Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread dilillo . agostino
fuck microsoft

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread superbyelich
Because people like Bill Gates, and a lot of those who have tons of money in the Technology sector, like Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Elon Musk, use their money in an almost political manner to try and shape the world the way they see fit. It's more about power than caring for those less

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread superbyelich
If you think population and breeding control is helping people, sure. I call that a bit too Hitler-like. Of course Hitler was a Eugenicist too. A simple search for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Eugenics will send you down the rabbit hole. This is one of the reasons I stopped

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
That is just proof it is working. If it wasn't for the GNU/Linux language - I don't think I would have found the free software movement when I did.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread calmstorm
I have changed my mind, perhaps you are right, I looked up some information about the transition to windows 95 bill gates made and all the sneaky tactics and evil and all the harm it caused the dos operating system... So perhaps you are right, i will erase my other response if you want. I

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread ethernet252
Bill Helps those in Africa. But that's a different thing to software freedom

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread greatgnu
What's with the double posting everywhere lately?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread greatgnu
In the Spanish forum too. Are you posting this from the mailing list?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread calmstorm
I thought Bill Gates retired though, but yea I think he is probably just extremely misguided and lost. I don't think he is evil, I prefer to think of him as George Bush, he doesn't have a lot up here (brains) on certain things. By that I think he really believes spying for the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread greatgnu
>I will call Android as "linux", anyway You would be correct. Android has no GNU, only linux and a bunch of proprietary libraries and applications (and a second, hidden, entirely proprietary OS for the modem part..but, oh well..). Here a good article on Android ->

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread calmstorm
yep, I agree, he doesn't care about GNU/Linux. I say though, let us keep doing what we are doing and keep fighting the good fight and one day we will see him defeated. He is a goliath and he will eventually fall.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread calmstorm
At this time I would agree but maybe if we are lucky ubuntu will knock them down... without adding more drm though Although personally i prefer to hope for such a miracle then accept defeat. accepting defeat = defeat. That's how i choose to think.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread vitacell
I think that Microblobs has a lot of time, or just joking.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread calmstorm
same here, the swearing was unneeded (f bombs are never needed though...)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread ivaldaloucha
Ridiculous and pathetic.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread ethernet252
Could not agree more (other than the swearing). Well done, you!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread duncan
If you need help installing Trisquel then you can look at the documentation, available here: Then if you need any further help, feel free to ask in the forums.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
I don't so much hope for defeat, I hope they change their ways and liberate their technology. If that is not possible then defeat is the only other option.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread greatgnu
well, that is strange. When I post, it works fine, meaning I post not double, as is the expected behavior of the website.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread mateus . forevermore
hi, im from windows, nice too mett u all .. tks

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread vitacell
I will call Android as "linux", anyway, Android has linux kernel inside, right? Why not call Android OS as Linux too? I think that Linux is a component(kernel) of an OS, and this OS can be GNU or any other OS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread calmstorm
I hope your wrong about bill gates being a eugenicist, but regardless, he is still a complete idiot when it comes to his operating system and the various policies he puts into it. And on those grounds he must be opposed. windows 10 is like apple without any security. which begs the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Linux is a kernel GNU/Linux is the operating system

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread jason
"I even have to use the term "Linux" when i talk to the i.t guys because they get annoyed every time i mention "GNU". Keep doing it anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
Embrace, Extend, Extingush. I wish it was something we had made up about MS but those are the direct words from Microsoft leaked emails from 1998.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread superbyelich
I'm sure that if MS embraces GNU/Linux, it would only be to undermine the Free Software Community.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread superbyelich
Bill Gates is a disgusting eugenicist who wants to take opportunity away from future generations through things like Common Core, and uses his wealth and influence to do it. That is the definition of evil. So, yes he IS bad, to put it mildly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread ethernet252
We all know this, but most people will refer GNU/Linux to as "Linux". I even have to use the term "Linux" when i talk to the i.t guys because they get annoyed every time i mention "GNU". So i feel your pain there

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
It is very confusing to people, I have seen Android described many times as 'Linux but not Linux'. GNU/Linux is very direct, Android mentioned in relation to Linux unfortunatly causes people to think it is the GNU system as well even though it isn't related. Linux is a very cool and powerful

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread ivaldaloucha

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread calmstorm
I would say microsoft is using a good tactic, its pathetic but absolutely devious... Part of me wishes microsoft could be defeated someday but then again if the person defeating microsoft is as bad or worse, we would have a huge issue...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2015-12-25 Thread tegskywalker
Sorry for the late response. I'm using the website: