[twitter-dev] Re: Get user email from twitter

2011-04-12 Thread L. Mohan Arun
On Apr 11, 12:10 pm, Akhil  wrote:
> Is it possible to get user email after logged by oauth? if possible
> then then how can i do this?

Allowin' users of twitter api to get user's email address will expose
those users to receive spam emails. So it will not be possible to
expose it.

- Mohan

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[twitter-dev] Re: Auto updates to twitter page

2011-04-12 Thread L. Mohan Arun
> I am working on WWTS application of pwc client. Here we have countries
> info and we can edit the info of each country as well. Now, if I edit
> info, update and click on twitter icon available on this page, it
> should redirect and post the same to "http://twitter.com/pwc_WWTS";.
> Please help me which APIs I can use to acheive it. Also, the steps I
> have to proceed here.

Its not clear what you want to do when you say 'post the same to
are you tryin' to post a status update to twitter? If so then your
needs to get oAuth for the user 'pwc_WWTS'. Then you can post status
as the user.

- Mohan

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[twitter-dev] Re: need twitter spam for a research project

2011-04-10 Thread L. Mohan Arun
"Is there any way that I can somehow get access to the tweets of
several dozen spam accounts
(prior to when they're shut down) so that I can see what they're
posting?  Is this possible somehow?"

I think this is not possible as yet. (unless you are twitter
themselves, they have the data but I
dont think it is 'exposed')

"I'm conducting a research project involving proactively identifying
twitter spam accounts before they actually start spamming."

How do you plan to identify a priori, those accounts that are likely
to start
spamming before they even send out their first spam, if access to
tweets of 'suspended' twitter spam accounts is not possible?


- Mohan

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[twitter-dev] Re: Confused

2011-02-12 Thread L. Mohan Arun
Can you tell us exactly what it is that you are looking for?

This is the Twitter API development group where we discuss
issues faced by developers.

- Mohan

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[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter app development require guidance

2011-02-12 Thread L. Mohan Arun
The error message which Twitter provides is very important
for us
to proceed further.

- Mohan

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[twitter-dev] Re: Streaming API stopwords

2011-02-04 Thread L. Mohan Arun
> Does anyone have experience using a list of stopwords to reduce noise
> when making streaming API requests to statuses/filter? I have a basic
> list (e.g. "a","an", "and", etc.) but wonder if anyone out there is
> using something more comprehensive.
> Thanks,
> Kenny


Simply google

- Mohan

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[twitter-dev] Re: Getting twitter user through email address

2011-01-20 Thread L. Mohan Arun
>>is it possible, using the twitter api, to get a twitter user
>>through his email - searching for user by email?

Dude, this has been discussed b4.

You can use Rapleaf API for this. It is not possible using Twitter

--- Mohan ---

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[twitter-dev] Re: Search API and location

2010-12-29 Thread L. Mohan Arun
> > I just tried to construct a query that searches for users by location,
> > as it is registered in the location field of their profiles. I had no
> > luck and it seems this is not possible.

You can also do this using Datasift's FSDL.

✿✿✿ Mohan ✿✿✿

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[twitter-dev] Re: Search API and location

2010-12-28 Thread L. Mohan Arun
> I just tried to construct a query that searches for users by location,
> as it is registered in the location field of their profiles. I had no
> luck and it seems this is not possible.

Google "find twitter users by location"
See localtweeps.com

### Mohan ###

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[twitter-dev] Re: How to access to friendship data of twitter users

2010-12-22 Thread L. Mohan Arun
>>how twitter users connect with each other, is it possible to do it?

>>I just want to get the network of twitter users, no other information.

In addition to the ones mentioned by Shannon, also see
Returns detailed information about the relationship between two users.

~~~ Mohan

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[twitter-dev] Re: how to get twitter user's email address

2010-12-20 Thread L. Mohan Arun
> I don't find any api can get friends email address.
> it's very important to my application.
> help me ,thanks

The use of other apis are not authorized by twitter but you can try
them for as long as they work.

Use Rapleaf API so 'your api' can get 'friends email addresses'

~~~ Mohan

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[twitter-dev] Re: Large-scale twitter analysis

2010-12-10 Thread L. Mohan Arun
>I am going to develop an application that is doing large-scale
>analysis of twitter data for scientific purposes at my university.


BigSheets is a tool created by IBM which can run (through) streams of
Twitter data for days, weeks or even months on particular keywords.
That data can then be mashed up with internal information.

Every possible type of twitter data mining is covered here (in brief).

~~~ Mohan

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[twitter-dev] Re: List of taken hash tags

2010-12-10 Thread L. Mohan Arun
> So where can I find a list of existing hash tags?  Doesn't seem to be
> anything in the API specifically for identifying them.  Thanks.
>with the Search API, you'd be bound to about a week's worth of data.

Some sites archive hashtags so you may probably be
able to query older hashtag data.



Hash tag directory

What the hashtag? Hash tag registry/directory

~~~ Mohan

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[twitter-dev] Re: Get first tweet of a given day

2010-12-08 Thread L. Mohan Arun
> I am developing a new twitter widget, in which I want to get the first tweet
> for a given hashtag on a particular date.

Start with
http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=#hashtag&until=2010-12-08 (the
previous day date)

Note the last tweet in the resultset returned, and store its id.
This is the last tweet for that #hashtag on that day.

Then use

This will give the first tweet of the next day for given hashtag.

~~~ Mohan Arun

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[twitter-dev] Re: Counter of hashtag

2010-12-06 Thread L. Mohan Arun
> I am needing to know where to start making a page. Php that
> return the amount of hastag.

Use Search API. http://dev.twitter.com/doc/get/search
See 5th example under "Example queries:"

~~~ Mohan Arun

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[twitter-dev] Re: Unfollow

2010-12-06 Thread L. Mohan Arun
> Is there any way to find out where users from Unfollow other User

You said what I had in mind.
There needs to be a way where twitter exposes events via another
firehose API (Events).

API request: events i am interested in: [follows, unfollows] as
pertaining to [User2]
User1 started following User2
User1 unfollowed User2

API request: events i am interested in: [retweets, favorites] by
minimum [50] people.
User1's tweet (id:) got favorited by 50 people.
User1's tweet (id:) got retweeted 50 times.

If you are only looking to get notified when someone unfollows you
simply follow @unfollowr. It DMs you when someone unfollows you
~~~ Mohan Arun

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[twitter-dev] Re: Photo Upload

2010-12-06 Thread L. Mohan Arun
> Is there functions available in the API to accomplish what I would like to
> do ?

Twitter doesnt handle pictures. Only text.

> When the user twits and attach a photo I'd like to send this photo to
> my app (I am aware they would need to change their photo settings).

Let the users tweet normally with a particular hashtag say #contest4xv
Use search API to get all tweets tagged with this hashtag.
Parse the tweet to get the "twitpic.com/" url. example http://twitpic.com/3705ya
Use standard HTTP client library to parse the url and grab the image
to your own database.

~~~ Mohan Arun

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[twitter-dev] Re: Finding People With E-Mail Address!

2010-11-28 Thread L. Mohan Arun
> I want find people by e-mail address. How can I find people with their
> e-mail address? Can I search to people account via e-mail?

This has been discussed before


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[twitter-dev] Re: Convert RSS entries to tweets

2010-11-28 Thread L. Mohan Arun
>I have a RSS feed and I want it to convert it to auto-tweets (when new
>entries are available using my own twitter app.
>How can I do it in PHP?

Simply use twitterfeed.com.

If you really want to do it with your own twitter app, see

~~~ Mohan Arun ~~~

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[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Psychological Personality Profiling

2010-11-26 Thread L. Mohan Arun
>>Basically, I want to look at the personality profile of Twitter users.

Definitely this: (twitter psychological profiling, sentiment analysis,
tweetpsych etc.)

>>I want an app which will, with the user's permission, produce their overall 
Probably this: (readymade statistics)

I am also emailing you a custom quote

~~~ Mohan Arun ~~~

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[twitter-dev] Re: geocode question

2010-11-26 Thread L. Mohan Arun
>>thanks that was very helpful i just have 2 more questions:

1. Use the REST API or Streaming API if you want all tweets from all
the world.

2. See 'Rate limit FAQ':

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[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter API search functionality

2010-11-23 Thread L. Mohan Arun
TweeterLookup.com did this email to twitter id lookup but has since
closed down.

I dont think twitter exposes this functionality in the search api and
you cannot search by email id.

But there are third party providers available that might have this

Try the Flowtown API or Rapleaf API.


~~~ Mohan Arun ~~~

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[twitter-dev] Re: Bulk tweet download

2010-11-20 Thread L. Mohan Arun
Real time tweets are available with the Streaming API.

Or you can use the Search API to filter all tweets made on a given

~~~ Mohan Arun ~~~

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[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter + Gnip Partnership

2010-11-19 Thread L. Mohan Arun
"Twitter or the user own the copyrights. Probably both. I meant it has
been made public
information, thereby granting some rights to those it was made public

This is a good point, makes one think: "What exactly are the rights
is implicitly giving up just by posting it in a public forum, and if
someone else is found
using such posted contents inappropriately, at a later date, what
legal recourse does
the original poster have, to have the inappropriate usage rescinded
and compensated for damages"

>From an authority source:
"Merely posting a work online does not relinquish all rights. As in
other environments, merely placing property in public does not release
property rights. The Internet context, however, may indicate that some
actions with respect to the work are implicitly permitted." (as long
as it doesnt harm the poster and the forum from which the post was

This is from 

Facebook made the same argument.
“Anyone can opt out of appearing here by changing their Search privacy

And someone asks "Yeah, but should they have to?"

I imagine this whole 'using twitter tweets only for analysis/
aggregation' is a non-issue, because you are only statistically mining
info, without any personal data attached to it. But RapLeaf removed
identifying info (name, tel, etc) from their profile databases once
complaints started coming in. To be safe, if you are mining tweets
only for analysis, I wouldnt store the userid, because userid is
'identifying info' that can be used to tie the tweet to its
originator. Most people wont bother, because the prevailing idealogy
is that if you tweeted, then you understood that the whole world knows
what you tweeted and you cant take the knowledge back.

~~~ Mohan Arun ~~~

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[twitter-dev] Re: geocode question

2010-11-19 Thread L. Mohan Arun
Your URL:

Did you add a ? after the word json and before locations...


When I input this url in my browser it starts reading the json
Try it in your browser
Ref: http://dev.twitter.com/pages/streaming_api_methods#locations

If you are not intending to track
real time tweets on a map then you may want to use the Search API and
not streaming.

See "The Streaming API is distinct from the two REST APIs as Streaming
supports long-lived connections on a different architecture." I think
using Search API will be easier for you than Streaming because the
connection is more or less permanent with streaming and you need to
have code for handling continuous streaming.

Try this

This is from Search API.

You can use the latitude, longitude and radius parameters as specified
in the Search API.
To use the geocode parameter you neeed convert the lat/lon value to
geocode using www.mygeoposition.com...

~~~ Mohan Arun ~~~

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[twitter-dev] Re: Learning how to use the API

2010-11-19 Thread L. Mohan Arun
"Do you look for online examples, or is there a way to "comprehend"
how to
use which class and method?"

Going through every class and method -> time consuming, tedious, API
specs change all the time, probably overwhelming because there's a lot
of methods and you will not know how it all fits together. It will be
like looking at eyes, ears, legs, etc. all in isolation but unless you
have first seen the human body form as to how it all fits together it
might be difficult to 'comprehend'.

Looking for online examples - if you are beginning, this is what I
would suggest. Once you feel confident, give a quick glance through
all available methods in the API so you have an idea of what is
available , what can and cannot be done etc.

I would start with articles like this

I would then Google 'twitter api example' or 'twitter api tutorial'
and look for similar usage-based examples. Download some popular
twitter api library in the language of your choice and cook up

~~~ Mohan Arun ~~~

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[twitter-dev] Re: Twiter

2010-11-19 Thread L. Mohan Arun
Use ?status= parameter and append the content as well as the url.

https://twitter.com/?status=Check out this SlideShare presentation :
Symmetry http://slidesha.re/cVGjq9

This is some random slideshare, not to be confused with twitter api.

~~~Mohan Arun L

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[twitter-dev] Re: geocode question

2010-11-18 Thread L. Mohan Arun
Many people have done something similar - plotting tweets on a map.


how to do this code-wise? It must be in the API.

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[twitter-dev] Re: Regarding using twitter api or twitter stuffs in my website

2010-11-18 Thread L. Mohan Arun
You dont need api for this.

Just grab "profile widget" frm here and embed the code in your site.


Mohan Arun L.

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[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter + Gnip Partnership

2010-11-18 Thread L. Mohan Arun
"We have every right in the world to gather this data for analysis
any permission. It's public."


"You don't get to compile posts from a discussion forum into a
product, under the idea that such posts are "public domain."
They are not." - Unless you own the forum or have a deal with the
forum owner,
and you stated in the TOS
that all posts made in the forum can be repackaged commercially
and only you have the right to do that.

I am not saying this on my own, this is from one of the newsletters I
which covered this exact same topic, I would be happy to share the
text of the newsletter if someone is interested ...

- - -
Mohan Arun

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[twitter-dev] Re: Number of favorites per tweet

2010-11-18 Thread L. Mohan Arun
I was after this same thing a few weeks ago and was told there is no
way to get this information from the official Twr. API as of now...

But somehow twitfave does this.

And they have an API:

The portion you need is in "getting information about a single tweet"
- you need to parse "faved_by" and count.

Mohan Arun

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[twitter-dev] Filter stream by number of favorites

2010-11-02 Thread L. Mohan Arun
I was glancing through this part in Twitter Streaming API


Isnt there supposed to be a filter to find only those statuses that
have been 'favorited' by other people? Like for a feed that lists all
status messages from the twitterverse that have been favorited by say
20 people, regardless of whether I am following the people who posted
those statuses or not. Or am I missing or overlooking something.

Mohan Arun L.

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