On Fri, Oct 04, 2013 at 07:12:40PM +0200, Pierre Parmentier wrote:
> I order to progress with the registration of OSM-BE as an asbl/vzw, I have:
>- updated the draft for the statutes. (As the fr version is more
>detailed than the nl version, I have been working on the first one.)
2013/10/5 Gilbert Hersschens
> I agree with Nicolas. OFKN needs to have convincing arguments. Keep in
> mind that we are a very small team and just starting to get ourselves more
> organized. My concern is that becoming part of a larger organization at
> this point may be like trying to run befor
I agree with Nicolas. OFKN needs to have convincing arguments. Keep in mind
that we are a very small team and just starting to get ourselves more
organized. My concern is that becoming part of a larger organization at
this point may be like trying to run before we can walk.
But let's see what Piete
2013/10/5 Marc Gemis
> As far as I understood the main reasons where
> * the domain name should belong to a group of people (an organization)
> not an individual
> * some organizations (e.g. Crib) are willing to donate money to an
> organization, but not to individuals. This money co
As far as I understood the main reasons where
* the domain name should belong to a group of people (an organization)
not an individual
* some organizations (e.g. Crib) are willing to donate money to an
organization, but not to individuals. This money could be used to pay
for the domain name, serve
It's just to have a legal structure in place to be able to pay for the web
hosting of the osm.be website, print flyers and things like that. I have
myself payed for some of these things in the past (not a lot fortunately)
and it would be more convenient this way.
Then there was another reason: peo
On Friday 04 October 2013 19:12:40 Pierre Parmentier wrote:
> I order to progress with the registration of OSM-BE as an asbl/vzw, I have:
Again, I'm interested to see the reasons behind the decision to become a
vzw/asbl. What are its short term and long term goals? Has it been decided
where the
On Friday 04 October 2013 15:39:15 Wouter Hamelinck wrote:
> Ik geef toe dat rendering een deel van de oorzaak is, maar het daartoe
> herleiden is wat te simpel.
> Naar mijn mening (warning: just an opinion) ligt de nadruk nu te veel
> op toegangsrestricties. Dit is perfect logisch in Engeland (
With Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium vzw we are building an umbrella
organisation for Open Knowledge in Belgium. Creative Commons Belgium is a
working group, the iRail initiative has become a working group (Open
Transport), we have people working on open source software for open data