Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-17 Thread calmstorm
I would agree with all of that. Some things need to be available for everyone healthcare education, food and water and legal representation all are needed to be free.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-17 Thread infinityfallen
I'm not quite sure if it quite came through, but I do agree with your views in regards to capitalism. Government and access to basic human rights (healthcare, education, access to sufficient nutritious food/water, legal representation, etc.) should be made available to everyone, funded by

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-17 Thread calmstorm
Actually I will further debunk you russia hacked hillary's emails and his but hers were the only ones RELEASED! the media went after her to death until the grab them by the - - - - - comment came out. He lied every 3 minutes in all three debates. hillary lied too in the debates I am sure.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-17 Thread calmstorm
You know something, I think your trolling. Why else would you be on this website which is by definition a socialist one. Socialism or capitalism either one if pure leads to bad stuff. But to be honest capitalism is worse in pure form... alot worse. So I will put this here for you enjoy...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-17 Thread infinityfallen
The setup of government is like a business (as you say), but trying to operate it like one is a recipe for disaster. The thing is that businesses don't always lose customers by going against those customers' wills. Monopolies, subtly misleading advertising, secret violations of the law, and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-17 Thread radiowavers
"Trump was elected by russia some people say" - What other conspiracy theories do you know? :) Trump was elected by United States citizens, not by Russian citizens. If you seriously think that "Trump was elected by russia", I say that green lizard men from Nibiru voted for Hillary XD "He

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-17 Thread radiowavers
Government is just a huge business with a huge number of customers! Customers vote with their vallets, citizens vote with their ballots. Countries are having the negotiations and making deals, businesses are doing the same. Business should care about their customers or eventually they will

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-17 Thread radiowavers
Sorry but Associated Press is a Fake News, heavily influenced by its liberal ideology and contributors. Better not to watch TV at all, it is a zombie box - waste of time

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-17 Thread g . smyli
Drone strikes - Afghanistan I understood after 9/11 but Iraq was a huge mistake. Now drones are killing people in other countries because some shadow court has declared them an enemy. We have a right to defend ourselves from our enemies but to whom are they that control the drones

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-17 Thread infinityfallen
When exactly did capitalism "outlive its usefulness"? I totally agree with you that the application of capitalism to certain fields of endeavor- such as politics, healthcare, or innovation (copyright, patents, etc.)- is a disastrous failure on the behalf of the people to uphold the liberties

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-16 Thread calmstorm
I am not denying capitalism is bad in excess, I just think the problem is too much captialism... though you may be right, maybe we need to strip our system of capitalism altogether in favor of a better way forward. I wouldn't even know what kind of option that would be though. But I guess

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-16 Thread 9bi
That's capitalism. A few winners determine what computers you can use. The workings of mechanical computation from start to halt is black magic known not even to the monopolist who decides what parts your computer is made from, but does not know from what grains of sand and ceramic those

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-15 Thread calmstorm
I really don't think you understand, Bernie only supported her at the end because literally everyone else was a worse option and the worst option, somehow won... Trump is a consistent liar. People probably knew that who voted for him but they hated Hilary for her emails and other stupid

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-15 Thread greatgnu
I'm quite sure most of you had the one guy in their classroom, when you were kids, who was taller than you, stronger than you, faster than you, dumber and meaner than you. I'm pretty sure almost everyone had to deal with one such bully at some point, and if you think about it chances are you

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-15 Thread mcz
There's a difference between focusing on specific ethnic groups for specific cases, and daily harassment. Plus, speaking of economy of resources, it's more economical to monitor specific behaviors of any ethnicity than to swipe over large specific ethnic groups. Less people to monitor,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-15 Thread mcz
So to conclude this, I doubt anyone with any power will concede to these thoughts for a long time and I mean a very long time... Exactly, I totally agree on this. It's a waste of time. In the end, none of that would happen, for various reasons.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-15 Thread calmstorm
its a mystery what any of us can do with it...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-15 Thread g . smyli
re "It is strange that so many people voted for Drumpf" Yeah, what's happening? It seems like anti-globilization may be a big part of it, but what's with the Nazism and violence. Where I live, "mosques, synagogues and Hindu temples alike graffitied, burned or vandalized." This is Seattle

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-15 Thread calmstorm
Bernie had virtually no baggage compared to Hillary. And many democrats failed to realize this. The only part of him that people could attack him on was being a "socialist" that's all... It is strange that so many people voted for him after every comment he has made. Especially when

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-14 Thread g . smyli
I liked Bernie's message better than any but had a hard time believing he would be electable. In hindsight though, I guess I was wrong. Socialism in balance with capitalism, yeah, my most current thought also, and 75% seems a credible guess to me. And while I'm at it, to jorgesemul, I

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-14 Thread calmstorm
Trump was elected by russia some people say. It could be that trump asked putin to hack hillary's emails to make her look bad. It could also be all the communications that he has been caught with... Talk about ironic, wasn't it the republicans who used to tell the democrats to go back to

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-14 Thread calmstorm
Yep... the love of money is bad. I would also argue it is what makes people love capitalism way too much... It is effectively a thorn in the side of any decent human being. Socialism and Capitalism pretty much need to be balanced... if one is out of whack bad things happen. Although at the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-14 Thread jorgesumle
Russia, for one, is waging a very effective campaign to destroy our unity and trust and exploit our resulting vulnerability. I just put the term 'Russia's new warfare' in because I remembered reading of a Russian general who had outlined much of this new type of warfare (Hybrid

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-14 Thread infinityfallen
Thank you for clarifying! My knowledge of Greek history is very vague- your statement of the system seems much more logical.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-13 Thread brashley46
That depended critically on who exactly were the /Demos/, the people. You were not a member of the demos unless your grandfather had been, and you were male, and you were free. No /metic/ could vote in the Assembly, i.e. those who were not citizens by birth and descent; they were considered

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-13 Thread leoo
My response: 1. Disagree. I think surveillance / wiretapping of one of your own citizens can be OK even if he's not already a criminal or has a history of wrongdoing. If there's probable cause, enough to get a warrant from a judge, then merely being a suspect is enough. 2. Agree.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-12 Thread infinityfallen
Although it is certainly closer to a democracy than what's been set up since, and much closer than the 'democracy' in place today, Athens still didn't have democracy per se (though others may beg to differ with me here). Only participating citizens could vote- that excluded women, children,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-11 Thread g . smyli
But we can still change our laws and our government if we are united enough. But we certainly are not united. Instead we are growing more deeply divided and splintered every day. Russia, for one, is waging a very effective campaign to destroy our unity and trust and exploit our resulting

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-11 Thread calmstorm
It is supposed to be half democracy half republic. but it seems like it is heading more towards republic at the moment.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-11 Thread jorgesumle
> big Western democracies in general and the USA in particular. The USA is not a democracy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-10 Thread calmstorm
I have a few thoughts for government intelligent agencies and people here too... IF you have to spy at all there should be some requirements: 1: You cannot spy on your own citizens without jumping through many hoops meaning if they are criminals or history of wrongdoing. 2: You cannot

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-10 Thread mcz
The shit the CIA did with their "not ipso facto immoral" tools is what matters: I'm not saying Russia, China, or basically any government and powerful enough company are saints though. Speaking of France 'I've seen the subject twice I think), the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-10 Thread leoo
That's a very legitimate point. Wikileaks is looking more and more like an arm or tool of Russian intelligence. Has it EVER posted anything embarrassing to the Kremlin or damaging to Putin's interests? Instead it and Assange seem intensely motivated by animus against the mainstream, big

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-10 Thread mkl80
Because there aren’t fully free computer OS's. And Trisquel is not more free than others if it can be hacked! Simple as that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-10 Thread vitacell
Club Bilderberg

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-09 Thread g . smyli
There is a whole lot of other bad actors doing the same thing but WikiLeaks isn't shining a light on them “If that escalates into a cyberwar, Korea is still not capable of blocking the attack with its current capacity and personnel,” he added. Currently, China has around 100,000 personnel

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-09 Thread mcz
Not to loosen the dramatic impact of the subject at hand, but I liked that one:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-09 Thread greatgnu
yea, mr Irish, it's scary shit. As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks. The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-09 Thread leoo
This is what I found most interesting: UEFI Copy-and-paste code was included in the leaks which allow for the exploitation of UEFI-based boot systems by altering the operating system's kernel which is loaded into memory before exiting the UEFI boot

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-09 Thread vitacell
Even better: make your own chips from sand, you will be sure that sand it is not backd00red. You can not imagine how much money do you need for creating a CPUs, GPUs, PCBs...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-08 Thread calmstorm
I bet that verb also has to do with proprietary software as well... Let me tell you though, its always entertaining... I hope stas730 makes a post about that here and just to make sure I may send an invite... trololol

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-08 Thread greatgnu
>I wonder what are stats730 thoughts about this.. I bet it has to do with the verb "destroy"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-07 Thread albertoefg
I wonder what are stats730 thoughts about this..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wikileaks how CIA is spying. every Operative System

2017-03-07 Thread jbahn
No, it's good. Real good - that it is exposed. And the content is no worse than what was expected...