. Sperlongano  wrote:
>> I see that despite this discussion, TomTom is proceeding with its quixotic 
>> quest to get mappers to tag surface tags on motorway, just now in other 
>> countries:
>> Would you care to inform the community what it is that you're trying to 
>> accomplish here?
>> On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 12:49 PM David Salmon <>>>> 
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Thank you for the discussions and pointers. I’ve disabled the challenge for 
>>> now and will re-evaluate with the team.
>>> Much appreciated,
>>> David
>>> From:>>>  Brian M. Sperlongano <>>>>>> > 
>>>  >>> Sent:>>>  Friday, January 27, 2023 4:04 PM
>>>  >>> To:>>>  David Salmon <>>>>>> >
>>>  >>> Cc:>>>  Matthew Whilden <>>>>>> >; Eric H. 
>>> Christensen <>>>>>> >; Joseph Eisenberg <>>> 
>>>>>> >; talk-us <>>>>>> >
>>>  >>> Subject:>>>  Re: [Talk-us] New MapRoulette Challenge - Add Surface to 
>>> Highways
>>> You don't often get email from >>>>>> . >>>  Learn why 
>>> this is important 
>>> If all you care about is paved vs unpaved distinctions for routing, you can 
>>> safely delete the challenge, because all highway=motorway in California are 
>>> paved.
>>> On Fri, Jan 27, 2023, 3:12 PM David Salmon <>>>>>> 
>>> > wrote:

 Hi All,


 Thank you for the questions. I checked with a couple of colleagues and 
 Surface is used in some applications if users want to avoid Unpaved roads 
 during a route.


 I don’t sense a consensus yet on the approach of using Paved versus a 
 specific surface value. Would you prefer that I make the challenge Not 
 Discoverable until there’s time to conclude the discussion?


 Alternately, if there’s a topic of higher priority or interest that you’d 
 like to see created as an editing challenge or existing challenge where 
 TomTom could support, I’m open to suggestions.


 All the best,


 From:  Matthew Whilden < > 
   Sent:  Wednesday, January 25, 2023 2:01 PM
   To:  Eric H. Christensen < >
   Cc:  Joseph Eisenberg < >; 
 David Salmon < >;
   Subject:  Re: [Talk-us] New MapRoulette Challenge - Add Surface 
 to Highways


Re: [Tagging] Deprecate sport=cricket_nets

2023-02-02 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Feb 2, 2023, 12:09 by

> Again sport=soccer implies a rectangular playing field with goals  at 
> either end - that is physical infrastructure. Without the  playing field 
> and goals there cannot be a game of soccer... 
> The sport ping pong implies physical infrastructure of a table  with a 
> net, tennis implies a rectangular court with a net ... many  sports imply 
> a physical infrastructure... 
note that sport=* can be validly combined with for example shop=sports
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] foreign names for stuff, was: "Mörthe und Mosel"

2023-01-06 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Jan 5, 2023, 17:36 by

> Hi,
> On 1/5/23 11:00, Anne- Karoline Distel wrote:
>> I personally found old, yet now maybe offensive names on OpenStreetMap very 
>> useful
> Yes, this is something people occasionally quote as a reason for keeping old 
> street names as well - genealogy and other historic research. Such names 
> should always be in an old_name tag though, to avoid a multi-lingual map 
> showing them prominently.
sometimes with language suffix, like old_name:de

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - yarn shops

2023-01-05 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Jan 5, 2023, 01:19 by

>  The > Polish(?)wiki page 
> >  for shop=wool does 
> seem to mention yarn and  knitting directly. 
Yes, is a Polish page
(PL/Pl being commons shortcut for Poland/Polish).
"artykuły dziewiarskie" mentioned there seems to mean "knitting materials"

> Anyway, if there is consensus that `shop=wool` is an accepted tag  for a 
> store selling > yarn> , 

>  * shop=wool is a shop that sells yarn, even if there is no literal  wool 
> on premises
That seems really ugly and I would not support this (but I am not an expert at 
all on this topic).
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - yarn shops

2023-01-03 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Jan 3, 2023, 15:16 by

> shop=wool >  ... this 
> seems like almost exactly what I'm proposing. And is used  much > more 
> frequently >  than  shop=yarn. 
> And yet for me, I never even thought to search for this. And the  word 
> 'yarn' doesn't actually appear anywhere on the page or it  would have 
> shown up in my searches of the wiki. 
Added in

> It's also not referenced anywhere on the > shop=sewing 
> >  page, which 
> explicitly mentions knitting needles, etc. Nor on the > shop=fabric 
> >  nor > 
> shop=haberdashery 
> >  pages. 
Feel free to add them to "See also" section!

> It seems like maybe the real problem here is that the various  tags 
> related to the "fibre-arts" aren't all that well documented  yet and not 
> at all well cross-referenced. Would anyone object to  an attempt to 
> better cross-reference and distinguish these  categories? 
No, and in general feel free to add such "see also" 
(except cases like linking barely used controversial tags, but this does not 
apply here)

> In particular it seems to me like shop=wool should encompass  things like 
> knitting needles, and specify that it would be selling  (wool) yarn, and 
> not wool fabric as that would fall under  shop=fabric. 
> I would also want to drop references to yarn and knitting needles  from 
> shop=sewing, pointing to shop=wool for that. 
> It seems like shop=haberdashery and shop=sewing need some further  
> discussion, as they seem almost impossible to distinguish from the  wiki 
> documentation.
Note that maybe they are effectively duplicates with the same meaning in 
And in such cases OSM Wiki should not pretend that there is some systematic 
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - High seas

2023-01-02 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
In general I agree but I would de-emphasize current issues in specific data 
("Areas tagged place=sea without natural=water do not render in major renderers
such as OpenMapTiles or the Standard Tile Layer.") which may be trigger for 
proposal but is not a good reason for changing data design in OSM.

("Data consumers do not and cannot do X and X is important" would be a good 
"Data consumers do not do X and refused to do X for reasonable reasons" also 
would be
while "Data consumers are not doing X" is not a good reason and results in 
like manual data processing of bus stops in so called PTv2 which could be 
easily automated)

"The exact water boundary of an oceanic sea is inexact and not verifiable" was 
put at the
end while it is among the most serious issues (unless you intended to start 
from minor ones
and end with the most substantial?)

"Below is a listing of all beast megapolygons" can you add reference with 
how you get them? Even if it is SQL query in global osm2pgsql database which is 
not easily accessible for all then it can also be useful for some or future you 
this page. And maybe someone will learn something new how to use OSM data :)

"and thus a wikidata QID should be tagged" - maybe
"and thus a wikidata QID is useful to be tagged"?
I would not imply that someone not adding wikidata is doing something 

I think that for example
is missing {{ODbL OpenStreetMap}} on its file page
(disclaimer: IANAL, info based on my best current personal knowledge)

Maybe making Americana equivalent of
would be nice and useful?

Also, I would recommend uploading such images to Wikimedia Commons
instead at .
That makes them usable for wider community and uploading images
there has much lower number of traps caused by unmaintained software
(Wikimedia Commons is a bit creaky and underfunded by WMF that prefers to
waste funds, but their image upload process is actually maintained)

Jan 2, 2023, 03:55 by

> A proposal[1] to recommend the tagging of oceanic seas as nodes rather than 
> areas is now open for comments.
> This proposal follows a community forum discussion[2] regarding the modeling 
> of the Gulf of Mexico as a node rather than as a crude polygon. This change 
> was made in [3]. This proposal would codify the practice of tagging seas as a 
> node as a general practice.
> If approved, this proposal would create a recommendation that mappers not 
> create complex "beast" mega polygons on top of the ocean (outside the 
> coastline), such as the 5,400+ member Gulf of Saint Lawrence [4], as this 
> practice is unnecessary for labeling.
> [1] >
> [2] > 
> [3] >
> [4] >

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - yarn shops

2023-01-02 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
What about shops that sell about equal amount of them and
as nonspecialist[1] I have no idea which is dominating?

Would it be reasonable to use shop=sewing sewing=yarn type of schema?

[1] I tried knitting just enough to confirm that it is not a hobby for me,
my sewing supplies do not expand beyond buttons/thread.

Jan 2, 2023, 18:14 by

> Howdy y'all, 
> I am proposing to make official a tag that is already in use to  some 
> degree, > shop=yarn> , for shops that primarily sell yarn  and other 
> knitting/crochet supplies. Currently the wiki has these  falling under 
> shop=sewing. As a long-time sewer who has recently  taken up knitting, I 
> can say with confidence that these are very  different things; though 
> sometimes larger stores will sell both. 
> Please discuss this proposal on its Wiki Talk page.
> Thanks,
> Nate Wessel
>  >  Cartographer, Planner, Transport Nerd
>  > 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Route names being applied to tracks/paths

2022-12-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
This does not apply everywhere, even if applies in some cases.

Many trails are minor and their names are not actually names of roads/paths
where they lead even if this road/path is nameless.

In Poland even for
it is debatable whether its name should carry to paths and for example
almost certainly not applying to

And clearly not happening with many minor trails.

Dec 30, 2022, 03:19 by

> +1
>  If the only name is the route name I think it makes good sense toput it 
> on the local way too, that's the name of the trail. 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Gender

2022-12-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
If we have inconsistent tagging of unisex=yes and it is unclear which
is its meaning then passing proposal does not really solve it

unisex=yes data will still have the same problem

in case of such damaged tag[1] it would be better to introduce a new one

(though if vast majority is using this tag in this way and it merely reaffirms 
then it is fine, but
does not read this way)


17 gru 2022, 23:16 od

> Thanks for feedback! 
> Marc_marc <>> >:
>> Le 17.12.22 à 21:58, Illia Marchenko a écrit :
>>  > Gender proposal is ready for voting. After the previous vote, this 
>>  > proposal has been reworked. I plan to start voting in a few days.
>>  > >> 
>> <>> 
>>>> >
>>  Isn't it good practice to have an RFC after the last change
>>  (i.e. today) ?
> RFC isn't voting. 
>> Always pushing to go faster only leads to no votes and starting over-
>>  in skimming the proposal, i didn't understand how redefining the meaning 
>>  of 3 tags will remove the ambiguity of one of the (unisex=yes)
> This proposal isn't limited to clarification of the unisex=yes. 
>> Don't expect all contributors to read the counter-intuitive explanations 
>>  you offer.
>>  a =segrated =not-segrated value would be much more intuitive
> I added  female=separate and male=separate to the proposal. 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Foot / sidewalk access tagging

2022-12-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
That is an irritating case.

1) with you assumptions it is possible to argue that it refers to case where
there is a separately mapped sidewalk that nevertheless is inaccessible
(some technical/escape route in a tunnel or on motorway?)

2) in practise it is far more likely to be used in case where user tags each
way with own access tags.
> that foot=* applies to "the whole of the road" including the roadway,
> shoulders, verge, sidewalks, and so forth
has added at the end
> "unless represented with separate geometry"

3) to avoid problem from (2) foot=use_sidepath was invented to mark
"yes, on carriageway you cannot walk, but you can walk on separately
mapped sidewalk"


practical advise:

- if there is no separately mapped footway then sidewalk=separate
is wrong and should be fixed
- if pedestrian cannot walk on carriageway and can on sidewalk
and it is separately mapped then use foot=use_sidepath instead


No idea:

- how to tag situation from (1) that distinguishes it from case (2)

Not sure:
- should we treat foot=no instead of foot=use_sidepath in case (2)
as invalid data

> Would folks regard that as accurate data modeling?  I.e. should I change my 
> software to treat streets tagged in this way as pedestrian-accessible, or 
> would folks regard this combination as a tagging error?
For start, is there a separately mapped sidewalk geometry there?
If no then tagging is invalid.
If yes, then I personally would be treating as invalid data and assume road to 
pedestrian accessible, maybe flag is worth reviewing and ask users for feddback
what is going on there and ask for photo.

18 gru 2022, 21:29 od

> Hello,
> I am the author of a data consumer which generates a list of streets that are 
> accessible to walkers and joggers. The idea is that a user would have a map 
> of the streets in their town and can challenge themselves to walk/jog down 
> every street, and they can look at statistics on which streets they've 
> completed.  I use a 25-meter rule, so if a user can walk along the shoulder, 
> or on a sidewalk/pavement, or in the verge, that's acceptable.
> I recently came across an unexpected tagging combination and I would like to 
> understand how folks in various places would interpret this:
> highway=
> foot=no
> sidewalk=separate
> In my software's logic, I've made the assumption that foot=* applies to "the 
> whole of the road" including the roadway, shoulders, verge, sidewalks, and so 
> forth and thus excluded any roads that include that tag, regardless of other 
> tagging. I came to understand that this tagging was used by a mapper to 
> indicate that "pedestrians are not allowed on the roadway, however, they are 
> allowed on the sidewalk"
> Would folks regard that as accurate data modeling?  I.e. should I change my 
> software to treat streets tagged in this way as pedestrian-accessible, or 
> would folks regard this combination as a tagging error?

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Foot / sidewalk access tagging

2022-12-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

18 gru 2022, 23:27 od

> It would be much nicer to drop the sidewalk=separate from the road, & draw a 
> separate footway, which would fix everything!
note that sidewalk=separate is used to indicate that separately mapped 
is/are mapped.

Not sure why you propose to delete it in such case.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] RFC - Proposed features/emergency=lifeboat station

2022-12-17 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

17 gru 2022, 01:19 od

> On Fri, 16 Dec 2022 at 17:55, Marc_marc <>> > wrote:
>> Le 16.12.22 à 08:30, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging a écrit :
>>  > In this case amenity=lifeboat is - I expect - used to map lifeboat 
>>  > stationing place, not lifeboat itself
>>  of course, like marina doesn't map boats but the mooring area
> Yes, that is how they are being used, but the tag is being completed with the 
> name & details of the lifeboat itself, which, to me at least, infers that 
> this boat is always at this spot, & it isn't.
> The other issue with the currently mapped info is that most of it appears to 
> have come from an unauthorised source.
Can you link problematic changeset? (if there is import from invalid source 
contacting DWG is a good idea. Also, I hope that I am not writing this
to DWG member again)
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] de facto -Status not working?

2022-12-16 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Can you link any of pages where it is happening?

For example
seems to work fine with it (though it seems dubious to have tag used 156 times 
"de facto")

16 gru 2022, 13:29 od

> It seems that for some reason "de facto" is not recognized as value in the 
> templates any more? 
> Cheers,
> Martin

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Homogenize diplomatic tags

2022-12-15 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
15 gru 2022, 20:55 od

> > Deal? 
> No.  
> You appeared to have ignored the advice that you were given and  gone 
> ahead and performed a mechanical edit anyway.
> (...)
> However - nothing whatsoever about the others.  You didn't bother  to 
> wait for a reply to the message below, you (and > 
>>  , who actually created  the 
> maproulette automated edit challenges***) just went ahead and  did the 
> changes anyway.
> (...)
> Clearly "replace tag X with tag Y" IS a just mechanical edit.
If this edit was in violation of
then I would recommend notifying DWG
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] RFC - Proposed features/emergency=lifeboat station

2022-12-15 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

16 gru 2022, 02:51 od

> On Fri, 16 Dec 2022 at 10:59, Andy Townsend <>> > wrote:
>> doesn't explain why "amenity=lifeboat" is "deprecated".  Like it  or 
>> not, this is used exactly how you'd expect:
> But as I've pointed out a couple of times before, by policy, OSM doesn't map 
> mobile items
> e.g >
> "Houseboats that are moving are not mappable in OSM"
> Yes, that (totally undocumented & undiscussed) tag could be either written up 
> to specify it's the location where a lifeboat is moored, or it could be 
> changed to amenity=lifeboat_mooring, but, is it verifiable? Can anybody walk 
> up to that spot 24/7/365 & say Ah yes, that's the > George>  & Mary Webb> ? 
> Sorry, but no they can't, as it may be elsewhere at that moment.
In this case amenity=lifeboat is - I expect - used to map lifeboat stationing 
place, not
lifeboat itself (it may or may be confusing enough that new tag us useful).
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] plantation=yes?

2022-12-10 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

10 gru 2022, 19:23 od

> On Sat, 10 Dec 2022 18:49:00 +0100
> Florian Lohoff  wrote:
>> On Sat, Dec 10, 2022 at 01:10:33PM +, Dave F via Tagging wrote:
>> > Hi
>> > 
>> > What does plantation=yes represent?
>> > Associated with woods, but nothing in the wiki. 2437  uses
>> > worldwide. Seems too vague to be OSM useful. 
>> Interesting - I would say natural=wood + plantation=yes is more likely
>> landuse=forest isnt it? 
>> At least for me natural=wood is a non artifical forest, but those are
>> pretty rare at least around where i live. All of the forest has been 
>> chopped down at least a hundret times since mankind arrived in Europe.
> As actually used on the map, "natural=wood" and "landuse=forest" are
> synonyms.
See for gory details

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - "is_sidepath" as a sidepath concept

2022-12-02 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

2 gru 2022, 20:50 od

> Vào lúc 08:44 2022-12-02, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging đã viết:
>> I have good news! There is preprocessing solution for large (nearly all?) 
>> simple cases,
>> written in Kotlin and is a part of StreetComplete.
>> StreetComplete would be able to handle cases listed in its sidewalk detection
>> (used to skip sidewalk/cycleway quests in presence of nearby separately 
>> mapped sidewalk
>> - note that in new versions this quests are disabled by default as overlays
>> are intended to replace them)
>> You can test how it works by finding place where roads have no sidewalk=* 
>> tags
>> and there are separately mapped sidewalks, navigate there in StreetComplete 
>> and
>> disable all quests except sidewalk/cycleway.
>> You will get them on matching roads - except ones with detected nearby 
>> sidewalks.
>> You can also tweak filter rules to enable sidewalk and cycleway quest for 
>> all roads
>> to skip tag based filtering (which skips some roads unlikely to have 
>> cycleways
>> or sidewalks or already tagged with sidewalk* and cycleway* tags)
>> This code would handle with slight modifications vast majority of cases.
>> Simplest one would be enlarging default buffer and other parameters.
>> Possible changes include taking into account cycleway*=separate tags and
>> sidewalk*=separate tags to search for larger distance if sidewalk was not 
>> found
>> and other obvious tweaks - all examples listed here would be handled.
> Are you referring to this code? [1] A running time of O(n^3) is not 
> necessarily something others would consider a solution. Imagine a router 
> running this algorithm over a whole continent or planet when building the 
> routing graph. Yet it's also too sensitive to where a way happens to be 
> split. Either the footway or the roadway could be split at arbitrary points 
> for arbitrary reasons or no reason at all.
Yes, it is just a proof that it is at least partially doable - not something 
readily usable
for planet processing.
Still, makes me really dubious about applying this tagging everywhere - 
if people applying it expect people editing highway tags or name tags or ref 
to maintain this new tags.

> A more general algorithmic solution may be feasible, but it would probably 
> look much more like Skeletron [2], which conflates dual carriageways, or the 
> map matching algorithms in various routing engines, which are normally used 
> to align GPS traces to the road network. These approaches are overkill for 
> StreetComplete but may be a good fit for a routing engine. The edge cases in 
> [3] would require walking the routing graph to some extent. This is something 
> the Overpass API was originally designed to do, so it isn't inconcievable, 
> but it isn't purely a trigonometric problem.

>> Yes, it will take some effort to write or adapt this code. But this proposal 
>> asks
>> mappers to manually preprocess millions of sidewalk sections.
>> Just currently marked footway=sidewalk (small part of all separately mapped 
>> sidewalks)
>> have 3 300 000+ sections.
>> Lets take optimistic 5s per section, initial tagging that alone would consume
>> 4695 hours of mapping (and also software costs to allow such efficient 
>> mapping!).
>> And likely 5s per way is very optimistic.
>> Add to that all separately mapped sidewalks without footway=sidewalk.
> For what it's worth, this would be a similar scope of work as adding name=* 
> to each of the sidewalk ways, just as with dual carriageways. Mappers in some 
> cities are already systematically adding name=* to sidewalk ways, but it 
> hasn't really caught on globally, maybe because of how it clutters a typical 
> map. (But a renderer could simply avoid labeling footway=sidewalk.)
I would be also against this tagging style for similar reasons. Though at least 
it has
lower duplication and reclassifying highway=* way (not an unusual activity!)
is not resulting in pointless drudgery.

> Inevitably, there will be unhandled edge cases regardless of the algorithm. 
> Maybe a compromise would be to treat is_sidepath:of=* as an override for 
> difficult cases only, similar to name:pronunciation=*. The benefit over 
> name=* is that nothing changes for a renderer unless they opt into processing 
> the new key.
That would work for me - but this difficult cases should be identified.
I expect that relations may be needed for some, and this proposed tags will not
be sufficient in especially pathological ones (for example where road splits in 
named in the same way).
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - "is_sidepath" as a sidepath concept

2022-12-02 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

2 gru 2022, 16:54 od

> On 02.12.22 15:02 Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
>> Or is it justifiable because it is outright impossible to do reliably
>> with automatic preprocessing?
> I would say that's the reason. Of course, it's hard to prove that something 
> is impossible. But so far no one has built a working solution for inferring 
> this information where it isn't explicitly mapped.
>> If yes, can you give examples where it would be beneficial
>> and explicitly ask to introduce such tagging solely in
>> cases where preprocessing is doomed to fail?
> Given the current lack of working preprocessing solutions for even the easier 
> situations you've linked to, I'm not sure it's easy to tell where the 
> dividing between "solvable" and "unsolvable" is. It would also have to be 
> defined and explained in such a manner that mappers (and editing tools like 
> StreetComplete who might some day ask users to fill this in) can easily 
> understand where it is or isn't needed.
I have good news! There is preprocessing solution for large (nearly all?) 
simple cases,
written in Kotlin and is a part of StreetComplete.

StreetComplete would be able to handle cases listed in its sidewalk detection
(used to skip sidewalk/cycleway quests in presence of nearby separately mapped 
- note that in new versions this quests are disabled by default as overlays
are intended to replace them)

You can test how it works by finding place where roads have no sidewalk=* tags
and there are separately mapped sidewalks, navigate there in StreetComplete and
disable all quests except sidewalk/cycleway.

You will get them on matching roads - except ones with detected nearby 
You can also tweak filter rules to enable sidewalk and cycleway quest for all 
to skip tag based filtering (which skips some roads unlikely to have cycleways
or sidewalks or already tagged with sidewalk* and cycleway* tags)

This code would handle with slight modifications vast majority of cases.
Simplest one would be enlarging default buffer and other parameters.
Possible changes include taking into account cycleway*=separate tags and 
sidewalk*=separate tags to search for larger distance if sidewalk was not found
and other obvious tweaks - all examples listed here would be handled.

Yes, it will take some effort to write or adapt this code. But this proposal 
mappers to manually preprocess millions of sidewalk sections.
Just currently marked footway=sidewalk (small part of all separately mapped 
have 3 300 000+ sections.
Lets take optimistic 5s per section, initial tagging that alone would consume
4695 hours of mapping (and also software costs to allow such efficient 
And likely 5s per way is very optimistic.
Add to that all separately mapped sidewalks without footway=sidewalk.

And that is a small part. The worst part is that any time you update
highway=* value or name or ref there is an added drudgery to update this
on sidewalks.

>> If it is second case of preprocessing being impossible -
>> why do massive duplication and ask to duplicate ref value
>> AND name value AND highway value?
> The duplication-free solution of referencing the road's way ID as 
> is_sidepath:of = w4087515 is going meet some resistance from people pointing 
> out the need for, and current lack of, editor support to make such values 
> usable.
> (Not from me, though, I'd love that approach and have dozens of ideas for 
> other places where it would be helpful. :))
> ___
> Tagging mailing list

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - "is_sidepath" as a sidepath concept

2022-12-02 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
"or only with the significant effort of using geometric  processing
(which most applications can't perform)"

why doing it manually would be preferable?

Is it repeating mistake of adding pointless work for mappers
because it "causes extra preprocessing for routing software."?
And valuing time of mappers as worth nothing?
(PTv2 asks mappers to do something derivable from highway=bus_stop
location and roads within bus relation, massive amount of work
of mappers wasted to do preprocessing manually )

needs to be preprocessed manually?
The same for
(all examples from the proposal)

Or is it justifiable because it is outright impossible to do reliably
with automatic preprocessing?
(that is the justification for
If yes, can you give examples where it would be beneficial
and explicitly ask to introduce such tagging solely in
cases where preprocessing is doomed to fail?

If it is second case of preprocessing being impossible -
why do massive duplication and ask to duplicate ref value 
AND name value AND highway value?

Also, I think that is clearly a sidewalk
of that road.

2 gru 2022, 13:31 od

> Paths and ways along a road can be mapped separately in OSM, but  those 
> separate geometries cannot be identified as part of the  road, or only 
> with the significant effort of using geometric  processing (which most 
> applications can't perform). However, the  information whether a path is 
> attendant to a road or not is  important for many use cases and can offer 
> various advantages.
>  Therefore, a sidepath concept using the tag "is_sidepath" as an  
> additional tag on ways (in particular cycle ways or foot paths) is  
> proposed to indicate whether a way is related/attendant to a road  (i.e. 
> adjacent and parallel to a road) or whether it runs  
> independently/isolated without any relationship to a road.  Furthermore, 
> an extended set of sub-tags is proposed to allow to  explicitly tag 
> important road attributes on the sidepath itself.
>  >
>  You can discuss this proposal on its Wiki Talk page or here.
> Best, Alex

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Crossing cleanup and deprecation

2022-11-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

30 lis 2022, 14:02 od

> Am Mi., 30. Nov. 2022 um 01:10 Uhr schrieb Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <> 
>> >:
>> 29 lis 2022, 22:55 od >>>> :
>>> sent from a phone
>>>> On 29 Nov 2022, at 09:02, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <>>>> 
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>> "no traffic signals" applies also only in some jurisdictions
>>> If there are traffic signals the crossing in OpenStreetMap gets tagged 
>>> crossing=traffic_signals, this is regardless of jurisdiction AFAIK.
>> there are >38k crossing_ref=zebra in Poland
> yes, also here, I already wrote that the "crossing_ref" tag is about crossing 
> markings and not about typology (around here, I know that the wiki may not be 
> so clear on this). The "no traffic signals" was referring to crossing=zebra, 
> not crossing_ref

also 19k+ crossing=zebra, see
example of one with traffic lights:
(and not tagged with anything directly indicating that)
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Crossing cleanup and deprecation

2022-11-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

29 lis 2022, 22:55 od

> sent from a phone
>> On 29 Nov 2022, at 09:02, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging 
>>  wrote:
>> "no traffic signals" applies also only in some jurisdictions
> If there are traffic signals the crossing in OpenStreetMap gets tagged 
> crossing=traffic_signals, this is regardless of jurisdiction AFAIK.
there are >38k crossing_ref=zebra in Poland

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Crossing cleanup and deprecation

2022-11-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

29 lis 2022, 00:18 od

> Crossing=zebra is about a zebra crossing, it implies also vertical signs- in 
> some jurisdictions and some conditions at least - and it implies that there 
> aren’t traffic signals. 
"no traffic signals" applies also only in some jurisdictions
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] RFC - Proposed features/emergency=lifeboat station

2022-11-27 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Mapping standard location of lifeboat mooring or
lifeboat station location seems entirely fine.

(I am person who added this claim to wiki

27 lis 2022, 02:03 od

> In regard to mapping the location of a lifeboat, just noticed this: > 
> & the wiki for houseboats > 
>> , states 
> "Houseboats that are moving are not mappable in OSM".
> I think the same would apply to lifeboats, except even more so!
> Thanks
> Graeme

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] species:language to loc_name:language

2022-11-21 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Not sure how change proposed in the second paragraph solves what
you mentioned in the first.

It also goes against established meaning of loc_name

loc_name:en is for English local name of a tree, not for English name of its 
(this is rarely used as local names are rarely in multiple languages, but
there is no benefit from breaking this definition and mostly
systematic tag variants for names)

21 lis 2022, 17:22 od

> In a lot of cases, users are using local names in the values for species and 
> genus keys.
> This is an error as genus and species only exist in latin. For local/vulgar 
> name users should use another key or be obtained using the wikidata 
> information. 
> I suggest changing species:language to > l 
> > oc_name:language as for 
> the same species there exists a huge variability of common names, not only 
> differing by language.
> Wiki for species:wikidata: > Key:species:wikidata - OpenStreetMap Wiki 
> Wiki for species: > Key:species - OpenStreetMap Wiki 
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Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Start moving proposal announcements to the new forum

2022-11-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

20 lis 2022, 17:06 od

> sent from a phone
>> On 20 Nov 2022, at 02:27, Matija Nalis  
>> wrote:
>> Because, someone has to do that summarizing work for extra channels to make 
>> sense, and it is IMHO only fair that would
>> be proposal author (expecting that EVERYBODY will do that SAME task is both 
>> extremely wasteful, hugely unrealistic,
>> and likely to lead to few participating members willing to do that becoming 
>> burned out prematurely).
> the first and foremost reason for the tagging mailing list to exist was the 
> desire to offload tagging discussions on a central place, off the other 
> channels, because people there felt overwhelmed with the discussions needed 
> to agree on tags to describe the whole world, and it seemed helpful to reduce 
> the volume on the talk list to a size that can be followed with significantly 
> less dedication of time. Moving back to discussing tagging everywhere will 
> make these other channels less useful for some people, I guess. Maybe this is 
> unfounded because it came out, tagging is relevant all over OpenStreetMap 
> (i.e. tagging discussions already happen on all channels, lately even on 
> osmf-talk) and you can hardly ignore it, and because the structure of the 
> contributors has changed, or something like this.
The new forum may be also more capable of handling large volume of posts - you 
easily mute threads and entire categories.

As result massive posting in one thread is easier to ignore in its entirety.

This is in theory achievable with filtering and so on, but much harder to apply 
practice, with mailing lists.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] amentiy=donation_centre?

2022-11-14 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
that is for place giving clothes, not collecting them

it does not mean that they collect them
(and even with place collecting and giving located at the same place
they may have separate opening hours or other detail)

Nov 14, 2022, 13:59 by

> It seems good.
>  It even has a subtag > social_facility 
> > => clothing_bank 
> Às 11:41 de 14/11/2022, Martin  Koppenhoefer escreveu:
>> maybe these can be seen 
>> asamenity=social_facility?___Tagging
>>  mailing list>>>> 

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Relations of type=site + tourism=camp_site

2022-11-13 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Nov 12, 2022, 14:22 by

> Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging  wrote:
>> So
>> site relation is including nearby restaurant and shop?
> Right!
>> That are not actually part of camp site?
> Wellm, they are not part of it geographicaly because the are located outside 
> the
> actual campground but they are part of it in organizational terms.
In which sense? Are they operated by camp site?

Or is it just "place where many people from camp site are using"?
In such case - what is stopping people from adding also parking and post box and beach and lake and train stop?

> Is this that hard to understand?
>> And just included there to manually do processing part of finding nearby
>> shops/restaurants?
> Wrong. They are not only nearby somethings but as I wrote above are parte of
> the site in organizational terms.
see above

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Relations of type=site + tourism=camp_site

2022-11-11 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Nov 10, 2022, 21:49 by

> Yves via Tagging  wrote:
>> Site relations are often used to models thing that aren't spatially
>> joined, like windfarms, universities...  I can easily imagine it's
>> reasonable to use them for campings in some corner cases where a single
>> area doesn't work.
> Yes, let me clarify this with an example:
> E.g. This site has a working site relation (without tourism=camp_site 
> removed):
> The camp_site node is
> Site relation is
> While it is currently tagged toilets=yes and openfire=yes this is not
> mandatory because evaluating the corresponding site relation will give us a
> toilet and a fireplace.
> So what I do with site relations here is basically the same I do with
> camp_site areas.  With areas I check if any supported object is inside the
> area (spatial join) and assume that this is a feature of this particular
> camp_site.
> With site-relations this is even easier as I can consider all objects
> related to the site a feature of the camp-site in the relation.
> I think this is elegant especially in comparison to the alternatives
> suggested here like expanding the campsite polygon into areas open to the
> general public like reception desks, restaurants or even toilets also used
> by other facilities like sport-centers.
obviously camp site should not be fakely expanded to cover nearby 

what about automatically detecting nearby restaurants/toilets and so on?
rater than listing them manually with site relation (optionally, check 
operator tag - that would apply only in cases where there are multiple
camp sites or other objects each with access=customers objects)

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Relations of type=site + tourism=camp_site

2022-11-11 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging

Nov 10, 2022, 21:21 by

> Marc_marc  wrote:
>> taking one random exemple :
>> according to the parking name=*, the parking may be include in the 
>> tourism=site_camp
> Yes but this is simply not as it is on the ground. The parking is not _part_
> of the camp-site but for visitors as well as the restaurant and shop. They
> are not stritly cusomers only like the enclosed area.
>> if someone think that the restaurant and the shop are also part of the 
>> camp site, then it's easy to extend the area to include those.
> Which is just plain wrong as they are not _only_.
site relation is including nearby restaurant and shop?

That are not actually part of camp site?

And just included there to manually do processing part of finding nearby

In which way this shop/restaurant is part of being camp site except of being 
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Relations of type=site + tourism=camp_site

2022-11-10 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Yes, using site relation in addition to actual object breaks this rule
and it is undesirable (and site relations in general are problematic).

It would be also problem with type=site site=camp_sites and similar
trying to hide duplication.

Is there some reason why this camp sites cannot be mapped as areas
if someone is doing such detailed mapping?

or map operator of a toilet or extra features?

Nov 9, 2022, 22:00 by

> Hello,
> about a year ago I implemented support for site relations in OpenCampingMap.
> My announcement from back then is at:
> Now a recent changeset discussion is questioning my whole approach because it
> arguably violates the "One feature, one OSM element principle":
> Ignoring the principle (which is not absolute anyway) in this case and
> adding a relation of type=site + tourism=camp_site containing the actual
> tourism=camp_site object as a member does solve the problem thus I would go
> for doing just this as I did a year ago.
> Obviously others seem to differ here.
> Currently the above changeset breaks my map regarding those campsites where
> the tourism=camp_site tag has been removed from the site relation.
> External features are no longer shown :(
> So how to resolve this problem?
> campsites with external features (e.g.  sanitary facilities used by a
> campsite and a sport-center) do exist in the wild and they usually do also
> have on-the-ground objects (way, node, polygon-relation) where no other tag
> than tourism=camp_site does make sense.
> What do you think?
> Sven
> ___
> Tagging mailing list

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Possible merge of marine_rescue & lifeboat_station tags?

2022-11-09 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
I think so?

Nov 9, 2022, 07:45 by

> Thanks!
> Once again, would =lifeboat_station cover them?
> Thanks
> Graeme
> On Wed, 9 Nov 2022 at 16:38, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <> 
>> > wrote:
>> Fixed link on it.
>> By looking at >>>>  there are two 
>> that are definitely
>> serious inland ones, maybe four of them among operated by MOPR.
>> And yes, there are only few of them - but still, ideally they would be 
>> covered
>> by nonconfusing tagging (none of "=marine_rescue redefined to not be marine")
>> And I expect that other countries with major freshwater lakes and major 
>> rivers
>> also have them already or will have them in future.
>> Nov 9, 2022, 01:38 by >>>> :
>>> Thanks, but are they usually found inland?
>>> I found a few rescue / lifeboat stations along the Polish coast, but only 
>>> one mapped inland, which either doesn't exist anymore, or it's website has 
>>> changed?
>>> (Either that, or the previous mapper made a mistake! :-))
>>> Thanks
>>> Graeme
>>> On Wed, 9 Nov 2022 at 09:37, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <>>> 
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>> Nov 9, 2022, 00:19 by >>>>>>>> :
>>>>> Looking at some of the "inland" examples shown on OT, I wonder if they 
>>>>> should actually be tagged as a "lifeboat-station" at all, or whether they 
>>>>> would be better shown as a lifeguard base?
>>>> MOPR and MOPR Giżycko station specifically for example has proper boats:
>>>>>>>>  lists what MOPR operates
>>>> ___
>>>> Tagging mailing list
>> ___
>>  Tagging mailing list
>>  >>
>>  >>
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Possible merge of marine_rescue & lifeboat_station tags?

2022-11-08 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Fixed link on it.

By looking at there are two that are 
serious inland ones, maybe four of them among operated by MOPR.

And yes, there are only few of them - but still, ideally they would be covered
by nonconfusing tagging (none of "=marine_rescue redefined to not be marine")

And I expect that other countries with major freshwater lakes and major rivers
also have them already or will have them in future.

Nov 9, 2022, 01:38 by

> Thanks, but are they usually found inland?
> I found a few rescue / lifeboat stations along the Polish coast, but only one 
> mapped inland, which either doesn't exist anymore, or it's website has 
> changed?
> (Either that, or the previous mapper made a mistake! :-))
> Thanks
> Graeme
> On Wed, 9 Nov 2022 at 09:37, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <> 
>> > wrote:
>> Nov 9, 2022, 00:19 by >>>> :
>>> Looking at some of the "inland" examples shown on OT, I wonder if they 
>>> should actually be tagged as a "lifeboat-station" at all, or whether they 
>>> would be better shown as a lifeguard base?
>> MOPR and MOPR Giżycko station specifically for example has proper boats:
>>>>  lists what MOPR operates
>> ___
>>  Tagging mailing list
>>  >>
>>  >>

Tagging mailing list

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