RE: APA Admits error in publishing adult-child sex study

1999-06-11 Thread Paul C. Smith

John W. Nichols, M.A. wrote:
 But probabily not as long as it will take them to learn the virtues of
 honesty and integrity.

 "Paul C. Smith" wrote:
  Of course, it'll take a LOT longer to root out all
 the pro-child abuse FRC members.

If it weren't for the fact that the Christian Coalition seems to use
"lying" as its first tool of choice in general, I'd be encouraged by the
fact that they have to resort to this kind of lie to create evil to rail
against. The idea is that things must be going pretty well if they can't
find any REAL evil actions to fight.

Paul Smith
Alverno College

RE: APA Admits error in publishing adult-child sex study

1999-06-11 Thread Jim Guinee

 John W. Nichols wrote:
  But probabily not as long as it will take them to learn the virtues of
  honesty and integrity.
  "Paul C. Smith" wrote:
   Of course, it'll take a LOT longer to root out all
  the pro-child abuse FRC members.
   If it weren't for the fact that the Christian Coalition seems to use
 "lying" as its first tool of choice in general, I'd be encouraged by the
 fact that they have to resort to this kind of lie to create evil to rail
 against. The idea is that things must be going pretty well if they can't
 find any REAL evil actions to fight.
 Paul Smith
 Alverno College

Apparently I should have clarified when I sent the article -- I was passing 
along the information to others and looking for others to discuss its content.  
So, I'm not sure why Paul and John are copying their messages to me...
I was absolutely unfamiliar with this article, or that it had embroiled such a 
controversy, so I thought perhaps others might be interested in knowing 
what's going on.  As Stephen Black stated, this may indeed be a sad day for 

I know nothing of FRC and very little of the Christian Coalition, so please 
don't take my posting the article as an endorsement of either of these groups.
That was the original avenue I became aware of the study, and since then, 
some other individuals have been kind enough to forward other documents 
such as Ray Fowler's/APA's official statement on this issue.

Regarding these groups, I think "lying" is an unfortunate choice of words -- I 
have not seen anything in any source (YET) that demonstrates those 
opposed to the article have intentionally been untruthful.  On the other hand, I 
have also seen that some religious conservatives, such as James Dobson 
and Laura Schlessinger, haven't done their homework and have been guilty of 
exaggerations and "right-wing" propaganda.

I do not see anything that shows the Christian Coalition's hand in this, and I 
know very little about them, but I think it's interesting how quickly some folks 
went from discussing the article and people's reactions (accurate and 
hysterical) to taking another opportunity to slam "right-wingers" and 

I also think throwing in child abuse is completely irrelevant here.  Can't we 
stick to the issue at hand?  I'm very interested in others' reactions to the 
article (assuming you have read it).

For those of you who haven't read the article, if you are an APA member, or 
APA-affiliate, the article is online and can be seen at:


Jim Guinee, Ph.D.  Director of Training, Counseling Center   
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Psychology/Counseling
Dept. of Health Sciences
President-Elect, Arkansas College Counselor Association
University of Central Arkansas
313 Bernard HallConway, AR  72035 
(501) 450-3138 (office)  (501) 450-3248 (fax)

"Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; 
teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning."
 Proverbs 9:9

RE: APA Admits error in publishing adult-child sex study

1999-06-11 Thread Paul C. Smith

Jim Guinee wrote:
 Apparently I should have clarified when I sent the article --
 I was passing along the information to others and looking for others to
 discuss its content. So, I'm not sure why Paul and John are copying
 their messages to me...
 I know nothing of FRC and very little of the Christian
 Coalition, so please don't take my posting the article as an
 endorsement of either of these groups.

I copied my message to you simply because I once again forgot to make sure
that you weren't included in the CC field (in other words, burned again by
the TIPS policy...but of course it's really my own fault).

(oops - _almost_ did it again with _this_ message...)

I didn't read your original post (sending along the article) as an
endorsement of its content, and I'm sure no-one else did either. If you were
that kind of a nut, I think we'd have known it by now.   ;)

Paul Smith
Alverno College

Re: APA Admits error in publishing adult-child sex study

1999-06-11 Thread Ron Apland

Of course it is controversial. It offends the politically correct left
wingers and the moral police on the right. For those who have not 
read the article, you should do so before you react. It is not what 
the media says! FOr those who are trying to foster their careers by 
misquoting the work, a pox on your house!

Here are three other meta-analyses published this decade (cited in Rind, 
Tromovitch,  Bauserman, 1998). I have scanned and provided the abstracts. 
My reading of these papers supports the general conclusions  about 
non-clinical samples of the Rind, Tromovitch,  Bauesman (1998) article.


Ron Apland
Psychology Department
Malaspina University College


A meta-analysis of the relationship of child sexual abuse to adult 
psychological adjustment
Child Abuse  Neglect. Vol. l9. No. 6. pp. 7l5-728. 1995

Shan A. Jumper

Department of Counseling. Loyola University of Chicago. Chicago. IL. USA

Abstract:This paper reports on meta-analyses of the relations of child 
sexual abuse to adult psychological adjustment. Results indicated 
statistically significant relationships between the experience of child 
sexual abuse and subsequent difficulties in psychological adjustment as 
measured by psychological symptomatology. depression. and self-esteem. 
Significant heterogeneity occurred across studies using a variety of 
different subject populations, research designs. and assessment methods. 
Some explanation of the effect size variance was partially accounted for 
by certain identified study characteristics, most notable in regards to 
sample source used in the included studies. Student samples consistently 
generated smaller, more homogeneous effect size estimates than did 
community or clinical samples. This indicates that abused subjects drawn 
from student samples may experience fewer impairments in psychological 
adjustment. when compared to abused subjects drawn from community or 
clinical samples. The implications of these findings and suggestions for 
future research are discussed.

The long-term sequelae of childhood sexual abuse in women: A meta-analytic 
Child Maltreatment, VoL 1, No. 1, February 1996 6-16 0 1996

Debra A. Neumann
The Traumatic Stress Institute
Beth M. Houskamp
Azusa Pacific University
Vicki E. Pollock
John Briere
LAG/USC Psychiatric Hospital

The authors conducted a meta-analytic review of the relationship between 
a history of child sexual abuse (CSA) and psychological problems in adult 
women in 38 studies meeting rigorous research criteria. Across all 
symptoms, a significant association was found between history of CSA 
and adult symptomatology. Analysis of the role of moderating variables 
indicated the associations were stronger among subjects re-cruited from 
clinical populations. When individual symptom domains were examined, 
anxiety, anger, depression, revictimization, self mutilation, sexual 
problems, substance abuse, suicidality, impairment of self concept, 
interpersonal problems, obsessions and compulsions, dissociation, 
post-traumatic stress responses, and somatization all yielded significant 
associations with sexual abuse. These results are discussed in light of 
their relevance to research methodology and clinical intervention.

A Meta-Analytic Review of Findings from National Samples on 
Psychological Correlates of Child Sexual Abuse
The Journal of Sex Research Vol. 34, No. 3, 1997 pp. 237-255
Bruce Rind
Department of Psychology, Temple University

Philip Tromovitch
Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania

In response to the availability of a growing literature on the 
psychological correlates of child sexual abuse (CSA% numerous 
researchers have conducted literature reviews of these correlates. 
These reviewers have generally reported that CSA is associated 
with a wide variety of adjustment problems, and many have 
additionally implied or concluded that, in the population of 
persons with CSA experiences, (a) CSA causes psychological 
harm, (b) this harm is pervasive, (c) this harm is intense, 
and (d) boys and girls experience CSA equivalently. However, 
with few exceptions, these reviewers have included in their 
reviews mostly studies using clinical and legal samples; these 
samples cannot be assumed to be representative of the general 
population. To evaluate the implications and conclusions of these 
reviewers, we conducted a literature review of seven studies using 
national probability samples, which are more appropriate for 
making population inferences. We found that, contrary to the 
implications and conclusions contained in previous literature 
reviews that were focused on biased samples, in the general 
population, CSA is not associated with pervasive harm and that 
harm, when it occurs, is not typically intense. Further, CSA experiences 
for males and females are not equivalent; a substantially lower 
proportion of males reports negative 

Re: APA Admits error in publishing adult-child sex study

1999-06-10 Thread David

 In his letter, Dr. Fowler, who had earlier defended the article on
 national television as "a good study," now acknowledges that the article
 is "inflammatory" and includes opinions "inconsistent" with APA's policy
 on child protection issues.  He admits that APA "failed" to "evaluate the
 article based on its potential for misinforming the public policy

I've read the article.  It is a good study, whose gist can be
summarized as follows: males under the age of legal consent don't
necessarily mind, and often feel good about, getting laid by women
older than themselves (I say "getting laid" because that may be the
closest evocation of the phenomenon we're talking about).  Females
under the age of legal consent are more likely to have mixed feelings
or negative feelings.

And that's controversial?

--David Epstein

Re: APA Admits error in publishing adult-child sex study

1999-06-10 Thread William McCown, Ph.D

Of course it is controversial. It offends the politically correct left
wingers and the moral police on the right. For those who have not read
the article, you should do so before you react. It is not what the media
says! FOr those who are trying to foster their careers by misquoting the
work, a pox on your house!

RE: APA Admits error in publishing adult-child sex study

1999-06-10 Thread Paul C. Smith

 said FRC's Chief Spokesperson Janet Parshall.  "It's a good first
 step, but now the APA needs to root out the pro-pedophilic academicians
 are trying to normalize child abuse.

Good news, everyone. I rooted 'em out this morning, while I was waiting for
my coffee to brew.

Of course, it'll take a LOT longer to root out all the pro-child abuse FRC

Paul Smith
Alverno College

Re: APA Admits error in publishing adult-child sex study

1999-06-10 Thread John W. Nichols, M.A.

But probabily not as long as it will take them to learn the virtues of
honesty and integrity.

"Paul C. Smith" wrote:
 Of course, it'll take a LOT longer to root out all the pro-child abuse FRC
 Paul Smith
 Alverno College

--== ô¿ô ==--
John W. Nichols, M.A.
Assistant Professor of Psychology  Computer Science
Tulsa Community College
909 S. Boston Ave., Tulsa, OK  74119
(918) 595-7134
