Netscape for mailto

2000-10-04 Thread Michael S. Greenbaum

I have been able to configure Netscape 4.75 to use TB for a mailto
when I encounter one on a web page or in an email.

Is there also a way for Netscape to use TB when I use the Send Page
command from the File menu in Netscape?  As of now, it still brings up
a Netscape mail form with the URL in the message area of the form.


Mike Greenbaum
Post Office Box 40787
Tucson, AZ  85717
Phone:  520-881-8192; toll-free voice-mail: 800-986-1165
  Fax:  815-333-2938
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover accepted. 
Member: IOBA (Independent Online Booksellers Association)

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Re: Maybe something for the wishlist

2000-10-04 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Krister,

On  Wednesday, October 04, 2000  at  19:28:07 GMT +0200 (which was 10:28 AM
where I live) witnesses say Krister Ekstrom typed:

> I want TB to use the bookmark list of the browser that's registered at present on 
>the users
> system. That way i can use IE and you could use Opera or whatever. At
> least, that's how i think the feature in Agent works, but i could be
> wrong.

That would seem to be an extremely difficult task given all the
possible browsers out there.  However, TB could store them either as
.url files as Ming-Li pointed out, or as a list in a very simple HTML
file.  However, Windows 9x supports scraps.  That's where you click
and drag text from a program and drop it onto your desktop.  A text
file is then generated with the contents of that selection.  If TB
supported that facility, the need for a specialized bookmark utility
would be eliminated, I think.

> I don't want to start my browser, go out online and fetch the page in
> order just to bookmark it, in that case, it's better to have it as it
> is now. Convenience, that's the word.:-)

Of course.  I tend to forget about these things. :-)


Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.47 Beta/5
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: Major Panic

2000-10-04 Thread Karin Spaink

On 04-10-2000 at 19:34, tracer kindly wrote:

> reminds me, I was intrigued by the link you posted a while back.
> Is  really your photo??


- K -


He's not the worst actor I've ever seen but not everybody 
can be Jean Claude Van Damme. 
  - Andrew Dorman on Swans list, 1999-10-15

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Re: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread tracer

Hello Charlie Turner (ceejay),
On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 19:12:40 +0100 GMT your local time,
which was Thursday, October 05, 2000, 1:12:40 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Charlie Turner (ceejay) wrote:

> Hello Graham
> On 04 October 2000, at 09:48, you wrote:

G>> Go to Tools/Privacy/Choose PGP Version and check the radio button
G>> for "PGP 6.x/6.5.x".  You will have to download the .dll from the
G>> Ritlabs web site as well, but it does work.  As I understand it,
G>> PGP 6.5.8 is basically PGP 6.5.3 with the ADK bug removed.

I just installed the cyberknights version 6.5.8, looks nice, no
ADK.'Keys upto,  well, enourmous. I donot think that really makes it
any more difficult to crack if desired but anyway it works with the

ADK: I noticed that the bat allows one to switch ADK off and not allow
it. Look under advanced.

> I've been looking around for the .dll Graham. Do you have the URL for
> it by any chance?

Best regards,


Using theBAT 1.47 Beta/5 with Windows NT
I am using FireTalk: 321338
ICQ: on request 
Our special website hosting/mailservers are now operational

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Re: Major Panic

2000-10-04 Thread tracer

Hello Oleg Zalyalov,
On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 11:13:03 +0500 GMT your local time,
which was Wednesday, October 04, 2000, 1:13:03 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Oleg Zalyalov wrote:

> Hello, the Bat! list recipients,

> Wednesday, October 04, 2000, Karin Spaink wrote to tracer about
> Major Panic:

 Something I've noticed a couple of times is how ungraceful TB is in
 low-memory situations.

>>> Arent all these tasks a bit much for a lousy OS like windows???(g)

KS>> That's irrelevant. The original question is: shouldn't TB
KS>> warn you when it notices its resources are running low, and
KS>> allow you to close it _elegantly_.

> When  I  studied  at university I was taught that the program managing
> resources  of a computer system is called 'operating system'. Resource
> management is not a task of applications program.

agreed (g)
Its what they tought in Texas Instruments and IBM as well
Obviously Billy never heard of the word resources.
As I mentioned earlier that resources complained about may not
be the resources causing the problems.
I mean people say 'memory' but when that many things are running as
quoted it can be anything and that means only person to track it down
is owner of that system.

Best regards,


Using theBAT 1.47 Beta/5 with Windows NT
I am using FireTalk: 321338
ICQ: on request 
Our special website hosting/mailservers are now operational

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Re: Major Panic

2000-10-04 Thread tracer

Hello Karin Spaink,
On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 02:57:53 +0200 GMT your local time,
which was Wednesday, October 04, 2000, 7:57:53 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Karin Spaink wrote:

> On 04-10-2000 at 01:14, tracer kindly wrote:
>> John Sullivan wrote:

>>> Something I've noticed a couple of times is how ungraceful TB is in
>>> low-memory situations.

>> Arent all these tasks a bit much for a lousy OS like windows???(g)

> That's irrelevant. The original question is: shouldn't TB
> warn you when it notices its resources are running low, and
> allow you to close it _elegantly_.

As windows is the one allocating resources its very relevant.
The OS is the thing doing that as they will teach you in any basic
course computer science.
The Bat may not be able to see that supposed memory isnt around
anymore...   It may not even BE the memory but handles and other
things being allocated.
If one runs a lot of tasks as I do as well, 98 just doesnt do it and
blaming it on programs running in an unsuitable environment isnt
really helpful. Run it with same memory / hardware and loading under
NT and see if it behaves better, if it does, blame 98.
The example tasks as mentioned are kind of optimistic...

>> I myself am very happy to have moved to 2000, It does allow shutdowns
>> much easier and crashes much less.

> That is rather beside the point.

It IS the point. if you try to ride in the tour the france on a normal
dutch lady bicycle and obviously come last, the fault isnt that of
the bike OR the roads but of the driver.
And obviously getting annoyed at getting told is also irrelevant.

> Tracer, you seem to have a habit of answering questions by
> referring people to other software / OS's. You did it to me
> as well today. Since that is hardly helpful, I suggest you
> abstain from suggestions like this.

Why? its the truth.
Secondly, personal remarks off list please  so I can say what I think
(g) without upsetting the moderators.
If you donot like a helpful suggestion ignore it.And anyway, it
wasnt directed at you OR your system.
I ran 98 for many years, I was betatesting the thing and its by far less stable then 
I donot really like 2000 either but then we havent got really a
choice. But in comparison, ignoring what doesnt work, its many times
better. If you havent run a heavy loaded system under 2000, please stay
out of the argument as you cannot compare it yourself. And if it comes
to software problems I donot think you have the background anyway.

If someone is overloading  an OS in a way it will never run happy, I
tell them that.  Send that list of tasks running to MS and see what
they say... Amount of memory isnt the only thing which is important

My job has involved computers for many years and if people donot
listen to well meant advice, not my problem, I donot have to sort the
mess out as I donot get paid for it(g).

No need anyway to try to stir me up, I just enter a filter... and many
years in computer development/support have left me with the skin of a "polite"

reminds me, I was intrigued by the link you posted a while back.
Is  really your photo??

Best regards,


Using theBAT 1.47 Beta/5 with Windows NT
I am using FireTalk: 321338
ICQ: on request 
Our special website hosting/mailservers are now operational

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Re: Bat nearly done in after disk defragmentation

2000-10-04 Thread A . Curtis Martin

On Wed, 04 Oct 2000 13:45:23 -0500, David R. Austen wrote:

DRA> The Bat worked just fine for months, until I defragmented my hard drive
DRA> yesterday. Can anybody shed some light on this?

DRA> This message was displayed this morning:

DRA> "Exception Eaddress violation in module THEBAT.EXE at 0018F5B7.
DRA> Access violation at address 005907FB. Read of address . "

WOW!! My condolences. :-)

DRA> I attempted a reinstall and then a (new) install in a different directory 
DRA> and finally I think I have it working, but I am not yet able to get access 
DRA> to my existing mail folders and messages. (Fortunately, I have been 
DRA> carefully backing them up.)

Two things. In your new installation, recreate the accounts and then in
the account properties, edit the mail directory path to reflect where
your mail folder is. If it says default, you could just move your mail
folders over to the default location which is x:\Program Files\The
Bat!\Mail\ . After doing that do a  if

You should also check the registry entries for TB!, looking at the
values for the various working directories. Make sure that the new
installations directory paths are present.

Look under HKEY CURRENT USER/Software/RIT/The Bat!

A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
** "There is no vaccine against stupidity. "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

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Re: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Karin Spaink

On 04-10-2000 at 23:53, Jan Rifkinson kindly wrote:

> I'm totally naive when it comes to encryption, etc. As a
> practical matter, is PGP good for emailing my everyday
> email correspondents all over the world?

Yes, it is. But usually one only encrypys when one wants to
make sure that nobody but the recipient (and you) can read
the message.

> Does the recipient need anything special to read my
> "encrypted" msgs?

S/he needs to have PGP too. That's all.

> ..Or is it just the headers that get encrypted?

With PGP, it is onl;y the message itself that gets

> What complications are caused by PGP?

The main one is that you can't read mail encrypted on you on
a system where your secret key is not present - it won't

> Is PGP troublesome for email lists -- for instance
> where I belong to several lists?

Usually, peopel don't encrypt mail to lists. You'd need to
have a general list key to encrypt to, a key that everybody
has and can unlock, for it to work: or you'd need to add the
key of each and every member on the list to encrypt to.
> It's not like I'm emailing legal documents or anything so
> is it still worth installing in your opinion?

Whenever you send out something you don't want to share with
the rest of the world, you encrypt.

> You see I'm not sure how it works. I see things like:
> Version: PGP 6.5.8
> Comment: To get my keys send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> iQA/AwUBOdru3y7i2PqZ2xC9EQIAcACg8zqQAC4uqX/KHYDIImKgFsDpx2EAn0a/
> RjtfGhALxct/fLgbELCQc40T
> =HPRz

>   And I haven't the foggiest idea what it means.

That's just a signature Basically, the sender's secret key
is used in combination with the message itself, and when a
recipient wants to check whether it was _really_ A Curtis
who sent this, they can check the signature: it will say
that it's ok or not.

Wait. I came across a rather nice explanation in a newsgroup
only the other day.


Somebody asked a similar question in
alt.religion.scientology, and here's the explanation he got:

=== forwarded posting ===

From: ptsc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Re: Copyrights
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 08:19:46 -0400

On Sat, 16 Sep 2000 04:17:36 GMT, SamDude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>You may be just the person to answer a question for me even though it
>is not directly related to the goings-on at the Co$. You posted a
>message with the following PGP signature:

>Version: PGP 6.5.2

>What makes that "signature" proof that you are who you say you are?

It doesn't. It merely means that whoever PGP signed the
message was the person who has the PGP secret key listed as
"Zenon Panoussis" on the PGP keyservers. However, that key
is itself signed, or verified as authentic, by three
different keys of Grady Ward's as well as by the key of
Karin Spaink. Grady Ward can be considered a trusted expert
by anyone who has personally verified that his key belongs
to him, and is itself signed by older keys of Grady's,
verifying a chain of authenticity. An earlier key of
Grady's, with which his current key is signed, is itself
signed by the MacPGP Development Team, which one can assume
is a trusted source of keys. The MacPGP Development Team key
is signed by Phil Zimmerman himself, the creator of PGP, so
if one trusts Phil Zimmerman, one implicitly can trust the
MacPGP Development Team as a trusted source. Since the
DevTeam signed Grady's key, we can assume that Grady's
signing of Zenon's key is also legitimate, with a slight
diminishment in trust along the way. (Incidentally, for an
alternate chain of trust, the Karin Spaink key is signed by
Felipe Rodriquez, the sysadmin of, and also by
Grady Ward.)

However, it seems entirely reasonable to conclude that this
key is valid, as it has a chain of trust extending entirely
through trustworthy parties directly from Phil Zimmerman
himself. A valid PGP signature from a valid key does not
mean you can trust the person, nor that the PGP signature
belongs to the person it claims it does. However in the case
of Zenon's key his bonafides check out.

Unless Zenon has been captured by Scientologists and beaten
with a rubber hose until he turned over his PGP secret key
as well as his PGP passphrase for decrypting the secret key,
one can relatively safely assume that this post was in fact
written by Zenon Panoussis.

>After all, I just posted using the same signature, right? I ask in

Re[2]: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Charlie Turner (ceejay)

Hash: SHA1

Hello Karin
On 05 October 2000, at 00:02, you wrote:

KS> On 05-10-2000 at 00:18, Charlie Turner (ceejay) kindly wrote:

ACM>>> Unzip the DLL's into your TB! installation directory. Close and restart
ACM>>> TB!.

>>  Ok done that, and still nothing! I've checked to confirm that the
>>  batpgp60.dll is in the same directory as TB!

ACM>>> You may then go to the Tools | Privacy | Choose PGP Version menu item.

>>  Yep, no problem there.

ACM>>> Select the appropriate version and you should then have things working
ACM>>> fine. This will be evidenced by new Privacy menu items appearing, ie,
ACM>>> PGP Preferences and PGY Key Manager.

>>  The menu items are listed all right. Privacy-> PGP-> shows up six
>>  options; Sign Block, Sign Entire Text etc. but selecting them
>>  does nothing!

KS> You need to go to your main menu, select Tools, select
KS> Privacy, select PGP Preferences. Make sure that under the
KS> e-mail tab S/MIME is unckeched and that under General, it
KS> says 'always encrypt to default key' if you want to be able
KS> to read your own mesages back --

KS> -- Wait. Have you installed PGP? It's not so that TB does it
KS> all by itself. The dll simply provides a plug-in that sevres
KS> as a mediator between PGP and TB. You need to install PGP
KS> first for it to work.

   Thanks for you help Karin, as you will see from earlier posts
   I now it sorted. What would I do without this list though?

- --
have a good day
   Charlie (ceejay)

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re[2]: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Charlie Turner (ceejay)

Hash: SHA1

Hello Marck
On 04 October 2000, at 23:45, you wrote:

MDP> Hash: SHA1

MDP> Hi Charlie,

MDP> On 04 October 2000 at 23:18:51 GMT +0100 (which was 23:18 where I
MDP> live) Charlie Turner (ceejay) wrote and made these points on the subject
MDP> of "privacy & encryption":

ACM>>> Unzip the DLL's into your TB! installation directory. Close and
ACM>>> restart TB!.

CTc>>  Ok done that, and still nothing! I've checked to confirm that the
CTc>>  batpgp60.dll is in the same directory as TB!

MDP> And how about batpgp65.dll - the one that goes with PGP 6.5.x?

I should have guessed it would be 65 and not 60 really, but it's
late... that's my excuse Marck ;)

- --
have a good day
   Charlie (ceejay)

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re[2]: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Charlie Turner (ceejay)

Hello A
On 04 October 2000, at 23:52, you wrote:


ACM> On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 23:18:51 +0100, Charlie Turner (ceejay) wrote:

CTc>>  Ok done that, and still nothing! I've checked to confirm that the
CTc>>  batpgp60.dll is in the same directory as TB!

ACM> You should be using batpgp65.dll and not batpgp60.dll. Make sure that
ACM> batpgp65.dll is in the TB! installation directory. You can forget the
ACM> others as I've done.

Spot on! That's done the trick my friend, thank you very much.
I was about to shut down and head for bed when I got your reply, I
can now go off to sleep happy and contented.

have a good day
   Charlie (ceejay)

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Re: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Karin Spaink

On 05-10-2000 at 00:18, Charlie Turner (ceejay) kindly wrote:

ACM>> Unzip the DLL's into your TB! installation directory. Close and restart
ACM>> TB!.

>  Ok done that, and still nothing! I've checked to confirm that the
>  batpgp60.dll is in the same directory as TB!

ACM>> You may then go to the Tools | Privacy | Choose PGP Version menu item.

>  Yep, no problem there.

ACM>> Select the appropriate version and you should then have things working
ACM>> fine. This will be evidenced by new Privacy menu items appearing, ie,
ACM>> PGP Preferences and PGY Key Manager.

>  The menu items are listed all right. Privacy-> PGP-> shows up six
>  options; Sign Block, Sign Entire Text etc. but selecting them
>  does nothing!

You need to go to your main menu, select Tools, select
Privacy, select PGP Preferences. Make sure that under the
e-mail tab S/MIME is unckeched and that under General, it
says 'always encrypt to default key' if you want to be able
to read your own mesages back --

-- Wait. Have you installed PGP? It's not so that TB does it
all by itself. The dll simply provides a plug-in that sevres
as a mediator between PGP and TB. You need to install PGP
first for it to work.

- K -


If New Age had been holding the wheel that steered the 
twentieth century, we would have nothing black, nothing 
sexy, nothing sleazy. 
  - Julie Burchill: Sex and Sensibility

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Re: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Charlie,

On 04 October 2000 at 23:18:51 GMT +0100 (which was 23:18 where I
live) Charlie Turner (ceejay) wrote and made these points on the subject
of "privacy & encryption":

ACM>> Unzip the DLL's into your TB! installation directory. Close and
ACM>> restart TB!.

CTc>  Ok done that, and still nothing! I've checked to confirm that the
CTc>  batpgp60.dll is in the same directory as TB!

And how about batpgp65.dll - the one that goes with PGP 6.5.x?

CTc>  The menu items are listed all right. Privacy-> PGP-> shows
CTc>  up six options; Sign Block, Sign Entire Text etc. but
CTc>  selecting them does nothing!

I have the whole thing automated where the message editor has PGP
enabled in the privacy menu and Sign when completed on as a default.
These are also set in my account properties. Now I just type messages
and, when I send, they are signed. That's it.

- --
[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[ PGP Key:  ]

 Hotel: "Help!" We need inn-experienced people
 TB! v1.46d S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195

Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
Comment: PGP Secured for freshness


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Re: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread A . Curtis Martin


On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 23:18:51 +0100, Charlie Turner (ceejay) wrote:

CTc>  Ok done that, and still nothing! I've checked to confirm that the
CTc>  batpgp60.dll is in the same directory as TB!

You should be using batpgp65.dll and not batpgp60.dll. Make sure that
batpgp65.dll is in the TB! installation directory. You can forget the
others as I've done.

ACM>> You may then go to the Tools | Privacy | Choose PGP Version menu item.

CTc>  Yep, no problem there.

ACM>> Select the appropriate version and you should then have things working
ACM>> fine. This will be evidenced by new Privacy menu items appearing, ie,
ACM>> PGP Preferences and PGY Key Manager.

CTc>  The menu items are listed all right. Privacy-> PGP-> shows up six
CTc>  options; Sign Block, Sign Entire Text etc. but selecting them
CTc>  does nothing!

I'm not speaking of that menu. In the main window, go to Tools ->
Privacy and look at the Privacy submenu. If the plug-in is working then
new items should be present and these are 'PGP key Manager', 'PGP
Preferences' and 'Import PGP Key'.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "One man's constant is another man's variable. - Perlis "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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Re: External editor (was OT: Regular Expressions)

2000-10-04 Thread A . Curtis Martin


On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 12:51:47 +0200, Luca wrote:

L> When this will hopefully be possible, what is supposed to happen when
L> I write a message? I mean, will I see my favourite editor working
L> within a TB window, with TB's menus, toolbar and all, or will it open
L> as a stand alone window?

It depends. They may chose to support another editor as plugin, where it
will indeed be integrated as a part of TB. An example of this is Becky's
own editor which was written by an external party.

However, if TB! will support you using any editor of your choice ity
will only provide convenient hooks to fire up your editor and paste the
template output in it etc. After editing, you close your editor, at
which point TB! will copy the text from the temp txt file created and
send it. In such a situation, you'll be using your own editor with it's
own interface, *separate* from TB!.

PMMail offers external editor support. Perhaps you can try it to see
what I'm referring to.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "Daddy, what does FORMATTING DRIVE C: mean? "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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Re: Tricky urls

2000-10-04 Thread A . Curtis Martin


On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 20:53:29 +0200, Luca wrote:

L> It seems TB doesn't pass this url to the browser properly, breaking
L> it into three parts because of the square brackets. Speaking of
L> Agent, that reminds me of a nice feature, by which you can specify
L> patterns to have these urls correctly handled. Is there something
L> similar in TB?

No there isn't. TB! will only open URL's with your system default
browser.  will open the URL in a new window while a
simple  will use an existing browser window.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "If at first you DO succeed, try not to look astonished! "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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Re[2]: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Charlie Turner (ceejay)

Hello A
On 04 October 2000, at 22:54, you wrote:


ACM> On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 21:17:14 +0100, Charlie Turner (ceejay) wrote:

CTc>>I've downloaded the PGP Plugin DLL 98k file (v5.5, v6.0 & v.6.5)
CTc>>After unzipping it appears to be batpgp55.dll, when I believe I should
CTc>>be installing batpgp60.dll.

CTc>>Also never having had the occasion to install .dlls before I could
CTc>>do with some pointers. Any help greatly appreciated Graham.

ACM> Unzip the DLL's into your TB! installation directory. Close and restart

 Ok done that, and still nothing! I've checked to confirm that the
 batpgp60.dll is in the same directory as TB!

ACM> You may then go to the Tools | Privacy | Choose PGP Version menu item.

 Yep, no problem there.

ACM> Select the appropriate version and you should then have things working
ACM> fine. This will be evidenced by new Privacy menu items appearing, ie,
ACM> PGP Preferences and PGY Key Manager.

 The menu items are listed all right. Privacy-> PGP-> shows up six
 options; Sign Block, Sign Entire Text etc. but selecting them
 does nothing!

have a good day
   Charlie (ceejay)

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privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Jan Rifkinson


  In a post time stamped 21:49:12 +0700 re:  Re[2]: privacy & encryption
  Graham wrote:

TBUDL> Quite easily Jan.  PGP is a tried and trusted form of encryption
TBUDL> which allows you to encrypt BEFORE your electronic mail goes
TBUDL> through a mail server. and other such services CLAIM
TBUDL> to ensure your privacy, but since THEY undertake the encryption

  Graham,  thanks  very  much for this info but understand
  I'm totally naive when it comes to encryption, etc. As a
  practical  matter,  is PGP good for emailing my everyday
  email  correspondents  all  over  the  world?  Does  the
  recipient  need  anything special to read my "encrypted"
  msgs?  ..Or  is  it just the headers that get encrypted?
  What complications are caused by PGP? Is PGP troublesome
  for  email  lists  --  for  instance where I
  belong  to  several  lists?  It's  not like I'm emailing
  legal  documents  or  anything  so  is  it  still  worth
  installing  in your opinion? You see I'm not sure how it
  works. I see things like:

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: To get my keys send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  And I haven't the foggiest idea what it means.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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Re: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread A . Curtis Martin


On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 21:17:14 +0100, Charlie Turner (ceejay) wrote:

CTc>I've downloaded the PGP Plugin DLL 98k file (v5.5, v6.0 & v.6.5)
CTc>After unzipping it appears to be batpgp55.dll, when I believe I should
CTc>be installing batpgp60.dll.

CTc>Also never having had the occasion to install .dlls before I could
CTc>do with some pointers. Any help greatly appreciated Graham.

Unzip the DLL's into your TB! installation directory. Close and restart

You may then go to the Tools | Privacy | Choose PGP Version menu item.

Select the appropriate version and you should then have things working
fine. This will be evidenced by new Privacy menu items appearing, ie,
PGP Preferences and PGY Key Manager.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "Eat Healthy, Exercise, and Die Anyway ... "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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2000-10-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Michael,

On 04 October 2000 at 09:21:00 GMT -0700 (which was 17:21 where I
live) Michael S. Greenbaum wrote and made these points on the subject
of "C/MIME":

>> This is not a registry or any other problem, but the TRCA lists are
>> *vital* and fundamental to the S/MIME support in TB. "CA" means
>> Certification Authority and these addresses are used to
>> authenticate S/MIME keys and signatures.

MSG> I know don't know what TRCA lists are

Trusted Root CA (Certification Authorities).

MSG> (I was so dumb I thought CA meant California) and have no idea
MSG> what S/MIME is. I assume it has nothing to do with Marcel
MSG> Marceau. I've run into the term "mime" before in computerese, but
MSG> I've never heard a definition of it.

MIME is short for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, a
specification for formatting non-ASCII messages so that they can be
sent over the Internet.

MSG> S/MIME is not in the Help Index. I looked at the FAQ on S/MIME
MSG> but it assumes one already knows what S/MIME is and only
MSG> discusses getting a certificate. More basic questions like what
MSG> the certificate is, by whom it is issued, and for what purpose
MSG> are never addressed. Is there another place I can go to find out
MSG> what S/MIME is, what it does, how it works, and why I might want
MSG> it?

Short for Secure/MIME, a new version of the MIME protocol that
supports encryption of messages. S/MIME is based on RSA's public-key
encryption technology.

MSG> And what is LDAP which I keep running into?  Being occasionally
MSG> dyslexic, I thought Los Angeles Police Department, but that's
MSG> LAPD! That term also is not in the Help Index nor on the FAQ at
MSG> all.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Used a database protocol to
store simple lists of stuff with an TCP/IP accessibility.

MSG> We're talking real basic here--as you can tell.

Go to and look up whatever you want to
know about there. It seems a pretty good resource to me and has all of
the basic (and more) acronyms.

- --
[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[ PGP Key:  ]

 Kids Stuff:
Rain is saved up in cloud banks.
 TB! v1.46d S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195

Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
Comment: PGP Secured for freshness


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Re[2]: Where does all the disk space go?

2000-10-04 Thread Ian Gore

On Saturday, September 30, 2000, 4:59:41 PM, Ming-Li wrote:

ML> Take a look at the tbb files in your message directories with Win
ML> Explorer (or other file managers) and see which folders are
ML> unreasonably large. Go to that folder in TB, turn on the "size"
ML> column in your message list, and sort by size, then you might see
ML> some extra large messages, usually with large attachments.

The space is being taken up by .msb files, some of which are more than
20 Mbyte each. What are these files? More to the point, what can I do
about them?



Ian G.

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Re[5]: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Charlie Turner (ceejay)

Hello Graham
On 04 October 2000, at 20:11, you wrote:

CT(>> I've been looking around for the .dll Graham. Do you have the URL for
CT(>> it by any chance?

G> Certainly, Charlie, its 


   I've downloaded the PGP Plugin DLL 98k file (v5.5, v6.0 & v.6.5)
   After unzipping it appears to be batpgp55.dll, when I believe I should
   be installing batpgp60.dll.
   Also never having had the occasion to install .dlls before I could
   do with some pointers. Any help greatly appreciated Graham.

have a good day
   Charlie (ceejay)

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Tricky urls

2000-10-04 Thread Luca

> Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 05:52:38 -0700
> From: Ming-Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Newsreader Agent


It seems TB doesn't pass this url to the browser properly, breaking it
into three parts because of the square brackets. Speaking of Agent,
that reminds me of a nice feature, by which you can specify patterns
to have these urls correctly handled. Is there something similar in

(BTW, these deja urls can be edited down to a simple to avoid problems on
the receiving end).


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Re: Newsreader Agent

2000-10-04 Thread Luca

> Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 05:52:38 -0700
> From: Ming-Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Newsreader Agent


Thanx for this link (and for the hint about fonts, love it).

> You do know how to use deja or its equivalent, don't you? I can't
> speak for Dierk, but I suspect he would have to dig it out in deja
> should he want to point you to it.

Well, if it's a recent message (it is) maybe he could still have it in
his Agent database and find the message-id in a few seconds. I just
wanted to have a try with that, before starting myself a deja power
search with no quotation available.

20/09/2000, Dierk Haasis:
>>>   Kaplan (Agent Support Team) stating that Forte (i.e Genesys
>>>   i.e. AT&T) is not interested anymore in Agent

I can't read that in the thread. Kaplan only says that "Forté Inc. is
not looking for another company to buy the Agent product" (while
Sidell sayd quite the contrary ... er ... ok, two years ago :-)

> it has been a public knowledge (at least they never
> deny it) for a long time that Agent is no longer in development.

They never deny the opposite either. Besides, reading by Sidell
himself, in the agent-users list, I don't get the feeling that Agent
development is definetly dead.

Just hopes. Should we keep on hoping on tbot?


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Re[4]: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Graham

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 19:12:40 +0100
"Charlie Turner (ceejay)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

CT(> Hello Graham
CT(> On 04 October 2000, at 09:48, you wrote:
CT(> G> Go to Tools/Privacy/Choose PGP Version and check the radio button
CT(> G> for "PGP 6.x/6.5.x".  You will have to download the .dll from the
CT(> G> Ritlabs web site as well, but it does work.  As I understand it,
CT(> G> PGP 6.5.8 is basically PGP 6.5.3 with the ADK bug removed.
CT(> I've been looking around for the .dll Graham. Do you have the URL for
CT(> it by any chance?

Certainly, Charlie, its

This is the place to get new versions of TB, the pgp.dlls, and
International Packs.


Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: To get my keys send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Bat nearly done in after disk defragmentation

2000-10-04 Thread David R. Austen

This morning (after months of successful use) I experienced a substantial 
problem with The Bat.

The Bat worked just fine for months, until I defragmented my hard drive 
yesterday. Can anybody shed some light on this?

This message was displayed this morning:

"Exception Eaddress violation in module THEBAT.EXE at 0018F5B7.
Access violation at address 005907FB. Read of address . "

I attempted a reinstall and then a (new) install in a different directory 
and finally I think I have it working, but I am not yet able to get access 
to my existing mail folders and messages. (Fortunately, I have been 
carefully backing them up.)

At this point the solution seems to be a matter of adding that original 
User (and folders) as a new User I have created in the new installation of 
The Bat. (Or just choosing the "old" User instead of the new one.)

Can anybody shed some light on this?

Thank you.

David Austen

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Re[3]: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Charlie Turner (ceejay)

Hello Graham
On 04 October 2000, at 09:48, you wrote:

G> Go to Tools/Privacy/Choose PGP Version and check the radio button
G> for "PGP 6.x/6.5.x".  You will have to download the .dll from the
G> Ritlabs web site as well, but it does work.  As I understand it,
G> PGP 6.5.8 is basically PGP 6.5.3 with the ADK bug removed.

I've been looking around for the .dll Graham. Do you have the URL for
it by any chance?

have a good day
   Charlie (ceejay)

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Re: Maybe something for the wishlist

2000-10-04 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Hash: SHA1


on Wednesday, October 04, 2000 17:56:08, our bat friend Ming-Li typed:

>> The prog is (was?) freeware. And I think I got it from Tucows.

ML> Thanks. I've a even more versatile utility for the same purpose, and
ML> Krister might have one, too. But it takes several more steps for
ML> such a purpose, and they might be pushed out by other clips. Bear in
ML> mind that Krister can't see and any extra step is a extra layer of
ML> hindrance. That being said, before TB could do that, your suggestion
ML> is indeed a practical work-around.

Yes it is, but there's another thing that i'd like to add, why have
some 3rd party util doing that, when you could incorporate it into the
bat!? It may be ok to have loads of utils for a program like Agent
that seems to be out of development but as the bat still develops i
don't see the necessity for other utils, except as a workaround until
the feature is incorporated.

- --

Icq: 902032
Obtain my pgp keys by sending a mail to this address: 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=Send_pgp_keys

Using The Bat 1.46c under Windows 98, V4 10, build   A

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re: Maybe something for the wishlist

2000-10-04 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Hash: SHA1


on Wednesday, October 04, 2000 10:17:42, our bat friend Januk Aggarwal typed:

JA> Do you mean TB should have a bookmark list?  Or do you want TB to use
JA> IE's bookmark list?  TB should not use any specific 3rd party bookmark
JA> list since not everyone wants to run Internet Explorer or whatever.

I want TB to use the bookmark list of the browser that's registered at present on the 
system. That way i can use IE and you could use Opera or whatever. At
least, that's how i think the feature in Agent works, but i could be

JA> But having said all that, why don't you open the links in your
JA> favourite browser and use that program's bookmark feature?  Or am I
JA> missing something obvious?

I don't want to start my browser, go out online and fetch the page in
order just to bookmark it, in that case, it's better to have it as it
is now. Convenience, that's the word.:-)

- --

Icq: 902032
Obtain my pgp keys by sending a mail to this address: 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=Send_pgp_keys

Using The Bat 1.46c under Windows 98, V4 10, build   A

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re: Filtering on server side

2000-10-04 Thread Jason Thompson

Hash: SHA1

Hello Michal and everyone else...

MK> Is the possibility to filter e-mails before receive into the BAT?

Yes, to a lesser extent. You'll notice a section of the Sorting Office
titled "Selective Download". The filters in this section will be
applied to messages before they are downloaded. If a match is found,
the message will be deleted from the server or ignored before it ever
came to you.

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Encryption. It's what's for dinner.


Jason Thompson   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Key ID: 0x3084BEC4  [The Bat! v1.47 Beta/5]
The mind is the standard of the man.
--Joseph Merrick

//The Bat! v1.47 Beta/5
//Win98 v4.10 build 1998
//AMD K6-2 400mhz 128mb

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Re: Newsreader Agent

2000-10-04 Thread Ming-Li

On Wednesday, October 04, 2000, 7:39:53 AM, Dierk wrote:

>> You do know how to use deja or its equivalent, don't you? I can't
>> speak for Dierk, but I suspect he would have to dig it out in
>> deja should he want to point you to it. After all, he can't point
>> you to his Agent database, can he?

> Thanx,  Ming-Li, you actually spoke for me, except, that I usually
> don't store  messages  that  have only limited (that is on the
> time scale) use for me. Most messages I get are just of immediate
> interest.

That I figured. For Usenet news, I don't, either. Guess I should
have made it clearer by adding "if it's still in the database" at
the end.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.47 Beta/5 | Win2k SP1

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Re: Maybe something for the wishlist

2000-10-04 Thread Ming-Li

On Wednesday, October 04, 2000, 7:45:07 AM, Dierk wrote:

> I use a very good programme called *Multiple Clipboards* by Gilson
> Fonseca  Peres  Filho which enables me to have 10 clipboards.
> Normally I don't  have  so  many  URL's  I  want  to open later.
> The prog is (was?) freeware. And I think I got it from Tucows.

Thanks. I've a even more versatile utility for the same purpose, and
Krister might have one, too. But it takes several more steps for
such a purpose, and they might be pushed out by other clips. Bear in
mind that Krister can't see and any extra step is a extra layer of
hindrance. That being said, before TB could do that, your suggestion
is indeed a practical work-around.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.47 Beta/5 | Win2k SP1

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2000-10-04 Thread Michael S. Greenbaum

Thanks, again, for the help.

I was able to find the Groups feature and use it with no problem so


> This is not a registry or any other problem, but the TRCA lists are
> *vital* and fundamental to the S/MIME support in TB. "CA" means
> Certification Authority and these addresses are used to authenticate
> S/MIME keys and signatures.

I know don't know what TRCA lists are (I was so dumb I thought CA
meant California) and have no idea what S/MIME is. I assume it has
nothing to do with Marcel Marceau. I've run into the term "mime"
before in computerese, but I've never heard a definition of it.

S/MIME is not in the Help Index. I looked at the FAQ on S/MIME but it
assumes one already knows what S/MIME is and only discusses getting a
certificate. More basic questions like what the certificate is, by
whom it is issued, and for what purpose are never addressed. Is there
another place I can go to find out what S/MIME is, what it does, how
it works, and why I might want it?

And what is LDAP which I keep running into?  Being occasionally
dyslexic, I thought Los Angeles Police Department, but that's LAPD!
That term also is not in the Help Index nor on the FAQ at all.

We're talking real basic here--as you can tell.

Mike Greenbaum
Post Office Box 40787
Tucson, AZ  85717
Phone:  520-881-8192; toll-free voice-mail: 800-986-1165
  Fax:  815-333-2938
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover accepted. 
Member: IOBA (Independent Online Booksellers Association)

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Re: Maybe something for the wishlist

2000-10-04 Thread JMReichow

Wednesday, October 04, 2000, 4:49:16 PM, Januk scripsit:

> Hello Krister,
>> I  think  it would be convenient to have the possibility in the bat
>> to  add urls to favorites/bookmarks/whathaveyou, this way you don't
>> have  to  save a whole message just in order to get the web address
>> of some company or whatever. What do you others think?

> Do you mean TB should have a bookmark list? Or do you want TB to use
> IE's  bookmark  list?  TB  should  not  use  any  specific 3rd party
> bookmark  list  since not everyone wants to run Internet Explorer or
> whatever.

> But  having  said  all  that,  why  don't you open the links in your
> favourite  browser  and use that program's bookmark feature? Or am I
> missing something obvious?

Maybe an "_Extract_ email addresses from webpages "
command? / program ?
would do what Krister is looking for.
Is anyone running that kind of stuff?


 v1.46c W95B PII266
 - always late due to receiving TBUDL in digest mode* -

 * PS: I don't really know how to deal with Message-IDs / Reference
   Headers when replying to messages selected from digests.
   Any suggestions? Is manually inserting a Subject line enough?

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Re: Newsreader Agent

2000-10-04 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hash: SHA1

Hello Ming-Li!

On Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 2:52:38 PM you wrote:

> You do know how to use deja or its equivalent, don't you? I can't
> speak for Dierk, but I suspect he would have to dig it out in deja
> should he want to point you to it. After all, he can't point you to
> his Agent database, can he?

Thanx,  Ming-Li, you actually spoke for me, except, that I usually don't
store  messages  that  have only limited (that is on the time scale) use
for me. Most messages I get are just of immediate interest.

- --
Dierk Haasis

The Bat! 1.46d

Windows 95 4.0 1212 C

It is better to be both right and consistent.
But if you have to choose - you must choose to be right. (Winston Churchill)

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re: Maybe something for the wishlist

2000-10-04 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hash: SHA1

Hello Ming-Li!

On Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 2:26:15 PM you wrote:

> I can't answer for Krister, but there are certainly times when one
> doesn't want to or can't open the links immediately, e.g., when
> one's reading offline.

I use a very good programme called *Multiple Clipboards* by Gilson
Fonseca  Peres  Filho which enables me to have 10 clipboards. Normally I
don't  have  so  many  URL's  I  want  to open later. The prog is (was?)
freeware. And I think I got it from Tucows.

- --
Dierk Haasis

The Bat! 1.46d

Windows 95 4.0 1212 C

There are three kinds of lies:
lies, damned lies, and statistics. (Benjamin Disraeli/Mark Twain)

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re: Newsreader Agent

2000-10-04 Thread Ming-Li

On Wednesday, October 04, 2000, 3:32:46 AM, Luca wrote:

>>   Well, I found today a recent thread with some news by Jeffrey
>>   Kaplan (Agent Support Team) stating that Forte (i.e Genesys
>>   i.e. AT&T) is not interested anymore in Agent.

> Would you point me to that message, please?

You do know how to use deja or its equivalent, don't you? I can't
speak for Dierk, but I suspect he would have to dig it out in deja
should he want to point you to it. After all, he can't point you to
his Agent database, can he?

That being said, here's the most recent link:[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=671102181&CONTEXT=970663404.1357774895&hitnum=0

Since they can always change their mind, they don't have to say it
out loud, but it has been a public knowledge (at least they never
deny it) for a long time that Agent is no longer in development.

> Yes. I find TB very similar to Agent, I just miss Agent's editor
> and keyboard shortcuts for navigation.

Many do. :)

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.47 Beta/5 | Win2k SP1

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Re: Stripping references off

2000-10-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Luca,

On 04 October 2000 at 13:16:31 GMT +0200 (which was 12:16 where I
live) Luca wrote and made these points on the subject
of "Stripping references off":

L> I find the new message procedure a bit annoying, when some quoting
L> is required. I wonder if is there any way to eliminate references
L> headers when replying to a message and to insert a message-id in
L> the introductory line of a reply.

There is. Use the "Follow up" header to remove the reference chain and
change the subject.

- --
[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[ PGP Key:  ]

 Duracel bunny arrested, charged with battery
 TB! v1.46d S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness


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Re: Column width with threading

2000-10-04 Thread Ming-Li

On Wednesday, October 04, 2000, 4:16:19 AM, Luca wrote:

>> I like how Forte Agent implement threading, but it doesn't have
>> TB's ability to expand/collapse a sub-thread.

> More, in Agent you have to navigate with "start a new thread when a
> follow-up subject changes" if you want to see changes in subjects.

It took me a while to understand what you mean, for I've taken that
option for granted and have never thought of it as a drawback. :) In
fact, I wish TB can start a new thread when a follow-up subject
changes as Agent does. But I got your point.

> I think an improvement in TB could be obtained simply by providing
> a split mode with full width message list pane (Agent allows any
> combination)

While TB doesn't do this, it allows unlimited folder view windows,
where you get the full width message list pane, which is a even
nicer solution, IMHO.

> and/or by letting users choose (proportional) fonts
> in column headers, subjects, etc.

Ehhh, it does, actually. The option is a bit hidden, though. Go to
"Message | Color Group | Edit Color Groups" and you'll see a "Font"
button. Yes, proportional fonts are accepted.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.47 Beta/5 | Win2k SP1

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Re: Maybe something for the wishlist

2000-10-04 Thread Ming-Li

On Wednesday, October 04, 2000, 1:17:42 AM, Januk wrote:

>> I think it would be convenient to have the possibility in the bat
>> to add urls to favorites/bookmarks/whathaveyou, this way you
>> don't have to save a whole message just in order to get the web
>> address of some company or whatever. What do you others think?

> Do you mean TB should have a bookmark list?  Or do you want TB to
> use IE's bookmark list?  TB should not use any specific 3rd party
> bookmark list since not everyone wants to run Internet Explorer or
> whatever.

Sounds like you never use IE, do you, Januk? IE's "favorites" are
stored as individual .url files. While I hate this design for it
takes too much disk space, it does make it easier for other apps to
access them.

> But having said all that, why don't you open the links in your
> favourite browser and use that program's bookmark feature?  Or am I
> missing something obvious?

I can't answer for Krister, but there are certainly times when one
doesn't want to or can't open the links immediately, e.g., when
one's reading offline.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.47 Beta/5 | Win2k SP1

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Filtering on server side

2000-10-04 Thread Michal Kozusznik

Hello again,
Is the possibility to filter e-mails before receive into the BAT?

And second question is about address book. Is it possible to add
the sender e-mail address to address book automaticly when I choose
"Reply mail". Is there some option for this? Maybe only one way is
choose it from pop-up menu manually?

Best regards
*** Michal Kozusznik *** MaXyM/PicSaintLoop ***
***   music *** Taekwon-do  ***
***   ***

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Re: Cannot send Mails in Windows 2000!

2000-10-04 Thread Ming-Li

On Tuesday, October 03, 2000, 11:15:52 AM, Nebula wrote:

> I have a Problem with The Bat 1.46 and Windows 2000. When I write
> or answer a Mail it is not possible to send the Mail via the Icon
> or the Menu-Command.

Could you tell us which tool button/menu item you tried--"Send Now"
or "Queue in Outbox", or both? What's TB's reaction? Nothing? What's
your account settings (in Account | Properties) about "Transport |
Deliver" (Immediate or Deferred) and "Options | Confirm immediate

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.47 Beta/5 | Win2k SP1

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privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Jan Rifkinson


  In  a  post time stamped 11:27:49 +0700 re: Re privacy &
  encryption ClueBusDriver wrote:

TBUDL> The  current  version  of  pgp  is  7. I tried it and found
TBUDL> numerous problems. NAI needs to make a few revisions before
TBUDL> it's  worth  installing.  However,  658 works fine with the
TBUDL> bat; use the 6.5 plugin and you're set.

TBUDL> The  advantage to is that it strips all header
TBUDL> info.  This  includes the mail client you're using and your
TBUDL> IP.  Don't underestimate the number of loosers out there in
TBUDL> e-mail land that would love to attack your computer if they
TBUDL> knew  your  IP  or  mail  client type. I know from personal
TBUDL> experience that there are many.

  Jan:  Thanks  very much for this info. Could you explain
  the difference in how these methods work with TB!

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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Re: Newsreader Agent

2000-10-04 Thread Luca

20/09/2000, Dierk Haasis:
>   Well, I found today a
>   recent thread with some news by Jeffrey Kaplan (Agent Support Team)
>   stating that Forte (i.e Genesys i.e. AT&T) is not interested anymore
>   in Agent.

Would you point me to that message, please?

>   Sad to say, with just some minor additions it would be
>   perfect - not only as a newsreader but as a programme ...

Yes. I find TB very similar to Agent, I just miss Agent's editor and
keyboard shortcuts for navigation.


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External editor (was OT: Regular Expressions)

2000-10-04 Thread Luca

13/09/2000, Peter Steiner:
> And yes, i'm eagerly awaiting the
> possibility to use Emacs as an external editor from within TB! ...

When this will hopefully be possible, what is supposed to happen when
I write a message? I mean, will I see my favourite editor working
within a TB window, with TB's menus, toolbar and all, or will it open
as a stand alone window?


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Re: Column width with threading

2000-10-04 Thread Luca

20/09/2000, Ming-Li:
> I like
> how Forte Agent implement threading, but it doesn't have TB's
> ability to expand/collapse a sub-thread.

More, in Agent you have to navigate with "start a new thread when a
follow-up subject changes" if you want to see changes in subjects.
Anyway, I like Agent's threading too.

I think an improvement in TB could be obtained simply by providing a
split mode with full width message list pane (Agent allows any
combination) and/or by letting users choose (proportional) fonts in
column headers, subjects, etc.


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Stripping references off

2000-10-04 Thread Luca

16/09/2000, A . Curtis Martin:
> On a moderator note as well:
> Please avoid starting an new subject by replying to a message,

I find the new message procedure a bit annoying, when some quoting is
required. I wonder if is there any way to eliminate references headers
when replying to a message and to insert a message-id in the
introductory line of a reply.


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Questions and ideas

2000-10-04 Thread Michal Kozusznik

Anyone could give me a way for using Reply-TO field?
I need an option for quick sign this field or remove it from prepared
More... strange is, If I turn on the reply-to view, it shows my
e-mail, but sent mail doesn't contain this field. It's good, but why ?
I want to control this option.

BTW: I see, some this list users, mails using Reply-to field (how they it
do?). I think it's wrong way, because, mail client should pick-up reply-to
field as default reply address.

Next: Animated icon option works only with main window. Others, like
delivery window, has always animated icon

Next one: I've had a troubles with address book import option. I've
exported one from Outlook Express as comma-separated text and tried
import as the same. Without success. Amazing is, I did it using"
Address List plain text" import option.

Now, an idea.
What do you think about quick address book (like Outlook Express 5
have)?  It would be great extension. Specially if it will contains a
photo field. I think, the photo option is useless, if I can't see the
face in time of mail writing.

That's all (maybe ;). Ahh, When The bat will support news list?

Best regards
*** Michal Kozusznik *** MaXyM/PicSaintLoop ***
***   music *** Taekwon-do  ***
***   ***

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CSAPI spell checker

2000-10-04 Thread Michal Kozusznik


I've found this great mailer. I think it has almost features, the
mailer client should have.
But... I have troubles with CSAPI based  spell-checker.
Sometimes it is active and sometimes not. Most time is inactive.
I have no point when it's switching off and why. It's not right, I'm
It happens with all CSAPI languages I choose. SSCE works fine.

Best regards
*** Michal Kozusznik *** MaXyM/PicSaintLoop ***
***   music *** Taekwon-do  ***
***   ***

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Re: Address Book Questions

2000-10-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Michael,

On 04 October 2000 at 00:25:55 GMT -0700 (which was 08:25 where I
live) Michael S. Greenbaum wrote and made these points on the subject
of "Address Book Questions":

MSG> I've been using TB only for three days now, so I have lots of
MSG> questions. I hope I'm not getting to be too much of a nuisance.

Not at all. That's why this UDL exists - to provide you with the
answers to these questions where possible.

MSG> ... Trusted Root CA and Intermediate CA, keep coming back.  ...
MSG> Is there any reason not to get rid of these by deleting them from
MSG> their directories? And will this keep them from coming back-- or
MSG> is that a Registry problem?

This is not a registry or any other problem, but the TRCA lists are
*vital* and fundamental to the S/MIME support in TB. "CA" means
Certification Authority and these addresses are used to authenticate
S/MIME keys and signatures.

MSG> Is it possible to make sub-directories under what I now call
MSG> Personal Address Book--such as Family, Friends, Business or is it
MSG> better to make each of these categories a separate Address Book?

I use the "Groups" facility of the Address Book for exactly this
purpose. Having multiple address books would only complicate some of
the address automation facilities TB has to offer such as Address
Auto-view, Automatic adding of addresses via filters, addressee
completion, etc.

MSG> My initial impression of The Bat! is that it is a great program
MSG> with really poor documentation and help files.

Agreed, and an oft mentioned shortcoming.

MSG> Were it not for this group and some information from the online
MSG> FAQ, I'd have given up on TB on the first day and simply deleted
MSG> it! So I'd like to thank everyone who has taken the time and
MSG> effort to help me get this program up and running.

As I said at the top, that's what we're here for ;-)

- --
[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[ PGP Key:  ]

 Headline - Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
 TB! v1.46d S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness


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Re: Is number of messages on one account limited?

2000-10-04 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi epp,

On 02 October 2000 at 23:34:00 GMT +0200 (which was 22:34 where I
live) epp wrote and made these points on the subject
of "Is number of messages on one account limited?":

e> Is number of messages on one account in TheBat - limited?


e> How many messages I can store in The Bat?

I have ~69000 messages in my primary account. Each folder has its' own
mail database. When a single folder exceeds about 10k messages, I
usually split it in two to speed up access.

- --
[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[ PGP Key:  ]

 Kids Stuff:
Cyanide is so poisonous that one drop of it on a
dogs tongue will kill the strongest man.
 TB! v1.46d S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness


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Re[2]: privacy & encryption

2000-10-04 Thread Graham

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 00:15:54 +0100
Charlie Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

CT> Hash: SHA1
CT> Hello Jan
CT> On 03 October 2000, at 21:57, you wrote:
CT> JR>  Could someone explain the advantages/disadvantages of using a
CT> JR>  service like VS PGP? And does the current version
CT> JR>  of  TheBat!  work  with Version 6.5.8, the current version of

Quite easily Jan.  PGP is a tried and trusted form of encryption
which allows you to encrypt BEFORE your electronic mail goes
through a mail server. and other such services CLAIM
to ensure your privacy, but since THEY undertake the encryption,
how are you sure?  Also, can you be sure of the encryption
algorithm they use?  Is it easily cracked?  PGP has another
advantage: you can sign messages at source and people can be sure
its from you and the message has not been tampered with.
CT>  I can't help you re the pro's and con's Jan, but I do have PGP 6.5.8
CT>  and I haven't been able to set it up to work with TB - other than via
CT>  PGPtray. I'm relatively new to TB, so admit this is almost certainly a
CT>  failing on my part rather than TB!

Jan and Charly, TB does work with PGP 6.5.8; I use it myself with
TB, and other programs.

Go to Tools/Privacy/Choose PGP Version and check the radio button
for "PGP 6.x/6.5.x".  You will have to download the .dll from the
Ritlabs web site as well, but it does work.  As I understand it,
PGP 6.5.8 is basically PGP 6.5.3 with the ADK bug removed.


Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: To get my keys send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: Maybe something for the wishlist

2000-10-04 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Krister,

On  Wednesday, October 04, 2000  at  09:57:58 GMT +0200 (which was 12:57 AM
where I live) witnesses say Krister Ekstrom typed:

> I think it would be convenient
> to have the possibility in the bat to add urls to
> favorites/bookmarks/whathaveyou, this way you don't have to save a
> whole message just in order to get the web address of some company or
> whatever. What do you others think?

Do you mean TB should have a bookmark list?  Or do you want TB to use
IE's bookmark list?  TB should not use any specific 3rd party bookmark
list since not everyone wants to run Internet Explorer or whatever.

But having said all that, why don't you open the links in your
favourite browser and use that program's bookmark feature?  Or am I
missing something obvious?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.47 Beta/5
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Maybe something for the wishlist

2000-10-04 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Hash: SHA1

Hi Bat! people!

I use Agent as my newsreader, (thanks for the recommendation, Karin!),
and can't help but mencioning a feature which i would like to see in
the bat!. In Agent when you highlight an url, you have some choises,
among them are "add url to favorites". I think it would be convenient
to have the possibility in the bat to add urls to
favorites/bookmarks/whathaveyou, this way you don't have to save a
whole message just in order to get the web address of some company or
whatever. What do you others think?

- --

Icq: 902032
Obtain my pgp keys by sending a mail to this address: 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=Send_pgp_keys

Using The Bat 1.46c under Windows 98, V4 10, build   A

Version: PGP 6.5i


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Re: glyphs documentation request

2000-10-04 Thread Tony Boom

This message: 03/10/2000 21:28 GMT.

Hello Marck,

  A reminder of what Marck ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed on:
  03 October 2000 at 10:26:04 GMT +0100

MDP> If you would like to send me a copy with any graphical examples, I
MDP> will include it in the TB FAQ web site if you like.

  In that case I'll compose it in html format. Not too sure how long it
  will take but I'll get to straight away.

Best regards, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Using The Bat! 1.46d S/N A27A5E65
 Windows 98 ME 4.90 Build 3000 

 Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPkeyrequest

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Address Book Questions

2000-10-04 Thread Michael S. Greenbaum

I've been using TB only for three days now, so I have lots of
questions. I hope I'm not getting to be too much of a nuisance.

Two questions for now regarding the Address Book:


When I opened the address book the first time, it had a lot of address
books of things I had no use for, so I deleted them all except the
main one which I renamed to Personal Address Book (can't remember what
it was originally).

However, when I close TB and reopen it, two of those address books,
Trusted Root CA and Intermediate CA, keep coming back. I have no idea
what these are or why they're there. But I can tell from their
properties where they are located. Is there any reason not to get rid
of these by deleting them from their directories?  And will this keep
them from coming back--or is that a Registry problem?


Is it possible to make sub-directories under what I now call
Personal Address Book--such as Family, Friends, Business or is it
better to make each of these categories a separate Address Book?

My initial impression of The Bat! is that it is a great program with
really poor documentation and help files. Were it not for this group
and some information from the online FAQ, I'd have given up on TB on
the first day and simply deleted it! So I'd like to thank everyone who
has taken the time and effort to help me get this program up and

Mike Greenbaum
Post Office Box 40787
Tucson, AZ  85717
Phone:  520-881-8192; toll-free voice-mail: 800-986-1165
  Fax:  815-333-2938
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover accepted. 
Member: IOBA (Independent Online Booksellers Association)

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