Maven questions: defaulting an array in Mojo, executing generated unit tests

2006-06-17 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. 1. When developing a plugin, how would it be possible to provide a default expression for an array? For instance, I have a field like: protected String[] bindingIncludes; I'd like the it to be an array of single *.xjb string. 2. I have a Java code generation plugin which may also

Few Maven2 questions

2006-06-19 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. 1. When developing a plugin, how would it be possible to provide a default expression for an array? For instance, I have a field like: protected String[] bindingIncludes; I'd like the it to be an array of single *.xjb string. 2. I have a Java code generation plugin which may also

Sharing third party jars in ibiblio

2006-06-19 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi folks, I would like to share some third party jars in ibiblio. I've searched the docs - they describe how to install third party jars in a local repository and how to share own jars (built with maven) in ibiblio. The problem I have now is that I need to share the Compass Framework jars in

Re: Sharing third party jars in ibiblio

2006-06-19 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. Please visit this guide Yes, I've seen it - but this guide assumes these are my artifacts, so there's pom.xml, directory structure etc. I have nothing like that, I just have a compass.jar file which I'd like to share under

Using log4j in plugins

2006-06-20 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I'm using a maven plugin that is capable of logging the debug/trace information via log4j. log4j is on plugin's dependency, but I need to provide for my project. How could I configure log4j for a plugin that is executed in the generate-sources phase? This is a phase and

Maven best practices - company-wide local repository?

2006-06-21 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I'm introducing Maven in my company. We're not a very large firm, ~ 20 developers and I consider if we should use a common local repository - for instance over a network share. The problem is that we often use non-released versions of third party libraries, which do not exist in central

Re: Maven best practices - company-wide local repository?

2006-06-21 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. BTW be careful about the words you use : internal repository is not the same as a local repository. A local repository should be only local to a developer desktop and not on a network drives or you will have speed issues. Ok, understand. In case of using an internal repository - what is

mvn install with sources?

2006-07-05 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I'd like to get sources for my jar artifacts installed into the local repo. I usually do mvn (clean) install, but this only builds and copies the binary jar into the repo. What should I do to get sources along? Bye. /lexi

Creating an ant-style distribution with Maven

2006-08-14 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I have recently migrated one of my projects (Hyperjaxb2, onto Maven. I'm very satisfied with results but have one open question. Hyperjaxb2 is a code generation tool. You give your XML Schema in and get a JAR with JAXB-generated classes plus Hibernate

Re: Ad: Creating an ant-style distribution with Maven

2006-08-14 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. Have you tried the assembly plugin? Oh, looks promising. Thanks. Bye. /lexi - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unable to find Mojo/CNFE

2006-09-08 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I'm struggling to make my plugin work. It is a 1:1 copy of the ported onto jaxb2. I'm getting 'Unable to find the mojo' error and the stack trace shows that I have a ClassNotFoundException. I have hot no idea why. The class is clearly in the jar

Re: Unable to find Mojo/CNFE

2006-09-09 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I'm struggling to make my plugin work. It is a 1:1 copy of the ported onto jaxb2. I'm getting 'Unable to find the mojo' error and the stack trace shows that I have a ClassNotFoundException. I have hot no idea why. The class is clearly in the jar

Company-wide Maven repo

2006-09-14 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi folks, Could anyone recommend software for implementing/installing a company-wide Maven repository? maven-proxy? proximity? Pros and contras? I'd be grateful for your opinions. Bye. /lexi - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: Company-wide Maven repo

2006-09-15 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. it depends on Your needs... Thanks for the response! Needs are simple. We are a small company with ~20 developers. Different people do different projects. Projects often depend on each other. Currently we have no central repo for our firma. Therefor if my project depends on 10 other

Re: Project-specific plugins

2006-10-05 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. Our current projects currently make extensive use of Maven 1.0. Since Maven 2 looks very promising, we'd like to make the switch. At this moment, many projects contain project-specific goals in maven.xml. We could convert this code into M2 plugins, but that would separate the

Re: Project-specific plugins

2006-10-05 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Sybren Stüvel wrote: Hi. Our current projects currently make extensive use of Maven 1.0. Since Maven 2 looks very promising, we'd like to make the switch. At this moment, many projects contain project-specific goals in maven.xml. We could convert this code into M2 plugins, but that would

Re: Project-specific plugins

2006-10-05 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I don't quite get it. You just mvn clean install plugin and it's available to the project. I also have several project-specific Maven plugins. They just reside in their own modules, build during the whole build and thus available to the subsequent modules. Can you be more specific? I'm

Re: sjc (jaxb) plugin for jdk1.4

2006-10-09 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I am trying to convert a large ant project to maven and the project (for various reasons) is tied to jdk 1.4. There are several uses of xjc (jaxb) and I wanted to use a maven jaxb plugin in order to build those projects. However, the jaxb plugin available maven-jaxb-plugin

docbook plugin

2006-10-09 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi folks, Which docbook plugin would you recommend to use? Just like many people I previously used DocBook XSLTs and builds from Hibernate documentation. My projects are now ported to Maven and I'd like to port documentation generation as well. I've found several plugins that seem to do the

Re: docbook plugin

2006-10-10 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. It depends. You can use mine if you're looking for: * Configuration of the stylesheets using the plugin configuration mechanism; * A solution that has everything included in the actual plugin; (No manual downloading of stylesheets or the DTD) * Entity

Re: docbook plugin

2006-10-10 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Wilfred, I've searched for about half an hour but could not find any installation instructuons for your plugin. Yes I saw some pom fragments - but how do I install/download your plugin? Which pluginRepository should I use? I'd really appreciate a ready-to-use sample project. Bye. /lexi

Re: docbook plugin

2006-10-10 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. Ok, I fixed my problem with the pre-site phase. It was because I was invoking mvn site:site instead of mvn site, so I was invoking the plug-in instead of the phase. Aleksei asked for the plugin configuration: El 10/10/2006 10:37, Aleksei Valikov escribió: Wilfred, I've searched

Re: docbook plugin

2006-10-10 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I'll add to the manual that - at this stage - you need to add my personal repository ( to your list of repositories. I have been trying to get the plugin uploaded to the central repository, but for some reason you can only upload plugins if you set up an rsync

Re: [m204] Issue with transistive dependancies and Springframework

2006-10-11 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. Is anyone else using spring 2.0 and acegi 1.0.2 It seems acegi 1.0.2 is requiring spring 1.2.7 and adds 1.2.7 and 2.0 into my ear. Is this an issue with the spring libs I imported? Below are my current dependencies: dependency

JPOX and Maven2

2006-10-12 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi folks, Does anyone use JPOX with Maven2? Which enhancer plugin do you use? Bye. /lexi - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: JPOX and Maven2

2006-10-12 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. As I can see (1) , the last maven plugin is using jpox 1.1.1 . Stéphane. (1) * Thanks, I've also found it. I was a bit discouraged by JPOX supports Maven1, Maven2 is not supported statement on the JPOX site. I've now the

Re: JPOX and Maven2

2006-10-12 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. What do you need to put in your pom.xml to allow for Automated Enhancement ? I've attached my pom.xml. The whole example could be found here: Bye. /lexi project xmlns=;

Re: JPOX and Maven2

2006-10-12 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. You can look at Continuum for an example: Thanks, I've also found that plugin. Works pretty neat. Bye. /lexi - To unsubscribe, e-mail:

Re: JPOX and Maven2

2006-10-12 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. It seems that when I make changes to package.jdo in the src directory, it is not being copied over to the target directory. Is there a way I can force it to copy over ? Is package.jdo placed in src/main/java or src/main/resources? Should be placed in latter. Bye. /lexi

Re: JPOX and Maven2

2006-10-12 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. It is currently placed in src/main/resources. It will get copied over only once. If I make a change, then I am forcing it by running mvn clean, then a mvn test. I would prefer to just edit package.jdo then mvn test. Sorry, can't reproduce. In my case mvn test copies the new package.jdo.

Re: Has anyone made a jwsdp-1.6 repository?

2006-10-12 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Before I start on ther path of rolling my own, I was wondering if anyone already did this Take a look at We've got a number of jwsdp jars deployed ther. Not all but you're free to add more. -- Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis

Re: Maven plugin to generate Java source, SQL schema, and O/R mapping files from XSD?

2006-10-13 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. Forgive me if this is a naive question but I've search the web and haven't found an obvious answer. I'd like to find a tool that generates Java source files, SQL schema files, and O/R mapping files from the same XSD file. The input XSD file (over which I have no control) defines

Re: Maven plugin to generate Java source, SQL schema, and O/R mapping files from XSD?

2006-10-14 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. Its great that these tools exist -- obviously I had no idea. ;-) Yeah, we're programmers not promoters... I'm going to have to take a look at both of them and perhaps integrate one of them into our build process... Let me know if you experience any problems with Hyperjaxb2. There's a

Generating SQL to initialize database

2006-10-27 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi folks. I wonder, what is the usual approach to generate or include in distribution or package the SQL that sets up the database (DDL)? For instance, I use Hyperjaxb to generate source code and Hibernate mappings from the database schema. Based on the Hibernate mappings I can generate the

Re: Will an open source java make it possible to distribute Sun's jar files via ibiblio?

2006-10-27 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. javax.mail is being distributed by Glassfish There's also which also contains quite a few Sun Jars. ;) Got no idea who put them there. ;) Bye. /lexi

Re: Hibernate mapping resource path in Maven

2006-10-30 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I just started converting a Java project using Hibernate ( to build with Maven rather than Ant. While I was able to get log4j logging working again by placing my file in src/main/resources, and putting hibernate.cfg.xml in the same place does result in it

Re: What happened with's m2 repo?

2006-11-22 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. states to use as url for their maven2 repo - but this fails (404). Use this link to browse the repo:

mavenrun plugin?

2006-11-27 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. Is there something like the mavenrun plugin? I'm building an assembly of one of the modules. After that I'd like to check if this assembly is buildable. That is, I'd like to extract the resulting zip into some folder and run maven with it (during the integration-test phases). I know how

Re: mavenrun plugin?

2006-11-28 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi You might want to checkout the maven-invoker-plugin. It's SVN at: and IIRC has a snapshot deployed to the snapshot repository: pluginRepositories pluginRepository idapache.snapshots/id

Offtopic: Re: Maven and .NET

2006-11-29 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. Morgovsky, Alexander (US - Glen Mills) wrote: Any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited. [v.E.1] I LOVE these legal statements in emails. :) Bye. /lexi

Approach to web apps on different databases

2006-12-12 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi folks, We have a webapp on Hibernate/JSF. DB access only via Hibernate, no pure JDBC code. I'd like to ask advice on building this webbapp for different databases. We use HSQLDB in development-time, but production variants should run on Oracle and PostgreSQL. My questin is how could we

Re: JAXB2 versus Maven2

2007-01-11 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. It seems, that is still stuck with 2.0EA3? Who can take care of this? Bye. /lexi - To unsubscribe, e-mail:

Plugin dependencies are not redefined

2007-01-12 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. In my project, I am using the maven-jaxb1-plugin to compile XML Schemas into schema-derived classes. I would like to use this plugin in two modules but with different sets of plugin dependencies. For instance, in module A the maven-jaxb1-plugin needs no additional artifacts, schemas may

Hibernate3 export where *.hbm.cfg and *.hbm.xml are resources

2007-01-16 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. In my project, Hibernate configuration and mappings are distributed among several JARs. That is, *.hbm.cfg and *.hbm.xml are resources inside JAR artifacts rather than files. There is a war module which depends on all of these JARs. And I need to export the database schema (DDL) for this

Re: Hibernate3 export where *.hbm.cfg and *.hbm.xml are resources

2007-01-16 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. i think you can configure what todo in the sessionFactory prop key=hibernate.hbm2ddl.autocreate/prop that way will be easier Yes, this is how it works right now. But we'd also like to generate the DDLs for documentation/reference purposes. with codehaus plugin you can use also an

Re: Hibernate3 export where *.hbm.cfg and *.hbm.xml are resources

2007-01-23 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. Are you trying to document your hibernate classes?? Have you tried hbm2doc? No, we really need the database schema (DDL) for project documentation. Bye. /lexi - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional

Re: JAXB 2.0-SNAPSHOT with exec Maven plugin

2007-01-31 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I am facing a strange error when using JAXB 2.0-SNAPSHOT with exec Maven plugin, please see Why don't you simply use maven-jaxb2-plugin? Bye. /lexi - To unsubscribe, e-mail:

Re: Issue with commons-logging 1.1

2007-02-01 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. The problem I've bumped in is that commons-logging 1.1 has put a dependency on the servlet-api library and left the default scope. That means servlet-api gets right into my EAR which in turn makes my web application unable to serve my jsp's as it's a library that is provided by the

[ANN] Transcoder Maven2 plugin - check completeness of your multilingual resources

2007-02-19 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I've recently release the Transcoder plugin: I hope you'll find it useful. Here's a small description. The Transcoder plugin for Maven2 is used to check multilingual resources for the completeness of translation. This plugin analyzes property files

Re: [ANN] Transcoder Maven2 plugin - check completeness of your multilingual resources

2007-02-19 Thread Aleksei Valikov
Hi. I've recently release the Transcoder plugin: Awesome! I was actually getting ready to work on something like this for md4j-quickstarter [1], although more webapp oriented. Can this be extended to: * Parse a set of JSP (or other presentation technology)