[twsocket] wSocketServer issue queuing data unintentionally

2006-01-08 Thread lame.one
I'm writing a proxy type of application for irc and I noticed an issue twice
last night that had me puzzled. I have 1 wsocketserver component on my form
and I spawn a wsocket client for the remote connection since this is a local
proxy. When inbound remote connection data comes in i write the packet data
to a Tmemorystream, assemble the data and then fire an event which i then
use wsocketserver to send the data over loopback. Everything worked fine
until last night when i ran it for a few hours. It seems that i stopped
getting updated text in irc and when i opened a packet sniffer my program
wasn't sending packets over loopback at all. The socket state was still
connected and no errors or exceptions were thrown so it wasn't anything that
i had done to create an external issue. About 60-90 seconds later the data
appeared on my chat screen and there was quite a bit of it. It seems like
the wsocketserver queued and buffered the data for nearly a minute and a
half before sending the packets, any ideas on how i can avoid this or maybe
how this happened? Most of the wSocketServer properties are default, along
with the client and both are not threaded. Only 1 client connection is
connected always so that wasn't the issue either, the only thing i think it
could be is i had the send flags set to wsSendUrgent instead of SendNormal.
LingerOnOff was set to LingerOn, would that affect it maybe? Anyhow i'm lost
so i'd appreciate any advice on how to ensure that data is pushed out as
soon as I call a send operation rather than have the data build up for some
time and then send.
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[twsocket] ReceiveStr/SendStr vs. Receive/Send

2005-12-21 Thread lame.one
Hi guys thanks for your earlier responses they helped lots. I was reading
ICS demos and comments from Francois and others and I was wondering of an
identical replacement for receivestr and sendstr. I'd like to use an array
of char instead since it doesn't need to copy the data multiple times. Is
there an exact equivalent that will work no differently? I have a lot of
data i am processing and ReceiveStr/SendStr works fine but i'd like it
optimized. Can someone show me an example please, most of demos use
ReceiveStr and SendStr.

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[twsocket] OnDataAvailable event question

2005-12-19 Thread lame.one
I was wondering about something concerning the OnDataAvailable event for
Twsocket. If I assign a string to the receivestr function inside the
OnDataAvailable event and I have lengthy processing do i miss other
OnDataAvailable events and my string clears during the reassignment or is
the data appended to the current buffer i'm processing?

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[twsocket] socket programming tcp/udp primer question

2005-12-17 Thread lame.one
I recently read the tcp/udp primer under the overbyte.be support section
and the tcp data fragmented packet example using the text string Hello
caught my attention because that is something i always wondered about in
socket programs. The fact that the data can be split up into multiple
packets coming in fragments like he l lo is something i'd like to know
how to handle properly. What i mean by this is if i'm expecting the line
hello and i'm parsing TCP receive socket data i need to handle hello as
a whole word without the fragmentation causing my parser to fail and pass
the data on without proper handling. I'm wanting to write a chat client for
icq/aim/irc/yahoo or any other major protocol and none of the protocols have
set boundaries that are apparent to me. Some end on a series of NUL chars
(#0) in Delphi or a numeric (a given number) and so on... I'm pretty new to
sockets and i need some advice from the more experienced users which would
be you guys. If i'm expecting a 2 KB packet char for char that's using TCP
protocol and is guaranteed always to be there no exceptions (enforced
strictly through the protocol implementation) how can I force WSocket's
OnDataAvailable event to queue the data until it's assembled into one large
chunk so i can then process it as if it all arrived that way instead of
split up. I'm aware that I will have to set my own boundaries on the
begining of the expected data and the end of the packet data so that i can
get the big picture and make sure i process it as I need but is there any
method you would recommend to force the socket to wait until the rest of the
data comes in? Would calling wait() and peeking the data not help at all or
would the buffer be overwritten during the wait period instead of
concatenated with the data coming in afterwards? Can i see an example by
chance or get a professional opinion.

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[twsocket] assembling data on socket receive

2005-12-17 Thread lame.one
Francois Piette,
thanks for responding to my last post about tcp primer. I looked into
linemode and it looks very useful. The problem for me is I am writing a chat
client with ICS and I'm writing both an unofficial third party irc and yahoo
chat client but i'm struggling with handling the receive data because there
is not a set boundary for the ending of a packet on yahoo, for example. Each
yahoo packet that comes in is required to have a YMSG header which is
exactly 4 bytes long followed by an additional 16 bytes which makes up a
full 20 byte packet header. The 11th and 12th bytes are the actual packet

standard packet layout

YMSG4 random bytes2 byte packet length1 random byte1 byte service type8
random bytes = 20 byte header

If the packet's payload is greater than 255 bytes then the 9th byte
is incremented by 1 and the remainder is stored in the 10th byte.

So a 9th byte of chr($01) and a 10th byte of chr($E1) would give me a
payload length of 481 bytes and by adding 20 you would get the entire
packets length which would then be 501 bytes.

I can always calculate the packet length like this

This means that the packets payload is calculated in the 9th and 10th bytes
and I'm then adding the 20 byte header to get the whole packets length in

 YMSG is an undocumented protocol and has no official RFC tp make matters
harder. With that said I'm wondering how I could ensure that i can analyze
these packets using this calculation. If I split the data at the 12th byte
which is the service type and subtract 11 from the 12th byte position i'm
able to extract the packet length and perform calculations but I cannot
always guarantee that without using linemode that a -11 position from the
12th byte will exist or even have enough bytes in the receive buffer to copy
to according to the packet length. If i'm not making sense to you I can give
you a proper example in delphi code if you wish with comments. I'm stuck on
the fact that linemode would be perfect for me but unfortunately i don't see
a common pattern to go on in order to use linemode since the end of the
packet isn't a given set of delimiters. It could be an extended character, a
null byte, a set of null bytes etc.. so the only way is finding the 4 byte
YMSG packet header and incrementing the position to get the 9th and the 10
bytes for the actual length. Is there any way i can do this properly that
you could recommend? I originally wondered about this and figured i could
check the packet's length against the current length of the received buffer
and if the received buffer was smaller i could repeat an operation until the
received buffer was filled again or something of that nature but i'm not
sure it that would work out the way i imagined it.

If you can offer me advice i could sure use it because i love ics and I
would like to get a working example sometime soon, one which is able of
processing virtually every packet properly without examining data from a
premature OnDataAvailable event trigger.

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[twsocket] TWsocket Threading

2005-12-04 Thread lame.one
 Hello ICS users,
 I was wondering a couple things about ICS because i'm currently in a
pickle, a big one and it's driving me literally insane. I've used
tclientsocket/tserversocket and indy a bit and when i started to use ICS
there was definitely a learning curve because it follows the whole async,
fully event driven socket paradigm. I would rather use ICS because i feel
that it's the best out of them all. I recently modified the socket spy
program I found on the examples section and everything is working great
except for one bottleneck, i am doing a ton of inbound data processing which
requires several (quite a few lengthy routines) which use while-loops and
for-loops extensively and it's weighing down my main thread (i believe).
What do you recommend I do guys, the threading examples are helpful however
they don't go much into calling several (CPU intensive)
functions/procedures. Since this is a proxyying application when there is
remote inbound data i will need to copy/examine/modify/delete the string
data on the main thread and with some worker threads before I send the data
to the local socket. My code is nearly identical to Wilfried's SocketSpy
code. The server socket listens on a local port and when a connection is
accepted the local socket (server) spawns a (client) and establishes a
connection to the remote host/address. If anyone can help me in any way i'd
be extremely grateful. If you need anymore information I can show you a
quick example of the type of layout i'm looking for with ICS.

Thanks for your time,
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