Re: Moonshine IDE 3.1.1 and Moonshine SDK Installer 3.8.1 released!

2021-06-15 Thread leokan23
Oh, I would never have figured out the arrow next to download Thank you, it works perfectly. -- Sent from:

Re: Moonshine IDE 3.1.1 and Moonshine SDK Installer 3.8.1 released!

2021-06-15 Thread leokan23
Congrats on the new release Piotr. Can you help me a bit with finding where the moonshine sdk installer is found? Apache SDK installer doesnt seem to work any more so this is a nice alternative :) -- Sent from:

Re: Compiling AIR app

2021-06-08 Thread leokan23
Hi Harbs, for Mac os, there were major updates in 33.1.x as we couldn'y sign, run or install apps. Check for the issues here: -- Sent from:

Re: Compiling AIR app

2021-06-07 Thread leokan23
Is that for desktop? Are you working on windows or mac (macos has several issues with certificates, java, etc. which are kinda solved on AIR As flashbuilder is full of bugs and dead for years I would suggest using intellij with latest AIR. -- Sent from:

Re: Read PDF file inside AIR app

2021-03-22 Thread leokan23
I would go with an ANE for web view. It is the most safe way, I have used. -- Sent from:

Re: Big Sur current status

2020-12-07 Thread leokan23
And iOS :) (iOS 14 sdk is mandatory, so you cant use AIR32 which is stuck on iOS 12) After24 wrote > Our AIR desktop applications (compiled with AIR 31 SDK - captive runtime > bundle) are working great on macOS Big Sur. So you don't have to use the > latest Harman AIR 33 SDK on this OS. I

Re: Is installer broken?

2020-11-13 Thread leokan23
>From the logs it looks like the links to airglobal.swc are not working any more (probably). So basically installer is dead for anyone trying to use this. -- Sent from:

Re: Issue with Flex 4.16.1 and Harman AIR 33.1

2020-11-12 Thread leokan23
Check if it works with http instead of https. I remember flex / air / whatever having issues with https links -- Sent from:

Is installer broken?

2020-11-12 Thread leokan23
A couple of people asked me if installer works and i had a check. It looks like the checkboxes for licenses dont appear when you try to download 4.16.1 version. Trying to download a previous version seem to work, although it crashes later trying to download playerglobal.swc. -- Sent from:

Re: Future of Flex

2020-09-13 Thread leokan23
Erik Thomas-3 wrote > 1.) It is very difficult to find skilled (or even interested in learning) > Flex developers anymore. I posted a job on this very forum six weeks ago > and received no interest from anyone wanting to go full-time as a Flex/AIR > remote developer, and our other recruiting

Re: Blurhash Library for AS3

2020-09-01 Thread leokan23
Thanks for your kind words :) The library is already posted in several Facebook pages, Starling Forum, as3 discord server etc. Feel free to post it in as3lang too if you find this interesting and helpful. -- Sent from:

Re: Apache Flex Installer

2020-08-23 Thread leokan23
It stopped working for me a while back. Now I keep a "clean" copy of flex 4.16 with AIR32 and in every update, I replace AIR SDK. -- Sent from:

Re: From Flex to Flutter

2020-08-13 Thread leokan23
Makes sense. I have been focusing on mobile only since 2012 so this is the reason I never jumped to Royale in the early days. Maybe an option would be (at some point) to follow the Dart path and somehow make Royale compile directly to ARM code. that solves all the performance issues in android and

Re: From Flex to Flutter

2020-08-13 Thread leokan23
Sadly, after running a simple example with Cordova (I hadn't tested it for a couple of years), it looks like I get huge FPS drops even on my 12gb 8core phone. It dropped in a simple animation from 60fps to 5, which obviously is a no go. The second benchmark I did was going through a for loop to

Re: From Flex to Flutter

2020-08-09 Thread leokan23
I want to clarify I am talking mobile performance not web. I will give royale another go, to check how much access I have to native libraries like camera, geolocation etc and what the performance is compared to flex and native. -- Sent from:

Re: From Flex to Flutter

2020-08-09 Thread leokan23
Thank you for clearing some things up. 1. So I understand it correctly, that there is a need to wrap the html with cordova, electron and others to make it work which makes it not a real app but a web app wrapped. Unfortunately, that doesn't work very well in most cases due to performance. 2. It

Re: From Flex to Flutter

2020-08-09 Thread leokan23
Hi Carlos, of course Royale was my first try back in version 0.7.2. The reason I tried it was mostly for web but I had many issues starting with it. Piotr helped me a bit to start but at the time my main issues where: 1. Documentation was scarce (there were mostly examples, not documentation).

From Flex to Flutter

2020-08-08 Thread leokan23
For anyone who might be interested, I migrated an old app from Flex to Flutter and wrote some thoughts about how close the two frameworks are. I would be more than glad if you check it out and of course as always, I am 100% open for any questions. >From Flex to Flutter

Best way to use different ItemRenderers in a list?

2020-07-26 Thread leokan23
I have a list that changes based on the data available. At first i did 1 item renderer that checked everything in set data and added or removed elements from the item. However, when scrolled or refreshed the dataprovider, I was either getting crashes or duplicated elements. Is the issue, creating

Blurhash Library for AS3

2020-07-03 Thread leokan23
We have implemented the Blurhash library for AS3. Anyone who is interested can get the open source project here . We have implemented in pure as3 to work with Flex, Starling, Feathers or even pure as3. Blurhash library, is a small lib, that was build

Re: Spark Image not loading a Firebase URL

2020-07-01 Thread leokan23
No idea why. Works in all my browsers. Any how, using a urlrequest instead of string for source works, so I guess I can live with this workaround. -- Sent from:

Re: Spark Image not loading a Firebase URL

2020-07-01 Thread leokan23
Thank you for your reply. If you try the second set of links (real bucket) you can see both images in any browser. If you try to load them with a custom loader like bellow it works: Using firebaseImg.source=url;

Re: Spark Image not loading a Firebase URL

2020-06-30 Thread leokan23
Is there a way to replace the spark Image loader with a custom one? I tried checking the but I can't really figure out where the loading actually happens. -- Sent from:

Re: Spark Image not loading a Firebase URL

2020-06-26 Thread leokan23
Both are examples, let me post real links. 1st - Works perfectly in 2nd - Doesnt work in

Re: Tip/Solution after December/2020

2020-06-26 Thread leokan23
It looks like this can be also found on bullet 4, in their announcement: Flash EOL Information -- Sent from:

Re: Tip/Solution after December/2020

2020-06-22 Thread leokan23
FYI, I came across some new information which contains this: 'Adobe also said that "Flash-based content will be blocked from running in Adobe Flash Player after the EOL Date," suggesting the company has added or plans to add a so-called "time bomb" in the Flash Player code to prevent users from

Re: Installer license agreements list empty

2020-05-25 Thread leokan23
I have the same issue as well. I keep an archive of Flex 4.16.1 with AIR 32 as a clean install to copy for new versions. -- Sent from:

Re: Flex Articles archived

2020-05-15 Thread leokan23
Ah, sorry. I thought I posted the link at my first post. Here it is. -- Sent from:

Flex Articles archived

2020-05-14 Thread leokan23
So adobe is archiving all Flex and AIR articles, guides, etc in their site. They are taking them offline and making them available only as .zip with PDF screenshots. Maybe we should keep a copy and add them in the official apache flex site for future reference? -- Sent from:

Re: Apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later

2020-04-08 Thread leokan23
You will have to update to AIR33.1 which uses iOS 13 SDK for compiles. -- Sent from:

Re: Flash Builder 4.7 will not compile android app with Harmans air

2020-03-15 Thread leokan23
you either haven't updated your java (flash builder java not system java) to the latest or you are using the wrong -arch type. -- Sent from:

Re: Flash Builder 4.7 OSX

2020-03-10 Thread leokan23
Flash Builder 4.7 doesn't work with Catalina update cause it is not 64bit. I would suggest moving to intellij or vscode -- Sent from:

Re: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?

2020-03-09 Thread leokan23
Going back on topic, how easy would be for current volunteers to show how to update Flex / make a release, to someone from Harman? -- Sent from:

Re: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?

2020-03-09 Thread leokan23
There is a free tier for v33. Although 32 is more or less stable, it doesnt support Android, in less than a month it wont support iOS, it doesnt support Mac so it is pretty much outdated. -- Sent from:

Re: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?

2020-03-09 Thread leokan23
Do we really need Flex to work with older AIR SDK versions? - Web distribution is not relevant any more and it will be EOLed in a few months. - Android needs AIR33 or higher (to support Android 64bit restriction). - iOS currently needs AIR32 or higher (this will change soon as in April 2020

Re: iPhoneSimulator.sdk error

2020-03-05 Thread leokan23
This some times is related to the anes used. Which ones are you using? -- Sent from:

RE: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?

2020-03-04 Thread leokan23
To me it looks like the best option would be updating Flex SDK to 4.16.2 and implementing the new changes. However, as this might take a while, Andrew's idea of using different function names, looks like the most feasible option right now. -- Sent from:

RE: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?

2020-03-04 Thread leokan23
I think Flex libs (mx.geom.Transform) should be updated to work with the latest versions of AIR. From the mobile perspective, it doesn't make much sense to support older ones as you can't publish apps if you are lower than AIR 32 for iOS or AIR 33 for Android. I am not sure if there is any

Re: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?

2020-03-03 Thread leokan23
Changing the -swf-version didn't do the trick. This is the change they did: /Update geometry APIs to allow object pooling, so for example, rather than creating and returning new Point, Matrix, Vector3D etc objects, functions within the flash.geom.* classes will take an optional parameter that can

Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?

2020-03-03 Thread leokan23
It looks like there is an issue with the latest AIR version, after they updated the geometry APIs. I am trying to run some projects and i get the following errors: param count mismatch virt params=2 optional=1 flash.geom::Transform/getRelativeMatrix3D() over params=1 optional=0

Re: Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 + new AIR and Flex SDKs

2020-01-09 Thread leokan23
1. Milkman (Alex) has gone silent for a couple of years now, maybe more. I would suggest using either Distriqt or MyFlashlabs. They have updated to support 64bit and they offer great support. 2. It is still the same with AppStore. You can either upload with Application Loader, or if you have any

Re: Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 + new AIR and Flex SDKs

2020-01-08 Thread leokan23
Don't worry about the warning messages. The first message is because you probably don't have any users in your beta / alpha channel. The second warning, is because for a while now, we are supposed to use .aab instead of .apk, for better management and distribution. However this is not available

Re: 64bit air desktop application

2019-10-19 Thread leokan23
You can use flex 4.16.1 and AIR 32 to compile to 64bit. -- Sent from:

Re: ADT incompatible with iOS 13?

2019-10-19 Thread leokan23
This is a known issue with the current AIR versions. I think it is solved in AIR 33 previous version (AIR "AIR-242: Updating iIPA tool to ensure packages can be installed onto iOS 13 devices [didn’t work]" Maybe you can give it a try. -- Sent from:

Re: "Delete" Button in a list

2019-07-27 Thread leokan23
This is what you are looking for. Although it is a bit old, it has all the needed code to achieve the swipe on itemrenderers of the list. -- Sent from:

Re: Adobe AIR Maintenance and support changes

2019-07-09 Thread leokan23
It looks like Harman got some extra grace period from Google. AIR was added in the list of excluded frameworks, from the 64bit enforcement, for another 12 months. This is only for existing apps, which will be updated and not for new apps. You can read more here

Re: [Release] Wizards' Guide & Calculator

2019-06-26 Thread leokan23
Thanks Carlos :) -- Sent from:

[Release] Wizards' Guide & Calculator

2019-06-22 Thread leokan23
Hi all, I am back again with a new release :) this was a 3 days sprint from me and my team. As you may remember, a while back we released a companion app for Pokemon Go, built 100% in flex which managed to get almost 1.5m downloads and is used in more than 110 countries. The company which

RE: Adobe AIR Maintenance and support changes

2019-06-02 Thread leokan23
A lot of AIR devs have pointed out that they would prefer paying for AIR if it meant a good roadmap, communication and support. I agree that my company wouldn't mind paying a licence / sit or anything similar to Unity (we already pay them) for similar services. Can't wait to hear about the plans

Re: Adobe AIR Maintenance and support changes

2019-05-30 Thread leokan23
For me and my company these were exciting news. We already started moving mobile apps to flutter, due to Adobe being silent for a while and not dealing with big issues like the ios12.1 restriction, Android Q crashes and Android 64bit restriction. We have been talking with Harman for a few days

Re: Adobe AIR Maintenance and support changes

2019-05-30 Thread leokan23
Here is the second announcement[1], this time from Adobe, which makes things a bit clearer. It looks like AIR development and support is passed to Harman. A Harman representative said that there is going to be a few tiers concerning prices, starting with a free tier.

Adobe AIR Maintenance and support changes

2019-05-30 Thread leokan23
It looks like there are some changes happening to AIR. There was a very serious issue for a while with 64bit for Android, but today we finally got some info[1]. Let's see how things will change. [1] --

Re: Encrypt or Hide sensitive data

2019-03-08 Thread leokan23
This is what I usually do, but what about the first credentials? They are still available within the app. I mean the credential to authenticate the service. -- Sent from:

Encrypt or Hide sensitive data

2019-03-08 Thread leokan23
I am working on a new project, which needs to be a bit more secure than usual. In the app there are several keys for 3rd party services (like push notifications for example). This keys are used as String and I want to encrypt them or hide them somehow, to avoid someone decompiling the app and

Re: [Release] New Flex Apps - Medical Support

2019-02-15 Thread leokan23
Thank you guys. This is a high profile client, very well known in Greece, and I was happy to be able to once again use Flex. We already started our next app to be released in June, with one of the biggest telekoms in eu. :) Again, flex is my weapon of choice :) -- Sent from:

Re: [Release] New Flex Apps - Medical Support

2019-02-14 Thread leokan23
Unfortunately it is only in Greek for now. Although the client asked for base support for multi language so it might released in English later on. -- Sent from:

[Release] New Flex Apps - Medical Support

2019-02-14 Thread leokan23
Hi all, once again, I wanted to share my teams latest release, to encourage people still working with Flex. :) This time the mobile app focuses on supporting women who had cancer in the past. The client is the biggest NGO supporting women with cancer or metastasis. We created an companion app

Re: Stage use in Flex?

2018-12-07 Thread leokan23
Ok so it looks like the problem was using the stage way to fast via the creationComplete :) I added a listener to check that the stage is already added, and now it works. Thank you guys. -- Sent from:

Stage use in Flex?

2018-12-06 Thread leokan23
I am trying to use stage to add an admob banner in my flex app but it fails when I use this: stage.stageWidth / 2 How can I use stage inside a Flex app? I can't find any info. -- Sent from:

Re: StageTextinput doesn't align text an more

2018-12-06 Thread leokan23
I will try that. It is a bit strange. This was not an issue before and I think it started in air 30. -- Sent from:

Re: How to cater for iPhoneX/XS/XR new status bar height?

2018-12-05 Thread leokan23
It could be :) I used this code during debugging so the point part could be completely wrong. I suggested to the dev team that this should be updated by default to the framework as it works for all the new iPhones. -- Sent from:

Re: How to cater for iPhoneX/XS/XR new status bar height?

2018-12-04 Thread leokan23
Use this in your css to fix it. @media (os-platform:"IOS") AND (application-dpi: 480) { s|Application { osStatusBarHeight: 65; } } Also add the same for dpi bigger than 480 to cover all new devices. This also can work for Android phones with notch. -- Sent

StageTextinput doesn't align text an more

2018-12-03 Thread leokan23
In the latest versions of AIR I discovered that there seems to be an issue with the StageText input. Text loses alignment when softkeyboard pans. Any ideas? -- Sent from:

warning gl pipe is running in software mode

2018-10-16 Thread leokan23
I am getting this error when I try to compile an iOS app on my mac. Android works without any problems. Tried AIR 29-31 and get the same problem. It looks like it only happens on bigger apps with many ANEs. Did anyone had this problem before? -- Sent from:

Re: Air 31 is out

2018-09-17 Thread leokan23
We had problems with a big app moving from 29 to 30. About a 10 fps drop on the first version of 30. Never tried the latest one. It looks like the same issue on AIR31 beta. Thus we already use 29 for the impacted apps. In smaller apps which don't use too much bitmaps we didn't have any issues.

Re: [Release] 2 new Radio Apps

2018-09-03 Thread leokan23
It will definitely will. I use an AS3 item renderer on another app with 600 items in the list, and works with great performance. useVirtualLayout is true now, but I could try false. cacheAsBitmap is true. renderMode is gpu (although I had the bug with the black screen but I found a work around)

Re: [Release] 2 new Radio Apps

2018-09-02 Thread leokan23
We are still building awesome apps with Flex :) These will also be released for tvOS and Android TV during 2019. -- Sent from:

[Release] 2 new Radio Apps

2018-09-01 Thread leokan23
Hi all, i know that flex doesn't come with many news but we just released 2 new apps and wanted to share them with you. Flex is still rocking in 2018 :) A special thanks to @quick6black for his awesome Material Design library for flex, and some help in fine tuning the UI. Both apps where

Re: Android Effects - Poor performance

2018-08-10 Thread leokan23
It looks like when rendering or using effects on android, everything is cluttered and laggy. We decided to just use Flex as a v1, with minimal animations, effects etc, and migrate an v2. :/ -- Sent from:

Android Effects - Poor performance

2018-07-21 Thread leokan23
Any idea why Android has so poor performance compared to ios, especially when using effects? I have an app with TabViewNavigator which is so laggy even on high end android smartphones. Then I compile for ios and even on a 4 years old device, the performance is as good as it gets. Any ideas how

Re: Transparent Actionbar on Mobile

2018-07-08 Thread leokan23
Bump. I am looking for a way to disable content clip so I can put things behind the actionbar or tabnavigator (place on top left of the screen. -- Sent from:

Android Black Screen onResume

2018-07-03 Thread leokan23
I can see that there is still a bug on Android when returning from the background. If the app is deactivated an then re-activated I get a black screen for a second or two and then it returns to normal. I use render mode auto. Any ideas? There seems to be a workaround from the starling forum,

Re: Get title from mp3 stream

2018-06-24 Thread leokan23
After some research, Radio Streams don't use ID3 so this is why there is no trigger. Depending on their server (icecast or shoutcast) they use a different type of metadata. -- Sent from:

Re: Get title from mp3 stream

2018-06-21 Thread leokan23
It looks like I have the same issue. Although my stream comes with the info, the ID3 event is never triggered. -- Sent from:

Re: Future of Adobe Flex as a RIA in 2018

2018-06-19 Thread leokan23
Although performance is not on the spot as the apps get bigger, (Pokevolution uses 22 ANEs!) you can do almost anything. -- Sent from:

Re: Future of Adobe Flex as a RIA in 2018

2018-06-19 Thread leokan23
Some "reassurance" about the mobile apps. Here are some of my company's apps built 100% with flex: Pokevolution (1m+ downloads) [1] Tourismart (officially sold by t-mobile Greece - Cosmote ) [2] TEDxAthens (official TED event) [3] [1] Pokevolution

AAC Audio stream on Android /iOS

2018-06-18 Thread leokan23
Is there a way to play an AAC stream on android or ios using flex? I have tried almost everything, from NetStream to soundchannels without any luck:/ -- Sent from:

Re: Multi-dpi Autoscaling dimensions (android)

2018-06-07 Thread leokan23
Thank you for your reply. I have done the same in the past, but I was not sure if it had impact on performance or not, especially with all the bindings needed in mxml (I am using it like width={dimens.BUTTON_WIDTH} ). I will try to do the same for any paddings needed to avoid using the s:spacer.

Multi-dpi Autoscaling dimensions (android)

2018-05-18 Thread leokan23
Hi, I am trying to change the way I worked before with groups and paddings from percentages to fixed values (android). What I try to achieve is to find out if there is a difference in performance using fixed values. I am a bit confused concerning the autoscale though. If I have a group like

Re: Life after FlashPlayer, are you prepared?

2018-05-13 Thread leokan23
We also changed from browser to AIR desktop apps a while back. We currently started working on new browser products to go with our mobile apps. Although we are playing around with Royale, we are using angular 5 and react at the moment. -- Sent from:

Transparent Actionbar on Mobile

2018-04-20 Thread leokan23
Is there a way to make the Actionbar Transparent? I want to achieve this: Demo using the Actionbar component without going custom. So the Actionbar should be transparent, and also have the ability to

Re: Updating Flex Mobile app

2017-12-15 Thread leokan23
Hi @crikos , If you are still looking, you can send me some details. Me and my team work heavily with flex for mobile so we might be able to help you. If you are interested, please send me a private message. Thank you. -- Sent from:

Re: Android Images Rotated

2017-06-13 Thread leokan23
Hi, I had similar problems to one of our shelfie apps. I solved the problem on android using the following code: This code only uses the front camera and rotates it to work for Android. An alternative could also be Camera ANE from

Re: Optimize speed on Android

2017-06-12 Thread leokan23
Follow these guides: It will help a lot. Scout will also help a

Re: Flex comunication with Amazon S3 and Smart TV project

2017-06-12 Thread leokan23
Hey Angelo, so I will answer only about the TV part as I am not sure about AWS. :) AIR (and Flex) used to support old Smart TVs like samsung b6000 series (2009?). Unfortunately since 2012 most, dropped support moving to custom OS like Tizen for samsung or web os for LG, which as a result caused

Update desktop when exported as Native Installer?

2017-03-23 Thread leokan23
So we have a desktop app which is currently exported as .air, and we use the air update to update it over our server. We want to add an ANE for windows and mac, but it looks like the ANE is only packaged when in Native Installer or Captive Time. When we use these, the app doesn't seem to be aware

Re: Mobile DateChooser Flex

2017-03-06 Thread leokan23
I will add the latest version to github including a todo list and post it also here. @quick6black you can work on the calendar I am working too if you want. It currently works as an independent component modal. The user has to listen for the selection of a date and added as text in the text

Re: Mobile DateChooser Flex

2017-03-05 Thread leokan23
We already have build such a skin for an older app (couple of years ago). Again this would feel a bit strange for iOS. We will come up with a skin for it that used characteristics from native ios, but first things

Re: Mobile DateChooser Flex

2017-03-03 Thread leokan23
We can skin it for iOS too, although i think there is no similar date picker for ipad. If anyone has a screenshot of something similar please post. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache

Mobile DateChooser Flex

2017-03-03 Thread leokan23
So one of the missing things in Flex mobile I hate is tha there is no Date Chooser. OK there is the Date spinner but it looks old to be honest. So my team and I are working on a custom Component with material designs. We are almost there and i wanted to share it with you. I would also like to

Re: Accepting Payment on Mobile

2017-02-10 Thread leokan23
To my understanding, you are going to charge a subscription for using the app, so why not use an IAP ANE to handle the "subscription" part via Google Play (ios might offer the same) and then a simple registration system to get the data of your user? -- View this message in context:

RE: [FlexJS] Wanted: UX/UI Design Proposals

2017-01-24 Thread leokan23
Awesome piotrz, I will star working on this asap. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at

RE: [FlexJS] Wanted: UX/UI Design Proposals

2017-01-24 Thread leokan23
Hi all, so i have been working with flex since my bsc a while back (flex3 then) and I just love it. We use it as a company for most of our apps so I would love to help with flexjs. One of my UI/UX people can create a photoshop or illustrator UI Kit as a reference to be used. However, as we are a

Re: Hot to optimize flex mobile to show SplashScreen faster?

2017-01-19 Thread leokan23
Hi Chris, it looks like you are doing too much staff on the start of the application (or there is a performance issue in iPod 5). Can you check what is going on with Scout? If you have a lot of initializing try moving them to after the app has loaded. -- View this message in context:

Re: FlexJS - How to use MDL?

2017-01-19 Thread leokan23
Hi, i have filed the bug [1], so please take some time voting so they can fix it :) [1] -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Flex Users

Re: FlexJS - How to use MDL?

2017-01-18 Thread leokan23
Hi Alex, i tried your suggestions but i still get the same error: -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at

Re: FlexJS - How to use MDL?

2017-01-17 Thread leokan23
Hi, so i have been playing with flexjs and different IDEs (i am trying to figure out which is the best overall). Here are the results: In FDT, i added the missing swc, and now the mdl components appear. However when i try to build-debug, i get a general error that the build failed. This

Re: FlexJS - How to use MDL?

2017-01-15 Thread leokan23
Hi, after adding the mdl swc on my project, the build fails. This happens in FDT, i will try in other ides too but keep that in mind. I also have a maybe, stupid question. I am using the flex installer to download the sdk. Is the nightly version always updated there? -- View this message in

Use dp instead of pixels in Flex mobile

2017-01-13 Thread leokan23
Is there a way to used dp (density-independent pixel) instead of pixels in fonts? I currently use a css class on all my mobile projects and use font-size: to change the font size (ex. font-size:35) I know dp is supposed to work since 4.12.1 [1] but never understood how to do it. [1]

Re: FlexJS - How to use MDL?

2017-01-13 Thread leokan23
I will be starting with the UI part, so debugging isn't too much trouble for now. I can always use another IDE. My main IDE for Flex (AIR) is Flash Builder and I just started with FDT for flexjs and because FB crashes all the time . -- View this message in context:

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