RE: [U2] Recommendations for reporting tools

2005-06-07 Thread Dave S
I don't know the list price for this product.

Tony Gravagno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Mark Ballinger |U2UG| wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 07:42:51AM -0700, Dave S wrote:
>> You can purchase it from this company :
> Yes, I know. I'm just wondering what it costs.

The best way to find out what products cost is to contact the supplier.
Sandritech in particular has a good group of people and I'm sure you'll get
good info, product, and service with them. I'm not one to support
senseless cloaks of secrecy (I hate not seeing a price tag on items in a
store) but there are many reasons to not publish pricing info.
Pricing for some of these software products can vary widely
depending on the VAR, their value-add in terms of support, training, etc,
location, bundling, and many other factors. I might offer a well known
product at cost if we agree to short or long term services or a training
engagement. I might waive support fees for some period of time or offer an
add-on component for less than list cost, not to mention quantity
If we let 'list price' stand as any guide by which we judge
products then I dare say we'd consider a whole lot of products unworthy of
further investigation, and these negotiables would never even be put on the
table - I've seen it happen.
A price that's published today may change tomorrow. You don't want
to prospects to be discouraged by a price they see in a forum when the
price isn't what was posted anymore.
Also, sad but a fact of life, many companies use list price as one
of their key differentiators to raise or lower their own pricing to find a
competitive sweet spot. If someone publishes pricing in a public forum it
may mess up the vendor's competitive positioning, and even encourage other
vendors to just raise their own pricing - I've seen this happen too.
Finally, pricing for some products is just too complex and
confusing to put into a public forum. There are often server vs client
costs or concurrency factors, and some products are priced differently
depending on the platform they're hosted on. Any list price posted will
probably be wrong from the get-go. A vendor doesn't want to start a public
debate about "I don't understand that" or "why does the price break occur
there?". These are discussions to be had one-on-one.

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ removethisNebula-RnD
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RE: [U2] Finding last day of month

2005-06-07 Thread Mark Baldridge
I wrote the application about 15 years ago when we were then VMark
Software.  I believe that would make it an internal IBM tool.  I have
several other performance measuring tools that I use at customer sites when
analyzing system, application, and other performance issues.

The set of tests are likely not complete, but I have several hundred tests
covering various aspects of the run machine, as well as file based
operations, overflow, oversize I/O, messaging, sockets, and the like.  I
also add tests to answer specific questions that come up during customer
sites when chasing anomalies in applications.

One of these days I will get around to compiling my customer travesl into a
performance tuning book!  Alas, it keeps finding its way to back burners.
Sigh.  Much of the material in the UniVerse Theory and Practice course came
from my publications and internal documents.  One advantage of the many
nights in hotels around the U.S. and occasionally the world, is I have the
free time to do work on these things, when not fatigued from doing it all
day at a customer site.  One of the more interesting evening projects
produced a set of programs using transaction logs for maintaining a backup
server as either a fail over machine or as a report server to offload that
kind of work from an OLTP production server.  I believe a previous poster
some months back, had mentioned doing something like that as well.

> From: "Stevenson, Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Mark,
> What are these timing tests?
> They kinda look like the tool PI has.  I can almost remember the name of
> it now, but it was so long ago.
> Is this a tool we users can run or is this something internal at IBM?
> If internal, do you have a complete set of comparative speeds for the
> various operations & functions available in UV-Basic?

Mark A. Baldridge
Principal Consultant
North American Lab Services
DB2 Information Management, IBM Software Group
(607) 351-5666
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[U2] Again with Setting a Network Printer in Linux

2005-06-07 Thread Peter Ivanick

Hola all -

So, I've tried the various options outlined here & in other related 
email, but our setup is failing consistently.

What happens is this: I can setup a printer, B009A for example, in CUPS 
or as an lp printer, doesn't seem to matter. Linux (RH 3.5) printing is 
fine, test are all ok & lp from the bash line are good as well, output 
is dandy. When printed from the TCL prompt like this:

SP-ASSIGN F24 (and the printer B009A has form 24 loaded up)

I get good output. But when I try to print from within local PICK 
programs, which work fine on our 
hopefully-soon-to-be-replaced-if-I-can-fix-this-issue Irix system, 
nothing, they disappear entirely. My spooler log shows:

P Print PR24 2 528 UniVerse 24 06/07/2005 18:49:51

lpstat is clear, but no output. The only exception to this is when I 
have the printer setup as a RAW printer, in which case I do get output 
but it is incomplete -- a few boxes are drawn & a small amount of text 
is output at the top of the page.

My programmer assures me he's doing nothing odd with the printing, and I 
believe him (can post some code here if that will help, I need to find 
the explicit printing code first) but damned if I can think of anything 
else going on. Again, all jobs are properly logged in my spooler log 
files but no output.

ANY hints/thoughts/ideas greatly appreciated.


Stu Glancy wrote:
You need to setup &DEVICE& by edit or uv admin.  UV admin is best 
because you will need to reread the spooler configuration files and you 
are prompted for this.  On my Linux the TCl command is "MOTIF 
SYSTEM.ADMIN" or SYSTEM.ADMIN  in the "uv" account.

Marc Hilbert wrote:

I have tried reading the manual. How can I set up access to a network 
printer under UV 10 with Linux Redhat 9.0. From the Linux shell I can 
successfully print, but from UV all I get is the following message 
every minute or so...

"Unable to open device. Verify that the printer is on line..."

Thanks in advance,
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Peter Ivanick
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Phone: 215.573.2306Fax: 215.573.8777
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RE: [U2] Recommendations for reporting tools

2005-06-07 Thread Tony Gravagno
Mark Ballinger |U2UG| wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 07:42:51AM -0700, Dave S wrote:
>> You can purchase it from this company :
> Yes, I know.  I'm just wondering what it costs.

The best way to find out what products cost is to contact the supplier.
Sandritech in particular has a good group of people and I'm sure you'll get
good info, product, and service with them.  I'm not one to support
senseless cloaks of secrecy (I hate not seeing a price tag on items in a
store) but there are many reasons to not publish pricing info.
Pricing for some of these software products can vary widely
depending on the VAR, their value-add in terms of support, training, etc,
location, bundling, and many other factors.  I might offer a well known
product at cost if we agree to short or long term services or a training
engagement.  I might waive support fees for some period of time or offer an
add-on component for less than list cost, not to mention quantity
If we let 'list price' stand as any guide by which we judge
products then I dare say we'd consider a whole lot of products unworthy of
further investigation, and these negotiables would never even be put on the
table - I've seen it happen.
A price that's published today may change tomorrow.  You don't want
to prospects to be discouraged by a price they see in a forum when the
price isn't what was posted anymore.
Also, sad but a fact of life, many companies use list price as one
of their key differentiators to raise or lower their own pricing to find a
competitive sweet spot.  If someone publishes pricing in a public forum it
may mess up the vendor's competitive positioning, and even encourage other
vendors to just raise their own pricing - I've seen this happen too.
Finally, pricing for some products is just too complex and
confusing to put into a public forum.  There are often server vs client
costs or concurrency factors, and some products are priced differently
depending on the platform they're hosted on.  Any list price posted will
probably be wrong from the get-go.  A vendor doesn't want to start a public
debate about "I don't understand that" or "why does the price break occur
there?".  These are discussions to be had one-on-one.

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ removethisNebula-RnD
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RE: [U2] Printing from UniVerse

2005-06-07 Thread Dave S
It is very time consuming to code this way. However,
you do end up with self-documenting code.

--- Peter Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bob,
> In all the places that I have worked without
> standards, I have applied the 
> standard you refer to with variables names.  It's
> great. Additional, I 
> don't rust DICTs I look at the EQU item for a true
> description of what the 
> field is and what it does.
> 016: *   ITEM ID = CONO '!' REJECT#
> 017:
> 018: DIM MAT.REJ.REC(40)
> 019:
> ;* S Entered Date
> ;* S Inspector#
> ;* S Purchase Order#
> ;* S Vendor#
> At 01:18 PM 6/7/2005 -0700, you wrote:
> >One of the programming standards I've seen names
> all equates with a
> >trailing $.  System subroutines start with a $ and
> I thought this was a
> >pretty slick way of knowing instantly that it's an
> equate, not a
> >variable, while browsing the source code.
> >
> >BobW
> ---
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RE: [U2] Printing from UniVerse

2005-06-07 Thread Peter Gonzalez
In all the places that I have worked without standards, I have applied the 
standard you refer to with variables names.  It's great. Additional, I 
don't rust DICTs I look at the EQU item for a true description of what the 
field is and what it does.

016: *   ITEM ID = CONO '!' REJECT#
018: DIM MAT.REJ.REC(40)
020: EQU MR.ENTER.DT$  TO MAT.REJ.REC(1) ;* S Entered Date
021: EQU MR.INSPECTOR$ TO MAT.REJ.REC(2) ;* S Inspector#
022: EQU MR.PONO$  TO MAT.REJ.REC(3) ;* S Purchase Order#
023: EQU MR.VENDNO$TO MAT.REJ.REC(4) ;* S Vendor#

At 01:18 PM 6/7/2005 -0700, you wrote:
>One of the programming standards I've seen names all equates with a
>trailing $.  System subroutines start with a $ and I thought this was a
>pretty slick way of knowing instantly that it's an equate, not a
>variable, while browsing the source code.
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RE: [U2] Printing from UniVerse

2005-06-07 Thread Bob Woodward
One of the programming standards I've seen names all equates with a
trailing $.  System subroutines start with a $ and I thought this was a
pretty slick way of knowing instantly that it's an equate, not a
variable, while browsing the source code.


> Coming from a C background, I always use EQUates for any constant
> that isn't going to change.  I look at EQUates the same as a C
> #define statement.  I bet you instructor didn't like that use of
> EQUates because he's see too many times where somebody forgets that
> the "variable" is really a constant and gets an error when trying to
> assign a value to the constant.  That is specifically why I like to
> use EQUates like this, so I don't have to worry about a constant
> getting clobbered.
> Ray
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RE: [U2] Printing from UniVerse

2005-06-07 Thread Raymond DeGennaro II

At 18:22 -0700 2005/06/06, Bill Haskett wrote:

However, with "EQUATE VM TO CHAR(254)" there is no such relationship, so I
was taught not to do this as it wasn't the intention of the statement (even
though I could).  I think I was taught by someone who was very particular
about these kinds of things.  :-)

Coming from a C background, I always use EQUates for any constant 
that isn't going to change.  I look at EQUates the same as a C 
#define statement.  I bet you instructor didn't like that use of 
EQUates because he's see too many times where somebody forgets that 
the "variable" is really a constant and gets an error when trying to 
assign a value to the constant.  That is specifically why I like to 
use EQUates like this, so I don't have to worry about a constant 
getting clobbered.

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Re: [U2] Unidata Indexing

2005-06-07 Thread jbutera
On Tue, 7 Jun 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I think we have to keep in mind what happens in the whole process.
> While the select itself will process faster (provided you have not specified
> NO.NULLS when creating the index), we have to ask what you're going to do next
> with that list ?
> If the amount of nulls exceeds perhaps, off-the-cuff, ten percent of your
> database, then you will not enjoy any end-to-end speed improvements in your
> process.  This is because, in processing that list, you will be jumping all 
> over
> your disk in semi-random order.  (Let's assume the entire file is not resident
> in memory at once.)  Because of this "thrashing", each READ will take
> significantly longer than if you simply read the file, in hashed order, from 
> beginning
> to end, and process only those records with nulls in your target field.
> So in the end, your timing may show, that an indexed SELECT on a value that
> is very common, followed by a loop of processing, is actually taking longer,
> than a non-indexed SELECT, followed by that same loop.
> And you thought this stuff was easy :)
> Will Johnson
> Fast Forward Technologies
> ---
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Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
Administrative Systems
Hampshire College

"...our behavior matters more than the beliefs that we profess."
Elizabeth Deutsch Earle
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Re: [U2] When do globally cataloged programs get removed?

2005-06-07 Thread Ian Renfrew
Yeah, and watch the s__t fly when you find out that the globally cataloged 
routine is running in several other accounts and the object code for the 
locally or directly catalogued routine is different than the globally 
catalogued routine. Just a word of warning.

Regards,  Ian Renfrew

- Original Message - 
From: "Dave S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] When do globally cataloged programs get removed?

I remember getting a tip from a co-worker to decatalogue the program twice. 
On the second

decatalogue, the global catalogue is removed.

In a message dated 6/7/2005 8:34:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

... it was
the fact that I didn't realize that I needed to re-catalog globally
cataloged programs when they're changed.

Which reminds me of the trouble I had before I realized that 
(we use to say "Core-locked") routines, have to be re-locked before the 

will utilize the new version.
Not exactly your problem but related to it. "Oh yeah in order for that
routine to work, we always had to reboot the system " (actually heard 
at a

client site).
"Well ", says I, " let me show you a little trick."

Will Johnson
Fast Forward Technologies
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[U2] Need developer with C/C++ experience for contract work

2005-06-07 Thread Mark C. Baumann-Erb
I realize this group deals primarily in PICK basic development, but
hopefully there are some multi-talented individuals out there (or a
reference to someone who is.)  My company needs someone with C/C++
experience on AIX 5.x using XLC and/or gcc compilers.  Specifically, we
need someone to modify make files (that are configured for RH Linux) to
compile a set of libraries that were provided by a third party.  Work to
be done remotely and I would estimate it would take 8 - 16 hours for
this project.  Rate is negotiable based upon level of experience.  If
interested or if you might know of someone who would be interested,
please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [U2] When do globally cataloged programs get removed?

2005-06-07 Thread Dave S
I remember getting a tip from a co-worker to decatalogue the program twice. On 
the second
decatalogue, the global catalogue is removed.

In a message dated 6/7/2005 8:34:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> ... it was
> the fact that I didn't realize that I needed to re-catalog globally
> cataloged programs when they're changed.

Which reminds me of the trouble I had before I realized that "memory-locked" 
(we use to say "Core-locked") routines, have to be re-locked before the system 
will utilize the new version.
Not exactly your problem but related to it. "Oh yeah in order for that 
routine to work, we always had to reboot the system " (actually heard at a 
client site).
"Well ", says I, " let me show you a little trick."

Will Johnson
Fast Forward Technologies
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Re: [U2] Seeing EQUATES in RAID

2005-06-07 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 6/7/2005 8:34:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Thanks Charles! I get so frustrated when running debug and I can't see 
> equates. Your simple statement explained it to me so that I can at least 
> understand WHY I can't see them! Thanks! 

This ability should be on our U2 "wish list".  It seems to trip everyone up 
at least a few times before they realize what's going on.  As I said earlier, 
an additional table in the op code would take care of the issue for the most 
Will Johnson
Fast Forward Technologies
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Re: [U2] Recommendations for reporting tools

2005-06-07 Thread Mark Ballinger
On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 07:42:51AM -0700, Dave S wrote:
> You can purchase it from this company :

Yes, I know.  I'm just wondering what it costs.
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Re: [U2] When do globally cataloged programs get removed?

2005-06-07 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 6/7/2005 8:34:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> ... it was
> the fact that I didn't realize that I needed to re-catalog globally
> cataloged programs when they're changed.

Which reminds me of the trouble I had before I realized that "memory-locked" 
(we use to say "Core-locked") routines, have to be re-locked before the system 
will utilize the new version.
   Not exactly your problem but related to it.  "Oh yeah in order for that 
routine to work, we always had to reboot the system " (actually heard at a 
client site).
   "Well ", says I, " let me show you a little trick."

Will Johnson
Fast Forward Technologies
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Re: [U2] Unidata Indexing

2005-06-07 Thread FFT2001
In a message dated 6/7/2005 6:37:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> For your specific question about nulls, it depends on how many nulls you 
> expect to find.  Using the above examples, if you only expect a handful of 
> null values, your select statement "should" work the same in either case 
> and it will be much faster with an index.

I think we have to keep in mind what happens in the whole process.
While the select itself will process faster (provided you have not specified 
NO.NULLS when creating the index), we have to ask what you're going to do next 
with that list ?

If the amount of nulls exceeds perhaps, off-the-cuff, ten percent of your 
database, then you will not enjoy any end-to-end speed improvements in your 
process.  This is because, in processing that list, you will be jumping all 
your disk in semi-random order.  (Let's assume the entire file is not resident 
in memory at once.)  Because of this "thrashing", each READ will take 
significantly longer than if you simply read the file, in hashed order, from 
to end, and process only those records with nulls in your target field.

So in the end, your timing may show, that an indexed SELECT on a value that 
is very common, followed by a loop of processing, is actually taking longer, 
than a non-indexed SELECT, followed by that same loop.

And you thought this stuff was easy :)

Will Johnson
Fast Forward Technologies
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RE: [U2] When do globally cataloged programs get removed?

2005-06-07 Thread Wendy Smoak
I wrote:
> I was compiling under my own userid yesterday when the 
> changes were not taking effect.  I just compiled as the 
> privileged user, and now it's working.

I shouldn't try to figure things out this early in the morning.  It
wasn't file ownership or who compiled the trigger subroutine... it was
the fact that I didn't realize that I needed to re-catalog globally
cataloged programs when they're changed.

At least, that's what makes sense right now... 

Wendy Smoak
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RE: [U2] Printing from UniVerse

2005-06-07 Thread Marilyn Hilb
Thanks Charles! I get so frustrated when running debug and I can't see equates. 
Your simple statement explained it to me so that I can at least understand WHY 
I can't see them! Thanks! 

 -Original Message-
From:   Stevenson, Charles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Tuesday, June 07, 2005 9:43 AM
Subject:RE: [U2] Printing from UniVerse

I believe EQUATE on Microdata, UV, and ALL MV-Basics are substantially
equivalent in that EQUATE is an instruction to the compiler to
substitute the right half whenever it (the compiler) subsequently
encounters the term on the left half of the EQUATE.
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RE: [U2] When do globally cataloged programs get removed?

2005-06-07 Thread Wendy Smoak
> If you can su to root, you can CATALOG the subroutine with
> qualifier, or you can use the 'newversion' command, if not,
> then you can use the NEWPCODE ECL command to make your
> current session see the new version, but it won't affect
> other sessions.

We don't have root on this machine... We do have a user with some root
privileges, but apparently not enough to use NEWVERSION.

But that was enough of a hint to make me check who owns what.  I knew
that only the owner of the file (or root) can add a trigger to it, but
apparently it also matters who owns the executable code for the trigger.

I was compiling under my own userid yesterday when the changes were not
taking effect.  I just compiled as the privileged user, and now it's

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University, PA, IRM 
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RE: [U2] Printing from UniVerse

2005-06-07 Thread Stevenson, Charles
Bill & Diane,
I'd hold suspect just about anything this teacher said.
That is - to be polite - a "unique" way of thinking about EQUATEs.
There are not 2 slots in memory to update simultaneously.  

I believe EQUATE on Microdata, UV, and ALL MV-Basics are substantially
equivalent in that EQUATE is an instruction to the compiler to
substitute the right half whenever it (the compiler) subsequently
encounters the term on the left half of the EQUATE.

On UV, a VLIST of the program should make that clear.
Consider this simple program and its VLISTing:

   0002   DIM APFILEREC( 10 )
   0003   APFILE$CUSTNAME = 'C Stevenson'
   0004   APFILEREC(2) = 'C Stevenson'

Notice how line 1 does not actually produce object code.
It is just something for the compiler to keep in mind.
Notice how lines 3 and 4 compile exactly the same:


   2:   DIM APFILEREC( 10 )
   3:   APFILE$CUSTNAME = 'C Stevenson'
   3 0 : 0F8 move   "C Stevenson"  => APFILEREC [2]
   4:   APFILEREC(2) = 'C Stevenson'
   4 6 : 0F8 move   "C Stevenson"  => APFILEREC [2]
   5 C : 190 stop

To be fair, said teacher must not have been too bad, though: you're both
still here & prospering!

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Re: [U2] Recommendations for reporting tools

2005-06-07 Thread Dave S
You can purchase it from this company :
Sandri Technologies, Inc. 

Mark Ballinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 09:28:16AM -0400, Dianne Ackerman wrote:
> We love mvQuery and so do our clients.
> -Dianne

How much does it sell for? Their website doesn't seem to say.
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Re: [U2] Recommendations for reporting tools

2005-06-07 Thread Mark Ballinger
On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 09:28:16AM -0400, Dianne Ackerman wrote:
> We love mvQuery and so do our clients.
> -Dianne

How much does it sell for?  Their website doesn't seem to say.
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Re: [U2] Printing from UniVerse

2005-06-07 Thread Dianne Ackerman
Maybe that was a Microdata "rule", because I was taught the same exact 


Bill Haskett wrote:


It's funny you should raise Microdata.  I was taught to never use EQUATEs
unless I wanted to create a relationship between both sides of the equation.
e.g I'd use the following:


This would allow me to manipulate either side of the equate and know both
sides would maintain their common value.  I could MATREAD the APFILEREC and
would know that the variable APFILE$CUSTDATE would be assigned
appropriately.  I could change the variable APFILE$CUSTDATE and know the
record array would be updated simultaneously, so I could then just MATWRITE
the APFILEREC and be done with it.

However, with "EQUATE VM TO CHAR(254)" there is no such relationship, so I
was taught not to do this as it wasn't the intention of the statement (even
though I could).  I think I was taught by someone who was very particular
about these kinds of things.  :-)


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Re: [U2] Recommendations for reporting tools

2005-06-07 Thread Dianne Ackerman

We love mvQuery and so do our clients.

Clifton Oliver wrote:

One of my clients has asked me what reporting tools, other than 
Crystal Reports other U2 shops favor.

Any recommendations of what they might want to evaluate?

Thanks in Advance.

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Re: [U2] Unidata Indexing

2005-06-07 Thread Charlie Rubeor
That's not a naive question at all.  I'll try and answer it.  Creating an 
index on MY_FIELD will probably speed things up.  It depends on the 
cardinality of the data and how many null values there are.  For example, 
if this is a large file, say 10,000,000 records, and MY_FIELD contains 
something like a state code (MA, CT, CA, etc), your results will be 
better, but not by much.  There are only 50 possible values*, so the index 
nodes will be rather large.  If MY_FIELD contains something like a zip 
code, where there are thousands of possible values,  the index nodes will 
be much smaller and your select statements should work faster.  I don't 
understand all the internals, but from my experience, I have found that 
Unidata/Universe handle indexes with low cardinality better than other 

For your specific question about nulls, it depends on how many nulls you 
expect to find.  Using the above examples, if you only expect a handful of 
null values, your select statement "should" work the same in either case 
and it will be much faster with an index.

Did that help?

* Please forgive my usage of a possibly politically incorrect and 
USA-oriented example.  Best I could think of on the spur of the moment and 
no disrespect of great countries like Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, 
etc, was intended.

Charlie Rubeor
Unix/Database Admin
The Wiremold Company
800.338.1315 x3498
860.523.3690 fax

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/06/2005 08:58:28 PM:

> I've got a naive Unidata question, but figured I'd throw it out there
> anyway.  In short, does indexing a field in a given file help 
> when querying for an empty string?  ie:
> I've always assumed yes but would like to hear other's thoughts.
> Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
> Administrative Systems
> Hampshire College
> 413-559-5556
> "...our behavior matters more than the beliefs that we profess."
> Elizabeth Deutsch Earle
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RE: [U2] Recommendations for reporting tools

2005-06-07 Thread Bob Witney
We use Microgen MVQuery for extracting from the U2 database into 

It works and its reasonably priced


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Manu Fernandes
Sent: 07 June 2005 08:13
Subject: Re: [U2] Recommendations for reporting tools

We use Hummingbird/BI Suite. > BI

Manu Fernandes Infodata S.`r.l. Tel : (352) 33 16 48 Fax : (.352) 33 75 55
- Original Message - 
From: "Clifton Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 11:04 PM
Subject: [U2] Recommendations for reporting tools

> One of my clients has asked me what reporting tools, other than Crystal 
> Reports other U2 shops favor.
> Any recommendations of what they might want to evaluate?
> Thanks in Advance.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Clif
> ~~~
> W. Clifton Oliver, CCP
> Tel: +1 619 460 5678Web:
> ~~~
> ---
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Re: [U2] Recommendations for reporting tools

2005-06-07 Thread Manu Fernandes

We use Hummingbird/BI Suite. > BI

Manu Fernandes Infodata S.`r.l. Tel : (352) 33 16 48 Fax : (.352) 33 75 55
- Original Message - 
From: "Clifton Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 11:04 PM
Subject: [U2] Recommendations for reporting tools

One of my clients has asked me what reporting tools, other than Crystal 
Reports other U2 shops favor.

Any recommendations of what they might want to evaluate?

Thanks in Advance.




W. Clifton Oliver, CCP
Tel: +1 619 460 5678Web:
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