Re: [vchkpw] SQL error after upgrade

2007-12-06 Thread Christian Lerrahn
> I have to upgrade vpopmail from 5.4.16 because I'm using the
> validrcptto patch and need the onchange feature which is not included
> in 5.4.16, yet. However, after upgrading to 5.4.20, the POP3 server
> will send me the error
> vmysql: error creating table 'limits': Table 'limits' already exists
> as soon as I try to authenticate. The logs (syslog) will show me as
> authenticated but my email client will disconnect with an error.
> I don't understand this message because I would expect the table to
> exist. Searching the internet didn't get me anywhere, either.
> Any hints?

Just in case anyone ever finds this in the archive... I have solved the
problem. I realised that the limits table is actually empty. So I just
deleted it and had vpopmail create it and everything worked
fine. :)

I ended up going to 5.4.22 because apparently 5.4.22 was buggy and
therefore vdeluser always segfaulted. But as soon as I was on 5.4.22,
everything worked fine with the fix mentioned above.



Re: [vchkpw] SQL Error

2004-06-29 Thread Rick Widmer

David Brinks wrote:
I'm not exactly sure which list to bounce this request off of but I'll start
here.  If this would be better on a different list, please let me know.
This was just fixed in the latest version of vpopmail...
Don't forget to recompile everything that uses vpopmail after you 
update.  If you use qmailadmin, you may as well grab the latest version 
of it too.


Re: [vchkpw] SQL Error

2004-06-29 Thread Rick Macdougall
David Brinks wrote:
Rick, I understand that 5.4.5 fixed some things in
mysql code but with the system that is currently in
place, why would it work for months then all of a
sudden out of the blue just stop working ???
-- David.
Increased volume maybe ?  I believe the symptoms you described occurred 
when MySQL gets overloaded and new connections are not allowed.  If you 
are getting more and more volume, along with increased pop or imap 
access, then your MySQL server would start getting overloaded and the 
problem you reported would just "start happening" out of the blue.


Re: [vchkpw] SQL Error

2004-06-29 Thread Rick Macdougall

David Brinks wrote:
I'm not exactly sure which list to bounce this request off of but I'll start
here.  If this would be better on a different list, please let me know.
ok... Server farm setup is
srv01 - mysql-master database.
srv02, srv03 and srv04 are machines with identical installation of
qmail/mysql/vpopmail/courier/etc... (built using Matt Simerson's toaster.)
srv05 is an NFS storage server.
srv02, srv03 and srv04 have mysql servers that are replicated from srv01.
vpopmail version is 5.4.2
ucspi-tcp is 0.88 with Simerson's mysql+rss patch.
courier-imap is 3.0.2
mysql is 4.0.18 (srv01 through srv04 have same versions)
Everything seems to be working fine but the last couple of days, I'll
occassionaly see the following in my logs.
Jun 29 11:07:18 srv03 vpopmail[47983]: vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not found
Jun 29 11:07:18 srv03 imapd: vmysql: sql error[1]: Can't create database
'vpopmail'. Database exists
Upgraded to vpopmail 5.4.5, part of the release was fixes to the mysql code.