Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-10 Thread mcz
that's even better. I really want to try it. Btw, speaking of useability: my printer used to not work properly either on windows or mac. On my Trisquel Netinstall, I just plugged it in with not much hope, and not only it printed, but it printed without the previous issues! So that was cool

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-10 Thread mcz
I see. Gnome3 classic is really the most suited because activities can still be accessed from the classic menu (1 more click, but it becomes a secondary/last resort tool, so it's fine). Sure there is also Mate/Cinammon, supposed to be lightweight/oldschool/more flexible, but if they're not

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-10 Thread mcz

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-09 Thread onpon4
I've personally have broken the desktop bar in my first use of Trisquel. Trisquel 6? That's a bug in that version of GNOME Fallback, not a mistake you made. GNOME Flashback doesn't even offer an option to have no panels; the last remaining one can't be deleted. The problem resolves itself

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-09 Thread mcz
To me, it depends on what kind of user we're talking about. GNU/Linux is reliable, but not so much (in comparison) if you don't know what you're doing. The downside of its flexibility is that it's a bit easier to break. Other than that, it's know to be as solid/reliable as it gets. My

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-09 Thread mcz
Interesting, really. I just watched a video introduction. Provided The activities menu is replaced by a classic menu (at least the shape of it is more familiar), it looks really good and practical. And since it's harder to customize/break, it's even better. Not for my personal use, but I

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-09 Thread onpon4
Provided The activities menu is replaced by a classic menu Incidentally, GNOME Classic does that. :) GNOME Classic being a small collection of extensions for GNOME Shell to make the experience more traditional. I suppose it's not Trisquel's default because it wasn't yet mature enough

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread calmstorm
yep I wholeheartedly agree.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread marioxcc . MT
If you are attempting to use software that will hand control over your computer to its developer then you have a bigger problem thereof than whether it “breaks”.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
so then why do you prefer to use proprietary software? You are the one that makes these claims yourself in the irc channel. You sure are quite the character lol.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread mcz
It's not that GNU/Linux isn't rock solid, it's that it's less automated, less dumbed down, more in the way between the user and the work. Flexibility is a double-edged sword. The multiplicity of hardware support (sometimes without free drivers) is not a problem that proprietary OSs have to

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread dilillo . agostino
Windows=BSoD Windows=spyware Windows=shit

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread cooloutac
well said.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-07 Thread tesseract
Exactly. Kill it with fire..

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-07 Thread mcz
I wouldn't say a bigger problem (since it's it less used than Windows), but a problem nonetheless: Also the users are snooty because it's the main marketing claim. Many buy it just for that. Some do so more for professional reasons though

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-07 Thread mcz
Agreed. I'll add that in order to make people break free from it, I think one of the most important aspects for gaining wider use is top-notch useability (or idiot-proofability). People do not want to have to fix their computer, ever. Everything is just plug and play and works. Apple controls

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-07 Thread onpon4
Apple is just as bad as Microsoft, and its operating systems are all just as bad as Windows. They're not as popular, though, except maybe for iOS. Also, you don't have the open source boosters throwing nitpicks at Apple stuff, for some reason (probably just because they've built up a bias

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-07 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
It`s indeed a golden cage. I couldn`t say otherwise. Golden cages can be broken, it`s hard, but possible, once users realize Apple doesn`t care for them. Apple's things are like normal things, except that they have a perceived value (NOT price) of being from Apple. So the users have a

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread tegskywalker
What the fuck is going on in thread?

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread calmstorm
I am religious but I am not psychotic. Quite frankly I don't think I would be alone in my group of thinking corporations go way too far... and yes I agree child adult marriage is way nuts...

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread mcz
Thanks for the clarification. They're definitely necessary. I probably mixed up my feelings with imprecise information (my bad), hence my previous comments. It's just that I'm kind of put off by some comments that are not related to computing and privacy, but to somehow extending the idea

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread calmstorm
Let us also not forget that with those backdoors gives plenty of potential for hackers and corporations to enter for whatever reason. This sounds like a good thing right? Said almost no one ever..

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread gromobir
Stating that the FSF doesn't support Windows 10 is like stating that the NRA supports rifles.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread chaosesqueteam
SuperTramp83 I don't trust you. I was wondering though, could you show what free software projects you contribute to. I am just wondering. What language is your favorite and what is 2nd favorite. (Also others can respond)

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread studentiason
Am I the Only one who has a bigger problem with Apple than Windows? The users are more snooty and anti-Linux, if they know what it is.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread jadedml
As onpon4 said, you need the four freedoms to properly inspect-- Freedom zero is the freedom to run the program for whatever purpose. This allows you to observe back-doors, etc. Freedom one is the freedom to study and modify the program. This allows you to identify and remove malicious

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread mcz
(fun fact: I was able to upvote myself) -1? For what? I'm saying is that I'm AGREEING with the 4 freedoms (kinda reluctantly, but agreeing). You should read twice before taking action, whoever you are. Yes, I'm also stating a different opinion, and it's not like my argument is

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread chaosesqueteam
Please keep you idiotic ranting off this forum. We don't need it: Not Here and not in the troll hole. I refuse your request. Cuck.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread greatgnu
Too bad this is just over the internet. I can't get in your face and tell you to your face that I will not do as you wish Trust me. You would be as little and gentle as a guinea pig. But yeah, find yourself a forum where a nuthead like you can feel at home. This forum is not it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
I think the $ implies that greed is bad, which I believe is true.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread onpon4
I think he's implied several times in the past that all men are pedophiles. Something about men being forced to marry adult women because apparently they would all marry little girls if they could. I honestly think he's just trolling.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread jadedml
Am I the only person that's speculated as to whether or not chaos is a pedophile, and thinks that may be why he goes a step further than most religious people and says that child-adult marriage should be legal?

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread onpon4
But I agree mainly with the freedom to inspect the software. the other freedoms matter less to me, if at all. So, you agree with half of freedom 1, but not freedoms 2 or 3? (How about freedom 0?) Consider this: suppose you have a program which anyone is able to inspect, but no one is

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread legimet . calc
There's nothing wrong with selling software, but MS's business tactics are wrong.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread merwancherif
I see that there's a lot of talk around ethics/morality around free software and free culture (if this is how it's called), and there are probably a ton of different opinions representing the whole spectrum. To me it's only a tool, not associated with specific political movements. a tool

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens wrote: To me it's only a tool, not associated with specific political movements. a tool that is truly made for the user's benefit, not a scam. Then you probably don't understand how software works, what software is capable of doing, and what role software plays in

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-04 Thread noordinaryspider
I don't personally use the euphemism speculating to refer to noticing facts, but whatever.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread davidvargas1
Trying to stop someone from making an obsolete argument! SO WHAT HAPPENS Specially when they are already using the forum to advertize EXPENSIVE cheap skullcap items? just because they feel they got something special and FREE!! Get real people!

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread davidvargas1
chaosesqueteam I probably would ZAP you for good! WITHOUT HESITATION AND REMORSE! Just for GP! Lets see who will be first, to the draw

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread blade . vp2020
I tried it in my childhood I did not understand anything of it It was different from all the systems that I tried It was strange no root no tty no /. I ran away from it after an hour

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread blade . vp2020
I am sorry THNX for tel me I thought it to install this bad

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread jadedml
And yes, Losedows 10 comes on DVDs. (Don't poke fun at Losedows by making the s an $-- this implies that a program with monetary motivation is bad. 'Tisnt true.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread blade . vp2020
hi Legimet PLZ dont put this bad links its for windows(non free) in Community Guidelines. in part 2 1. All of our contributions respect software freedom. Please read and follow the Community Guidelines.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread onpon4
It's a video of a guy putting a Windows CD into a shredder.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread blade . vp2020
best window$ installation video i have ever seen! can you even get window$ 10 on a dvd? hi tomlukeywood this Forum to trisquel not to non free(windows)

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread jabjabs
At least from what I am seeing locally, there seems to be a little bit more interest in systems other than Windows but this is most likely confirmation bias at work. I do hope that we make some progress, when these new versions of Windows (or any non-free OS) comes a long it is a great time

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread tomlukeywood
no one here is stopping you discussing it but as its unrelated to the fsf's statement on windows 10 please use the troll hole

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread legimet . calc
He does have a point about the killing of civilians: However, he's going to turn this into a discussion about marrying female children to men.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread tomlukeywood
best window$ installation video i have ever seen! can you even get window$ 10 on a dvd?

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-03 Thread greatgnu
Please keep you idiotic ranting off this forum. We don't need it: Not Here and not in the troll hole.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread jadedml
It's kinda sad that there isn't a snazzy graphical site like they had for Win8. :p Nice statement, though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread noordinaryspider
This windows release seems particularly disturbing, or maybe I should say that the lack of outrage and lack of interest in alternatives to windows is. I stopped fixing my friends' windows computers when Vista came out, so maybe I'm just naive and inexperienced. I hope so, anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread legimet . calc
I hardly pay attention to new Windows releases anymore but here's an article about the privacy issues:

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread onpon4
People have gotten it into their heads that Windows Vista and Windows 8 were the bad ones, while Windows 7 and Windows 10 are the good ones. For Windows 7, it's because it was basically just Windows Vista without the popularly perceived problems (coming too early, being put on hardware that

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread chaosesqueteam
(An not calling Systemd-Linux Gnu/Linux: that would disparage GNU utilities and tools, which systemd is slowly replacing, one by one by one)

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread chaosesqueteam
HELL FUCKING YEAH! And that's how you install.. windows vista :D :D :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread chaosesqueteam
I was giving an example of Chomsky's observation in action, one where the observed effect is agreed upon by the observants as good and fine and right.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens wrote: I hardly pay attention to new Windows releases anymore but here's an article about the privacy issues: The Guardian was one of the organizations

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread chaosesqueteam
Their statement about Linux is no-longer true, post systemd.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread chaosesqueteam
Same goes for any discussion about, say, marrying female children to men.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread legimet . calc
I completely agree with you. The emphasis is kept on unimportant issues such as the start menu.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread jadedml
Do you want this thread to go off topic and turn into another flame war? It seems like you want it to.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread legimet . calc
My preferred install procedure for Windows 10 is the same as for Windows Vista, a quick and easy two-minute procedure:

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread chaosesqueteam
Remeber, in back of all of this, in back of the Windows spying, the google voice spying, the samsung smart tv spying, vpro, all of it lies mandates from the US Government. It's not a coincidence this is happening in all things. Don't merely aim at the soliders, they're culpubale, but not

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-02 Thread legimet . calc
If you want to discuss that specific example further, go to the Troll Hole.