using a datasource connection pool resource with username and password supplied by user

2005-10-09 Thread jeffery . s . eaton

I have set up a connection pool using the following set up:



to access this pool I use the following code:

Context initContext = new InitialContext();
Context envContext  = (Context)initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env");
DataSource ds = (DataSource)envContext.lookup("jdbc/rsams_oracle");
conn = ds.getConnection();

It all works fine:

But what I really want to do is to get a database user and password from
the user and (after validating it) write this to a session cookie.
Then when the user interacts with the database (which is all the time) the
username and password will be extracted
from the cookie and used in the following way:

Context initContext = new InitialContext();
Context envContext  = (Context)initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env");
DataSource ds = (DataSource)envContext.lookup("jdbc/rsams_oracle");
conn = ds.getConnection("username","password");

The problem is I have not been able to find a way to get this to work.

I have tried removing the user and password from the connection pool
resource (doesn't work)
I have tried this code in the calling - conn =
ds.doGetConnection("username","password") - Doesn't work.

I thought javax.sql.datasource which is the type of the resource supported
the getConnection(username, password) method but it doesn't seem to work
using a resource set up as above.

If anyone can point me in the right direction I will be most grateful.  I
have trawled the forums with no success as everyone seems to be
happy with the username and password being set in the context resource.

Any help I can get would be most appreciated.


Jeffery S. Eaton

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Re: using a datasource connection pool resource with username and password supplied by user

2005-10-09 Thread jeffery . s . eaton
Thanks Doug and Chuck,

I suspected as much re. the connection pool.  This sort of negates the
value of it a little (for me anyway).

My original plan was to go with saving the connection to the session once
it was established but I had read somewhere that connections are not
'serializable' and therefore the garbage cleanup in tomcat may kill the
connection unexpectedly?!.?

Has anyone used session tracking to store database connections?  If so, has
anything bad happened?

Doug to answer your question "How many users are there going to be on the
system at once and can the
system handle that many open connections?"...

I anticipate that the production version will have from 20 - 30 people
updating information (in different cities ) and possibly 50 or so browsing
the database for information.  The backend database will be ORACLE 9i
running in MS Server 2003 on an IBM server.  In the pooled connection
implementation I allowed for 150 concurrent users.  I think oracle running
on a pretty beefy application server should be able to handle it.  The web
server box will also be MS server 2003 on an older style server so I
suppose the only scary part will be weaknesses (if there are any) in Tomcat

Anyway, I will implement storing the connection in the session with the log
out killing the connection.

Any comments or gotchas you know about would be useful.

Jeffery S. Eaton

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Re: using a datasource connection pool resource with username and password supplied by user

2005-10-10 Thread jeffery . s . eaton
Good question Bob,

This system may eventually be implemented for the government department I
work for in Queensland, Australia.  This project is a pilot one which will
involve four separate district offices in four different cities.  The
department has policies on data security which includes authenticating
individual users to a database.  As this is a requirement I can't avoid I
wanted to find a way to implement it even in the proof-of-concept stage.

User authentication can be implemented on the middle tier in Tomcat but I
don't think this will satisfy the dept. requirements.  That being the case,
my plan was to let the database decide if a user can get into the site.  If
they are authenticated to the db then they have access to the site.  One
other advantage of db authentication which will be important in this case
is the separation of database roles.  Users will have access to update only
the tables they are approved to access.

Jeffery S. Eaton

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RE: using a datasource connection pool resource with username and password supplied by user

2005-10-10 Thread jeffery . s . eaton
That's right Sasha,

I will have to ensure connections are closed down automatically if the user
doesn't log out, but at this stage I will note your comment for further


Jeffery S. Eaton

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Re: using a datasource connection pool resource with username and password supplied by user

2005-10-10 Thread jeffery . s . eaton
Thanks for the suggestion Bob,

I think what you are saying about realms is valid and most likely the
easiest way to enforce security.  It would be my choice if it wasn't a
corporate standards issue.  I will read up on the link you sent and see if
I can get away with it in terms of meeting with policy.

Thank you all for your input.

Jeffery S. Eaton

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