Re: [twitter-dev] Re: In San Francisco for WWDC? Come to Twitter HQ on June 9th 6-8pm for a @twitterapi meetup!

2010-06-09 Thread Jonathan Markwell
The next Twitter Developer Nest (@devnest) in London is on the 8th July:

Hope you can make it.


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Tammy Fennell tammykahnfenn...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hey, any chance of ever having one of these meetups in the UK?!

 On Jun 7, 12:48 pm, Taylor Singletary
  Hi Mac Devs,
  This time last year we hosted an informal meetup of WWDC attendees. The
  event turned into a fun evening so we've decided to do it again. We are
  inviting WWDC attendees and Twitter Platform developers to our office on
  Wednesday, June 9, at 6PM. There is limited space, so please register
 at you would like to join.
  During the meetup, we plan to discuss xAuth, OAuth Echo, give an update
  annotations, see demos of iPhone, iPad, and Mac apps and hold an open
  If you would like to apply to demo your Mac-based app, please fill out
  form: Around 8 o'clock, we will all head out for a
  drinks to close out the evening. We hope to see you there.
  Hope to see you there!
  The @twitterapi Team

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Developer QA on Stack Overflow

2010-05-05 Thread Jonathan Markwell
There's now an early Twitter investor on board with StackOverflow:

Do you think this gives more weight to the idea of Twitter officially
pushing developers towards a StackOverflow tag for QA?


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 12:18 AM, Jonathan Markwell wrote:
 Hi All,

 I'm sure that many of you have seen the rise of Stack Overflow as the
 source for developer questions and answers over the last year. Many
 members of this group's community are active there with over 400
 questions already tagged as being related to Twitter development:

 It strikes me that this might be a much more effective environment
 than this Google Group for much of the discussion that happens here:

  1) It will be much easier for people to find previous answers to
 questions both via Google and when they start asking a question.

  2) Questions that the community deems to be most important will rise
 to the top and will gain attention of the team at Twitter.

  3) Answers that the community deems to be correct will rise to the
 top saving people from trying all the suggestions in a thread.

  4) Members of the community that add most value will be recognised here:

 I'm confident that the new developer site being built by the platform
 team is going to be a dramatic improvement for the community. However
 I do not believe Twitter have the resources to recreate the success of
 Stack Overflow for QA purposes. Even Google has recently opted to use
 Stack Overflow as the official site for Android developer QA:

 What are your thoughts on this? For this to work best, with a critical
 mass of participants, it would need to be endorsed by the Twitter
 Platform team. Do you think Stack Overflow should be named as the
 place for Twitter developer QA?

 Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,


 Jonathan Markwell
 Engineer | Founder | Connector

 Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

 Web application development  support
 Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

 Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

 Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

 Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

 mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
 skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Re: [twitter-dev] Attending Chirp? Let's get to know each other better, Before the Conference!

2010-04-08 Thread Jonathan Markwell
Hi Arnaud  All

I'm also making the trip across the Atlantic with a group of Brits
under the heading of the Developer Mission:

Please get in touch with me off list if any of you are also travelling
a long way to get to San Francisco. We have a bunch of activities
planned including meetups, campus tours and meals between 12th and
19th and we have room for a few more to join us.

We just released the first wave of ticket's to Europe's Unofficial
Twitter Developer Unconference in London on the 8th and 9th of May.
They were all allocated in under an hour but we'll be releasing more
soon. Details at

Also coming up on the evening 20th of April is the 8th Twitter
Developer Nest in London. More details and free tickets available at

I'm particularly looking forward to the hackday part of Chirp and the
opportunity to hear about what other people in the ecosystem are
working on. I'm looking at building a one page app that we can use to
get a quick daily snap shot of all the things going on in the Twitter
developer ecosystem from this Google Group, to GitHub, StackOverflow
and Twitter. If I get the chance I'll also be adding some refinements
to a soon to be launched app I'm woking on -

See you next week!


On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 7:13 PM, Arnaud Meunier wrote:
 Dear Developers,

 I'm sure we’re a lot - in this group - to have our ticket for Chirp,
 and I wanted to launch a thread so we could know each other a little
 better, before the conference starts.

 The conference looks very promising on a technical side: we’re going
 to learn from the expert, practice during the hack day... Now, I don't
 know for you, but as great as it looks like, another reason that
 pushed me to do this 6,000 miles trip (coming from Paris), is actually
 to meet YOU guys!

 So I would love to learn more about my fellow Chirp attendees the
 official website is mentioning! Where are you coming from? Which
 projects are you working on? What are you interested in (concerning
 the conference and/or in general)?

 We’re going to be a lot there (something like 800 people if I remember
 well), but for a short time and in a very busy schedule. That’s why I
 thought it would be interesting to start the conversation,
 presentation and “who’s who” game before.

 On my side, I’m a 26 years old French Engineer and I created my own
 company to focus on IT consulting and (mainly on) Twitoaster (http:// It will be my first time in San Francisco, and I’d
 love to meet other developers to chat around Twitter projects, talk
 about our experiences, exchange ideas... I’ll arrive the 13th (will do
 my best to be at pre-chirp conf) and I’ll stay at the Orchard Hotel.
 Concerning the conference, I’m particularly curious about the
 Monetization part; and the Media Ecosystem development (but this part
 recently disappeared from the schedule). I’m also wondering how I’ll
 manage to stay awake for 48h+ :)

 Arnaud Meunier -
 Twitoaster -

 PS: For those who would have missed them, here are a couple of links
 about the conference:
 - Pre Chirp Conference:
 - Hack day collaboration:
 - Attendees list:
 - Attendees conversations:
 - Questions for the speakers:

 To unsubscribe, reply using remove me as the subject.

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-03-13 Thread Jonathan Markwell
Hi Ed, does the kind of search you're looking for. All
done in javascript and the code is available at Built by @rem


On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 5:06 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
 I just had an interesting feature request from a user. It seems like
 it would be fairly difficult to do without access to the full
 database, but what she wants is to be able to limit a search to just
 the people she's following. For example, if she saw a link go by from
 someone and didn't remember who it was from, she'd like to be able to
 search for it.

 I can think of fairly easy ways to code it using the API, but I'm
 wondering if something like that could be built into the web app.

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] Overview of Yesterday's Twitter Developer Nest: London 7

2010-03-11 Thread Jonathan Markwell
Hi All,

@Ew4n from mobile industry review has written a great overview of
yesterday's Twitter Developer Nest. Perfect for people like me that
couldn't make it this time:

The next Twitter Developer Nest London is on 20th April, follow
@devnest for details or get on the mailing list at

Also don't miss WarbleCamp, the free Twitter Developer Unconference 
24 Hackday in London on 8th and 9th May. We've just announced the
Guardian newspaper, PayPal X and Yahoo Developer Network as our lead
sponsors. Please register for more details if you are interested in
attending and/or sponsoring at:

Best wishes,


Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Re: [twitter-dev] Introduce yourself!

2010-02-20 Thread Jonathan Markwell
Great idea Abraham!

I'm Jonathan Markwell I first experimented with the the API in in
Summer 2007 when I made our office Nabaztag Rabbit speak all the
tweets in my timeline (it wasn't long before it was thrown out the
window). I pay the bills as an independent Ruby on Rails developer,
mostly working on Twitter integrations.

I'm really interested in the challenges of scaling developer
communities and have just started a series of blog posts on the topic

I enjoy organising real world developer events and activities inspired
by the barcamp, coworking, hack space and seed accelerator movements
mostly in Brighton and London in the UK. These include:

The Twitter Developer Nest:

WarbleCamp - The Twitter Developer Unconference:

Developer Mission - A group of UK hackers travelling to Chirp:

The Skiff coworking space:

BootCycle - Peer support for early stage technology products:


Please let me know if you are interested in participating in any of
the above or replicating them in your part of the world.

The feature I'd most like to see added to the API is a way for us to
add freeform metadata to tweets and users. This would enable the
developer community to experiment with the potential of new features
enabling us to innovate in the same way that users have with notations
such as @ and #.

I'm also working on my own app called Smidgn which is an approach to
achieving some of the benefits the above feature would provide.

Looking forward to meeting many of you at Chirp, I'm also travelling
to SXSWi for the first time this year, would be great to meet any of
you that are there.


On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 8:20 PM, Abraham Williams wrote:
 We have not had an introductions thread in a long time (or ever that I could
 find) so I'm starting one. Don't forget to add an answer to the tools thread
 [1](Gmail link [2]) as well.
 I'm Abraham Williams, I've been working with the Twitter API and this group
 since early 2008. I do mostly freelance Drupal and Twitter API integration
 and personal projects. I love seeing the creative projects developers build
 or integrate with the API and look forward to meeting many of you at Chirp.
 TwitterOAuth [3] the first PHP library to support OAuth is built and
 maintained by me, and will hopefully see a new release soon. I also built a
 fun Chrome extension [4] that integrates common friends and followers into
 Twitter profiles.
 The feature I would most like added to the API is a conversation method to
 get replies to a specific status.
 So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature do
 you most want to see added?
 Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |
 Project | Out Loud |
 This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
 Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] Mass account creation

2010-01-07 Thread Jonathan Markwell
Hi All,

Would be interested to hear both the community's opinion on this and
the official Twitter view.

I have a client that wants to create thousands of new accounts that
they can use to send out a wide variety of niche interest tweets. They
already have a quote from an outsourcing company that can do the work
and are keen to go ahead. The accounts will, for the most part, be
automated but I'm encouraging them to ensure each gets at least some
human participation in them on a regular basis.

I'm apprehensive about this and I'm trying to disuade them from going
ahead. I'm not convinced that accounts that are primarily automated,
especially when set up on this scale can add that much value to the
ecosystem. Their feeling is quite the opposite and they believe the
audience they are working to provide for will find this extremely
valuable. In addition they are confident, and have some data to back
it up, that what they are creating will bring a huge number of new
real users to Twitter.

What are your thoughts on this?


Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Re: [twitter-dev] Mass account creation

2010-01-07 Thread Jonathan Markwell
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 1:03 PM, John Meyer wrote:
 Sounds like a swit (spam twitterer) to me.  Have you told them about
 twitter's blacklisting policy?

That was my initial reaction. :)

 On 1/7/2010 5:50 AM, Jonathan Markwell wrote:

 Hi All,

 Would be interested to hear both the community's opinion on this and
 the official Twitter view.

 I have a client that wants to create thousands of new accounts that
 they can use to send out a wide variety of niche interest tweets. They
 already have a quote from an outsourcing company that can do the work
 and are keen to go ahead. The accounts will, for the most part, be
 automated but I'm encouraging them to ensure each gets at least some
 human participation in them on a regular basis.

 I'm apprehensive about this and I'm trying to disuade them from going
 ahead. I'm not convinced that accounts that are primarily automated,
 especially when set up on this scale can add that much value to the
 ecosystem. Their feeling is quite the opposite and they believe the
 audience they are working to provide for will find this extremely
 valuable. In addition they are confident, and have some data to back
 it up, that what they are creating will bring a huge number of new
 real users to Twitter.

 What are your thoughts on this?


Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Re: [twitter-dev] Mass account creation

2010-01-07 Thread Jonathan Markwell
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Ken Dobruskin wrote:
 I can't wait to hear how they plan to interest real people to follow these
 accounts. More keyword- (or geo-) based @ replies? save us!

Definitely will not be doing that. They will marketing the service via
some of their high profile clients and expect many of the real people
to be new to Twitter.

 Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 06:03:17 -0700
 Subject: Re: [twitter-dev] Mass account creation

 Sounds like a swit (spam twitterer) to me. Have you told them about
 twitter's blacklisting policy?

 On 1/7/2010 5:50 AM, Jonathan Markwell wrote:
  Hi All,
  Would be interested to hear both the community's opinion on this and
  the official Twitter view.
  I have a client that wants to create thousands of new accounts that
  they can use to send out a wide variety of niche interest tweets. They
  already have a quote from an outsourcing company that can do the work
  and are keen to go ahead. The accounts will, for the most part, be
  automated but I'm encouraging them to ensure each gets at least some
  human participation in them on a regular basis.
  I'm apprehensive about this and I'm trying to disuade them from going
  ahead. I'm not convinced that accounts that are primarily automated,
  especially when set up on this scale can add that much value to the
  ecosystem. Their feeling is quite the opposite and they believe the
  audience they are working to provide for will find this extremely
  valuable. In addition they are confident, and have some data to back
  it up, that what they are creating will bring a huge number of new
  real users to Twitter.
  What are your thoughts on this?

 Windows Live: Make it easier for your friends to see what you’re up to on

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Re: [twitter-dev] Mass account creation

2010-01-07 Thread Jonathan Markwell
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Andrew Badera wrote:
 I would point them to examples of other apps (local news spammers come
 to mind) that have recently been blacklisted.

Thank you I'll do that. Any links you know off the top of your head?

 That aside, I for one am 100% opposed to giving anyone this sort of
 tool. Not that certain other people on this list haven't already done
 so for profit, sadly.

Normally I'd agree but knowing more about the specific goals of this
project, which unfortunately I can't share here, it's more of a gray
area. I'm hoping that I can persuade them to achieve what they  hope
to without being spammy.

 ∞ Andy Badera
 ∞ +1 518-641-1280 Google Voice
 ∞ This email is: [ ] bloggable [x] ask first [ ] private
 ∞ Google me:

 On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 7:50 AM, Jonathan Markwell wrote:
 Hi All,

 Would be interested to hear both the community's opinion on this and
 the official Twitter view.

 I have a client that wants to create thousands of new accounts that
 they can use to send out a wide variety of niche interest tweets. They
 already have a quote from an outsourcing company that can do the work
 and are keen to go ahead. The accounts will, for the most part, be
 automated but I'm encouraging them to ensure each gets at least some
 human participation in them on a regular basis.

 I'm apprehensive about this and I'm trying to disuade them from going
 ahead. I'm not convinced that accounts that are primarily automated,
 especially when set up on this scale can add that much value to the
 ecosystem. Their feeling is quite the opposite and they believe the
 audience they are working to provide for will find this extremely
 valuable. In addition they are confident, and have some data to back
 it up, that what they are creating will bring a huge number of new
 real users to Twitter.

 What are your thoughts on this?


 Jonathan Markwell
 Engineer | Founder | Connector

 Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

 Web application development  support
 Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

 Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

 Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

 Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

 mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
 skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Developer QA on Stack Overflow

2009-12-29 Thread Jonathan Markwell
Hi Ken, Andrew,

Thank you for your thoughts! I had considered a Stack Exchange and
have set up a couple of experimental QA communities using it.  After
the seeing what the Android and Adbobe teams are doing I think it
makes much more sense to keep the programming discussion in one place
on and avoid splitting the community.

I've not experienced the problems new developers may have with getting
started with Stack Overflow. While I'd like to think of the Twitter
Platform as being a perfect starting point for new developers trying
there hand at using web APIs, I think a key skill all programmers need
to learn first is how to find existing solutions to problems. If a new
developer finds it difficult participating in Stack Overflow vs.
posting to a mailing list, they are likely to become a very high
maintenance member of the community.  Unfortunately looking back at
the archives of this group it looks like many newbie questions go
unanswered. That is far less likely to happen on Stack Overflow as
there are incentives for people of all levels of expertise to help
each other.

Stack Overflow looks like a great opportunity to bring developer
communities together which will ultimately be better for all of us.
We've seen a number of language specific questions pop up here that
the wider Stack Overflow community would probably do a much better job
of answering. In addition, comparing discussions around different
platforms side by side in Stack Overflow may increasingly influence
developers trying to decide which platform (Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn)
to integrate with first. I think we'd fair very well here and the more
open competition between the communities will help highlight areas
which should be prioritised for improvement.


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:30 AM, Ken Dobruskin wrote:
 It seems like creating a stackexchange would just split the support power.

 +1, totally.

 One issue I've noticed with Stackoverflow is it is harder for new
 developers to participate where as the barrier for entry on Google Groups is
 just having an email address.
 Some email groups can be very tough on newbies and this can change (ie, get
 worse) over time as there are no posted rules/policy. In my view, stack
 exchange is well conceived to avoid the trap of a harsh expert user playing
 the troll and shutting out new users. There is also a place for rules, and
 if desired a meta-QA for discussion of the discussion. I agree though that
 it should be up to Twitter to provide this environment.


 On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 21:40, Ken Dobruskin wrote:


 Good points and initiative.

 I do not believe Twitter have the resources to recreate the success of
 Stack Overflow for QA purposes.

 Have you considered setting up a Twitter Dev QA beta site on I have, and someone probably could, but I thought I'd
 wait and see what the official Twitter development platform had to offer
 before doing that!


 Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online.

 Abraham Williams | Awesome Lists |
 Project | Intersect |
 Hacker | |
 This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
 Sent from Madison, WI, United States
 Windows Live: Make it easier for your friends to see what you’re up to on

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Developer QA on Stack Overflow

2009-12-29 Thread Jonathan Markwell
Hi Zac,

These are some great points!

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Zac Bowling wrote:
 Basic questions get answered usually here just as long as they are not
 obvious questions on the Wiki. :-)

That doesn't really mean they shouldn't be answered at all. If new
members of the community are primarily directed to Stack Overflow
junior members of the community can gain recognition while learning
more for themselves by answering these kinds of of questions.

 Stack Overflow has a lot of overflow (no pun) with other development
 communities. You see a lot of questions around how to use the twitter API
 with specific languages or frameworks on Stack Overflow rather then the
 twitter API specifically itself.

And those questions also come here. The organisation of Stack Overflow
means that once properly tagged they shouldn't cause too much noise
for the rest of us.

 More often then not, this list is usually filled with people that understand
 their platform well enough and past the basics of the API and are trying to
 maintain or develop larger twitter related projects these days. The
 questions that come up are usually around the lesser accessed/less trivial
 APIs (streaming, social graph, and oauth to some extent) or by people that
 need understanding on rate limiting or white-listing with the API that only
 the twitter devs maybe able to help with, or sometimes just to discuss
 changes in the API or bugs that popup as things happen.
 Stack Overflow is awesome but it's not a good platform for what goes on

I'm not saying Stack Overflow can replace everything that goes on
here. My concern is that if the QA  / support posts continue grow in
volume the list may become too noisy for some of the higher level
discussion to continue effectively.


 Zac Bowling

 On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 4:13 AM, Jonathan Markwell

 Hi Ken, Andrew,

 Thank you for your thoughts! I had considered a Stack Exchange and
 have set up a couple of experimental QA communities using it.  After
 the seeing what the Android and Adbobe teams are doing I think it
 makes much more sense to keep the programming discussion in one place
 on and avoid splitting the community.

 I've not experienced the problems new developers may have with getting
 started with Stack Overflow. While I'd like to think of the Twitter
 Platform as being a perfect starting point for new developers trying
 there hand at using web APIs, I think a key skill all programmers need
 to learn first is how to find existing solutions to problems. If a new
 developer finds it difficult participating in Stack Overflow vs.
 posting to a mailing list, they are likely to become a very high
 maintenance member of the community.  Unfortunately looking back at
 the archives of this group it looks like many newbie questions go
 unanswered. That is far less likely to happen on Stack Overflow as
 there are incentives for people of all levels of expertise to help
 each other.

 Stack Overflow looks like a great opportunity to bring developer
 communities together which will ultimately be better for all of us.
 We've seen a number of language specific questions pop up here that
 the wider Stack Overflow community would probably do a much better job
 of answering. In addition, comparing discussions around different
 platforms side by side in Stack Overflow may increasingly influence
 developers trying to decide which platform (Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn)
 to integrate with first. I think we'd fair very well here and the more
 open competition between the communities will help highlight areas
 which should be prioritised for improvement.


 On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 6:30 AM, Ken Dobruskin wrote:
  It seems like creating a stackexchange would just split the support
  +1, totally.
  One issue I've noticed with Stackoverflow is it is harder for new
  developers to participate where as the barrier for entry on Google
  Groups is
  just having an email address.
  Some email groups can be very tough on newbies and this can change (ie,
  worse) over time as there are no posted rules/policy. In my view, stack
  exchange is well conceived to avoid the trap of a harsh expert user
  the troll and shutting out new users. There is also a place for rules,
  if desired a meta-QA for discussion of the discussion. I agree though
  it should be up to Twitter to provide this environment.
  On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 21:40, Ken Dobruskin wrote:
  Good points and initiative.
  I do not believe Twitter have the resources to recreate the success of
  Stack Overflow for QA purposes.
  Have you considered setting up a Twitter Dev QA beta site on I have, and someone probably could, but I thought I'd
  wait and see what the official Twitter development platform had to offer
  before doing that!

[twitter-dev] Twitter Developer QA on Stack Overflow

2009-12-28 Thread Jonathan Markwell
Hi All,

I'm sure that many of you have seen the rise of Stack Overflow as the
source for developer questions and answers over the last year. Many
members of this group's community are active there with over 400
questions already tagged as being related to Twitter development:

It strikes me that this might be a much more effective environment
than this Google Group for much of the discussion that happens here:

 1) It will be much easier for people to find previous answers to
questions both via Google and when they start asking a question.

 2) Questions that the community deems to be most important will rise
to the top and will gain attention of the team at Twitter.

 3) Answers that the community deems to be correct will rise to the
top saving people from trying all the suggestions in a thread.

 4) Members of the community that add most value will be recognised here:

I'm confident that the new developer site being built by the platform
team is going to be a dramatic improvement for the community. However
I do not believe Twitter have the resources to recreate the success of
Stack Overflow for QA purposes. Even Google has recently opted to use
Stack Overflow as the official site for Android developer QA:

What are your thoughts on this? For this to work best, with a critical
mass of participants, it would need to be endorsed by the Twitter
Platform team. Do you think Stack Overflow should be named as the
place for Twitter developer QA?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts,


Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] Today's Platform Announcements at Le Web

2009-12-09 Thread Jonathan Markwell
Hi All,

Ryan made various big announcements this morning at Le Web that affect
all of us. :) I'm sure many of you would like to hear the news
directly as I did. You can watch it here on Ustream:

There are also a some write-ups here:


Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Re: [twitter-dev] Key Twitter Questions

2009-12-09 Thread Jonathan Markwell
@rem's achieves this without using the Search API.

You could take a similar approach. The source code is available here:


On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:25 AM, seanie wrote:
 New to this forum and similarly Twitter API. Would anyone be able to
 advise ref the following please:-
 - Can Twitter API (via browser app) search a 'Protected Tweets' area
 subsequent to giving API username/password?
 - Can Twitter API search back 'all' tweets (search criteria) and not
 the previous week (as does).

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Re: [twitter-dev] Mobile geolocation and cellid

2009-12-08 Thread Jonathan Markwell
Skyhook Wireless could be another option:

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Anton Krasovsky wrote:
 Sure, but I think their coverage is somewhat scarce? Yahoo Fireeagle
 seems to support cellid, but I don't think is workable to ask users to
 signup for Fireeagle. Then there is but it's
 too expensive for me at this stage.


 On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Abraham Williams wrote:
 If you are making request to the Twitter API you should be able to make
 request to OpenCelID to get an approximate lat/lon location.

 On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 04:44, Anton Krasovsky

 Thanks for reply! I would be nice if you'd have considered adding
 like that in the future - iPhones and such are nice, but there are
 plenty more users with simplier phones that don't have GPS.


 On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 9:14 PM, Raffi Krikorian wrote:
  hi anton.
  that's interesting, but, right now, we don't have anything like that on
  roadmap. devices like the iPod touch, i believe, do the cell ID -
  coordinate mapping internally, and then could send those coordinates to
  On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:14 PM, anton
  Is there any plans to support cellid based location updates for mobile
  devices that aren't equipped with GPS?
  My understanding that currently to update user's location one has to
  obtain users latitude and longitude, which aren't readily available on
  most handsets (except the newest ones equipped with GPS) .
  It would be terrific if Twitter would allow to use cellid to update
  the user's location, similar to what Google Latitude does.
  Raffi Krikorian
  Twitter Platform Team

 Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |
 Hacker | |
 Project | Awesome Lists |
 This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.
 Sent from Madison, WI, United States

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Re: [twitter-dev] API Ready Apps List

2009-12-08 Thread Jonathan Markwell
TwitterLand combines 9 Twitter related app APIs into a single Ruby library:

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Abraham Williams wrote:
 Awesome. Who is going to be the first to integrate all of them into a single

 On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 16:13, Peter Denton wrote:

 Hey Everyone,
 As promised, I have published the list of people who have API's ready for
 other app developers to use in their twitter projects.
 If you have not added your app or service, please do. Again, I think this
 is for everyone's benefit. Im always looking for cool api's to play with,
 and am sure everyone else is as well.


 Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |
 Project | Intersect |
 Hacker | |
 This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
 Sent from Madison, WI, United States

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] [ANN] Twitter Developer Nest: London 5 - Just over a week away (Nov 10, 2009)

2009-11-02 Thread Jonathan Markwell

We hope you'll be able to join us at the 5th London Twitter Developer
Nest (@devnest) next Tuesday evening. Please follow the link below to
get your free ticket to to pizza, beer and some geeky conversations
about building things on Twitter.

Have you got something you'd like to share with the community in
person? Get in touch with Angus Fox (@nuxnix) via and we can sign you up for a 140 second Show 
Tweet slot.

Venue, pizza and beer kindly sponsored by Sun Startup Essentials:

I look forward to seeing many of you there!

Jonathan Markwell

[twitter-dev] Re: The little twitter button

2009-10-16 Thread Jonathan Markwell

Hi  Dave,

It sounds like you might be talking about Tweetmeme's retweet button:

Hope this helps,


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 7:13 PM, Dawg wrote:

 Thanks guys but none of those do it.

 What I found on Face Book (and expected to find on Twitter) was a
 small script (below) which is in the php page that renders the

  script src=
 FeatureLoader.js.php/en_US type=text/javascript/scriptscript

 and a link that calls the script (function). Which I have as part of
 the php code when the article is retrieved from the DB.

 a href={URL HERE}\
 onclick=return fbs_click() target=_blankimg src=http:// alt=//a

 Here is a sample of the FB widget.
 (the insert tag button is not working right now so don't bother to
 click it)

 All this was found in the developers widgets section

 So I was hoping to find something simple like this on Twitter. I have
 written some php DB code but I am not really interested in learning
 the Twitter API just to have a share link.

 So far you guys, and I want to thank you for responding, are the only
 ones who have answered. It is tough to get any contact with people who
 run these big sites.


Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] New York Twitter Developer Meetup - 30 places left

2009-06-12 Thread Jonathan Markwell

Hi All,

There are just 30 places left to join us at the Twitter Developer
Nest: New York on the evening of next Wednesday 17th June.

Come and share a beer with the developers behind TweetDeck,
TwitterFeed, ABC News's Nightline Twitter Web Show, AudioBoo and

This is your opportunity to meet the community in New York, celebrate
your development success and share your challenges.

Register now for just $10:

The drinks are courtesy of MySQL  Sun Startup Essentials.

Please let me know if you'd like to make use of one of eight 140
second Show  Tweet sessions to present something you'd like to
share with a room full of your peers.

I hope to see many of you there,


Jonathan Markwell

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter conference

2009-06-08 Thread Jonathan Markwell

Hi Emrah,

I run the Twitter Developer Nest. It's a meet up for Twitter
Developers. We usually meet in London but this month we're meeting in
New York too. Details here:

So far we have folks from TweetDeck, TwitterFeed, ABC News's Nightline
Twitter Web Show, AudioBoo and Animoto signed up.  Would be great to
see a few more of you along. We have an open bar sponsored by Sun and
there are 8 Show  Tweet speaking slots in which conversations about
just about anything Twitter API related can be discussed.

Hope you can make it,


On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 7:26 PM, wrote:

 Hi everybody,

 Is there any planned Twitter Meetup in the near future? Is there any
 official schedule available online?
 I heard about #140conf but I was imagining something more developers
 oriented. Something to discuss possible improvements, add-ons or similar
 stuffs about Twitter and Twitter apps.

 I was actually imagining planning a Web or Phone conference between
 Twitter admins, developers and perhaps some interesting users?
 In both cases, the conference could be recorded as a podcast to be
 redistributed if necessary.
 Mixing both telephone and Web conferencing for users who are not able to
 join the Web meeting is possible.

 About the Web meeting, it would be possible to support 2 or 3 concurrent
 video streams but the number of participants would be unlimited.
 Regarding the telephone conferencing, it could be possible to integrate
 Skype, VoIP, regular phone lines and a callback function for users who
 can't make international phone calls.

 What do you think?


Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] New York Twitter Developer Nest - 18th June

2009-05-29 Thread Jonathan Markwell

Hi All,

We're looking at putting on an event for all of us that are in New
York on the evening of 18th June. It'll be a similar format to our
London events:

We already have a sponsor and a venue. How many of you would be
interested in attending? Do you have something you'd like to present
or talk about?

Don't forget to follow @devnest for updates.

Best wishes,


Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer Community

Providing a nice little place to work in the middle of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] 2nd Event for Twitter Developers

2009-04-23 Thread Jonathan Markwell

Hi Everyone,

Next Thursday 30th April will see the second Twitter Developer Nest,
an event bringing loads of us together in the real world to discuss
our challenges and celebrate our achievements.

The event, taking place at Sun Microsystems London HQ, starts at 6pm
BST with sessions starting from 7pm BST including:

 - Zolty (@aszolty), Poke London -
 - Ollie Parsley (@ollieparsley), Freelance -
 - Doug Williams (@dougw), Twitter Inc. - Twitter API QA (via video
link from Twitter HQ)
 - Paul Johnston (@PaulDJohnston), Vida - Transient v. Persistent Data
on Twitter
 - Show  Tweet - 8 x 140 second demos reserved on the night

Food and beer will be provided by our sponsor - Sun Startup Essentials

Tickets are available here:

If you can't make it to London please tune in to our UStream cast.
We'll provide a link on our blog ( and
via on the night. We're working to try and
avoid the sound quality problems people experienced last time around.

Hope to see many of you there again, bringing some exciting projects
and a few though questions for Doug ;)

Jon. /

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Organising the world's first events for the Twitter developer community

Providing a nice little place to work in the heart of Brighton -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Developer Nest: London - Live Stream Tomorrow

2009-03-24 Thread Jonathan Markwell

Full details of the live stream now available at:


On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 7:26 PM, Jonathan Markwell wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 We're going to try and live stream the massively over subscribed
 Twitter Developer Nest event tomorrow evening from London, UK.  Please
 keep an eye on for a link from around 18:30
 GMT tomorrow.

 We'll be using the tag #devnest throughout the evening. If you'd like
 to put a question forward for @dougw, who will be participating via
 video link, please use the tag #devnestQ

 I include the full schedule below. We hope to be releasing details of
 the next event in the next few days, it will likely be at the end of






 18:45 Welcome

 18:50 Nick Halstead (@nickhalstead) -

 19:10 Sam Sethi (@ssethi) -

 19:30 Doug Williams (@dougw) - - Twitter API QA

 20:00 Break - Networking

 20:25 Graeme Sutherland (@grasuth) - - You Are a Neuron

 20:40 Show  Tell - Tell us something interesting in 140 seconds or
 less. Open participation, sign up on evening.

 21:00 Close


 Jonathan Markwell
 Engineer | Founder | Connector

 Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

 Web application development  support
 Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

 Providing a nice place to work in the heart of Brighton -

 Helping people make a difference with technology  -

 Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

 mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
 skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Providing a nice place to work in the heart of Brighton -

Helping people make a difference with technology  -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] Twitter Developer Nest: London - Live Stream Tomorrow

2009-03-23 Thread Jonathan Markwell

Hi Everyone,

We're going to try and live stream the massively over subscribed
Twitter Developer Nest event tomorrow evening from London, UK.  Please
keep an eye on for a link from around 18:30
GMT tomorrow.

We'll be using the tag #devnest throughout the evening. If you'd like
to put a question forward for @dougw, who will be participating via
video link, please use the tag #devnestQ

I include the full schedule below. We hope to be releasing details of
the next event in the next few days, it will likely be at the end of






18:45 Welcome

18:50 Nick Halstead (@nickhalstead) -

19:10 Sam Sethi (@ssethi) -

19:30 Doug Williams (@dougw) - - Twitter API QA

20:00 Break - Networking

20:25 Graeme Sutherland (@grasuth) - - You Are a Neuron

20:40 Show  Tell - Tell us something interesting in 140 seconds or
less. Open participation, sign up on evening.

21:00 Close


Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Providing a nice place to work in the heart of Brighton -

Helping people make a difference with technology  -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Developer Nest - An event for our community

2009-02-20 Thread Jonathan Markwell

There will be pizza and beer to wash it down...

... not sure what exactly will be on the pizza but there may be an
option for pre-chewed if required. ;)

Parking underneath the Nest is not recommended :). Arriving via public
transport is.

Only 19 out of 90 tickets remaining.

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 2:23 PM, Andrew Badera wrote:
 Will said Nest involve refreshments such as bug or nightcrawler (preferably
 pre-chewed)? Should we be aware not to park underneath the Nest?

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 7:10 AM, Jon wrote:

 Hi Everyone

 I'm please to announce a new community event for people doing the
 things we do - developing Twitter apps.

 It's called the Twitter Developer Nest and the first event will be in
 London on the evening of 24th March. You can find out more and grab a
 ticket here:

 Or follow @devnest for updates.

 If you are not in the UK and are interested in running an event like
 this in your part of the world please let me know and we'll see what
 we can do to help.

 Best wishes,

 Jon / @madmotive

 Jonathan Markwell
 Engineer | Founder | Connector

 Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

 Web application development  support
 Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

 Providing a nice place to work in the heart of Brighton -

 Helping people make a difference with technology  -

 Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

 mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
 skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Providing a nice place to work in the heart of Brighton -

Helping people make a difference with technology  -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Developer Nest - An event for our community

2009-02-20 Thread Jonathan Markwell

We'll see what we can do to make this happen.

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Alex Payne wrote:

 Seconding that. We'd love to be telepresent, even if just via an audio
 stream or IRC or similar.

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 09:34, dougw wrote:

 Are you going to stream this live or blog any of the topics/concerns/
 outcomes of this event?

 I will be extremely interested in remotely watching the discussion.


 On Feb 20, 11:53 am, Jonathan Markwell wrote:
 There will be pizza and beer to wash it down...

 ... not sure what exactly will be on the pizza but there may be an
 option for pre-chewed if required. ;)

 Parking underneath the Nest is not recommended :). Arriving via public
 transport is.

 Only 19 out of 90 tickets remaining.

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 2:23 PM, Andrew Badera wrote:
  Will said Nest involve refreshments such as bug or nightcrawler 
  pre-chewed)? Should we be aware not to park underneath the Nest?

  On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 7:10 AM, Jon wrote:

  Hi Everyone

  I'm please to announce a new community event for people doing the
  things we do - developing Twitter apps.

  It's called the Twitter Developer Nest and the first event will be in
  London on the evening of 24th March. You can find out more and grab a
  ticket here:

  Or follow @devnest for updates.

  If you are not in the UK and are interested in running an event like
  this in your part of the world please let me know and we'll see what
  we can do to help.

  Best wishes,

  Jon / @madmotive

  Jonathan Markwell
  Engineer | Founder | Connector

  Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

  Web application development  support
  Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

  Providing a nice place to work in the heart of Brighton -

  Helping people make a difference with technology  -

  Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

  mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
  skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

 Jonathan Markwell
 Engineer | Founder | Connector

 Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

 Web application development  support
 Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

 Providing a nice place to work in the heart of Brighton -

 Helping people make a difference with technology  -

 Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

 mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
 skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

 Alex Payne - API Lead, Twitter, Inc.

Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Providing a nice place to work in the heart of Brighton -

Helping people make a difference with technology  -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter:

[twitter-dev] Re: Include $ as a searchable character

2009-02-20 Thread Jonathan Markwell

It is already:

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 8:38 PM, Chad Etzel wrote:

 Would it be possible to include $ as a searchable character, much like
 # is for hashtags?  This would be handy for following stock related
 tweets where people conventionally prepend ticker symbols with $ such
 as $GOOG or $AAPL.  I'm sure the StockTwits devs would dig it also (I
 am not affiliated with them).


Jonathan Markwell
Engineer | Founder | Connector

Inuda Innovations Ltd, Brighton, UK

Web application development  support
Twitter  Facebook integration specialists

Providing a nice place to work in the heart of Brighton -

Helping people make a difference with technology  -

Measuring your brand's visibility on the social web -

mob: 07766 021 485 | tel: 01273 704 549 | fax: 01273 376 953
skype: jlmarkwell | twitter: