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2011-03-24 Thread Cleber Galdino
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Re: ksh completion

2011-03-24 Thread LEVAI Daniel
On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 16:30:12 +0100, Janjaap van Velthooven wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 03:40:56PM +0100, LEVAI Daniel wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 15:48:56 +0300, Alexander Polakov wrote:
> > > And just for the archives, a patch that really works as advertised
> > > (and using it for some time I feel like it *is* a good idea).
> > 
> > It is really working well. Thanks!
> > However, I don't quite understand why '[' needs to be escaped during
> > completion:
> > 
> > $ ls -la [\ ]\ [\ ]\ []\ ][
> > $ ls -la \[\ ]\ \[\ ]\ \[]\ ]\[
> > 
> > these two produce the same result:
> > -rw-r--r--  1 daniell  daniell  0 Mar 24 15:38:38 2011 [ ] [ ] [] ][
> for the following for example:
> $ touch adef '[abc]def'
> $ ls [abc]def
> adef
> $ ls \[abc]def
> [abc]def
> $
Oh, how marvelous! Thanks!


LIVAI Daniel
PGP key ID = 0x83B63A8F
Key fingerprint = DBEC C66B A47A DFA2 792D  650C C69B BE4C 83B6 3A8F

Re: ksh completion

2011-03-24 Thread Janjaap van Velthooven
On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 03:40:56PM +0100, LEVAI Daniel wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 15:48:56 +0300, Alexander Polakov wrote:
> > And just for the archives, a patch that really works as advertised
> > (and using it for some time I feel like it *is* a good idea).
> It is really working well. Thanks!
> However, I don't quite understand why '[' needs to be escaped during
> completion:
> $ ls -la [\ ]\ [\ ]\ []\ ][
> $ ls -la \[\ ]\ \[\ ]\ \[]\ ]\[
> these two produce the same result:
> -rw-r--r--  1 daniell  daniell  0 Mar 24 15:38:38 2011 [ ] [ ] [] ][

for the following for example:

$ touch adef '[abc]def'
$ ls [abc]def
$ ls \[abc]def

> Daniel

Janjaap van Velthooven
   / __/ /_/ __/ /_  __/ __/ /___  / 
  / /_  __/___/_/_  /___  / / __/ /___  / /

Re: top, systat and hw.cpuspeed

2011-03-24 Thread David Vasek

On Wed, 23 Mar 2011, Kevin Chadwick wrote:

On Thu, 24 Mar 2011 13:23:08 +0100 (CET)
David Vasek wrote:

I am fully aware that it is not always completly exact, and but on the
other hand the CPU clock rate doesn't change immediately, it takes at least
5 seconds to drop/rise after the CPU load changes. At least on my Pentium-M
based Thinkpad, where I run apmd -C.

I've seen an intel tool just for this job showing the cpu scaled up for
a second at a time.

But do we have any method to get some "averaged" CPU frequency for the 
past interval? We don't have any. When I take in account that some other 
values in top(1) are not averaged either, but they are what they are at 
the moment of "sampling", I think that current hw.cpuspeed is not that 
bad. But one must remember what it actually displays, after having read 
the man page carefully.


Re: ksh completion

2011-03-24 Thread LEVAI Daniel
On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 15:48:56 +0300, Alexander Polakov wrote:
> And just for the archives, a patch that really works as advertised
> (and using it for some time I feel like it *is* a good idea).

It is really working well. Thanks!
However, I don't quite understand why '[' needs to be escaped during

$ ls -la [\ ]\ [\ ]\ []\ ][
$ ls -la \[\ ]\ \[\ ]\ \[]\ ]\[

these two produce the same result:
-rw-r--r--  1 daniell  daniell  0 Mar 24 15:38:38 2011 [ ] [ ] [] ][


LIVAI Daniel
PGP key ID = 0x83B63A8F
Key fingerprint = DBEC C66B A47A DFA2 792D  650C C69B BE4C 83B6 3A8F

Re: top, systat and hw.cpuspeed

2011-03-24 Thread Kevin Chadwick
On Thu, 24 Mar 2011 13:23:08 +0100 (CET)
David Vasek wrote:

> I am fully aware that it is not always completly exact, and but on the 
> other hand the CPU clock rate doesn't change immediately, it takes at least
> 5 seconds to drop/rise after the CPU load changes. At least on my Pentium-M 
> based Thinkpad, where I run apmd -C. 
I've seen an intel tool just for this job showing the cpu scaled up for
a second at a time.

>Much better displaying this than nothing, I believe.

Sustained is certainly more important to a process monitor normal usage,
when batteries don't matter.

Guida Salute 2011 di Sanitaliaweb

2011-03-24 Thread RB COMUNICAZIONI

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Raffaele Balletta

R.B. Comunicazioni scarl
Via Picazio, 1 - 81100 CASERTA
Tel. 0823 1700340 - Fax 0823 1761335
Cell. 329 74 43 393 - |

Re: ksh completion

2011-03-24 Thread Alexander Polakov
* Alexander Polakov  [110315 23:26]:
> * Federico G. Schwindt  [110315 17:38]:
> > > I think I'm slightly confused as to you'd like fixed - do you mean that
> > > one shouldn't need to escape a '[' if it's the first character? (note
> > > that /bin/[ exists).  Else, can you clarify a bit more?  Thanks!
> > 
> >   correct, shouldn't need to escape a '[' if it's teh first character.
> >   i do know of [, but command and file completion are two different things. 
> >  see
> > bash too.
> I don't want to be defensive, but hey, how is bash relevant? [ is treated as
> a globbing character, you know. Is it first character or not, ksh doesn't 
> care,
> it just tries to expand it.
> Oh well, you can try expanding it and then - if it failed - escape it and
> try again, like in the patch below. Bear in mind I didn't give it much 
> thought, because I have a feeling it's not a good idea.

And just for the archives, a patch that really works as advertised
(and using it for some time I feel like it *is* a good idea).

Index: bin/ksh/edit.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/bin/ksh/edit.c,v
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -u -r1.34 edit.c
--- bin/ksh/edit.c  20 May 2010 01:13:07 -  1.34
+++ bin/ksh/edit.c  21 Mar 2011 13:38:04 -
@@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
+#define ESCAPEDCHARS "\"#$&'()*;<=>?[\\`{|}"
 static void x_sigwinch(int);
 static volatile sig_atomic_t got_sigwinch;
 static void check_sigwinch(void);
-static int x_file_glob(int, const char *, int, char ***);
-static int x_command_glob(int, const char *, int, char ***);
+static int x_file_glob(int, const char *, int, char ***, int);
+static int x_command_glob(int, const char *, int, char ***, int);
 static int x_locate_word(const char *, int, int, int *, int *);
@@ -344,10 +345,11 @@
  * - returns number of matching strings
 static int
-x_file_glob(int flags, const char *str, int slen, char ***wordsp)
+x_file_glob(int flags, const char *str, int slen, char ***wordsp, int 
char *toglob;
char **words;
+   char *estr;
int nwords, i, idx, escaping;
XPtrV w;
struct source *s, *sold;
@@ -365,6 +367,11 @@
+   /* specially escape escaped [ or $ or ` for globbing */
+   if (escaping && (toglob[i] == '[' ||
+   toglob[i] == '$' || toglob[i] == '`'))
+   toglob[idx++] = QCHAR;
toglob[idx] = toglob[i];
if (escaping) escaping = 0;
@@ -378,7 +385,7 @@
s = pushs(SWSTR, ATEMP);
s->start = s->str = toglob;
source = s;
-   if (yylex(ONEWORD) != LWORD) {
+   if (yylex(ONEWORD|LQCHAR) != LWORD) {
source = sold;
internal_errorf(0, "fileglob: substitute error");
return 0;
@@ -411,6 +418,21 @@
afree(toglob, ATEMP);
+   /* Globbing failed, do escaping and try again. */
+   if (!nwords && !words && canrecurse) {
+   estr = alloc(2 * slen + 1, ATEMP);
+   idx = 0;
+   for(i = 0; i < slen; i++) {
+   if (strchr(ESCAPEDCHARS, str[i]))
+   estr[idx++] = '\\';
+   estr[idx++] = str[i];
+   }
+   estr[idx] = '\0';
+   nwords = x_file_glob(flags, estr, idx, wordsp, !canrecurse);
+   afree(estr, ATEMP);
+   return nwords;
+   }
if (nwords) {
*wordsp = words;
} else if (words) {
@@ -443,7 +465,7 @@
 static int
-x_command_glob(int flags, const char *str, int slen, char ***wordsp)
+x_command_glob(int flags, const char *str, int slen, char ***wordsp, int 
char *toglob;
char *pat;
@@ -607,7 +629,7 @@
return 0;
nwords = (is_command ? x_command_glob : x_file_glob)(flags,
-   buf + *startp, len, &words);
+   buf + *startp, len, &words, 1);
if (nwords == 0) {
*wordsp = (char **) 0;
return 0;
@@ -821,7 +843,7 @@
int rval = 0;
for (add = 0, wlen = len; wlen - add > 0; add++) {
-   if (strchr("\"#$&'()*;<=>?[\\]`{|}", s[add]) ||
+   if (strchr(ESCAPEDCHARS, s[add]) ||
strchr(ifs, s[add])) {
if (putbuf_func(s, add) != 0) {
rval = -1;
Index: bin/ksh/lex.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/bin/ksh/lex.c,v
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -u -r1.45 lex.c
--- bin/ksh/lex.c   9 Mar 2011 09:30:39 -   1.45
+++ bin/ksh/lex.c   21 Mar 2011 13:38:04 -
@@ -411,6 +411,13 @@

Re: top, systat and hw.cpuspeed

2011-03-24 Thread David Vasek

On Thu, 24 Mar 2011, Stuart Henderson wrote:

If you run some automated clock control (like apmd -C), you never
know to what clock the cpu-time statistics in top(1) and systat(1)
are related to.

You still don't exactly, as top(1)'s cpu-time statistics are over
an interval, whereas hw.cpuspeed is instantaneous.  I do think it may
be useful to display this information somewhere, but I'm not convinced
that top(1) is the right place.

I am fully aware that it is not always completly exact, and but on the 
other hand the CPU clock rate doesn't change immediately, it takes at least
5 seconds to drop/rise after the CPU load changes. At least on my Pentium-M 
based Thinkpad, where I run apmd -C. Much better displaying this than 
nothing, I believe.

I added it to top(1) (and would like to add it to systat(1) too), so as to 
be able to "read" the other performance statistics (approximately) right, 
without the need to switch to other virtual console/window/terminal every 
a few seconds for other utility, like apm(1) in a loop.

Anyway, HW_CPUSPEED is of type int, same as is HW_SETPERF. Not int[],
only int. How could the individual cores be reported and controlled?

Obviously they can't at present, the kernel would need to be
extended. But if you're considering how the display might look with
a hypothetical 10GHz processor, why wouldn't you want to think about
how things could work with current cpu features?

As I said, I was not aware of this trait of the new i-series Intel CPU's 
and others. At least, the patch will work well and be useful on all 
hardware except the latest, for which the kernel is not yet extended 

Below, there is the fixed and slightly improved version of the patch, if
somebody thinks it is still useful. But from point of view of our
discussion above, it remains the same, of course.


Index: src/usr.bin/top/display.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/top/display.c,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -p -u -r1.40 display.c
--- src/usr.bin/top/display.c   23 Apr 2010 09:26:13 -  1.40
+++ src/usr.bin/top/display.c   24 Mar 2011 12:17:57 -
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ display_init(struct statics * statics)

-i_loadave(pid_t mpid, double *avenrun)
+i_loadave(pid_t mpid, double *avenrun, int cpuspeed)
if (screen_length > 1 || !smart_terminal) {
int i;
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@ i_loadave(pid_t mpid, double *avenrun)

for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
printwp("%c %5.2f", i == 0 ? ':' : ',', avenrun[i]);
+   if (cpuspeed != 0)
+   printwp(" / %4d MHz", cpuspeed);

@@ -238,16 +241,25 @@ void
 i_timeofday(time_t * tod)
static char buf[30];
+   int bufspace;

if (buf[0] == '\0')
gethostname(buf, sizeof(buf));

if (screen_length > 1 || !smart_terminal) {
if (smart_terminal) {
-   move(0, screen_width - 8 - strlen(buf) - 1);
+   /* Load averages and space fill up 35 chars,
+* cpu speed and space fill up 11 chars,
+* space and clock fill up 9 chars.
+   bufspace = screen_width - 35 - 11 - 9;
+   if (bufspace < 0)
+   bufspace = 0;
+   move(0, screen_width - 8 - bufspace - 1);
} else {
if (fputs("", stdout) == EOF)
+   bufspace = 24;
 #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -256,7 +268,7 @@ i_timeofday(time_t * tod)
-   printwp("%s %-8.8s", buf, &(ctime(tod)[11]));
+   printwp("%*.*s %-8.8s", bufspace, bufspace, buf, 
Index: src/usr.bin/top/display.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/top/display.h,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -p -u -r1.11 display.h
--- src/usr.bin/top/display.h   22 Nov 2007 11:01:04 -  1.11
+++ src/usr.bin/top/display.h   24 Mar 2011 12:17:57 -
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@

 /* prototypes */
 int display_resize(void);
-void i_loadave(int, double *);
+void i_loadave(int, double *, int);
 void u_loadave(int, double *);
 void i_timeofday(time_t *);
 void i_procstates(int, int *);
Index: src/usr.bin/top/machine.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/top/machine.c,v
retrieving revision 1.67
diff -u -p -u -r1.67 machine.c
--- src/usr.bin/top/machine.c   26 Apr 2010 00:30:58 -  1.67
+++ src/usr.bin/top/machine.c   24 Mar 2011 12:17:58 -
@@ -204,6 +204,8 @@ format_header(char *uname_field)
 get_system_info(struct system_info *si)

Notebooks Celulares Computadoras Marzo 2011

2011-03-24 Thread Rodrigo Ferreri
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gre(4) fix for lan connections

2011-03-24 Thread Claudio Jeker
Currently it is impossible to use gre(4) for directly connected hosts
because the route trick used fails in so many bad ways it is not even fun.
I came to the conclusion that we don't need such bad magic tricks
especially since the same can be achieved by using routing priorities.
Btw. gif(4) never did this strange game and IIRC does not even cache the
route for the tunnel.

So if you're a gre(4) user better test this diff
:wq Claudio

Index: if_gre.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/net/if_gre.c,v
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -u -p -r1.52 if_gre.c
--- if_gre.c23 Sep 2010 11:34:50 -  1.52
+++ if_gre.c24 Sep 2010 02:01:30 -
@@ -675,29 +675,13 @@ void
 gre_compute_route(struct gre_softc *sc)
struct route *ro;
-   u_int32_t a, b, c;
ro = &sc->route;
bzero(ro, sizeof(struct route));
-   ((struct sockaddr_in *) &ro->ro_dst)->sin_addr = sc->g_dst;
ro->ro_dst.sa_family = AF_INET;
ro->ro_dst.sa_len = sizeof(ro->ro_dst);
-   /*
-* toggle last bit, so our interface is not found, but a less
-* specific route. I'd rather like to specify a shorter mask,
-* but this is not possible. Should work though. XXX
-* there is a simpler way ...
-   if ((sc->sc_if.if_flags & IFF_LINK1) == 0) {
-   a = ntohl(sc->g_dst.s_addr);
-   b = a & 0x01;
-   c = a & 0xfffe;
-   b = b ^ 0x01;
-   a = b | c;
-   ((struct sockaddr_in *) &ro->ro_dst)->sin_addr.s_addr = 
-   }
+   ((struct sockaddr_in *) &ro->ro_dst)->sin_addr = sc->g_dst;
ro->ro_rt = rtalloc1(&ro->ro_dst, RT_REPORT | RT_NOCLONING,
@@ -714,13 +698,6 @@ gre_compute_route(struct gre_softc *sc)
ro->ro_rt = NULL;
-   /*
-* now change it back - else ip_output will just drop
-* the route and search one to this interface ...
-   if ((sc->sc_if.if_flags & IFF_LINK1) == 0)
-   ((struct sockaddr_in *) &ro->ro_dst)->sin_addr = sc->g_dst;

Re: top, systat and hw.cpuspeed

2011-03-24 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2011/03/24 11:17, David Vasek wrote:
> >
> >load averages:  1.93,  1.49,  1.35 /0 MHz 
> >
> >41 processes:  1 running, 39 idle, 1 on processor
> >CPU states: 98.2% user,  0.0% nice,  1.8% system,  0.0% interrupt,  0.0% idle
> >Memory: Real: 147M/196M act/tot  Free: 49M  Swap: 12M/600M used/tot
> I had a simple check for greater-than-zero cpuspeed in the patch
> initially (and don't print anything otherwise), but I was not really
> sure if that could happen at all and on what archs. It definitly
> should be there. What architecture and CPU is this from? Btw, if
> there are any totally misleading values, shouldn't that be corrected
> by the kernel in the first place? But if the kernel doesn't know any
> better, I think zero from sysctl is ok. Just my opinion.

This is on armish, but there will be others. The sysctl returns
EOPNOTSUPP so it's hitting "si->cpuspeed = 0;".

> If you run some automated clock control (like apmd -C), you never
> know to what clock the cpu-time statistics in top(1) and systat(1)
> are related to.

You still don't exactly, as top(1)'s cpu-time statistics are over
an interval, whereas hw.cpuspeed is instantaneous.  I do think it may
be useful to display this information somewhere, but I'm not convinced
that top(1) is the right place.

> Anyway, HW_CPUSPEED is of type int, same as is HW_SETPERF. Not int[],
> only int. How could the individual cores be reported and controlled?

Obviously they can't at present, the kernel would need to be
extended. But if you're considering how the display might look with
a hypothetical 10GHz processor, why wouldn't you want to think about
how things could work with current cpu features?

Re: top, systat and hw.cpuspeed

2011-03-24 Thread David Vasek

On Wed, 23 Mar 2011, Amit Kulkarni wrote:

Never know what they can do. But the current max is 6 GHz by IBM for
any core, right? :)

That case was the source of my doubts if 9.9 GHz "is enough for 

The majority of current hardware do per core frequency scaling (or
bursting), but hw.cpuspeed is reporting the BIOS CPU speed
(considering over and under clocking) for each core before the scaling
happens, right?

The opposite is true, it reports the current clock speed and therefore my

patch suggestion. Otherwise you, Toby and others are right about new 
individually clocked cores, but the change should go much deeper to the 
OS, involving kernel and respective part of sysctl interface in the first 

So going forward with such complicated CPU designs, top will lie or be 
misleading. What about 64+ cores (OpenBSD supports 64 cores!) and many 
of them idle with low frequencies? How do you display them?


Re: top, systat and hw.cpuspeed

2011-03-24 Thread David Vasek

On Wed, 23 Mar 2011, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2011/03/23 21:18, David Vasek wrote:

Hello all.

As majority of current hardware use some form of dynamic CPU
frequency scaling and it is frequently controlled by ampd, wouldn't
it be good to have the current hw.cpuspeed displayed somewhere in the
header lines of systat(1) and top(1)? Just to know the scale for
other performace figures on the display.

This sysctl isn't always available, I don't think it's useful
to print a bogus figure when it fails:

load averages:  1.93,  1.49,  1.35 /0 MHz
41 processes:  1 running, 39 idle, 1 on processor
CPU states: 98.2% user,  0.0% nice,  1.8% system,  0.0% interrupt,  0.0% idle
Memory: Real: 147M/196M act/tot  Free: 49M  Swap: 12M/600M used/tot

I had a simple check for greater-than-zero cpuspeed in the patch initially 
(and don't print anything otherwise), but I was not really sure if that 
could happen at all and on what archs. It definitly should be there. What 
architecture and CPU is this from? Btw, if there are any totally 
misleading values, shouldn't that be corrected by the kernel in the first 
place? But if the kernel doesn't know any better, I think zero from sysctl 
is ok. Just my opinion.

If you run some automated clock control (like apmd -C), you never know to 
what clock the cpu-time statistics in top(1) and systat(1) are related to. 
Does the CPU spend 30% of its time servising interrupts when it runs at 
600 MHz, at 2.0 GHz, or at some other clock speed? Thirty percent of what? 
Without knowledge of the current clock frequency most of the figures would 
not give you good information.

And as Toby was alluding to, there may be systems where cores don't
all run at the same speed (or perhaps some aren't spun up at all); how
should this be handled? I imagine this will be an issue before having
to worry about the display formatting if CPUs exceed 9.999GHz.

I was not aware of such a possibility with the new generations of CPU's 
until now. I am still living in Pentium-M and Core2Duo era myself. It 
sounds to me as if SMP is not "symmetrical" anymore.

Anyway, HW_CPUSPEED is of type int, same as is HW_SETPERF. Not int[], only 
int. How could the individual cores be reported and controlled?

The other utilities, apmd(8) and apm(8) also set and report only single 
value given to them by sysctl. The little patch I sent at least helps one 
to see what value the kernel reports until some much more complex 
accomodation of individually scaled cores is done. It works well with 
single-core CPU's and traditional multi-core CPU's such as Core2Duo.


Re: rdist times out but will not die

2011-03-24 Thread Richard Toohey
On 24/03/2011, at 4:06 PM, Steven R. Gerber wrote:

> On 3/20/2011 2:07 PM, Steven R. Gerber wrote:
>> I want to do local/remote mirror/backup (or should that be local-mirror
>> / offsite-backup).
>> So a two-part question:
>> 1.   Even if there is a timeout, shouldn't the job/process exit?
>> rdist@thedump: thedump: /mnt/mirror2/public/read_only/movies: chown from
>> rdist:operator to cdripper:operator
>> rdist@thedump: thedump:
>> /mnt/mirror2/public/read_only/movies/The_Thomas_Crown_Affair_1999: chown
>> from rdist:operator to root:operator
>> rdist@thedump:
>> updating
>> rdist@thedump:
>> installing
>> rdist@thedump: LOCAL ERROR: Response time out
>> rdist@thedump: updating of rdist@thedump finished
>> $ ps -ax|grep rdist
>> 26025 ??  I   0:00.00 tee /var/log/rdist/2011-03-20
>> 11059 ??  I   0:00.01 rdist -f /etc/Distfile
>> 28446 ??  I   0:22.99 rdist: update rdist@thedump (rdist)
>> 7795 ??  I   1:10.32 ssh -l rdist thedump r
>> 13045 p0  S+  0:00.00 grep rdist
>> 2.   I know that they happen from time to time.  How can I avoid/prevent
>> timeouts? The default is 900 sec AKA 15 min?  How can this happen
>> between two local machines?

How big is the file?

Sure it is not *something* like this?


 869 /*
 870  * Parse size
 871  */
 872 size = (off_t) strtol(cp, (char **)&cp, 10);

*Maybe* that strtol() should be strtoll()?

Anyway, don't I think tech@ is necessarily the list for this - misc@ or file a

And/or keep debugging & digging - the source is all there!


>> Thanks.
> Sorry to reply to myself, but I really need help with this.
> The movies always timeout via rdist.  If I transfer the movies myself
> via sftp then there are no timeouts.
> The processes continue to accumulate everyday unless I manually kill them.
> I know that I am missing something.  Should I edit /etc/daily to turn on
> debugging?
> Please/Thanks.