Re: [twsocket] [TWSocket] Code proposals

2009-12-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I got your point, but I really wonder, what kind of suggestions 
> will you accept if:
> 1) small internal changes you don't like because version comparing 
> becomes more sophisticated

Someone has to implement and test those changes, and there is always a
risk of unforseen complications or new bugs being introduced.  Even
simple things like removing old conditional code can be done in error,
removing code that is actually needed.  This is all down to testing, very
few of us actually test each change, and new bugs can cause major

> 2) medium changes will break the existing code and thus rejected
> 3) large changes will also break code, and not necessary so one 
> should derive his own class and there implement everything he wishes

Breaking existing code will generally only be allowed if some major new
functionality is added that is of benefit to the majority of ICS users,
like the change from V5 to V6/7, but the old code base remains for those
that don't want the risk of change. 

Non-breaking medium or large changes are fine if they also benefit to the
majority of ICS users, like the proposed addition of IP6, or support for
new versions of Delphi or Windows.  We are prepared to invest the time to
test such changes properly.  Changes to save a couple of lines of code
really are not worth the effort, there are hundreds of more beneficial
things that can be done instead. 


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Re: [twsocket] [TWSocket] Code proposals

2009-12-04 Thread Anton Sviridov

>Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your suggestions to improve ICS. If 
>you see the history in each source file, you'll see the large number of 

I got your point, but I really wonder, what kind of suggestions will you accept 
1) small internal changes you don't like because version comparing becomes more 
2) medium changes will break the existing code and thus rejected
3) large changes will also break code, and not necessary so one should derive 
his own class and there implement everything he wishes

Not criticising, just curious. I'd like to know it when I'll be going to post 
some other proposals :)

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Re: [twsocket] [TWSocket] Code proposals

2009-12-02 Thread Francois PIETTE

Shorter in code, but slower.

Is it?

Sure. But this really not important.

Note that this has been written at a timle where FreeAndNil didn't 

This reason I get indeed, but it's time to move on, no?

There are more interesting things to do.
Furthermore, I like to use WinMerge  to see the differences between version. 
Changing code like that is not really interesting and will pollute the 
result of the comparison.

The problem is that is would break existing code. On of the gold rules in
ICS has always been and will always be to avoid as much as possible 

existing code. The error message, if required, should be passed thru a
property for example. This wouldn't break any existing code.
Of course, it is you to decide, but I don't see big troubles in some 
even if they would break some code (break syntatically, but not 
logically!) -

one will simply edit few lines and that's all.

Not breaking code is really a key factor for the success of ICS. This has 
been proven for 13 year of ICS existance. I frequently get contact from user 
of other component suite which are happy about that golden rule.

Have you ever had to maintain a software for 10 yers or more ? If yes, then 
you should understand the golden rule.

And you are prisoning the project into a cage of old class interface,
having to invent lots of workarounds or to cancel further improvements 
because they will break...

do you really think it's what it should be? (everything's *imho*).

Yes, I do. Altough ICS is mostly designed in a way that changes are easy to 
do without breaking existing code. OK, there are some areas which could be 
enhanced but not many.

Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your suggestions to improve ICS. If 
you see the history in each source file, you'll see the large number of 
contributors. I would love to see you there. I simply try to maintain ICS on 
the right track. I think I'm successful :-)

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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Re: [twsocket] [TWSocket] Code proposals

2009-12-02 Thread Anton Sviridov
>This is an "and" not an "or". The exception is raised when FProtoStr is 
>neither 'tcp' no '6'.
Aaaah, yeah, I got it. Seems my mind was too sleepy yesterday ;)

>Probably. Maybe you'll implement those features ?
I could make a try when I have some time, but it will be a kind of sketch 
anyway, as I hadn't fully realised TWSocket processes and ideology yet.

>Shorter in code, but slower.
Is it?

procedure Function1;
var o: tobject;
  o := tobject.Create;
  if o <> nil then error(''); // use o to not let the compiler eliminate 
previous line

procedure Function2;
var o: tobject;
  o := tobject.Create;
  if o <> nil then error('');

on 500 iterations I got these results (3 tests were done):
875 - 860
890 - 844
875 - 844
the values are in millisecs! So the difference is about 2 nanosec per one call 

>Note that this has been written at a timle where FreeAndNil didn't existed.
This reason I get indeed, but it's time to move on, no?

>The problem is that is would break existing code. On of the gold rules in 
>ICS has always been and will always be to avoid as much as possible breaking 
>existing code. The error message, if required, should be passed thru a 
>property for example. This wouldn't break any existing code.
Of course, it is you to decide, but I don't see big troubles in some 
improvements even if they would break some code (break syntatically, but not 
logically!) - one will simply edit few lines and that's all. And you are 
prisoning the project into a cage of old class interface, having to invent lots 
of workarounds or to cancel further improvements because they will break... do 
you really think it's what it should be? (everything's *imho*).

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Re: [twsocket] [TWSocket] Code proposals

2009-12-01 Thread Francois PIETTE
   if (_LowerCase(FProtoStr) <> 'tcp') and (_Trim(FProtoStr) <> '6') then 
   RaiseException('TCP is the only protocol supported thru socks 
server'); { V5.26 }


  a) looks quite weird, as it likely to throw exception in every case 
(FProtoStr can't be equal to 'tcp' and '6' at the same time)

This is an "and" not an "or". The exception is raised when FProtoStr is 
neither 'tcp' no '6'.

  b) UDP through Socks5 is possible through UDP ASSOCIATE command instead 

as well as listening is available through BIND command

Probably. Maybe you'll implement those features ?

   FBufHandler := nil;

=> FreeAndNil ? Much shorter

Shorter in code, but slower. Note that this has been written at a timle 
where FreeAndNil didn't existed.

TriggerError  { Should be modified to pass Msg ! }

it really should be :)

The problem is that is would break existing code. On of the gold rules in 
ICS has always been and will always be to avoid as much as possible breaking 
existing code. The error message, if required, should be passed thru a 
property for example. This wouldn't break any existing code.


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Re: [twsocket] [TWSocket] Code proposals

2009-12-01 Thread Anton Sviridov
>When Unicode Delphi came out the goal was to port ICS with minimum
>changes, I guess the same was true when Delphi .Net came out.
No argues, but sometimes the things done in hurry should be polished, shouldn't 

About .Net: I see that it's in eraly development stage, so let it go as you 
wish, it's all the same to me as I don't use .Net.

>It's not a mistake but simply backwards compatible.
>I did not find anything in RFC of how to handle
>non-ASCII chars with socks authentication, did you? 
I've read, but hadn't found anything 
about codepage, maybe it depends on implementation, whether server allows 
Unicode login or not.

And now few more remarks:

1)  in IcsWSocket

if (_LowerCase(FProtoStr) <> 'tcp') and (_Trim(FProtoStr) <> '6') then begin
RaiseException('TCP is the only protocol supported thru socks server'); 
{ V5.26 }

   a) looks quite weird, as it likely to throw exception in every case 
(FProtoStr can't be equal to 'tcp' and '6' at the same time)
   b) UDP through Socks5 is possible through UDP ASSOCIATE command instead of 
CONNECT, as well as listening is available through BIND command

FBufHandler := nil;

=> FreeAndNil ? Much shorter

TriggerError  { Should be modified to pass Msg ! }

it really should be :)

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Re: [twsocket] [TWSocket] Code proposals

2009-11-28 Thread Arno Garrels
Anton Sviridov wrote:
> Having looked at the OverbyteIcsWSocket unit, I've noticed many IFDEF
> CLR which probably might be removed. 
> First of all, I think it's better to turn all buffers from PAnsiChar
> / array of AnsiChar to TBytes, as it is recommended by Embarcadero
> (though one would declare this type for compilers up to BDS2006).

When Unicode Delphi came out the goal was to port ICS with minimum
changes, I guess the same was true when Delphi .Net came out.
> Second, I see numerous cases of copying by for loops in CLR code,
> while on WIN32 it's done by Move. I also noticed
> System.Buffer.BlockCopy(FRcvdPtr, 0, Buffer, 0, FLineLength); in just
> one place instead of for loop, maybe this function should be used?

Probably. AFAIK the .Net code was never finished in ICS v7/v6 and
currently does not work either. 
> 2)
>functionSend({$IFDEF CLR} const {$ENDIF} Data : TWSocketData;
> Len : Integer) : Integer; overload; virtual; 
> and
>functionSendTo(Dest   : TSockAddr;
>   DestLen: Integer;
>   {$IFDEF CLR} const {$ENDIF} Data : TWSocketData;
>   Len: Integer) : Integer; virtual;
> why not declare it const for all platforms?

Because it did not compile with C++Builder, and nobody wanted to touch 
the .Net code.

> 3)
> in WSocket_accept there's too much conditions, even for D1 - I
> thought D1-D6 is unsupported in v7 ? 

Indeed, they will be removed step by step.
> Some other remarks:
> 4)
> function AddOptions(Opts: array of TWSocketOption): TWSocketOptions;
>Result := Result + [Opts[I]];
> =>
>Include(Result, Opts[I]);
> as it is faster

True, however unless this was called in a loop many many times it's
IMO minor.
> 5)
> function  RemoveOption(
>Result := OptSet - [Opt];
> =>
>Exclude(Result, Opt);
> the same

The correct code was :
Result := OptSet;
Exclude(Result, Opt);

Would this be traceable faster?   

> 6) (possibly bug)
>for I := Low(LocalSockName.sin_zero) to
>High(LocalSockName.sin_zero) do LocalSockName.sin_zero[0] :=
> #0; 
> LocalSockName.sin_zero[i] ?

Indeed, however that's in the .Net code.
> 7)
> procedure TCustomSocksWSocket.SocksDoAuthenticate;
>TempS  := AnsiString(FSocksPassword);
>TempS  := AnsiString(FSocksUsercode);
> Looks like one couldn't use Unicode characters in Socks login? Is it
> mistake or protocol restriction? 

It's not a mistake but simply backwards compatible.
I did not find anything in RFC of how to handle
non-ASCII chars with socks authentication, did you? 
> 8)
>Phe := PHostent(@FDnsLookupBuffer);
>if phe <> nil then begin
> Phe currently never could be nil, as FDnsLookupBuffer is declared as
> static array field 


Arno Garrels
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Re: [twsocket] [TWSocket] Code proposals

2009-11-23 Thread Anton Sviridov
And even more:

procedure TCustomSocksWSocket.SetSocksServer(sServer : String);

if Length(FSocksServer) = 0 then begin
FSocksServerAssigned := FALSE;
FSocksServerAssigned := TRUE;


FSocksServerAssigned := Length(FSocksServer) <> 0;

and the same with the port

function TCustomSocksWSocket.GetSocksServer: String;
Result := FSocksServer;


property read FSocksServer ? The same with SocksPort, TWSocket.RemotePort, 

Strange principle of defines in constructors:

in TWSocket
constructor Create{$IFDEF VCL}(AOwner : TComponent){$ENDIF}; override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;

but in TCustomSocksWSocket
  constructor Create{$IFDEF VCL}(AOwner : TComponent){$ENDIF}; override;

the latter seems much nicer.

functionTimerIsSet(var tvp : TTimeVal) : Boolean; virtual;
procedure   TimerClear(var tvp : TTimeVal); virtual;
functionTimerCmp(var tvp : TTimeVal; var uvp : TTimeVal; IsEqual : 
Boolean) : Boolean; virtual;

What for these methods? They aint't used by anywhere in the ICS

wsSocksConnected seems deprecated, why not remove it from declaration?

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[twsocket] [TWSocket] Code proposals

2009-11-23 Thread Anton Sviridov
Having looked at the OverbyteIcsWSocket unit, I've noticed many IFDEF CLR which 
probably might be removed.

First of all, I think it's better to turn all buffers from PAnsiChar / array of 
AnsiChar to TBytes, as it is recommended by Embarcadero (though one would 
declare this type for compilers up to BDS2006).

Second, I see numerous cases of copying by for loops in CLR code, while on 
WIN32 it's done by Move. I also noticed System.Buffer.BlockCopy(FRcvdPtr, 0, 
Buffer, 0, FLineLength); in just one place instead of for loop, maybe this 
function should be used? Moreover, when copy from string to buffer is done, 
like here:

procedure TCustomWSocket.PutStringInSendBuffer(const Str : RawByteString);
Data : TBytes;
I: Integer;
SetLength(Data, Length(Str));
for I := 1 to Length(Str) do
Data[I - 1] := Ord(Str[I]);
PutDataInSendBuffer(Data, Length(Str));

why not use Str.GetBytes method? (I suppose it to be realised in .Net from the 
very beginning)

Another places where I discovered possibly non-optimal defines:


  TSockAddr  = OverbyteIcsWinSock.TSockAddr;  
  TSockAddr  = OverbyteIcsWinsock.TSockAddr;
ip_mreq = record
imr_multiaddr : in_addr;
imr_interface : in_addr;


  TSockAddr  = OverbyteIcsWinSock.TSockAddr;  
ip_mreq = record
imr_multiaddr : in_addr;
imr_interface : in_addr;
{$ENDIF} ?

functionSend({$IFDEF CLR} const {$ENDIF} Data : TWSocketData; Len : 
Integer) : Integer; overload; virtual;
functionSendTo(Dest   : TSockAddr;
   DestLen: Integer;
   {$IFDEF CLR} const {$ENDIF} Data : TWSocketData;
   Len: Integer) : Integer; virtual;

why not declare it const for all platforms?

in WSocket_accept there's too much conditions, even for D1 - I thought D1-D6 is 
unsupported in v7 ?

Some other remarks:

function AddOptions(Opts: array of TWSocketOption): TWSocketOptions;
Result := Result + [Opts[I]];
Include(Result, Opts[I]);
as it is faster

function  RemoveOption(
Result := OptSet - [Opt];
Exclude(Result, Opt);
the same

6) (possibly bug)
for I := Low(LocalSockName.sin_zero) to High(LocalSockName.sin_zero) do
LocalSockName.sin_zero[0] := #0;

LocalSockName.sin_zero[i] ?

procedure TCustomSocksWSocket.SocksDoAuthenticate;
TempS  := AnsiString(FSocksPassword);
TempS  := AnsiString(FSocksUsercode);

Looks like one couldn't use Unicode characters in Socks login? Is it mistake or 
protocol restriction?

Phe := PHostent(@FDnsLookupBuffer);
if phe <> nil then begin

Phe currently never could be nil, as FDnsLookupBuffer is declared as static 
array field

Of course, these are just small proposals, and I probably haven't taken into 
account some deep relations or something else, so please don't judge me too 

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