Re: Navigator 6.6 alpha 1 is out

2018-10-16 Thread Geoff Canyon via use-livecode
Updated to fix the Card List and Background List. Also noticed and fixed a
non-visual issue with the HTML being set in Navigator's List.

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Re: sending a JSON string

2018-10-16 Thread Andre Alves Garzia via use-livecode


I am pasting some code I've built here that should do what you want but 
when I try it, it returns a 401 error which is an authentication error. 
On that manual page you linked there is a notice about API keys and 
Channel keys, so maybe the key on this email is not the correct one. 
This is the code (and yes, it is dead ugly):


*local*tHeaders, tResult


*put*"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"intotHeaders

*put*libURLFormData("api_key", "EQKTUQQKVH83D1RE") intotFormData

";, "DELETE", 
tHeaders, "transferComplete", tFormData) intotResult


*on*transferComplete pID, pResult, pBytes, pCurlCode

*local*tData, tHeaders, tResult, rError

*if* pCurlCode isnot0*then*

*put*tsNetRetrError(pID) & crafterfld"output"

*end* *if*

*put*tsNetRetrData(pID, tError) intotData

*put*"Server returned:"& tData & crafterfld"output"

*put*"Headers"&& tsNetRetrSentHeaders("1", rError) & crafterfld"output"

*put*tResult & cr& tHeaders & cr& pResult & cr& tData afterfld"output"

   tsNetCloseConn pID


On 10/16/2018 9:12 PM, Douglas Ruisaard via use-livecode wrote:

I'll start by apologizing for my abysmal familiarity with HTTP, JSON, and URL's 
... I'm hoping someone will have pity and give me a hand!

I am trying to send a "command" to a ThingSpeak channel, which is very successfully 
receiving data from a simple little ESP8266 module.  Periodically, I need to clear the data from 
this channel.  I want to do so from LC.. NOT the ESP8266.  I just can't seem to 
"coordinate" the instructions from the ThingSpeak site to DELETE this data (not the 
channel, just the data within) with an LC function / code.

The link to the ThingSpeak page I am referring to is:

but in essence, I interpret the content to assert the following:

Access the following URL: "; where 
"564256" is the channel I wish to clear.

Send the JSON "command": "DELETE
   api_key= EQKTUQQKVH83D1RE"

where "EQKTUQQKVH83D1RE" is my account api-key 
for writing to the ThingSpeak channel

if successful, ThingSpeak responds with: "[]" ... an empty JSON array

In LC, I've tried the following (and several variations):

on mouseUp
put empty into field "Output"
put "; into tUrl
put "DELETE; & return & 
"api_key=EQKTUQQKVH83D1RE" into JsonCmd

-- Send a HTTP DELETE request

put tsNetCustomSync(tUrl, JsonCmd, tHeader, tResponseHeaders, tResult, 
tBytes) into tData

-- If this is not the case, we will inform the user

put tResult into field "Output"

end mouseUp

I get a tResult of 0 (zero) ... but the data is NOT cleared.

I have also tried the following:

on mouseUp
  put empty into field "Output"
 into tUrl
  put "DELETE; & return & 
"api_key=EQKTUQQKVH83D1RE" into tMessage["text"]
  put ArrayToJSON(tMessage) into tMessage
  set the httpHeaders to "Content-type: application/json"
  post tMessage to url tUrl
  put it into field "Output"

end mouseUp

But that only "creates" a new entry in the channel with all of the data fields 

I'm sure it's the way in which I am trying to send the "DELETE" command but I 
just can't see how to do it correctly.

I'd be grateful for any assistance.

Douglas Ruisaard
Trilogy Software
(250) 573-3935

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Navigator 6.6 alpha 1 is out

2018-10-16 Thread Geoff Canyon via use-livecode
As usual, you can get Navigator here
. Or grab it
from GitHub .

Navigator 6.6rc1 Release Notes

This is a major update to how commands work in Navigator, and continues to
update how Navigator handles what container to target.


Navigator now supports from 0-6 (configurable in preferences) Command Bars.
These are similar in appearance to the Group Fold Bar, but on the right
side of Navigator. Each bar can have a command associated with it, and
clicking a selected control in the bar will apply that command to the
currently selected controls. Click an unselected control in the Command Bar
to select the control you click and apply the command to that one control.

This is intended as a more obvious way to apply different commands to a set
of controls than the previous option/command/shift click options in the
main list. Those options are still available and configurable in the
preferences. That section of the preferences now includes the setting for
how many command bars to display as well. There are no custom key
combinations available for the command bars, except for control-clicking a
command bar to select what command it should apply.

Each command bar has a tooltip that displays what command it will apply. To
change the command, control-click or right-click the command bar. This
displays a menu of the built-in commands, followed by any custom commands
included in your Navigator Commands folder. The current command will have a
checkmark; select any other command to change to that command. These
settings are universal across all open copies of Navigator.

To define a new command, select New Command... at the top of the menu. That
will open Navigator's Command Panel, where you can enter a new command. The
command panel has a Save button. Once you save your command and give it a
name, it will be set for that command panel -- and available as a custom
command in general.

In Preferences, list custom commands can now be defined using the Command
Panel instead of just an Ask dialog, and have access to the pre-defined
variables of the Command Panel -- tID for the current control, tCount for
the number of controls selected, tIndex for the index of the current
control in the list, etc. See the included Index Names.txt and Report
Average Loc.txt for examples of how this can be used.

The command panel has been updated. It now includes a tab for changing
between commands and setting properties. It likely needs explaining that
when setting properties, all that is needed is something like the following:

right = 89
visible= false

to set those three properties to the associated values for the selected
controls. This can't be used as a custom command. The command panel now
reflects this fact, hiding the "Save" button when showing the properties

There is no functionality for editing or removing custom commands. However,
they are just text files in the Navigator Commands folder, so you can
delete those files or edit them however you like.

The Stack menu is now the Target menu. The icon reflects the crosshair used
for targeting a stack visually. Simply clicking the crosshair goes
immediately to the mouseStack functionality. A slow click, or
click-and-hold, displays the Stack menu as usual.

The recent targets have moved to the Stack menu. I upped the limit to 9,
and internally I'm storing 99 -- let me know if there is any need/use case
for this.

Recent targets are now universal across all copies of Navigator.

The Show IDE Stacks and Show Script-Only Stacks options should now stick
from one launch of Navigator to the next -- but they're not preferences, so
installing a new copy of Navigator will default them back to off.

Navigator is a bear to debug. Over the years I can't count how many times
I've typed:

put "got here"

to learn where my code is dying. That's a pain to find and disable when
shipping Navigator, and more than once I've gotten a friendly note from
someone saying that Navigator is triggering the message box. So I created a
simple Debug command within Navigator. Here it is:

local sDebugLastCall
on debug
   -- exit debug
   if sDebugLastCall is empty or ticks() - sDebugLastCall > 120 then put
   put ticks() into sDebugLastCall
   put line -2 of the executionContexts into LC
   put ticks() & cr &  the long name of (item 1 of LC) & cr & item 2 to -1
of LC & cr & cr into R
   repeat with i = 1 to paramCount()
  put i & ":" && param(i) & cr & cr after R
   end repeat
   put R after message
end debug

Obviously, "debug" is easier to find and remove in scripts than an
unterminated "put", but note that first line "-- exit debug"; as long as 

sending a JSON string

2018-10-16 Thread Douglas Ruisaard via use-livecode
I'll start by apologizing for my abysmal familiarity with HTTP, JSON, and URL's 
... I'm hoping someone will have pity and give me a hand!

I am trying to send a "command" to a ThingSpeak channel, which is very 
successfully receiving data from a simple little ESP8266 module.  Periodically, 
I need to clear the data from this channel.  I want to do so from LC.. NOT the 
ESP8266.  I just can't seem to "coordinate" the instructions from the 
ThingSpeak site to DELETE this data (not the channel, just the data within) 
with an LC function / code.

The link to the ThingSpeak page I am referring to is:

but in essence, I interpret the content to assert the following:

Access the following URL: 
"; where "564256" is the 
channel I wish to clear.

Send the JSON "command": "DELETE
   api_key= EQKTUQQKVH83D1RE" 

where "EQKTUQQKVH83D1RE" is my account api-key 
for writing to the ThingSpeak channel

if successful, ThingSpeak responds with: "[]" ... an empty JSON array

In LC, I've tried the following (and several variations):

on mouseUp
   put empty into field "Output"   
   put "; into tUrl
   put "DELETE; & return & 
"api_key=EQKTUQQKVH83D1RE" into JsonCmd
   -- Send a HTTP DELETE request
   put tsNetCustomSync(tUrl, JsonCmd, tHeader, tResponseHeaders, tResult, 
tBytes) into tData
   -- If this is not the case, we will inform the user
   put tResult into field "Output"
end mouseUp

I get a tResult of 0 (zero) ... but the data is NOT cleared.  

I have also tried the following:

on mouseUp
 put empty into field "Output"
 into tUrl 
 put "DELETE; & 
return & "api_key=EQKTUQQKVH83D1RE" into tMessage["text"]
 put ArrayToJSON(tMessage) into tMessage
 set the httpHeaders to "Content-type: application/json"
 post tMessage to url tUrl
 put it into field "Output"

end mouseUp

But that only "creates" a new entry in the channel with all of the data fields 

I'm sure it's the way in which I am trying to send the "DELETE" command but I 
just can't see how to do it correctly.

I'd be grateful for any assistance.

Douglas Ruisaard
Trilogy Software
(250) 573-3935

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Library to Cancel PendingMessages

2018-10-16 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode
We anticipate using more and more animation in our app. It is like
Levure in the sense that it is has a lot of "view" module/stacks.

For now I just need to cancel one or two. Which we can very easily do
"locally"  -- store the result and cancel on close card.

But I wonder about a global library. Where the messages contained in 
"pScope"  (all the animation on a given card)

# user will immediately close a card that has animation on progress.

I wonder before I go start reinventing the wheel there, if someone how a
global library for canceling the pending message. The idea is

send "gotoPathIndex" to me in 4 seconds
send "moveTiger" to me in 3 seconds

I started in this but got lost in how to manage 2 dimensional arrays
with with  "wild card" in the second dimension.  So I just got it
working for one card, for one animation for now


# card script:

on preOpenCard  
   send "gotoPathIndex" to me in 4 seconds
   put the result into pResult
   --   put the pendingmessages
   --   breakpoint
   queueStackMessages "CoverAnimation","closeCardTransition",pResult
end preOpenCard

on closeCard
   cancelStackMessages "CoverAnimation", "closeCardTransition"
end closeCard

# stack script: testing, will put in a back script eventually

# queueStackMessages
# Param1: e.g all pending message for a given card animation(s)
# Param2: e.g the name of the message
# Param3: e.g the result--Message ID

local sStackPendingMessagesA

command queueStackMessages pScope,pName,pResult
   put pResult into sStackPendingMessagesA[pScope][pName]
end queueStackMessages

# -- cancelMessages

command cancelStackMessages pScope,pDescription,pResult
   cancel sStackPendingMessagesA["CoverAnimation"]["closeCardTransition"]
   --   if param(2) is empty and param(3) is empty then
   --  repeat for each key K in sStackPendingMessagesA
   --  end if
  -- # oops - got lost in
  -- # how cancel all animation in pScope

end cancelStackMessages

two more questions:

1) how to get a "wild card" in an array, or do we need a repeat loop to
thru the keys

cancel sStackPendingMessagesA["CoverAnimation"][*wildCard*]

2) can you cancel a message with its name? I suspect not. We will have
parse the pendingMessages.

3) You always have a global license to say "This is bad architecture.
Why don't you do it like this?"

53428,1539662235.139143,gotoPathIndex,card id 1088 of stack


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Re: Unicode Store in JSON

2018-10-16 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode
Unicode is binary??
> Bob S

not unicode per se Dictionary says


textEncode(*stringToEncode*, encoding)


Converts from text to binary data.

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Re: Showing four options in a menu?

2018-10-16 Thread Geoff Canyon via use-livecode
I went with submenus, and that works, it's just annoying for a binary value
(even if binary really ends up being four options, as described). I'm going
to leave it alone for now and wait for inspiration to hit.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 8:58 AM Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <> wrote:

> In these situations, I usually go away from popup menus and use locked
> fields with listBehavior set instead.
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Re: Showing four options in a menu?

2018-10-16 Thread Bob Sneidar via use-livecode

> On Oct 16, 2018, at 08:51 , Bob Sneidar via use-livecode 
>  wrote:
>> On Oct 15, 2018, at 13:57 , Geoff Canyon via use-livecode 
>>  wrote:
>> For displaying a simple binary choice in a menu, a !c checkmark works well.
>> But in Navigator's property menu, there are four possibilities:
>> 1. the property is not boolean -- display nothing with the menu.
>> 2. the property is boolean and is true for all the selected controls --
>> display a !c check.
>> 3. the property is boolean and is false for all the selected controls --
>> display ???
>> 4. the property is boolean and is false for some of the selected controls
>> and true for others -- display ???
>> Is there any way to handle this without a sub-menu? It would be nice to be
>> able to set booleans from the menu just by selecting them instead of having
>> to mouse onto  a sub-menu.
> It would be non-standard, but that being said, prepending the menu with a 
> character like a bullet, checkbox, x or dash could work. Not sure if 
> button/menu text can display HTML, but that would be a possibility. You would 
> have to handle your selections differently methinks. 
> Bob S
The answer is no, a button cannot display HTML. If it did then some thought 
would have to be given to how to return a value in menuPick. You wouldn't want 
it to return the html text of the choice, but then how would you distinguish 
what part of the value was the mark, and what was the choice? 

In these situations, I usually go away from popup menus and use locked fields 
with listBehavior set instead. 

Bob S

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Re: Showing four options in a menu?

2018-10-16 Thread Bob Sneidar via use-livecode

> On Oct 15, 2018, at 13:57 , Geoff Canyon via use-livecode 
>  wrote:
> For displaying a simple binary choice in a menu, a !c checkmark works well.
> But in Navigator's property menu, there are four possibilities:
> 1. the property is not boolean -- display nothing with the menu.
> 2. the property is boolean and is true for all the selected controls --
> display a !c check.
> 3. the property is boolean and is false for all the selected controls --
> display ???
> 4. the property is boolean and is false for some of the selected controls
> and true for others -- display ???
> Is there any way to handle this without a sub-menu? It would be nice to be
> able to set booleans from the menu just by selecting them instead of having
> to mouse onto  a sub-menu.

It would be non-standard, but that being said, prepending the menu with a 
character like a bullet, checkbox, x or dash could work. Not sure if 
button/menu text can display HTML, but that would be a possibility. You would 
have to handle your selections differently methinks. 

Bob S

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Re: Unicode Store in JSON

2018-10-16 Thread Bob Sneidar via use-livecode
Unicode is binary??

Bob S

> On Oct 14, 2018, at 17:35 , Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode 
>  wrote:
> On 10/14/18 8:43 AM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
>> I'd store the text normally, without alteration, in the JSON. TextEncode 
>> it when you send it to the database and textDecode when you retrieve it 
>> from the database.
> Wow, that worked! And I thought that JSON could not be a container for
> "binaryData" as described on the dictionary.
> BR

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Re: LC 9.0 Windows - tooltip broken for new datagrid?

2018-10-16 Thread Bob Sneidar via use-livecode
Actually, everything in a datagrid is an object of some sort with it's own 
tooltip (empty by default). There would have to be special code to display the 
tooltip for a datagrid instead of the tooltip for the object you are pointing 

I tested in a new stack and the tooltip for a datagrid NEVER displays. Not even 
sure why it's there. 

Bob S

> On Oct 16, 2018, at 03:44 , Bernard Devlin via use-livecode 
>  wrote:
> Am I right that this is broken?
> A new stack with a single button will show the button's tooltip when the
> pointer hovers over it.
> Add a datagrid, and set the tooltip for the datagrid through the inspector.
> The tooltip does not display no matter where the pointer is in the datagrid.
> Regards
> Bernard

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Re: setProp question

2018-10-16 Thread Bob Sneidar via use-livecode
Not to mercilessly flog an expired Equine, but one of the great things about 
custom properties, is that you can pass the long ID of an object to a command 
or function (think behaviors), and so reference it's custom properties in said 
command or function. Essentially this behaves as group of variables with the 
object as the scope. 

For instance I have a command that pops up a "tooltip" (not a real tooltip but 
a field) when I right-click a record in a datagrid, containing summary 
information about the record clicked on. How do I know what columns belong in 
the summary data? I store them in a custom property in the datagrid, then pass 
the long id of the datagrid to the command. 

Think about that. Not only do I have the long ID of the datagrid, but also the 
long ID of the group (if any) the datagrid belongs to, the long id of the card, 
and the stack reference. Then I can reference all the regular and custom 
properties and know I am dealing with exactly that object clicked on, and not a 
copy of the object I forgot to delete. Just by passing the long ID, instead of 
a string of parameters. It's like a package of variables, AND the variables are 
persistent between sessions. 

Bob S

> On Oct 16, 2018, at 04:13 , Alex Tweedly via use-livecode 
>  wrote:
> I don't know of a way to intercept them, and I did look, because I have/had 
> exactly the same problem.
> I wrote a script (ExplicitProperties) which does a decent, but imperfect, 
> attempt to find places you have referenced a customprop, and checks whether 
> it is a "known" one. That was back in 2012, and I haven't used it much in the 
> meantime, so I don't know what the latest ersion of LC it has been tested / 
> used with - but it was useful to me then.
> You can find it at 
> with an explanation of what it does.
> So, you very reasonably ask, why does the author no longer use it ? :-)
> Well, I just gave up on using custom properties completely. Probably not the 
> right thing to do, but it works for me.
> Alex.

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Re: OT: The Principles of Clean Architecture

2018-10-16 Thread Bob Sneidar via use-livecode
I think you meant, "I hope you don't mind my sharing ongoing research into high 
level architecture." 

:-) Bob S

> On Oct 14, 2018, at 19:35 , Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode 
>  wrote:
> Hope you don't in my sharing on going research into high level architecture.

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Re: Using Dylibs in LiveCode?

2018-10-16 Thread Trevor DeVore via use-livecode
On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 5:07 AM Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode <> wrote:

> Thanks Monte. Where can I find some documentation as to how I can use this?

This is a good document to review:

 For a working example take a look at the Sparkle.lcb file and the code
folder in the Levure App Updater Helper. It shows how to use binding
strings to link to Sparkle methods.

I also have a repo with a number of macOS API experiments which may prove

Trevor DeVore
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Re: setProp question

2018-10-16 Thread dunbarxx via use-livecode
"...Well, I just gave up on using custom properties completely. Probably not 
the right thing to do, but it works for me. "


Really? You abandoned custom properties? I cannot live without them, though
I rarely use the setProp and getProp control structures.

Craig Newman

Sent from:

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Re: setProp question

2018-10-16 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode
I don't know of a way to intercept them, and I did look, because I 
have/had exactly the same problem.

I wrote a script (ExplicitProperties) which does a decent, but 
imperfect, attempt to find places you have referenced a customprop, and 
checks whether it is a "known" one. That was back in 2012, and I haven't 
used it much in the meantime, so I don't know what the latest ersion of 
LC it has been tested / used with - but it was useful to me then.

You can find it at with an 
explanation of what it does.

So, you very reasonably ask, why does the author no longer use it ? :-)

Well, I just gave up on using custom properties completely. Probably not 
the right thing to do, but it works for me.


On 16/10/2018 08:49, Neville Smythe via use-livecode wrote:

Is there any way to intercept setProp messages for properties you *don’t* want 
to set?

I find with my poor typing skills I keep typing

Set the  of 

where NonexistentProperty is a mistype of SomePropertyWhichHasASetPropHandler

and so I keep creating lots of superfluous properties for the object. Annoying 
and sometime painful to clean up.
When you are initially creating the object properties this is not a problem but 
once the structure is set up I'd like to declare “enough”, maybe with a 
LockProperties command
(come to think of it locking changes to existing properties might be useful 
too, though that can be coded into each SetProp handler)

Also, on another topic: my LiveCode windows have suddenly acquired a second title 
line, which when dragged tends to miniaturise the window and then display it 
somewhere else or at full screen, and each time a script editor window is opened it 
is moved higher up the screen until it moves under the menubar and becomes unusable. 
Looks look a system thing (Mac High Sierra) but I’ve never seen it before and only 
just changed to LC9.0.1. Any suggestions as to how to stop this major annoyance 
would be appreciated - or at least configure it if it really is a new LC 
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LC 9.0 Windows - tooltip broken for new datagrid?

2018-10-16 Thread Bernard Devlin via use-livecode
Am I right that this is broken?

A new stack with a single button will show the button's tooltip when the
pointer hovers over it.
Add a datagrid, and set the tooltip for the datagrid through the inspector.
The tooltip does not display no matter where the pointer is in the datagrid.

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Re: Using Dylibs in LiveCode?

2018-10-16 Thread Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode

Thanks Monte. Where can I find some documentation as to how I can use this?

Many thanks,


On 15/10/2018 22:31, Monte Goulding via use-livecode wrote:

On 16 Oct 2018, at 1:29 am, Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode 

I've got a requirement for which there's a useful library, which is made 
available for MacOS as a 'dylib'.

What are my options for accessing this from LC? (I don't have a to ship an 
application using this library, I just want to be access it on my own machines, 
ideally within the IDE.)

LCB is your friend here.



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Re: setProp question

2018-10-16 Thread Richmond via use-livecode

I don't know.

BUT, you can open up the properties palette and manually delete custom 

I'm sorry, I know that's a bit of a pain in the bum


On 16.10.18 г. 10:49 ч., Neville Smythe via use-livecode wrote:

Is there any way to intercept setProp messages for properties you *don’t* want 
to set?

I find with my poor typing skills I keep typing

Set the  of 

where NonexistentProperty is a mistype of SomePropertyWhichHasASetPropHandler

and so I keep creating lots of superfluous properties for the object. Annoying 
and sometime painful to clean up.
When you are initially creating the object properties this is not a problem but 
once the structure is set up I'd like to declare “enough”, maybe with a 
LockProperties command
(come to think of it locking changes to existing properties might be useful 
too, though that can be coded into each SetProp handler)

Also, on another topic: my LiveCode windows have suddenly acquired a second title 
line, which when dragged tends to miniaturise the window and then display it 
somewhere else or at full screen, and each time a script editor window is opened it 
is moved higher up the screen until it moves under the menubar and becomes unusable. 
Looks look a system thing (Mac High Sierra) but I’ve never seen it before and only 
just changed to LC9.0.1. Any suggestions as to how to stop this major annoyance 
would be appreciated - or at least configure it if it really is a new LC 
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use-livecode mailing list
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setProp question

2018-10-16 Thread Neville Smythe via use-livecode
Is there any way to intercept setProp messages for properties you *don’t* want 
to set?

I find with my poor typing skills I keep typing

Set the  of 

where NonexistentProperty is a mistype of SomePropertyWhichHasASetPropHandler

and so I keep creating lots of superfluous properties for the object. Annoying 
and sometime painful to clean up.
When you are initially creating the object properties this is not a problem but 
once the structure is set up I'd like to declare “enough”, maybe with a 
LockProperties command
(come to think of it locking changes to existing properties might be useful 
too, though that can be coded into each SetProp handler)

Also, on another topic: my LiveCode windows have suddenly acquired a second 
title line, which when dragged tends to miniaturise the window and then display 
it somewhere else or at full screen, and each time a script editor window is 
opened it is moved higher up the screen until it moves under the menubar and 
becomes unusable. Looks look a system thing (Mac High Sierra) but I’ve never 
seen it before and only just changed to LC9.0.1. Any suggestions as to how to 
stop this major annoyance would be appreciated - or at least configure it if it 
really is a new LC ”feature".
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Re: [off]Hactoberfest

2018-10-16 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hi Trevor, Excellent clear tutorial, thanks for this.

Andy Piddock 

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. 

TinyIDE  a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode 

Script editor Themer for LC  

PointandSee is a FREE simple but full featured under cursor colour picker / 
finder.  - made with LiveCode
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