Re: [OSM-talk-be] my link collection

2014-06-29 Per discussione Marc Gemis
The problem is that I don't have a easy way to export part (a folder and subfolders) of my bookmark list in Chrome. If you know a way, please let me know. On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 7:56 AM, André Pirard wrote: On 2014-06-26 21:40, Marc Gemis wrote : During the meetup

Re: [OSM-talk-be] my link collection

2014-06-29 Per discussione Jo
I was going to say: in the good old days they could be found in a file called bookmarks.htm. Well, I did find the location of the file, but it's name is now simply Bookmarks: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks And the format is not html anymore (maybe

Re: [OSM-talk-be] my link collection

2014-06-29 Per discussione André Pirard
On 2014-06-29 20:59, Marc Gemis wrote : The problem is that I don't have a easy way to export part (a folder and subfolders) of my bookmark list in Chrome. If you know a way, please let me know. Not sure about Chrome, but Firefox makes it easy by using a HTML files for the bookmarks.

Re: [OSM-talk-be] my link collection

2014-06-29 Per discussione André Pirard
On 2014-06-29 23:04, Jo wrote : I was going to say: in the good old days they could be found in a file called bookmarks.htm. Well, I did find the location of the file, but it's name is now simply Bookmarks: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks And

Re: [OSM-talk-be] my link collection

2014-06-29 Per discussione Jo
In the bookmark manager of Chrome, you can export bookmarks to html file. They hid it away a bit... What I remembered with the html file is what Firefox and its predecessor do/did. Jo 2014-06-29 23:39 GMT+02:00 André Pirard On 2014-06-29 23:04, Jo wrote : I

Re: [OSM-talk-be] my link collection

2014-06-29 Per discussione Marc Gemis
I know I can export them, but I just didn't want to start editing the exported file (call it laziness :-) ). I search the internet and found that Firefox allows you to export folders, and that Chrome doesn't regards m On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 11:56 PM, Jo wrote: In the

[OSM-legal-talk] Reliefweb as data source for OSM?

2014-06-29 Per discussione Lukas Sommer
Hello. Reliefweb is a service of the United Nations, that contains maps, mostly concerning regions where have been desaster and where humanitairian aid is necessary. Their permission can be found here: Is it possible to use this for OSM? Specially 2 points

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Reliefweb as data source for OSM?

2014-06-29 Per discussione Paul Norman
On 2014-06-29 1:33 AM, Lukas Sommer wrote: Hello. Reliefweb is a service of the United Nations, that contains maps, mostly concerning regions where have been desaster and where humanitairian aid is necessary. Their permission can be found here: Is it

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Reliefweb as data source for OSM?

2014-06-29 Per discussione Lukas Sommer
I’m not aware of content that has been imported, but I found and wasn’t sure about if this is possible or not. So we can resume that it is not allowed to upload content (that is based on ReliefWeb) to the OSM database?

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Reliefweb as data source for OSM?

2014-06-29 Per discussione Paul Norman
On 2014-06-29 3:12 AM, Paul Norman wrote: Is this really acceptable for OSM? If by use you mean upload content to the API based on it, then yes. Whoops - s/yes/no/ Writing messages late at night. ___ legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Reliefweb as data source for OSM?

2014-06-29 Per discussione Paul Norman
On 2014-06-29 3:21 AM, Lukas Sommer wrote: I’m not aware of content that has been imported, but I found and wasn’t sure about if this is possible or not. So we can resume that it is not allowed to upload content

[OSM-legal-talk] Release as PD of my own contributions

2014-06-29 Per discussione Lukas Sommer
Hello again. Another question: I want to make sure that my contributions don’t make any problems, also if in the future ther would beanother license switch (like in the case of the switch from CC to ODBL). As maybe in some years I don’t contribute anymore and have another email address, I would

[OSM-talk] Whatever became of xybot?

2014-06-29 Per discussione Malcolm Herring
It used to perform the valuable service of removing leading and trailing spaces in tags. No longer, it appears. ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Whatever became of xybot?

2014-06-29 Per discussione Jochen Topf
On So, Jun 29, 2014 at 08:44:30 +0100, Malcolm Herring wrote: It used to perform the valuable service of removing leading and trailing spaces in tags. No longer, it appears. It seems the owner wasn't interested any more in OSM. See the Wall-E bot for a (possible) replacement:

[OSM-talk] throws 500 for (some) https calls

2014-06-29 Per discussione Nicolas Dietrich
Hi there, it looks like the servers randomly throw 500 errors for the default map being served over https. Somebody may want to have a look at this. Thanks, Nicolas ___ talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Reliefweb as data source for OSM?

2014-06-29 Per discussione Lukas Sommer
Okay. Thank you for the clarification. Lukas Sommer 2014-06-29 12:14 GMT+00:00 Paul Norman On 2014-06-29 3:21 AM, Lukas Sommer wrote: I’m not aware of content that has been imported, but I found

[OSM-talk] Additions from VMAP0 databases

2014-06-29 Per discussione Geoff McLane
Hi, Am a newbie on this list ;=)) I recently noticed that quite a number of roads and creeks available in VMAP0 are NOT in OSM! Is there any reason why VMAP0, which I understand is public domain data, can not be added to OSM? Initially this would be around YGIL, NSW, Australia, since this is

Re: [OSM-talk] Additions from VMAP0 databases

2014-06-29 Per discussione Jean-Marc Liotier
On 06/29/2014 07:26 PM, Geoff McLane wrote: I recently noticed that quite a number of roads and creeks available in VMAP0 are NOT in OSM! Is there any reason why VMAP0, which I understand is public domain data, can not be added to OSM? Because VMAP0 data is so bad that it is mostly comical.

Re: [OSM-talk] throws 500 for (some) https calls

2014-06-29 Per discussione Grant Slater
Which cache server are you using? Check here: / Grant On 29 Jun 2014 16:05, Nicolas Dietrich wrote: Hi there, it looks like the servers randomly throw 500 errors for the default map being served over https.

Re: [OSM-talk] throws 500 for (some) https calls

2014-06-29 Per discussione Nicolas Dietrich
On 29.06.2014 21:12, Grant Slater wrote: Which cache server are you using? Check here: I'm (now) using, however the problems seem to be gone now. Cheers Nicolas ___ talk

[OSM-talk-ie] Lesotho mapathon organised by Irish mappers

2014-06-29 Per discussione Dave Corley
Folks, I've been working with some of the guys in Fingal County Council over the last few months on getting OSM going in Lesotho in Africa. As part of this we are organising a ‪#‎MapLesotho‬ mapathon which will

Re: [Talk-br] [reversão] Importação inadequada em Brusque

2014-06-29 Per discussione Cassio Eskelsen
Eu conheço o pessoal que fez, não foi uma importação, as ruas foram efetivamente desenhadas sobre um levantamento aerofotogramétrico. Apesar de não ter participado, sei que foi um trabalho de dias, até comentei anteriormente sobre isso aqui no grupo. As vias estão sendo usadas para um trabalho de

Re: [Talk-br] [reversão] Importação inadequada em Brusque

2014-06-29 Per discussione Aun Johnsen
O problemo fui maior que somente tamanho do changeset. Tinha tags totalmente errado, usava tags como name= errado, duplificava ruas que ja existe Os dados pode ser importado, mas primeiro o base preciso ser alterado com tag corretas, corrigir uso do name=, e limpar os dados para evitar

Re: [Talk-br] [reversão] Importação inadequada em Brusque

2014-06-29 Per discussione Julio Cesar Refosco
Boa noite pessoal, em primeiro lugar peço mil desculpas pela confusão causada. Não era minha intenção. Eu pretendia apenas contribuir! Espero não ser banido e poder aprender com os erros. Sou aqui de Blumenau e estou trabalhando num projeto de carta de inundação para Brusque e estamos tenDo

Re: [Talk-br] [reversão] Importação inadequada em Brusque

2014-06-29 Per discussione Aun Johnsen
Julio Cesar Obrigado responder na lista Se tem duvidas sobre como continuar, fica a vontade perguntar aqui na lista, no ou na sala #osm-br no irc:// Temos um documentação bem completo no, mas provavelmente voce ja conhecer este. Aun

Re: [Talk-br] [reversão] Importação inadequada em Brusque

2014-06-29 Per discussione Fernando Trebien
Julio e Cassio, Eu reverti preventivamente. Posso desfazer a reversão facilmente, mas antes a comunidade precisa saber duas coisas: - Quais imagens vocês estão usando para desenhar a geometria das ruas? - De onde vieram os nomes das ruas? Talvez vocês se interessem em usar o espaço sobre Brusque

Re: [Talk-br] [reversão] Importação inadequada em Brusque

2014-06-29 Per discussione Fernando Trebien
Mais uma sugestão: já que vocês estão usando o JOSM para mapear uma área afetada por um desastre, poderiam experimentar os modelos de etiquetagem (tagging presets) feitos pelo time de ajuda humanitária (HOT). O nome do pacote de presets é HDM Data Model for HOT field surveys e ele implementa estes

Re: [Talk-br] [reversão] Importação inadequada em Brusque

2014-06-29 Per discussione Nelson A. de Oliveira
Julio, Basicamente o que precisa arrumar nos seus dados: * não duplicar as vias e outros objetos que já existem no mapa * usar o tipo correto de superfície (em inglês) * não usar type nas ruas, mas sim colocar o tipo no logradouro delas * ver as ruas inominadas, sem denominação e as que possuem

Re: [Talk-br] [reversão] Importação inadequada em Brusque

2014-06-29 Per discussione Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
Usar fórum ou lista em detrimento de IRC tem a vantagem de tornar a troca de informação não tão volátil. E eu, particularmente, acho que o fórum nos fornece uma maior e melhor capacidade de gerência de conhecimento do que a lista (a qual também tem um histórico

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch 2

2014-06-29 Per discussione fly
Am 28.06.2014 12:43, schrieb Christoph (TheFive@OSM): Hi micha Photomapping in JOSM ist hier beschrieben: (sollte sich JOSM mittlerweile zu stark weiterentwickelt haben, gib bescheid, dann muss ich das Wiki an dieser Stelle etwas

Re: [Talk-de] Lummerland reloaded

2014-06-29 Per discussione Sven Geggus
POST Cancel-Lock: sha1:zNhKlti363aB/i3asxS+Z1gRXEs= X-TERMINAL: rxvt-unicode X-OS: Debian GNU/Linux (Kernel 3.10.25) malenki wrote: Nun™ ist es möglich, bei Phantasieländer zu erstellen. Wer erstellt Lummerland neu? Wers hochladen mag, hier ist es:

Re: [Talk-it] Nuova mappa con POI + richiesta

2014-06-29 Per discussione Simone Saviolo
Il giorno 28 giugno 2014 13:16, Aury88 ha scritto: i poi cliccabili sono presenti anche su ed è anche più completo (qualsiasi genere di dato presente sulla mappa diventa cliccabile e permette di visualizzare i tag associati) ma è meno lato consumer..

Re: [Talk-it] Carta tecnica Comune di Lecce

2014-06-29 Per discussione Leonardo
Ho finito di tagliare i comuni che possono essere importati al 100%, evitando quindi di importare comuni che sono tagliati nello shp originale. Ecco l'elenco: -Arnesano -Calimera -Caprarica di Lecce -Carmiano -Castri di Lecce -Cavallino -Copertino -Lecce -Lequile -Lizzanello -Martignano

Re: [Talk-it] Carta tecnica Comune di Lecce

2014-06-29 Per discussione Federico Cortese
Ho finito di tagliare i comuni che possono essere importati al 100%, evitando quindi di importare comuni che sono tagliati nello shp originale. Ecco l'elenco: Sei un grande!!! Grazie! Possiamo riassumere i nuovi tag proposti così completo la tabella e finiamo di discuterne

[Talk-at] Dankmalschutz

2014-06-29 Per discussione streetbot
Hallo, bin gerade auf die Denkmalliste des Österreichischen Bundesdenkmalamts gestoßen. Alles noch schön in Steinzeit pdf und nix OpenData :) Das gibts dann wohl auch für andere Länder... Nun die Frage obs Sinnvol ist oder schon Bestrebungen gibt die

Re: [Talk-at] Dankmalschutz

2014-06-29 Per discussione Walter Nordmann
was mir da auffllt: Smtliche Inhalte unterliegen - sofern nicht anders angegeben - dem Urheberrecht (Copyright) des Bundesdenkmalamtes sterreich - da sollte man wohl mal nachhaken. Gruss walter (aus DE) Gesendet:Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014 um 12:55 Uhr Von:streetbot

Re: [Talk-at] Dankmalschutz

2014-06-29 Per discussione liberalerhumanist
Nachdem die Listen des BDA in die Wikipedia bernommen wurden, stehen diese zumindest ber diesen Umweg ber CC-BY-SA MfG, Humanist Gesendet:Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014 um 14:05 Uhr Von:Walter Nordmann An:OpenStreetMap AT Betreff:Re: [Talk-at]

[Talk-cz] Úvaha o poloze adresního bodu (co PŘESNĚ je definiční bod?)

2014-06-29 Per discussione Petr Vejsada
Ahoj, právě mě přestává bavit přesouvat tisíce adresních bodů, které jsou posunuty o 3 domy vedle. Uvažuji o něčem, co by mělo mělo zbytek importu výrazně urychlit. Jak určíme, kde má v OSM být adresní bod? Návrh: 1.) vezmeme ho z OSM - je do 0.5m od hranic stavebního objektu? Ano,

Re: [Talk-cz] Úvaha o poloze adresního bodu (co PŘESNĚ je definiční bod?)

2014-06-29 Per discussione Petr Vejsada
Dne Ne 29. června 2014 12:58:26, Petr Vejsada napsal(a): Tak, folks, je to nakódováno, funguje to naprosto perfektně. Zbývá ošetřit případ, kdy adresní bod sedí na nějakém shopu či hospodě a bot usoudí, že by měl změnit souřadnice. V tomto případě bych volil cestu sundat adresní tagy ze shopu

[OSM-talk-fr] Contribution qui n'apparait pas ?

2014-06-29 Per discussione sergiobzh
Bonjour,je suis nouveau sur la mailing-list mais j'ai déjà fait quelques contributions dans Openstreetmap. Et justement, j'ai fait une contribution qui n'apparait pas. Par contre je vois la contribution quand je fais Edit.Cette contribution a été faite vers le mois de Février. C'est ici :

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Contribution qui n'apparait pas ?

2014-06-29 Per discussione Christian Quest
Il s'agit de cet objet: et aussi de celui-ci (vu que tu l'a créé deux fois): Le seul tag name ne permet pas de savoir ce que c'est mais uniquement le nom de l'objet. C'est pour cela qu'il n'apparait pas. Il

[OSM-talk-fr] BANO et fichiers adresses

2014-06-29 Per discussione Marc Gauthier
Bonsoir à tous, J'ai un signalement sur BANO ( ) qui concerne 2 adresses 1bis et 2bis. J'ai recherché dans le fichier la rue Oradour et je n'ai pas

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Contribution qui n'apparait pas ?

2014-06-29 Per discussione Sergio Bzh
Merci pour les infos, je vais aller revoir ça. On 29 Jun 2014, at 17:58, Christian Quest wrote: Il s'agit de cet objet: et aussi de celui-ci (vu que tu l'a créé deux fois):

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO et fichiers adresses

2014-06-29 Per discussione Vincent de Château-Thierry
Bonjour, Le 29/06/2014 19:20, Marc Gauthier a écrit : J'ai un signalement sur BANO ( ) qui concerne 2 adresses 1bis et 2bis. J'ai recherché dans le fichier

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO et fichiers adresses

2014-06-29 Per discussione mga_geo
Il y a effectivement d'autres cas sur Rennes. J'ai complété le ticket avec l'origine probable de l'anomalie. J'ai fait générer les fichiers OSM à partir du cadastre pour Rennes et on retrouve ces erreurs (cf ) -- View this message in context:

[OSM-talk-fr] modifications en masse d'un nouvel utilisateur

2014-06-29 Per discussione Muselaar
Bonsoir, j'étais cet après-midi dans le secteur (j'habite dans une autre région), j'ai ajouté un espace vert, que j'ai pris en photo. Ce soir, en voulant ajuster la géométrie du carrefour à côté, je constate que la rue voisine est fortement décalée par rapport à Bing, et les maisons sur un

[OSM-ja] オストメイト対応トイレのタグ付けはどうしたらいいでしょうか?

2014-06-29 Per discussione Jun NOGATA
こんにちは。野方です。 最近、とあることから姫路市とボランティアグループが制作する、車いす バリアフリー/トイレマップ制作に関わるようになったのですが、トイレ の対応施設一覧の中に「オストメイト対応」というの見つけました。 オストメイトというのは人工肛門をつけられている方のことで、オストメ イト対応トイレというのはその方たちの汚物が処理できるトイレです。 - オストメイト - Wikipedia: -