Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - reconnecting

2013-11-07 Thread David Rose (dsr)

On 07/11/2013 16:15, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:

Angus, trying to change the code to use your components. Does the
TMagFtp component support  a CopyType := FCTypeDates ;

Sorry, seems like I never supported specific date ranges for FTP which is
mostly used to synchronise remote and local directories, or for specific files.

The following code inserted in to TMagFTP.FtpDownFiles seems to do the 
job I need

if (CopyType = FCTypeDates) and (FEarliestDate > 0) then
  for i := 0 to Pred(TotSrcFiles) do
SrcFileRec := SrcFileList[i];
with SrcFileRec^ do
  if FrFileCopy = FCStateSelect then
if FrFileUDT < FEarliestDate then
  FrFileCopy := FCStateNone;
  if fTotProcFiles = 0 then
result := TaskResOKNone;
fReqResponse := 'No Specific Source Files Selected to Download';


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - reconnecting

2013-11-07 Thread David Rose (dsr)


Turned everything firewall like off and it makes no difference, and I 
assume that wouldn't explain why when downloading the same root folder 
each time, it would fail in a different place (sometimes not at all). 
I'm pretty sure it's something server side, but it's hosted by big US 
ISP, so not much chance of getting logs. I'll contact their support 
though and see if I can get anything.

Thanks  David

On 07/11/2013 18:02, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:

Or maybe the FTP server has a badly implemented session timeout?  Can you get
the server logs or is not your server?

David Rose

Navigator Systems Ltd,
Network Business Centre,
9 River Street Place, Julian Road,
Bath BA1 2RS

Main Tel: +44 (0)207 183 0011
Fax: +44 (0)1225 464984

Company Email: (Private e-mail on request)


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - reconnecting

2013-11-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> *Subject:* Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - reconnecting
> Now trying with your components and although it's much better 
> behaved and fails gracefully, it still fails (in my app or the 
> supplied demo app).
> However as both your app and my app fail with my hosted FTP server 
> and both work with your FTP server, I'm going to assume that 
> there's something amiss with the ISP's FTP offering. Any clues in 
> the log as to what it could be  ?
> FTP Session Closed
> Downloaded File c:\ftp_test\hiretrack nx\\hiretrack 
> nx_cab.tmp, Size 321,058
> Request Failed: Partial File Downloaded, Resume Allowed, Expected 
> File Size 12,325,384, Actual Size 321,058

Looks like the session closed after two seconds of downloading, once 300K of
data had been done.  

No reason for the server or client to close during a data transfer, it could be
a firewall somewhere closing the TCP connection.  

My own firewall does this if it finds something nasty part way through the file,
it's been deleting mails supposedly from the taxman at today
which are actually viruses, the emails are very authentic since I had a real
one yesterday when I submitted taxes online, and then got a reply to the email
address less than 12 hours later that was almost the same except for a zip

Or maybe the FTP server has a badly implemented session timeout?  Can you get
the server logs or is not your server? 


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - reconnecting

2013-11-07 Thread David Rose (dsr)


Now trying with your components and although it's much better behaved 
and fails gracefully, it still fails (in my app or the supplied demo app).
However as both your app and my app fail with my hosted FTP server and 
both work with your FTP server, I'm going to assume that there's 
something amiss with the ISP's FTP offering. Any clues in the log as to 
what it could be  ?

This is the end of the log - though it doesn't always die in the same 
place - sometimes it's during the directory listing stage.

Source Directory: /pub/HireTRACK NX/autoupdates/
Target Directory: c:\FTP_test
Source Files Skipped 0
Selected Total Files 1139, Total Size 700,295,024
Started FTP Download from:
> CWD /pub/HireTRACK NX/autoupdates/HireTrack NX/
< 250 CWD command successful
< 257 "/pub/HireTRACK NX/autoupdates/HireTrack NX/" is the 
current directory

> MLST HireTrack NX.CAB
HireTrack NX.CAB

< 250 End of list
Downloading File: /pub/HireTRACK NX/autoupdates/HireTrack 
NX/ NX.CAB to c:\FTP_test\HireTrack 
NX\\HireTrack NX.CAB, Size 12,325,384
Saved File Resume Info c:\ftp_test\hiretrack nx\\hiretrack 

< 227 Entering Passive Mode (205,196,214,163,235,210).
15:16:02:153 ! Data Socket Connect
15:16:02:153 011A0800 Socket handle created 324
15:16:02:169 TWSocket will connect to
> RETR HireTrack NX.CAB
15:16:02:325 ! Data Session Connected (Get)
< 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for HireTrack NX.CAB (12325384 

FTP Session Closed
15:16:04:263 011A0800 TCustomWSocket.Shutdown 1 324
15:16:04:263 ! Data Session closed
15:16:04:263 011A0040 TCustomWSocket.Shutdown 1 292
Downloaded File c:\ftp_test\hiretrack nx\\hiretrack nx_cab.tmp, 
Size 321,058
Request Failed: Partial File Downloaded, Resume Allowed, Expected File 
Size 12,325,384, Actual Size 321,058

Download Failed: 500 Control connection closed - Winsock - No Error (#0)
No Connection to Server, Cancelled Downloading Files
Task Result: Failed
No Connection to Server, Cancelled Downloading Files



David Rose

Navigator Systems Ltd,
Network Business Centre,
9 River Street Place, Julian Road,
Bath BA1 2RS

Main Tel: +44 (0)207 183 0011
Fax: +44 (0)1225 464984

Company Email: (Private e-mail on request)


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - reconnecting

2013-11-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Angus, trying to change the code to use your components. Does the
> TMagFtp component support  a CopyType := FCTypeDates ;

Sorry, seems like I never supported specific date ranges for FTP which is
mostly used to synchronise remote and local directories, or for specific files.

> if so, how does one set the dates as fMagFileCopy is declared as 
> private so these aren't accessible ?

You'd have to create new published properties for the component and makes sure
they are passed when comparing the directories. 

Beware none of my demo or current live applications use date ranges, that
feature may have got implemented for a private project 10 years ago but has
certainly not been tested in recent years. 


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - reconnecting

2013-11-07 Thread David Rose (dsr)

Angus, trying to change the code to use your components. Does the

TMagFtp component support  a

CopyType := FCTypeDates ;

if so, how does one set the dates as fMagFileCopy is declared as private 
so these aren't accessible ?

UseUTC := true // whether to compare file timestamps in UTC or local time
CopyLTime := Now - 365;
CopyHiDT:= Now + 1;


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - reconnecting

2013-11-06 Thread David Rose (dsr)

On 06/11/2013 18:29, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:

It's possible you have reached a large directory that is taking a long time to
process, and the session is timing out.

I got caught myself the other day with a large download that took longer than
60 seconds to compress using Z Mode, and the session closed before the server
responds.  Try increasing the Abort Timeout to 3 or 4 minutes and retries to 2
or 3 above it.

I'm only using the view remote files option, which presumably only gets 
a directory listing (about 15 files), furthermore it's sometimes works, 
sometimes doesn't and when it doesn't it doesn't always fail in the same 
place. :(


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - reconnecting

2013-11-06 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I don't think so (though I will double check), as this is happening 
> about 30 seconds in to the process, I've already iterated through 
> all the directories and put together a list of files I need to 
> download and downloaded quite a few of them.

Never the less, your log shows a connected event, followed by the prompts for a
new connection to a FTP server, so maybe you disconnected earlier and
reconnected somehow? 

> I tested earlier with your DUNmanager as I read that it uses the 
> TMagFtp and that had a similar problem (though it could be because 
> I hadn't set something correctly)
> I tried the View Remote Files option, with all logging turned on. 
> After a couple of hundred files it gave up too.
>  > PASV
> < 227 Entering Passive Mode (205,196,214,163,179,155).
>  > MLSD /pub/HireTRACK NX/autoupdates/navigator_nxserver/
> FTP Session Closed
> Directory Listing Abandoned, Not Connected
> Directory Listing Abandoned, Failed Response
>  > QUIT
> Task Result: Failed
> Request Failed: No Directory Listing

It's possible you have reached a large directory that is taking a long time to
process, and the session is timing out.  

I got caught myself the other day with a large download that took longer than
60 seconds to compress using Z Mode, and the session closed before the server
responds.  Try increasing the Abort Timeout to 3 or 4 minutes and retries to 2
or 3 above it. 


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - reconnecting

2013-11-06 Thread David Rose (dsr)

On 06/11/2013 17:29, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:

15:36:17:405 Request MlsdAsync Done.
15:36:17:405 StatusCode = 0
15:36:17:405 LastResponse was : ''
15:36:17:405 Error = 426 ()
15:36:17:701 Session Connected, error = 0
15:36:17:701 Request MlsdAsync Done.
15:36:17:701 StatusCode = 220
15:36:17:701 LastResponse was : '220 ProFTPD 1.3.3a Server (My FTP
server) [:::]'

You are sending commands out of sequence, the session connected event 

after you've already sent two commands, you then start to download before
you've even logged into the server.  You also ignore the 426 error and 

other out of sequence responses.

Looks like you are using async methods and not waiting for them to 

before sending more commands.
I don't think so (though I will double check), as this is happening 
about 30 seconds in to the process, I've already iterated through all 
the directories and put together a list of files I need to download and 
downloaded quite a few of them.
The process all started here, where you can see the Session Connected, 
error = 0, the Session Connected message at 15:36:17:701 occured after 
the error 426 which I am (wrongly) ignoring

15:35:52:762 Logging started  06/11/2013 15:35:52
15:35:52:762 Created FTP Client
15:35:52:762 in DoGetUpdateFiles
15:35:52:762 Passive Mode = TRUE
15:35:52:762 Attempting to connect to FTP
15:35:52:762 connect to ftp
15:35:53:075 Session Connected, error = 0
15:35:53:387 Request ConnectAsync Done.
15:35:53:387 StatusCode = 230
15:35:53:387 LastResponse was : '230 Anonymous access granted, 
restrictions apply'

15:35:53:387 No error
15:35:53:387 Attempting directory change to: /pub/HireTRACK NX/autoupdates/

My question is whether FTPClient component has this reconnection
and retry option already built in (and I just need to activate it
by setting a property) or whether I need to code it up myself ?

Retrying won't help if you are not waiting for command to complete.
The basic FTP component does not automate anything except the login 

and does not handle any errors with retries.

Instead you should use TMagFtp from:

which automates everything and does file and session retries, if 

I tested earlier with your DUNmanager as I read that it uses the TMagFtp 
and that had a similar problem (though it could be because I hadn't set 
something correctly)
I tried the View Remote Files option, with all logging turned on. After 
a couple of hundred files it gave up too.

< 227 Entering Passive Mode (205,196,214,163,179,155).
> MLSD /pub/HireTRACK NX/autoupdates/navigator_nxserver/
FTP Session Closed
Directory Listing Abandoned, Not Connected
Directory Listing Abandoned, Failed Response
Task Result: Failed
Request Failed: No Directory Listing

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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - reconnecting

2013-11-06 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> For some reason the FTP server I'm connecting to seems to close the 
> session for no specific reason - here shown with a 426 error, that 
> currently my code is ignoring and hence I then get a later problem 
> 530.
>  From my FTPClient logs
> 15:36:17:405 local - C:\ProgramData\Navigator Systems\NX SQL 
> Server\Downloaded Updates\HireTrack NX\\HireTrack NX.inf
> 15:36:17:405 host  - /pub/HireTRACK NX/autoupdates/HireTrack 
> NX/ NX.inf
> 15:36:17:405 changing to binary mode
> 15:36:17:405 Request MlsdAsync Done.
> 15:36:17:405 StatusCode = 0
> 15:36:17:405 LastResponse was : ''
> 15:36:17:405 Error = 426 ()
> 15:36:17:701 Session Connected, error = 0
> 15:36:17:701 Request MlsdAsync Done.
> 15:36:17:701 StatusCode = 220
> 15:36:17:701 LastResponse was : '220 ProFTPD 1.3.3a Server (My FTP 
> server) [:::]'
> 15:36:17:701 No error
> 15:36:17:701 C:\ProgramData\Navigator Systems\NX SQL 
> Server\Downloaded Updates\HireTrack NX\\HireTrack NX.inf
> 15:36:17:701 starting download
> 15:36:17:859 Request GetAsync Done.
> 15:36:17:859 StatusCode = 530
> 15:36:17:859 LastResponse was : '530 Please login with USER and 

You are sending commands out of sequence, the session connected event appears
after you've already sent two commands, you then start to download before
you've even logged into the server.  You also ignore the 426 error and the
other out of sequence responses. 

Looks like you are using async methods and not waiting for them to complete
before sending more commands. 

> My question is whether FTPClient component has this reconnection 
> and retry option already built in (and I just need to activate it 
> by setting a property) or whether I need to code it up myself ?

Retrying won't help if you are not waiting for command to complete.  
The basic FTP component does not automate anything except the login sequence,
and does not handle any errors with retries.  

Instead you should use TMagFtp from:

which automates everything and does file and session retries, if requested.


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