[tw] Re: tiddlyweb change bag

2009-04-30 Thread FND
is there a way to change the bag/source of a tiddler? This might be of interest: http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/changeset/9597 -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups TiddlyWiki group. To post to

[tw] Re: tiddlyweb change bag

2009-04-30 Thread FND
Two things control where a tiddler is saved: * If it is an existing tiddler it is saved back to where it came from. * If it is a new tiddler it is saved to the server.workspace field that it inherits There's a third option; the NewTiddler macro might set the respective custom field(s). --

[tw] Re: Some CSS love for TW?

2009-04-27 Thread FND
backward compatibility is easily taken care of with only a view lines of a DepreciatedStyleSheet tiddler I'm afraid it's not that simple. For example, if we were to completely re-invent the sidebar (not to mention the layout as a whole), the various selectors/mappings simply wouldn't apply

[tw] Re: Some CSS love for TW?

2009-04-26 Thread FND
these could help to improve the default theme Unfortunately, a major problem with making any significant changes to the default theme is backwards compatibility, as many existing documents rely on the current framework (e.g. due to StyleSheet customizations). So this is a bit of a can of

[tw] Re: User accounts?

2009-04-25 Thread FND
Ideally, I'd like to be able to admin my TiddlyWiki so that I have some control over who's posting to it and also be able to revert changes if I need to. See here: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Multi-User_Collaboration HTH. -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

[tw] Re: Font color and tab

2009-04-23 Thread FND
how do you change the font color (for just one word) Try this: @@color:#f00;lorem ipsum@@ Also, I want to have a tab or a break of several spaces (not a br) By default, HTML collapses whitespace. However, you could try the following: @@white-space:pre;loremipsum@@ HTH. --

[tw] Re: How to hide tiddler source for visitors over HTTP?

2009-04-20 Thread FND
I have seen things like Authoring-mode and other heavy plugins like ThemeSwitching that i.m.o. go far beyond what I need. Just for the record, you don't always need a plugin; you could create a simple read-only mode theme* with a customized ViewTemplate:

[tw] Re: Shadow tiddler with tag

2009-04-20 Thread FND
I'd like to create a shadow tiddler with a tag. I'm afraid shadow tiddlers are not Tiddler objects; they only have title and contents. What do you need this for, exactly - perhaps there's a better solution? -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this

[tw] Re: Feature request: support for Spotify URIs

2009-04-13 Thread FND
I assume it's a load-order issue [...] There should be a more elegant solution There is; simply re-evaluating the existing formatter's match pattern: --- /*** spotify:foo [[foo|spotify:foo]] ***/ //{{{ (function() { config.textPrimitives.urlPattern =

[tw] Re: h1 margin

2009-04-10 Thread FND
h1 is styled to have 1.2em top margin. I like it, but not when h1 is the first thing in a tiddler Well, in theory you could use the :first-child selector: .viewer h1 { color: green; } .viewer h1:first-child { color: red; } However, that's not very well

[tw] Re: How to make links with tooltip text?

2009-04-08 Thread FND
how do you create a link in which you can specify the hover text? I've tried creating a elements inside of html tags, specifying the help text in the 'alt' attribute, but that doesn't seem to do it. The ALT attribute is alternate text in case the image cannot be displayed*. What you want

[tw] Re: scrum

2009-04-06 Thread FND
Does anyone know of TiddlyWiki that can be used to help with scrum The group archives yield this thread: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/t/3697e76a19fb459c The document's located here: http://www.ideia.fr/files/tiddlyscrum.html -- F.

[tw] Re: RSS Generation Problem

2009-04-06 Thread FND
I download a new tiddlywiki file and that successfully generated the RSS feed. However, when I imported the tiddler from my original file it stopped working. This is hard to diagnose without more details - please take a look at these guidelines:

[tw] Re: Does FF3 save cookies or not?

2009-04-06 Thread FND
But, how do I add a cookie exception for localhost? Here: Firefox Preferences Privacy Cookies Exceptions Enter localhost and click on Enable. HTH. -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[tw] Re: Does FF3 save cookies or not?

2009-04-06 Thread FND
Is it possible to use javascript to set the default username based upon the Windows login? Only on IE: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki/t/d41ca93e1a756a84 -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the

[tw] Re: Error in doSync: false

2009-04-04 Thread FND
FND I created a minimal test case a couple of weeks ago and sent you an link to it using the reply to author mechanism in google groups. Did you get the link or the followup emails? I did, and responded to both: Please post this to the groups instead of to me personally. I'm not sure when

[tw] Re: Unable to import tiddlers to a tw on a fileshare

2009-04-01 Thread FND
I have a TW (2.5) stored and accessed on a fileshare. If I try to import tiddlers from another TW (locally or stored on the same fileshare) then I get the following error: [...] This sounds like it's the following issue: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Firefox#File_Access -- F.

[tw] Re: Does FF3 save cookies or not?

2009-04-01 Thread FND
Why does the txtUserName cookie work fine in FF3 with ver 2.2.5 of TW, but not 2.4.1? TiddlyWiki's cookie handling should not have changed between those versions*, so this is most likely a browser issue. Firefox 3 is not supposed to store cookies for local files:

[tw] Re: FNDs eMailMacro fetching a field (emailadress) how to?

2009-03-28 Thread FND
http://måns.dk/TsT/#MiniMalTestCase I'm afraid that's *not* a minimal test case. There are 207 tiddlers in that document, 84 of which are plugins (including Danish translation), along with extensive customization of the layout. Having said that, it appears all you need to do is upgrade;

[tw] Re: Backups are not created.

2009-03-28 Thread FND
I am saving changes to a TiddlyWiki, and even though I have created the directory (folder) and given the path in the advanced options, the backup file is not created, even as changes to the TiddlyWiki are saved. Could you provide some more details (OS, browser etc.):

[tw] Re: Backups are not created.

2009-03-28 Thread FND
Yes, the OS is Windows XP SP3, the browser is Firefox 3.0.7, and the path is set to D:\EmbryoPhysicsBackups I assume the TiddlyWiki document is not located in that folder? For security reasons, Firefox 3 does not allow access to files outside the working directory:

[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki newbie - things do not seem to be saved - I must be doing something wrong.

2009-03-28 Thread FND
OK, I have downloaded the empty.html file, and made edits, then clicked done, and saved the result, only to have it disappear I take it you're using FF3 on WinXP, and didn't get any error messages - the contents just weren't there after reloading the document? Where is the file located? I'm

[tw] Re: Backups are not created.

2009-03-28 Thread FND
Well, then, aside from placing backups in the same directory as the non-backup (i.e. what is expectantly the current correct copy), there is no way to obtain backup in Firefox. Well, sort of. I tend to create a dedicated sub-directory - which of course is still located within the working

[tw] Re: FNDs eMailMacro fetching a field (emailadress) how to?

2009-03-28 Thread FND
You were absolutely right about the need for an upgrade... Now it works - excactly as you described!! Glad it works. I will try to pull all the plugins that I don't need, out of the TW and see how small I can make it You can tweak and customize your own document to your heart's content.

[tw] Re: tiddlyweb autosave

2009-03-28 Thread FND
Since this is a development-related issue, it would better be discussed on the dev group. we always use a construction to store tiddlers in tiddlyweb like the following [...] but the newTiddler is not immediately saved back to server When accessing tiddler properties directly, TiddlyWiki

[tw] Re: tiddlyweb autosave

2009-03-28 Thread FND
we do use the method store.saveTiddler(... like explained above Sorry, seems I wasn't reading properly... FWIW, when posting several lines of code, it's often better to use a pastebin*. the created tiddler is not autosaved to server Can you post a minimal test case over on [twdev]? Ideally,

[tw] Re: FNDs eMailMacro fetching a field (emailadress) how to?

2009-03-27 Thread FND
I would like to make my emailbutton - in the customViewTemplate - to fetch the tiddlers custom field (email) and put it in the address.. You need to use evaluated parameters* - like so: email to:{{tiddler.fields.email}} (untested) HTH. -- F. *

[tw] Re: FNDs eMailMacro fetching a field (emailadress) how to?

2009-03-27 Thread FND
It does'nt work for me. Could you provide a minimal test case: http://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Troubleshooting -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups TiddlyWiki group. To post to this group,

[tw] Re: PHP?

2009-03-26 Thread FND
Is there a way to embed php into a tiddler? I tried the html tags around the code trick, but it didn't work. PHP is generally processed server-side, but TiddlyWiki by default is all client-side (i.e. JavaScript processed in the browser). You could host a PHP script which serves a modified

[tw] Re: Email autosense?

2009-03-25 Thread FND
Is there a simpler way of displaying emails other than [[zeckal...@gmail.com|mailto:zeckal...@gmail.com]] ? This issue has come up in the past: http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/469 I don't remember whether there was a suggested solution - try searching the group archives for mailto.

[tw] Re: YourSearchPlugin and builtin (default) search

2009-03-25 Thread FND
The logic behind combining chkRegExpSearch and chkCaseSensitiveSearch is borked. Regular expressions are case sensitive. That's an interesting observation; I never noticed that (see below). That might be considered a bug, so could you raise a ticket for this particular issue? The best would

[tw] Re: runtime error in IE 7.0.530.13

2009-03-25 Thread FND
Just testing a tw [1] with a friend with internet explorer: runtime errors Those appear to be JavaScript errors caused by plugins - not TiddlyWiki itself (that's why you should always confirm such reports with a minimal test case*). One of the culprits was a typo in my TiddlyViPlugin

[tw] Re: Simile Timeline error

2009-03-23 Thread FND
After I import necesary tiddlers listed in SimileTimelineBundle nothing happens. Could you provide us with some details and a test case: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Troubleshooting -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are

[tw] Re: Use the tab key to insert tab characters instead of moving between fields (not working)

2009-03-23 Thread FND
I checked the option to insert a tab instead of switching fields and it wont work :(. I'm using the newest version of firefox. We solved this on IRC - turns out the Vimperator Firefox extension was the culprit. -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this

[tw] Re: Error in doSync: false

2009-03-23 Thread FND
FND, would you like a copy of it to debug? Can you create a minimal test case with steps for reproducing the problem? (Also see my previous post.) Thanks. -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[tw] Re: Upgrading me, please

2009-03-21 Thread FND
I did it and upgrading successed. Glad it worked. Will be any TiddlyWiki a native application in the Palm's WebOS? As far as I'm aware, not much is currently known about the technical details - we'll just have to wait and see. (Provided we can get our hand on a Palm Pre when it's out... )

[tw] Re: Bringing jQuery to TiddlyWiki release 2.5.0

2009-03-21 Thread FND
will jQuery affect current plugins? No - we'll continue to ensure backwards compatibility as much as possible, with the existing APIs remaining functional. The jQuery integration merely extends the functionality available to plugin authors. (While parts of the API will change eventually, that

[tw] Re: Replacment fo MonkyTaggerPlugin (Lewcid TW)

2009-03-21 Thread FND
MonkeyTagger doesn´t seem to work with core 2.5 Have you tried the DeprecatedFunctionsPlugin: http://tiddlywiki.com/coreplugins.html#DeprecatedFunctionsPlugin -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

[tw] Re: Bringing jQuery to TiddlyWiki release 2.5.0

2009-03-21 Thread FND
I thought that you would be able to use jQuery plugins directly. Will every jQuery plugin require the type of translation to make them work with TiddlyWiki such as you have provided for TiddlyViPlugin.html? It depends, really - if you want something TiddlyWiki-specific (e.g. a macro),

[tw] Re: Tiddlywiki and Google indexing again

2009-03-20 Thread FND
I know from looking into this in the past that there is a bit of a limitation in the sense that the server versions don't work with the most recent TWs... is this still the case? Depends on which server-side you're using - both ccTiddly and TiddlyWeb are up to date. -- F.

[tw] Re: FNDs eMailMacro and permalink to tiddler in textbody?

2009-03-19 Thread FND
I would like to have a permalink to the tiddler included as well. Sounds like a reasonable suggestion - so I've added a permalink parameter to this (ancient) macro: http://devpad.tiddlyspot.com/#eMailMacro -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this

[tw] Re: Tiddlywiki and Google indexing again

2009-03-19 Thread FND
have there benn some developments since I last looked that make Google indexing more efficient? This might be of interest: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/TiddlyWiki_As_a_Website Having said that, both ccTiddly and TiddlyWeb provide static content for crawlers to index, and we're using

[tw] Re: Read Access

2009-03-18 Thread FND
Otherwise, I was wondering where the disable macro was to be found (Lewcid ? Tiddlytools?) I'm not aware of any such macro - but try this: http://gist.github.com/81007 (select raw and copy the contents into a systemConfig-tagged tiddler) That gives you a toggleReadOnly macro. It's not

[tw] Re: Autosave but don't create backup?

2009-03-18 Thread FND
I'd like my TW to autosave after each edit, but to only create a backup when I manually save. Is there a way to do that? You could disable SaveBackups and use the DoBackupMacro: http://jackparke.googlepages.com/jtw.html#DoBackupMacro This overview might also be of interest:

[tw] Re: Most accessed tiddlers

2009-03-17 Thread FND
It there a way to store and retrieve the most accessed tiddlers? While this would be fairly easy to implement, you'd have to write to the document every time a tiddler is opened (which of course also requires write permissions on the respective document). I'm not aware of anyone having

[tw] Re: error on Dev:Custom Macros tutotial?

2009-03-16 Thread FND
. In fact, it's what we're using in the plugin templates: http://svn.tiddlywiki.org/Trunk/association/plugins/SamplePlugin.js http://svn.tiddlywiki.org/Trunk/contributors/FND/plugins/template.js I know you're supposed to be able to edit that site, but I'm not certain That page is badly

[tw] Re: speaking of plugin/macro tutorials...

2009-03-16 Thread FND
N.B.: Strictly development-related issues should be discussed on the dev group: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev/ have a button in the tiddler that you can click You would make the handler create a button (using createTiddlyButton), whose action then fires off the actual

[tw] Re: Navigation- back and forward buttons.

2009-03-15 Thread FND
I really want to have a navigation feature on my 'TiddlyWiki' where I can click on a hyperlink and then press the back button on my browser to come back the way I came, a tracking breadcrumbs like feature You might like this plugin: http://www.tiddlytools.com/#BreadcrumbsPlugin Perhaps

[tw] Re: Hyperlink from image thru to tiddler

2009-03-15 Thread FND
My Javascript knowledge is severely limited, so [...] I'm hoping you are able to get it right You don't actually need any JavaScript knowledge for this - all you really need are the coordinates of the respective areas (for rectangles, in the order top left, top, right, bottom - other shapes

[tw] Re: tablesortingplugin - autosort problem

2009-03-15 Thread FND
Has anyone else found that the autosort doesn't work in the first column? A sample document would really make it easier for us to analyze this... -- F. * cf. http://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Troubleshooting --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message

[tw] Re: tablesortingplugin - autosort problem

2009-03-15 Thread FND
I don't think this one needs a sample document. The reason I asked for a sample document is that, frankly, I don't wanna have to do that myself. I'm happy to assist with analyzing problems, but if it takes effort to get to the problem in the first place, that's a significant barrier. -- F.

[tw] Re: upgrade hangs

2009-03-14 Thread FND
Hi. I have a fairly vanilla tw, version 2.4.1 and I'm trying to upgrade to 2.5.0. I click upgrade in the backstage area, then click upgrade and it says loading core code and then nothing happens. So it's just that one file which doesn't upgrade and from which you can't import? Does the

[tw] Re: upgrade hangs

2009-03-14 Thread FND
The browse... button issue is a *known* limitation of FireFox3... Also see here: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Firefox#Importing -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups TiddlyWiki group. To post

[tw] Re: newTiddler - Silent tiddler creation

2009-03-13 Thread FND
Should this be a Dev question? Sort of - you would probably want to extend the onClickNewTiddler function to skip the displayTiddler and focusTiddler steps depending on a certain macro parameter. -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because

[tw] Re: Leveraging jQuery and jQuery plugins in TiddlyWiki

2009-03-13 Thread FND
repository*) It's not quite finished yet, but might be nice demo for end-users. -- F. * http://svn.tiddlywiki.org/Trunk/contributors/FND/plugins/ListNavMacro.js --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[tw] Re: Tiddlywiki for notes sharing

2009-03-12 Thread FND
Try TeamTasks [...] it is for multiple user projects Since TeamTasks is merely a TiddlyWiki vertical, it doesn't provide multi-user capability on its own. For concurrent editing, I'd strongly advise using a server-side: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Server-Side_Implementations HOw can I

[tw] Re: TiddlyTweets - a TiddlyWiki web app to archive your tweets

2009-03-11 Thread FND
TiddlyWiki's pulling in both tweets and delicious bookmarks, yes that could be done. The TwitterAdaptor we already have - and Simon's created a Delicious adaptor a while ago: http://tinyurl.com/amsrah

[tw] Re: Hyperlink from image thru to tiddler

2009-03-11 Thread FND
create a link through from a clickable area on an image to a tiddler TiddlyWiki itself has no special handling for this sort of thing. However, you could use raw HTML to generate image maps*, using a simple JavaScript action in the href attribute to open a tiddler:

[tw] Re: Bringing jQuery to TiddlyWiki release 2.5.0

2009-03-11 Thread FND
Is there an example of what could be done at this point by some over- ambitious person wanting to dive into jQuery-TW? Generally speaking, jQuery makes it easier to write certain pieces of code, because you don't have to worry about certain details. There are plenty of existing jQuery plugins

[tw] Re: TiddlyTweets - a TiddlyWiki web app to archive your tweets

2009-03-10 Thread FND
- Would it be possible to include in the archive any tweets from other people to whom user has @replied That would be possible, but might easily get out of hand (e.g. exceeding the Twitter API limit with the number of requests). Back when I was writing the Twitter adaptor, I imagined this

[tw] Re: Using TW

2009-03-09 Thread FND
Is there a TW theme for blogs or can someone suggest an alternative? Somewhat unrelated, but this might be of interest: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/TiddlyWiki_As_a_Website -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to

[tw] Re: Change size of .txtOptionInput to suit length of string - howto?

2009-03-09 Thread FND
I want to change the size of the box that holds the text Making the box's width precisely fit its contents is gonna be tricky. However, you can use CSS to define a static width: .txtOptionInput { width: 15em; } HTH. -- F.

[tw] Re: TiddlyTweets - a TiddlyWiki web app to archive your tweets

2009-03-09 Thread FND
http://osmosoft.com/TiddlyTweets Case matters; here's the correct URL: http://www.osmosoft.com/tiddlytweets/ -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups TiddlyWiki group. To post to this group,

[tw] Re: how to have header fixed?

2009-03-05 Thread FND
Is there a better way to have the header fixed on top? Fixed positioning is a tricky issue - for the reasons you've already mentioned, but also because it's not very well supported across browsers*. We've struggled with similar issues before, e.g. WRT the message area. Chances are we'll look

[tw] Re: Username invisible

2009-03-04 Thread FND
i have recogniced that my new tiddlers doesn't have any username and timestamp. What goes wrong? That's most likely due to your custom theme, which simply doesn't display the respective data. Can you provide a test case: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Troubleshooting -- F.

[tw] Re: YourSearchStyleSheet invalid CSS?

2009-03-04 Thread FND
It has color:none and background-color:none. Shouldn't those be transparent? I believe you're right there. This sort of thing might better be discussed on the dev list. -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the

[tw] Re: Infobox templates

2009-03-04 Thread FND
I'd need a parser function like #if from mediawiki to add some field only on condition a parameter was given. There's a ticket for that: http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/890 For now, Eric has implemented this as a CoreTweak. -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~

[tw] Re: TiddlerToCPlugin

2009-03-04 Thread FND
Could anyone who uses it tell me if it is possible for it to be configured without the numbers, i.e. UL instead of OL? Add the following to your StyleSheet: .ToC ol { list-style-type: circle; } (Instead of circle, you could also use disc or square.) HTH. -- F.

[tw] Re: StyleSheetPlugins typo

2009-03-04 Thread FND
The very first comment is not closed, i.e. missing ***/ I'm not familiar with any StyleSheetPlugins!? -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups TiddlyWiki group. To post to this group, send email to

[tw] Re: TW core typo

2009-03-04 Thread FND
The end should be {...;filter:alpha(opacity=60);} Good catch! (That's in StyleSheetColors.) And another, extra space in ! important This might intentional - will ask the team. (That's in StyleSheetPrint.) I've raised a ticket: http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/960 -- F.

[tw] Re: Infobox templates

2009-03-03 Thread FND
You can then 'transclude' (include and render) that tiddler's content into another tiddler, by using the TW core macro FWIW, the community wiki also has some details on this: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Transclusion -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

[tw] Re: setting options for Bookmarklets

2009-03-01 Thread FND
Any option I set the usual way, from a sytemConfig tiddler, gets reset to the plugin's default when the plugin is loaded. That's odd. I haven't tested this, but if the respective plugin is handling it correctly, an existing preference* should not be overridden. Also, what about the plugins

[tw] Re: Carriage returns in monospaced text

2009-02-27 Thread FND
Just getting started with a first TW to keep code snippets. Worked out how to monospace them, but any CRs or line feeds while visible in edit view, are lost in normal view I assume you're using it like this: {{{foo bar baz}}} Line breaks are important: {{{ foo

[tw] Re: formating title and subtitle

2009-02-24 Thread FND
How to designate that the title and subtitle are on the same line. They do appear on the same line by default; take a look at TiddlyWiki.com. Are you using a custom theme? Are you perhaps not referring to the SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle at all? -- F.

[tw] Re: dev store

2009-02-24 Thread FND
You guys might wanna move this discussion to a separate thread (remember, this thread here is not even supposed to exist... ). -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups TiddlyWiki group. To post to

[tw] Re: How do I get rid of Type the text for....?

2009-02-24 Thread FND
How do I stop my TW from inserting Type the ext for 'New Tidler' in new tiddlers? Use a small plugin like this: config.views.editor.defaultText = this is %0; Some of mine don't, but I have no idea where it's controlled. The NewTiddler macro has a text parameter, which might explain

[tw] Re: How do I stop tiddler titles from wrapping in sidebar?

2009-02-24 Thread FND
Eric told me how to stop sidebar tabs from wrapping. I'm wondering if it's possible to stop tiddler titles in the sidebar from wrapping. Try this: #sidebarTabs .listLink { white-space: nowrap; } (largely untested) -- F.

[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki.org

2009-02-23 Thread FND
The double brackets in the following link don't render in media wiki. Those brackets need to be escaped - this is a known issue with Firefox 3: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Firefox#Permalinks So what you want there is the following:

[tw] Re: Where do I define colours?

2009-02-23 Thread FND
If I define colours in the StyleSheet can I safely delete the ColorPalette tiddler? The ColorPalette[1] is a shadow tiddler[2], so you can't actually delete it entirely. Also, the TiddlyWiki core's style sheets[3] rely on the ColorPalette. -- F. [1] http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/ColorPalette

[tw] Re: save load

2009-02-23 Thread FND
I had done everything you've written up to this sentence in your reply numerous times before writing you. I'm afraid your energy is just a re-iteration of the instructions. Just to be on the safe side: You should have gotten a requesting enhanced privileges dialog - did you perhaps deny

[tw] [TiddlyWeb] dev store

2009-02-23 Thread FND
As previously mentioned, Martin and I have created a TiddlyWeb store intended to simplify the process of developing client-side (i.e. TiddlyWiki) plugins. I've added setup instructions for this to the TiddlyWeb docs site: http://tiddlyweb.peermore.com/wiki/#devtext As always, feedback is

[tw] Re: newTiddler - prompt populate tag title

2009-02-22 Thread FND
I have seen (2) references to evil Global Variables -.- Should I avoid using this as a rule? Any negative drawbacks I should be aware of? Well, the main reason global variables* should be avoided is the risk of naming clashes - for example, if a plugin happened to use a global variable

[tw] Re: Possible server concept

2009-02-22 Thread FND
Simple concept that, momentarily, escaped me. The 'ServerTW' is a 'Passive' file. thus the need for an active server! Serverless collaboration would be possible to some extent - a colleague of mine had experimented with that a while back: http://tiddlywiki.org/wiki/TiddlyChatter FWIW,

[tw] Re: (2) fET slice questions

2009-02-21 Thread FND
FET's WHERE clauses are evaluated as JavaScript statements - so you can stick pretty much any JS code in there (though it should evaluate to a boolean, i.e. true/false). store.getTiddlerSlice(tiddler.title, number) == =8 What you want there is probably the following:

[tw] Re: how to set a cookie with javascript

2009-02-20 Thread FND
a cookie is still being saved when I happen to change the month. If a cookie is essential to change a tab, then I imagine there is no solution. I'm afraid I don't follow - what do you mean by change the month here? And how are tabs (the tabs macro?) related to this? -- F.

[tw] Re: how to set a cookie with javascript

2009-02-20 Thread FND
The script you provided pulls up the current month when the tiddler (that contains the tab macro) is open. When I change tabs, a cookie is created such that the cookie makes another tab come into view. It seems that this browser stored cookie takes precedence and therefore it makes the

[tw] Re: Options Not Saving

2009-02-19 Thread FND
Using Firefox 3.0.6 on OS X [...] the things in Options window on right, as well as AdvancedOptions tiddler do not get saved. This is a known issue with Firefox 3 - fortunately, there are workarounds: http://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Firefox#Cookies HTH. -- F.

[tw] Re: It's not possible to save changes on a network drive

2009-02-18 Thread FND
There was a conversation on IRC yesterday, with someone having a similar problem; IE refused to save to a (mapped) network drive. We resolved this by renaming the file to end in .hta (instead of .html); this turns it into a (Windows-specific) hypertext application* with enhanced security

[tw] Re: an open source version of the tiddlyspot server

2009-02-17 Thread FND
FWIW, this might be of interest: http://tinyurl.com/cfbk3f (http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/osrc/article.php/3803101/Bruce-Perens-How-Many-Open-Source-Licenses-Do-You-Need.htm) (via http://news.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/02/16/1633200) -- F.

[tw] Re: About using TiddlyWiki with google Chrome

2009-02-17 Thread FND
I cannot save any of my options or username That's a known issue with Google Chrome: http://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Google_Chrome We have filed an issue report*, but it doesn't seem like that's gonna be fixed anytime soon. -- F. *

[tw] Re: Looking for examples

2009-02-16 Thread FND
Please note that strictly development-related issues should be discussed on the developers group: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev/ #receive non-techy, end-user input(numbers) in a text field and then plug into an array You could use the built-in option macro, e.g.:

[tw] Re: Secondary style in tables.

2009-02-13 Thread FND
I want to add a secondary heading to a table This isn't quite so simple, as tables aren't necessarily meant to be used that way. However, there's a possible workaround. Normally, a table should look like this[1]: |!Heading 1|!Heading 2|!Heading 3|h |lorem|ipsum|dolor| So instead of

[tw] Re: an open source version of the tiddlyspot server

2009-02-12 Thread FND
This sounds very interesting, Daniel - very much looking forward to seeing what you guys are gonna come up with. As for the license issue, I'll poke Andrew so he can share his (considerable) expertise. Personally, I tend to prefer BSD just because it feels simpler and is more compatible with

[tw] Re: Does sync do any work during normal TW use

2009-02-12 Thread FND
I'm suspicious that sync may be causing my TWs to hog processor At first glance, that seems unlikely - but I will investigate and respond your original post later. I'm not clear whether any sync processing is done during normal viewing and editing of tiddlers or whether it's only done when

[tw] Re: Very slow TW hogs processor

2009-02-12 Thread FND
This is quite puzzling indeed. How big is your document? I assume it has sensitive data so you can't share it for analysis? Are you having any issues with other websites - maybe IE is broken somehow? The poor performance under IE6 remains even if I disable all plugins Perhaps there's still a

[tw] Re: tiddlyweb latest

2009-02-12 Thread FND
it now seems there's a TiddlyWiki core bug causing it I've committed a temporary workaround: http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/changeset/8731 Note, however, that this sort of rename-overwrite isn't actually permitted in terms of TiddlyWeb - that is intentional. So we end up with a bit of a

[tw] Re: tiddlyweb latest

2009-02-11 Thread FND
tried both tricks, but the problem is still there That's very odd indeed. Would you mind zipping up that test instance directory and sending it to me (directly) so we can investigate further? -- F. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you

[tw] Re: tiddlyweb latest

2009-02-11 Thread FND
i cleaned up the hole installation and now it works again No idea what might have gone wrong before - but for now, let's just be happy it works. 3) rename tiddler 1 to 2 and changed tiddler 1 contents (without reloading the wiki) [...] but tiddler 1 isn't deleted (yes i'am a bad guy)

[tw] Re: newTiddler - prompt populate tag title

2009-02-11 Thread FND
Using below clickified newTiddler - can I use the results from the tag prompt to also populate the title? You could try creating a global variable (even though it's evil): clickify newTiddler text:{{GLOBAL_MYVAR = prompt(...)}} tag:{{GLOBAL_MYVAR}} -- F.

[tw] Re: Journal entries deleting other journal entries

2009-02-11 Thread FND
I open up the sidebar and create todays Journal entry. Hit done. Create another journal entry, because I didn't log yesterday. Change the date in the title so that it doesn't conflict with today's journal. Make entry. Hit done. The second time there, you're actually opening the same journal

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