Re: Find a message by number?

2007-11-27 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Steven,

On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:09:03 -0500GMT (27-11-2007, 14:09 +0100, where
I live), you wrote:

SPV> Is there some way to use that info to look at the
SPV> message in TheBat! so that I might delete it and/or
SPV> the attachment?

That's why some scanner have a plug-in for TB, that way youcan select
and delete them assisted by the plug-in.
Without a plug-in, browse the infected folder, delete suspicious
messages, compress the folder and scan again. The compressing part is
important. Otherwise the message is only marked as deleted, but still
present in the messages.tbb file.

Groetjes, Roelof

A noisy exhaust to some almost amounts to a mating call.
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Copy TB structure to Voyager

2007-11-30 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Mark,

On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 17:39:52 +0100GMT (30-11-2007, 17:39 +0100, where
I live), you wrote:

MP> 1) Is it possible to copy my TB! setup (accounts, folders, rules...) without
MP>coying the messages themselves. (did not see this possiblity in Back-Up)

Yes, that's what I did when I tested Voyager. Can't remember whether I
made a backup without messages or simply didn't restore the messages.

MP> 2) If I were to collect mail with Voyager, leaving the messages on the
MP>server, would The Bat! still see those as unread messages that have to be

TB will see them as unread (or not downloaded) TB stores the id's for
the downloaded messages in a local file. It's only Gmail style
providers that don't offer the messages for download for a second

Groetjes, Roelof

I was the kid next door's imaginary friend.
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
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P4 3GHz

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Re: change protocol from pop3 to imap

2007-12-04 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo M,

On Tue, 4 Dec 2007 09:24:45 + (GMT)GMT (4-12-2007, 10:24 +0100,
where I live), you wrote:

MSD> I planned to activated imap on my gmail account.
MSD> Previously, I have set the account in my TB! using POP3
MSD> protocol, is there any way to change the protocol in TB! or should I 
created new account ?

You need to create a new account. It isn't possible to change an
account in TB from pop3 to imap.

Groetjes, Roelof

Blessed our young they will inherit our national debt.
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Mod: Cut mark (was: change protocol from pop3 to imap)

2007-12-04 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Darmawan,

On Tue, 4 Dec 2007 09:24:45 + (GMT)GMT (4-12-2007, 10:24, where I
live), you wrote:

MSD> Big Thanks.
MSD> Darmawan

MSD>  Send instant messages to your online friends

Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Darmawan.


Please include a signature delimiter in your messages. This consists
of a , i.e., a '-- ' by itself on a line.
This allows your readers, when replying, to quote your text without
the signature and list footers since everything below and including
the sig delimiter is excluded when quoting.

You can easily automate this process by including the sig delimiter in
your templates.

Even if you barely have a signature to speak of, that doesn't make any
difference to whether or not you need a cut mark. You are being
courteous to other readers since at least three lines of text is added
to your signature by the list server.

To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you

Thank you.

Groetjes, Roelof

Support the use of low yield nuclear devices for Moderators!

Description: PGP signature

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Re: v2.12 forward filter change FROM address

2007-12-29 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo rich,

On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 02:15:57 -0500GMT (29-12-2007, 8:15 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

RG> I have set up 2 new filters in sorting office of v2.12 TB!
RG> Both forward based on a matching SUBJECT string.
RG> I'd like to have these filters automatically also change the FROM
RG> address for me.

You can alter the From: header of the created messages by using the
the %From="newaddress"%- macro in the template used by the filter.
You can access that template on the actions tab of the filter. Next to
the field with the destination address for the message there's an icon
for accessing the address book en next to that there's an icon for
accessing the template.

I hope this helps.

Groetjes, Roelof

Hey, I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
The Bat! (ALPHA)
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
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P4 3GHz

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Re: v2.12 forward filter change FROM address

2007-12-30 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo rich,

On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 13:06:33 -0500GMT (30-12-2007, 19:06 +0100, where
I live), you wrote:

RG> I'd seen templates mentioned before in filters but assumed (duh) that
RG> they must be folder or account profile templates.

TB offers templates on lots of places. You found the account and
folder templates and now you experienced filter templates. But TB also
has address book templates, there are two kinds of AB templates, those
bound to individual AB entries and those that belong to AB groups.
Other templates are Quick Templates, you can call QTs from other
templates, but also straight from the editor.
And finally TB offers the option to use external text files as

Groetjes, Roelof

WYSIWYG: see "Optical illusion"
The Bat! (ALPHA)
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
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Re: v2.12 forward filter change FROM address

2007-12-31 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo rich,

On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 22:21:12 -0500GMT (31-12-2007, 4:21 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

RG> I suppose some template hierarchy exists where one template will
RG> over-ride another template in a predictable order? Is this so? I guess
RG> it must be in the order in which they are executed... What would that
RG> be?

The order of preference is AB template, AB group template, folder
template, account template.
Note that when you've got multiple entries in your AB with the same
address the preference can get mixed up.

RG> If I understand external text file template, any executed are nested
RG> within another more powerful template... Yes?

QTs and external text files can be called by other templates, doesn't
matter whether the parent templates are account templates, AB
templates, filter templates or even quick templates.
When you're sending a message via command line parameters, you can
tell TB to use a text file as template.
You can use any macro in all kind of templates.

RG> Also, to my understanding QTs differ in that they just dump text into
RG> the body of an email being composed. No?

Not necessarily. With a QT it's also possible to set a header. QTs can
contain any macro. Just as an example I'll create a QT called test,
it'll contain this macro:
%Comment="The subject of this message is %Subject"%-
I can call the QT from the editor by typing its name followed by
I´ve done so and you´ll see that when you view the message headers of
this message that it contains a Comments: header with rather
redundant cpntents. :-)

RG> Thank yet again (for the great lessons I should have learned years ago)
RG> and, again, best wishes to all for the new year!

You're welcome. And be carefull with fireworks.

Groetjes, Roelof

Why experiment on animals, when there are so many Windows users around
The Bat! (ALPHA)
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
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Re: v2.12 forward filter change FROM address

2007-12-31 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo rich,

On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 14:41:39 -0500GMT (31-12-2007, 20:41 +0100, where
I live), you wrote:

RG> Thanks for that... Then just to be sure I understand...

RG> 1- AB contact template will overwrite ANY template
RG> 2- Folder templates ONLY overwrite account templates

That's about it, yes.

RG> 3- QTs or external text files share the hierarchical order of the
RG> template from which it is executed

That's not as I'd call it. They're outside the preference sequence as
they've got to be called specifically.

RG> P.S. I won't think about sending a message via command line parameters!

As soon as you get messages that need to be sent (semi) automatically
it's a usefull feature.

Groetjes, Roelof

Taglines: bumper stickers for computer nerds.
The Bat! (ALPHA)
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
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Re: testing pgp/mime

2008-01-11 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Henk,

On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 09:20:52 +0100GMT (11-1-2008, 9:20 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

HMD> Both working now?


Groetjes, Roelof

What garlic is to salad, insanity is to art.
The Bat! (ALPHA)
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Re: testing pgp/mime

2008-01-11 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Henk,

On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 09:04:12 +0100GMT (11-1-2008, 9:04 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

HMD> testing pgp/mime

As you're testing something with an alpha, you might consider doing
that on tbbeta...

Groetjes, Roelof

Atari computers make great boat anchors
The Bat! (ALPHA)
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Mod: Cut mark (was: suppress addresses in distribution list)

2008-01-11 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Richard,

On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:07:42 -0500GMT (11-1-2008, 14:07, where I
live), you wrote:

R> Version: PGP Desktop 9.6.3 (Build 3017)

Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Richard.


Please include a signature delimiter in your messages. This consists
of a , i.e., a '-- ' by itself on a line.
This allows your readers, when replying, to quote your text without
the signature and list footers since everything below and including
the sig delimiter is excluded when quoting.

You can easily automate this process by including the sig delimiter in
your templates.

Even if you barely have a signature to speak of, that doesn't make any
difference to whether or not you need a cut mark. You are being
courteous to other readers since at least three lines of text is added
to your signature by the list server.

To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you

Thank you.

Groetjes, Roelof

Moderators don't need a license. They just do it.

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: suppress addresses in distribution list

2008-01-11 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Richard,

On Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:07:42 -0500GMT (11-1-2008, 14:07 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

M>> Any reason you cannot put list in the BCC field?

R> Sure, I can do that.  It just doesn't work.  Individual addresses
R> are still reported in the header as "delivered to".

Unless there's a badly programmed mail server somewhere in between a
message that you BCC to me an Marten wouldn't have Marten's address in
the headers of the copy that I'm receiving.

Has nothing to do with TB.

Groetjes, Roelof

No one can think clearly with clenched fists.
The Bat! (ALPHA)
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3 pop3 accounts
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Re: Printing the message list

2008-01-17 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Ian,

On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:18:57 +1100GMT (18-1-2008, 1:18 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

IAW> Is there any way I can just print what appears in the message list?

Create a manual filter that exports all messages to a text file and
use a template like this:
%FromName %Subject   %Date
The export file must not be overwritten, but appended.
With a proper condition you can set it to pick everything you want to
show. The resulting text file can be printed.

Groetjes, Roelof

XT Nostalgia?  Run Windows
The Bat! (ALPHA)
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Re: Certificate problem

2008-01-22 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Peter,

On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 21:40:07 +0100GMT (22-1-2008, 21:40 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

PF> ,- [  ]
PF> | !22-01-2008, 21:36:39: SEND  - TLS handshake failure. Invalid server
PF> | certificate (The issuer of this certificate chain was not found).
PF> `-

Well, TB tells you exactly what to do.
Find a certificate for the issuer of the certioficate and import that.
(Into your browser IIRC, but it's quite some time ago, since I did

Groetjes, Roelof

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity." - Robert A.Heinlein
The Bat! (ALPHA)
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
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P4 3GHz

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Re: Restoring Folders

2008-01-30 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo monsell,

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 20:33:29 +0530GMT (30-1-2008, 16:03 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

M> Can you please assist me to get this folder to appear in TB client?

Select the account tree pane and press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-L

Groetjes, Roelof

I love my country; it's my government that scares me.
The Bat! (ALPHA)
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
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Re: Exporting filters?

2008-02-07 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Harald,

On Thu, 7 Feb 2008 12:01:28 +0100GMT (7-2-2008, 12:01 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

>> Also, you can use the 'share with..' option, right?
HF> Where is that option hidden?

He's mistaken with quick templates, those can be shared with other
accounts. Filters cannot, though you can create common filters, they
can be used by all accounts.

Groetjes, Roelof

The Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed.
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Backup Query

2008-02-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tom,

On Fri, 8 Feb 2008 17:41:59 +1100GMT (8-2-2008, 7:41 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

T> I never used the ..tbk file to restore and I am just curious what the
T> difference is between backing up via ...tbk file or via saving the
T> mail directory? Any advantages or disadvantage of one over the other?

With .tbk you include preferences and registration info (stuff that's
stored in the registry, not on disk) Also restoring the address book
compresses it (deleting entries from the AB means that they're marked
as deleted, they'll stay in the file, but when you backup they won't
be included.)
Disadvantage is that you can only restore to the same path and that
.tbk currently doesn't copy the upload manager and address history
yet. Nor will it backup any files that aren't regular TB files (my
cookies are stored in a text file in my mail directory, but it won't
be included in my backup)

Groetjes, Roelof

The shortest distance between two Points is a BossNode.
The Bat! 4.0.7
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: No way to purge unread messages in common folder

2008-02-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Doug,

On Fri, 8 Feb 2008 09:26:07 +GMT (8-2-2008, 10:26 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

DH> The folder settings for Beta are set to Max stored messages = 300, and I 
even tried
DH> max keep messages = 30 days. But nothing will get rid of them if they are 
unread. For
DH> my Gmail account, I have checked the box that says "Purge unread messages"

Unfortunately you can't set 'purge unread messages' for common
folders, it's not in their 'account properties'.
The settings of the original account have no meaning for the common
folder, as the messages aren't associated anymore with that account.

No bug, though you could consider it an oversight.

Groetjes, Roelof

The only difference between lawyers and vultures is removable wingtips
The Bat! 4.0.7
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Backup Query

2008-02-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tom,

On Fri, 8 Feb 2008 23:00:45 +1100GMT (8-2-2008, 13:00 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

T> On the other hand, you say that if i were to put my mail
T> directory on a separate drive when doing a new installation, an import
T> via tbk would fail?

Yes. Unless it has been changed and I didn't notice that. 

Groetjes, Roelof

"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace.  It failed."
The Bat! 4.0.7
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

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Re: view modes

2008-02-10 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Terry,

On Sat, 9 Feb 2008 11:16:38 -0600GMT (9-2-2008, 18:16 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

TGM> Does anyone know what file view modes are saved in?

My guess would be the account.cdb file in the mail directory
(config.edb for otfe) and I would advise against deleting that file
because of all the other that might be included.

Groetjes, Roelof

Veni, Vidi, Ventilate (I came, I saw, I opened a window)
The Bat! 4.0.11
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Selective restore?

2008-02-10 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Maggie,

On Sat, 9 Feb 2008 08:46:41 -0500GMT (9-2-2008, 14:46 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

MM> I would like to try to retrieve a folder of mail on an old backup
MM> (even just to view its contents) but I don't want my present
MM> folders to be overwritten.

Can't be done. Only solution would an install on a different
computer (like you suggested,) copy your current mail directory
to a safe location and copy it back after the restore or to create a
backup, restore the old backup and afterwards restore the new backup.

I'd prefer the first option.

Groetjes, Roelof

It is easy to propose impossible remedies.
The Bat! 4.0.11
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Selective restore?

2008-02-10 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo MFPA,

On Sun, 10 Feb 2008 23:12:28 +GMT (11-2-2008, 0:12 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

M> Run another copy on the same machine using something like
M> Sandboxie?

I don't know the program you're mentioning, but a TB backup needs to
restore to the same directory as it was made of, so unless sandboxie
remaps directories and such you're out of luck.
That's why I didn't suggest running TB with another registry set.

Groetjes, Roelof

He says a thousand pleasant things, but never "Adieu."
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Mod: Top posting (was: New, Reply Format)

2008-02-19 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tim,

On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 12:33:42 -0700GMT (19-2-2008, 20:33, where I
live), you wrote:

TH> Hello Rick,

TH> Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.  I have tried changing this

Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Tim.


This posting violated the list rules regarding top posting.

Top posting, i.e., typing all your reply text at the top of your
message and following it with all quoted text below, is not
encouraged and we actually request that you not do so on this list

a) It makes it difficult to glean context from what you typed at the
   top of the message


b) It encourages excessive quoting.

We would much prefer if you quote just that much of the message to
which you're replying, so we know what it is you're referring to,
and then below the quotation, type your response. If you're
responding to more than one part of the original, then quote each
part separately and follow each part with your response.

Now, I know that you may not personally prefer this format and that
you may disagree with some of the reasoning here. We very much
respect this. However, this is the format that most of the active
members here prefer and all members are expected, and are being
asked to use the format that will make most of the active membership
here comfortable reading. You'll likely get a more responsive group
when you post using a style that is comfortable for them to read and

To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you

Thank you.

Groetjes, Roelof

I don't care! That's one of our moderators.

Description: PGP signature

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Re: New, Reply Format

2008-02-19 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tim,

On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:52:54 -0700GMT (19-2-2008, 19:52 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

TH>   I hope someone can answer this question?  Why is that version
TH>   4.0.14 displays the Reply and New Message body in HTML now and not
TH>   plain text.

Place your quotes above the signature delimiter.

Groetjes, Roelof

Hey, I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: New, Reply Format

2008-02-20 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tim,

On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:40:47 -0700GMT (20-2-2008, 4:40 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

TH> Does TB have a reset to default settings?

Yes, delete (make it empty) your reply template in your account

Groetjes, Roelof

WinErr: 010 Reserved for future mistakes by our developers
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: New, Reply Format

2008-02-20 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Roelof,

On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:20:16 +0100GMT (20-2-2008, 11:20 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

RO> Yes, delete (make it empty) your reply template in your account
RO> properties.

And the same goes for the other templates...

Groetjes, Roelof

Windows: written entirely by and for blondes
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Problem sending Email

2008-02-27 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Teresa,

On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 09:39:40 -0800 (PST)GMT (27-2-2008, 18:39 +0100,
where I live), you wrote:

TE> All of a sudden, any messages I'm sending from The Bat3.0.1.33,
TE> aren't going anywhere, even though they appear in my Sentbox. I
TE> thought maybe it was my server, but test messages I've sent
TE> fromboth Outlook and Thunderbird go through to my online accounts ok.

If the messages appear in Sent Mail then TB has sent the message. If
they don't arrive they're being intercepted somewhere.
Two possibilities:
1) You reconfigured some software on your computer like a virus
   scanner to scan outgoing mail and that doesn't work flawlessly
   with TB.
2) Somebody in your outgoing path is intercepting messages created by
   TB. Every now and then a technically challenged nincompoop working
   for some ISP decides to scan for TB in the X-Mailer header as some
   crazy SPAM check.
No 2 is easy to check.
In the menu go to:
 Options -> Preferences -> General
 and disable 'Use X-Mailer header'
And send another message.

Groetjes, Roelof

Press  for the next message.
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Problem sending Email

2008-02-27 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Teresa,

On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:58:55 -0800 (PST)GMT (27-2-2008, 21:58 +0100,
where I live), you wrote:

TE> To add to the mystery, a test message I sent to my husband, who
TE> uses the same ISP, went through. So I sent another test message to
TE> myself, and it DIDN'T go through. Weirder and weirder. 

Try to send me a message off list if you can, just to see whether
that comes through.

Groetjes, Roelof

'95 - The percentage of people who will have to upgrade their hardware
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Problem sending Email

2008-02-27 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Teresa,

On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 14:52:23 -0800 (PST)GMT (27-2-2008, 23:52 +0100,
where I live), you wrote:

TE> It's been sent!!

Well, I didn't receive it, so something is intercepting it. I'll get
to you off list for another experiment.

And please don't top post, it's against the list rules and as
moderator I've got to enforce those.

Groetjes, Roelof

Windows 95 not found! (D)ance (C)heer (P)arty?
The Bat!
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3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

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Re: Addressbook extended

2008-03-04 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tom,

On Tue, 4 Mar 2008 19:20:46 +1100GMT (4-3-2008, 9:20 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

T> I was just fiddling with a filter and came about the option to select
T> "Address book extended" as opposed to Address book or Address Groups.

With 'address book' you check whether the address is in any of your
address books.
'address book extended' checks specific address books.
'address book groups' checks address book groups for an occurence of
the address.

Groetjes, Roelof

Women, like rabbits, will hop into bed at night.
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Address Book groups and 2+ addresses per contact

2008-03-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo simbabque,

On Sat, 8 Mar 2008 15:30:23 +0100GMT (8-3-2008, 15:30 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

S> I would like to get TheBat! to decide which of those two (or maybe
S> more) addresses it should use depending on the group from which I
S> select the contact to write a new message. It would also be nice if
S> it did that when I write a mail to all contacts in the group (i.e. a
S> meeting invitation or something).

Can't be done this way with TB. Best way would be to create unique
entries for each address and to place those addresses in the matching

Groetjes, Roelof

I love my country; it's my government that scares me.
The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: filtering on multiple emails addressbook entires

2008-03-12 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo monsell,

On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 08:35:45 +0530GMT (12-3-2008, 4:05 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

>> 2.In the 'Action' section of your filter use the item 'Address
>> groups' and in  that,  enter  the  name of the group you set up in
>> the address book. The occurrence of any one of the addreses will
>> trigger the filter.

M> Hi, Using TB v- and i dont see this option. is it available in
M> this version?

Yes, however you shouldn't look at the 'actions' part of the filter,
but at the 'conditions'. I guess Roger made a typo.

Groetjes, Roelof

This is just one humble opinion, collect the whole series
The Bat! 4.0.18
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Toolbars

2008-03-12 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Paul,

On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:05:20 +GMT (12-3-2008, 11:05 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

PJ> I am unable to put any toolbars above the
PJ> folder tree or preview pane.  How can I reset the toolbar positions?

You can do that by deleting the tbuser.def file in the mail
directory. (That's the tbuser.eef file when using otfe.) I must say
that that's a rather unsatisfactory solution as that deletes all your

Groetjes, Roelof

If worst comes to worst, you *CAN* turn most things off.
The Bat! 4.0.18
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Mod: Top posting (was: filtering on multiple emails addressbook entires)

2008-03-12 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo H,

On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 17:30:33 +0100GMT (12-3-2008, 17:30, where I
live), you wrote:

HH> Cheers,

HH> Hartwig

HH> Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 6:58:29 PM, you wrote:

Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out H.


This posting violated the list rules regarding top posting.

Top posting, i.e., typing all your reply text at the top of your
message and following it with all quoted text below, is not
encouraged and we actually request that you not do so on this list

a) It makes it difficult to glean context from what you typed at the
   top of the message


b) It encourages excessive quoting.

We would much prefer if you quote just that much of the message to
which you're replying, so we know what it is you're referring to,
and then below the quotation, type your response. If you're
responding to more than one part of the original, then quote each
part separately and follow each part with your response.

Now, I know that you may not personally prefer this format and that
you may disagree with some of the reasoning here. We very much
respect this. However, this is the format that most of the active
members here prefer and all members are expected, and are being
asked to use the format that will make most of the active membership
here comfortable reading. You'll likely get a more responsive group
when you post using a style that is comfortable for them to read and

To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you

Thank you.

Groetjes, Roelof

I'm gonna declare moderator appreciation week.

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: filtering on multiple emails addressbook entires

2008-03-12 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo H,

On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 17:30:33 +0100GMT (12-3-2008, 17:30 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

HH> I haven't found a way to create subgroups which would be nice as
HH> my address book contains already groups like 'office' 'family'
HH> friends' etc. I would prefer if I can keep that grouping as well.

You don't need to use subgroups to keep your old grouping while still
creating new groups. Any address book entry can belong to as many
address book groups as you like.
For instance, you can have an address book group 'twits' that
contains your boss, your brother in law and your best friend's wife.

Groetjes, Roelof

WIN ERROR #012: Computer doesn't really multitask. (I)gnore (O)rder Amiga..
The Bat! 4.0.18
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Tha Bat as default mailprogramm

2008-03-24 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Patrick,

On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 11:44:24 +0100GMT (24-3-2008, 11:44 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

PN> I'm running Vista 64 bit since a month and I'm not capable to set The
PN> Bat as the default mailclient.

Well, I'm running Vista 64 bit (Premium) since Wednesday and first
thing I did was installing TB 4.0.18 and installing it made it the
default mail client.
Did you install 4.0.18 as the first version or did you use other
versions too on your current Vista setup?
IIRC some older v4 version had some problems registering properly
with Vista and the proper way to get that right was to uninstall the
older version and install the new version.
So I'd advice you to uninstall TB (don't delete your message base)
and install it again and point it your your current message base, so
you won't loose mail.

Groetjes, Roelof

Cannot open file "E:\Batmail\t-shirt.txt"
The Bat! 4.0.18
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Spell checker not working?

2008-03-25 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo John,

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 18:15:52 +1100GMT (25-3-2008, 8:15 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

JP> As I am running the Pro edition, shouldn't the dictionarys be in the
JP> proggy?

I installed 4.0.18 (pro) last week on my new computer (as my old one
died on me) My pc has all the SSCE dictionaries in the Speller
directory (that's where they've been since v1) Don't be confused with
the Dictionaries directory, that's for the HunSpell engine, you can
add languages there for yourself by downloading them from and extracting
them in the Dictionaries folder in your program directory.

Groetjes, Roelof

Cannot open file "E:\Batmail\t-shirt.txt"
The Bat! 4.0.18
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Undocked Toolbars!

2008-03-26 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Dan,

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:55:51 -0600GMT (26-3-2008, 17:55 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

DL> Other than it being a beta (with all the usual warnings) is there any
DL> reason to NOT update to the beta?

Not really, as far as I can see it's running fine.

DL> Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 10:45:43 AM, you wrote:

Oh. And consider yourself trouted for top posting.
Otherwise I'd send an official warning, but I've still got PGP
troubles on my new computer.

Groetjes, Roelof

Windows-Reboot more before 9AM than most users do all day
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Undocked Toolbars!

2008-03-26 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Dan,

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 13:49:56 -0600GMT (26-3-2008, 20:49 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

DL> But to get back to a questionwhat the heck does the top posting
DL> have to do with PGP anyway?

But had PGP functioned properly on my new PC, you'd have received an
official warning.

Groetjes, Roelof

Veni, Vedi, Vomitus.  (I came, I saw, it made me sick)
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Undocked Toolbars!

2008-03-26 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Dwight,

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 14:05:54 -0500GMT (26-3-2008, 20:05 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

DAC> PGP priorities just went up.


Groetjes, Roelof

Be nice to your kids.  They'll choose your nursing home.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Mod: Top posting (was: Undocked Toolbars!)

2008-03-26 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Dan,

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 14:30:04 -0600GMT (26-3-2008, 21:30, where I
live), you wrote:

DL> Thanks for the explanation.

DL> Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 2:02:18 PM, you wrote:

>> Hallo Dan,

Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Dan.


This posting violated the list rules regarding top posting.

Top posting, i.e., typing all your reply text at the top of your
message and following it with all quoted text below, is not
encouraged and we actually request that you not do so on this list

a) It makes it difficult to glean context from what you typed at the
   top of the message


b) It encourages excessive quoting.

We would much prefer if you quote just that much of the message to
which you're replying, so we know what it is you're referring to,
and then below the quotation, type your response. If you're
responding to more than one part of the original, then quote each
part separately and follow each part with your response.

Now, I know that you may not personally prefer this format and that
you may disagree with some of the reasoning here. We very much
respect this. However, this is the format that most of the active
members here prefer and all members are expected, and are being
asked to use the format that will make most of the active membership
here comfortable reading. You'll likely get a more responsive group
when you post using a style that is comfortable for them to read and

To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you

Thank you.

Groetjes, Roelof

Kan bestand niet openen "E:\Batmail\moderator.txt"

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Latest Betas. Where ot find

2008-03-28 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Michael,

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:22:44 -0400GMT (28-3-2008, 18:22 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

CT> Can some kind soul tell me where I can always find the latest Beta?

Subscribe to tbbeta, the development team announces the betas on that

Groetjes, Roelof

"Oops." -  Most feared word in Nuclear Physics and Brain Surgery...
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: upgrading from ver 1.62r

2008-03-28 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Avram,

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:06:48 -0500GMT (28-3-2008, 19:06 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

SA> What should I do to insure as smooth a transition to the current
SA> version? 

Simply install the new version on top of the old one.
And just to be sure you could make a backup of the old mail

Groetjes, Roelof

Move away from the tagline.  You have ten seconds to comply.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Two entries?

2008-04-01 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Quin,

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 12:12:30 -0600GMT (1-4-2008, 20:12 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

QS> So far as I can tell, this doesn't create any problems. I am
QS>  curious, though, about the two entries. Is this normal The Bat!
QS>  behavior?

Yes, that's normal behaviour. It allows you to switch from one window
to another even when you run them maximized.

Groetjes, Roelof

Error 99: Dead mouse in hard drive.
The Bat! 4.0.20
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Forwading Messages

2008-04-01 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Rick,

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 11:07:40 -0400GMT (1-4-2008, 17:07 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

RG> Currently in the Account Properties forwarding template I have
RG> "Forward as attachment" UNchecked yet [control]O will create a forward
RG> with text plus an EML attachment and I must use Alternate forward to
RG> get text only

That's the other way as it should be. Is this behaviour the same for
all of your accounts? (It's an account setting after all.) Are you
using pop3 or imap?

Groetjes, Roelof

[EMAIL PROTECTED], my hard drive crash ate my Tagline File...
The Bat! 4.0.20
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Mod: Top posting (was: gray delete icons)

2008-04-01 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Angel,

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 14:28:03 +GMT (1-4-2008, 16:28, where I live),
you wrote:

AR> Gracias,

AR> Angel

AR> Tuesday, April 1, 2008, 2:01:34 PM, you wrote:

>> Hello Angel,

Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Angel.


This posting violated the list rules regarding top posting.

Top posting, i.e., typing all your reply text at the top of your
message and following it with all quoted text below, is not
encouraged and we actually request that you not do so on this list

a) It makes it difficult to glean context from what you typed at the
   top of the message


b) It encourages excessive quoting.

We would much prefer if you quote just that much of the message to
which you're replying, so we know what it is you're referring to,
and then below the quotation, type your response. If you're
responding to more than one part of the original, then quote each
part separately and follow each part with your response.

Now, I know that you may not personally prefer this format and that
you may disagree with some of the reasoning here. We very much
respect this. However, this is the format that most of the active
members here prefer and all members are expected, and are being
asked to use the format that will make most of the active membership
here comfortable reading. You'll likely get a more responsive group
when you post using a style that is comfortable for them to read and

To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you

Thank you.

Groetjes, Roelof

Ack! A Moderator! Run away! Run away! (G)

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Mod: Cut mark (was: gray delete icons)

2008-04-01 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Angel,

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 14:28:03 +GMT (1-4-2008, 16:28, where I live),
you wrote:

AR> Gracias,

AR> Angel

Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Angel.


Please include a signature delimiter in your messages. This consists
of a , i.e., a '-- ' by itself on a line.
This allows your readers, when replying, to quote your text without
the signature and list footers since everything below and including
the sig delimiter is excluded when quoting.

You can easily automate this process by including the sig delimiter in
your templates.

Even if you barely have a signature to speak of, that doesn't make any
difference to whether or not you need a cut mark. You are being
courteous to other readers since at least three lines of text is added
to your signature by the list server.

To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you

Thank you.

Groetjes, Roelof

Moderators CAN'T use twit filters!

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: REading confirmation working?

2008-04-03 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Michael,

On Thu, 3 Apr 2008 12:41:22 -0400GMT (3-4-2008, 18:41 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

MJS> I just tried sending an e-mail to one of my other address with
MJS> confirmation receipt checked and red confirmation. Neither of them work.

Check the receiving account for the settings how to react on a read
  Account -> Properties -> Templates -> Reading confirmation -> Action: ?
My favourite setting is 'Ignore'
And whether a confirmation will be sent, is set in the receiving

Groetjes, Roelof

Every person constructs their own bed of nails.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: .dat files

2008-04-07 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo John,

On Mon, 7 Apr 2008 18:27:05 +1000GMT (7-4-2008, 10:27 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

JP> How do I view .dat attachments?

The only winmail.dat files I've ever received are all displayed
automatically by TB v4, the winmail.dat attachment is still being
showed, but so are the contents of it.
So I think you can ignore the winmail.dat file and only look at the
rest of the attachments.

Groetjes, Roelof

0100111011010110000111 - Well, computers think it's funny.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Password for secondary account

2008-04-07 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Leonard,

On Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:23:21 -0400GMT (7-4-2008, 13:23 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

LSB> Whenever I start The Bat!, the secondary account requires a password
LSB> before I can open the tree. This is not the case for the primary
LSB> account. How can I have the password for the secondary account be
LSB> applied automatically upon opening The Bat! ?

The only way that comes to mind is to upgrade to the pro version and
start using OTFE, that will prompt for a password for accessing the
message base.

LSB> --

Your cutsign doesn't work as intended. It appears to miss a trailing

Groetjes, Roelof

It's not a bug. It's a seldom used hidden feature.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Mod: Untrimmed reply (was: Templates - where are they stored)

2008-04-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Michael,

On Mon, 7 Apr 2008 20:47:03 -0400GMT (8-4-2008, 2:47, where I live),
you wrote:

LSB>> On Monday, April 7, 2008, 6:54:07 PM, you
LSB>> ( wrote:

MJS>Hi Leonard, 

MJS> On Monday, April 7, 2008, 7:03:19 PM, you wrote:

LSB>> On Monday, April 7, 2008, 6:54:07 PM, you
LSB>> ( wrote:

You quoted the previous message twice in your reply, hence this message.

Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Michael.


Please trim replies to context. A sure fire indicator that
insufficient trimming has been done is that the original signature and
list footer remain in the quoted text.

To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you

Thank you.

Groetjes, Roelof

Moderator Rule #2: Policy is whatever we say it is.

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Password for secondary account

2008-04-10 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Leonard,

On Mon, 07 Apr 2008 10:25:52 -0400GMT (7-4-2008, 16:25 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

LSB> I guess I was not clear. I do not want to be prompted for a password
LSB> in the secondary account, just as I am not prompted for the primary
LSB> account.

In that case, delete the password for your secondary account.
IIRC That's located somewhere in:
 Options -> Network & Administration
But I'm not sure about the location, as it's an option that isn't
available when running in OTFE.

Groetjes, Roelof

"Being right too soon is socially unacceptable." -- Heinlein
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Password for secondary account

2008-04-10 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Rick,

On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 18:08:38 -0400GMT (11-4-2008, 0:08 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

RG> There is a "groups" tab when you get that far
RG> Sorry to butt in Roelof :)

You're welcome any time.
As I said I had to do this from memory as it was an option that isn't
available for me.

Groetjes, Roelof

I was the kid next door's imaginary friend.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Test 5

2008-04-11 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Achdut18,

On Fri, 11 Apr 2008 13:33:14 -0500GMT (11-4-2008, 20:33 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

A> This is a test.  Please delete

Please remember that you're sending your test messages to hundreds of
subscribers of tbudl, so you might consider sending these messages to
yourself or explaining what yopu're testing, so you might get some
meaningful response.

Groetjes, Roelof

Mistrust first impulses, they are always good.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: creating folders from the command line

2008-04-27 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo WL,

On Sun, 27 Apr 2008 03:52:49 -0400GMT (27-4-2008, 9:52 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

W> I just installed 4.0.24, and trying to import my existing
W> email.

I'm not sure how you did what you did. But when you install TB over an
older version, it's supposed to recognize the existing message base.

If you uninstalled TB before, but left its message base intact, you
simply tell TB you want to install a new account and enter the name of
your previous account and TB will recognize its settings and message

W> Is there a way to create mail folders within TB! from
W> the command line?


W> Or force /export to create the folder on the fly instead of dumping
W> the messages into the Inbox?

Folder creation on the fly can only be achieved with the import
wizards when migrating from another client.
When importing messages without a wizard, they won't be dropped into
the Inbox, but into the folder you've got focus on. (A significant

Groetjes, Roelof

Wait a minute! Strike that! Reverse it. Thank you.
The Bat! 4.0.24
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: How to get MicroEd to use us-ascii?

2008-05-09 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo ztrader,

On Fri, 9 May 2008 11:30:33 -0700GMT (9-5-2008, 20:30 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

Z> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Z> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Z> which does not seem to be what was in the outbox before sending. Why
Z> are these different?

What is in the Sent Mail folder after sending?
And the mail server might change something...

Groetjes, Roelof

Where law ends, there tyranny begins.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: How to get MicroEd to use us-ascii?

2008-05-09 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo ztrader,

On Fri, 9 May 2008 14:06:20 -0700GMT (9-5-2008, 23:06 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

RO>> And the mail server might change something...

Z> An interesting possibility. I'll check on that. Would the list
Z> software perhaps change such things?

It might. After all it appends a signature to the message and I can
imagine that it'll check for the proper character set. And without any
odd characters us-ascii is the proper set.

Z> This email, in the outbox, is different [Latin 9]

Z> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
Z> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

us-ascii again :-)

Groetjes, Roelof

Unbelief in one thing springs = blind belief in another.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Migrating from Thunderbird to The Bat

2008-05-19 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Görel,

On Mon, 19 May 2008 13:48:24 +0200GMT (19-5-2008, 13:48 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

GBD> I have just installed The Bat and I feel that I have come home at last.
GBD> This software was made for me. The only thing that bugs me at the moment
GBD> is that I would like to move or copy my email history from Thunderbird
GBD> to The Bat -- but I can't figure out how. The import wizard doesn't list
GBD> Thunderbird, and I can't find any function in Thunderbird to export the
GBD> email archives to a standard format.

Thunderbird uses Unix Mailbox format, you can import those with TB.
Only problem is you've got to do that on a per folder base.

Groetjes, Roelof

Cannibals don't eat lawyers. Professional courtesy.
The Bat!
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Re: rcover folder option: does it exist?

2008-05-19 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo WL,

On Mon, 19 May 2008 08:44:27 -0400GMT (19-5-2008, 14:44 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

W> Currently using 4.0.24. In the past, I recall an option like
W> Recover Folder or something like that.

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L  Search for lost folders, still undocumented.

Groetjes, Roelof

Fatal error : Mac user detected ! IDIOT MODE ON.
The Bat!
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Re: Template annoyance

2008-05-20 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tom,

On Tue, 20 May 2008 17:50:39 +1000GMT (20-5-2008, 9:50 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

T> I have looked in the address book under properties/reply and it is set
T> up as Dear %ABOFromFName. When I check the first name under properties
T> it is fine showing only Paul.  Both are members of a company group but
T> the templates are not used for the company.
T> Templates under Account properties are showing again Dear
T> %ABOFromFName.

Check your address book for multiple entries with their addresses.

Groetjes, Roelof

It is meaningless to speak of domesticating a child.
The Bat!
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Re: Template annoyance

2008-05-20 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tom,

On Tue, 20 May 2008 20:22:39 +1000GMT (20-5-2008, 12:22 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

>> Check your address book for multiple entries with their addresses.
T> Both are only listed once but appear in the overall addressbook and
T> the group representing the company.

Check better.
This problem only occurs when you've got multiple address book entries
with that address. In the other entry it doesn't have to be the
primary address. In case you're using multiple address books it's also
bad to have the same address in two (or more) address books.
You mention that the contacts are listed in the group(s) and in the
overall address book. You do realize that one entry can be a member of
multiple groups and that it isn't necessary to have a separate entry
in both groups, do you? And an entry from a group will only be listed
in the overall display when the properties of that group have 'Hide
items if not explicitly selected' unchecked, that is not the default.

I suggest that you uncheck the 'Hide items...' for all address book
groups and that you check the overall listing while it's sorted on
address. That won't find entries with duplicate secondary addresses,
but it'll make it a lot easier to to find duplicate primary addresses.

Groetjes, Roelof

The shortest distance between two Points is a BossNode.
The Bat!
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Re: Mail tracking

2008-05-21 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tom,

On Wed, 21 May 2008 22:26:34 +1000GMT (21-5-2008, 14:26 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

T> I stumbled across this thread at Wilders
T> dealing with the issue of some emails having secret coding included to
T> report back to the sender not only when the email was delivered or
T> read but even how long the email was open and more.

It will work with TB, depending on your security consciousness.
Basically it works by displaying an image that's stored somewhere on
the net. This example is stored at, but there are
more of this kind.
When you view an HTML message in TB the Download URL Manager will pop
up. When viewing the URLs in the message it's rather easy to see
whether some tracking image is included or not. Generally they've got
odd names, the file name may even include your address, as it's used
to track your access. The real images in the message usually are
stored on the same server, whereas the tracking imag is stored on a
different server or at least a different directory on that server.
So when you're looking critically to the URLs, it's fairly easy to
recognize them and tell the download manager to block those servers.

Another method would be to view everything as plain text only.

Groetjes, Roelof

WINDOWS is to computing what Etch-a-Sketch is to art.
The Bat!
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Re: How to automatically move Sent Mail to a folder?

2008-05-21 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Brian,

On Wed, 21 May 2008 16:30:23 -0700GMT (22-5-2008, 1:30 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

BA> I have set up a filter but the condition needs to be Sender or Recipient,
BA> Subject, Comment, Text, or Header etc.

Pick the condition 'any filter'

BA> Which one should it be, and how does the filter know to move from the Sent
BA> Mail folder?

Use an outgoing filter, that checks against everything that's going to
the sent mail folder.

Groetjes, Roelof

Every person constructs their own bed of nails.
The Bat!
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Re: How to automatically move Sent Mail to a folder?

2008-05-22 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Chris,

On Wed, 21 May 2008 22:32:28 -0700GMT (22-5-2008, 7:32 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

>> Pick the condition 'any filter'
C> I think Roelof means "Any Message"

Bingo. :-)

Groetjes, Roelof

Put off procrastinating till a later time.
The Bat!
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Re: TheBat! And Vista 64

2008-05-28 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Jeff,

On Wed, 28 May 2008 00:19:24 +0100GMT (28-5-2008, 1:19 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

JG> So will TB! v3 work on Vista 64 does anybody know?

The last v3 versions should run properly with Vista, but I only
started with TB on Vista 64 with v4 and that runs smoothly.
V4.0 will still run on your v3 license after that you'll have to

JG>  -- 

Your signature delimiter is preceded by a space and therefore doesn't
work properly. It should be dash dash space on a line by itself.

Groetjes, Roelof

Computers run on smoke. They stop as it leaks out.
The Bat!
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Re: Sorting Office question

2008-05-28 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tim,

On Wed, 28 May 2008 08:07:09 -0400GMT (28-5-2008, 14:07 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

TM> I have a Filter called Set Color that does nothing and is set to
TM> "Continue processing with other filters", in it for example is a
TM> SubFilter to change any message from family (based on AB group) to blue
TM> in the message list. Yes, there are others, and they are all similar.

You've enabled 'continue processing...' in order to enable the
filtering with suhfilters, is that it? You don't have to, as

Groetjes, Roelof

I was the kid next door's imaginary friend.
The Bat!
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Re: Sorting Office question

2008-05-28 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Robin,

On Thu, 29 May 2008 06:22:22 +1000GMT (28-5-2008, 22:22 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

RA> A cliff-hanger ending! You have to wait for the next episode for the
RA> answer.

Oops! I deleted too much. I elaborated unnecessarily and I
subsequently I cut too much. :-)

Groetjes, Roelof

Veni, vidi, vacuum, (I came, I saw--nothing.)
The Bat!
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Re: Sorting Office question

2008-05-28 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tim,

On Wed, 28 May 2008 08:07:09 -0400GMT (28-5-2008, 14:07 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

TM> I have a Filter called Set Color that does nothing and is set to
TM> "Continue processing with other filters", in it for example is a
TM> SubFilter to change any message from family (based on AB group) to blue
TM> in the message list. Yes, there are others, and they are all similar.

You've enabled 'continue processing...' in order to enable the
filtering with subfilters, is that it? You don't have to, as
subfilters are processed when their parent filter has been triggered.

You'd do best to consider subfilters part of the parent filter, so
when you enable 'continue processing...' for that parent filter the
next processing will continue on the parent level, as you've seen

So disable 'continue processing...' for the parent filter and this
problem is over.

Groetjes, Roelof

I was the kid next door's imaginary friend.
The Bat!
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Re: Shared Mal Directory

2008-05-29 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo David,

On Thu, 29 May 2008 20:17:53 +0100GMT (29-5-2008, 21:17 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

DE>   If so, is there any way of setting up the system using Version 4
DE>   to give me the same type of functionality that I enjoyed
DE>   previously? The machines run on Vista SP1.

Somewhere around v3.6 the option to share the mail directory was
officially dropped. It was still working back then.

Sharing the mail directory between different user accounts under Vista
is still possible (it's wotking for me) and basically there's no
difference between a shared directory on the same computer or
somewhere on the LAN. However, it maybe  that simultaneous access
causes problems.

Groetjes, Roelof

Every person constructs their own bed of nails.
The Bat!
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Re: Merge accounts?

2008-05-30 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Susanne,

On Fri, 30 May 2008 13:11:18 -0700GMT (30-5-2008, 22:11 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

S> is it possible to merge the message bases/folders/filters
S> of two TB accounts easily?

What do you have in mind specifically with merging them?

Groetjes, Roelof

FIDO: Fading Into Discreet Obsolescence
The Bat!
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Re: Backup progress window

2008-06-01 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo simbabque,

On Sun, 1 Jun 2008 22:07:49 +0200GMT (1-6-2008, 22:07 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

S> Haven't tried to read mail or something at the time of the backup,
S> though.

That won't work.

Groetjes, Roelof

Define the universe. Give three examples.
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Re: Backup progress window

2008-06-01 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Jack,

On Sun, 1 Jun 2008 15:46:35 -0500GMT (1-6-2008, 22:46 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

S>>> Haven't tried to read mail or something at the time of the backup,
S>>> though.
RO>> That won't work.
JSL> What won't work? Reading mail? Are you confirming the machine is
JSL> essentially locked during the backup?

Using TB won't work during backup. The computer isn't locked, just TB.

Groetjes, Roelof

WinErr 007: System price error - Inadequate money spent on hardware
The Bat!
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Re: Backup progress window

2008-06-03 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Jack,

On Mon, 2 Jun 2008 07:12:06 -0500GMT (2-6-2008, 14:12 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

JSL> I'd like to experiment with this file naming protocol and find out
JSL> where the last backup went. Is there a way to manually start TB!'s
JSL> backup at will?

How big was your last saved backup and much free space have you got on
the drive where you store your backups? And much free space have got
left on the drive where your temp directory is stored?

In the past it wasn't possible to use macros in the name of the
autobackup, has that been changed? That was the reason that I didn't
use the autobackup feature but still used my own scheduled backup
that allowed for macros in the name.

BTW Searching for the files is rather easy, just search for the .tbk

BTW2 No, it isn't possible to start TB's autobackup manually, though
it appears to be possible to change the time it starts to something

Groetjes, Roelof

Fatal error : Mac user detected ! IDIOT MODE ON.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
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Re: File Associations in Vista 64

2008-06-05 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Jeff,

On Thu, 5 Jun 2008 13:05:08 +0100GMT (5-6-2008, 14:05 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

JG> However, I am having real problems running TB on Vista 64, I get a 
JG> dialog saying 'Error 5' and another saying 'problem with ntddd.dll' 
JG> (these are from memory) so I have gone back to XP x64 where it runs 
JG> fine.

When did you get those errors. I'm running Vista Premium 64 and I
don't get any errors at all.

Groetjes, Roelof

Veni, Vidi, Vacancy.  (I came, I saw, I managed to find a room.)
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
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Description: PGP signature

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Re: The Bat! in server mode?

2008-06-07 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Nick,

On Sat, 7 Jun 2008 15:01:55 -0400GMT (7-6-2008, 21:01 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

NO> I have investigated and found that TB! can be setup in a more
NO> traditional "server/client" configuration, but am having trouble
NO> locating the proper area for doing it.

That function has been discontinued since a year or two.

In order to avoid compressing when one instance of TB stops, you can
disable 'compress on exit' for TB and have your friend purge and
compress manually when only one system is running.

In order to avoid downloading multiple copies of the sdame mail, I'd
suggest that you lengthen the intervals between two polls or even
better disable automatic downloading for new mail.

The best way to access the same mail account(s) from multiple
computers (simultaneously or not) is to do that via the IMAP protocol.
Install (or subscribe to) an IMAP server for your friend.

Groetjes, Roelof

Forget RTFM - Call The Author At Home! (@ 23:45)
The Bat!
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Re: The Bat! in server mode?

2008-06-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Nick,

On Sat, 7 Jun 2008 18:11:26 -0400GMT (8-6-2008, 0:11 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

NO> Uh, oh.  They're running TB! 3.99.3 (as am I) and the help pages still
NO> list this as an option.

Well, let's say that Ritlabs is notoriously bad in updating the help

NO> Did Ritlabs come up with an alternative or is TB! now just a
NO> standalone program?

It's standalone now.

NO> That would be a shame as the networking ability was an attractive
NO> option.

Most of its appeal has disappeared. The concept had its merits back in
the days that internet access was expensive and difficult to implement
over a network. These days it's rather inefficient as there are better
ways to manage these things.
And even in a small office environment email has some privacy elements
that aren't possible with one setup that's read by everybody.
As I said the concept is outdated.

Groetjes, Roelof

"deja moo," the feeling that you've heard this bull before.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
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Description: PGP signature

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Mod: Top posting (was: The Bat! in server mode?)

2008-06-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Nick,

On Sat, 7 Jun 2008 18:11:26 -0400GMT (8-6-2008, 0:11, where I live),
you wrote:

NO> Thank you for the information.  Any additional advise would be greatly
NO> appreciated.

NO> Saturday, June 7, 2008, 3:50:22 PM, you wrote:

>> Hello all,
>> Saturday, June 7, 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Nick.


This posting violated the list rules regarding top posting.

Top posting, i.e., typing all your reply text at the top of your
message and following it with all quoted text below, is not
encouraged and we actually request that you not do so on this list

a) It makes it difficult to glean context from what you typed at the
   top of the message


b) It encourages excessive quoting.

We would much prefer if you quote just that much of the message to
which you're replying, so we know what it is you're referring to,
and then below the quotation, type your response. If you're
responding to more than one part of the original, then quote each
part separately and follow each part with your response.

Now, I know that you may not personally prefer this format and that
you may disagree with some of the reasoning here. We very much
respect this. However, this is the format that most of the active
members here prefer and all members are expected, and are being
asked to use the format that will make most of the active membership
here comfortable reading. You'll likely get a more responsive group
when you post using a style that is comfortable for them to read and

To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you

Thank you.

Groetjes, Roelof

I don't want to be a moderator when I grow up.

Description: PGP signature

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Re: The Bat! in server mode?

2008-06-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Nick,

On Sat, 7 Jun 2008 22:27:23 -0400GMT (8-6-2008, 4:27 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

NO> Re: the "compress on exit".  I actually set it that up for him, but
NO> the manual part he didn't want to do.  Yeah, yeah I know :), but there
NO> are alot of people out there who aren't willing to do the minimum.

It's possible to start the purge and compress stuff via a command line
parameter (see the help file under advanced use) So you can set it up
to be run once a day via the Windows Scheduler.

NO> As for shutting down automatic downloading; again, he has it set to
NO> download every 5 seconds.

That's an insane interval, that's likely to cause trouble even if he
was using a single instance of TB. But it's simple, tell him that
that's the cause of his duplicate messages and that he should lower
that frequency to no more than once every five minutes. If that's
acceptable you could even create schedule within Windows Scheduler to
download in that frequency. That way you eliminate the possibility
that two instances of TB are polling the server simultaneously.

NO> So it seems that IMAP is the way to go, but I'm not familiar with the
NO> protocol.  Any good tutorials you could suggest?

I wouldn't know any tutorial, but from the times that I played with it
I'd say that it isn't that hard. A lot of options you'd need/like to
set depend on the used server/client combination.

NO> Or is it still possible to download a copy of TB! that allows for
NO> the client/server setup?

Possibly, but you should realize that it won't be updated any longer
and that it isn't bugfree.

Groetjes, Roelof

Pardon me, I'm a beta tester for a designer drug lab.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
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Re: Problem with Spam Filter

2008-06-09 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Chris,

On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 03:00:08 +1000GMT (9-6-2008, 19:00 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

C> Today I received an email from "Neco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>". The
C> filter was triggered (the account log says that the email was
C> processed by "Spam (Known)".

That's good, isn't it? ;-)

C> Problem is, the message was then delivered to my inbox (and it says
C> that in the same line in the account log also). Can anyone tell me
C> why the Action did not occur (delete from server)?

Are you sure it still is present on your server?
I think you misunderstood the meaning of the action.
In order to decide whether the message matches the condition the
message has to be downloaded. And all messages that are downloaded
travel through the Inbox.
As the only action that gets executed is deletion from the server, the
downloaded copy stays put in the Inbox. Deletion from server is an
action that's meant to be used when you keep your messages for x days
on the server.

C> --

Your signature delimiter isn't working properly.

Groetjes, Roelof

Blessed our young they will inherit our national debt.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
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Description: PGP signature

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Re: Problem with Spam Filter

2008-06-10 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Chris,

On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 18:05:17 +1000GMT (10-6-2008, 10:05 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

C> I have misunderstood that option in the first place - I thought
C> that it looked at the from address while the message was still on
C> the server, and then would delete it without needing to download
C> it.

Well, you do that with selective download filters, those download the
message headers and can kill the message from server before the full
message will be downloaded.
However, I've never used them myself as they lengthen the download
time substantially, because the message headers will be downloaded
twice, once to compare them with the selective download filters and
a second time when the complete message is downloaded. With my message
mix (lots of short messages) that isn't worth the trouble.
Furthermore I don't kill on arrival and that's the only useful action
for selective download filters.

C> What actions do I need so that I never see the message in the first
C> place?

'Delete the message', that's the action listed right above 'Delete
from server'
My server does my spam marking, it adds a spam header and I've set TB
to move those messages to a spam folder and mark them as read (you
know that you can set multiple actions to a single filter, don't you)
so I won't see it unless I'm browsing my spam folder to check for
false spam marks. So that could be an option for you too.

C> Ah nuts :( I'm not sure what the problem with it is - I set it to be
C> the two dashes and then a blank line under that with my name a further
C> line down.

The blank lie isn't necessary, but it's supposed to consist of dash
dash space on a single line, but as you aren't using TB on the list I
can't comment on how to achieve that.

C> Ok, I've tried a change - does this one work any better?


Groetjes, Roelof

Windows: written entirely by and for blondes
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
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Re: Folder deletion and restoration

2008-06-11 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Jon,

On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 08:41:53 -0500GMT (11-6-2008, 15:41 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

JP> I want some of these
JP> back in my folder structure, but cannot find a way to accomplish this.
JP> SHIFT+ALT+CTRL+L does not accomplish this.

Do you have the focus on the account tree pane when pressing

Groetjes, Roelof

Cleanliness is next to "clean-limbed," in the dictionary.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
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Re: Strange things with TB

2008-06-11 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo jlaikan,

On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 18:52:26 +0400GMT (11-6-2008, 16:52 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

J> I still use the Bat V1.53 which works well. Yesterday something
J> strange happened.

The first thing that comes to mind would be some interaction with your
virus scanner.
Shut down your virus scanner (if you're using any)
Purge and compress all folders, I'm a bit rusty on 1.53, so I don't
know whether you can select this for all folders (from the folder
menu) or only on a per folder base.
See whether this helps.

Groetjes, Roelof

'95 - The percentage of people who will have to upgrade their hardware
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
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OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

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Re: Copying to new machine w/Vista

2008-06-24 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Jack,

On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 22:28:49 -0500GMT (24-6-2008, 5:28 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

JSL> I still have my latest downloaded update (thebat_home-3-99-3.msi)

And I forgot this. Download the latest 4.0 build, your v3 license is
valid for 4.0 and 4.0 runs better with Vista

Groetjes, Roelof

Move away from the tagline.  You have ten seconds to comply.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Copying to new machine w/Vista

2008-06-24 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Jack,

On Mon, 23 Jun 2008 22:28:49 -0500GMT (24-6-2008, 5:28 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

JSL> I realize this should be doable by copying directories/files to a CD
JSL> but don't know which directories/files to copy. I still have my latest
JSL> downloaded update (thebat_home-3-99-3.msi) so presumably I could just
JSL> load that file onto the new machine, yes? If that worked and TB ran on
JSL> the new machine, which directories/files would I have to copy to
JSL> retrieve all her emails and attachments? She has only a few filters so
JSL> I can easily rebuild those.

In the menu under:
 Options -> Preferences -> System -> Mail Directory
you will find the location of the mail directory, copy that with all
subdirectories to the new pc.
After you've done that you install TB (not the other way around like
you suggested)
When TB runs it'll ask you whether you want to restore a backup or
create a new account, go for a new account, you'll be prompted for a
mail directory and you select the path you copied your old mail
directory (that doesn't have to be the same path as on your old pc)
Next you give the name for your new account, that will be the same
name as it has on the old pc, TB will recognize the existing folder
If necessary do this for every existing account.

Groetjes, Roelof

Veni, Vedi, Vomitus.  (I came, I saw, it made me sick)
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Reply/macro/filter issue

2008-06-26 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tom,

On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 11:33:25 +1000GMT (26-6-2008, 3:33 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

T> However each time I receive a new email from the _paul or paul-xyz
T> addresses, they also end in my address book as new addresses

In that case just stop adding all addresses to your address book. Or
change your filter that adds those addresses so that it checks whether
the address exists in your AB before adding it.

Groetjes, Roelof

Be nice to your kids.  They'll choose your nursing home.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Changing OTFE Password

2008-06-30 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Chris,

On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 21:03:29 +1000GMT (30-6-2008, 13:03 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

C> Simple question (can't find the answer in the Bat's help file, and a
C> search of this list didn't give me anything either): how do you change
C> your OTFE password in The Bat?

Create a full internal backup with TB
Uninstall TB
(re)move your mail directory
Install TB
Run TB
TB will recognize it's being run for the first time and will present some 
Enable OTFE
Restore backup
And you're done

In case you're running TB from a restricted user account from Windows,
don't uninstall and install TB, but simply delete the registry key:
For the rest the procedure is the same

Groetjes, Roelof

Never lean forward to push an invisible object.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Changing OTFE Password

2008-06-30 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Chris,

On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 23:40:16 +1000GMT (30-6-2008, 15:40 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

C> Ritlabs Employee #1: Hey, we need a way for our users to change their
C> OTFE password once they have set it.
C> Ritlabs Employee #2: Well, let's not go with just the usual option in
C> the Preferences dialog, that is way too boring.

Well, you got to realize that the password isn't just something to
restrict access, it's the key that's used to encrypt everything. So
changing the password would mean that TB would be rather unresponsive
for quite some time, even longer than a full purge and compress as
there are more things to re-encrypt and if anything goes wrong (like a
user who kills TB, because he thinks it got stuck), you end with a
mess that can't be decoded again.
So Ritlabs simply decided that you cannot change the password. Of
course there was a way around that, but doing things that can't be
done usually are a bit troublesome.

Groetjes, Roelof

It's not a bug. It's a seldom used hidden feature.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Spam from/via Tbudl Magnifique

2008-07-01 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tom,

On Tue, 1 Jul 2008 20:02:28 +1000GMT (1-7-2008, 12:02 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

T> For the second time I have now received a strange spam message into my
T> Tbudl account - this time with an attachment of about 5.88 mb called
T> Fractalsetp.

Got something like that, a couple of days ago. No text in the message
a load French recipients and a 5+ MB powerpoint slide show. And sent
to my tb-lists address.
My virus scanner didn't find anything.

T> Also, a receipt message was in my Outbox.

Not here, but then I've got all of my accounts set to ignore
receipt confirmation requests.

T> Any suggestions on how to filter this type of message perhaps at
T> server level to prevent the download?

No. I simply deleted it.

Groetjes, Roelof

Cats are the proof of a higher purpose to the Universe
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Power Outage Destroyed Operation of Common Filters

2008-07-03 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Bill,

On Tue, 1 Jul 2008 15:11:31 -0500GMT (1-7-2008, 22:11 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

BM> Note that all the high level filters (except Incoming mail) are
BM> repeated in Incoming mail along with "Moving In Hooks" and there are
BM> not in there normal sorted order.

You wouldn't happen to have a real backup would you? I don't mean one
created by TB (as those don't allow only restoring the sorting offic),
but a backup created with the explorer or something like winrar that
allows for retrieving individual files.
If so, copy and paste your new filters to a text editor (one at a
time) if your mutilated sorting office still allows that.
Close TB.
Restore the file account.srb (account.erb when you're using otfe) from your 
backup to your mail directory
Run TB
Copy and paste your new filters from your text editor to your sorting
Close TB
Start TB

In case you haven't got any backup,
Try to copy and paste all filters to your text editor and follow the
same procedure as above, but in stead of restoring the
account.srb/account.erb file from mail directory simply delete them

Note that every account has an account.srb file too. Those store the
account filters and you should leave them alone, the file in the mail
directory stores the common filters.

In case you haven't got a file based backup, but you do have an
internal TB backup you could try this to restore your old filters.
Cut your internet connection
Close TB
Delete the account.srb file from your mail directory (account.erb when using 
Make a copy of your mail directory with the explorer
Start TB
Restore your TB backup
Close TB
Copy the backup of your mail directory on top of your restored mail directory
Start TB
Reconnect your internet connection

The cutting of your internet connection is to prevent the loss of
messages received while your busy with this procedure

Groetjes, Roelof

Water floats a ship...Water sinks a ship.  Old Chinese Proverb
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Folder will not erase.

2008-07-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Roger,

On Tue, 8 Jul 2008 13:51:02 +0200GMT (8-7-2008, 13:51 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

RP> I have just tried to delete a folder I no longer need.  TB will not let me
RP> do so because it says the folder contains 'Parked' messages.  However the
RP> folder is totally empty, zero messages of any kind, parked or unparked.  Any
RP> suggestions as to how I can get rid of this folder?

Close TB
Delete the message.tbi and .tbb files for that folder
Start TB
Delete the folder

Groetjes, Roelof

Veni, Vidi, Ventilate (I came, I saw, I opened a window)
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Some folders are slow to respond

2008-07-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tim,

On Tue, 8 Jul 2008 14:41:50 -0400GMT (8-7-2008, 20:41 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

TM> IIRC, Purge is what gets rid of messages marked as delete, and
TM> Compress removes the unused space.

Not quite.

Purge is marking messages as deleted.
Compress is rebuilding the message base without the messages that are
marked as deleted.

Groetjes, Roelof

Press  for the next message.
The Bat! 4.0.24
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Some folders are slow to respond

2008-07-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Code,

On Tue, 08 Jul 2008 11:06:13 -0700GMT (8-7-2008, 20:06 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

C2> Is anyone else experiencing this problem?


C2> Any solutions?

My suggestion would be to move all messages to a new folder,
delete all messages from the problem folder, compress it and move the
messages back.

Groetjes, Roelof

It is easy to propose impossible remedies.
The Bat! 4.0.24
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: question on filters

2008-07-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo monsell,

On Tue, 8 Jul 2008 18:32:39 +0530GMT (8-7-2008, 15:02 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

M> i have created filters under 'common' filters as i use different email
M> id's.


M> there are two main filters called X and Y and messages are filtered in
M> perfectly.


M> under the filter X, i have created a sub filter called Z. the
M> sub-filter too works perfectly.


M> the command given to the sub-filter is "headers contain Z or text
M> contains Z". the main filter X is commanded under "continue processing
M> other filters".

Why did you enable 'continue processing'? That is not necessary
to enable subfilters.

M> what i want to do is to get messages coming into Y with Z commands
M> sub-filtered to Z although Z is under X

In that case you need an additional filter.
As I read your message you want messages with both X and Z or message
with both Y and Z to be filtered into Z.

Create a new subfilter (with Y as parent) to filter Z messages to Z.

Another option would be to create a new primary level filter with two
condition blocks: (X and Z) or (Y and Z) and place that filter before
the X and Y filters, you don't need any subfilters this way.

Groetjes, Roelof

Mr. Bullfrog says: Time is fun when you're having flies.
The Bat! 4.0.24
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: question on filters

2008-07-09 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo monsell,

On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 09:09:19 +0530GMT (9-7-2008, 5:39 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

M>> the command given to the sub-filter is "headers contain Z or text
M>> contains Z". the main filter X is commanded under "continue processing
M>> other filters".

>>> Why did you enable 'continue processing'? That is not necessary
>>> to enable subfilters.

M> what does "continue processing with other filters" really do? as you
M> said, i have disabled this function from the respective filter.

'Continue processing' lets messages that trigger a filter be
processed by other filters on the same level. Let's explain it with an


In this filter tree FilterF and SufilterL have 'continue processing..'
A message triggers A, all processing stops at A.
A message triggers B, it will be processed by B's subfilters and stops
afterwards, so it will be matched against J and stop then, whether it
triggers J or not.
A message triggers C and afterwards triggers K, it stops there.
A message triggers C and afterwards doesn't trigger K, but triggers L,
it will continue to M and stop there, whether it triggers M or not.
A message triggers F, it will be matched against GHI, until there is a
match or it has reached the last filter (I)

M> i just keep the filters the way i want to.

Please do so.
BTW You also sent this message to me via private mail. Please don't do
that to me. I prefer to keep these discussions public.

Groetjes, Roelof

Veni, Vidi, VCR - I came, I saw, I videotaped it
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Response Format

2008-07-09 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Steven,

On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 07:58:23 -0400GMT (9-7-2008, 13:58 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

SPV> Thanks, but I do NOT have that option checked, yet when I
SPV> reply to an HTML message from the HTML tab (or the text tab)
SPV> the indicator at the bottom on the 'Edit Mail Message' window
SPV> still shows 'Plain Text (MicroEd)' regardless of that check
SPV> box's setting.

Does your reply template include a %SetEditor="1" macro? That would
override that setting.

Groetjes, Roelof

Cats are the proof of a higher purpose to the Universe
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: GnuPG niggles

2008-07-11 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Nick,

On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 17:34:16 +0100GMT (11-7-2008, 18:34 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

ND> I've got GnuPG integration working with TB, using WinPT front-end, but
ND> have a couple of things that I'd like to tidy up.

ND> 1.  Running gpg gives the following error:

ND> "gpg: NOTE: old default options file
ND> `D:/Home//MyDocuments/openPGP\options' ignored"

Had the same error.

ND> I can delete the options file, the error goes away for one
ND> instance but the file gets re-created and so does the error.

But for me deleting the file did the trick. Didn't do anything special
to keep it from being re-created.

ND> 2.  Can I get TB!  to remember my passphrase so that I can sign all my
ND> messages without having to enter it for each one?

 Tools -> OpenPGP -> OpenPGP preferences -> General -> Cache signing

Groetjes, Roelof

A vote on the tally sheet is worth two in the box.
The Bat! 4.0.26
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: little arrows in 4.0.24?

2008-07-12 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tom,

On Sat, 12 Jul 2008 19:14:26 +1000GMT (12-7-2008, 11:14 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

T> I finally upgraded my Bat to the latest version and looked for
T> changes.
T> One thing I notice are little forward or backward arrows  underneath
T> the "main accounts tree" and underneath the " view panel for
T> massages) next to the flags (All, Unread, Virtual and now Addresses).
T> What do they do? I clicked on them but nothing happens?

When the account tee pane or the message list isn't wide to show all
tabs then you can use those arrows to navigate.

T> Also, in the new Addresses tab I notice some of my contacts have a
T> little red question mark - why? 

Those aren't listed in your address book.
Add one to your AB and you'll see the the question mark will

Groetjes, Roelof

Veni, vidi, vacuum, (I came, I saw--nothing.)
The Bat! 4.0.26
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: 550-Host is listed in the UCEProtect RBL

2008-07-12 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tom,

On Sat, 12 Jul 2008 19:33:50 +1000GMT (12-7-2008, 11:33 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

T> While I checked out the site, I did not fully understand what happened
T> in my case. Am I listed as a spammer or was tbudl causing the issue
T> and why did it only affect one of my postings?

You or your ISP was listed:

Groetjes, Roelof

Never, ever, pinch a sorceress on the butt.
The Bat! 4.0.26
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Access Violation at address 007E979F in module 'thebat.exe'. Read of address 00000004.

2008-07-12 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo St,

On Sat, 12 Jul 2008 12:19:29 +0200GMT (12-7-2008, 12:19 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

SMN>   Where to should I direct my inquiry?

 Help -> Feedback -> bugreport

Groetjes, Roelof

Function call to load Windows:  here_piggy_piggy_piggy_piggy
The Bat! 4.0.26
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: 550-Host is listed in the UCEProtect RBL

2008-07-12 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Tom,

On Sat, 12 Jul 2008 21:18:32 +1000GMT (12-7-2008, 13:18 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

T> So, why do some of my postings make it through and others are being
T> stopped?

Could be that your ISP has multiple outgoing smtp servers with only
one blacklisted. Just a guess.

Groetjes, Roelof

Cats are the proof of a higher purpose to the Universe
The Bat! 4.0.26
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Description: PGP signature

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