Problem in using IP -

2011-04-19 Thread Vishnu D H

I am installing VCL on my laptop for an academic project. So there is a
VMware server running which spawns a VM with an IP address "".
When i try to enter this IP in the vmguest computer profile, it throws an
error saying

"*Invalid IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of w, x, y, and z being
between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"

Can anybody suggest how to go about this problem? Hence im stuck with not
being able to create the Base image.


Re: Problem in using IP -

2011-04-20 Thread Vishnu D H
Thanks Josh, the changes worked like a charm!!

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Josh Thompson wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Vishnu,
> The simplest solution is to pick a different IP range so that you don't end
> up
> with an address ending with .0
> The other fix would be to modify computers.php.  You'll need to modify two
> functions: processComputerInput and processBulkComputerInput.  The check
> that
> validates IP addresses does not allow addresses that end with '.0'.  This
> is
> code leftover from when it was initially developed at NCSU.  We don't have
> any
> subnets configured such that you could end up with an address ending with
> '.0'.
> In processComputerInput, look for the 2nd 'if' statement, modify the 2nd to
> last conditional and change
> $ipaddressArr[3] < 1
> to
> $ipaddressArr[3] < 0
> In processBulkComputerInput, you'll need to make four modifications that
> are
> very similar to the one from processComputerInput.  Look for the
> conditionals
> doing a preg_match on the following items:
> $return["startipaddress"]
> $return["endipaddress"]
> $return["startpripaddress"]
> $return["endpripaddress"]
> You'll need to make the following changes:
> $startaddrArr[3] < 1   becomes $startaddrArr[3] < 0
> $endaddrArr[3] < 1 becomes $endaddrArr[3] < 0
> $startpraddrArr[3] < 1 becomes $startpraddrArr[3] < 0
> $endpraddrArr[3] < 1   becomes $endpraddrArr[3] < 0
> Josh
> On Wednesday April 20, 2011, Vishnu D H wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am installing VCL on my laptop for an academic project. So there is a
> > VMware server running which spawns a VM with an IP address
> "".
> > When i try to enter this IP in the vmguest computer profile, it throws an
> > error saying
> >
> > "*Invalid IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of w, x, y, and z being
> > between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"
> >
> > Can anybody suggest how to go about this problem? Hence im stuck with not
> > being able to create the Base image.
> >
> > -Vishnu
> > *
> - --
> - ---
> Josh Thompson
> VCL Developer
> North Carolina State University
> my GPG/PGP key can be found at
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)
> uFsAn0KUu3YOO/JyUe8DHayf6s3QezRz
> =fkBr

Vishnu D H

Unable to create Base Image

2011-04-22 Thread Vishnu D H
I am installing VCL (Standalone system). When trying to create the Base
image, it throws up a few errors and also pops up an OpenSSH box and asks me
to put the password for 'vcluser'. Could anyone help with this?

2011-04-23 01:56:00|14840||inserted new reload
request into request table, request id=13
2011-04-23 01:56:00|14840||inserted new reload
request into reservation table, reservation id=13
'begin' entry does NOT exist for reservation 13
2011-04-23 01:56:01|5088|13:13|image||executed
command: pgrep -fl 'vcld [0-9]+:13 ', pid: 14929, exit status: 1, output:
is NOT running, identifier: 'vcld [0-9]+:13 '
is NOT currently being processed
2011-04-23 01:56:01|5088|13:13|image|vcld:main(277)|reservation 13 is NOT
already being processed
2011-04-23 01:56:01|5088|13:13|image||standalone
affiliation found: Local
2011-04-23 01:56:01|5088|13:13|image|vcld:main(282)|retrieved request
information from database
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 13
2011-04-23 01:56:01|5088|13:13|image||request
13 state updated to: pending, laststate to: image
2011-04-23 01:56:01|5088|13:13|image||inserted
computer=6, begin, beginning to process, state is image
2011-04-23 01:56:01|5088|13:13|image|vcld:make_new_child(510)|loaded
VCL::image module
2011-04-23 01:56:01|5088|13:13|image|vcld:make_new_child(567)|current number
of forked kids: 1
2011-04-23 01:56:01|14944|13:13|image|vcld:make_new_child(583)|vcld
environment variable set to 0 for this process
2011-04-23 01:56:01|14944|13:13|image||constructor called,
2011-04-23 01:56:01|14944|13:13|image||VCL::image object
2011-04-23 01:56:01|14944|13:13|image||obtained a
database handle for this state process, stored as $ENV{dbh}
2011-04-23 01:56:01|14944|13:13|image||no
corrections need to be made to image OS: vmwarelinux
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 13
count: 1
2011-04-23 01:56:01|14944|13:13|image||renamed
process to 'vcld 13:13 image vmguest-1 vmwarelinux-1524-v0 admin'
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 13
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 13
2011-04-23 01:56:01|14944|13:13|image||attempting to
load provisioning module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware
module loaded
2011-04-23 01:56:02|14944|13:13|image||constructor called,
object created
01:56:02|14944|13:13|image||computer ID
argument was specified, retrieving data for computer ID: 4
DataStructure object for VM host: localvmhost
01:56:02|14944|13:13|image||computer ID
argument was specified, retrieving data for computer ID: 4
DataStructure object for VM host: localvmhost
to load VMware control module:
VMware control module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
2011-04-23 01:56:04|14944|13:13|image||constructor called,
object created

Standalone system

2011-05-07 Thread Vishnu D H

So i installed the standalone VCL on my laptop and i get the reservation for
a Virtual Machine. However i have a couple of doubts. Could someone pls
clarify them? I am not sure if its working as expected.

1. I created a VM (VM1)and a corresponding image in the database. When the
reservation succeeds, VCL still spawns a new VM (VM2) and returns the IP
address of the Bridged interface of VM1. Why does it spawn a new VM and if
it did, why is it returning the address of the VM1?

2. When it spawns the new VM (VM2), (there existed no other VM files other
than that of VM1), the VM2 is not an exact replica of VM1 ( i mean the
configurations such as the SSH, network interfaces, etc). Why is this
happening, from where is VCL getting these files for the new VM from?

Please somebody clarify.


Re: VCL2.2.1 undefined index error

2011-05-07 Thread Vishnu D H
Hello Kelly,
I saw this error sometime before when i was trying something with my
Standalone setup. I think what the error means is, it is not able to find
the corresponding Database entry. So what i would do is check the following.

1. Is the VM/Computer which is being used as the allocated computer, mapped
to a valid image entry in the DB?

2. If it is mapped to the correct entry, have you made a Image revision
entry for the corresponding image?

I maybe wrong, somebody can correct me if i am.


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Kelly Robinson wrote:

>  We're working on a new install of VCL2.2.1 and are getting an error
> message when we try to make a reservation.  See snippets of the errors that
> display of the screen is given below.  I saw a previous post about this and
> the suggestion was to clear the cache.  This was performed, however the
> error persists.  Has anyone else come across this issue and know how to
> resolve it?
>  Error encountered
> Unkown error type: [8] Undefined index: imagerevision
> Error at 332 in /apps/apache2/testvcl_443+
>  Array
> (
> [submitErr] =>
> [user] => Array
> (
> [unityid] => admin
> [affiliationid] => 1
> [affiliation] => Local
> [firstname] => vcl
> [lastname] => admin
> [preferredname] =>
> [email] => *root@localhost*
> [emailnotices] => 0
> [IMtype] => none
> [IMid] =>
> [id] => 1
> [width] => 1024
> [height] => 768
> [bpp] => 16
> [audiomode] => local
> [mapdrives] => 1
> [mapprinters] => 1
> [mapserial] => 1
> [showallgroups] => 1
> [lastupdated] => 2007-05-17 09:58:39
> [shibonly] => 0
> [groups] => Array
> (
> [3] => adminUsers
> [1] => global
> [4] => manageNewImages
> [5] => Specify End Time
> )
>  [groupperms] => Array
> (
> [1] => Manage Additional User Group Permissions
> [2] => Manage Block Allocations
> [5] => Manage VM Profiles
> [7] => Schedule Site Maintenance
> [6] => Search Tools
> [3] => Set Overlapping Reservation Count
> [11] => User Lookup (affiliation only)
> [10] => User Lookup (global)
> [9] => View Dashboard (affiliation only)
> [8] => View Dashboard (global)
> [4] => View Debug Information
> [12] => View Statistics by Affiliation
> )
>  [privileges] => Array
> (
> [0] => cascade
> [1] => computerAdmin
> [2] => groupAdmin
>         [3] => imageAdmin
> [4] => imageCheckOut
> [5] => mgmtNodeAdmin
> [6] => nodeAdmin
> [7] => resourceGrant
> [8] => scheduleAdmin
> [9] => userGrant
> )
>  [login] => admin
> [memberCurrentBlock] => 0
> )
>  [HTMLheader] =>
>  Kelly Robinson
> Georgia State University

Vishnu D H

Re: Standalone system

2011-05-07 Thread Vishnu D H
Hi again,

Also let me add another problem i observed. After the reservation, the IP
address of the Vm allocated is changed to the bridged IP address (i set it
to be the hostonly Ip before).


On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 11:54 PM, Vishnu D H wrote:

> Hello,
> So i installed the standalone VCL on my laptop and i get the reservation
> for a Virtual Machine. However i have a couple of doubts. Could someone pls
> clarify them? I am not sure if its working as expected.
> 1. I created a VM (VM1)and a corresponding image in the database. When the
> reservation succeeds, VCL still spawns a new VM (VM2) and returns the IP
> address of the Bridged interface of VM1. Why does it spawn a new VM and if
> it did, why is it returning the address of the VM1?
> 2. When it spawns the new VM (VM2), (there existed no other VM files other
> than that of VM1), the VM2 is not an exact replica of VM1 ( i mean the
> configurations such as the SSH, network interfaces, etc). Why is this
> happening, from where is VCL getting these files for the new VM from?
> Please somebody clarify.
> Thanks,
> Vishnu

Vishnu D H