[Trisquel-users] Re : kerrn.log

2017-11-18 Thread lcerf

It is this issue: https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/21929

Do you have any USB3 port?  Plugging the Wifi adapter in it may solve your  
problem.  Otherwise, try a newer version of the firmware for its chipset by  
downloading the deb package on  
https://packages.debian.org/buster/all/firmware-ath9k-htc/download and  
installing it (with 'sudo dpkg -i' or double-clicking on the deb file after  
installing GDebi).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-18 Thread lcerf


[Trisquel-users] Re : Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-18 Thread lcerf
First of all, the Trisquel forum is not a public place.  Like an association,  
it is entitled to its own rules  
(https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/trisquel-community-guidelines) and it can even  
ban members.  That happened once, as far as I know.  Anyone wanting to  
express views that go against the Trisquel guidelines should always be  
allowed to so.  On her own forum, or website, or in the street, etc.  *That*  
is freedom of speech.

Having unenforced guidelines is like not having guidelines.  Enforcement is  
needed, unfortunately.  A few trolls can destroy a community.  At least, it  
makes the community unwelcoming.

A few users can enforce the guidelines (like david, who often moved threads  
to "the troll lounge") and/or the task can be collectively handled (like the  
+1/-1 system).  I like the collective moderation.  In my humble opinion, its  
main advantages are:

it is more responsive (moderators have a life): once inflammatory (or  
otherwise guideline-disrespecting) posts are hidden, users tend to stop  
replying, which is precisely what is needed to not have the thread turn into  
a trollish shit storms;
it is robust (notice that whoever considers the negatively-rated post does  
*not* disrespect the guidelines should click the +1 button);
you do not have a few moderators who receive all the crap (accusations of  
being censors or worse; the banned user I know of was writing death threats).

The system can be improved though:

for more responsiveness, -1 could be considered enough to hide the post of a  
user with a negative average rating (a new user who only registered to troll  
or somebody who spends most of its post trolling);
for more robustness, the -1/+1 buttons could only be available to the users  
with high-enough average ratings.
for a better understanding of how to use the -1/+1 buttons, it should be  
written somewhere visible (a confirmation box after clicking -1?) that -1  
should never express a disagreement but a violation of the guidelines, that  
+1 should be used on negatively-rated posts that do violate the community  
guidelines, even when disagreeing with the content of the post (reply to  
explain why you disagree).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is Paypal compatible with software freedom?

2017-11-18 Thread lcerf

Privacy-wise, GNU Taler is like cash:

When you pay with Taler, your identity does not have to be revealed. Just  
like payments in cash, nobody else can track how you spent your electronic  
money. However, you obtain a legally valid proof of payment.


Thanks to the proof of payment, the purchased good can indeed be delivered  
anywhere close to your home (I believe Amazon proposes such a system in  
France, for instance) and you can prove you are the buyer, while remaining  

Now, shipping to the address of a friend is fine too: not only it does not  
help building a profile of your friend (like you pretend) but it turns it  
harder to build a profile of your friends: she (probably) does not want the  
product, you do.  In other words, that practice generates noise in the data  
used to build the profile.

I am pretty sure Stallman would tell you all that too.  He uses the same kind  
of arguments when he justifies why he sometimes asks people to lend him their  
cell phones.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Either the rating system goes, or I will

2017-11-18 Thread lcerf
is not hidden anymore.  Thanks to the +1 votes.  So, no, we are not talking  
about three people and really talking about the whole community moderating.

I hope you are wrong about people not willing to use the system for what it  
is made for.  I think it is more of a lack of pedagogy (my last point above).  
 I personally think the forum has been much more welcoming since the  
moderation system was implemented.  Shorter troll threads.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is Paypal compatible with software freedom?

2017-11-19 Thread lcerf

the shop on the internet requires you to tell name and address.

In France, many Internet shops propose the delivery in physical shops nearby.  
 It is even cheaper.  The buyer was identified when she paid though.  GNU  
Taler solves that privacy problem.

Should the inaccurate data have the effect you say, it would require seller  
to know his data is inaccurate.

Profile-based recommendations (and the likes) are constantly assessed.  If  
the accuracy of the profiles decrease, it is discovered.  It looks like you  
expect a solution where, at once, all profiling techniques become obsolete.   
If you have such a solution, tell it!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need a daily reminder

2017-11-19 Thread lcerf
You can "Add" to the "Startup Applications" (in the "System Settings") a  
"Command" that start with 'sleep 1h &&'.  For example, if you want GEdit to  
show your TODO text file (I assume it is "todo.txt" in your home folder) one  
hour after you logged into the graphical session:

sleep 1h && gedit ~/todo.txt

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need a daily reminder

2017-11-20 Thread lcerf
To execute graphical application, such as GEdit, the DISPLAY variable must be  
specified in the crontab:


[Trisquel-users] Re : Need a daily reminder

2017-11-20 Thread lcerf
Right.  The definition of the display variable can be before in the crontab  
so that there is no need to define it for each command.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Error messages on startup

2017-11-20 Thread lcerf
Do you face any problem relating to energy management (for instance the  
computer that does not shutdown when you ask it to)?  If not, the error is  
probably benign.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Good pro graphics card to invest in that is Libre-friendly?

2017-11-20 Thread lcerf

As far as I know, AMD is awful.  No 3D acceleration in particular.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-20 Thread lcerf
Quidam is working on it:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-21 Thread lcerf
What do you mean?  WebExtension's implementation in Firefox has been  
considered stable since version 48:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need a daily reminder

2017-11-21 Thread lcerf
Hmmm...  I do not know why that does not work.  Weirdly enough, it works if  
you write 'sleep 1m && gedit todo.txt' in an executable file and choose that  
file as the "Command" in the "Startup Applications".

[Trisquel-users] Re : Need a daily reminder

2017-11-21 Thread lcerf
I have just successfully up-voted aloniv's post.  Are you sure you can  
up-vote in other threads?  If not, it must deal with your Web browser  
settings or with some add-on.

[Trisquel-users] Re : QupZilla-libre?

2017-11-22 Thread lcerf
The entire MATE Desktop suite of applications and components is now GTK3+  


[Trisquel-users] Re : Need a daily reminder

2017-11-22 Thread lcerf
Using 'sleep 1m && gnome-terminal -e gedit' as the command in the "Startup  
Applications" does not work: 'sleep' executes for a minute but GEdit is not  
launched afterwards).  Simply 'gedit' works.  "Startup Applications"  
apparently has troubles with "&&".  The fix I proposed (write everything in  
an executable file and choose the file as the "Command") is simple and works.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is Paypal compatible with software freedom?

2017-11-22 Thread lcerf
I claim gnutaler does not change the fact, that seller can do profiling if he  
has proper software. Stallman opposes surveillance and profiling. That is why  
I think gnutaler does not enable Stallman to buy items from shops on the  

You are wrong.  Here is for instance what RMS says at 2:18:11 of  
http://dcc.ufmg.br/~lcerf/rms_en.webm (talk he gave May 29th this year):

So I can't use Bitcoins to do the thing I most wanna do, which is pay stores  
and publishers anonymously.  That's why we developed GNU Taler.  Taler is not  
a crypto-currency.  Taler is a payment system for payments denominated in,  
well, could be dollars or reais or whatever.  And it's anonymous for the one  
who pays.

Then there is the shipping problem, which is separate from the payment  
problem.  Shipping to a nearby place, such as a physical store taking a  
commission, is an existing solution.  Since GNU Taler emits a legally valid  
proof of payment, it would be the document to present to get the good.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is Paypal compatible with software freedom?

2017-11-22 Thread lcerf
My post was about showing, that gnutaler cannot work as a tool against  

It can.  It uses what is known (for 34 years) as "blind signature" to  
guarantee the anonymity of the buyer:  

See https://grothoff.org/christian/taler2016space.pdf to read more about GNU  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Fora few domains, my .htaccess file isn't effective at blocking them from access by my Abrowser

2017-11-22 Thread lcerf


[Trisquel-users] Re : Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-23 Thread lcerf
Erwin Schrödinger developed a number of fundamental results in the field of  
*quantum* theory.  He is also known for his "*Schrödinger's cat*"  


Quantum is an ongoing Mozilla project encompassing several software  
development efforts to "build the next-generation web engine for Firefox  
users".  It includes numerous improvements to the Gecko web browser engine of  
Firefox, largely incorporated from the experimental Servo project.  *Firefox  
57* is the initial version with a Servo component enabled. Mozilla dubs this  
and several planned future releases "*Firefox Quantum*".


Ice*Cat* is a free software rebranding of the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

Mix all that (especially the words between "*") and IceCat 57 should be  
called "Schrödinger's IceCat".  Good one.  :-)

[Trisquel-users] Re : "J.B. Nicholson-Owens" and Trisquel site runners.

2017-11-23 Thread lcerf

You won't, indeed.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Abrowser won't run Regexr

2017-11-24 Thread lcerf
Probably an incompatibility with one of your add-ons (try to disable them  
half by half to find the culprit).  It works here.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Browsing and javascript

2017-11-24 Thread lcerf

See https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.html

[Trisquel-users] Re : Abrowser won't run Regexr

2017-11-27 Thread lcerf
You disabled all add-ons (or ran 'abrowser -safe-mode') and it still does not  
work?  You can create a new profile if you really want the site to work.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Coreboot

2017-11-27 Thread lcerf

See https://libreboot.org/docs/ and https://libreboot.org/docs/hardware/

[Trisquel-users] Re : Why is Chromium not in Trisquel?

2017-11-27 Thread lcerf
The issue you link to (take a look at the "Blocked on" list on the left of  
the page too) is alone a good reason to not have Chromium in Trisquel.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Abrowser won't run Regexr

2017-11-27 Thread lcerf
Substitute the end of the line with (i.e., append) "text" if the line starts  
with "x":

sed '/^x/ s/$/text/'

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to get most up-to-date abrowser for Trisquel 6.0

2017-11-27 Thread lcerf
Trisquel 6 is not supported anymore.  The Web browser is not the only program  
that can suffer from security issues.  Why don't you want to update?  It is  
probably easier than installing newer packages (requiring newer dependencies)  
on an outdated system.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Do Riseup, ProtonMail, and Openmailbox webmails use only free JavaScript code?

2017-11-28 Thread lcerf
Riseup serves free JavaScript according to  
https://www.fsf.org/resources/webmail-systems (PrtonMail is under review).

[Trisquel-users] Re : How does one respond to this statement?

2017-11-28 Thread lcerf

http://patentabsurdity.com/watch.html (less than 29 minutes) is a must-watch.

With twice more time, http://dcc.ufmg.br/~lcerf/wpa.mp3 is very much worth  
listening too.

[Trisquel-users] Re : how to upgrade to belenos from 6.0

2017-11-29 Thread lcerf
Isn't the "Update Manager" proposing you to click a button to update to  
Trisquel 7?

[Trisquel-users] Re : how to upgrade to belenos from 6.0

2017-11-29 Thread lcerf
Your system is probably configured to "never" "notify of a new version of  
Trisquel".  If so, change that configuration in the "Updates" tab of  
"Software & Updates" in the "System Settings".

[Trisquel-users] Re : Starting T7 GNOME Shell

2017-11-29 Thread lcerf
It must be Xorg.  I actually use GDM as a display manager.  However I used to  
use LightDM (or was it on Trisquel 6?).  I switched to GDM to:

get a "lock screen" button in the menu;
get notification on that lock screen (configurable from "Brightness & Lock"  
in the "System Settings").

Anyway.  Try GDM.

[Trisquel-users] Re : how to upgrade to belenos from 6.0

2017-11-30 Thread lcerf

Strange.  Try this command in a terminal emulator:
 gksu update-manager -d

[Trisquel-users] Re : Starting T7 GNOME Shell

2017-11-30 Thread lcerf
Is the "gdm" package installed?  If not, install it and you will be asked  
whether you want to switch to this display manager.  If it is already  
installed, then reconfigure it.  To do so from a terminal:

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm
You can then reboot or simply execute:
$ sudo stop lightdm
$ sudo start gdm

[Trisquel-users] Re : Starting T7 GNOME Shell

2017-11-30 Thread lcerf
It is normal that stopping the display manager stops the graphical session.   
Are the "gnome-session" and "gnome-shell" packages installed?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Starting T7 GNOME Shell

2017-12-01 Thread lcerf

No full partition (the 'df' command tells)?  I start to run out of ideas...

[Trisquel-users] Re : how to upgrade to belenos from 6.0

2017-12-01 Thread lcerf
Are you sure you are actually running Trisquel 6?  Executing the following  
command in a terminal is a way to tell:

$ lsb_release -r
If you really use the 6.0 release, then stay in the terminal to execute:
$ sudo do-release-upgrade

[Trisquel-users] Re : Vim vs Emacs

2017-12-01 Thread lcerf
When it comes to efficiently edit texts, both are excellent... once you know  
them.  So, I would say, it makes little sense to learn both: one is enough.   
I argue in favor of Emacs for two main reasons:

Learning Emacs is easier than learning vim.  You can actually type text after  
launching Emacs for the first time!  Vim's modes are not natural.  The "Emacs  
Tutorial", in the help menu (Emacs has menus where to find many new commands,  
not vim!), is good to get the basics...
... but Emacs is not restricted to basic text editing (contrary to vim).  You  
can almost do your whole computing inside Emacs (file management, email  
reading/writing, RSS, Web browsing, etc.) and the basic commands are always  
the same.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is Paypal compatible with software freedom?

2017-12-02 Thread lcerf
For the nth time: the seller does not need the buyers name.  Thanks to GNU  
Taler, the seller will get paid and the buyer can prove she is the one who  
paid (for instance at the nearby shop where the good was shipped) without  
ever revealing her identity.  Except for sellers making additional money by  
selling the customer personal information (an unethical activity), sellers do  
not want to manage such sensitive information anyway.  It is a cost (security  
audits and so on).

So you can keep on writing about "*if* seller gets buyers name and address"  
but those are no argument against Taler.  It would be like saying that the  
Tor browser does not make users anonymous because "*if* a Tor user writes  
'hello, I am John Doe'" then he is not anonymous anymore: that is true but  
that user does not have to identity himself and the entailed loss of  
anonymity is in no way Tor's fault.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Using VPN and Trisquel

2017-12-02 Thread lcerf
As far as I can see that client is proprietary software.  Here is a free  
software solution, which is cheaper moreover:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : PDF proof read and printing annotations

2017-12-04 Thread lcerf
I use a \newcommand to write comment in another color (one color per  
contributor).  There are PhD thesis templates with commands to write in small  
letters in the margin.   
https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/classicthesis/ in  
particular.  I actually used those margins to summarize the text of my  

That only answers point a.  Version control systems (such as 'git') are  
obvious answers to points b and c but they are far to heavy to just indicate  
that a coma should be added...

[Trisquel-users] Re : Disk space issues

2017-12-04 Thread lcerf
Unless you installed heavy video games, 17G is quite a lot for the root  
filesystem.  You can use the "Disk Usage Analyzer", in the "System Settings",  
to discover what consumes that space.  Do you remove older kernels?  Also,  
aren't the loop devices (what are they? snapshots that guix keeps?) actually  
on the root filesystem?  Do you need them all?

[Trisquel-users] Re : uruk gnu/linux 2.0

2017-12-05 Thread lcerf
Tell your mom it would make way more (although still little) sense to boycott  
what comes from a country that makes up weapons of mass destruction to invade  
a country, takes control of its oil (the real objective) and, along the way,  
causes the death of half a million civilians.

[Trisquel-users] Re : An issue about the Wiki-documentation

2017-12-07 Thread lcerf

Than you for the contribution.

I put the content of https://trisquel.info/wiki/Writing_Japanese in  
https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/writing-non-latin-languages (which bears the  
title you want), changed the link in  
https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/all-manuals and deleted the warning that the  
page did not exist).   
https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/language-and-accessibility was already linking  
that page.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Disk space issues

2017-12-08 Thread lcerf
You are certainly running the 4.4 kernel ('uname -r' would tell) and can  
remove the two 3.13 kernels, e.g., using the "Synaptic Package Manager" in  
the "System Settings".  But that would only save tens of MB.

What takes 58% of the root partition (according to the "Disk Usage Analyzer")  
is the /gnu directory.  I believe Guix populates that directory.  I do not  
use Guix (and do not have a /gnu directory).  Users of Guix can probably help  
you free space in /gnu.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Missing manpages

2017-12-09 Thread lcerf
They are probably missing from the default install because many users of  
Trisquel do not need them and because those who need them know how to install  
them, using the "Synaptic Package Manager" or from the terminal:

$ sudo apt install manpages manpages-dev
You may want to install "manpages-it" too.

[Trisquel-users] Re : how to work with plain text

2017-12-09 Thread lcerf
That should work in Trisquel 7's terminal (but not necessarily with another  
implementation of sed than a recent GNU sed):

$ sed -ie 's/[AP]M/&\n\n/g' -e 's/Received from/\n\n&/g' file.txt

[Trisquel-users] Re : Freedom Fridays, development meetings, 2018 plans

2017-12-10 Thread lcerf

See https://trisquel.info/forum/testing-trisquel-8-upgrade-process

[Trisquel-users] Re : Testing The Trisquel 8 Upgrade Process

2017-12-11 Thread lcerf
Installing every package is impossible: some packages conflict with other  
packages.  You can first try to upgrade to Trisquel 8 after installing the  
same packages you installed on your main system.  With the "Synaptic Package  
Manager", it is easy to do so:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Can I trust this key: B138CA450C05112F

2017-12-11 Thread lcerf
It is safe.  That is Trisquel's key:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : So what about the new Trisquel? Is it going to be released?

2017-12-12 Thread lcerf
It will be released.  It is the priority:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Quantum kicks ass

2017-12-12 Thread lcerf

In Trisquel 8's repository.  Not yet in Trisquel 7's.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Booting error after installing Linux-libre kernel.

2017-12-12 Thread lcerf
You are welcome... but jxself, who takes care of Linux-libre's DEB packaging,  
answered you, not me!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Testing The Trisquel 8 Upgrade Process

2017-12-13 Thread lcerf
About the GPG, it does not look like APT knows about it.  Executing the  
following command in a terminal will import it:
$ apt-key adv --fetch-keys  

That said, you only show warnings.  Contrary to errors, warning do not stop  
the execution.

[Trisquel-users] Re : I'm happy that Trisquel 8 is finally being developed, but I won't have time to help. I wish everyone good luck :D

2017-12-17 Thread lcerf
If you must use your own computer for college/work, you should complain,  
explaining the free software philosophy, that using proprietary software is  
against your values, and suggesting to achieve a similar work using free  
software.  At college, that will be easier: professors usually have a hard  
time saying no to a student who proposes to work harder.

[Trisquel-users] Re : After installing Trisquel 7 dual boot with Ubuntu , Grub is asking for password to boot Ubuntu

2017-12-18 Thread lcerf
The user is "grub" and the password was randomly generated when Trisquel was  
installed.  You can read it (from Trisquel) at the very end of  
/etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD.  Instead of learning that password, I suggest you to  
get rid of it... since it "only serve[s] to make it difficult to recover  
broken systems".  That is what the developers of GRUB say:

By default, the boot loader interface is accessible to anyone with physical  
access to the console: anyone can select and edit any menu entry, and anyone  
can get direct access to a GRUB shell prompt. For most systems, this is  
reasonable since anyone with direct physical access has a variety of other  
ways to gain full access, and requiring authentication at the boot loader  
level would only serve to make it difficult to recover broken systems.


Open a terminal (emulator).
Open /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD (what requires administrative rights) with your  
favorite text editor (here GEdit):

$ gksu gedit /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD
Add the "#" character at the beginning of all lines that do not already start  
with this character (or even delete these lines).

Save the modifications.
Make the configuration change be taken into consideration:
$ sudo update-grub

[Trisquel-users] Re : How Do I Revert Back To The Default Trisquel 7 Kernel?

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
If it is not already installed, you first need to install, with the package  
manager, "linux-image-lowlatency" (Trisquel 7's default kernel, currently at  
version or any other kernel you would prefer (maybe  
"linux-image-generic").  Then, you need to reboot on that kernel, choosing it  
in GRUB's "Advanced options".  To enter those options, GRUB will ask for a  
user name ("grub" is the answer) and a password, which written at the very  
end of /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD.  I advise you to get rid of that useless  
password by following the steps I gave yesterday:  

Once you run your kernel of choice ('uname -r', executed in a terminal, can  
confirm you the version you run), remove all the newer kernels using, again,  
the package manager.  I like the "Synaptic Package Manager", a graphical  
interface to APT.  You can "Search" all packages that start with "linux-" and  
remove those (the images, the headers, etc.) having greater version numbers.   
A version number (a sequence of dot-separated numbers in the package name) is  
"greater" if, considering the numbers as if they were the letters of a word,  
it would be after in the dictionary order (i.e., the leftmost numbers are the  
most significant to order the versions).

[Trisquel-users] Re : "Corrupt or invalid kernel image"

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
Please refrain to present proprietary software as a solution.  The objective  
of the Trisquel project and of the free software movement as a whole is to  
free the users.  Given that objective, proprietary software is never a  
solution.  It is the problem.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Maybe its time to rethink Mozilla products

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
There are other problems.  See the "Blocked on" list on the left of  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Initramfs problems ...

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
Nowadays, 100MB is not enough for /boot.  Do not bypass the problem: solve  
it.  I would try to boot a live system, copy (with 'cp -a') the content of  
the /boot partition on the respective directory on the root partition.  You  
can then delete the small /boot partition (e.g., using GParted) and extend  
the root partition (or any other adjacent partition) to not lose the freed  
space.  Then you would have to remove the respective line in /etc/fstab.   
Finally, you need to 'chroot' (see  
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot) the root  
partition to then 'update-grub'.

Reinstalling is an option too...

And, of course, always backup your data.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How Do I Revert Back To The Default Trisquel 7 Kernel?

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
So you actually removed the kernel that was running?  Interesting.  I thought  
APT would not let you do that.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How To Get Multiple Displays Working With Docking Station?

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
Assuming Trisquel 8 has the same utilities as Trisquel 7: are all screens  
listed in "Displays" (in the "System Settings")?  Have you tried changing  
their resolutions?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Initramfs problems ...

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
I do not understand why having another system would prevent you from having  
/boot on the root partition.

Anyway, it probably is easy to expand the /boot partition.  It depends on the  
types of filesystems on the adjacent partitions (in particular, XFS cannot be  
shrunk) and on whether they are full as well (they probably are not).  You  
can use GParted (or a CLI: 'parted' or 'fdisk' or ...).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Initramfs problems ...

2017-12-19 Thread lcerf
So you are actually running the same kernel images in both distributions.   
Interesting.  But, yes, as soon as at least one of the distributions uses a  
package manager, it must become a mess.

About the driver, you should try the latest Linux-libre kernel:  

$ du -h /boot/*4.14.7*
29M /boot/initrd.img-4.14.7-gnu

[Trisquel-users] Re : Unable to remove applications, help

2017-12-20 Thread lcerf
Launching the "Synaptic Package Manager" (typing the following command) from  
a terminal emulator may reveal a useful error message:

$ synaptic-pkexec

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to install packages downloaded from the web, like IceCat?

2017-12-20 Thread lcerf
Alternatively, the launcher can be created through the "New Item" button of  
"Main Menu" (in the "System Settings").

[Trisquel-users] Re : Initramfs problems ...

2017-12-20 Thread lcerf

I do not know.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Make a bridge Ethernet to WIFI

2017-12-21 Thread lcerf
Would you make that post a manual?  Trisquel's documentation is a wiki:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel development questions

2017-12-22 Thread lcerf

There: https://trisquel.info/forum/testing-trisquel-8-upgrade-process

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to add and remove applications etc from the start menu?

2017-12-22 Thread lcerf

Using "Main Menu" in the "System Settings".

[Trisquel-users] Re : Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-22 Thread lcerf
Use the "System Monitor" in the "System Settings".  To kill a graphical  
application with one click on its window, execute 'xkill' (for instance in  
the command prompt you get with Alt+F2).  'killall [process-name]' in a  
terminal for any program.  Ctrl+Alt+F1 gets you a text session (if the  
graphical session is frozen) where you can 'killall' or even 'sudo restart  
lightdm' (assuming you use Trisquel 7's default display manager) to restart  
the whole graphical session.  REISUB to safely reboot a system that does not  
respond at all (but not because of a kernel panic):  

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to add and remove applications etc from the start menu?

2017-12-22 Thread lcerf
An entry of the main menu (if I remember well) in Trisquel 7's default  
desktop environment.  The "tool" button in GNOME Shell's menu one use to  
shutdown the system.  You can get the "System Settings" with the  
'gnome-control-center' command (you can execute it in the command prompt you  
get with Alt+F2) too.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-22 Thread lcerf
There is no need to press the Ctrl key to switch between sessions once you  
are in a text session, i.e., Alt+F1, Alt+F2, ..., Alt+F6 will switch between  
the text sessions and Alt+F7 will get you back to the graphical session.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to add and remove applications etc from the start menu?

2017-12-22 Thread lcerf
If you do not know what GNOME Shell is, you certainly do not use it.  You  
probably use the default desktop environment, whose menu has a "System  
Settings" entry according to this screenshot:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Binaries-free movements back-ending in RPM sources?

2017-12-23 Thread lcerf
RPM or DEB packages are compressed archives too.  They can be opened with  
Trisquel's default archive manager, for instance.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Binaries-free movements back-ending in RPM sources?

2017-12-25 Thread lcerf
Gentoo has the so-called "ebuilds", which are nothing more than Bash scripts  
following (predefined variables/functions to implement).  They typically  
fetch the source code, compile it (if written in a compiled language) and  
install it.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to switch users without logging out

2017-12-25 Thread lcerf
It depends on the display manager, I believe.  With GDM, installable from the  
package manager, the lock screen lets another user open a new session.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-25 Thread lcerf
It is indeed usually sufficient (executing 'xkill' in a command may be faster  
though).  I was listing different ways to deal with an increasingly frozen  
system: if the whole graphical session is frozen, the "System Monitor" is  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Parabola: Unknown X server error

2017-12-25 Thread lcerf

_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: server already running

You cannot 'start' if X is already running.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Make a bridge Ethernet to WIFI

2017-12-27 Thread lcerf

Thank you.

[Trisquel-users] Re : FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-27 Thread lcerf
Ututo does not look dead:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-27 Thread lcerf

I am tired about talking to haters who only propagate bullshit.


If systemd's code is obfuscated, show us at least one example of an  
obfuscated function;
Your "especially this" reason is an issue that was fixed the day the day  
after it was reported (  
) and improved the day after thanks to Lennart Poeterring, who proposed a  
better fix (  
https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/5653#issuecomment-290346072 );
In the quote, Lennart Poeterring is talking about UNIX, not GNU/Linux, and he  
is right about UNIX's behavior; yet haters made his life miserable (don't  
they ave anything more productive to do?) writing that "for some people it's  
advisable to never miss a chance to stay silent. (...) Way to highlight how  
little consideration is being given to issues reported by systemd users.  
Bodes well for the whole project!.." (  
https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/5644#issuecomment-294384461 ) or  
"shocking to hear. no, and you REALLY should know that as many others do or  
AT LEAST test it before pretend such nonsense - frankly" (  
https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/5644#issuecomment-294414802 ).

[Trisquel-users] Re : FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf
I also think this does not do any good to the free software community to  
argue over things that have been proven again and again.

No, they have not.  I repeat: "Please be serious: either show us obfuscated  
functions in systemd's code or do not reply (especially not with more  

There is a good reason hyperbola, devuan, and other distros have rejected  

There is a good reason Fedora, Arch, openSUSE, Mageia, Manjaro, Mint, Red  
Hat, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, ... (want more?) have been using systemd by  
default for several years.

Just stop okay. Don't give me that trump bs okay? Trump bs as in, I will deny  
the truth no matter what evidence is presented.

What evidence have you presented?  I repeat: "Please be serious: either show  
us obfuscated functions in systemd's code or do not reply (especially not  
with more bullshit)".  By the way, if you do not even know what your  
accusations mean: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obfuscation_(software)

This does not benefit anyone.

FUD does not benefit anyone.  You do FUD.  I do not.

It is you sadly who is rejecting reality.

Unless you can show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code, the "reality"  
is "systemd's code is not obfuscated, your accusations are groundless, you  
are a lier".

I kindly ask you to knock off the blind fanboy bit.

And I kindly ask you to either show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code  
or to stop replying.  It is a kind request: I do not expect you to admit that  
you made that accusation up (although it may be another ignorant hater who  
made it up and you are just repeating it: systemd's haters do that a lot).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf

"cp: invalid option -- '/'

You probably wrote "-" instead of "~".

[Trisquel-users] Re : FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf
Please be serious: either show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code or  
do not reply (especially not with more bullshit).

[Trisquel-users] Re : FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf

I already gave you my links and they are indeed accurate.

Where is the link showing obfuscated code in systemd's source?

I have presented enough evidence.

No, you have not.  When someone writes "Obfuscated code is why I don't trust  
[systemd]. They intentionally make it hard to read.", he must show examples  
of obfuscated code to ground his grave accusation.  Since systemd's code is  
public, that should be easy.  Well, unless the accusation is groundless.

You are the one spreading false information. Sorry, but its true.

You can repeat as much as you want that your accusations are "true", that  
they are "reality".  Those affirmations are no evidence.  Please be serious:  
either show us obfuscated functions in systemd's code or do not reply  
(especially not with more bullshit).

I doubt you will listen no matter what links I find on the internet to prove  
my point.

First you accuse and then you search the Internet for a proof of your  
accusation?!  Interesting methodology!

I am not skilled enough to know how to explain the obfuscated functions in  
systemd's code.

Lol.  Is it your lack of skills and your inability to ground your accusations  
that turn them "true", the "reality"?

If you call me a lier, then I know I am doing something right otherwise you  
wouldn't be persecuting me for my truth.

Lol.  So, if I claim, with no evidence whatsoever, that there are elephants  
on the moon and someone call me a lier, then I am right!  And, I imagine that  
if nobody calls me a lier, then I am right too.  That is a convenient logic!

I am not saying you cannot believe what you want, just that you have opinions  
and so do I.

Accusing systemd of being obfuscated is not a matter of opinions.  It is a  
matter of having evidence to ground the accusation or to be a lier  
propagating FUD.

In my experience, everything adds up to systemd being horrible as a fact.

"Everything", sure.  Yet, you cannot show us one single example of an  
obfuscated function in systemd's code.  Your facts are what journalists call  
"alternative facts", i.e., not facts at all.  Your "true reality" is what  
they call the "post-truth".  And yet, you pretend onpon4 and I are the  

I will not surrender to someone who doesn't give a rats ass about the truth.

Until you show us obfuscation in systemd's code, your "truth" is bullshit.

[Trisquel-users] Re : FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf

I will budge if you show me examples of obfuscation in systemd's code.

On the contrary, if your accusation are groundless, then I will not budge.   
That is apparently the case, what makes you a lier who is happy (since you  
will not budge) to live in a post-truth world where facts do not matter.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf
This time you forgot the space before "~".  You can copy-paste in a terminal  
emulator.  Or you can use a graphical file manager to copy (that is what 'cp'  
does) /etc/xdg/openbox (the "openbox" file/folder in the "xdg" folder in the  
"etc" folder at the root of the file hierarchy "/") into ~/.config/ (the  
".config" folder, an hidden folder since its name starts with a dot, in your  
home folder, "~").

People often prefer to give commands to type in a terminal because explaining  
how to achieve the same thing through graphical interfaces is much harder.   
Moreover, the instructions depend on the graphical application you use.  For  
example, Ctrl+Shift+V pastes in GNOME Terminal but the shortcut may be  
different in your terminal emulator, Ctrl+H shows the hidden files in the  
Nautilus file browser but the shortcut may be different in your file manager,  
the same can be achieved from a menu with a down arrow icon in Nautilus but  
the icon certainly is different in another file manager, etc.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Synapse alternative?

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf
The description of "synapse-dbg" is "semantic file launcher - debug package".  
 You are not debugging "synapse", therefore you do not need "synapse-dbg".

Why have you installed Trisquel Mini and not Trisquel?  1GB of RAM (2GB for  
comfort) are enough to run the edition most of us know (i.e., more people  
here can help you) and that includes more utilities by default (there is  
basically no need to ever use the terminal... although people will usually  
give command-line instructions because it is easier, as I explained you in th  
other thread).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Synapse alternative?

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf
Using the NetInstall:  

I do not remember if the NetInstall lists you sets of programs to choose  
from.  If so, select "Trisquel desktop  environment" (probably the only thing  
you want in the list) and, once the installation over, you have Trisquel's  
default desktop environment.

If not, the installation will be fast and the reboot will present you a text  
session... where you can execute this command (for instance: there are other  
ways) to install Trisquel's default desktop environment:

$ sudo apt install trisquel trisquel-recommended

To start the graphical session (the next reboots will automatically start  

$ sudo start lightdm

But the live system with the graphical installer should work...

[Trisquel-users] Re : Fastest Libre GNU/Linux Distro for 800mhz 32-bit Laptop?

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf

I would install ConnochaetOS 14.2: https://connochaetos.org

128 Mb of RAM is considered a minimum and 256 MB are recommended:  

If you can find two modules of SDRAM - non-ECC @100 GHz...

[Trisquel-users] Re : Ctrl+alt+del equivalent?

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf
You can read (and try by yourself!) the first sections ("INTRODUCTION",  
"BASICS" and "COMMANDS") of http://flossmanuals.net/command-line/ which is  
free as in freedom.  All text books should be free...

Just skip the "STANDARD FILES" subsection of "COMMANDS": it is definitely  
advanced material.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to edit .xml files and configuring openbox in Trisquel Mini

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf
You can read (and try by yourself!) the first sections ("INTRODUCTION",  
"BASICS" and "COMMANDS") of http://flossmanuals.net/command-line/ too.

Just skip the "STANDARD FILES" subsection of "COMMANDS": it is definitely  
advanced material.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Fastest Libre GNU/Linux Distro for 800mhz 32-bit Laptop?

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf
Here is the ISO image of ConnochaetOS 14.2:  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Fastest Libre GNU/Linux Distro for 800mhz 32-bit Laptop?

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf
You can go with Trisquel NetInstall too:  

After installing the console environment (nothing more) that way, you need to  
know the light programs you want (the window manager, the Web browser, etc.)  
and install them with 'sudo apt install'.

[Trisquel-users] Re : FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-28 Thread lcerf
Debian was actually the last major GNU/Linux to adopt a modern init system by  
default.  There has to be a default.  And it is a lot of work to maintain  
init scripts or several init systems, especially sysvinit's horrible Shell  

Debian's technical committee *decided* through vote (their usual procedure)  
after a (very) long debate that this default should be systemd.  Nobody  
forced them.  The debate was mostly about systemd vs. Upstart, which is now  
unmaintained and unused (Ubuntu abandoned it in favor of systemd).  The other  
init systems that were proposed, sysvinit and OpenRC, were deemed inferior.   
See https://wiki.debian.org/Debate/initsystem for the (technical) defenses  
that the proponents of each init system wrote and  
https://bugs.debian.org/727708 for the final discussion, technical as well.   
Whether you like it or not, all major distributions chose systemd for  
*technical* reasons.  You ignore those reasons and that is fine.  If you are  
not a sysadmin, a developer or a package maintainer, you will probably not  
even see any difference!  Yet you are against systemd.  And you propagate  

Like any major low-level piece of software, systemd is audited.   
https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=systemd lists 23 CVE.  As  
far as I can tell, they are all either already fixed or about local exploits  
(who cares?) or do not depend on changes in systemd (but on solving bugs in  

I will not install Debian just to try to change the init.  Not looking at the  
documentation, I would simply try to install the package corresponding to the  
desired init.  I imagine APT would then propose me to change it. Doesn't it?

Now removing "libsystemd0" obviously removes all packages that depend on it.   
If there are many of them, then that only means developers like systemd's new  
features.  It is their decision to depend on "libsystemd0" so that their  
program is better (nobody adds useless dependencies!), not Debian's.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Partition problems

2017-12-29 Thread lcerf
It is indeed not clear.  What is the content your /etc/fstab?  Haven't you  
forgotten to recreate in /home the home folders of the users?, to make them  
(e.g., with 'sudo chown') the owners of their respective home folders?  Can  
you open your encrypted home folder from a live system following the  
instructions on   

[Trisquel-users] Re : FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-29 Thread lcerf
That video would be hilarious both in its form (anonymous-like voice speaking  
on images of Poettering in flames!) and its content (sysvinit does not need a  
replacement and systemd is a conspiracy!)... if only people would not  
actually blindly believe such bullshit.

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