[viff-devel] The primitives of MPC

2009-08-25 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad
If you boil down VIFF, or any MPC program you can boil it down to 5 

These primitives are
x + y = z   Addition
x * y = z   Multiplication
-x = z  Negation
z = Share(x)Secret sharing
z = Reveal(x)   Revealing of a secret sharing

My question is now: What are the second order primitives?

What are the basic features that, make a programmers life easy but not 
essential. I would propose the following 5:

z = f(x,y) Function calls
for(0 to n)A for call with a fixed number of iterations.
z = Rand(x)Generating random values in Zp
x = y  Equation
x < y  Comparison
while( x ) A while loop on x, where x is a revealed value

The first 2 primitives are easy since they are already implemented using 
the underlying programming language.
Should creating random values be on this list? Or should it maybe be 
among the first order primitives, a basic building block of MPC.
Equation and comparison are obvious second order primitives and has been 
my research topic for many years.
The last on the list is the while loop, I have included it because I 
have seen many times that you want to compute some function, open a 
variable, check some information and then redo the function if the 
revealed value was false. This can be found when creating random values 
less than some threshold, creating RSA primes, and many other 
algorithms. Also it is not trivial to program if you want it to be 

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[viff-devel] A java implementation of VIFF

2009-08-17 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad


As some of you might know I have not programmed that much in VIFF 
because I am more familiar with C++ and Java than Python as a 
programming language. Therefore I have now created a Java rival to VIFF. 
Taking all the good design principles from VIFF and adding some things 
that VIFF cannot offer such as multi-threading.

The program still has one drawback, in that the different players 
communicate over Java queues, and these queues cannot communicate 
through sockets. Therefore it is not a complete MPC implementation.

The following things have been implemented:
Sharing, Negation and Revealing of Shares.
Adding and Multiplication between Shares and/or Field elements.
The shares are computed using Shamir's secret sharing scheme.
The algorithm, sharing scheme and communication parts have all been 
separated so it can be modified easily.

The whole program was programmed and tested in just 34 hours (including 
6 hours sleep).  It contains 2115 lines of code and 32 classes, some 
parts where heavily influenced by previous programming attempts. 
Programmed in NetBeans.

For anyone interested in the code I have dropped of a zip of the code at


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[viff-devel] Error when coding with callbacks and reveals

2009-03-09 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad


Continuing on my previous email about how to code things in VIFF. I 
hereby present the complete test code.

It seems my calculations are done at the same time that the reactor is 
closing down so sometimes my code does not return any printed values. 
This is a mistake, either in my understanding of VIFF or in the 
framework itself.

See the two runs below.

C:\Documents and Settings\item\Desktop\VIFF\viff-dev\apps>tir_test.py 
--no-ssl player-3.ini

Seeding random generator with random seed 5522
Not using SSL
Listening on port 9003
Synchronizing shutdown... done.
Closing connections... Comparing  [{6}]  to 0
Result  [{12}]
Result  True
Stopping reactor... done.

C:\Documents and Settings\item\Desktop\VIFF\viff-dev\apps>tir_test.py 
--no-ssl player-3.ini

Seeding random generator with random seed 3023
Not using SSL
Listening on port 9003
Synchronizing shutdown... done.
Closing connections... done.
Stopping reactor... done.


# Copyright 2007, 2008 VIFF Development Team.
# This file is part of VIFF, the Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework.
# VIFF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# VIFF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with VIFF. If not, see .

# This example is a tribute to the original example of secure
# multi-party computation by Yao in 1982. In his example two
# millionaires meet in the street and they want to securely compare
# their fortunes. They want to do so without revealing how much they
# own to each other. This problem would be easy to solve if both
# millionaires trust a common third party, but we want to solve it
# without access to a third party.
# In this example the protocol is run between three millionaires and
# uses a protocol for secure integer comparison by Toft from 2005.
# Give a player configuration file as a command line argument or run
# the example with '--help' for help with the command line options.

from optparse import OptionParser
from twisted.internet import reactor

from viff.field import GF
from viff.runtime import create_runtime, gather_shares
from viff.comparison import Toft05Runtime, ComparisonReistad08Mixin
from viff.config import load_config
from viff.util import rand

# We start by defining the protocol, it will be started at the bottom
# of the file.

class Protocol:

def __init__(self, runtime):
# Save the Runtime for later use
self.runtime = runtime
own_id = self.runtime.id

Zp = GF(43)
test_vector = [0, 1, 6, 0]
self.value = test_vector[own_id - 1]
m1, m2, m3 = runtime.shamir_share([1, 2, 3], Zp, self.value)
shares = [m1, m2, m3]
r_as_bits = [m1, m2, m1]
r = m3
mask = m3
x = m3
result = self.protocol_part_1(r_as_bits, r, mask, x)
callback_result = result.addCallback(self.print_answer)
#results.addCallback(lambda _: runtime.synchronize())
m1.addCallback(lambda _: runtime.shutdown())

#Test_values if useable use random bits otherwise find new bits
#c = r + x
#Compare (c,r)

def protocol_part_1(self, r_as_bits, r, mask, x):
test = self.test_not_all_zero(r_as_bits, mask)
self.r = r
self.x = x
return test.addCallback(self.protocol_part_2)

def protocol_part_2(self, test):
if test:
c = self.r + self.x
c_open = self.runtime.open(c)
result = gather_shares([c_open])
callback_result = result.addCallback(self.print_answer)
return callback_result
print "No value, False"
return False

def print_answer(self, value):
print "Result ", value
return True

def test_not_all_zero(self, r_as_bits, mask):
#reveal (sum(bits))*mask
temp = sum(r_as_bits[:]) * mask
temp_open = self.runtime.open(temp)

def check_result(check):
print "Comparing ", check, " to 0"
if check[0].value == 0:
return False
return True

results = gather_shares([temp_open])
test_results = results.addCallback(check_result)
return test_results

#test = self.check_not_all_one(r_as_bits, r)
 #   test.addCallback(self.protcol_part_2)

#def print_answer(self, value):
#print "Result ", value
#def tests(self, shares, test):

[viff-devel] How to structure code with callbacks

2009-03-09 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad


I have a problem with how to structure codes with much callback in VIFF. 
I want to do some stuff with shares, reveal some values, do more 
calculations with shares, reveal more values, and so on.

For illustration purposes, lets say I have a bitwise secret shared value 
r (r and r_as_bits), and I want to compute c = x + r. Then reveal c and 
print it and reveal c. But this is only done if bits of r are not all zero.

Below is the psudocode and the real code. The real code does not work, 
because it will return the last result only if the reactor is not shut 
down prematurely. So my question is how do I get a working program that 
looks more like my psaudocode?

def protocol(r_as_bits, mask, r, x):
test = test_not_all_zero(r_as_bits, mask)
if test == True
c = r + x
c = open(c)
print c
print "False"

def test_not_all_zero(r_as_bits, mask)
#reveal (sum(bits) - number_of_bits)*mask
temp = sum(r_as_bits[:]) - len(r_as_bits)) * mask
temp = open(temp)
if temp == 0
return False
return True

real code:def protocol_part_1(self, r_as_bits, r, mask, x):
test = self.test_not_all_zero(r_as_bits, mask)
self.r = r
self.x = x
return test.addCallback(self.protocol_part_2)

def protocol_part_2(self, test):
if test:
c = self.r + self.x
c_open = self.runtime.open(c)
result = gather_shares([c_open])
callback_result = result.addCallback(self.print_answer)
return callback_result
print "No value, False"
return False

def print_answer(self, value):
print "Result ", value
return True

def test_not_all_zero(self, r_as_bits, mask):
#reveal (sum(bits))*mask
temp = sum(r_as_bits[:]) * mask
temp_open = self.runtime.open(temp)

def check_result(check):
print "Comparing ", check, " to 0"
if check[0].value == 0:
return False
return True

viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

Re: [viff-devel] Off topic question "multiparty" or "multi-party"

2009-02-10 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad


I talked it over with my advisor and him and me agreed on "multiparty", 
but it is good to hear that a native English speaker has complained and 
wanted it to be written as multiparty also.

Like Claudio wrote in his mail I also vote for MPC for the short form.

Martin Geisler wrote:

Tord Ingolf Reistad  writes:

Hi Tord

An off topic question about how to write "Secure Multiparty
Compuations", should it be "multiparty" or "multi-party"

The front page of VIFF.dk uses "multi-party", but resent papers such
as "Multiparty computation goes live" uses the other version. So
which should we go for, which should be the standard?

Excellent question! :-) I have also been annoyed by this...

Originally I always wrote "multi-party" as you see it on the VIFF
homepage, but Ivan told me that a native English speaker had
complained to him about the hyphen (not on the homepage, but in a
paper by Ivan). So now I'm writing "multiparty" instead.

I still insist on using "MP" as an abbreviation, just like you would
abbreviate "database" as "DB" and not just "D". So for me it's "SMPC"
and not just "SMC".

viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

[viff-devel] Off topic question "multiparty" or "multi-party"

2009-02-10 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad


An off topic question about how to write "Secure Multiparty 
Compuations", should it be "multiparty" or "multi-party"

The front page of VIFF.dk uses "multi-party", but resent papers such as 
"Multiparty computation goes live" uses the other version. So which 
should we go for, which should be the standard?


viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

[viff-devel] Stand alone java version of comparison (proof-of-concept)

2009-01-28 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad

To anyone interested,

Attached is a stand alone proof-of-concept for a faster comparison of 
secret shared values. When I say proof-of-concept it is that the shares 
are just simulated as there is no real communication (or sharing) going 
on. Other than that this file contains all the code needed.

The file contains 3 classes, 2 of which should be taken from a real library.
ZpValue - class for elements of Zp (note based on integers)
ZpShare - dummy class for shares of Zp
(the internal operation of ZpShare is for test purposes only)
TestComparisonStandAlone - all the code needed to do comparison once a 
real implementation of ZpValue and ZpShare is done.

So just load this file into your favourite java interpreter (add it to a 
packet of files) and you are ready to test it. All code tested and 
verified to be correct.


PS: Not verified to be correct in the strictly mathematical sense, but 
verified to be correct for all elements of Zp = 31, 1009 and 1031.

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
//package MPC.Test;

import java.util.Random;

 * @author to...@stud.ntnu.no
 *///ZpValue is an element in a field. 
//Assuming field size is a positive value between 0 and 2^31-1
//bit 0 is the Least Significant Bit
class ZpValue {

private static java.util.Random mRandom = new Random();
private int mValue;
private int mField;

public ZpValue(int value, int field) {
//Works for negative also (value % field) can return negative values
mValue = ((value % field) + field) % field;
mField = field;

public int getValue() {
return mValue;

public int getField() {
return mField;

public static int getFieldLengthInBits(int fieldSize) {
int temp = fieldSize;
for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
if (temp == 0) {
return i;
} else {
temp = temp / 2;
return 31;

public String toString() {
return Integer.toString(mValue);

public static String print(ZpValue[] bits) {
String temp = "";
for (int i = bits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
temp = temp.concat(bits[i].toString());
return temp;

public ZpValue add(ZpValue a) {
if (this.mField != a.mField) {
return null;
} else {
return new ZpValue(mValue + a.mValue, mField);

public ZpShare add(ZpShare a) {
return new ZpShare(add((ZpValue) a));

public ZpValue sub(ZpValue a) {
if (this.mField != a.mField) {
return null;
} else {
return new ZpValue(mValue - a.mValue, mField);

public ZpShare sub(ZpShare a) {
return new ZpShare(sub((ZpValue) a));

public ZpValue mult(ZpValue b) {
if (this.mField != b.mField) {
return null;
} else {
long temp = mValue * b.mValue;
return new ZpValue((int) (temp % mField), mField);

public ZpShare mult(ZpShare a) {
return new ZpShare(mult((ZpValue) a));

// Returns x^{-1}
public ZpValue invert() {
int exp = mValue;
int temp = 1;
int tempF = mField - 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
if (1 == tempF % 2) {
temp = (int) ((long) temp * (long) exp) % mField;
tempF = tempF / 2;
exp = (int) (((long) exp * (long) exp) % mField);
return new ZpValue(temp, mField);

public static ZpValue randomValue(int fieldSize) {
return new ZpValue(mRandom.nextInt(fieldSize), fieldSize);

public static ZpValue nonZeroRandomValue(int fieldSize) {
return new ZpValue(mRandom.nextInt(fieldSize - 1) + 1, fieldSize);

public static ZpValue randomBit(int fieldSize) {
return new ZpValue(mRandom.nextInt(2), fieldSize);

public ZpValue[] splitInt(int value) {
//Splits value into bits
int BitLength = ZpValue.getFieldLengthInBits(mField);
ZpValue[] ZpArray = new ZpValue[BitLength];
int temp = value;
for (int i = 0; i < BitLength; i++) {
ZpArray[i] = new ZpValue(temp % 2, mField);
temp = temp / 2;
return ZpArray;

public ZpValue xor(ZpValue a) {
ZpValue temp = this.add(a);
if (temp.getValue() == 2) {
temp = new ZpValue(0, temp.getField());
return temp;

public ZpValue[] split() {
return splitInt(mValue);

public ZpValue[] splitField() {
return splitInt(mField);

public static ZpValue join(ZpValue[] array) {
//Combines 31 bits (or less) into a value
if (array.length > 31) {
return null;
int temp = 0;

Re: [viff-devel] VIFF and large scale programs -- is VIFF really asynchronous?

2009-01-26 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad
I have been thinking about the same things when I was doing my project. 
I do not know how VIFF works, but it would be interesting to know.

My thinking about this problem is that if you are going to have a very 
large MPC program using the same ideas as VIFF, then you need to:

1) Have at least two threads, one thread that creates the deferred 
elements and one that handles incoming messages (from other players). A 
third thread which is invisible to the program is the tread handling 
incoming messages and putting them in a buffer.

2)Have algorithms that create more elements if there is room in the 
stack. (This can be done by the thread creating the deferred elements, 
which has a counter of how many elements that are created, the tread 
pauses if it reaches a threshold when creating new deferred elements. 
The tread continues when the number of deferred elements is below the 
threshold again).

3)Have algorithms that destroy already used elements that are not needed 
any more. (This can be done by the tread handling incoming shares. Each 
share need a list of deferred elements that are connected to it and when 
a deferred element is computed it is deleted from the list, when the 
list is empty the element is deleted).

4)Have algorithms that delay incoming shares if these shares are not 
created yet.

5)Have algorithms checking that someone is not just clogging up the 
incoming shares stack with dummy messages.

2extra)When you delete messages because no new deferred elements need 
them then you can get situations in big programs that an element is 
deleted, but it is suddenly needed far from where it was first created.


t.t...@cwi.nl wrote:

Hi all,

A really unpleasant thought has occurred to me: Is VIFF really properly
asynchronous? (Yes, this question is intended to provoke you into thinking
about the issue below. Of course VIFF is asynchronous in the sense that
there are no rounds.)

If I understand/remember correctly, VIFF is 100% single threaded. This
means that if we have a small program:

x, y = runtime.shamir_share([1, 2], Zp, input)
z = x*y
for i in xrange(100):

1) We first share two values (returning immediately).

2) We start doing a lot of multiplications. However, as we don't have
the actual shares yet, we just get deferreds.

3) Once the for-loop terminates, we return control to the
surroundings. At this point we notice that the shares of x and y are
there and start the actual multiplication protocols.

Is my interpretation above correct? Because if it is, then this really
explains the memory issues I've been seeing. And more importantly, it
tells us how to actually use VIFF for large-scale computation: put in
explicit "stops".

The problem is that new python objects are created in each iteration of
the loop, but the program does not try to get rid of any of the old ones
by actually processing them. With 100 iterations, this is not a big deal,
but if this is replaced by 1 or 100 (which is not unreasonable),
it really becomes a problem.


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[viff-devel] How to convert field elements to integers?

2009-01-22 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad


I have a simple question: After completing a VIFF program I have opened 
the shares and gotten the results, but the results are field elements 
(probably elements of class GFElement), how do I turn them back into 

The documentation says nothing about how to turn them back into 
integers, which should be essencial if I am going to use these shares in 
other applications. There seems to be some code __repr__ in GFElements, 
but I cannot see how I can use it.

As an additional problem, the integers should not be integers in the set 
form 0 to p-1, but integers from -(p-1)/2 to +(p-1)/2. How should one do 
that efficiently?


viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

Re: [viff-devel] Choice of comparison protocol

2008-05-30 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad

Tomas Toft wrote:

Hi Tord et. al.

Tord Ingolf Reistad wrote:

Hello all,

As you are discussing implementing the algorithm from ICITS07, I have 
improved on that to get a very effective algorithm. For p = 2^l - 1 
and using psaudorandom secret sharing. The comparison can be done in 5 
rounds and 5l multiplications. The algorithm has never been published, 
but attached is a java implementation of the algorithm. (There might 
be an error in the faun in algorithm as that is not tested).

I think there is, specifically I believe that the output of 
CompareBitwiseRandomKnownReturnValueX can be wrong.

Or rather: As far as I can see the output will *always* be even.
All the (prefix) xor's computed in the faun-in (ITYM fan-in :-) will be 
1 until the first differing position, i, is hit and from then on even.

  Share Returnval = new Share(0L);
  for (int i=0; i

Yes, it might be wrong, I have not have time to look at it in detail.
I got as far as checking that the random values created where ok, and 
then the rest was done somewhat fast and never tested.
I will look closer at the code again when I have finished programming 
another thing I am working on. (No, not my thesis, but a full 
implementation of MPC in java, so I can get some real results for my 

then sums zeros (rnotc == 0) or even values (xor[i] will be even when 
they start to differ, and 2*1 is even). If I'm right, the just use 
xor[i-1] instead (or xor[i+1] -- I can't get these arrays right in my 
head once they are reversed a few times).

Or did I miss the spot where you do this?

Unfortunately I do not have a phyton implementation of it, as I am bad 
at programming in phyton, on the other hand I am working on a java 
implementation of MPC, which should be ready in a month. If anyone 
else want to try to implement it in phyton I will be more than happy 
to help.

Deal! At least regarding the help :-) I think that comparisonRestricted 
is entirely correct, but I do not understand what goes on in 
CompareBitwiseRandomKnown. This might be due to bugs, but can also just 
be me not understanding your code.

Three very specific questions:

1) You write
   temp = rand[highestbit-1].mpcmult(BigInteger.valueOf(-1)); // -r_h
 From the comments it seems you want
rather than
Is this right? If not, what is the intuition?

The intuition is to avoid overflow. We have created a value x < 
2^((l/2)+1), and we want to find the last bit. Now when adding with a 
random value we might get an overflow in the field, but as we have the 
highest bit of r as a separate value, we can test for that. So we create 
two values c0Low or c0High which is the lowest bit of c given either 
that c=x+r(-2^(l-1)). Now in one of these cases there will be no 
overflow and in that case x0 = c0 xor r0.

You write
   int highestbit = Field.getBaseField().bitLength();
   BigInteger SetHighbit = BigInteger.ZERO;
   Field highBitSet = new Field(SetHighbit);
Do you mean
   SetHighbit.flipBit(highestbit - 1);

It seems that you want to find the value you would have gotten if Random
did not have it's top bit set in the case when it actually does.

See above comment for intuition, I cannot check the code today.

Have you forgotten to xor the return value with Random[0]?



To understand the code please start with the function
public Share comparisonRestricted(Share a, Share b)
and please observe that many small functions on the top are just 
returning values instead of shares, this is for test purposes.


viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

Re: [viff-devel] Choice of comparison protocol

2008-05-22 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad
Yes, as you said the best published algorithm is from ICITS07, but that 
has still to be implemented in some program.

A correction to my previous statements: The 5*l multiplication-solution 
is for restricted inputs [a < b], where [a], [b] < p/2, so for arbitrary 
elements in the field you have to triple that to 15*l multiplications.
The restriction of p = 2^l - 1 and psaudorandom secret sharing, reduces 
the work of finding random bitwise shared values in the field to 1 l 
multiplications, if this restriction is lifted we are looking at 4 l for 
each (of the two) random bitwise shared values. So that means 11 l for 
the restricted case and 33 l for the general case.

The number of rounds will also increase to 6 if you do not use 
psaudorandom values. The number of rounds can grow to 8 for the 
comparison with no restrictions, if you do not allow for preprocessing 
of the final multiplications.

If I remember correctly the code deviates from the constant round 
solution in that for primes where the two highest order bits are '10' it 
tests separately for the first two bits. This increases the possible 
number of rounds, but it decreases the failure rate.


Tomas Toft wrote:

Hi all

Tord Ingolf Reistad wrote:
As you are discussing implementing the algorithm from ICITS07, I have 
improved on that to get a very effective algorithm. For p = 2^l - 1 
and using psaudorandom secret sharing. The comparison can be done in 5 
rounds and 5l multiplications. The algorithm has never been published, 
but attached is a java implementation of the algorithm. (There might 
be an error in the faun in algorithm as that is not tested).

As I said, the best, *published* algorithm I know is from ICITS07. :-)

Btw, does the 5*l multiplications-solution allow arbitrary input from 
the field or only (l-1)-bit? If it's full-field then I *really* need to 
see it.

Unfortunately I do not have a phyton implementation of it, as I am bad 
at programming in phyton, on the other hand I am working on a java 
implementation of MPC, which should be ready in a month. If anyone 
else want to try to implement it in phyton I will be more than happy 
to help.

To understand the code please start with the function
public Share comparisonRestricted(Share a, Share b)
and please observe that many small functions on the top are just 
returning values instead of shares, this is for test purposes.

I'll take a look at it and perhaps try a python port if time permits.


viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

Re: [viff-devel] Choice of comparison protocol

2008-05-22 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad

Hello all,

As you are discussing implementing the algorithm from ICITS07, I have 
improved on that to get a very effective algorithm. For p = 2^l - 1 and 
using psaudorandom secret sharing. The comparison can be done in 5 
rounds and 5l multiplications. The algorithm has never been published, 
but attached is a java implementation of the algorithm. (There might be 
an error in the faun in algorithm as that is not tested).

Unfortunately I do not have a phyton implementation of it, as I am bad 
at programming in phyton, on the other hand I am working on a java 
implementation of MPC, which should be ready in a month. If anyone else 
want to try to implement it in phyton I will be more than happy to help.

To understand the code please start with the function
public Share comparisonRestricted(Share a, Share b)
and please observe that many small functions on the top are just 
returning values instead of shares, this is for test purposes.


Martin Geisler wrote:


I talked with Rune Thorbek yesterday, and he asked why we have not
implemented your comparison protocol from your PhD thesis:


Is there any good reason why we haven't done that? Is the constants
much worse than the ones implemented?

Short answer: Yes.

Longer Answer: You need to do lots of tricks to go to
constant-rounds. The logarithmic solutions do not give (much) worse
round complexity, but require notably fewer multiplications.


The best one published that I know of is Tord's and mine from
ICITS07. This is reasonable to implement (complexity-wise), but
trust me, you don't want to :-)

Hmm... Rune says that I should consider this a challange... :-)

I wont really have time before I return from Switzerland in September
(I leave in a week), but can I find the article online? I found the
conference webpage, but it does not link to your article, and neither
does your own publication list.

 * Testclass.java
 * Created on 11. juni 2007, 01:30
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
 * and open the template in the editor.

package multiparty;

 * @author item

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Stack;
import multiparty.Field;
//import org.lsmp.djep.groupJep.groups.Zn;

public class Testclass {

//private class Share extends multiparty.Field {
//public Share(long l) {super(l);}
//public Share(BigInteger v) {super(v);}

/** Creates a new instance of Testclass */
public Testclass() {

static BigInteger BIG2 = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
static java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random();

public Share generateRandom() {
return new Share(Field.random());

public Share generateBit() {
// Not propper way to do it.
if (random == null)
random = new java.util.Random();
boolean r = random.nextBoolean();
if (true == r)
return new Share(BigInteger.ONE);
return new Share(BigInteger.ZERO);

public Field[] splitP() {
// Splits the fieldsize p into bits
// to reconstruct the value compute bits[i]*2^i
return splitNum(Field.getBaseField());

public Field[] splitNum(BigInteger a) {
Field [] bits = new Field[Field.getBaseField().bitLength()];
for (int i=0; i-1; i--)

public int initialBitsSetInP() {
BigInteger a = Field.getBaseField();
int numBits = 0;
for (int i=a.bitLength()-1; i>-1; i--) {
if (a.testBit(i)) {
numBits = numBits + 1;
} else
return numBits;

public BigInteger convertFromBitsToValueB(Share[] a) {
BigInteger temp = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger exp;
for (int i=0; i-1; i--) {
//   System.out.print(Rand[i]);
//for (int i=Psplit.length-1; i>-1; i--) {
//BigInteger tt2 = BIG2.pow(i);
//tt2 = tt2.multiply(Rand[i].getvalue());
//tt = tt.add(tt2);
//System.out.println("TT2 is " +tt2+" TT is "+tt);
//System.out.println("TT is " + tt);

// Testing if Rand > P, there is no need to test for any bit where
// p_i = 1. p_i xor r_i is either r_i if p_i=0 or 1-r_i if p_i=1.
// There is a separate test for the last bit.

// Testing if (1-r_i+p_i) + \sum (r_j xor p_j)
// For last bit testing (p_0-r_0) + \sum (r_j xor p_j)

for (int i=Psplit.length-1; i>-1; i--) {
// Only check if p_i=0 or if last bit
if (Psplit[i].compareToZERO() || (0 == i)) {
Share temp = new Share(Bi

Re: [viff-devel] RFC: multiple program counters

2008-03-07 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad

First off I do not really understand what you mean when you say that you
send more than once in a single method, so could you give some more details.

But here is my input to the counter situation and some more broad
thoughts about the program:

I try to imagine that one day VIFF will not be a separate program, but
only a library/subroutine in some larger program. This larger program
might want to do multiple MPC computations at the same time and might
have different algorithms that it can handle, these algorithms are
dynamically allocated. The counter system will have to handle all these

So let me draw a larger picture:
You start with a set of MPC algorithms/protocols, e.g. algorithms a', b'
and c'.
Now for each algorithm you have to define a set of roles. E.g. for
algorithm a', you have roles 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each role has a predefined
set of information it uses as input to the MPC protocol and a predefined
set of information it gets out of the MPC protocol.
You also have a set of players A, B, C, D, E, etc.

Lets make this more concrete, if algorithm a' is a location finder. Then
roles 1,2,3 give as input to the MPC protocol their current position.
Role 1 also gives the distance 1-2 and 1-3 as input to the MPC protocol.
Role 2 also gives the distance 2-3 as input to the MPC protocol.
Role 4 on the other hand gives the distance 1-4, 2-4 and 3-4. Role 4 is
the only one to receive any output from the MPC protocol. It receives as
output its current position. So role 1 has 3 inputs, role 2 has 2
inputs, role 3 has 1 input, role 4 has 3 inputs and 1 output.

Now lets also assume that algorithm b' is some other algorithm with 3
players, where each role 1,2 and 3 has one input and gets one output.

Finally lets say that player A can if anybody asks him participate in
algorithm a' as role 1, 2 or 3 (not 4), and algorithm b' as role 1 or 3.
Then A should be able to handle simultaneously the following:
Algorithm a' in role 1, with B as role 2, C as role 3, E as role 4.
Algorithm b' in role 3, with C as role 1, B as role 2.
Algorithm b' in role 1, with E as role 1, F as role 2.
and so on...

Now the nice thing about this set-up is that each instance of the
triplet algorithm, role and current set of players can be hashed into an
unique value. The algorithms and roles can be pre-approved and checked
for information leaks by a human. The algorithms and roles can the by
dynamically linked to players at runtime. Each instance of the triplet
can be run as a separate thread, and the program counter in each tread
can operate independent of the other threads. As long as the unique
identifier is transmitted to the other players they should also be on
the same page as to which algorithm and which instance of the algorithm
the messages should be transmitted to.

Just my idea as to a multi-threaded, dynamical VIFF system.


Martin Geisler wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Mikkel has pointed out that the current system with a single program
> counter is not enough if we need to send more than once in a single
> method.
> We think the best solution is to introduce multiple program counters,
> so that each player maintains a counter for each other player in the
> network.
> The idea is that since the players might do different amount of
> sending and receiving, one global program counter is not enough.
> More concretely, we imagine that it will be enough if increment_pc
> increments all program counters by one, and sendData and _expect_data
> only increment the program counter associated with the sending or
> receiving player.
> We send this out here since we would love to hear other ideas!
viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

Re: [viff-devel] Asymmetric protocols

2008-01-29 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad

Martin Geisler wrote:

>> Are there really other problems than sharing (and opening a shared
>> value towards only one party)?
> I don't think so. All other operations (addition, multiplication,
> comparison, etc...) are done on variables which represent values in
> the ideal functionality implemented by VIFF. So they are not tied to
> any particular player and so I think we can limit these asymmetric
> operations to sharing and opening.

I agree only sharing and opening will be asymmetric, and there are many
cases in which an opening will be asymmetric. To make it really
confusing there might be cases in which the opening might be dependent
upon some secret shared variable.

E.g. lets say you are in a hospital and that the nurses (doctors and
administrators also) would have Pda's with location information. Now the
nurses do not want their location to be tracked, so there is no central
location server.

Now one nurse puts out a request for help, and the algorithm has to find
the closest nurse that is not busy to give the request to. The
calculations to find the closest nurse is done using MPC, but then the
call for request should be revealed only to the one fitting the
description. The others should just get a dummy request (logged or
discarded by the computer). In practice the nurse who's assistant was
needed would hear a ring tone, and the pda would display that help was
needed in room XXX. For all the other nurses (doctors and
administrators), their pda would only log that an event where location
information was needed was processed by the MPC module. They would not
get any information about what kind of request it was, or anything else.

In this example who the receiver of the message is, is not known until
we have determined who is the closest.

As a side note:
I am working on a new comparison protocol, I have some problems with it
so it might not work, but if it does then I need to compute both in some
field Z_p and Z_q for different primes p and q. Can VIFF handle that or
is it hard wired to only work in one field?
viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

Re: [viff-devel] An improved comparison

2007-12-04 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad
I will need some help with the implementation. I will write some
detailed psaudocode and you can help me transform it into Pyton.

Two questions before I start:
What is the function (and where is it located) for generating a random
bitwise secret shared value?
What is the function (and where is it located) for generating random
values in the field?


Martin Geisler wrote:
> Tord Ingolf Reistad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Tord!
>> I have an idea that has not been written down and implemented so I
>> might as well write it to viff-devel. As you are trying to do a
>> timing trial. [...]
> I have skimmed through the protocol, and it looks no worse
> implementation-wise than what we already have... so I would of course
> like to implement it at some point! Unless you beat me to it :-)
viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

[viff-devel] An improved comparison

2007-12-03 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad

I have an idea that has not been written down and implemented so I might 
as well write it to viff-devel. As you are trying to do a timing trial. 
It is constant round protocol for MPC comparison over Z_p, where p is an 
l-bit prime.

Using the assumptions that p is a Mersenne prime, and psaudo-random 
secret sharing the protocol uses 4,5 l multiplications.

The comparison is [a] < [b], where [a] means that the value a is shared.

The protocol builds on my earlier protocols, but the new thing is that I 
look at 2 and 2 bits at a time.

What the protocol does is to start with the familiar trick of turning a 
comparison between two unknown values into a comparison between a known 
value and a bitwise shared random value.
Based on the known value and the bitwise shared random value we look at 
2 and 2 bits and compute a second value z, this value z has the last bit 
set to 0 or 1 based on whether the known value or the bitwise shared 
random value is bigger.
We then use a highly effective method to extract the last bit of z as we 
can control which interval it is in.

[a], [b] < p/4
(Means we are comparing [b]-[a] < p/2 instead)

Psaudo-random secret sharing - makes the cost of generating random 
numbers negligible

Mersenne primes - the cost of generating a random bitwise shared secret 
is only l + 2 multiplications when psaudo-random secret sharing is used

Protocol: For comparison of [a] < [b] or [b] - [a] < p/2
1. Create two bitwise shared secret values [r]_B and [s]_B

2. Reveal c, where [c] = ([b] - [a]) + [r]_B
The comparison now becomes a comparison between [r]_B and c, the 
individual bits of [r]_B and c are denoted [r_i] and c_i.

3. Compute [x] = \sum_i (1-[r_i]+c_i + \prod 2^(c_i xor [r_i])) but do 
it on 2 and 2-bit blocks at a time.

1-[r_i]+c_i becomes a table which is 1 if c_i <= r_i over the 2 bits, 
otherwise it is 0 e.g. if c_1 = 0, c_1 = 0, then the table should return 
1 only if [r_0] and [r_1] is 0, in other words use 1 - ([r_0] + [r_1] - 

\prod 2^(c_i xor [r_i]) also becomes a table for (c_i xor [r_i]) where 
we look at 2 bits at a time. The table is 0 iff c_i = r_i for both bits. 
If c_i is not equal to r_i for both bits then the value should be 1.

The nice thing about using 2 bits at a time is that we only need to 
compute [r_i]*[r_(i-1)] thereby using l/2 multiplications extra, but 
what we save is that the faun-in multiplication needed to compute the 
product now only becomes 2,5 l multiplications instead of 5 l.

4. For the final set and reveal x', where [x'] = [x] + 2^(l-1) - [s] and 
use my method for finding the lowest bit with only a constant number of 

The trick is to use the highest bits of [s]. Since
2^(l-1) <= [x] < 2^(l-1) + 2^(l/2 + log(l)). Then [s] < [x] if the 
highest bit is not set, otherwise if the highest bit is set then
[s] - 2^(l-1) < [x].

Therefore the lowest bit of [x] is equal to x'_0 xor [s_0] if the 
highest bit is not set. Otherwise it is equal to
[s_0] xor (x' - 2^(l-1))_0, where (x' - 2^(l-1))_0 means the lowest bit 
of x' - 2^(l-1) when we are working over the field Z_p.


viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

Re: [viff-devel] International test runs

2007-12-03 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad
Hello Martin

I can get you access to a computer lab with about 10 computers that were 
used for a computer lab in wireless security. A re-install (as the 
students have changed the passwords) from image will give you a clean 
machine with a 2-3 months old Ubutu installation with access root if 
that is needed.

I will soon post another email to the list with sketches for an improved 
comparison. It is basically the same as previous work only looking at 2 
bits at a time to speed things up.

Martin Geisler wrote:
> Tord Ingolf Reistad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Tord
>> I have one personal computer that I can run VIFF on here in Norway.
>> I might try to get you access to a computer lab if you want, so you
>> can run everything from Denmark and not worry about contacting me. All
>> the students are studding for their exams so the labs are empty some
>> time in January.
> That would be a great solution, so that I don't have to coordinate with
> you to do my tests. An account with SSH access, 50 MiB of disk, and a
> standard install of Python and GCC is all I need.
> But if you have the time, we could also schedule a benchmarking session.
> It think it could be done in an hour -- less if you have already
> installed Twisted and GMPY. But let me know if you're to busy right now.
>> I am only looking at the code and not understanding too much so I have
>> still not tried to get VIFF working in practice.
> Okay, let me know if I can help!
>> When I talked to someone (more linux geek than me) about running MPC
>> with computers far away, he suggested simulating the whole thing by
>> introducing controlled delays in the network layer. But I like your
>> idea better.
> For benchmarking I think it is best to run the programs on the real
> Internet. But for testing I would love to have such a sub-system. It
> would also make it possible to repeat and automate the tests in a
> reliable way.
> I have a similar item on the TODO list already:
> * Create unit tests which randomizes network delay
>   The current unit test with LoopbackRuntime are strictly sequential and
>   does not capture the random delays possible with real network traffic.
> This is not so much to test the performance, but instead the robustness
> of the network setup. Right now you have to start the players in order
> 3-2-1 and if you kill one of them the port is probably left in a
> TIME_WAIT state for 60 seconds.
> ___
> viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)
> viff-devel@viff.dk
> http://lists.viff.dk/listinfo.cgi/viff-devel-viff.dk
viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

Re: [viff-devel] International test runs

2007-12-03 Thread Tord Ingolf Reistad
I have one personal computer that I can run VIFF on here in Norway.

I might try to get you access to a computer lab if you want, so you can 
run everything from Denmark and not worry about contacting me. All the 
students are studding for their exams so the labs are empty some time in 

I am only looking at the code and not understanding too much so I have 
still not tried to get VIFF working in practice.

When I talked to someone (more linux geek than me) about running MPC 
with computers far away, he suggested simulating the whole thing by 
introducing controlled delays in the network layer. But I like your idea 

Martin Geisler wrote:
> Martin Geisler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I would like to try VIFF over greater network distances, and this is
>> where you guys come into the picture. Please tell me which machines
>> you have access to in exotic places. So far I know of these
>> persons/places:
>>   Tomas: Holland
>>   Tord: Norway
> That reminds me -- Tomas, Tord, have you managed to get VIFF working?
> I just got it running on DreamHost and will post some benchmark results
> in a moment.
> ___
> viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)
> viff-devel@viff.dk
> http://lists.viff.dk/listinfo.cgi/viff-devel-viff.dk
viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)