Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread dguthrie
In all honesty it's probably cheaper just to pay the 1EUR to Posteo or just use a gratis service. Privacy is important but it doesn't mean you should dismiss all services. For example when setting up your server you will need to be knowledgeable about how to secure your server (firewall for

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread sethcchrn6
I'm a little paranoid too. :) Do you know any resources on the cost/time it takes to set up and run a mail server?

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread strypey
Thanks for sharing this. Is there anything in the talk that would be new to someone familiar with the work of RMS and the FSF? Or are you sharing it as something we can show people new to the subject?

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread enduzzer
Richard Stallman interview in Zurich 9 February 2016. Audio only.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread debianlinux
thank you so much, very interesting

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread dguthrie
I thought their English was actually pretty good. Recordings often sound different than in reality because the microphone tends to pick up sounds that a person listening learns to ignore. I think he was getting worked up that the questions were asked in a way he found irritating. Although

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread enduzzer
That reminds me of the tea bag episode in the PANtalk Zurich video. RMS wanted to clear his voice which was going down -- by drinking tea that was supplied, under his explicit wishes I suppose. He was devastated his tea "was ruined" because there was no tea bag in the cup and he was half an

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
I think the Q session was the weakest part of this talk. I think both question and answers were bad. The last question guy even had slept during the talk where his question was addressed... The beginning of the whole talk was kind of boring because it's so very familiar but I like how rms

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread enduzzer
Free as in Freedom - Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software by Sam Williams

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread onpon4
That's quite a strange interpretation. The fact of the matter is RMS is... quite easy to upset. There are examples all over the place of RMS getting angry, livid even. It never has to do with imperfect English, though. What it always has to do with is him feeling like his activism is being

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread debianlinux
ahahah he is putting a cream on his foot while answering the questions, lol I love the interviews of Stallman because he speaks about differents thing not the usual pre made talks, if you have more QA of Stallman are very welcome thx for the links very interesting

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread svhaab
A javascript firefox addon is mentioned. On this forum non free javascript is sometimes mentioned. Can I get explained what it is about javascript? Is it about source code or features? Flash is about both source code and features? I installed the javascript firefox addon. It appears to make

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread nicolasmaia
Can you upload your converted version? I'm also *very* frustrated at this video.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread sethcchrn6
Gmail has a non-JavaScript option. It's latest iteration (called Inbox) does not. Inbox is released to a small portion of Gmail users at the moment and will probably be the standard next decade. I'd love to get away from both Gmail and Outlook by taking matters into my own hands but I have

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread enduzzer
There's a nice interview here from UCLA REMAP Vimeo channel. It's an mp4 but it can be downloaded and transcoded if need be.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread dguthrie
You don't need your own web server to run email with a respect for your privacy. I use Posteo which is 1 EUR per month but can be used with just free software, and their servers run it too. There are gratis services such as OpenMailbox too that are reasonably good... The main issue with

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread onpon4
JavaScript is a programming language, a dialect of ECMAScript. Unfortunately, someone a long time ago decided that it would be a good idea to design a Web browser to let websites send programs written in JavaScript, and then automatically execute them, silently. Flash Player does the same

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
Thank you very much! *high five*

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread onpon4
Alright, here's an audio-only version:

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread enduzzer
Thanks for that. The video is a hog 2.5 gigs. Saved some bandwith. Towards the end of his speech, there was a question hour. RMS really vented off at some of those questions claiming they were deliberately giving him not enough time to answer or rebutt anything.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread onpon4
And, someone else has taken the liberty to transcode the video. He transcoded it to m4v in Handbrake, but the Goblin Refuge re-transcoded it to VP8: It's a lower resolution than the original, but who needs such a

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread onpon4
> For example, webmail Webmail isn't a concept that needs JavaScript to work. Lots of old Webmail systems didn't require JavaScript at all. Squirrelmail is one named example, and I think Gmail still has a fallback version of the Webmail that doesn't require JavaScript (though I'm not

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread vitacell
I love Richard's videos, thanks for sharing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread dguthrie
I have to disagree on this one. Yes, JavaScript was a questionable decision in some respects, there are certain advantages to having a scriptable web. For example, webmail is extremely useful if you are using someone else's computer (and some JavaScript webmail services are libre). The way

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread onpon4
I don't know about anyone else, but I like seeing what questions people ask at the end of these talks, so I tend to just skip ahead to when questions start. Though while I was skipping ahead, I did hear a joke in the "St. IGNUcious" routine that I haven't heard before. The joke was that

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread onpon4
I think this is the first VP9 video I've watched, and my God, this is completely unwatchable. The amount of time I have to wait for the video to decode when I try to skip ahead to a later part of the video is ridiculous; I didn't have the patience to wait it out, but it seems like I'd have

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread onpon4
It's not a conversion; the audio is Vorbis, so you can use a tool like Transmageddon to repackage just the audio without the video in an Ogg file. Just choose "Audio passthrough" and "No video". It takes just a few seconds, though downloading the video so you can do that in the first place

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
There is older media here

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
There is a term for this in the skeptics community, the Gish Gallop. There was a creationist Duane Gish who used to debate people by simply bombarding the other side with an excess of false arguments or misinformation with out allowing time for a full response, this was also exacerbated by

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-03-25 Thread adfeno
As for the problems created by non-free JavaScript, I have a feeling that: If JavaScript is considered dead or a *total* trap, we might as well end up in a more tight spot because there'll be probably more services as software substitutes. I'm not sure of how right I'm in this statement,