Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Trial of LibreOffice

2016-09-30 Thread Jay Lozier

On 09/30/2016 06:19 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:

On 09/30/2016 02:23 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 2016-10-01 04:21, V Stuart Foote wrote:

TomD wrote

There is no harm in having both LibreOffice and OpenOffice installed
alongside each other.

Actually they do not get along all that well, but will coexist if you
perform a custom installation and disable the "Quick Starter" 
feature from

in the Optional Components section both--and also clear the "File Type"
dialog of checks to not assign a program association.


I have had then running side by side on Linux fine for a few years, 
no special install. I still have to keep OO to cater for 
functionality dropped from LO and it works fine.



AOO 4.1.2 + LO + Slackware Linux 14.1 (k3.10.103). However, I 
do not use the "Quick Starter" - my choice.  ...And vice-versa: LO 
still has the Base Report Generator, AOO does not. So I keep them both 
for the features I like and rely upon.

Girvin Herr

+1 AOO and LO "fresh" on Arch Linux, with the LO quick starter. No problems.

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Re: [libreoffice-users]

2015-11-01 Thread Jay Lozier

On 11/01/2015 10:11 AM, Vishvas Dabas wrote:

Hi. I just installed LibreOffice But I am unable to get it in
Application's System menu. What can I do to get installed properly. I am
using Kali Linux OS.

Did you install it from the repository? Normally it is best to install a 
package from the distro's repositories. Occasionally there is a tweak 
the distro maintainers must make for everything to work correctly. Also, 
check Kali's help pages, there may be a fix posted.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Installing Libreoffice in Ubuntu

2015-10-11 Thread Jay Lozier

On 10/11/2015 03:42 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
"Thanks for the flowers"/approval which i've snipped.  It's a shock to
finally agree on something! :))

The LTS approach was a new way of dealing with an old problem.  The old and
still current problem is that projects are pulled in 2 opposing
1.  exciting and new developments, fashion, bling
2.  stay with something familiar and see it mature.  NOT having to
constantly work at it.

That is probably why Redhat and Debian (and family) and many others (even
[shudders] Microsoft and to a lesser extent Apple) provide a version that
basically stays the same for years.  Heck, many places grumble about
'having to' upgrade from Xp because it 'only' lasted 10 years!  Some
organisations happily pay millions per year extra purely in order to be
able to stay with the same old Xp and STILL haven't developed a strategy
for upgrading.

Arch and others attempt to deal with the problem by doing rolling releases
- which brings it's own set of problems - as Windows 10 users and Microsoft
will doubtless be learning afresh over the next couple of years.  Arch has
already long ago grokked this so MS could learn valuable lessons from them
but i think we all know they can't learn wisdom from outside, unless they
really have changed.
Both approaches have problems with either needing to maintain security 
releases for old versions (LTS) or with system stability/breakage 
(Rolling). The first appears safe because the system is relatively 
stable but older OSes may not support easily newer technologies. This 
can be problematic as the OS ages. Also, security releases and bug fixes 
must be maintained over several version of a library. Rolling releases 
can be have stability issues with being too close to the bleeding edge 
but they are likely to support the latest technologies. Also, there are 
fewer library versions to be maintained.

Having used both, I recommend LTS releases for most users knowing every 
x years their system must be upgraded to the current supported release.

My fear with W10 is MS does not truly understand the nature of a rolling 
release and their users are not at all familiar with the quirks of a 
rolling release. I have found one needs to pay closer attention to 
update issues as they occur with a rolling release and it helps to have 
a good grasp of how a computer works. Windows users are not used to more 
active update management and often have a very poor understanding of how 
a computer works. IMHO, the potential for a disaster about 6 - 12 months 
from initial release is very high with W10.

So in answer to your question to Alex; "Yes".  Many places would appreciate
updates rather than to keep demanding their Sys. Admins have to keep
re-installing new upgrades.

It'd also be great if there were some sort of "Super Still" branch, like
Debian, or Redhat (and many others) that kept getting updates for 3-4
years.  So that organisations could install the Super Still branch on new
systems in complete confidence that they wouldn't need to touch the system
again for a couple years.

There are other cases where people don't have broadband for downloading
full upgrades but could do with having a system they could rely on for
years.  European city-dwellers might not quite realise what it's like
without broadband.

I think it's interesting that the super-rich share a problem in common with
the desperately isolated and cut-off.  One which is largely addressed by
almost all of Gnu&Linux but not by LibreOffice.
Regards from
Tom :)

Also you might add that TDF does not offer LTS because TDF is not a
business and therefore has no incentive in a LTS version which only makes
sense if you monetize it. The poster example of this is Canonical and
Ubuntu LTS.  Canonical makes money on LTS and is only able to do so because
the LTS itself is a profitable business.  Otherwise you would not even hear
of it. Businesses looking for something very similar to a LTS version of
LibreOffice can contact our certified developers and their companies though.



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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Installing Libreoffice in Ubuntu

2015-10-11 Thread Jay Lozier

On 10/11/2015 12:48 PM, Italo Vignoli wrote:

On 11/10/15 11:44, Alex Thurgood wrote:

I would suggest putting yourself in an admin's place where they have
probably invested long hours in developing a turnkey
OpenOffice/LibreOffice solution for their group of users, then finding
one day that that longstanding behaviour has changed because someone
else has not thought through a code change due to the tentacular nature
of the code base with no one having an overarching knowledge of it all,
and you will perhaps understand Andreas' frustration (which I happen to
share and have voiced it on the mailing lists in the past).

During the last four years I have helped to migrate to LibreOffice
several Italian organizations - especially public administrations - for
a total of over 30,000 PCs. Today, I am helping the Italian Defense to
migrate to LibreOffice 150,000 PCs.

I might be incredibly lucky, but I have never experienced significant
stability issues with LibreOffice, since version 3.5. Of course, when I
say "I have never experienced" I mean that none of the organizations I
have helped has experienced significant stability issues. Again, we
might be extremely lucky here in Italy.

Hi Italo,

The only consistent complaints I hear about LO is that the UI is 
different from various MSO office versions and concerns about handling 
MSO file formats. The first is complaint was often due to user 
unwillingness to learn anything new - not an uncommon problem. This is 
not an LO specific issue. The second issue, to me, is more legitimate. I 
have seen many proprietary document formats for office documents come 
and go over the last 30 years. I can appreciate the concern about being 
able to open documents in a non-native package in the future.

I have not heard of any (my very limited sample) stability issues that 
could be attributed to LO. The stability issues I was seeing were 
Windows issues seen in many packages.

I suspect your stability experience is the norm, LO is very stable. If 
there are issues they are often user unwillingness to change or system 
problems outside of LO.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Installing Libreoffice in Ubuntu

2015-10-11 Thread Jay Lozier


Looking at the subject line I am confused. Ubuntu ships with a version 
of LO in each release and LO is in the official Ubuntu repositories. So 
what was the actual question, which was never clear to me. The only 
question that made any sense was how to install a Ubuntu ppa for the 
latest stable LO release but that did seemed to be the question. Adding 
a ppa is an easy process.

AFAIK most Linux desktop distros ship with LO as the office package with 
a few shipping with Calligra. In either case the other is often in the 
distro's repository and is usually trivial to install using the distro's 
package management tools.


On 10/11/2015 12:25 PM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

Le 11 octobre 2015 17:28:30 GMT+02:00, Tom Davies  a écrit :

Hi :)
Many Gnu&Linux distros offer their own somewhat independent support
their own forums, mailing lists and bug-report systems.

That type of support is not available to Windows users and may not be
available to Mac people.

However it is true that there are many other support systems available
those are (hopefully) available for all OSes.  There may be local
such as a shop or relative who understands one OS better than others.

All support from TDF is available to anyone regardless of which OS so
give Gnu&Linuxs users yet another set of places to get support from.
usually helpful if we know which OS or at least platform in order to be
able to give more specific and relevant support rather than talking in
general terms.  However this seldom includes much help for those who
stuck on older versions.

Also there are professional support services which can be paid for.
these services can often provide support for a variety of platforms and
OSes.  This often includes tier 3 (or level 3) support so that might
include support for older versions.

+1 good description.

So one of the few places that doesn't support the notion of a "Long
Support" type release is TDF itself!  TDF say it cant be done.  Other
places just get on with it and do it.

Also you might add that TDF does not offer LTS because TDF is not a business 
and therefore has no incentive in a LTS version which only makes sense if you 
monetize it. The poster example of this is Canonical and Ubuntu LTS.  Canonical 
makes money on LTS and is only able to do so because the LTS itself is a 
profitable business.  Otherwise you would not even hear of it. Businesses 
looking for something very similar to a LTS version of LibreOffice can contact 
our certified developers and their companies though.



Regards from
Tom :)

On 11 October 2015 at 13:15, Charles-H. Schulz <> wrote:

Le 11 octobre 2015 11:44:33 GMT+02:00, Alex Thurgood <> a écrit :

Le 10/10/2015 23:36, Italo Vignoli a écrit :

Suffice it to say that Andreas is a vociferous participant in this
discussion list, but that doesn't make his criticisms any less
or relevant. What he dislikes is badly implemented change for


sake, and that is an inherent problem in LibreOffice's development.


project from the start has sacrificed behavioural stability with


to the end user for feature creep. We are quite clearly in the


mode of the cathedral and bazaar dichotomy, where no overlying
dictatorship (benevolent or otherwise) exists to govern the


code development should take. This has positive and negative effects


the positive being that people can just turn up and work on the


they want to implement - the negative being the law of unintended
consequences, or collateral damage, i.e. bugs newly introduced that
change long standing behaviour to which users have become


Fortunately, there are still people like Andreas to call the code
contributors out on those decisions.

I would suggest putting yourself in an admin's place where they have
probably invested long hours in developing a turnkey
OpenOffice/LibreOffice solution for their group of users, then


one day that that longstanding behaviour has changed because someone
else has not thought through a code change due to the tentacular


of the code base with no one having an overarching knowledge of it


and you will perhaps understand Andreas' frustration (which I happen


share and have voiced it on the mailing lists in the past).

At present, long term support (bug fixes, security updates) for


versions is to my knowledge only available on Linux and only with
to certain distributions. If you are not on Linux, then you are


playing catch up with versions that successively introduce new bugs


behaviours that don't get fixed for at least several point releases,


for certain OSes, over multiple major version releases. Steve's


in this thread of EPS support and printing is just yet another
illustration of a change that was made that has a huge impact on

Re: [libreoffice-users] [OT] Operating Environment Survey

2015-07-19 Thread Jay Lozier


At work I use Windows 7 for corporate policy reasons.

At home, three computers currently. One has only Linux installed (my 
desktop), one laptop is dual boot between W7 and Linux, and the last has 
W8.1 and will be set up as a dual boot.

Only my desktop is used for anything more stressful the surfing and 
email, mostly some programming and photo editing.

On 07/19/2015 11:02 PM, Dave Liesse wrote:

While we're waiting for a formal survey to be developed:

My primary machine is a Sony Vaio laptop with Windows 7, used for both 
home and work.  While I have a UNIX background and would be willing to 
experiment with LINUX, there is software I need for work that comes in 
Windows or Windows.  (Windows is, however, the only thing for which 
Microsoft gets a dime of my money.)

I have four older computers, as well: two laptops and two desktops. 
The desktop that is in anything resembling use runs Windows 2000, the 
newer laptop has Windows XP, and the other two have Windows NT. None 
of these is connected to the Internet and I keep them around (a) out 
of habit, (b) because the upgrades to some of my favorite games are 
actually retrogrades, and (c)
I some have old software that I like but can't justify paying to 
upgrade -- it's just for my own use, so compatibility isn't an issue.

I'll never buy Apple equipment simply because I'm allergic to 
proprietary hardware!  Software is bad enough.

Just so you know where I'm coming from: I had about 35 years in IT 
before getting laid off from my position as Quality Manager for a 
software company (and my understanding is that they've ever since 
regretted dismantling the Quality Department).  I now have my own 
accounting practice, so I'm much more a user than a techie though I 
can still do logical design with the best of them (I also spent time 
as a data modeler, as well as the usual programming gigs). As a user, 
I'm less likely to be willing to put the time into learning the 
technicalities of newer tech stuff.

Dave Liesse

On 7/18/2015 18:25, James E Lang wrote:
The big discussion of Linux over the past 24+ hours has me wondering: 
What operating environment(s) do other members of this list use at 
home and at work? What factors influence the choice?

To set the tone, here are my answers:

• I am retired so "at work" is not applicable
• At home we have a desktop dual boot Windows XP (and Ubuntu Linux) 
computer, a laptop dual boot Kubuntu Linux (and pre-installed Windows 
Vista) computer and several other laptop, desktop, and dedicated 
server (Ubuntu Linux based) computers. I also have Android Lollipop, 
Android Kit Kat, and Android Jelly Bean tablets and phones. I have 
nothing from Apple.
• Windows XP is used primarily for single player gaming and e-Sword 
Bible software though it also is used to run LO, FireFox and Pegasus 
Mail (proprietary though free of cost).
• Kubuntu Linux is my general purpose "go to" environment. My first 
Linux system used what I believe was the penultimate marketed version 
from SuSE before the first release of Open SuSE. I liked the 
flexibility that was inherent in the KDE desktop environment and 
found the UI to be quite similar to that of Windows at the time. I 
have briefly tried Gnome and Unity desktop environments but KDE is my 
personal first choice.
• If I had a tablet computer that I thought could support my Linux 
usage it, too, would run Kubuntu Linux, LO, etc.
• Apple equipment is too expensive for me and from what I've heard 
about the company's software policies, they are too restrictive to 
suit me.
• Dual boot capabilities are seldom used to deviate from the above 

• The BSODs on Windows influenced my initial adoption of Linux.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Where is Base?

2015-03-01 Thread Jay Lozier
On Sun, 2015-03-01 at 22:23 +0100, Andreas Säger wrote:
> Am 01.03.2015 um 22:01 schrieb Jay Lozier:
> >>
> > What is the current backend for Base?
> > 
> > I remember at one time is HSQL 1.8 but one could install a later
> > version.
> > 
> > Jay
> > 
> > 
> When you create a new database document without Java support, then you
> get a directory of flat dBase files handled by LibreOffice's
> insufficient SDBC driver for dBase.
> With Java support it will be an embedded HSQL 1.8 database which is more
> a caricature of a database because it is slow, unsafe and insecure. The
> problem is _not_ HSQL. The problem is the way how the backend is wrapped
> into the zip archive which constitutes the "Base document".
> It is easy enough to convert an embedded HSQLDB to a normal (external)
> database and use it with a recent and more capable version of HSQL.
> Current version is 2.3. On the OpenOffice user forum you can find
> several tutorials, scripts and macros. But you can also use HSQL 1.8
> with an external database if that version fits your needs. Just do not
> use a self-contained database in a single file for anything but
> educational stuff, demos or small projects for a single user on a local
> machine with a sound backup strategy.
> Otherwise you can connect a Base document to any database you have a
> driver for (ADO, ODBC, JDBC).
I have not kept up with Base, I tend to use MariaDB/PostgreSQL directly;
not through the Base front end. I vaguely remember some chatter about
replacing HSQL with something else. 

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Where is Base?

2015-03-01 Thread Jay Lozier
On Sun, 2015-03-01 at 20:03 +0100, Andreas Säger wrote:
> Sigh!
> Each and every aspect of OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Java and Base in
> particular:
> >
> Linux distros do not install Base because most people do not understand
> this drunken cousin of a component anyway. Linux users can install the
> missing component within seconds.
> Without Base you give up the capability to print serial letters and
> labels from lists.The vast majority of Base users are Writer users
> creating a serial letter or sheet of labels. These wizards generate Base
> documents in the background. In 99% of all these cases the Base
> documents constitutes a connection to a spreadsheet.
> If you are familiar with your own database stuff, Base is almost fully
> functional without any Java. Without any Java being installed, you can
> connect to your non-Java database, query meaningful data sets, create
> input forms but you can _not_ create embedded reports for pretty output.
> Instead of embedded reports you can use Calc as a very powerful report
> engine and you can copy (not link) database data into stand-alone Writer
> documents.
> Hope this helps,
> A.S.
What is the current backend for Base?

I remember at one time is HSQL 1.8 but one could install a later


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Filter algorithm question

2015-02-22 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/22/2015 12:18 PM, office76#xt wrote:

   This may sound like some ones homework but its really an algorithm
question I have.

Imagine you had a square plot of land. You could assign this to a grid and
create a two dimensional graph with an X and Y-axis. Now imagine an inner
square plot that's a wildlife sanctuary. Now you fly a camera drone over the
outer plot and photograph all the pelicans nesting there. So your covering
the outer plot and the inner sanctuary plot. Now you digitize the photo,
enabling you to turn the pelicans into points on the X & Y graph. Then you
take these X & Y points and either put them in a serial file or a

Now you want to filter the data, going through the X, Y pairs, and finding
only those within the boundaries of the inner sanctuary plot. If you could
do that you could count the pelicans, now represented by X, Y coordinates in
your database, within the sanctuary.

Say the outer plot is X = 20 and Y = 20. And the inner plot goes from 4 to 7
on the X axis and from 6 to 9 on the Y axis.

If you were reading your data into a BASIC program, you could use code like:

If (X > = 4 AND X < = 7) AND (Y > = 6 AND Y < = 9) THEN Count = Count + 1

This would look in the inner sanctuary boundaries, and if the data fell
within its boundaries, you'd increment a counter to count the pelicans.

This is great if the inner plot is rectangular. My question is, what if its
irregular like a kidney shaped swimming pool? What would the filter code
look like?

I'm not asking for you to solve the problem here for me. I'm asking for any
pointers to stuff on the web that may be applicable to this question. There
must be a name for this problem but I really don't know what it is or where
to start looking.

Any ideas appreciated.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Users mailing list archive at

This should be problem that has occurred before, how to map and count 
instead a non-geometrical shape. I am not sure if something like Google 
Maps or Mapquest may have an API for something like this.

Depending on your programming skills, you might solve using a mapping 
protocol/API using data file as the input.


Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re:'s Office Suite of the Year: LibreOffice!

2015-02-08 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/08/2015 01:09 PM, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:

On 7 February 2015 at 13:22, Jean-Baptiste Faure

Le 06/02/2015 22:02, Urmas a écrit :

"Italo Vignoli":

You need to understand that there are only two kinds of soft- and
hardware: that which solves the client problem at adequate cost, and
that which doesn't. Anything else is irrelevant.

You're right. But the issue is how you calculate the costs. For me
proprietary licenses are unacceptable high costs for office suites. In
other words, proprietary licenses create problems and do not solve none
of my problems.

The FOSS isn't to lower your cost. Freeware and SaaS/Freemium *are*,
among others.

If FOSS lowers your cost, +1 for FOSS and all, but it's by the way.
Long term it does because absence of issues (vendor lock-in for
example) it addresses as a consequence of its freedoms indeed lowers
the cost. But it's hard to claim that attracting by lowering the cost
was the original plan.

(you're right if by cost you mean something else than the raw money)

While we tend to focus on financial costs with FOSS vs proprietary that 
probably is not as big an issue for many. The real problem with 
proprietary packages is they often use proprietary file formats. If you 
realize that proprietary formats impede file sharing between users 
because each must have a reliable way of reading the format. This leaves 
at the mercy of the owner of the format; will they support it in the 
future or even will they be in business in the future. If one remember 
the 80's and early 90's every word processing program used its own 
format. While file sharing was not a prime concern, many of the programs 
were produced by companies that are out of business.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Is This Possible In Calc?

2015-02-07 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/07/2015 10:14 AM, Dave Barton wrote:

I don't believe the following is possible, but I hope some Calc guru
(Brian?) here can prove me wrong.

To have a formula in cell A which evaluates the contents of cell B and
changes the style, but NOT the content, of cell C.
eg. A1=contains the formula, B1=0, C1=20
Pseudo Code for cell A1: =IF(B1=10;C1=STYLE(whatever);"")
Changing B1 from 0 to 10 would result in the content of C1 still being
20 with the "whatever" style.

Any thoughts or pointers would be welcome.



I think you are looking for conditional formatting (FORMAT>>CONDITIONAL 
FORMATTING). Try it, you may need to modify your scenario to get the 
exact results you want. I have not used it recently.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Is version insecure?

2014-07-12 Thread Jay Lozier

On 07/12/2014 05:55 AM, . wrote:

To whom it may concern:

LibreOffice is detected as insecure by Secunia PSI. Advisory
SA57383 (Macro Vulnerability). Would you be so kind as to let me know why
this stable version is insecure, but the fresh version 4.2.5 is secure?
Thank you for your timely effort.

Can you supply more details. Secunia has a paywall.

Macros are a well know security hole in all office suites. They 
potentially allow arbitrary code to be run on an end users computer when 
the file is opened. For older MS office suites, the default was to run 
all macros when the file is opened. Recent (after 2005 or so) the 
default behavior was changed to only allow "trusted" macros the 
privilege of being allowed to run.  I do not know how common this was 
with other office programs/suites of the same vintage.

I believe LO has always used the model of the "trusted macro only" being 
granted privileges by default.

Under TOOLS>OPTIONS>LibreOffice/Security click on "Macro Security". Set 
the security level to high or very high. This will restrict macros from 
running unless they trusted. This setting works for any macros.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [MariaDB Announce] MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0.12 GA and MariaDB 10.1.0 Alpha now available

2014-07-04 Thread Jay Lozier

On 07/04/2014 03:37 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
There are a few reasons;
*  Base needs an external back-end but most new users wont be aware of that
*  MariaDb was set-up for much the same reasons as LibreOffice and could be
considered a sister-project worthy of support
*  Some distros have already moved from MySql to MariaDb

This 'spam' is less than 1/month and there have been people on this list
who have appreciated getting them.

I really wish there was someone on the Postgresql mailing list who would
let us know each time they have a stable or LTS or such-like release.
Would also be nice to hear from various others such as the HsqlDb people.
Regards from
Tom :)

Many database gurus on this list recommend using a different backend 
such as MariaDB/MySQL or Postgresql instead of the default backend 
supplied with LO.

On 4 July 2014 04:26, NoOp  wrote:

On 07/03/2014 12:55 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Just for those people interested in using MariaDb perhaps to replace


as a back-end for Base.  As others have pointed out there are many


back-ends, such as Postgresql.

Interesting to see the MariaDb people include links to their


and recent webinars and stuff.  I thought our announcements were good but
haven't scrolled through ours for a while either.  So, maybe ours are
Regards from
Tom :)


Perhaps you could explain again why you continue to spam MariaDB
announcements to this list?

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Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Table Border Lines? Bug in Writer 4.2?

2014-06-17 Thread Jay Lozier

On 06/17/2014 08:29 AM, CVAlkan wrote:

I'm using the following:

LibreOffice 4.3 Beta on 64 bit Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS (downloaded to replace
Ubuntu's default)

LibreOffice on 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.  (Ubuntu's default

I was using LibreOffice 4.3 Beta on 64 bit Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS, and recently
installed Ubuntu 14.04 in a separate partition to try it out before taking
the plunge. On Ubuntu 14.04, the stock LibreOffice was installed by
default and I used it.

I believe there is a bug in the Ubuntu version of LibreOffice as it
doesn't appear in my 4.3 Beta, and it doesn't seem to be related to the
different operating system.

In the same document from a shared partition, if there is a multi-cell
table, and the border lines on any or all cells are turned off, they are
still displayed in the print preview, although they are not printed
on paper or in a pdf export. In the 4.3 beta, the print preview is fine.

I was going to report this as a bug, but kept ending up at different sites
for some reason, so gave up. In any case, it would probably be better if
someone else confirms this behavior before bothering the developers who I'm
sure have more pressing things to worry about.


Can you post the document or some other document that shows this 
behavior on Nabble?

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Can't get leading zeros in Calc

2014-05-31 Thread Jay Lozier

On 06/01/2014 01:02 AM, ZP wrote:

On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 01:11:36 +0100
Brian Barker  wrote:

At 17:34 31/05/2014 -0600, Oogie McGuire wrote:

I'm tearing my hair out here.


I have a spreadsheet and the data was originally entered as 4
digits. I need to pass it to a database system that requires 6
digits. I've tried formatting with 2 leading zeros but I still
cannot get the number to properly show up as 00. Any ideas?

You have two options here.:

The simplest is to change the column in Calc to text and then 
concatenate the require number of leading zeros; in a new cell 
=concatenate("00", )

The better solution may to change the column definition in the database 
table to use the data type varchar(6) or int. Varchar(6) allows the use 
of a variable number of characters up to 6 characters length. Int 
assumes the data is originally integer and all remain an integer. 
Normally the allowed integer is much large the 999,999.

Yes. If the values you have are numbers, then formatting them (as
something like "00") should display them as you need. Whether you
get six digits into your database depends on exactly how you then
transfer the values.

But you say this doesn't work. The most likely explanation is that
the values stored in the cells are not numbers but text strings -
albeit made up of four numeric characters. Changing the formatting of
such cells after the event will not change text values into numbers.
(You generally wouldn't want it to.)

How to proceed? Take your pick:

o In a new column, enter =VALUE(Xn) and fill it down the column. You
will now have numbers and can format them as you wish. You could even
copy them back over the original values, using Paste Special... and
pasting Numbers but not Formulas.

o In a new column, enter ="00"&Xn and fill it down the column. You
will now have six-character text values. Again, you could copy these
back over the original values, using Paste Special... and pasting
Text but not Formulas.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Just change the properties to 'Text'.  It'll preserve the format and
you can still do math functions using the cell.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Issue install on a a Dell

2014-05-18 Thread Jay Lozier

On 05/18/2014 07:19 PM, Wade Smart wrote:

My friends computer is a Dell GX280 with 3gb ram.
Her hd became corrupted (had XP on it) and with
a new hd installed we install Windows 7 Home.

Trying to install LibraOffice, Im having this problem.
It says its installing - it skips to installed. No icons.
No program files were created.

When I run the install program again it shows either
repair or remove - so it things its installed.

Avast is the virus program installed and other than
firefox, nothing else has been installed on the

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Did you download LO from the LO Download page?

Is there any error message?

Also, which version of LO are you installing?

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users]

2014-05-12 Thread Jay Lozier
GeorgeWe are separate projects. LO is a fork off the 3.X branch of OO
when it was controlled by Oracle. There are some differences
between the two projects. Most of the differences are behind the
scenes. I believe both projects are doing serious code cleanup
as well as adding new features to their product.I hesitate to make the 
blanket statement that LO is always
better than AOO, especially for a specific user.. The biggest,
ongoing issue for both is the MSO document compatibility with
the current MSO formats. Many users do not report any issues
with compatibility but for more complex documents there can be
issues.Depending on the OS, you can reset the defaults for each file
type. I think this your problem, the OS has not changed the file
associations to LO.JayOn 05/12/2014 04:47 AM, George Roberts
Dear Sir

Is there any connection between Libre and Open Office?

The reason I ask, I downloaded Open Office, did a spreadsheet, and on
advice, was told Libre was better, so I downloaded Libre.

Then I did a copy/paste of my spreadsheet from OO to Libre, but the heading
still shows as Open Office.

So, thinking it was because it was a copy/paste, I produced a sample
spreadsheet called dates using Libre, and open office is still shown in the
saved title name?

Could it be because I have not uninstalled Open Office yet?


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Which components do you use most?

2014-05-11 Thread Jay Lozier

On 05/11/2014 05:53 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
I'm curious to find out what components of LO are used most by the 
people on this list. I think it helps to know different folks' area of 
experience. It might also help us in learning new ways to integrate 
the different components. For myself, my approximate usage is:

Writer (85% of my use of LO)
Impress  (3%, Maybe four to five presentations a year)
Base   (once a year to print out labels for my Christmas cards)
Draw  (What's that?)


My usage is:
Calc 85%
Writer   10%
Impress  a few times a year, mostly to view slide shows
Base 5% mostly for testing purposes
Draw very rarely

Most of my Calc use is generating spreadsheet reports for others. I 
typically use text manipulation functions

My Writer use is for writing/editing short documents and reports.

Impress is used to view slide shows, I almost never make a show.

Base is occasionally used to work with a MySQL/MariaDB backend. I 
usually use MySQL Workbench or HeidiSQL via Wine to work with MySQL/MariaDB.

Draw is used maybe once a year.

From what I have seen of alternative commercial office suites I suspect 
the usage is concentrated on Writer, Calc, and Impress. Base and Draw 
are not used by most but those who do use either probably use them a lot.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Windows lifecycle [was: CONVERTING A MICROSOFT TEMPLATE ...]

2014-04-23 Thread Jay Lozier

On 04/23/2014 09:36 AM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 07:57 23/04/2014 -0400, Virgil Arrington wrote:
... Ubuntu clearly states on its website when 12.04 support will 
expire, so I know going in what I'm getting into. M$ gave me no such 
warning when I purchased my XP machine years ago.

That's odd. You may want to bookmark for future 
reference. Apparently XP was originally intended to expire at the end 
of 2011 - ten years after its release - but this was postponed in 2007 
to this month. So whenever you purchased it, you would have expected 
expiration either now or much sooner.

(Er, no: I am not taking sides. But I do like to see arguments being 
based on evidence.)

Brian Barker

I think the real point is the MS is not providing a reasonable upgrade 
for many users. Both in terms of cost and ease. Many with XP can not run 
W8 at all and have three options: continue to use XP, replace the 
computer which is still working, or replace the OS with a Linux distro. 
Since most Linux distros are free, replacing XP with Linux is the 
cheapest option and viable for many. Also, there is no direct upgrade 
path from XP to W7 and I assume this is true for W8 also. Thus, XP has 
to installed first then it is wiped out by the new OS which means all 
the applications and data must be reinstalled (after first saving the 

Virgil noted he knew about the expiration of XP which is not the real issue.

Jay Lozier

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2014-04-23 Thread Jay Lozier

On 04/23/2014 07:57 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
It's no secret that LO users tend to dislike M$. While I love LO, I've 
tended to give M$ perhaps more benefit of the doubt than they deserve. 
I still use Windows 7 on my laptop, although after many fits and 
starts, I have finally succeeded in getting a true dual boot Ubuntu 
setup. I'm using Ubuntu as much as I can to see just how much (or 
little) I still need Windows.

But, last evening, M$ threw me a curveball that I found utterly 
unacceptable. In addition to my laptop, I have a slightly older 
desktop that runs Windows XP. In the last few says, the XP machine has 
been acting *very* strangely. I've run RKill and virus scans, which 
have come up empty. Then, I noticed a GREAT BIG RED "X" on my Security 
Essentials icon. I clicked on it to read M$'s message: The OS is no 
longer supported (which I knew) and, therefore, Microsoft Security 
Essentials will no longer work properly (which I did not know). Ergo, 
my computer is now considered "at risk." M$ was kind enough to provide 
a link to "End of Support Guidance."

To play along, I clicked the link and was taken to a M$ website. The 
website suggested that I upgrade to Windows 8.1 at a cost of between 
$120 and $200 (personal vs. pro). But, it warned me that if my PC were 
too old, then 8.1 wouldn't work. So, my other option? M$ suggests I 
buy a new PC. The gall; buy a new PC because M$ chooses to no longer 
support the OS? No thanks. They were also kind enough to provide a 
link where I could check to see if my PC would run 8.1. Since I have 
no intention of purchasing 8.1, I declined their offer to have my PC 

Of course, I have another option. Now that I'm growing more and more 
comfortable with Ubuntu, I'll just install it on my desktop. While I 
still have Windows 7 on my dual boot, I may go whole hog with the 
desktop and completely blow off Windows... since M$ doesn't consider 
it worth their time to support it anyway.

Now, I realize that the day will come when my Ubuntu 12.04LTS will no 
longer be supported. But, there are a couple differences. First, 
Ubuntu clearly states on its website when 12.04 support will expire, 
so I know going in what I'm getting into. M$ gave me no such warning 
when I purchased my XP machine years ago. Second, when 12.04LTS 
support goes by the wayside, Ubuntu will have another *free* 
alternative available; and even if they don't, there's always Debian, 
Mint, Mint Debian, OpenSuse, Puppy, Slackware, Fedora, Puppy, Slax, 
and on and on.

Sorry M$ (and Urmas). While I have tried to avoid the M$ rage I've 
read on this and other lists, your latest consumer disrespect has 
thrown me over to the dark side.

Give me penguins.



On 04/22/2014 02:43 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Not quite.  It may have changed the name of the formats it uses twice 

OOXML (the .docX etc) has at least 4 different versions including 3
different "transitional" versions and all are apparently quite different
from the version they managed to get accredited as an ISO format.

The older format (.doc etc) also seem to vary considerably between each
different version of MS Office.

MS Office 2010 or 2013 often has problems opening documents created 
in MS

Office 2007.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 22 April 2014 19:06, Urmas  wrote:

"anne-ology"   MSFT has been/is making their system(s) incompatible
with others in

order to reap a higher profit-margin  ;-(

For the last 23 years Microsoft Office has changed its format TWICE.
Meanwhile, Libreoffice cannot open its own documents from 2001.

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Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Any thoughts on's policy of "MS Word only"?

2014-04-17 Thread Jay Lozier

On 04/17/2014 11:14 AM, Jeffrey Deutsch wrote:


I'm thinking of applying for an online tutoring position at
However, they require that tutors (and applicants, for the mock tutoring
session) have Microsoft Word (2007 or later) itself -- they specifically
say that OpenOffice is not acceptable. I'd rather not spend $110 just to
get MS Word (or $140 for MS Office, or $10/month or $100/year to rent MS
Office) for this specific job, when OpenOffice/LibreOffice has worked just
fine for me for the past decade.

Does anyone here have any relevant experience (eg, does in
practice allow OpenOffice/LibreOffice, is it absolutely necessary to get MS
Word, do you know of similar online tutoring services that allow
OpenOffice/LibreOffice, etc)?

Thank you in advance!

Jeff Deutsch
Speaker & Life Coach
A SPLINT - ASPies LInking with NTs

"Listen to the universe while it whispers before it has to shout."
Marion Grobb Finkelstein, Communication Catalyst --


Either they do not know a number of applications can handle the vast 
majority of MS Word documents, not just LO. I have at least four 
applications (all available at no cost some FOSS and some proprietary) 
on my Linux box that can read/write MS Word documents plus Google Docs. 
Or they use  VBA macros which is a very, very, very, very serious 
security risk/stupidity. If they are requiring running VBA macros, I 
would seriously question their competence and/or ethics for risking 
anyone's computer. My experience is that many VBA macros can be replaced 
by a template with user entry fields.

The normal security rule is never allow a foreign (one you have not 
reviewed/written) VBA macro to run on your computer because they have 
been a notorious attack vector in the past. The problem is there is 
often no indication in the file extension a macro is present that could 
run automatically when the file is opened. I would generalize this to 
never allow any foreign macro to run on your computer.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO for Chrome OS - i.e. Samsung Chrome Book

2014-04-17 Thread Jay Lozier

On 04/17/2014 08:43 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

Is there any movement to make a port for LO to Chrome OS?

I ask this, since today I had to setup a Samsung Chrome 11.5 inch 
display mini-laptop device [and a wireless router for it since there 
is no wired network port].  She use to have LO on her old Win7 laptop 
that has some broken function keys, and some sales person convinced 
her to use a Chrome Book.  She did not know it was not a Windows OS 
laptop.  No LO, no Canon printer, nothing except her web-mail 
account[s] and Chrome browser. [which she never used before]

So I ask if there is any movement towards making a Chrome OS port.

Actually this Samsung Chrome uses a microSD card for "some" storage.  
I cannot tell much about it, since I do not have access to the 
manual.  So the version of LO would need to fit on a microSD card 
storage, like a tablet, but it is not a tablet. This is really a 
really small net-book like device running Chrome OS

I though ChromeOS was based on Linux (Ubuntu/Debian?). Does it come with 
a package manager?

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Microsoft Revisits the '80s With MS-DOS, Word for Windows Source Code,

2014-04-07 Thread Jay Lozier

On 04/07/2014 07:50 AM, CVAlkan wrote:

Your point is valid, but only in today's context.

It's hard to remember that, back then, the idea of actually "storing" your
document on one of those computer contraptions was somewhat left of absurd.

If the document was important, or even if it needed to be retained for legal
reasons, it would have been put in the traditional and reliable storage
mechanism known as a "file cabinet." Even back then, floppies were regularly
reused after the document was "done." And the idea that hard drives would be
available for less than a gazillion dollars per megabyte (and what the heck
was a megabyte anyway?). So, the best format was a silly and irrelevant

Yes, the official copies were the ones printed out not on the floppy.

The only things the new-fangled computer was good for (at least in terms of
word processing) were permitting changes without using White-Out,
automatically performing word wrap, and such things - and, remember, for
secretaries and typists, these were AMAZING capabilities. And did any of
them have the slightest suspicion that they were looking at what would
become their replacements? When was the last time you saw a typing pool? (if
you don't recall, that was where the typists went swimming during their
lunch breaks).

LOL about the typing pool
Also, when computer thingies became fairly common most older 
professionals (mostly men) were miserable typists. Into the 80's one of 
the most difficult skills for the military to find was typing because 
very few boys learned to type. So anyone who could type moderately 
decently became the company clerk; it was too valuable a skill to waste 
on being a rifleman.

Thus, screen space was quite important. Back then, the concentration was on
improving the generation and presentation of documents.

So - if you were kidding, I apologize for responding seriously. We often
forget that, back in the dark past, Ken Olsen (DEC) couldn't conceive of
anyone ever having a computer in their home (what would he have thought
about "in their pocket"?). And Bill Gates famously said he couldn't see any
need for more than 16k of memory (he seems to have changed his mind over
DEC no longer exists. I think their remains were bought by Compaq; now 
part of HP.

Have a great week ...

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Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Microsoft Revisits the '80s With MS-DOS, Word for Windows Source Code,

2014-04-06 Thread Jay Lozier

On 04/06/2014 05:04 PM, Urmas wrote:


When WordPerfect 5.x arrived, there was even the ability to display a
graphic preview (almost WYSIWYG) display of the printed output on a 
character screen - and this was available not only for DOS versions, 
but on
a wide variety of platforms such as the then popular DEC and DG 

You are trying to defend a text processor which stores text in a 
proprietary encoding in the obscured format. Comparing to this, MS 
Word which used easy and open file format was a clear winner.

I am not sure of my time line, but I remember only proprietary formats 
for early desktop applications and every software house had their own 
formats. The problem occurred because no one expected the problems with 
file type obsolescence. I doubt you can easily find a program that will 
open most word processing or spreadsheets from the before 1990 and you 
with some difficulty find one that will convert the old formats to a 
current one.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Turning spreadsheet data into legible report?

2014-03-19 Thread Jay Lozier

On 03/19/2014 10:24 AM, Gilles wrote:

Here's a better illustration of what I mean:

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A non programming way is to manually generate a new sheet for each 
student which is a royal pain. I suspect this step will be very time 
consuming. Then use mail merge to link to each student's page and 
generate individual reports. I can not think of a tool that would work 
without some modification either to the data or the tool to do what you 
want. I suspect what most people do, is just "bite the bullet" and do it 
manually. Any "nice" solution requires using a database and possibly 
being able to write a script to automate the task which is well beyond 
the skills of most people.

One potentially nasty problem is duplicate student names such as two 
Mary Smiths or Tom Jones and the program can easily differentiate 
between the two people. I did see a "id" column which has a unique id 
for each student such as msmith000, msmith001. This would require 
someone to prep that data for any automated tool.

If you could transfer the data to Base, then the  report builder tools 
might generate the reports automatically.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Cannot Change Date Format in Calc

2014-03-17 Thread Jay Lozier

On 03/17/2014 04:30 PM, Budgie wrote:
I have an .ods file and a column with dates in it resists all my 
attempts to change the format.  The column was created when I opened a 
.csv file in Calc and the dates were shown as, for example, 12 Feb 2014.
At some time during the editing of this file the dates became shown as 
12-Feb-14 but I have not intended this change.  What I want is date in 
DD/MM/ format.  I can highlight the column and try and format it 
but nothing changes.  Am I doing something wrong here?



Try using FORMAT >> CELLS >> Numbers then select Date then select date 
format. This works for me when I want to clean csv file date imports.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] OT: Windows, sort text file, can I use LibO maybe?

2014-03-17 Thread Jay Lozier

On 03/17/2014 02:32 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:

Hi all,

I'm working on a little problem that I'd really like to resolve. It 
doesn't really have anything to do with Libreoffice, other than I 
thought I might be able to use Calc to do the sort...

I have a text file. Each line is one record.

I can use the raw windows Sort command to sort the file, and that 
works fine, but I need to sort it based on the second column, not the 
first, and the windows sort command doesn't allow this.

The columns are separated by a space, but to complicate matters, the 
second column can contain multiple space separated words.

All I need to do is sort the file based on the text found AFTER the 
first space on each line (ie, the second column).

Is it maybe possible to do this somehow with Calc on the command line?

Or, does anyone have any other ideas?




The problem is the second column. Can you regenerate the text file 
easily such as requerying a database and saving the file with column 
delimiter such as colon, semicolon, or tab?

If not and the file is not very large or has patterns. you can use, you 
can open it to text editor like Notepad. Then systematically replace 
each pattern such as "0 a" with "0;a" using Find/Replace.

Along this line if you know a scripting language such as Python, Ruby, 
or Perl a script using regular expressions might work.

Once the file has been cleaned up, Calc can do the data sorting.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LO compatibility

2014-03-16 Thread Jay Lozier

On 03/16/2014 12:24 PM, Jim Seymour wrote:

On Sun, 16 Mar 2014 14:43:09 +
e-letter  wrote:


The original question asked whether LO is compatible with m$, hence
the reciprocal question as the answer.

It is not known why the original poster (HB) asked this (silly)
question: ...


I don't think the OP's original question silly.  I think he or she
wanted to know if LibréOffice's support for MS Office formats was
compatible with those of MS Office's.

A reasonable question, in my view.  The poor guy or gal, rather than
getting an answer to his or her question, instead ran into a buzz saw
of anti-proprietary-formats sentiment, criticisms of Microsoft's
behaviour and arguments about LO's implementation of non-standard

So, to answer the OP's original question (at least as I believe it to
have meant): "Kind of more-or-less."  Probably more more than
less :).  I use the LibréOffice suite *exclusively*, and encounter few
problems with the documents generated by my MS-Office-using

 In fact: The only problem I've run into recently was attempting
 to export an MS Word document into PDF.  LibréOffice Writer
 mangled the output.  I had to resort to MS Office on my company
 laptop, booted into MS-Windows, accomplish the task.

My experience is limited to .doc/.docx and .xls/.xlsx files.  I do no
PowerPoint (tho I did once do a presentation in LO's native
presentation format), nor do I use the database application (Base).

Is Draw able to read/write Visio files?  Never even thought about
that.  I don't do much of that kind of thing, either.

My initial impression was the question was vague because there are 
several MSO formats especially when you included the ones deprecated by 
MS. I was not sure if original question was badly phrased out of 
ignorance or to troll. I could understand that many do not understand 
that MS has several MSO formats and a simple question could lead to it 
being misunderstood. Which formats are important to the user. I still 
must use MSO XP formats because many people I need to send spreadsheets 
are still using MSO XP not the newer formats.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users]

2014-03-13 Thread Jay Lozier


LO can generate files that are MSO compatible. Occasionally, there are 
problems with MSO files with a complex structure. Also, MSO 2013 will 
read the ODF files version 1.2 which is the current ODF standard. LO 
uses ODF as its default format.

Do you have a specific requirements that you want addressed?

The major compatibility issue is LO does not use the same macro language 
as MSO (Visual Basic for Applications - VBA).


On 03/13/2014 08:50 PM, Hamida Begum wrote:

is the program compatible with microsoft office?

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] brief mention of LO in an article about Office 365 vs. Google Apps

2014-03-12 Thread Jay Lozier
I am not sure the writer knows what they are talking about. One can 
describe office suites, whether local or cloud, as light, medium, and 
heavy. The light ones (Abiword) try to cover the major functionality 
required by users for modest documents but deliberately omit features 
many features. Light applications are often best suited for home and 
very small office users. Medium have more features but try to avoid 
having the very rare features that only a very few users will ever need 
or use. I think LO and AOO strive to be here, relatively feature rich 
without the many of the very rarely used features. Medium applications 
try to hit the sweet of excellent performance with a fairly rich feature 
set. Medium applications can be used by a large majority of users. Heavy 
applications have all the features included even if this sometimes hurts 
overall usability and performance. MS Office is best known heavy office 

Also, some writers tend to shill for MS and will not admit 
that users are in the best position to judge their needs and often a 
non-MS solution is the overall best solution.

On 03/12/2014 09:34 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote: 

Is Office 365 worth spending 3x more than on Google Apps?

Summary: Office 365 is three times the cost of Google Apps. It's worth 
it -- but probably not for the reason you expect...

By Matt Baxter-Reynolds



Office's competition has always been products that have tried to 
emulate Office's enormous bulk -- think LibreOffice in particular. 
Google Docs doesn't try to do that at all. It's a very minimal product.

We know that Office is enormous. There is nothing that the entire 
product suite can't do. People often complain about it's labyrinthine 
complexity. Another way to look at that is that Microsoft has actually 
done a skilled job in masking that complexity. There's enough in there 
to drive even the most ardent power user crazy.


Here is my question - are we trying to emulate MSO's "enormous bulk" 
[of options]?  I hope it is not though of as the bulk of hard drive 
space needed to install MSO vs. LO.

I know that LO will not spend money on the server costs for a "cloud" 
based version of LO hosted by LO, but it was an interesting read that 
may be reflected into the development of LO for Android devices.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO install and LinuxMint/MATE 16 downgrading it during a update

2014-03-09 Thread Jay Lozier


There is a LO PPA at 
which will have the latest stable release. It works with Ubuntu and all 
the derivatives I have tested.

On 03/09/2014 11:25 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

I am now running Mint 16 [with MATE] instead of Ubuntu 12.04 [due to 
some major issues after upgrading to 13.10].

I removed LO 4.1.3 using Synaptic Package Manager, and installed LO 
4.1.5 using the Terminal.  Here is the problem - Mint reinstalled 
4.1.3 during an upgrade session and now I have both installed and in 
the "menu system".

So how do I remove Mint's default LO and keep it removed when I 
install a newer version of LO?

I am running [as of March 8th]
Linux Mint 16 with MATE desktop environment [full install version 
including multimedia DVD].

There are some differences between Ubuntu's MATE desktop and Mint's 
MATE desktop, and it appears there are differences in how it deals 
with removal and installation of packages during the Update Manager's 

what it the PPA instructions needed to deal with the 4.1.x line to add 
it to the "update process".  Maybe that would stop this issue, or not.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] comment-807

2014-02-27 Thread Jay Lozier
 Germany, have well-formed
credentials, but have grown out of the ashes of Open Office which has
in the past had Oracle licencing connections. Oracle stumbled as they
acquired Sun Mocrosystems and the result was a breakaway called The
Document Foundation. Perhaps this is why comments regarding Open
Office are light by comparison to Libre Office. Interestingly when
researching this organisation, I noted that Michael Meeks who is a
Director has published some positive comments about Microsoft's
adoption of OOXML when it was first introduced.

There is very emotive and strong criticism of Microsoft in many
responses to your proposal and I feel that such emotion should not be
part of what needs to be a professional debate. I have taken the
opportunity to read and digest Microsoft's formal response to this
proposal and find that their stance of requesting ODF and OOXML
together is well founded, pragmatic and entirely supportable. If a
Government Department is to request say Tender Submissions, they
should be entirely free to request submission on both formats. Many
Government Departments that I have dealt with still request submission
in .doc format rather than .docx. I have no problem or issue in
dealing with those requests.

There are many comments regarding the view that an ODF format will be
robust and unchanged for many years to come, in comparison to an
implicit suggestion that the MSFT format will not,  thus supporting
ODF adoption to protect the ability to view digital information
archives in the future. I was very interested in this and consequently
did my research. I was unable to find any such assurance from any
source that ODF will remain unchanged in the future. Perhaps my search
was not exhaustive enough, but I would be very interested to see what
actual evidence there is to support these numerous claims. The issue
of future proofing digital archives is a vast and complicated one and
I suggest that if there are some solutions forming then it would be
most useful to everyone to share the facts. Personally I am still able
to access Word & Excel documents created as far back as the 1990's
with my current software and this has served me well without
interruption or complication.

Finally, whilst I welcome the opportunity to contribute to this
debate, I am very concerned that this consultation does not appear to
be far reaching and has therefore attracted a tightly formed,
vociferous minority voice, which has no basis on which to make
fundamental policy change the like of which is being proposed here.
The vast majority of individuals that I have spoken to are simply
unaware of it and are therefore excluded from giving an opinion. We
need to have a much wider user based forum which extends well beyond
the mainly technical discussion that has raged here. Perhaps this is
the intention and of so I would welcome that wholeheartedly.

In conclusion, I would submit that there should be a longer period to
extend the consultation and consider more fully the wider implications
of this proposal. My combined personal and professional opinion is
that we should conclude that the proposal should extend to include the
widely adopted MSFT OOXML format to allow the best and widest option
for maximum user satisfaction across all users that this proposal will

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Defending ODF against OOXML in the UK

2014-02-25 Thread Jay Lozier


I stand corrected. Thanks,

I in the US where I am and the US tech press rarely mentions Europe is 
moving towards ODF. (Snide comments about faux journalists being MS lap 

On 02/25/2014 06:13 PM, Pedro wrote:

Hi Jay

Jay Lozier wrote

  This effect will be magnified if Europe follows the UK lead.

Sorry to burst your UK centric bubble :)  Most European countries have
already decided for ODF... UK is not leading, it's following.

(from Portugal, who already adopted ODF 1.1 back in 2012 :) )

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Defending ODF against OOXML in the UK

2014-02-25 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/25/2014 05:54 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:


Makes perfect sense to me. I do think that software changes are often 
made as a result of the file formats rather than the programs themselves.

A few years ago, most lawyers in the U.S. used WordPerfect, and they 
really liked it. It had some features that were very suitable for the 
law office. However, most of their corporate clients were using Word. 
(Nobody ever got fired for buying Microsoft). Over time, law offices 
began migrating to Word, not because they liked the program better, 
but because they needed file compatibility with their clients. Now, 
WordPerfect is all but an afterthought.

I formerly worked in a local government law department. For years, 
each department was permitted to select its own programs. So, we used 
WordPerfect's office suite, while the finance department (which 
preferred Excel) used MS Office. The IT department got tired of 
supporting multiple office suites and decided the government offices 
all needed to standardize on one program. Since the IT department was 
under the authority of the finance department, you can guess which 
office suite was chosen. Despite our protestations, we were overruled 
and converted to Office. Even then, I would use OpenOffice when I 
didn't need to share files with others, just to assert my freedom.


If ODF formats were used like the UK wants then different groups can use 
whatever program works best for them. As you noted US lawyers preferred 
WordPerfect while accountants preferred Excel. This competition is what 
MS fears because without vendor lock-in one can spend money one wants.

-Original Message----- From: Jay Lozier
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Defending ODF against OOXML in 
the UK

On 02/25/2014 01:21 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
I haven't followed the entirety of this thread, but I live in a world 
which is (sadly perhaps) dominated by M$.

Here in the U.S., Asus is running commercials about how good their 
netbooks are because they run "Office" (as opposed to Google Apps 
online with a Chromebook). In other words, they portray *real* 
computer users as using *real* programs like M$ Office. Now, I don't 
particularly like the commercials, but they indicate to me how 
mainstream M$ Office has become, almost to the point of blending 
brand names with product times (Word is to word processing as 
"Kleenex" is to facial tissues.) Again, I don't like it, but it's a 
reality I live with.

I often have to write documents that are sent to colleagues who are 
using M$. What I write *must* be readable by their chosen program. 
They are not going to listen to an LO evangelist proclaiming the 
gospel of ODF. Heck, half of them can't even figure out how to put 
page numbers on the bottom of their pages, let alone learn an 
entirely new office suite with totally new concepts (page styles 

For most of my word processing work, I save my documents as .ODT. 
When I need to share with an M$ colleague, I convert it to .DOC 
(rather than insisting that they use LO, which they simply won't do). 
It *generally* works okay, but numbered lists and bulleted lists get 
messed up a bit, just because of the different ways the two programs 
deal with those things.

Having used PCs since my first Commodore 64 thirty years ago, I have 
long given up on any hope of seeing a true "standard" file format. 
Different programs perform tasks differently, and those differences 
are reflected in the information that gets stored in the native file 
formats. So, I don't see any hope of a true standard until all 
programs work the same way. I had great hope for RTF, but that 
bombed. Load an RTF file into four different word processors, and 
you'll see four different documents.


I think the issue is MS claiming that using ODF formats as defaults will
somehow break MSO. As I understand the issue, the UK government is
specifying the file formats not the applications. Since they are
proposing using ODF formats this levels the playing field and allows any
application to compete on value not just LO or AOO. This includes other
commercial products also. If MS loses the ODF fight in the UK and
Europe, they are afraid that MSO market share will drop with time as
people look for alternatives to paying MS a fee. The only cudgel MS has
now file format lock-in but if many national governments refuse to play
they can change the default formats nationally.

If the UK goes through with ODF formats, first the UK government
switches, then businesses and people who routinely directly interact
with the government will change, then those on the periphery will
change. They will change for the reason you alluded to; they want to
keep up with only one version not two or three versions in different
formats. Eventually the UK w

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Defending ODF against OOXML in the UK

2014-02-25 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/25/2014 01:21 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
I haven't followed the entirety of this thread, but I live in a world 
which is (sadly perhaps) dominated by M$.

Here in the U.S., Asus is running commercials about how good their 
netbooks are because they run "Office" (as opposed to Google Apps 
online with a Chromebook). In other words, they portray *real* 
computer users as using *real* programs like M$ Office. Now, I don't 
particularly like the commercials, but they indicate to me how 
mainstream M$ Office has become, almost to the point of blending brand 
names with product times (Word is to word processing as "Kleenex" is 
to facial tissues.) Again, I don't like it, but it's a reality I live 

I often have to write documents that are sent to colleagues who are 
using M$. What I write *must* be readable by their chosen program. 
They are not going to listen to an LO evangelist proclaiming the 
gospel of ODF. Heck, half of them can't even figure out how to put 
page numbers on the bottom of their pages, let alone learn an entirely 
new office suite with totally new concepts (page styles anyone?).

For most of my word processing work, I save my documents as .ODT. When 
I need to share with an M$ colleague, I convert it to .DOC (rather 
than insisting that they use LO, which they simply won't do). It 
*generally* works okay, but numbered lists and bulleted lists get 
messed up a bit, just because of the different ways the two programs 
deal with those things.

Having used PCs since my first Commodore 64 thirty years ago, I have 
long given up on any hope of seeing a true "standard" file format. 
Different programs perform tasks differently, and those differences 
are reflected in the information that gets stored in the native file 
formats. So, I don't see any hope of a true standard until all 
programs work the same way. I had great hope for RTF, but that bombed. 
Load an RTF file into four different word processors, and you'll see 
four different documents.


I think the issue is MS claiming that using ODF formats as defaults will 
somehow break MSO. As I understand the issue, the UK government is 
specifying the file formats not the applications. Since they are 
proposing using ODF formats this levels the playing field and allows any 
application to compete on value not just LO or AOO. This includes other 
commercial products also. If MS loses the ODF fight in the UK and 
Europe, they are afraid that MSO market share will drop with time as 
people look for alternatives to paying MS a fee. The only cudgel MS has 
now file format lock-in but if many national governments refuse to play 
they can change the default formats nationally.

If the UK goes through with ODF formats, first the UK government 
switches, then businesses and people who routinely directly interact 
with the government will change, then those on the periphery will 
change. They will change for the reason you alluded to; they want to 
keep up with only one version not two or three versions in different 
formats. Eventually the UK will use ODF formats almost everywhere. Note, 
I never said that users must change from MSO unless MS refuses to 
support ODF formats and refuses to backport parsers for MSO 2007 and 
2010. However, Since several suites properly handle ODF already then it 
is easier for a user to switch to another suite (hopefully a FOSS 

Assuming MS loses the ODF fight, then having MSO becomes less important 
to all users. Many are currently staying with Windows because of MSO. So 
a major impediment to using LO and Linux is removed for many, some will 
migrate to LO (or something else) and Linux and become permanently lost 
sales to MS. I am a Linux user and would love to only use ODF format for 
office files. I am a lost sale to MS; no Windows, no MSO, no other MS 
products because they do not release software for Linux. The longer I 
use Linux without any MS applications the more likely in the future I 
will ignore Linux releases from MS. I am becoming MS' worst nightmare; a 
user who does not use their products or services for anything. Multiply 
this in the UK, instead of a few percent of Linux desktop users you 
could have 15-20% very easily and very rapidly. especially with ChromeOS 
and SteamOS available. This is a noticeable effect in one country.

Another effect of ODF in the UK is that UK companies will be using ODF 
formats in the future. Their overseas subsidiaries will be forced to 
adopt ODF formats to communicate internally so beachheads will be made 
unintentionally in other countries. This effect will be magnified if 
Europe follows the UK lead.

The problem with RTF was it was another MS controlled format.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Defending ODF against OOXML in the UK

2014-02-23 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/23/2014 08:10 AM, alexanderW wrote:

The proposal is only about using ODF, HTML, CSV and TXT as file formats.
It doesn't mention which software would be used, so I don't see how your
comment is relevant.
My understanding is that each ministry could use whatever application 
they wish as long as they can set the default file formats to the 
standards. MS's FUD is self-serving because using standard formats 
avoids vendor lock-in but does not mean they are not an approved vendor.

Am 23.02.2014 13:49, schrieb nabbler [via Document Foundation Mail Archive]:

On 23/02/2014, Alexander Wilms <[hidden email]
> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I already posted this on the LibreOffice Google+ and Facebook pages,


there are probably quite a few people subscibed to this list who are


following either one.

Despite the self-generated hype, not every Tom, Dick and Harriet are
interested in these social data-collation (sorry "media") tools.

The UK government plans to move to open standards like ODF and HTML and
apparently Microsoft didn't know that people can voice their

opinions on

the proposal since January and started to spread some FUD  once again a
few days ago.

If you think that truly open standards are a better solution than


then it'd be beneficial if you registered on the
page and commented. In 3 days, comments will be closed.

Thanks for informing us, but in addition users have to be educated
about the benefits of _not_ using LO and an m$ clone and actually
promote the odf standard themselves. Continual "bug reports" about m$
suggest otherwise.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Please confirm bug 75376

2014-02-22 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/22/2014 06:25 PM, upscope wrote:

On Saturday, February 22, 2014 07:45:34 PM M Henri Day wrote:

2014-02-22 19:23 GMT+01:00 Tanstaafl :

Hi everyone,

Would someone please confirm this bug for I just opened?

Sample document exhibiting the problem is attached to the bug.



​Charles, I had no problem opening attachment 94576 in version
(Build ID: 420m0(Build:1)) of Writer  - no weird characters that I
could see, but the comma in $ 38,52 surprised me ; I should have
expected a decimal point[?]


Wouldn't that depend on what language is used. I thought some countries
use a comma instead of the decimal point.


You are correct. The US uses the decimal point or period and I know some 
European countries use the comma instead.

the default separator based on the system location (US, France, etc.). I 
think the default is to use the local setting but it can be reset.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] status of Microsoft Office compliance with ODF support?

2014-02-14 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/14/2014 06:51 AM, M. Fioretti wrote:


here is the question, you're welcome to pass it around as much as you
see fit:

what is the ACTUAL, current status of Microsoft Office compliance with
support for the OpenDocument Format? Is there something specific that
isn't supported yet? What, how.. Case stories, tests, reports,
whatever, all pointers are welcome. Thanks in advance!



MSO 2010 and earlier did not support ODF 1.2 only ODF 1.1. I saw 
somewhere that ODF 1.2 is supported in MSO 2013/Office 365. Since MS has 
a history of "improving" their own formats each release I do not know if 
they have not introduced "improvements" which make the alleged ODF 1.2 
effectively a proprietary format.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problems between LO and CUPS

2014-02-14 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/14/2014 07:40 AM, Jean Milot wrote:


I have some problems between  LibreOffice and CUPS.

Some of printings don't work.

I have a debian server with CUPS and all the printers are configured.

In local, i have configured CUPS with the file : /etc/cups/client.conf 
in order to use the debian server to print.

Sometimes, printers disappeared when we want to print, we only see 
Generic Printer.

And we can have all printers but we need to launch twice the task.

It seems LibreOffice is not connected to CUPS even if all others 
software works fine (like Adobe, kpdf, iceweasel )

In order to print, we need to close LO and open again the document or 
we can go to : File -> Printer settings ..  (Fichier -> Paramétrages 
de l'imprimante .. )

How i can solve this problem ?

Thanks for your help.




Are you using a print server? Also, what is the OS LO is running on?

If the LO is running on Linux you might try using SAMBA to manage 
printing. It should be in your repository.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Python2 and Uno on Ubuntu 13.10

2014-02-10 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/10/2014 09:52 PM, Luc Saffre wrote:

On 10/02/14 21:38, Jay Lozier wrote:

Reviewing the archive, I did not see if it was solved. I believe Ubuntu
primarily uses Python 2.7.5 not Python 3.3.4 for their system. The
easiest way to check is to enter python in terminal and see which
version is reported.

Python3 is available in the Ubuntu repositories.

Yes, Python2 remains the default because many important projects did not
yet migrate from 2 to 3.

Maybe I was not clear: I need to run Appy POD which requires Uno and
Python 2 (not 3), and according to it seems
that this is not possible on Ubuntu 13.10 (in a reasonably easy way).

For the moment I am still on Ubuntu 13.10, everything works very well
except for this "little" detail. But this little detail is a serious
problem for me, and it might force me to go back to a previous version
of Ubuntu.

I could not find out whether the problem is rather in LibreOffice or
rather in Ubuntu, but I posted this here because the mentioned thread
indicates that here are people who know about it, and I hope for help or
hints to solve this problem.



According to is written in Python 
2.4. AFAIK, is should run on the Python 2.7.5 interpreter correctly 
which is installed on Ubuntu. The only issue I see with the older 
version of Python is the possibility of features deleted in Python 2.7.5 
being used by appy.pod. I would check with to see if 
there are any issues.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Python2 and Uno on Ubuntu 13.10

2014-02-10 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/10/2014 11:01 AM, Luc Saffre wrote:


in November 2013, there was a thread about this:

Did somebody solve that problem meanwhile?
Upgrading to Python 3 is not an option for me at the moment.



Reviewing the archive, I did not see if it was solved. I believe Ubuntu 
primarily uses Python 2.7.5 not Python 3.3.4 for their system. The 
easiest way to check is to enter python in terminal and see which 
version is reported.

Python3 is available in the Ubuntu repositories.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO Base: MySQL or Mariadb ?

2014-02-10 Thread Jay Lozier


MariaDB is compatible with MySQL, the MySQL connectors, and MySQL API 
and is designed to be a drop-in replacement for MySQL. I have connected 
to MariaDB using the LO provided MySQL connector on earlier versions of 
LO. I have not done so with 4.1.X yet.

On 02/09/2014 03:16 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
I think we have heard from people who have tried it.  I think Ian or
someone started with MySql and then swapped it out replacing it with
MariaDb.  I'm not sure but i think there might be a problem with
MariaDb on Mac but if you are not using a Mac then it should be fine.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 9 February 2014 20:00, Joel Madero  wrote:

On 02/09/2014 11:38 AM, Harvey Nimmo wrote:

Can I use Mariadb as back-end for LO Base or must it be MySQL? For
example, are the connectors compatible or is there a Mariadb-specific


Looks like it's possible -
but I've never done it.


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Re: [libreoffice-users] Export PDF

2014-02-08 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/08/2014 05:40 PM, Cliff Scott wrote:

I've run into a strange occurrence in LO 4.1.4. Everytime I export to PDF I
get a error message that "PDF/A-1a forbids a transparency". Clicking OK
allows the export to continue and I don't see any problems in the resultant
PDF, but this is something I've only seen on 4.1.4. This happens with Writer
and Calc. FYI, I'm running OSx Mavericks. Is this a known problem?



I have seen the same with LO 4.1.x on Linux. I am not sure why this is 

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO Base/MySQL questions

2014-02-07 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/07/2014 10:29 AM, Lens Paul wrote:


This instability of HSQL is worrying when using the same database year 
after year, e.g. an address or a bibliographic database.

For my part, all my data remain in separate external tables in dbf 
format, linked to Base.

Reasons are:
- compatibility with many programmes and readability of old archives, 
even in case of change of database program ;

- stability in the long run;
- format compatible with GIS software;
- when the tables are not merged in one file, the loss is limited when 
one of the tables gets corrupted.

The main drawback is the impossibility to make a relational database.

In fact, the good integration of the office suite with a database was 
one of the main reason's why I began to use OO in 2007 or 2008.

To my great satisfaction indeed: it works very well, except for two 
instances, several years ago, where the dbf file got corrupted 
(luckily, recovery from backups was easy).
Since then it works fine without any failure (except, rarely, for some 
data in memo fields, which can lose the right connection with other 
data (dbt file connection to dbf file)).

Nevertheless, the impossibility of making relations between tables is 
rather frustrating.
One solution is to migrate to a mySQL/Base or preferably Postgresql 
(because of PostGIS). It's my intention but I fear to waste a lot of 
time in migrating.

What is the best combination for a single user, relational database, 
stable in the long run, using Base as the front end?

Paul Lens


PostgreSQL and MySQL/MariaDB are good alternatives. MariaDB is a fork of 
MySQL and many Linux distros install it instead of MySQL. Both can be 
used as a single user database. IMHO MariaDB is easier to use in a 
single user environment. With both you can use Base or database specific 
GUI (pgAdmin, MySQL Workbench).

If the data can be exported to csv files migrating should not be 
difficult, only time consuming.


Le 7/02/2014 15:07, Ian Whitfield a écrit :

Sorry All

I'm running PClinuxOS (latest) and LO and MySQL 5.1.55

A MySQL 'expert' was telling me recently that HSQL is only meant to 
be a prototyping utility and should *NEVER* be used for any "proper" 
work - - interesting!!??

I can confirm that when it crashes it takes everything with it so you 
have to backup every time you make change. This is what forced me to 

Thanks again

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO Base/MySQL questions

2014-02-07 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/07/2014 09:07 AM, Ian Whitfield wrote:

Sorry All

I'm running PClinuxOS (latest) and LO and MySQL 5.1.55

A MySQL 'expert' was telling me recently that HSQL is only meant to be 
a prototyping utility and should *NEVER* be used for any "proper" work 
- - interesting!!??

I can confirm that when it crashes it takes everything with it so you 
have to backup every time you make change. This is what forced me to 

Thanks again


I do not know if HSQL is only intended for prototyping and thus is not 
suitable for production work. I would say as a MySQL/MariaDB user is 
that HSQL is probably intended for lighter production work where a small 
office needs a database. In this scenario the data requirements are 
modest, maybe a couple GB of data, but their data is complex enough to 
need the querying features of a relational database.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO Base/MySQL questions

2014-02-07 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/07/2014 08:40 AM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

On 02/07/2014 02:38 AM, Ian Whitfield wrote:

Hi All

I've been using the Base/MySQL combination since mid-last year now 
and it is fantastic!! It is much faster, never crashes or freezes and 
just works the way it is supposed to. I can definitely recommend it 
to anyone!! (In my opinion this should be the standard and HSQL 
should be dropped)

The advantage of HSQL is that it creates a single file and you do not 
need to run a database daemon in the background (I am assuming that 
the MySQL connector uses that rather than knowing how to read the 
MySQL files directly).  In other words, it does serve a need.

The disadvantage of HSQL, (speculation, so assume half of what I am 
about to say is wrong) is that it sounds less stable, if you crash 
Base, it is more likely to lose data, and everything stays in memory.

I think the other reason for using HSQL is it is easier to use as an 
embedded database while MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, etc. require the 
separate install of the database. The others are designed as stand-alone 
databases that one can connect to using a variety of tools.

Now I have a couple of questions...

1) Where does MySQL store the Database? (I think it's in the root 

Are you using Windows or Linux? Try looking under something like:

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server #.#\my.ini

Look in that file for the basedir and datadir variables.

And now I see I need to run.

2) Is it easy to move it into the /home directory?
3) Where do I find the LO front-end form?
4) If I copy these two files to another machine will I be able to get 
the Database running on this second machine?

Side question

I have a couple of graphics/photos in each record - Is it possible to 
'Link' these instead of embedding them so that if you up-date a photo 
it will automatically update in the Database? If this is possible 
will it effect Base at all? (faster, slower etc)
Storing the link to the photo should make the database query run faster 
because the text string is orders of magnitude smaller than the photo. 
One problem is one must be very carefully about naming the photos.

Thanks for any help

Pretoria RSA.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] document flashing and locking up

2014-02-01 Thread Jay Lozier

On 02/01/2014 09:49 AM, DaveMainwaring wrote:

I am new to libreoffice and just switching over from AOO.

While writing a document it will begin flashing and lock up.

I can close the PC along with a save document. Restart and then recover the

Using laptop running Win7
what did I miss when installing libreoffice?
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Which version of LO are you using?

Other than locking up, do you get any error messages?

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Just joined the list- users having trouble with gnome panels when using LibreOffice

2014-01-21 Thread Jay Lozier

On 01/21/2014 07:00 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:

This seems to be directly correlated to the install of LibreOffice 4.1.

OS is Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS 32-bit.  Hardware varies- mostly AMD64
dual-core E350 and E450.

I'm trying to confirm other issues- users have reported it's happens
more when using toolbar things like color background of cell to

I've confirmed panels going away and panels going transparent.

Some users have figured out that they can choose Log Out and then just
cancel and get their environment back.  Clicking Log Out is a
challenge but doable when the panel disappears- tooltips show where
the buttons are.

I've also found out that I can ssh in, su - to the user, kill
gnome-panel, and then relaunch it, and that also restores their
desktop to function.


This is Gnome 2 on Maverick? I am not sure if anyone here knows enough 
about gnome-panel to answer you.

Have you tried the Ubuntu or Gnome forums?

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users]

2014-01-18 Thread Jay Lozier


Your email came through on, so it looks 
like you are subscribed.

On 01/18/2014 02:19 PM, donna elkayam wrote:

I need to ask a Tech Q and the site told me that I should send an email to, but it came back "failed." What do I do?

My Tech Q: I am trying to fix a problem where I make a new writer doc and when I save it, 
it has a new icon of a window with a red and blue mark in the middle and when I try to 
open it, it won't immediately open. It says, "Click once application support 
library."  What do I do?

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Connection to SQL database

2014-01-16 Thread Jay Lozier


On 1 or 2 you need to the URL/path to the database, the port used if not 
the default (3306) and the log in credentials. The procedure with Base 
is the same. If you are do basic read/writes to the database then option 
1 is desired. If you are doing development work Option 2 is highly 
recommended to avoid potentially corrupting the production database.


On 01/16/2014 05:32 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Thanks :)  I guess that is part of my question.  The original back-end
of the database in this case is MySql/MariaDb.  Base can normally use
MySql/MariaDb as it's own back-end so there would seem to be 2
different routes that might be worth considering;

1.  Attach Base directly to the existing MySql/MariaDb that is hosted
on some web-site (or at least on an internet-facing server such as a
Cloud).  I know the back-end can either be on a local machine or on a
local-area-network but could it work over the internet too?

2.  Since the exported data is already laid out for MySql/MariaDb then
just install MySql or MariaDb locally (onto the same desktop machine
that is using Base) or onto a LAN file-share so that all machines can
use Base (or other front-ends) to access the data.  This seems to be
the route Alex is suggesting except he goes further and suggests using
a fairly local machine that already has MySql installed and just
adding the exports as a new file on that machine.

Carl, the o.p., seems to be thinking about the 3rd route and walking
headlong into the type of troubles Jay just outlined.  As i see it the
problem with the 2nd or 3rd routes is that exporting data gives static
data.  As time goes on the original database gets updated with new
data.  So maybe at some point a new export might need to be grabbed
and then somehow figure out a way to merge the updated data at this
end with the updated data from over there.  New records/rows are
tricky enough but tracking changes in fields/columns in individual
ancient records would be a complete nightmare.  If it's a case of a
single snapshot to rescue data from a sinking Cloud then none of that
is a worry and the single export routes are perfect

So it's really route 1 that i'm curious about and really in a yes/no
way rather than in any detail.  Carl doesn't seem to be thinking along
those lines so this is a bit of a tangent that will probably crop up
again in a future thread and be more relevant then.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 16 January 2014 01:57, Jay Lozier  wrote:


The initial format and some of the data types would need to be converted so
the syntax matched to the new . This is a well known problem when migrating
from one SQL database to another where there are added, non-standard data


On 01/15/2014 05:12 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Is it likely to be possible to connect Base directly to the original
data?  So that instead of getting an export or a dump of the data it
can be read dynamically?

I know it is not what the o.p. is asking for but i often wonder.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 15 January 2014 22:03, Alex Thurgood  wrote:

Le 15/01/2014 22:08, Carl Paulsen a écrit :

Hi Carl,


This is enough to tell us that the data came from a mysql database
originally. MyISAM is the default engine for non-transactional MySQL
databases :

In the sample table you give, the table/field definitions are particular
to mysql, so if you try to run that sql with another db engine, e.g. in
hsqldb via LO Tools > SQL, it will fail because it will not recognise
the field types you're trying to create (e.g. enum, mediumint.

So, your best bet would be to import that into a mysql server, assuming
you have one to hand and you have some kind of console/terminal access
(localhost / same machine):

mysql < '/path/to/myfiletoimport.sql'

optionally with -p if you require authentication for the user that is
connecting to the mysql server :

mysql -p < '/path/to/myfileimport.sql'

There are many web sites on the internet that are full of information on
how to set up and import data into a mysql server.


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Jay Lozier

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Jay Lozier

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Connection to SQL database

2014-01-15 Thread Jay Lozier


The initial format and some of the data types would need to be converted 
so the syntax matched to the new . This is a well known problem when 
migrating from one SQL database to another where there are added, 
non-standard data types.


On 01/15/2014 05:12 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Is it likely to be possible to connect Base directly to the original
data?  So that instead of getting an export or a dump of the data it
can be read dynamically?

I know it is not what the o.p. is asking for but i often wonder.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 15 January 2014 22:03, Alex Thurgood  wrote:

Le 15/01/2014 22:08, Carl Paulsen a écrit :

Hi Carl,


This is enough to tell us that the data came from a mysql database
originally. MyISAM is the default engine for non-transactional MySQL
databases :

In the sample table you give, the table/field definitions are particular
to mysql, so if you try to run that sql with another db engine, e.g. in
hsqldb via LO Tools > SQL, it will fail because it will not recognise
the field types you're trying to create (e.g. enum, mediumint.

So, your best bet would be to import that into a mysql server, assuming
you have one to hand and you have some kind of console/terminal access
(localhost / same machine):

mysql < '/path/to/myfiletoimport.sql'

optionally with -p if you require authentication for the user that is
connecting to the mysql server :

mysql -p < '/path/to/myfileimport.sql'

There are many web sites on the internet that are full of information on
how to set up and import data into a mysql server.


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Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Connection to SQL database

2014-01-15 Thread Jay Lozier


Depending on the program (this looks like the output from MySQL 
Workbench) and the tables are MySQL/MariaDB - the MyISAM is specific 
MySQL/MariaDB database engine. If you have MySQL or MariaDB and MySQL 
Workbench installed you can import/restore the data.

The second dump has the data after value with each row in parentheses. 
You could open the file in any text editor. The remove the first part 
and the use find and replace to remove the parentheses and each '.

The program that generated the data probably allows you to get all the 
rows and export/save them as a csv file.


On 01/15/2014 04:08 PM, Carl Paulsen wrote:
Below is an excerpt from the file referring to the donations_money 
table.  Obviously there are some ID fields, donation info fields 
(Amount, Date, etc.), a primary key field, etc.  Immediately after the 
table, there's the "dump" of all the data in that table.  I've only 
included one or two "records" from the dump, but there are many 
hundreds or even thousands of records.

There are quite a few tables in the file, many of which we don't need 
(past logins under the old system, for example).

Any wisdom on how to convert this data into CSV files?  I thought I'd 
need to either "open" it with MySQL or connect to it via Base. If I 
could convert it to CSV, I can do any cleanup and prep work in Calc or 
some other tool I'm more familiar with.

Thanks again, everyone!


-- Table structure for table `donation_money`

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `donation_money`;
CREATE TABLE `donation_money` (
  `dm_id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `dm_resource_id` mediumint(9) default NULL,
  `dm_promise_id` mediumint(9) default '0',
  `dm_date` date default NULL,
  `dm_amount` float(10,2) default NULL,
  `dm_receipt_number` varchar(15) default NULL,
  `dm_donation_code` varchar(15) default NULL,
  `dm_appeal_code` varchar(15) default 'NONE',
enum('CHE','CRD','CAS','ACH','STK','PAY','INK','OTH') default NULL,

  `dm_mem_hon` enum('NUL','MEM','HON') default NULL,
  `dm_mem_hon_who` varchar(40) default NULL,
  `dm_foundation_code` varchar(15) default 'NONE',
  `dm_in_kind_desc` varchar(60) default NULL,
  `dm_comment` varchar(255) default NULL,
  `dm_send_thank_you` tinyint(1) default '1',
  `dm_in_thank_you_set` tinyint(1) default '0',
  `dm_from_distribution_id` mediumint(9) default '0',
  `dm_user_field1` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `dm_created` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update 

  `dm_created_by` varchar(15) default NULL,
  `dm_modified` timestamp NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00',
  `dm_modified_by` varchar(15) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`dm_id`)

-- Dumping data for table `donation_money`

/*!4 ALTER TABLE `donation_money` DISABLE KEYS */;
LOCK TABLES `donation_money` WRITE;
INSERT INTO `donation_money` (`dm_id`, `dm_resource_id`, 
`dm_promise_id`, `dm_date`, `dm_amount`, `dm_receipt_number`, 
`dm_donation_code`, `dm_appeal_code`, `dm_payment_code`, `dm_mem_hon`, 
`dm_mem_hon_who`, `dm_foundation_code`, `dm_in_kind_desc`, 
`dm_comment`, `dm_send_thank_you`, `dm_in_thank_you_set`, 
`dm_from_distribution_id`, `dm_user_field1`, `dm_created`, 
`dm_created_by`, `dm_modified`, `dm_modified_by`) VALUES 

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Connection to SQL database

2014-01-15 Thread Jay Lozier


SQL is the query language used by relational databases and there is 
ANSI/ISO standard specification for the SQL. So, in principle, any 
relational database should understand vanilla SQL. Generally, this is 
true. HSQL (Base backend), Jet (Access), Oracle, MySQL/MariaDB, 
PostgreSQL, and SQL Server are all relational databases and they all use 
SQL as their query language. The only warning is all the database 
providers have added extensions to the SQL language. The GUIs used by 
Base and Access tend to hide the SQL query from the user. Some of the 
other tools such as PgAdmin (PostgreSQL) or MySQL Workbench generally 
require you to write the SQL query in an editor. But these tools allow 
to use a GUI to access most of the database functions.

The database is program for storing and accessing data that has some 
sort of structure. In a relational database, the data is organized in 
tables that consist of rows (specific data) and columns (data types). To 
keep the data manageable, the data is usually broken up across a series 
of related tables with defined relations between the tables defined (the 
data in a specific row in Table A is related to the data in specific row 
in Table B). In relational database each column has specific data type 
(number, string, date, etc.).

Your raw data, say for a donor, would consist of name, address, contact 
information, pledge amount, payments, etc. You would probably split the 
data into two or more tables. One table would have the donor name, 
address, and contact information. Another table might have a record of 
contacts including type, date, result. A third table might have a detail 
record of payments/donations with date and amounts. To relate each 
table, each table would likely have a primary key assigned for each 
entry with appropriate foreign keys (keys that refer to an entry in 
another table) included as well as the data specific to the table. A 
query would use these keys to get the data and combine it into a result 
set. The data design is based on the principle of entry data only once 
into the database (called "normalization"). So you would only have one 
table with the donor's name entered while the other tables that would 
refer to the entry would was the entry's primary key to refer to it. 
Often integers are used as primary keys because they are easy to deal 
with and increment nicely. The only requirement for a primary key is 
that is unique to the table.

If you are using MySQL or MariaDB (MariaDB is a MySQL fork) a pretty 
good book specific to that family is MariaDB: A Crash Course by Ben 
Forta. It covers basic SQL, basic database design, etc.


On 01/15/2014 01:34 PM, Carl Paulsen wrote:
Thanks, Jay, that is VERY helpful and clarifies a lot.  I wondered if 
I needed the server setup but lots of things I read yesterday 
suggested I did need that.  I do understand that things like Base and 
Access are just GUIs, but I guess I really just don't understand what 
a database is and, in particular, what SQL is.  I know there needs to 
be raw data and a file/table structure and I assume a way to interact 
with it, but I'm still missing a lot.

Is there a basic online reference to help me understand what a SQL 
database is and what MySQL and the rest are relative to that?


On 1/15/14 12:11 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:


Backend is a database term that refers to the database itself such as 
MySQL, JET (MS Access), SQL Server, etc. Most non DBA's refer to the 
GUI tools (BASE, Access) as the database when in fact they are used 
to connect various backends. Base and Access both can connect to the 
variety of backends not just the default they are shipped with.

I do not think you need XAMP just the database connector and 
database. XAMP refers to X = OS, A = Apache server, M = MySQL, and P 
= Perl/Python/PHP. It is normally used by developers and the reason 
for the Apache server is to provide test for web connectivity. PHP is 
a very common server scripting language used by many websites. For 
Windows is sometimes called WAMP, Mac - MAMP, and Linux - LAMP.

I use MySQL for database development and do not use LAMP (Linux user) 
at all because I only need the database.


On 01/15/2014 11:55 AM, Carl Paulsen wrote:

OK, thanks everyone.  My system:
Mac:  OS 10.6.8 and LO (I was thinking of upgrading to LO 

PC:  Win7 and OOo 3.2 (I could install any version of LO on the PC)

I'm pretty far over my head here based on how little I understand of 
the replies, but I'm sure I can do it if I persist.  Here's what I 
think I'm hearing so far:

1. Lots of talk about the "backend."  I thought the file I had was 
the data itself which I'd hoped I could somehow directly access, but 
even if it were the data, it sounds like at best I'd have to serve 
that file/data using MySQL or something like that and a server like 
XAMP, then connect vi

Re: [libreoffice-users] Connection to SQL database

2014-01-15 Thread Jay Lozier

On 01/15/2014 10:51 AM, Carl Paulsen wrote:
I have a project for which I need to extract data that is in a .sql 
file (presumably a SQL database).  I've done very little with SQL so I 
need some guidance on doing this.  One route would be to open it with 
Base or Access (I now finally have access to MSAccess on a Windows 
machine but would prefer Base), but I don't understand the basics of 
doing this.

So...can someone point me to a tutorial on how to do this, 
step-by-step and from the very beginning?  For instance, do I need to 
set up a SQL server and if so, how?  (I've tried installing XAMP with 
MySQL on the Windows machine but haven't gotten it to connect to the 
file yet.)  Can I access a .sql file directly or via other methods?  
I'd like to eventually learn how to use SQL but I'm also on a pretty 
limited timeframe on accessing this data.

Or does someone want to outline the steps here for me to research on 
my own?

Thanks very much,


First please advise your OS and LO version.

The basic steps to connect to any outside database backend are:

1. Set up the database backend - Note any usernames and passwords used 
to connect to the database. Often the install wizard will prompt you for 

2. Make sure it is running - depending on your boot settings you might 
need to manually start the backend. This may require you to use your 
command line aka terminal on Linux and Macs, Command on Windows.

3. Make sure the correct connector for your backend is installed for 
Base. In Linux check your package manager to make sure it is installed. 
I am not sure what the Windows or Mac installers do.

4. Run the connection wizard in Base. A detail I am not sure about here 
is whether you need to have any schema/database/tables set up in the 
backend. I usually use Base for pretty reports for a MySQL/MariaDB 
backend that has numerous schemas/tables already setup. If you used the 
default settings when setting up the database backend you mainly have to 
enter the log in credentials.

Most backends have a default port they listen on (MySQL/MariaDB is 3306) 
and normally you do not need to change this. Also, you will need to know 
the path to the database or URL to reach it. If the database backend is 
on your local computer the path is localhost (

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Help

2014-01-07 Thread Jay Lozier
Attachments are removed by the email service. Please use Nabble or post 
the file and provide a link to it.

On 01/07/2014 11:32 PM, Teh Theng How wrote:

My database It corrupted.
Please advice how to restore back.
Please find attachment.


Best Regards,
*Teh Theng How*
MIS Executive
Email :

PGF Insulation Sdn. Bhd.
2449, Lorong Perusahaan Sepuluh,
Kawasan Perusahaan Perai,
13600 Perai, Penang Malaysia.
+604 390 8460 Ext: 152
+604 397 0012

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] File

2014-01-01 Thread Jay Lozier

On 01/01/2014 01:10 PM, Angelo R DeJesus wrote:

I have a file which I would like someone to look at to let me know what the 
problem is. My question is who can I send it to?  It's a CALC file. Thanks

Angelo R DeJesus


If the file does have any confidential information you can post it on 
Nabble and post a link on the user page. Please do not post confidential 
information because it will become public.

Do you have a specific error message? Also, please advise the LO version 
you are using and your OS. This information will help us pin down the 

I can look at the file if you send it to me off-list.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Counting Instances

2013-12-29 Thread Jay Lozier

On 12/29/2013 05:47 PM, doug wrote:

On 12/29/2013 05:10 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:

On 12/29/2013 03:12 PM, Keith Bates wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've used Libre Office for years, but I am an absolute newbie as far 
as Calc is concerned for anything but the very basics. :)

Here is my problem.

My church has to report to the copyright licence holders the names 
of the songs it uses and the number of times each song is used in a 
given time period.

The software we use for projecting the words for songs (OpenLP) will 
produce the name of each song used in each service. It will generate 

Obviously it is easy enough to import that into a spreadsheet.

How can I then count the number of times each song is used? I could 
sort the table by song title and then count them manually, but I am 
guessing there would be some sort of function that automates the 

Thanks for any help on this.


I would try the COUNTIF(). The syntax is =COUNTIF(range, criteria). 
The range is the column with the titles and the criteria is the title 
you want counted. I would set up the data one sheet and in another I 
would set a column with each title and in the next column have 
=COUNTIF(datasheet.range, cell). The only problem is if you 
accidentally missed of the titles in the range. Assuming an average 
of 3 services per week that use 5 songs you have about 780 separate 
instances that a song was used. I can see easily missing a single title.

An alternative is to use Base with the data uploaded to a table. CSV 
files work very well with databases. Then the have Base count each 
title. Most people find databases more intimidating because they do 
not directly work them. But once you get familiar with them you might 
find this an easier approach for problems like this.

I tend to use raw SQL when working with Base (mostly because I use 
SQL at work). In SQL the query would look like this:

SELECT Count(*) AS Count 
FROM  Songs 

If you want you can send me a typical dataset to off list and I will 
look at both with Calc and Base.


I'm wondering if you are expected to pay royalties on the music. If 
so, I would think that there is
enough sacred music in the public domain that you could forget about 
the problem, and save
money for the church to use for religious purposes. You should have 
your music director look into that.


Aside on copyright. The problem is the song book may include works that 
still have a copyright. Given the length of copyrights you might be 
surprised what still has a valid copyright. For music, royalties are do 
for publication (song book), performance (this situation), broadcasting 
the song, and using it other media (movie for example). While I do not 
know Australian copyright details the general details are the same by 
international treaties. In the US the fines can get very steep for 
copyright infringement - up to $150k per infringement. So being 
proactive and paying the royalties will much cheaper in the long run if 
a bit of a pain.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Counting Instances

2013-12-29 Thread Jay Lozier

On 12/29/2013 03:12 PM, Keith Bates wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've used Libre Office for years, but I am an absolute newbie as far 
as Calc is concerned for anything but the very basics. :)

Here is my problem.

My church has to report to the copyright licence holders the names of 
the songs it uses and the number of times each song is used in a given 
time period.

The software we use for projecting the words for songs (OpenLP) will 
produce the name of each song used in each service. It will generate a 

Obviously it is easy enough to import that into a spreadsheet.

How can I then count the number of times each song is used? I could 
sort the table by song title and then count them manually, but I am 
guessing there would be some sort of function that automates the 

Thanks for any help on this.


I would try the COUNTIF(). The syntax is =COUNTIF(range, criteria). The 
range is the column with the titles and the criteria is the title you 
want counted. I would set up the data one sheet and in another I would 
set a column with each title and in the next column have 
=COUNTIF(datasheet.range, cell). The only problem is if you accidentally 
missed of the titles in the range. Assuming an average of 3 services per 
week that use 5 songs you have about 780 separate instances that a song 
was used. I can see easily missing a single title.

An alternative is to use Base with the data uploaded to a table. CSV 
files work very well with databases. Then the have Base count each 
title. Most people find databases more intimidating because they do not 
directly work them. But once you get familiar with them you might find 
this an easier approach for problems like this.

I tend to use raw SQL when working with Base (mostly because I use SQL 
at work). In SQL the query would look like this:

SELECT Count(*) AS Count 
FROM  Songs 

If you want you can send me a typical dataset to off list and I will 
look at both with Calc and Base.


Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Trying to get possible bug info

2013-12-25 Thread Jay Lozier


Does your spreadsheet have a large number of calculations and referrals 
that periodically take a long time to run?

Also, can you post the spreadsheet to Nabble? Please do not post 
anything proprietary or private.

On 12/25/2013 01:43 PM, Robin wrote:

Have a spreadsheet which roughly every 5th time I save it takes several
minutes and 100% cpu usage. Running from a terminal doesn't provide any
info. There doesn't appear a way to run debug or logging. So, how do I get
more info to provide a bug report?

Debian Sid amd64 linux 3.11.2
Debian packaged Version:
Build ID: 410m0(Build:2)


Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] MS Office ole automation

2013-12-11 Thread Jay Lozier

On 12/11/2013 06:56 AM, Milos Sramek wrote:


a friend of mine has asked me for help. Their (small) company would 
like to get rid of dependency on Microsoft tools. The situation is:
They have a company information system, which every now and then 
generates a spreadsheet table, which lands in MS Excel on some 
computer. For this MS Office ole automation is used. He has asked me, 
if it is somehow possible to redirect this to LibreOffice. Vendor if 
the information system has refused to support something like that (a 
small company fully dependent on MS).

Is this somehow possible? Does anybody have experience with it?



I have a few of questions:

What is the backend of the information system? There almost always is a 
database present. Maybe it could configured to save the data in another 
format - most likely csv/tsv. If you are very lucky it may support 
export to ods.

What Excel format are they using? If xls (most likely), directly 
importing into Calc maybe the easiest solution. If the xlsx, it will 
probably work but there are reports that xlsx files are more problematic.

How complex is the spreadsheet? If it is basically a data with at most a 
few formulas and no outside links or internal links between sheets then 
importing into Calc will be much less troublesome. I doubt this is true.

Are there any macros in the Excel spreadsheet? Though I doubt any are 
present, this would be one area that would make using Calc very difficult.

Thinking about your question, I would install LO and try opening several 
of the spreadsheets and see if problems occur. Calc does a very good job 
of opening MSO formats.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] all documents

2013-12-09 Thread Jay Lozier

On 12/08/2013 11:26 AM, Krueger Earl wrote:

I loaded some new software, not libreoffice, and all of my previously completed 
documents were highly magnified and I can’t use them.



What is your LO version, OS, and what was the recently loaded software? 
There may an OS specific setting that can be used to reset the zoom.

My guess is there is default setting in the new software that overrides 
the LO defaults. I would check that software adjust its settings.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Licenses

2013-12-02 Thread Jay Lozier


The short answer YES!

The license allows you to install LibreOffice on as many computers as 
you want for whatever purpose you wish. LO is is libre and free to 
download, install, use, and (if you wish) modify - you are entitled to a 
full copy of the LO source code.

For further license information and full copy see

On 12/02/2013 03:54 PM, wrote:

Can I use this software in my company for professionnal uses ?


Mario Simard

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: moving to new version of MS Office

2013-11-30 Thread Jay Lozier

On 11/30/2013 10:44 AM, Urmas wrote:


...a free ODF compatible software (LO or other)

That's nonsense. There is the only one ODF software: OpenOffice and 
its clones. The entire format is built around the single application 
from a single vendor.

The ODF is an ISO format with the full specification published for 
anyone to use or implement. It is a recognized international standard. 
It use or lack of use by vendors (MS specifically) is another issue. If 
any national government wanted to force the issue they could mandate 
that default format(s) for any software is the appropriate international 
standard(s) for that type of file. If enough national governments 
mandate this then MS will change their tune and "enthusiastically" 
support the ODF standard.

Open, recognized standards, derived from one group or company's internal 
specifications are not that uncommon. The Material Safety Data Sheet 
specifications used by many governmental mandated safety programs was 
originally developed by Dow Chemical for their own internal use. Many US 
OSHA safety standards are actually industry standards adopted without 
change from the original (US) industry group best practices and some of 
these standards may have their origin in one company's practices.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Python Uno on Ubuntu 13.10

2013-11-29 Thread Jay Lozier

On 11/29/2013 04:21 PM, Element Green wrote:


I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 13.10, which apparently deprecated the
python-uno package which supports Python 2.7.  Unfortunately I need this
for use with Appy POD (, which is a
Python based libreoffice template framework for Writer and Calc.  Any ideas
how I can get Python 2.7 Uno support on Ubuntu 13.10?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Element Green

You probably need to install Synaptic. I do not it is installed by default.

I believe the command in terminal is

sudo apt-get install synaptic

Once Synaptic is installed, open it and search for python-uno to see if 
there is one for 2.7 available.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: moving to new version of MS Office

2013-11-29 Thread Jay Lozier

On 11/29/2013 07:21 AM, anne-ology wrote:

But what I cannot understand is why the continual changing by any
to improve - ok; but this continual changing makes it nearly
impossible to stay up-to-date;

forinstance, the typewriter basically stayed the same -
yes, they electrified it, even adding memory ... yet the
operation of it remained as it had been  ;-)

forinstance, the automobile basically stayed the same -
yes, they switched the driver's seat, the ignition, horn, brake
placements ... yet the operation of it remained as it had been -
up until the electronics were added  ;-)

forinstance, the craftsman took pride in his workmanship -
then came advertising & the 'throw-away' society  ;-(

Are we better off with these changes or merely more 'n more confused
& frustrated  ;-)

From me - the goofy, horse 'n buggy era-er  ;-)


The problem is with many software packages the basic functionality has 
been under development for 30+ years and for most packages the most 
useful/needed features have been added many years ago. So companies like 
MS are faced with how to convince/force users to stay on the upgrade 
treadmill to maintain sales. Also, MS faces the problem that MSO is 
dominant that they are likely to lose market share (and sales) in the 

Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: moving to new version of MS Office

Hi :)

Thanks Pedro :)  I am looking for criticism and for other points so
that i can write a much shorter and less emotional list and maybe give
a link to the "White Paper" that someone has been writing
Regards from
Tom :)

On 29 November 2013 00:06, Pedro  wrote:

Hi Tom

Tom wrote

2.  The format stays the same between different versions of the
program.  It is the same format used "natively" by many other programs
such as IBM Lotus Symphony, Google-docs, K.Office, Calligra and
others.  Even MS Office 2013, and more recent, can open and use the
format which is an ISO format.

Actually this is not true. The file extension is the same but the format


been changing (that is why you have options to save to ODF 1.0, 1.1, 1.2


1.2 Extended)
If you try to open an ODF 1.2 Extended file more complex than simple text
with any other of those programs (even with some older versions of
LibreOffice) you will find some incompatibilities...

So, I agree with most of your points but this argument is shooting


on the foot. ODF does share that problem with MS XML files: same


different file structure.

The advantage is that you can always get the latest LibreOffice version


free (unlike MS Office...)


Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Web layout crashes LO - update

2013-11-26 Thread Jay Lozier

On 11/26/2013 05:55 PM, Pedro wrote:

Hi Thomas

Toppa-2 wrote

When LibreOffice was established after OpenOffice were taken over and
now seems to be semi-commercial, I sold my soul willingly to the LO devil.
I prefer(ed) to stay with the rebels fighting for freedom ("Libre").
Yet I have run several times into situations where I was/am under the
impression the devil is not keeping its part of the deal.

Actually the concept here is that if you use Open Documents you are free to
use whatever software you like the best. Unlike MS documents that lock you
to a single provider (and sometimes even to a single version) with ODT
files, you are free to switch to any editor that you find more

Toppa-2 wrote

For example, in this particular case, why does the "web layout" works
just fine with OpenOffice but not with Libreoffice.
Switching between these two applications does not change any settings in
my computer - I think. Or does it?

The two suites are taking different approaches: OpenOffice is more
conservative and probably more stable but has less features; LibreOffice is
moving forward faster at the price of some loss in stability.

Toppa-2 wrote

I could try upgrade to version 4 something, but after I tried that
before, I found that the "improvements" made things a lot worse for me and
deliberately went back to 3.6.6.

I would recommend trying the portable version of build 4.1.3 from winPenPack

You just need to download it and extract the contents to any folder or
drive. Then just execute the file X-LibreOffice.exe
This will NOT affect your installed version in any way.

If it is suits your needs (and fixes some of the problems) you can download
the latest version of the installer from TDF and update your installed
version. If not, just delete the folder containing the portable version.

In any case if OpenOffice works as you expect, why do you avoid using it?


+1 about using ODF formats.

Vendor lock in is a nasty problem. Many users who have been using 
computers for 15+ years probably have numerous files in older 
proprietary formats that are unreadable with current software.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Softmaker

2013-11-20 Thread Jay Lozier

On 11/20/2013 08:02 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:

-Original Message- From: John R. Sowden

I dropped them a note requesting a copy of the license.  They 
responded saying there is none.  Does this mean that the free version 
is public domain?  I'm not up on German law to know.

No, it wouldn't be public domain (at least here in America). There are 
copyright notices on the program meaning the Softmaker folks have not 
placed the program into the public domain. There is no legal 
requirement that software have a license. Without one, a user's rights 
would be determined by the applicable copyright laws. It has been many 
years since I've reviewed the U.S. software copyright laws, but as I 
understand it, the law would permit you install it on one computer and 
then make a backup copy for archival purposes.


I believe the commercial version allows for multiple installs under one 
license. Check their website for details.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Softmaker

2013-11-19 Thread Jay Lozier

On 11/19/2013 07:30 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
FreeOffice is interesting. In many ways, it resembles LO or OOo. Does 
anyone know if it was some form of fork or dirivative?



I believe FreeOffice is proprietary and is the free version of 
SoftMaker's office suite.


-Original Message- From: Doug
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Softmaker

On 11/18/2013 06:36 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:

On 11/18/2013 06:32 PM, Doug wrote:

On 11/18/2013 03:40 PM, Charles Smith wrote:

On 11/18/13 11:58 AM, Doug wrote:
This list may not like the suggestion, but Softmaker has a free 

of its word processor and spreadsheet. You might find it less fiddly
than LO.

Hmmm...No Mac version and not free--unless I overlooked something 
on the



No, not for Mac, but it sure is available for Linux. Look here:

AFAIK, it is only short a few fonts compared to the paid version.
I have it on my laptop, and it works great.


Checking the website, I only saw Windows and Linux versions.

That's what I said. I didn't realize you need a Mac program.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Softmaker

2013-11-18 Thread Jay Lozier

On 11/18/2013 06:32 PM, Doug wrote:

On 11/18/2013 03:40 PM, Charles Smith wrote:

On 11/18/13 11:58 AM, Doug wrote:

This list may not like the suggestion, but Softmaker has a free version
of its word processor and spreadsheet. You might find it less fiddly
than LO.


Hmmm...No Mac version and not free--unless I overlooked something on the


No, not for Mac, but it sure is available for Linux. Look here:

AFAIK, it is only short a few fonts compared to the paid version.
I have it on my laptop, and it works great.


Checking the website, I only saw Windows and Linux versions.

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Installing Apache OO on same distro as LO - for alternate use

2013-11-18 Thread Jay Lozier

On 11/18/2013 01:55 PM, john herron wrote:

Hello, everyone.

Can Apache OO be installed alongside LO (to run at different times)?

LO [Build ID: 350m1(Build:2)] on Linux Mint 13.



I have installed two versions of LO and AOO on openSUSE 12.3. What may 
happen is one may not show up in the menu. In my case all three are 
displayed in the menu


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Re: [libreoffice-users] RE: Base; Setting up relations between tables

2013-11-16 Thread Jay Lozier
On Sat, 2013-11-16 at 12:01 -0500, Scott Castaline wrote: 
> I haven't worked with SQL DBs since the late 80's so I'm not sure what 
> I'm doing wrong here. I have created a BASE DB using the internal HSQLDB 
> engine for my music collection containing different media (CDs, DVDs, 
> Vinyl LPs, 45s and Cassette, wife had thrown out all my 8-tracks back in 
> '98 as well as my Reel-to-Reel tapes :=( ). I created the main table for 
> Album Info using a field that is auto incremented (essentially record 
> id) integer type, the first field and set as the Primary Key. I then 
> went to create another table (Tracks child of Albums) with TrackID as 
> the first field and Primary key, AlbumID, AlbumTitle, TrackNumber, Track 
> Title, Artist, Time, & Note set as Memo. When I went to set the 
> relations I picked the child table 1st and then I added the parent table 
> using the AlbumID as the field to link. It won't do it. I had it working 
> a few days ago the first time I did this, but when I went to upgrade 
> from Fedora 20 Alpha to Fedora 20 Beta I didn't realize that my backup 
> of the original DBs didn't work so I had to start over. I thought that's 
> what I had done originally when it worked, but apparently not.
> So what should I be using to set the relations between child and parent?
> Scott C

Summarizing your two tables:

Album Table
AlbumID - int, primary key
other Album only data

Track Table
TrackID - int, primary key
AlbumID - foreign key, references row in Album Table
other Track only data

What you are doing with the graphical tool is set the foreign key
constraint for Track.AlbumID to be the values in Album.AlbumID. The idea
is to limit the valid values to Track.AlbumID to only those in
Album.AlbumID. This is not absolutely needed but can be very convenient
when entering data (152 is a valid AlbumID in Album but 512 is not).

When you query for all tracks for an arbitrary artist using vanilla SQL:

SELECT   (each column must be only occur in one table)
FROMAlbum as a, Track as t (use the correct table names)
WHERE   a.Artist = 'some artist'
AND a.AlbumID = t.AlbumID

In the FROM clause I used aliasing (AS a, AS t) to provide a short
reference to each table.

The SELECT clause must use aliasing (or full referencing) when needed to
make a column unique.

In the WHERE clause aliasing was used to make the references
unambiguous. Also, AlbumID occurs in both tables so aliasing (or full
table referencing) must be used so the query looks for AlbumIDs that
match in each table. Artist probably only exists in Album so alaising or
referencing is optional.

The above query does not require the foreign key constraint be set in
the Track table.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Export as PDF using Calc

2013-11-14 Thread Jay Lozier
On Thu, 2013-11-14 at 08:49 -0800, Sunil Agrawal wrote: 
> Hi Jay,
> Thanks for the response. I am using Linux and tried LO 3.5 and 4.0 but
> same behavior. I want to share the doc and the recipient might not
> have LO hence the need to convert to PDF.
> Any insights will be appreciated.
> Sunil


Try export/saving as xls or xlsx instead of pdf. xls is probably the
better format for MSO users because MS apparently likes to tweak the
xlsx format with every MSO release. This will preserve the formatting
and the formulas.

If format and formulas are not important to the others you can save as a
csv file. The problem is some users might panic when the import wizard
opens in their spreadsheet program.

I am not sure how do this when working headless.

> On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 7:31 AM, Jay Lozier  wrote:
> > On Wed, 2013-11-13 at 22:16 -0800, Sunil Agrawal wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> I am using Calc (actually soffice) in a headless manner (using
> >> —headless). I am running it on a server that doesn’t have X server and
> >> communicating with soffice using JOD converter.
> >>
> >> Generally it hasn’t been a problem, however when I export the
> >> spreadsheet to PDF, wide spreadsheets get truncated and take multiple
> >> pages, which is highly undesirable.
> >>
> >> However, when I run the same program on my local dev machine, which
> >> has X server running, the output PDF gets auto scaled to a certain
> >> extent.
> >>
> >> Can you please direct me how to get auto scaling on server that
> >> doesn’t have X server running? When running in headless mode, what OS
> >> setting are picked up by LibreOffice. What do I need to set them on my
> >> server?
> >>
> >> I have spent couple of days trying out different options, e.g. using
> >> Xvfb on my server with different screen sizes, but to no avail.
> >>
> >> Any help is appreciated.
> >> TIA,
> >>
> >> Sunil
> >>
> > Sunil,
> >
> > When I have exported a document to a pdf file the conversion using the
> > default page such as A4, US Letter, etc. to paginate the document. Also,
> > normally the pagination uses the default orientation (portrait or
> > landscape).
> >
> > The issue is why are your using a pdf document and not using ods format
> > or even another format for your documents. The pdf format is often used
> > for file sharing when the recipient is expected to only view the results
> > and not edit them.
> >
> > Also, which version of LO are you using and which OS are you using; it
> > sounds like Linux?
> >
> > --
> > Jay Lozier
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Referencing automatically cell data from a dynamic list of files

2013-11-14 Thread Jay Lozier
On Thu, 2013-11-14 at 11:29 +0100, Javier Garcia wrote: 
> Hi,
> I have a a list of invoices created with LibreOffice Calc inside a 
> folder. Now I would like to retrieve the data inside of those invoices 
> to create another spreadsheet called "All" that contains a row for each 
> invoice.
> |
> Name Phone Street
> John  677  Main
> Mary  897  Niceday
> |
> Is there any way to do that automatically?
> One more: imagine, I add a new invoice file, I would like that after 
> addding it, the Name, Phone and Street inside it, were added 
> automatically to the "All" file.
> Is possible? Should I create an script? What language shoould I use 
> (LibreOffice Basic, Javascript, Python..)? I would like to use 
> Javascript if possible.
> Im on Ubuntu, but the script should work in the computer of my customer 
> (Windows 8 ), where I also installed LibreOffice.
> Javier

If you define ranges in ranges in the original files you could use
INSERT>>LINK TO EXTERNAL DATA. I have not do this in a long time so I am
fuzzy on the details.

You can write a script/macro to do this. LO supports LO Basic, Python,
and Javascript for scripts/macros. 

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Instability problem in CALC

2013-11-14 Thread Jay Lozier
On Thu, 2013-11-14 at 12:17 +, david_lynch wrote: 
>   I have  a fairly large and very complex spreadsheet:
> Number of sheets 12
> Number of cells 123562
> Number of pages 55
> size 1.23 Mb
> much calculation (typically about 200 cells aren't formulas) and many 
> array formulas.
> [ on Windows]
> Usually, but not always, when I add a formula to this spreadsheet, CALC 
> crashes saying Calc has an unexpected error and is saving. I can then 
> recover the spreadsheet and adding the new formula now works. There 
> appears to be no dump or other information to aid diagnosis.
> How can I best report this intermittent bug? (There's nothing sensitive 
> or private in the spreadsheet.)
> David Lynch

You can file a bug report with the spreadsheet attached. Also, you can
post the spreadsheet either with Nabble or elsewhere and provide a link
so others can inspect it.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Export as PDF using Calc

2013-11-14 Thread Jay Lozier
On Wed, 2013-11-13 at 22:16 -0800, Sunil Agrawal wrote: 
> Hi,
> I am using Calc (actually soffice) in a headless manner (using
> —headless). I am running it on a server that doesn’t have X server and
> communicating with soffice using JOD converter.
> Generally it hasn’t been a problem, however when I export the
> spreadsheet to PDF, wide spreadsheets get truncated and take multiple
> pages, which is highly undesirable.
> However, when I run the same program on my local dev machine, which
> has X server running, the output PDF gets auto scaled to a certain
> extent.
> Can you please direct me how to get auto scaling on server that
> doesn’t have X server running? When running in headless mode, what OS
> setting are picked up by LibreOffice. What do I need to set them on my
> server?
> I have spent couple of days trying out different options, e.g. using
> Xvfb on my server with different screen sizes, but to no avail.
> Any help is appreciated.
> TIA,
> Sunil

When I have exported a document to a pdf file the conversion using the
default page such as A4, US Letter, etc. to paginate the document. Also,
normally the pagination uses the default orientation (portrait or

The issue is why are your using a pdf document and not using ods format
or even another format for your documents. The pdf format is often used
for file sharing when the recipient is expected to only view the results
and not edit them.

Also, which version of LO are you using and which OS are you using; it
sounds like Linux?

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] CALC convert text to numbers

2013-11-10 Thread Jay Lozier
On Mon, 2013-11-11 at 03:40 +0200, Paul wrote: 
> On Mon, 11 Nov 2013 02:56:51 +0200
> Ady  wrote:
> > As a simple user, I see this "hidden" addition of the initial single 
> > quotation mark as a _BUG_, and as one of those basic "features" that 
> > work poorly in LibreOffice Calc than in several other spreadsheet 
> > tools. I don't know if this behavior can be "corrected" or improved.
> As far as I understand it, the "hidden" initial quotation mark is what
> marks the contents of the cell as text. This is the same in MS Excel,
> IIRC. So basically, this isn't a bug, but intended behaviour, to give
> you a way to specify that a number should be interpreted as text and
> not as a number.
> For example, if you enter "0283", the leading zero will always be
> stripped, because it is interpreted as a number and the leading zero is
> superfluous, but if you enter "'0283", then this means you have entered
> a text string and the leading zero is kept. The format of the cell
> doesn't change this behavior, it only changes the *display* of the
> contents, not the interpretation of the contents. At least, as I
> understand it.
> Paul
US zip codes (postal codes) may have a leading zero.

Why not set a cell to the formula "=right(len(CELL)-1) which returns the
all the characters except for the first.
Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] CALC convert text to numbers

2013-11-10 Thread Jay Lozier
On Mon, 2013-11-11 at 02:56 +0200, Ady wrote: 
> > I have a spreadsheet that is the output of a SQLite Database on Android. It 
> > contains numbers that have been formatted as text. When I copy the columns 
> > into my LibreOffice Spreadsheet I want to make sure that they are 
> > interpreted as numbers. 
> > 
> > However they come in as text and the manuals and help at Libre Office are 
> > less than useful. 
> > 
> > implies that 
> > this conversion happens automatically but it sure doesn't
> > 
> > I found reference to a value function, but no information on how to apply 
> > it to this data.
> > 
> >  I tried just changing the format of the cells to be number but that didn't 
> > do anything at all. 
> > 
> > I've also attempted various styles of paste special but still it doesn't 
> > work. 
> > 
> > There has got to be a way to quickly say this text is all really numbers 
> > and get it working!
> > 
> > Please help
> > 
> If the numbers (formatted as text) are already saved in your 
> spreadsheet, I would normally suggest a simple procedure involving 
> "paste special" and multiply (by "1"). This has worked for me in 
> several other spreadsheet tools.
> But Calc will (currently?) fail, because Calc adds a single quotation 
> mark at the beginning of the cell. So what seems to be just "1" 
> (without the double quotation marks), in Calc actually is "'1" 
> (without the double quotation marks, but including the single initial 
> single quotation mark). If you currently don't see the initial single 
> quotation mark, you could see it (in the formula bar) by copying one 
> of these cells and pasting it in a new one (among other options).
> This single quotation mark will even remain after changing the format 
> from 'text' to 'numbers', so this is what makes the solution less 
> than simple.
> You could select the relevant cells, change their format and then 
> 'find and replace' on that same selection. But, since this is a 
> special (hidden) character, I'm not sure how to make it happen ('find 
> and replace' might not find the specific character).
> As a simple user, I see this "hidden" addition of the initial single 
> quotation mark as a _BUG_, and as one of those basic "features" that 
> work poorly in LibreOffice Calc than in several other spreadsheet 
> tools. I don't know if this behavior can be "corrected" or improved.
> Now, if your data is not yet imported into Calc, you can change the 
> type of data from "standard" or "text" to "numbers" during the 
> 'import' procedure. This task is simple enough if the numbers are 
> already located under the same "column" in the csv / text file that 
> you use as source to import the data into Calc.
> All the above comments are relevant only if you don't need to do the 
> conversion in a repeatedly, scripted / batch / automatic way.
> Regards,
> Ady.

If you are importing a txt or csv file into Calc you can use INSERT >>
SHEET FROM FILE. The first part of the wizard will you can click OK. The
second dialog has a section "Other Options". In this section check
"Detect Special Numbers". There is a preview screen which shows what the
data will look like. If the column has the same data type (numbers,
text, datetime) Calc will convert the raw text into a more appropriate
data type. Also, once checkbox is selected, Calc will remember the
setting for subsequent imports.

This may be easier than cut/paste special.
Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Shall we waste twelve more years promoting Free office suites instead of...

2013-11-09 Thread Jay Lozier

On Sat, 2013-11-09 at 14:06 -0800, Pedro wrote: > Two points: > > 1)
LibreOffice only started embedding fonts in ODF files in version 4.1 >
(released in July 2013); MS Office files have had this ability for
YEARS. In > my opinion ODF files are NOW starting to be useful as an
editable file > exchange format. > > 2) Advocating ignoring MS files
only makes sense on a personal basis. Por > companies that is absurd.
Maybe academia could start that movement but it > will take time before
it reaches the companies... > > My 2 cents. On point (2), the dominant
status of MSO formats will change when enough governments worldwide
move to ODF formats. Whether this is by adoption of LO/AOO or by
general mandate is not critical

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Shall we waste twelve more years promoting Free office suites instead of...

2013-11-09 Thread Jay Lozier
On Sat, 2013-11-09 at 14:33 -0500, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote: 
> On 11/09/2013 12:59 PM, M. Fioretti wrote:
> > Twelve (TWELVE!!!) years ago I asked OpenOffice users “Are you
> > advocating OO correctly"..
> >
> > Continues on my blog:
> >
> >
> >
> > Feedback very welcome, of course!
> >
> > Marco
> >
> There are two different "topics" here.
> 1 - Open File Formats - ODF
> 2 - Free and Open Source Software office suites - LO and OOo/AOO
> Open File Formats
> Not having to deal with proprietary file formats for you office
> documents is a given.  As long as you have such open formats, most
> office suites will be able to handle documents create by other office
> suites, and Window, MacOSX, or Linux.  If you are a Linux user and you
> friend, or even a client or boss, sends you a document in one of the ODF
> formats - let us say .odt text document - then even though you have a
> different OS and maybe different office package, you still can read and
> edit the document and send it back to the sender.  The key is you are
> not required to use the same OS or the same office package as the sender
> to be able to work with it.  No need to hope your office package can
> open properly some complex MSO 2013 .docx that is sent to your system
> that has MSO 2010 or you are using MacOSX or Ubuntu.  You hope for the
> best.  I still have State "agency" people send out MSO 2010 or 2013 Word
> .docx files to other agency people who still have MSO 2007 and did not
> have the budget to buy 2010 or 2013.  They still cannot understand that
> there is a limited backwards compatibility to the .docx formatted files
> between the newer to the older MSO packages.  If, they were using a
> package that saved these documents in ODF [or even .doc for Word] then
> they would not have these troubles.
> The first advantage to using a FOSS office suite - LO as the example -
> is to the budget when you add another computer to your home or business
> environment.  Sure there may be business costs to get the documents
> saved in a common file format - i.e. ODF - but after than the costs are
> much less than needing to buy, or even rent, a copy of MSO.  For limited
> budget households, buying the hardware is costly enough, so adding the
> costs of all that "paid software" can really add up.  If they substitute
> all of the packages they need with FOSS, when available, then you cut
> down on the total cost of that computer[s] in your home and maybe work.
> For someone who uses both Linux and Windows, and some who add MacOSX,
> having one FOSS office package on every desktop/laptop they own helps
> the user, or family of users, be able to use the same package no matter
> which desktop/laptop they are currently using.  One day they will have
> the same option on Android as well.
> This is just one set of examples why promoting Open Document Formats
> instead of promoting FOSS.  They are two different "ideas" altogether. 
> It is the classic Apples and Oranges.  Both are fruit but they are
> totally different.  They cannot really be compared like two different
> types of apples could be or two types of oranges. 
> I think that is the problem with some people who look at the field of
> Open Document/Office Formats and Open Source Software [FOSS or not]. 
> They are two different parts to the puzzle and need to be dealt with
> individually and not compared as if they were the same idea.  You can
> have Open Source Software that can read proprietary files formats, and
> you can have paid software that can read ODF.  We need both to make the
> whole work for businesses and for home.

I think promoting ODF formats which are ISO standards for all office
documents "levels the playing field". It does not matter as pointed out
above what program is used by the user to create or edit a file. Then
all packages are truly competing on features/benefits/costs continuum
not on the ability to properly parse a specific proprietary format.
Also, using ODF formats avoids the tweaking MS apparently does with
their formats with each new release.

As far as overall features, my opinion is that office suite and related
software are mature products. Thus it is very difficult to find a
"feature" that most people will buy a new version to get it. Thus, the
primary issues for most users is the ease of use and accuracy of
handling proprietary formats. For most users the required functionality
is met by a number commercial and FOSS packages. Thus, the primary
reason to buy a commercial

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: 64 bit

2013-11-08 Thread Jay Lozier
On Fri, 2013-11-08 at 12:27 -0800, Pedro wrote: 
> jmadero wrote
> > No offense at all, I encourage open conversation but I tend to see a one 
> > USING ALL 16 OF MY CORES!" - without the other side of the equation - 
> > "such a product would be incredibly costly and there are thousands of 
> > much more important things to get done that will benefit a lot more
> > users."
> So, having a 64bit Linux version is Ok, creating a 64bit version for MacOS
> (starting in LO 4.2) is Ok, but asking for a 64bit Windows build is
> selfish... 
> Interesting. Us Windows users should be ashamed of ourselves...
Does MS provide a 64 bit version of MSO office? The last time I checked,
MSO did come in separate 32/64 bit versions. One of the major benefits
of 64 bit is the database size. But I think Access limits one to 2GB
which is the limit for a 32 bit version. 

Often MS is more fanatic about backwards compatibility so their software
is often limited by still supported Windows version. For years the base
version of Windows was 32 bit XP.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Problem with

2013-11-08 Thread Jay Lozier
On Fri, 2013-11-08 at 20:04 +, Write Me wrote: 

> Good evening and greeting from rainy London, UK
> I am using Linux Mint 13 Maya / 3.2.0-23-generic
> I have just uninstalled LibreOffice 3.6, using Synaptic.  All went well.
> I have installed LibreOffice ,manually.  All went well. No error 
> messages or conflicts mentioned in the terminal.
> Specifically these files in the order stated:
> 1) LibreOffice_4.1.3.2_Linux_x86_deb
> 2) LibreOffice_4.1.3.2_Linux_x86_deb_langpack_en-GB
> 3) LibreOffice_4.1.3.2_Linux_x86_deb_helppack_en-GB
> However I am very dissatisfied with the text in the user interface. 
> While I think the text font is still Arial or some such sans serif font 
> it is to squashed up close together.  The distance between letters in 
> the same word is nothing and so the letters touch each other.  I have 
> attached a screen shot.  I hope this is OK I went looking for rules 
> about posting and could not see a mention of attachments.
> The text in the user interface is too hard to read and is very ugly.
> The same problem exists in Writer, Calc, Draw, and Impress.  Making the 
> whole of LibreOffice too hard to use.
> I regret this installation as I will not enjoy using it with the text as 
> it is.
> Any help appreciated
> Stephen


Look under TOOLS >> OPTIONS >> LIBREOFFIC >> VIEW. There you will see
the settings used for the LO UI. "Use System Fonts..." is probably
selected. You can change the system fonts in the Cinnamon Settings >>
Appearance >> Fonts

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] please test probably bug in calc: W isn't shown in font 24 if a number follow it

2013-11-04 Thread Jay Lozier
On Mon, 2013-11-04 at 19:59 +0100, yahoo-pier_andreit wrote: 
> using Version 4.0:build-30 on opensuse 12.3
> write "W2" in cell A1
> choose font liberation sans
> choose font size 24
> in cell A1 only " 2" is visible, W is invisible
> I tried with many fonts and it happens only with size 24
> I tried with other numbers after "W" and it happens also
> would you please to test in your systems???
> thanx, ciao :-) pier

Using openSUSE 12.3

I can not verify the problem with either LO (from LO site) and
LO 4.00m0 (Buld 305) from the repository.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] [Calc] Combining data coming from several sheets into a single sheet

2013-11-04 Thread Jay Lozier

On Mon, 2013-11-04 at 19:06 +0100, gordom wrote:
> W dniu 2013-11-04 18:53, Jay Lozier pisze:
> > On Mon, 2013-11-04 at 18:30 +0100, gordom wrote:
> >> Hallo everyone.
> >> I have a Calc document consisting of dozens of sheets. Each sheet has
> >> several rows (the number varies) and 4 columns of text strings. Now I
> >> need to combine all these text into one single sheet. Every next sheet
> >> (group of records) must be added bellow the previous one. Not only that,
> >> but I have to add an extra column with the reference to the name of the
> >> sheet that each record (text string) originally comes from. How can I
> >> achieve that? I would appreciate any help. Best regards,
> >> gordom
> >>
> > Gordom,
> >
> > You can use the following formula to reference the data in another
> > sheet:
> > If the final sheet is named output and the data is in a sheet named
> > data_2012, in any cell in output enter =data_2012.. The
> > cellreference is A1, B3 etc.
> >
> >
> It seems I didn't express myself clearly enough. What I want to achieve 
> is one single sheet consisting of all text strings (that are originally 
> located in different sheets) together with the name of the sheet where 
> each string was originally located.

Cut and pasting will work with page delete, if a bit tedious.

Otherwise a macro that automates the cut and pasting with empty page delete.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] [Calc] Combining data coming from several sheets into a single sheet

2013-11-04 Thread Jay Lozier
On Mon, 2013-11-04 at 18:30 +0100, gordom wrote: 
> Hallo everyone.
> I have a Calc document consisting of dozens of sheets. Each sheet has 
> several rows (the number varies) and 4 columns of text strings. Now I 
> need to combine all these text into one single sheet. Every next sheet 
> (group of records) must be added bellow the previous one. Not only that, 
> but I have to add an extra column with the reference to the name of the 
> sheet that each record (text string) originally comes from. How can I 
> achieve that? I would appreciate any help. Best regards,
> gordom

You can use the following formula to reference the data in another
If the final sheet is named output and the data is in a sheet named
data_2012, in any cell in output enter =data_2012.. The
cellreference is A1, B3 etc.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [pt-br-usuarios] Estudantes da rede estadual de SP terão Office gratuito para até 5 PCs após parceria

2013-11-02 Thread Jay Lozier
On Sat, 2013-11-02 at 17:11 -0400, Fred James wrote: 

> Urmas wrote:
> > "Jay Lozier":
> >
> >> Microsoft did not develop the first office productivity packages.
> >
> > There were no 'office packages' before Microsoft Office.
> >
> >> Several predated any MS offerings and were available before the IBM-PC
> >> was released. 
> >
> > They didn't design the first, but they have designed the best
> So tell me, Urmas, if you find MSO to be the best, why are your here on 
> an LO list?
> Regards
> Fred James

+ 1
Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [pt-br-usuarios] Estudantes da rede estadual de SP terão Office gratuito para até 5 PCs após parceria

2013-11-02 Thread Jay Lozier
On Sat, 2013-11-02 at 15:20 -0400, James Knott wrote: 
> Urmas wrote:
> > Just a simple question, Do you know who originally designed Microsoft
> > Office?
> >
> > Microsoft mostly.
> IIRC, they bought what became Excel and I believe Word too, from other
> companies.
Microsoft did not develop the first office productivity packages.
Several predated any MS offerings and were available before the IBM-PC
was released. How MS precisely entered the office productivity market is
less important than the fact there were other packages available at that
time. Basic text parsing has been done for a long time.

Visi-Calc was the first spreadsheet and was available on the Apple II.
Dedicated word processors (Wang) were available.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Save as html file

2013-10-28 Thread Jay Lozier
On Mon, 2013-10-28 at 18:58 +0900, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote: 
> Good evening from Japan
> Maybe I did ask a similar question before ...
> I wrote a book using Writer which I am now trying to upload to Kindle.
> The instructions say, I must save the file as html and then create a zip
> file from the html file + the images.
> "Save as ... html" creates a content file and a whole long list of files
> for the images.
> However, that did not work. I got an error message and asked for help.
> Below a copy the relevant portion of the answer from Amazon.
> Since I hate MS Word, I would love to do this with LO.
> My question:
> Is LO NOT capable of producing the necessary html file as Word does?
> What trick is required, apart from "save as html file", to make this work?
> Thank you.
> ///
> partial copy of the answer from Amazon:
> I reviewed the ZIP folder you've uploaded for your title, and found that
> you've manually included the HTML file and images separately.
> The images aren't correctly referenced in the ZIP folder, which is why
> they aren't appearing when converted to Kindle format.
> I see that you've created the HTML file in LibreOffice. If you have MS
> Word, you can save your document in LibreOffice as a DOC file and open
> it in Word to convert it to HTML.
> When you save your Word file as HTML (Web page, filtered), a separate
> HTML file and a separate folder containing all your images will be
> automatically created at the same location in your computer.

I would contact Amazon technical support and ask what is the problem. It
appears that they want the images in the same directory as the html
files. If so, it is relatively easy to correct the html file references
to the images, if a bit tedious, and move the images into the same
folder. LO actual exports html in the preferred mode with the images
stored in separate folder.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Open fails, looks like chinese

2013-10-24 Thread Jay Lozier
On Thu, 2013-10-24 at 02:04 -0700, JimJoyce wrote: 
> I'm trying to use calc to format some Ordnance Survey data.
> It consists of 201 rows of 201 values.
> The values are all short ascii numeric, such as 123.4
> It seems to think the data is a long string of what looks (to me) like
> chinese characters.
> I downloaded an up-to-date copy of Calc, with the same result.


Did you imported the data from a csv or txt file? If so, I have
occasionally had to change the character set in the import wizard until
I saw the correct characters. Sometimes the character encoding is
incorrectly determined.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc Function Wizard - IF Result differences

2013-10-19 Thread Jay Lozier

If you can breakup the formula into smaller units you might find the

Often when I have had a similar problem I found the my problem
was I reversed test in an IF clause.

On Sat, 2013-10-19 at 14:36 +0200, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote: 
> Hi,
> Entering a formula into the Function Wizard in Calc shows  up two 
> different answers in the 'Result' and 'Function Result' answer box.
> If the editing cursor is placed in a certain section of the formula, 
> only the 'Function Result' answer box holds the correct answer i.e. 
> 751.52004. Pressing 'OK' puts the 'Result' answer box value in the 
> calculated cell, which unfortunately is the wrong answer i.e. 751.25.
> I have looked at the help file to see if there was a difference between 
> the Result answer boxes but found none.
> The initial formula is:
> =IF(0$P$20,((G4-$G$20-$J$20-$M$20-$P$20)*$O$20+(($G$20*$F$20)+($J$20*$I$20)+($M$20*$L$20)+($O$20*$P$20))
> In addition I have tried changing the formula without success to try and 
> reduce the multiple nested IF functions:
> i.e.:
> =sum((IF(0$P$20,((G4-$G$20-$J$20-$M$20-$P$20)*$O$20+(($G$20*$F$20)+($J$20*$I$20)+($M$20*$L$20)+($O$20*$P$20)),0)
> The SUMIF function was also tried but my brain just gave up.
> I cannot see how the VLOOKUP function will help either as I am not 
> looking up values from cells, I am calculating a single value in H4 
> based in a variable input in G4.
> Have a peak at the uploaded spreadsheet on Nabble:
> You will see that provided you enter a value for G4 below 600 the 
> correct answer is shown i.e. for 600 in G4 H4=750. The moment G4 exceeds 
> 600, even by 1, there is a problem.
> There must be an answer and or  my formula syntax is wrong unbeknown to me.
> Help would be very much appreciated
> Sincerely
> Hylton
> -- 
> Hylton is a Lions Club member of Lions Club of Fish Hoek (District 410A)
> being part of the worlds
> largest non profit NGO

Jay Lozier

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Re: Installing an OS, was: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Penguins: (Was Corrupt Installer Errors??)

2013-10-08 Thread Jay Lozier

On Tue, 2013-10-08 at 13:22 -0700, Girvin Herr wrote: 
> I am coming late to this thread, but this talk of a "single-button" 
> install scares me.  I take the downloaded Linux binary LO package and 
> re-package it into a Slackware Linux installation package.  I use a 
> script I created to do this and all I have to do when a new LO release 
> comes out is to change the version and run the script.  Out comes a 
> Slackware package, ready for installation.  I surely hope that any 
> effort going to a single-point installer for LO, which would probably 
> break my process, will not be the only way to install LO in the future, 
> and the current installation scheme will still be an option.
> Girvin Herr
What I have seen with Linux "one-click" installers is they actually
invoke the distro software installer. This requires user confirmation
before the install occurs (password entry). So it is as secure as any
other package installation. The "one-click" installers are normally
distro (distro family) specific.

Currently I have two versions of LO installed, one from the repository
and a downloaded version.

> On 10/08/2013 08:08 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
> > Hi :)
> > +1
> > it's a historical problem.  LibreOffice is moving towards a more normal 
> > installer.  Sun wasn't keen on such gimmicks when developed by the 
> > community.  Go-oo didn't need a decent installer because it didn't develop 
> > so fast = so it could settle on whichever version was supplied in the OS.
> >
> > LibreOffice does develop quickly and people do want to keep up so it kinda 
> > does need a normal installer and is developing one.
> > Regards from
> > Tom :)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >   From: James Knott 
> > To: "lo >> LibreOffice" 
> > Sent: Tuesday, 8 October 2013, 15:56
> > Subject: Re: Installing an OS, was: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Penguins: (Was 
> > Corrupt Installer Errors??)
> >   
> >
> > Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
> >> Have you tried to do that for LO?
> >> How many package files need to be run to install LO on a Linux "box"?
> >> There are 52 .deb files to run/install in the 4.1.2 64-bit Debian
> >> install, plus the help pack, plus the language pack if needed.
> >>
> >> Like to do a single click or double-click to install all of those files?
> >>
> > The problem is with the way LO is distributed.  I have no idea why they
> > do it that way.  There are other programs available where clicking on
> > the RPM works fine.
> >
> >

Jay Lozier

Jay Lozier

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Re: Installing an OS, was: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Penguins: (Was Corrupt Installer Errors??)

2013-10-08 Thread Jay Lozier

-Original Message-
From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
Subject: Re: Installing an OS, was: Fw: [libreoffice-users] Penguins:
(Was Corrupt Installer Errors??)
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 09:57:18 -0400

On 10/08/2013 08:14 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
> Tom wrote:
> Mac Airlines
> All the stewards, captains, baggage handlers, and ticket agents are
> all friendly and attractive but all look and act exactly the same. 
> Every time you ask questions about details, you are gently but firmly
> told that you don't need to know, don't want to know, and everything
> will be done for you without your ever having to know.
> Windows Air
> The terminal is pretty and colourful, with friendly stewards, easy
> baggage check and boarding, and a smooth take-off.  After about 10
> minutes in the air, the plane explodes with no warning whatsoever.
> Linux Air
> When you board the plane, you are given a seat, four bolts, a wrench
> and a copy of the seat-HOWTO.html.
> Once settled, the fully adjustable seat is very comfortable, the plane
> leaves and arrives on time without a single problem, the in-flight
> meal is wonderful.  You try to tell customers of the other airlines
> about the great trip, but all they can say is, "You had to do what
> with the seat?"
> Tom, this is hilarious and spot on. And, once I figure out the seat
> and that @#$$% wrench, I'll be a Linux lover, too.
> Virgil

I think we would have more Linux users if packages like LO can be
installed with one "click" of the mouse onto the install file as Windows
does with the .msi file.  Having to do the terminal commands like "sudo
dpkg -i *.deb " tends to make it a little harder.  Maybe just having a
script so all you have to do is type in "sh" would make it

That is the real problem with Linux over Windows - you have to think
more and do more to install a lot of the better packages.  Sure there
are those software that have only one .deb or .rpm file, but you still
need to think more using Linux to install software.  It is not as easy
as click or double-click on a file name and everything will be done for

BUT, maybe this way is it harder to get those nasty little infections
and wormy things that Windows seen to get all the time.  According to
one article, Linux finally got a virus attack, but you had to be really
stupid and allow it to be downloaded and installed via a multi-step
email link.

Yes, it takes a while to get "use to" Linux in whatever flavor you
decide to use.  My flavor is Ubuntu with MATE on top of it. 

Sure, I do not know much about the terminal commands, but I am a GUI
type of guy.  That was one problem I had to overcome with Linux - you
need to use the terminal once in a while.  How often does a Win XP,
Vista, or Win7 user has to use its "DOS terminal"?  A really lot less
than the Linux users.

I do agree that once you figure out that "blasted wrench" thingy, Linux
gives you a better "ride" than Windows.  Also, how many OSs will give
you the "flavor" options for their desktop environment as Linux does? 
They tried to do that with Windows before, and even MS tried to get
people to "like" their new one.  But when you get down to it, only Linux
has the variety of an ice cream shop.  Why go to a shop [OS] that offers
one or two flavors, when there is a better shop that offers 20 or more
flavors to choose from?

My observation is that for the many users of Linux, Windows, and Macs
will have about the same experience once installed and configured. I
have a couple of friends who have me take care of the Linux boxes. They
do not seem to have any trouble with Linux once I got it set up

The problem is that very few desktops and laptops are sold
with any Linux distro installed. So the user is faced with learning to
install and configure Linux or have someone help them.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Why??? 'Unkown source' when copy/pasting numbers SAME SHEET SAME WORKBOOK

2013-10-06 Thread Jay Lozier
-Original Message-
From: Tanstaafl 
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Why??? 'Unkown source' when copy/pasting
Date: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 13:04:56 -0400

This is really starting to infuriate me...

Why, when working in an .ods spreadsheet, if I copy a number from a 
cell, and go to paste>special it into another cell, does it often (not 
every time, still can't pin it down) sometimes come up with the only 
op[tion as 'Unformatted text' from 'Unknown source'???

This is insane!

I have had this problem off and on when copy/pasting numbers between 
.csv files and .ods spreadheets, but even then it isn't every time.

What is going on here?

What version of LO are you using and what is your OS?

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Repositories, was: Fw: Penguins: (Was Corrupt Installer Errors??)

2013-10-06 Thread Jay Lozier
-Original Message-
From: Urmas 
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Repositories, was: Fw: Penguins: (Was
Corrupt Installer Errors??)
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2013 20:37:49 +0700

"Tom Davies":

By default most versions of Gnu&Linux (lets just call them distros) have a 
set of "repos" (=repositories) which are a bit like vast warehouses of 
programs and other software.

...Because Linux is inherently broken and cannot run vanilla builds of 
software. Also repositories keep prehistoric versions of apps only, 
backporting only the security issues fixes, which have to be manually picked 
from the developer's VCS and manually patched in. So to fix a bug in Foo 
0.8.1 you need to upgrade your entire OS to get Foo 0.10.3 instead of simply 
installing 0.8.2 or 0.11.1.


I have installed vanilla versions of LO on Ubuntu and derivatives and
openSUSE without any issues.

The advantage of the repository is when a new version is released, it
will automatically be updated and only one version is on the machine.
Currently I have several office suites installed on openSUSE 12.3 and
they coexist very nicely including two versions of LO - one from the
repository and one direct install.

You can install "unofficial" repositories that have newer/current
versions of various packages. 

-- Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO on La Gendarmerie Nationale computers ?

2013-10-03 Thread Jay Lozier
-Original Message-
From: Tom Davies 
Reply-to: Tom Davies 
To: , 
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO on La Gendarmerie Nationale
computers ?
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 19:36:28 +0100 (BST)

Hi :)  
It's not "the only".  There are choices.  It's not hugely tough to
uninstall LibreOffice and install Gnome Office, AOO, KOffice, Calligra,
Google-docs or even Kingsoft or the weird one that comes with Macs.  I'm
sure fanboys/girls of each could successfully argue why 'theirs' is the

Whichever you prefer it's good to know it co-operates with all the
others.  It's only Microsquish that tends to restrict the types of
formats you can use and the interoperability with other products.  The
only real question for me is can i carry on using what i prefer using
and still communicate with "them" (whoever "they" are).  When they are
using MS the answer is a bit chancy but if they use anything else the
answer tends to be yes.  

It's just "the icing on the cake" if they do choose to use the best (by
which i mean LibreOffice)
Regards from 
Tom :)  
I have installed on openSUSE 12.3:

Gnome Office
Calligra Office
EuroOffice 2012 (AOO and LO fork/derivative)
Free Office (covers Word, Excel, PowerPoint) - stripped down version of
SoftMaker Office (proprietary)
Kingsoft Office (covers Word, Excel, PowerPoint) (proprietary)
Apache OpenOffice 4.0
LibreOffice both 4.0.4 and 4.1.1 (first from repositories and second
from LO site) LO 4.1.1 is my primary suite

I installed most for testing/curiosity/backup and for reading/editing
MSO files when LO has problems. I have not had any problems with clashes
or other problems between the suites 


Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] LO on La Gendarmerie Nationale computers ?

2013-10-03 Thread Jay Lozier
-Original Message-
From: M Henri Day 
To: "LibreOffice, users" 
Subject: [libreoffice-users] LO on La Gendarmerie Nationale computers ?
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 18:14:26 +0200

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
​ has published an interesting article, ​
​*French police move from Windows to Ubuntu Linux* (
​, over at ZDNet. It deals explicitly with a migration from Windows XP to a
«customized version of Ubuntu Linux», but if, as I presume, LO is included
as the standard office suite, it is significant for us as well. Anyone
familiar with the details ?...



The only "standard" office suites on Linux with good MSO file compatibility are 
LO and AOO. If they are using Ubuntu as the base I would expect them to use LO.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: How to remove the spell checker

2013-09-27 Thread Jay Lozier
has to do with dyslexia, reading or fine motor skills 
> impairment requiring computer assistance then would not an automated 
> spell-checker itself be the normal accommodation?  Who is making these rules? 
> --  
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Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] the password of Libreoffice

2013-09-15 Thread Jay Lozier
Alternately, one can use a password manager to keep track your
passwords. A good manager will allow you tailor and save unique
passwords for each site of effectively unlimited length.

-Original Message-
From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] the password of Libreoffice
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 13:50:52 -0400

To be honest - WRITE the passwords down somewhere safe.
OR use a set of passwords and only that set so you just have to try the
one at a time.

I use about a dozen passwords.  If I need to create one that is not part
of my set of passwords, I write it down on a card and stick it in a
"safe place".  That way if I do not remember what it is, I just pull out
the "cards" and find the document name and read the password written
there.  I know a lot of businesses that use a locked desk drawer to hold
things like door access codes and passwords.

On 09/15/2013 01:31 PM, Toki Kantoor wrote:
> On 09/11/2013 07:09 AM, tangchaojie wrote:
>> I Forger My password of the Libreoffice file . 
>> Who can tell me how to deal with it ?
> LibO 3.4.5 and lower can write files whose password protection relies on
> Blowfish;
> LibO 3.4.4 and lower can read files whose password protection relies on
> Blowfish;
> LibO 3.4.5 and higher can read files whose password protection relies on
> AES-256;
> LibO 3.5.0 and higher can write files whose password protection relies
> on AES-256;
> The Crypto++ library contains routines for encrypting/decrypting
> blowfish, AES-256, and other algorithms for ciphers.
> In 2001, four or five firms, worldwide, offered commercial OOo password
> recovery services.
> One of the firms frankly admitted that they used brute force. The setup
> fee paid for the computers used for the "attack". The monthly fee
> covered the utility bills that the "attack" generated. FWIW, this firm
> now appears to be out of business.
> offers a tool that
> they claim:
> « OpenOffice Password Recovery is a software program to restore any
> forgotten passwords from any document created with Open Office. This
> tool supports all Open Office applications including OpenOffice Calc,
> Impress, Math, Writer and Draw.
> OpenOffice Password Recovery also features protection removal so you can
> get rid of the read-only restriction used for protection with some files. »
> offers an OOo
> extension for US$79.00 that allegedly recovers passwords from OOo
> documents.
> Those tools might work, but I have my doubts. Whilst there are known
> attacks that result in determining the password faster than using brute
> force, those attacks require at least a century to complete, using
> Beowulf Clusters that are currently commercially available.
> jonathon

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Security vulnerabilities

2013-09-12 Thread Jay Lozier
-Original Message-
From: Vladimir Tagaban 
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Security vulnerabilities
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 01:10:09 +

Hello guys,

I was just wondering, are there any know security vulnerabilities with 
LibreOffice 4.0.2. I want to test it but wanted to know if there were any 
concerns. I know that you are currently at version 4.1.1 but wanted to use an 
older version.

I have done some research online into this matter but nothing was stated as far 
as security concerns were concerned.

Vladimir Tagaban


I would check Bugzilla for any security concerns or reports.

Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: [MariaDB Announce] MariaDB Java Client 1.1.4 Released

2013-09-10 Thread Jay Lozier
-Original Message-
From: Tom Davies 
Reply-to: Tom Davies 
To: Users@Global.LibreOffice.Org ,

Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: [MariaDB Announce] MariaDB Java Client
1.1.4 Released
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 18:45:13 +0100 (BST)

Hi :)
I don't know if anyone uses MariaDb as a back-end for Base here but i thought 
maybe a few people might be interested in this recent announcement from them.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  


Several Linux distros are switching from MySQL to MariaDB as their default 
"MySQL" database.

 From: MariaDB Announce List 
Sent: Tuesday, 10 September 2013, 18:21
Subject: [MariaDB Announce] MariaDB Java Client 1.1.4 Released

The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the immediate availability
of the MariaDB Java Client 1.1.4. This is a Stable (GA) release.

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Jay Lozier

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Re: [libreoffice-users] Address block in Base report

2013-09-10 Thread Jay Lozier
-Original Message-
From: Karen DInse 
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Address block in Base report
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 07:50:39 -0700 (PDT)

Windows XP, SP3

We have created a Base database from Access 2003.  One of the reports, based
on a query, is to print labels.  The first line is for the name, second line
is for the company name, third line is for the street address or PO Box, and
the last line is for the city, state and zip code.  We would like the PO Box
to show on the third line if there is no given address.  Using the Function
Wizard, we have tried the following:  "IF([STREETNO]&"
"&[STREET]ISBLANK;[POBOX];[STREETNO]&" " [STREET]") - this doesn't show any
information.  We tried to reverse it "IF([POBOX]ISBLANK;[STREETNO]&"
"&[STREET];[POBOX]) - no data appears.  We have tried to use " " instead of
ISBLANK, same thing, no data.  

Any ideas?


Without the function does the query return the correct information?

A typical SQL query would look like this:

SELECT  person, company, address1, address2, city, state, zip (use your column 
FROMcontacts (use your table name(s))

Also, does the form/report return a label that is correct without the function? 
I have found sometimes trying the minimalist approach first yields the results 
I wanted.

Jay Lozier

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