[twsocket] SSL Certificates check

2011-05-09 Thread marius gabi
I have updated the SslHandshakeDone(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word; PeerCert: TX509Base; var Disconnect: Boolean); event as you mentioned and I used SslVerifyDepth = 15 and for I := 0 to TCustomSslWSocket(Sender).SslCertChain.Count -1 do

[twsocket] SSL Certificates check

2011-05-09 Thread marius gabi

Re: [twsocket] SSL Certificates check

2011-05-09 Thread Arno Garrels
marius gabi wrote: I have updated the SslHandshakeDone(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word; PeerCert: TX509Base; var Disconnect: Boolean); event as you mentioned and I used SslVerifyDepth = 15 and for I := 0 to TCustomSslWSocket(Sender).SslCertChain.Count -1 do

[twsocket] SSL Certificates check

2011-05-09 Thread marius gabi
Here are the files with OK := 1; cert0 = Greatest CA (same as server's great CA) cert1 = Intermediary CA (client's intermediary different from mine's server) cert2 = Client certificate-BEGIN CERTIFICATE- MIIKYjCCBkqgAwIBAgIJAMvPXQVBsjM2MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGKMQswCQYD

Re: [twsocket] SSL Certificates check

2011-05-09 Thread Arno Garrels
marius gabi wrote: Here are the files with OK := 1; cert0 = Greatest CA (same as server's great CA) cert1 = Intermediary CA (client's intermediary different from mine's server) cert2 = Client certificate Use at least OpenSSL version 0.9.8k from:

Re: [twsocket] SSL Certificates check

2011-05-09 Thread Arno Garrels
marius gabi wrote: Thank you for your time! Indeed updating the OpenSSL version fixed my issue but the following strange thing happens: currently I am using ICS V7 but the highest version supported by my ICS is 0.9.8n and in this case the application still would not work OK. What does that