Failed JDBC connection hangs Tomcat

2005-01-29 Thread Igor
We have the same problem, that described in

There is ServletContextListener in our application, that schedule two tasks for 
repeated fixed rate execution on context initialization 

First task is executed every minute. It queries MS SQL server, second task is 
executed every hour.

If MS SQL server goes down, first task tries to use connection to database.
After this Tomcat may hang: when user tries to download a page, he or her will 
wait for a long time (more that 1 day).

At the same time second taks (that is executed every hour) works as it was 
expected: there are corresponding entries in log file.

First task is executed in separate thread, and I do not understand how can it 
hang whole tomcat (at least one context).

We use JDK 1.5, tomcat 5.0.28. The same problem was on 1.4.2. Both for MS and 
JTDS drivers :-(

Does somebody know how can I prevent tomcat from hang in such situations?

Thank you in advance,

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[OT] Re: JSP under /WEB-INF folder PROTOCOL PAGES (ProtocolPages)

2005-01-29 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
I marked my response as OT, I think we're going down that road (not 
exactly unusual for us)...

Dakota Jack wrote:
What I was getting at is the fact that if I return a page to the browser
that have ten images, all referencing ResourceAction, what's happening
is that the browser is making ten separate requests TO THE APP SERVER,
whereas in a "typical" setup, these requests would be handled by the
fronting web servers.  It's clearly more resource-intensive in your

I am not clear what part of the process you are referring to, Frank. 
We both agree that the first delivery of the page is via the "front
server" (I tend to only use the "back server" anyway).  
I wasn't clear on that part I guess, but it doesn't change my argument. 
 I guess your saying the pages aren't even JSPs, which is fine. 
Doesn't really change anything though except that there's no servlet 
involvement to serve the initial page, which is slightly better.  That's 

If there are
ten calls to ten images, as you assume for discussion purposes, then
there will be ten calls either way.  
That's correct.  Just basic HTTP here :)
> I think you are saying that in
addition there will be a penalty of a pass to a server that can handle
Servlets or an equivalent technology that will respond to the
ProtocolPage by routing the call to some Action, Command, or whatever
in some language, in the way I suggest.  Is that right?  If so, let me
know and we will go from there after you confirm.
That's it exactly.  The web server has to forward the .do request to the 
app server, which then serves the images, 10 total servlet invocations 
in all.  Yes, there would be ten requests either way, but one assumes 
that the web server can serve static content more efficiently than any 
Action you can devise.  Perfectly logical argument, ceteris paribus (I 
love using Greek in real conversations!), because that's exactly what 
web servers are optimized to do.

I wouild need, as you would too I assume, more information on the
actual penalty.  
Absolutely.  The only assumption I'm making is that there IS a penalty. 
 There are any number of factors that would go into how big or small it 
is, whether it's enough to outweigh the benefits of the approach.  I 
make no attempt here to reach any conclusion on the magnitude of the 
problem, if it is a problem at all.

> I suspect that it is relatively small and, when you
introduce sophisticated state and caching options, it may be faster. 
Relative to what?  To the web server dealing with it?  I would suspect 
it's actually relatively BIG compared to that.  I'm certainly willing to 
be proved wrong though.

I don't dismiss what you are saying.  Don't get me wrong.  I just have
learned to get the data and then to see what the real difference is.  
And I would agree that's the right frame of mind in all things :)  It 
may in fact be such a small penalty that it's worth ignoring.  I have a 
suspicion it's not, but without empirical data, it's just a hypothesis.

When considering costs and so on, I am not sure whether the balance
goes to which side.  I would suspect, from my experience, that
software maintenance and so on would clearly outweigh the hardware and
associated requirements.
That might be true... one other point to remember though is that the 
more "unusual" things you do, the harder it will be to get people able 
to maintain it.  I fight standards at work as much as the next guy just 
because creative people don't like standards forced on them, but clever 
solutions usual equal difficult to maintain solutions.  I don't think 
I'm telling you something you don't know :)  But, that's not my 
argument, so don't spend any time on it.  Just another side track we 
could go down :)

I am surprised at this.  You may be right, but my sense is that this
difference is not really that important when everything else is taken
into account.  Even if you had to cluster multiple machines instead of
one, say, as a ratio, that would seem to be *probably* cheaper as a
GUESS.  I don't know.  We could look at some data and if you have any
handy I would love to see it.
I don't have any handy, but I agree, some real data here would be better 
than us bantering back and forth for the next week :)  I suppose the 
simplest thing to do is set up a test where you serve 10 static images 
from a web server vs. 10 images from your ResourceAction with a web 
server in front of the app server and see what the overall response time 
is.  It would be a little rough, but at least we could tell if there is 
a perceivable difference or not.

Then we get into whether thousands of imperceivable hits accumulate 
enough over time to hurt us.  That's obviously far trickier to guage, 
but that's the kind of things us enterprise architects have to bother 
about. :)

I think the bigger hit is reading the danged thing.  This obviously is
especially so when there is an ongoing use of changing the JSP page. 
This has no penalty with ProtocolPages.

Where is "jkstatus" function in jk version 1.2.8?

2005-01-29 Thread Richard Mixon (qwest)
I understand that the jk 1.2.8 connector supercedes the deprecated jk2
connector. I had read previous posting that indicated version 1.2.8 of
jk contained equivalent or better function/features than jk2.

However the jk2 connector contains documentation on a "jkstatus"
administration interface that seems to offer monitoring and (maybe) some
management functions.

I do not see this in the jk documentation. Is that feature there?

Thanks - Richard

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RE: Catalina Log File - Coyote can't register jmx for protocol

2005-01-29 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: HockChai Lim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Catalina Log File - Coyote can't register jmx for protocol
> I'm new to tomcat and java programming.  When I start
> Tomcat, I see the following in the Catalina Log File. 
> What is that mean and should I be worried about it?

Whatever error or stack trace you were trying to include didn't make it through 
to the list.  Also, please tell us what version of Tomcat you're using, which 
JDK, which OS, etc.

 - Chuck

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Catalina Log File - Coyote can't register jmx for protocol

2005-01-29 Thread HockChai Lim
I'm new to tomcat and java programming.  When I start
Tomcat, I see the following in the Catalina Log File. 
What is that mean and should I be worried about it?


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Re: [OT]Re: logging remote IP address

2005-01-29 Thread Dakota Jack

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 22:58:01 -0500, Parsons Technical Services 
> "Not true - the combination of IP address and PORT must be unique, not just
> the IP address.  This is the essence of how NAT and proxies work."

Yes, once again, I agree with this.  


"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."

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Re: JSP under /WEB-INF folder PROTOCOL PAGES (ProtocolPages)

2005-01-29 Thread Dakota Jack
Well, I sure got excited, though.  Back to reality!  ;-)

> What I was getting at is the fact that if I return a page to the browser
> that have ten images, all referencing ResourceAction, what's happening
> is that the browser is making ten separate requests TO THE APP SERVER,
> whereas in a "typical" setup, these requests would be handled by the
> fronting web servers.  It's clearly more resource-intensive in your
> approach.

I am not clear what part of the process you are referring to, Frank. 
We both agree that the first delivery of the page is via the "front
server" (I tend to only use the "back server" anyway).  If there are
ten calls to ten images, as you assume for discussion purposes, then
there will be ten calls either way.  I think you are saying that in
addition there will be a penalty of a pass to a server that can handle
Servlets or an equivalent technology that will respond to the
ProtocolPage by routing the call to some Action, Command, or whatever
in some language, in the way I suggest.  Is that right?  If so, let me
know and we will go from there after you confirm.

> Agreed.  I do see the advantage of this approach, but it's the minuses
> I'm more concerned with.  No matter which way you slice it, there's more
> server resources being utilized.  That's a big minus when your talking
> about scalability.

I wouild need, as you would too I assume, more information on the
actual penalty.  I suspect that it is relatively small and, when you
introduce sophisticated state and caching options, it may be faster. 
I don't dismiss what you are saying.  Don't get me wrong.  I just have
learned to get the data and then to see what the real difference is.  
When considering costs and so on, I am not sure whether the balance
goes to which side.  I would suspect, from my experience, that
software maintenance and so on would clearly outweigh the hardware and
associated requirements.

> I think you point out some valid advantages... if nothing else, just
> doing away with having to deal with URLs is a very good thing.  But I
> think the performance hit, and certainly the server load, in a "typical"
> Enterprise environment, would make this not a great idea.

I am surprised at this.  You may be right, but my sense is that this
difference is not really that important when everything else is taken
into account.  Even if you had to cluster multiple machines instead of
one, say, as a ratio, that would seem to be *probably* cheaper as a
GUESS.  I don't know.  We could look at some data and if you have any
handy I would love to see it.

> Then again, I say the exact same thing about ASP.Net and JSF because the
> whole idea of calling a server for relatively simple UI events strikes
> me as a horrible idea until we have far better networks than we have
> today, and I seem to be in the minority there, so if I might be wrong
> there, I might be wrong here too :)

I think the bigger hit is reading the danged thing.  This obviously is
especially so when there is an ongoing use of changing the JSP page. 
This has no penalty with ProtocolPages.

> My wife wouldn't agree with the listening part :)

Well, I bet you are being too humble.  I am happy to say that my wife
just thinks I am the most adorable, wonderful, guy. Go figure, eh?

> I think in enterprise-type environments this is a pretty standard
> approach with fairly well agreed upon benefits.  Anything that breaks it
> has to exceed those benefits.  As my father used to say, that's a tough
> nut to crack!  Nothing wrong with trying to build the hammer though :)

Technology seems to get ahead of rumor in our little world of web
work.  So, I definitely would like to revisit this.  I am going to
squeeze getting the *facts* in here soon.

> Absolutely it is, but as I pointed out, it's being interpreted on the
> browser side.  That's where the issue comes in to play I think,
> especially in a distributed environment.  I'd be interested to hear your
> thoughts on this point...

This seems to be false to me.  Maybe I misunderstand you.  I don't
think the browser has a clue whether we are looking at src='myCss.css'
or src=''.   Right?

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."

~Dakota Jack~

"You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep."

~Native Proverb~

"Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be
crows.  We are poor . . . but we are free."

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Re: JSP under /WEB-INF folder PROTOCOL PAGES (ProtocolPages)

2005-01-29 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Dakota Jack wrote:
I am going to tell you something that you might have missed.  There is
no need to have a JSP page to do this.  This is NOT dynamic content. 
This is strictly HTML.  
I fully understand that.  Keep in mind that a recent project I did 
required that images be served out of a database.  To do this I wrote a 
BLOBServerAction that results in tags like this:

(with the query URL encoded of course).  This is very much like what you 
do, except that my BLOBServerAction allows me to serve any BLOB-type 
from a database.  Very similar concept, which is why I know where you 
are coming from full well.

The key here is the use of a PROTOCOL instead of a URL.  What happens
when you do that is not immediately obvious.  Personally, I avoid URLs
whenever possible as they merely couple your work to options you
probably will frequently wish you did not have to take.  Read on!
I can't say I understand what your saying here.  Can you dumb it down a 
bit for an old man? :)

The ResourceAction requires Struts but does not require JSP.  Cool? 
Remember that Struts has nothing to do with JSP, Velocity, etc.  This
is pure HTML requiring Struts.

Putting everything under WEB-INF removes this choice because every
request has to be routed to your app servers now. 

Surprisingly, perhaps, not so!  There is nothing in an HTML page that
has the Struts protocol for the ResourceAction code which makes that
page dynamic, even though the content is.  This is pure HTML.  That is
why it works so great inside Flash ActionScript too.  You cannot,
after all, put JSP inside Flash ActionScript.
What I was getting at is the fact that if I return a page to the browser 
that have ten images, all referencing ResourceAction, what's happening 
is that the browser is making ten separate requests TO THE APP SERVER, 
whereas in a "typical" setup, these requests would be handled by the 
fronting web servers.  It's clearly more resource-intensive in your 

As I said before, if your environment is a single server anyway, even if 
you have a web server in front of an app server, this probably doesn't 
make much difference, although it will always make some becuase the app 
server is involved instead of just the web server.  That was my original 

Frankly, no pun intended, Frank, I have considered doing all tags via
something like this and through Struts Actions.  That would mean that
your page designers would have freedom you could not believe and that
the same pages could work for any backend language.  
Agreed.  I do see the advantage of this approach, but it's the minuses 
I'm more concerned with.  No matter which way you slice it, there's more 
server resources being utilized.  That's a big minus when your talking 
about scalability.

What do you think?  
I think you point out some valid advantages... if nothing else, just 
doing away with having to deal with URLs is a very good thing.  But I 
think the performance hit, and certainly the server load, in a "typical" 
Enterprise environment, would make this not a great idea.

Then again, I say the exact same thing about ASP.Net and JSF because the 
whole idea of calling a server for relatively simple UI events strikes 
me as a horrible idea until we have far better networks than we have 
today, and I seem to be in the minority there, so if I might be wrong 
there, I might be wrong here too :)

Don't you know better than to get me talking?  ;-)  LOL  That's why I
love talking to you.  You not only have a lot to say, you also listen.
 Nice combination!
My wife wouldn't agree with the listening part :)

In larger scenarios,
the whole point of the web servers (well, most of the point anyway) is
to offload that work from the app servers and gain efficiency.  Division
of labor and all that jazz. :)

Agreed, although I would certainly love to see a huge discussion by
the mavens in the area on that one.  I think that there is more than
meets the eye to that.  Still, however, agreed!

I think in enterprise-type environments this is a pretty standard 
approach with fairly well agreed upon benefits.  Anything that breaks it 
has to exceed those benefits.  As my father used to say, that's a tough 
nut to crack!  Nothing wrong with trying to build the hammer though :)

Certainly there are things one would have to do in a distributed
environment, but the fact that there is a complete decoupling by using
a protocol rather than a URL makes all these problems easily
solveable.  You can do wonders with this sort of thing which you would
never consider prior to doing this.  You ought to try it on some
project and watch where you will be surprised.  This is so efficient
and flexible.  Remember, the code src=''my.css' is
stricly HTML.
Absolutely it is, but as I pointed out, it's being interpreted on the 
browser side.  That's where the issue comes in to play I think, 
especially in a distributed environment.  I'd be interested to hear your 
thoughts on this point

[OT]Re: logging remote IP address

2005-01-29 Thread Parsons Technical Services

From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: logging remote IP address
The IP address that is exposed to the public, which is
the one I use, has to be different or there would be no
way to get back to the client machine.
Charles Wrote:
"Not true - the combination of IP address and PORT must be unique, not just 
the IP address.  This is the essence of how NAT and proxies work."

To expand on this, the job of a nat or pat device is not only to re-write 
the IP in the packet for as you say the packet would never return to the 
user, but to also keep track of all the connections established out bound 
and where they come from on the inside.

When you make a request you send out a packet. It's destination is port 80 
but the source on your machine may be any upper port. So it could look like:

Source  port 14984
Destination   port 80
When the pat/nat devices gets done
Source port 44543
Destination   port 80
What is critical is that the pat/nat device remembers that:  port 14984
equals port 44543
and thus reverses the changes in the packet.
If another machine goes out it will get a unique port and thus the pat/nat 
device can keep track of which one is which.

As for what is nat and pat.
nat: Network address translation. All inside adresses are converted to one 
(Masqurade) outside address or one inside address is translated into a 
specific outside address. With the later your client will alwas have the 
same address.

pat: pooled address translation. Same as Masqurade but done with a pool of 
addresses to support more clients.

Hope this helps.
PS I think we left the pavement a long time ago, and thus this would be off 

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Re: JSP under /WEB-INF folder PROTOCOL PAGES (ProtocolPages)

2005-01-29 Thread Dakota Jack
Hi, Frank,

Always good discussing these matters with you.  I think you are going
to get a kick out of the turn this reply to your response will get.  I
"Mission Impossible" music in the background.]  I have great faith in
the Servlet, but not the JSP, idea.

I am going to tell you something that you might have missed.  There is
no need to have a JSP page to do this.  This is NOT dynamic content. 
This is strictly HTML.  So, the page that has this is not thereby
crippled at all in this sense.  There is nothing in using this that
changes HTML to JSP or any other dynamic pages.  That is the miracle
of "returns null;"  This is a different kettle of fish.  Please note,
also that the HTML for the ResourceAction can access any server it
wants.  This is highly flexible, not staid and bound.  '

The key here is the use of a PROTOCOL instead of a URL.  What happens
when you do that is not immediately obvious.  Personally, I avoid URLs
whenever possible as they merely couple your work to options you
probably will frequently wish you did not have to take.  Read on!

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 20:10:08 -0500, Frank W. Zammetti
>  > Lo, Frank.  You really don't lose anything.  You just gain a choice.
>  > There is a lot more to be said on this, but you probably would know
>  > everything on this anyway, so I will leave it at that.
> That's not strictly true though Jack (neither your premise that you
> don't lose anything or that I know everything about this, I almost
> certainly don't!)...
> In some environments, as I'm sure you know and probably have even dealt
> with, you have a bunch of web servers in front of a bunch of app
> servers.  The web servers serve static content like images, stylesheets
> and usually server-side includes, things like that, while the app server
> handles JSPs and actual server-side (servlet) code.

The ResourceAction requires Struts but does not require JSP.  Cool? 
Remember that Struts has nothing to do with JSP, Velocity, etc.  This
is pure HTML requiring Struts.

> Putting everything under WEB-INF removes this choice because every
> request has to be routed to your app servers now. 

Surprisingly, perhaps, not so!  There is nothing in an HTML page that
has the Struts protocol for the ResourceAction code which makes that
page dynamic, even though the content is.  This is pure HTML.  That is
why it works so great inside Flash ActionScript too.  You cannot,
after all, put JSP inside Flash ActionScript.

Frankly, no pun intended, Frank, I have considered doing all tags via
something like this and through Struts Actions.  That would mean that
your page designers would have freedom you could not believe and that
the same pages could work for any backend language.  I have done some
dabbling with this and have internally called them ProtoCallPages.  I
suspect the use of JPP (a sort of Action page language which is based
on having to have the code off the page) in conjunction with Servlets
is much better than in conjunction with JSP or other tag based ideas. 
We'll see in time.

What do you think?  I am sure that there are huge issues to consider
but my experience with ResoureAction tells me that things might work
out fine.  I actually sort of compound JPP with some Struts form tags
to get dynamic images with language, size, background and foreground
colors (or images), fonts, etc. all dynamic but requiring only a
protocol for my part.  I have considered just droping the Struts part
altogether and keeping JPP doing all the form stuff with pure HTML but
with all the dynamic results you get from things like JSP, ASP, etc.

Anyway, enough of this.  

Don't you know better than to get me talking?  ;-)  LOL  That's why I
love talking to you.  You not only have a lot to say, you also listen.
 Nice combination!

>In larger scenarios,
> the whole point of the web servers (well, most of the point anyway) is
> to offload that work from the app servers and gain efficiency.  Division
> of labor and all that jazz. :)

Agreed, although I would certainly love to see a huge discussion by
the mavens in the area on that one.  I think that there is more than
meets the eye to that.  Still, however, agreed!

> I'd certainly agree that if a particular situation doesn't call for such
> a distributed environment in the first place, than it's a moot point,
> and what you suggest certainly has some benefits.  But if that's not the
> case, or if it some day might not be the case (i.e., your app might have
> to scale into such an environment), then it could become an issue and
> people should be aware of it before they make their decision.
> I also don't know what effect this might have in a true distributed
> environment (i.e., might it be a problem if one request, say for an
> image, is serviced by one machine, while another services the JSP
> exe

RE: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

2005-01-29 Thread Richard Mixon (qwest)

I used the Jan 19th version of Tomcat 5.5.7, Apache 2.0.52 (build for
ssl), jk 1.2.8, Windows XP SP2 and Sun JRE 1.5 SP1.

 - Richard

Peter Rossbach wrote:
> Hello,
> with which tomcat version you test this, please try the new 5.5.7 and
> tell us the result! :-)
> Please tell us your env, Apache, mod_jk  JDK, OS
> Thanx
> Peter
> PS: You can find my cluster dev template at
> Sorry the docs are german and it works with tomcat 5.5.5m jdk 5,
> apache
> 2.0.52, mod_jk 1.2.8 on Windows/Linux
> Roberto Cosenza schrieb:
>> Sorry if I insist with this post.
>> Has anybody succeeded in updating a  webapp in a tomcat cluster
>> without loosing (any)requests? I´m wondering if this is possible at
>> all with tomcat.
>> If we don´t provide a solution we are forced to switch to an other
>> servlet container :- Does anybody know if moving to Jboss, with
>> tomcat as a servlet container, will help?
>> Thanx
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Roberto Cosenza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Tomcat Users List" 
>> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:59 PM
>> Subject: Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.
>>> We have done some testing in this direction.
>>> Two tomcat in a cluster, with session replication.
>>> Shutdown B, update B, restart B
>>> Shutdown A, update A, restartAB
>>> What we experience is that, when shutting down any of the two
>>> servers. 1) Few requests are lost (let's say, on our machine, for
>>> 0.30 seconds?) 2) Objects stored in the session disappear
>>> temporarly, causing eventually annoing npe's. We were wondering if
>>> it is possible to achieve an higher reliability but
>> we
>>> didn not succeed.
>>> /roberto
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Derrick Koes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "Tomcat Users List" 
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:46 PM
>>> Subject: RE: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.
>>> This is how we update apps in time critical situations.  Shut one
>>> down and update.  Bring it back up.  Shut the next down and update.
>>> Bring it back
>> up
>>> and so on.
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>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> -
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RE: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

2005-01-29 Thread Richard Mixon (qwest)
Roberto Cosenza wrote:
> I do mean mod_jk2. Could this be the problem?
> /roberto

Yes - jk2 is deprecated. From what I understand jk 1.2.8 has all
significant function of jk2 and is much more stable/reliable.

I am not sure whether it has the "jkstatus" function however.

BTW, My tests that showed failover working fine were performed with the
Tomcat 5.5.7 from Jan. 19th, 2005.

 - Richard

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Re: JSP under /WEB-INF folder

2005-01-29 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
> Lo, Frank.  You really don't lose anything.  You just gain a choice.
> There is a lot more to be said on this, but you probably would know
> everything on this anyway, so I will leave it at that.
That's not strictly true though Jack (neither your premise that you 
don't lose anything or that I know everything about this, I almost 
certainly don't!)...

In some environments, as I'm sure you know and probably have even dealt 
with, you have a bunch of web servers in front of a bunch of app 
servers.  The web servers serve static content like images, stylesheets 
and usually server-side includes, things like that, while the app server 
handles JSPs and actual server-side (servlet) code.

Putting everything under WEB-INF removes this choice because every 
request has to be routed to your app servers now.  In larger scenarios, 
the whole point of the web servers (well, most of the point anyway) is 
to offload that work from the app servers and gain efficiency.  Division 
of labor and all that jazz. :)

I'd certainly agree that if a particular situation doesn't call for such 
a distributed environment in the first place, than it's a moot point, 
and what you suggest certainly has some benefits.  But if that's not the 
case, or if it some day might not be the case (i.e., your app might have 
to scale into such an environment), then it could become an issue and 
people should be aware of it before they make their decision.

I also don't know what effect this might have in a true distributed 
environment (i.e., might it be a problem if one request, say for an 
image, is serviced by one machine, while another services the JSP 
execuetion itself?).  This might never arise, or it might not be a 
problem at all even if it does, but it could be something for someone to 
explore is my point.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
Dakota Jack wrote:

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 17:17:03 -0500, Frank W. Zammetti
One thing worth pointing out about this is that you'll lose the benefit
of fronting your app server with a web server... You won't be able to
offload the serving of images, stylesheets and such, from the app server
to the web server.  That's probably not a big problem in many cases
where a single server with a decent set of specs can handle the load
anyway, but in a more robust "enterprise" environment, your really kind
of defeating the purpose of a fleet of web servers in front of a number
of app servers.

Lo, Frank.  You really don't lose anything.  You just gain a choice. 
There is a lot more to be said on this, but you probably would know
everything on this anyway, so I will leave it at that.


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Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

2005-01-29 Thread Flaffer
I am not sure which app server you are thiking of switching to, but I
work for a Fortune 500 which uses Webspere, Weblogic and Tomcat. And
ALL of them have issues with sessions getting lost during restarts.
There just is no way around it. There will be requests lost in the
very small window wherein the requests to the server going down all of
a sudden will stop responding. If there are any connections to the
container, they will be hung for a a period of time (I have noticed
around 20-40 seconds). It happens.

One way of mitigating this is to only bounce during off hours. We have
windows really late at night or early morning (depeding on regions

One other thing that might get you where you need to go is to turn on
servlet reloading. This will cause a hit in performance (and is not
recommended for production environments), but when a servlet is
changed, Tomcat will reload it. This will cause a check every request
to a servlet to see if it has changed (at least, that is what happens
with 4.x).

Ben Ricker

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 09:47:28 +0100, Roberto Cosenza
> Sorry if I insist with this post.
> Has anybody succeeded in updating a  webapp in a tomcat cluster without
> loosing (any)requests?
> I´m wondering if this is possible at all with tomcat.
> If we don´t provide a solution we are forced to switch to an other servlet
> container :-
> Does anybody know if moving to Jboss, with tomcat as a servlet container,
> will help?
> Thanx
> - Original Message -
> From: "Roberto Cosenza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Tomcat Users List" 
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:59 PM
> Subject: Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.
> > We have done some testing in this direction.
> > Two tomcat in a cluster, with session replication.
> > Shutdown B, update B, restart B
> > Shutdown A, update A, restartAB
> >
> > What we experience is that, when shutting down any of the two servers.
> > 1) Few requests are lost (let's say, on our machine, for 0.30 seconds?)
> > 2) Objects stored in the session disappear temporarly, causing eventually
> > annoing npe's.
> > We were wondering if it is possible to achieve an higher reliability but
> we
> > didn not succeed.
> > /roberto
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Derrick Koes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Tomcat Users List" 
> > Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:46 PM
> > Subject: RE: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.
> >
> >
> >
> > This is how we update apps in time critical situations.  Shut one down and
> > update.  Bring it back up.  Shut the next down and update.  Bring it back
> up
> > and so on.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ben Ricker
He's just this guy, you know?

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Re: JSP under /WEB-INF folder

2005-01-29 Thread Dakota Jack

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 17:17:03 -0500, Frank W. Zammetti
> One thing worth pointing out about this is that you'll lose the benefit
> of fronting your app server with a web server... You won't be able to
> offload the serving of images, stylesheets and such, from the app server
> to the web server.  That's probably not a big problem in many cases
> where a single server with a decent set of specs can handle the load
> anyway, but in a more robust "enterprise" environment, your really kind
> of defeating the purpose of a fleet of web servers in front of a number
> of app servers.

Lo, Frank.  You really don't lose anything.  You just gain a choice. 
There is a lot more to be said on this, but you probably would know
everything on this anyway, so I will leave it at that.


"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."

~Dakota Jack~

"You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep."

~Native Proverb~

"Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be
crows.  We are poor . . . but we are free."

~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~

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RE: configure: error: Unsupported operating system "freebsd5.3"

2005-01-29 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Bagus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: configure: error: Unsupported operating system "freebsd5.3"
> Hmm... I guess I'm not even sure if I should be running Jakarta 
> as a daemon as the first page of the set up recommends.

First, it's not "Jakarta", it's Tomcat. Jakarta is the cover name for the 
multitude of Java-based products developed by the Apache Software Foundation.  
Second, you probably shouldn't try running Tomcat as a daemon until after 
you've gotten your feet wet.  It's unfortunate that the setup documentation 
drops people into the deep end before they need to go there.

All you really need to do is download the desired Tomcat version, unzip or 
untar it (use a GNU-compatible tar tool for those versions), then consult the 
RUNNING.txt file.  If you can't move up to the 1.5 JRE (or 5.0, whatever Sun is 
calling it this week), you'll also need to download the Compat package and 
install it.  For your first attempts, use the installation directory defaults; 
you can move things around later after you have some experience.  You do not 
need anything else installed just to exercise Tomcat.

> Also, just wondering, why come isn't there a single 
> installation system that sets all of this up for me? 
> Ant, Jakarta, Struts, Cocoon, etc.

Because they're different products from different authors/vendors.  Use Google 
and the numerous FAQs and mail archives to get help on configuring these 
together, should you actually want to use them.  But as stated earlier, you 
don't need anything beyond the basic Tomcat download to play with JSPs and 

 - Chuck

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Re: JSP under /WEB-INF folder

2005-01-29 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
One thing worth pointing out about this is that you'll lose the benefit 
of fronting your app server with a web server... You won't be able to 
offload the serving of images, stylesheets and such, from the app server 
to the web server.  That's probably not a big problem in many cases 
where a single server with a decent set of specs can handle the load 
anyway, but in a more robust "enterprise" environment, your really kind 
of defeating the purpose of a fleet of web servers in front of a number 
of app servers.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
Dakota Jack wrote:

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 09:00:39 -0500, Frank W. Zammetti
Just from a curiosity standpoint Jack... I've already decided it's not
an approach I'd advocate, but I am interested to know how you serve
things like graphics and stylesheets from under WEB-INF.  I assume all
your graphics are actually server by an Action (a trick I've pulled when
serving images from a database), and I further assume your stylesheets
aren't just linked in...

You can also put this sort of Struts protocol into Flash ActionScript, etc.
To be complete on this list:
public final class ResourceAction
extends Action {
  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
   ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException,
 ServletException {
String file = request.getParameter("file");
String ext  = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
String type = null;
String path = null;
if ("gif".equals(ext)) {
  type = "image/gif";
  path = path("gif");
} else if ("jpg".equals(ext)) {
  type = "image/jpeg";
  path = path("jpeg");
} else if ("css".equals(ext)) {
  type = "text/css";
  path = path("css");
} else if ("flash".equals(ext)) {
  type = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
  path = path("flash");
} else if ("text".equals(ext)) {
  type = "text/plain";
  path = path("text");
} else if ("js".equals(ext)) {
  type = "text/javascript";
  path = path("js");
} else if ("png".equals(ext)) {
  type = "image/png";
  path = path("png");
} else if ("html".equals(ext)) {
  type = "text/html";
  path = path("html");
} else if ("applet".equals(ext)) {
  type = "application/x-java-applet";
  path = "classes" + File.separator + "com" + File.separator +
"crackwillow" + File.separator + "applet";
String name = Classpath.WEB_INF + path + file;
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "");
response.setHeader("Pragma", "");
response.setHeader("Expires", "");
response.addHeader("Content-Disposition","filename=" + name);
try {
  FileInputStream fis   = new FileInputStream(name);
  BufferedInputStream bis   = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
  byte[]  bytes = new byte[bis.available()];
  OutputStreamos= response.getOutputStream();;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
  StdOut.log(SiteConstant.ERROR_LOG,"ResourceAction: problem file
is: " + name + "\n" + StackTrace.trace(ioe) + "\n" +
return null;
  private String path(String fileType) {
return "resource" + File.separator + "content_type" +
File.separator + fileType + File.separator;
} ///;-)

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configure: error: Unsupported operating system "freebsd5.3"

2005-01-29 Thread Bagus

Hi there, 

Any idea why I might get that error on running configure from my 
$CATALINA_HOME/bin/jsvc_src/ directory? I'm a newbie and this is my first 
Jakarta-tomcat installation. This is the first step I've taken since getting my 
jdk1.4.2 running on my new FreeBSD 5.3 box. 

It's like this:
[root][/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4/bin/jsvc-src]: ./configure
*** Current host ***
checking build system type... i386-unknown-freebsd5.3
checking host system type... i386-unknown-freebsd5.3
checking cached host system type... ok
*** C-Language compilation tools ***
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking for ranlib... ranlib
*** Java compilation tools ***
checking for javac... /usr/local/jdk1.4.2/bin/javac
checking wether the Java compiler (/usr/local/jdk1.4.2/bin/javac) works... yes
checking for jar... /usr/local/jdk1.4.2/bin/jar
*** Host support ***
checking C flags dependant on host system type... failed
configure: error: Unsupported operating system "freebsd5.3"

Hmm... I guess I'm not even sure if I should be running Jakarta as a daemon as 
the first page of the set up recommends.
Do I need to do that configuration at all? 

I noticed this page doesn't have the jsvc stuff:

Ok, and while I'm chiefly concerned with why I get the error message mentioned 
in the subject, I'm beginning to see that I'm in deeper than I thought:
Says I have to have Ant and a bunch of other stuff in place before I can have a 
jsp page that can query my mysql database.  Is this true? If this is the case, 
what does a standalone jakarta-tomcat installation get you? 

Also, just wondering, why come isn't there a single installation system that 
sets all of this up for me? Ant, Jakarta, Struts, Cocoon, etc. I'm a little 
overwhelmed... but determined.



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Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

2005-01-29 Thread Roberto Cosenza
I do mean mod_jk2. Could this be the problem?
- Original Message -
From: "Peter Rossbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" 
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

Please update to Apache 2.0.52 and I hope you mean mod_jk 1.2.8 not a


Roberto Cosenza schrieb:

>We used :
>apache 2.0.49
>mod_jk2 (jakarta-tomcat-connectors-1.2.8-src)
>Linux webster2 2.4.26 #11 SMP Thu Apr 22 13:16:46 CEST 2004 i686 i686 i386
>CATALINA_OPTS='-Xmx512m -Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256M'
>I will test a new version and let you know.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Peter Rossbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Tomcat Users List" 
>Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 8:04 PM
>Subject: Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.
>with which tomcat version you test this, please try the new 5.5.7 and
>tell us the result! :-)
>Please tell us your env, Apache, mod_jk  JDK, OS
>PS: You can find my cluster dev template at
>Sorry the docs are german and it works with tomcat 5.5.5m jdk 5, apache
>2.0.52, mod_jk 1.2.8 on Windows/Linux
>Roberto Cosenza schrieb:
>>Sorry if I insist with this post.
>>Has anybody succeeded in updating a  webapp in a tomcat cluster without
>>loosing (any)requests?
>>I´m wondering if this is possible at all with tomcat.
>>If we don´t provide a solution we are forced to switch to an other servlet
>>container :-
>>Does anybody know if moving to Jboss, with tomcat as a servlet container,
>>will help?
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Roberto Cosenza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "Tomcat Users List" 
>>Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:59 PM
>>Subject: Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.
>>>We have done some testing in this direction.
>>>Two tomcat in a cluster, with session replication.
>>>Shutdown B, update B, restart B
>>>Shutdown A, update A, restartAB
>>>What we experience is that, when shutting down any of the two servers.
>>>1) Few requests are lost (let's say, on our machine, for 0.30 seconds?)
>>>2) Objects stored in the session disappear temporarly, causing eventually
>>>annoing npe's.
>>>We were wondering if it is possible to achieve an higher reliability but
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>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

2005-01-29 Thread Peter Rossbach
Please update to Apache 2.0.52 and I hope you mean mod_jk 1.2.8 not a 

Roberto Cosenza schrieb:
We used :
apache 2.0.49
mod_jk2 (jakarta-tomcat-connectors-1.2.8-src)
Linux webster2 2.4.26 #11 SMP Thu Apr 22 13:16:46 CEST 2004 i686 i686 i386
CATALINA_OPTS='-Xmx512m -Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256M'
I will test a new version and let you know.
- Original Message -
From: "Peter Rossbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" 
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.
with which tomcat version you test this, please try the new 5.5.7 and
tell us the result! :-)
Please tell us your env, Apache, mod_jk  JDK, OS
PS: You can find my cluster dev template at,
Sorry the docs are german and it works with tomcat 5.5.5m jdk 5, apache
2.0.52, mod_jk 1.2.8 on Windows/Linux
Roberto Cosenza schrieb:

Sorry if I insist with this post.
Has anybody succeeded in updating a  webapp in a tomcat cluster without
loosing (any)requests?
I´m wondering if this is possible at all with tomcat.
If we don´t provide a solution we are forced to switch to an other servlet
container :-
Does anybody know if moving to Jboss, with tomcat as a servlet container,
will help?
- Original Message -
From: "Roberto Cosenza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" 
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.


We have done some testing in this direction.
Two tomcat in a cluster, with session replication.
Shutdown B, update B, restart B
Shutdown A, update A, restartAB
What we experience is that, when shutting down any of the two servers.
1) Few requests are lost (let's say, on our machine, for 0.30 seconds?)
2) Objects stored in the session disappear temporarly, causing eventually
annoing npe's.
We were wondering if it is possible to achieve an higher reliability but


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Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

2005-01-29 Thread Roberto Cosenza
We used :
apache 2.0.49
mod_jk2 (jakarta-tomcat-connectors-1.2.8-src)
Linux webster2 2.4.26 #11 SMP Thu Apr 22 13:16:46 CEST 2004 i686 i686 i386
CATALINA_OPTS='-Xmx512m -Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256M'

I will test a new version and let you know.

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Rossbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" 
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.


with which tomcat version you test this, please try the new 5.5.7 and
tell us the result! :-)
Please tell us your env, Apache, mod_jk  JDK, OS


PS: You can find my cluster dev template at,
Sorry the docs are german and it works with tomcat 5.5.5m jdk 5, apache
2.0.52, mod_jk 1.2.8 on Windows/Linux

Roberto Cosenza schrieb:

>Sorry if I insist with this post.
>Has anybody succeeded in updating a  webapp in a tomcat cluster without
>loosing (any)requests?
>I´m wondering if this is possible at all with tomcat.
>If we don´t provide a solution we are forced to switch to an other servlet
>container :-
>Does anybody know if moving to Jboss, with tomcat as a servlet container,
>will help?
>- Original Message -
>From: "Roberto Cosenza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Tomcat Users List" 
>Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:59 PM
>Subject: Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.
>>We have done some testing in this direction.
>>Two tomcat in a cluster, with session replication.
>>Shutdown B, update B, restart B
>>Shutdown A, update A, restartAB
>>What we experience is that, when shutting down any of the two servers.
>>1) Few requests are lost (let's say, on our machine, for 0.30 seconds?)
>>2) Objects stored in the session disappear temporarly, causing eventually
>>annoing npe's.
>>We were wondering if it is possible to achieve an higher reliability but

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Re: Tomcat Freezes unexpectedly

2005-01-29 Thread Diego Espada
In the end, It had nothing to do with Tomcat. Just for the record, the
problem was the JTDS JDBC Driver combined with the DBCP Pooling. Looks
like JTDS doesn't like pooling that much... we switched to antother
driver and everything went all right.

Thanks !!!

VTR Ravi Kumar wrote:

> This might be something related to number of simultaneous users increasing 
> some threshold.
> Similar thing happens in our intranet server also and at that time a message 
> like Internal Server Error. Your servlet container is bing upgraded ... 
> appears.
> VTR Ravi Kumar.
> Diego Espada wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we are having a serious problem with Tomcat 5.0.27. We have a web
server in production that is supposed to be 7x24, but it keeps hanging
after a few hours with no apparent cause. We have to keep restarting
it. One time, Tomcat logged that it was running out of threads (150),
so I changed this value to 2000 in the xml server config file and only
seemed to make things worse... now it hangs more often that before,
probably twice a day or more.
>> The hangup does not follow any pattern... it can be at any moment
in the day, some days it doesn't hang and some days it hangs three or
four times.
>> The log doesn't say anything useful. It seems that Tomcat just
stops logging after the hang up occurs.
>> My Tomcat is deployed on a Windows 2000 Server with jdk 1.4.2_05 as
a service. It is not using the server jvm yet.
>> Any configurations I should look ? any optimizations ? any clues ?
>> Thanks
>> -
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> -
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Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

2005-01-29 Thread Peter Rossbach
with which tomcat version you test this, please try the new 5.5.7 and 
tell us the result! :-)
Please tell us your env, Apache, mod_jk  JDK, OS

PS: You can find my cluster dev template at,
Sorry the docs are german and it works with tomcat 5.5.5m jdk 5, apache 
2.0.52, mod_jk 1.2.8 on Windows/Linux

Roberto Cosenza schrieb:
Sorry if I insist with this post.
Has anybody succeeded in updating a  webapp in a tomcat cluster without
loosing (any)requests?
I´m wondering if this is possible at all with tomcat.
If we don´t provide a solution we are forced to switch to an other servlet
container :-
Does anybody know if moving to Jboss, with tomcat as a servlet container,
will help?
- Original Message -
From: "Roberto Cosenza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" 
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

We have done some testing in this direction.
Two tomcat in a cluster, with session replication.
Shutdown B, update B, restart B
Shutdown A, update A, restartAB
What we experience is that, when shutting down any of the two servers.
1) Few requests are lost (let's say, on our machine, for 0.30 seconds?)
2) Objects stored in the session disappear temporarly, causing eventually
annoing npe's.
We were wondering if it is possible to achieve an higher reliability but


didn not succeed.
- Original Message -
From: "Derrick Koes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" 
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:46 PM
Subject: RE: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

This is how we update apps in time critical situations.  Shut one down and
update.  Bring it back up.  Shut the next down and update.  Bring it back


and so on.

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Re: commons-loggin instead of loggers

2005-01-29 Thread Jacob Kjome
Put log4j-1.2.9.jar and commons-logging-1.0.4.jar (not 
commons-logging-api.jar!!)  in CATALINA_HOME/common/lib and in CATALINA_HOME/common/classes and make the properties 
file look something like...

log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p[%-8.8t]: %39.39c %-6r - %m%n
log4j.appender.LOCALHOST.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p[%-8.8t]: %39.39c 
%-6r - %m%n

log4j.appender.MYAPP.layout.ConversionPattern=%c{1} %-6r - %m%n[Catalina].[localhost]=INFO, 

log4j.rootLogger=INFO, A1
Don't try using a log4j.xml file.  The logger names above are illegal id 
attribute values and will cause an XML parsing error.  The  "name" 
attribute is defined as of type "id" in the log4j.dtd.   This won't be an 
issue in Log4j-1.3 but still is, and will always be, in Log4j-1.2.x.

BTW, Valves are like Filters, but at the server level rather than at the 
application level.  The fact that a Valve might log something doesn't make 
it a logger itself.

At 06:58 PM 1/29/2005 +0100, you wrote:
>Loggers seems to have disappeared since 5.5 release
>It seems that we must use commons-loggin
>Does someone have an example to replace my classical logger which was in
>my context
>   prefix="myappli_log." suffix=".txt"   timestamp="true"/>
>PS: What is exactly the diff between a Logger and a Valve ? It seems to
>cover the same things ?
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RE: logging remote IP address

2005-01-29 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: logging remote IP address
> The IP address that is exposed to the public, which is 
> the one I use, has to be different or there would be no 
> way to get back to the client machine. 

Not true - the combination of IP address and PORT must be unique, not just the 
IP address.  This is the essence of how NAT and proxies work.

 - Chuck

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RE: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

2005-01-29 Thread Richard Mixon (qwest)
Roberto Cosenza wrote:
> Sorry if I insist with this post.
> Has anybody succeeded in updating a  webapp in a tomcat cluster
> without loosing (any)requests?
> I´m wondering if this is possible at all with tomcat.
> If we don´t provide a solution we are forced to switch to an other
> servlet container :-
> Does anybody know if moving to Jboss, with tomcat as a servlet
> container, will help?


The short answer is yes, if you use Tomcat 5.x session replication and
failover loadbalancing such as the JK connector.

Please check the thread titled: "JK, Session Replication/Clustering, SSL
and failover in Tomcat 5" - it documents some of the configuration
needed for this to happen.

I have tested this and when one Tomcat instance fails, all sessions and
requests fail over seamlessly - the user is not prompted login again,

That said, I am having a problem on session synchronization when the
failed or shutdown instance is restarted and needs to replicate all of
the sessions back. Filip Hanik is looking into this further.

HTH - Richard

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Re: Tomcat'evolution abstract

2005-01-29 Thread Remy Maucherat
On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 19:02:25 +0100, Philippe Mathieu
> Hi,
> I'm a little bit lost in the releases;
> Does anyone could tell me precisely since which release ... :
> - Tomcat takes account of JSP 2.0 ?


> - Realms are integrated in Tomcat ?

4.0+ (with API changes)

> - DBCP (pools) are integrated in Tomcat ?


> - the invoker servlet in not set by default ? (4.1.12 ?)


> - The DataSourceRealm is integrated in Tomcat ?


> - Context description can be put directly in catalina/localhost ?


> - DBCP syntax has been changed ? (5.5.4 ?)


> - loggers have disappeared ? (5.5.4 ?)


> - JDK 1.5 compliant ? (5.5.4 ?)


- Removal of DefaultContext (replaced by conf/context.xml and other
per host files)


- JDT as the JSP code compiler

5.5.0+ (but it had very serious bugs in that build ;) )

Rémy Maucherat
Developer & Consultant
JBoss Group (Europe) SàRL

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Re: logging remote IP address

2005-01-29 Thread Dakota Jack

On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 20:43:20 -0500, Parsons Technical Services
> Definitely possible. Not as unlikely as you think. I know of shops that put
> a whole bunch of users on the same IP.
> Then there are schools that put a hundreds of classroom machines on one IP.
> Doug

If you remember the context in which I am working here, this is not so
clear.  I know why you think it is and from the context in which you
are talking, I understand why you say that.  However, remember that
each person or machine that has access to a server in order to make a
request must be uniquely identified or that person or machine cannot
get a response.

This could take quite a while to discuss, actually.  The IP address
that is exposed to the public, which is the one I use, has to be
different or there would be no way to get back to the client machine. 
So, we may be talking about same IP in a different sense.  Remember
that distinctions you may be making in URLs I am making in IPs.  There
might not even be a URL (i.e. non-number URI) in my case.


"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."

~Dakota Jack~

"You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep."

~Native Proverb~

"Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be
crows.  We are poor . . . but we are free."

~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~

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Re: JSP under /WEB-INF folder

2005-01-29 Thread Dakota Jack

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 09:00:39 -0500, Frank W. Zammetti
> Just from a curiosity standpoint Jack... I've already decided it's not
> an approach I'd advocate, but I am interested to know how you serve
> things like graphics and stylesheets from under WEB-INF.  I assume all
> your graphics are actually server by an Action (a trick I've pulled when
> serving images from a database), and I further assume your stylesheets
> aren't just linked in...

You can also put this sort of Struts protocol into Flash ActionScript, etc.

To be complete on this list:

public final class ResourceAction
extends Action {

  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
   ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException,
 ServletException {
String file = request.getParameter("file");
String ext  = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
String type = null;
String path = null;

if ("gif".equals(ext)) {
  type = "image/gif";
  path = path("gif");
} else if ("jpg".equals(ext)) {
  type = "image/jpeg";
  path = path("jpeg");
} else if ("css".equals(ext)) {
  type = "text/css";
  path = path("css");
} else if ("flash".equals(ext)) {
  type = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
  path = path("flash");
} else if ("text".equals(ext)) {
  type = "text/plain";
  path = path("text");
} else if ("js".equals(ext)) {
  type = "text/javascript";
  path = path("js");
} else if ("png".equals(ext)) {
  type = "image/png";
  path = path("png");
} else if ("html".equals(ext)) {
  type = "text/html";
  path = path("html");
} else if ("applet".equals(ext)) {
  type = "application/x-java-applet";
  path = "classes" + File.separator + "com" + File.separator +
"crackwillow" + File.separator + "applet";

String name = Classpath.WEB_INF + path + file;

response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "");
response.setHeader("Pragma", "");
response.setHeader("Expires", "");
response.addHeader("Content-Disposition","filename=" + name);

try {
  FileInputStream fis   = new FileInputStream(name);
  BufferedInputStream bis   = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
  byte[]  bytes = new byte[bis.available()];
  OutputStreamos= response.getOutputStream();;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
  StdOut.log(SiteConstant.ERROR_LOG,"ResourceAction: problem file
is: " + name + "\n" + StackTrace.trace(ioe) + "\n" +

return null;

  private String path(String fileType) {
return "resource" + File.separator + "content_type" +
File.separator + fileType + File.separator;
} ///;-)

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."

~Dakota Jack~

"You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep."

~Native Proverb~

"Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be
crows.  We are poor . . . but we are free."

~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~

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Tomcat'evolution abstract

2005-01-29 Thread Philippe Mathieu
I'm a little bit lost in the releases;
Does anyone could tell me precisely since which release ... :
- Tomcat takes account of JSP 2.0 ?
- Realms are integrated in Tomcat ?
- DBCP (pools) are integrated in Tomcat ?
- the invoker servlet in not set by default ? (4.1.12 ?)
- The DataSourceRealm is integrated in Tomcat ?
- Context description can be put directly in catalina/localhost ?
- DBCP syntax has been changed ? (5.5.4 ?)
- loggers have disappeared ? (5.5.4 ?)
- JDK 1.5 compliant ? (5.5.4 ?)
Knowing these answers will help me to help the others ;-)
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commons-loggin instead of loggers

2005-01-29 Thread Philippe Mathieu
Loggers seems to have disappeared since 5.5 release
It seems that we must use commons-loggin
Does someone have an example to replace my classical logger which was in 
my context
  prefix="myappli_log." suffix=".txt"   timestamp="true"/>

PS: What is exactly the diff between a Logger and a Valve ? It seems to 
cover the same things ?

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Re: JSP under /WEB-INF folder

2005-01-29 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Just from a curiosity standpoint Jack... I've already decided it's not 
an approach I'd advocate, but I am interested to know how you serve 
things like graphics and stylesheets from under WEB-INF.  I assume all 
your graphics are actually server by an Action (a trick I've pulled when 
serving images from a database), and I further assume your stylesheets 
aren't just linked in...

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
Dakota Jack wrote:

On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 13:57:33 -0500, Frank W. Zammetti
I think his problem is probably linking to stylesheets and such...
Actually, now I have to ask you... if you put *everything* under
WEB-INF, I assume you are serving all graphics from a fronting web
server then?  Otherwise, any document returned to the user that links
back to a resource under WEB-INF won't be reachable, which was the crux
of his problem as I understood it, that's why he was talking about
includes and such all over the place.  But, if you really are serving
everything from there, how are you doing it?  Just curious at this point :)
Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
Dakota Jack wrote:
I don't know why you are saying that css and/or js must be placed
directly under "WebRoot".  Why do you?  I can give you various
solutions, once I find out what the problem is supposed to be.  There
is no issue, by the way, with putting your JSP files under WEB-INF.
There are other ways to protect access, but this is, I think, a good
one too.

Frank, are you still interested in this?  I just noticed it.

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Re: logging remote IP address

2005-01-29 Thread Markus Schönhaber
Mark wrote:
I'm just tring to see if http request that came from one IP address
has more then 1 client behind it. I've seen on some webpages that My
IP is displayed as both external and internal - so it means it's
doable - but the question is how to get this info in Tomcat.
If your local an your external (NATed) IP addresses are both displayed 
by a webpage you access, you are almost certainly accessing this site 
via a proxy that set the "X-Forwarded-For" HTTP-header-field to contain 
your local IP (the IP the proxy itself was accessed from).
But that's nothing you can rely on.

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tomcat-5.0.27 authentication/authorization

2005-01-29 Thread mate markovic
You can find discusion here:
tomcat-5.0.27 authentication/authorization
Hi all.
Tomcat, and any other servlet server, when we use
"FORM" with j_security_check,
j_username, j_password and ,
check our user name and password against database
(or anything else - but this wasn't important now) and then
(I think in servlet session?) for repossess.
After that we can access resource specified in 
if we have THAT_SOMETHING (role). And THAT_SOMETHING will
be passed automatically to EJB if we use EJB, and so on..
Is it possible to put THAT_SOMETHING from my code i.e. servlet?
For example, if I want to use in JSP other name for j_securi­ty_check,
j_username, j_password, or I want to use other presentation
for my web app like Swing or simmilar?
I could check user name or anything else by myself and then
put THAT_SOMETHING and proceed like I was make
real j_security_check.
Do you know how to do this?
P.S. I can't use JAAS.
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Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

2005-01-29 Thread Roberto Cosenza
Sorry if I insist with this post.
Has anybody succeeded in updating a  webapp in a tomcat cluster without
loosing (any)requests?
I´m wondering if this is possible at all with tomcat.
If we don´t provide a solution we are forced to switch to an other servlet
container :-
Does anybody know if moving to Jboss, with tomcat as a servlet container,
will help?

- Original Message -
From: "Roberto Cosenza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" 
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.

> We have done some testing in this direction.
> Two tomcat in a cluster, with session replication.
> Shutdown B, update B, restart B
> Shutdown A, update A, restartAB
> What we experience is that, when shutting down any of the two servers.
> 1) Few requests are lost (let's say, on our machine, for 0.30 seconds?)
> 2) Objects stored in the session disappear temporarly, causing eventually
> annoing npe's.
> We were wondering if it is possible to achieve an higher reliability but
> didn not succeed.
> /roberto
> - Original Message -
> From: "Derrick Koes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Tomcat Users List" 
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:46 PM
> Subject: RE: Updating webapps in a running production cluster.
> This is how we update apps in time critical situations.  Shut one down and
> update.  Bring it back up.  Shut the next down and update.  Bring it back
> and so on.
> -
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