Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-15 Thread mixent
In reply to  Eric Walker's message of Sat, 14 Jul 2012 23:43:52 -0700:
>On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 3:40 PM,  wrote:
>This is the sort of thing that makes me think that the primary energy
>> release
>> mode is via fast particles, e.g. protons, alphas, or even heavier nuclei
>> (from a
>> clean fission reaction). These don't usually produce much in the way of
>> gamma
>> radiation. Fast electrons may also be produced that would produce some
>> x-rays
>> that may be reported as gammas.
>What are ways, known or hypothesized, to preferentially get fast particles?

As already pointed out, you don't need to do anything special to preferentially
get fast particles. Nature already "prefers" that method. Because the reaction
time is very much shorter than for gamma radiation.
As an example, take the conventional D+D reaction.

Only very rarely do you get D+D=> He4 + gamma.
Most of the time you get either T or He3, despite the fact that the latter two
reactions have a much lower energy yield than He4.
It's simply a matter of fast particle de-energizing being far more probable
because it's faster.
IOW if you have a nucleus that has become energized through fusion (used in the
broadest sense) that has multiple pathways via which it can lose that energy,
then all those ways will get used, but the ones that take the least time are
most likely to occur.
When two pathways take about the same time (e.g. two equal particle emission
pathways), then the most probable outcome is the one where the most stable
nuclei remain.

> Also, what are your impressions of Boris Ivlev's interference thesis?

Interesting, and possibly correct (as far as I am able to judge, which isn't
very far ;) but just one of many theories that may apply.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-15 Thread Eric Walker
I wrote:

What are ways, known or hypothesized, to preferentially get fast particles?

Sorry about this question -- this is sort of the big one, I suppose.
 There's catalysis of helium by way of fractional hydrogen, for example.
 You may have even already answered this question.


Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-14 Thread Eric Walker
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 3:40 PM,  wrote:

This is the sort of thing that makes me think that the primary energy
> release
> mode is via fast particles, e.g. protons, alphas, or even heavier nuclei
> (from a
> clean fission reaction). These don't usually produce much in the way of
> gamma
> radiation. Fast electrons may also be produced that would produce some
> x-rays
> that may be reported as gammas.

What are ways, known or hypothesized, to preferentially get fast particles?
 Also, what are your impressions of Boris Ivlev's interference thesis?


Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
*The indicator that helium is coming from fusion is that it is correlated
to anomalous heat, in the FPHE, at approximately the deuterium fusion ratio.

This assumption must be tested.

If the precise composition of the reaction ash from the reaction is studied
in detail, assumptions about the reaction can be verified.

The material going into the reaction must be known with great purity to
give credence to the ash analysis.

For your convenience, this from A Student’s Guide to Cold Fusion by

Edmund Storms

*Recently, and with great difficulty, evidence for nuclear reactions other
than fusion is accumulating[227, 228]. These are called transmutation
reactions and involve elements much heavier than hydrogen to which hydrogen
has been added to their nucleus. Such reactions are found to occur in many
environments, including living cells, and when a variety of methods are
used. Indeed, the more often these reactions are sought, the more often
elements are found in unexpected amounts and/or with abnormal isotopic
ratios. Of course, some of the elements result from the unexpected
concentration of normally occurring impurities or from simple error. Some
proposed reaction products are clearly impossible because energy must be
accumulated to account for the mass increase.* *Nevertheless, some of the
observed products appear to be produced by LENR along with energy
generation. Some of the isotopes are radioactive but most are not. Most
evidence is based on using the electrolytic or gas discharge methods, or a
combination thereof. Unexpected elements seem to result from many types of
reactions, including fusion involving one or more hydrogen isotopes and a
heavy nucleus, fusion between two different heavy nuclei, and fission of a
heavy nucleus that normally does not experience this type of reaction. This
type of reaction has been very difficult to explain using the mechanisms
now (2012) being proposed and difficult to explore because the necessary
analytical tools are not widely available and are expensive to use. *
* *

* *
* *

* Miley et al.[39, 229] have studied this process in some detail using
electrolysis of H2O. A spectrum of nuclear products is found, with high
concentrations falling into four mass ranges of 20-30, 50-80, 110-130, and
190-210 [230]. Mizuno et al.[13, 231] have also explored the subject in
detail using mainly electrolytes based on D2O. Abnormal isotopic ratios of
Hg, Fe and Si were found on the cathode after this study. Although some
minor elements might have resulted from contamination, it is very difficult
to understand how major concentrations could come from this source,
especially those having abnormal isotopic ratios. Many additional reports
are available.[1, 227]  *
On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> At 03:49 PM 7/12/2012, Axil Axil wrote:
>  Here is a way to test my guess.
>> One indicator that the alpha particles come from fusion is a lack of
>> light nuclear transmutation products; products with an atomic number less
>> than the cathode material.
> The indicator that helium is coming from fusion is that it is correlated
> to anomalous heat, in the FPHE, at approximately the deuterium fusion ratio.
>  From the begining, the assumption has always been that helium is a
>> product of deuterium fusion. This assumption may not be true.
> Well, "from the beginning," it was assumed that helium could not be the
> product. Helium only came to be known as the predominant ash when it was
> measured as correlated with the heat.
>  If helium is found in H/Ni ash, how could that helium be produce?
> I'm not at all interested in this question; the question is about the
> FPHE, which is an effect in palladium deuteride. I would not expect helium
> as the product from NiH electrolytic experiments, unless the reaction is
> due to deuterium impurity in the light water.
> As to gas loaded experiments, I expect the same ash as with electrolytic
> experiments, but this thread is only about a drop in resistance of the
> electrolyte (technically of the whole cell, but the resistance of the
> electrodes is small).
> (The resistance of the electrolyte appears largely in the interface layer,
> a thin layer adjacent to the surface where the electrochemical reactions
> take place. This layer may be particularly sensitive to heat generated at
> or near the surface, as well as to short-range ionizing radiation sourced
> at or near the surface. The FPHE reaction is generally considered a surface
> reaction. Storms is attributing it to phenomena that take place in cracks,
> again at the surface. The helium is found in two places: in the evolved gas
> -- and thus probably in the bulk electrolyte, and in a thin layer near the
> surface of the cathode.)

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 03:49 PM 7/12/2012, Axil Axil wrote:

Here is a way to test my guess.

One indicator that the alpha particles come from fusion is a lack of 
light nuclear transmutation products; products with an atomic number 
less than the cathode material.

The indicator that helium is coming from fusion is that it is 
correlated to anomalous heat, in the FPHE, at approximately the 
deuterium fusion ratio.

From the begining, the assumption has always been that helium is a 
product of deuterium fusion. This assumption may not be true.

Well, "from the beginning," it was assumed that helium could not be 
the product. Helium only came to be known as the predominant ash when 
it was measured as correlated with the heat.

If helium is found in H/Ni ash, how could that helium be produce?

I'm not at all interested in this question; the question is about the 
FPHE, which is an effect in palladium deuteride. I would not expect 
helium as the product from NiH electrolytic experiments, unless the 
reaction is due to deuterium impurity in the light water.

As to gas loaded experiments, I expect the same ash as with 
electrolytic experiments, but this thread is only about a drop in 
resistance of the electrolyte (technically of the whole cell, but the 
resistance of the electrodes is small).

(The resistance of the electrolyte appears largely in the interface 
layer, a thin layer adjacent to the surface where the electrochemical 
reactions take place. This layer may be particularly sensitive to 
heat generated at or near the surface, as well as to short-range 
ionizing radiation sourced at or near the surface. The FPHE reaction 
is generally considered a surface reaction. Storms is attributing it 
to phenomena that take place in cracks, again at the surface. The 
helium is found in two places: in the evolved gas -- and thus 
probably in the bulk electrolyte, and in a thin layer near the 
surface of the cathode.) 

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
The coulomb barrier is symmetric. It is just as hard to get a proton out of
the nucleus as it is to get a proton into a it.

In 1928, George Gamow <> had
solved the theory of the alpha decay via tunneling. The alpha particle is
trapped in a potential well
<>by the nucleus.
Classically, it is forbidden to escape, but according to
the then newly-discovered principles of quantum
it has a tiny (but non-zero) probability of
through the barrier <> and
appearing on the other side to escape the nucleus. Gamow solved a model
potential for the nucleus and derived, from first principles, a
relationship between the half-life
<>of the decay, and the energy
of the emission, which had been previously
discovered empirically, and was known as the Geiger–Nuttall

When the coulomb barrier is suppressed, the tunneling rate of proton
clusters increases. The lower the coulomb barrier gets the bigger chunks of
elements that can get out of the nucleus.

Since the kinetic energy of the emitted nuclear fragment is always
approximately the same, by the Geiger-Nuttall law, what changes is the
decay constants.

A lower coulomb barrier means a higher decay constant.

A simple way to derive this law is to consider an alpha
particle<>in the atomic
nucleus as a particle
in a box <>. The particle is
in a bound state <> because of the
presence of the strong
It will constantly bounce from one side to the other, and due to
the possibility of quantum
tunneling<>by the wave
though the potential barrier, each time it bounces, there will
be a small likelihood for it to escape.

Knowledge of this quantum mechanical effect enables one to obtain this law,
including coefficients, via direct calculation. It was this calculation
that was first performed by physicist George
Gamow<>in 1928.

I speculate that what initially causes instability in the nucleus is the
tunneling of a heavy electron into it through a depressed coulomb barrier.
This electron changes a proton into a neutron and sometimes the nucleus
must reorder itself via nuclear decay.

But don’t be confused; heavy electron tunneling into the nucleus is just
one of many LENR mechanisms that transmute elements.

Cheers:   Axil

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 6:32 PM, David Roberson  wrote:

> >An alternative to fusion is the lowering of the coulomb barrier which
> increases the probability of alpha particle emissions from the heavy
> element nucleus.
> I must not understand your point here.  If the barrier is lowered then it
> would seem that an alpha particle would exhibit less of a coulomb repulsion
> away from the nucleus.  Perhaps you are suggesting that more alphas would
> be generated if the source elements could get through the barrier easier?
> Dave
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Axil Axil 
> To: vortex-l 
> Sent: Thu, Jul 12, 2012 4:54 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the
> Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect
>  Here is a way to test my guess.
>  One indicator that the alpha particles come from fusion is a lack of
> light nuclear transmutation products; products with an atomic number less
> than the cathode material.
>  From the begining, the assumption has always been that helium is a
> product of deuterium fusion. This assumption may not be true.
> If helium is found in H/Ni ash, how could that helium be produce?
> <>
>  If light element ash is present, this tends to suggest that the cause of
> the alpha partial emissions from the cathode is a result of a fission
> process of the cathode material and a partial lowering in the coulomb
> barrier.
>  Rossi explained the appearance of light element ash in his used powder
> as a fission process back in 2011.
>  If true, how could fission be happening?
> Keep up the good work and your excelent posts;
> Kine regards:  Axil
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 
> wrote:
>> At 03:07 PM 7/11/2012, Axil Axil wrote:
>> Could this be an indication of the establishment of entangled electron
>>> states resulting in mass increase related 

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread mixent
In reply to  Eric Walker's message of Wed, 11 Jul 2012 20:59:54 -0700:
>Ed Storms has estimated that to generate 1 watt of power, a typical output,
>by way of helium production, you would need on the order of 10^12 reactions
>per second.  (I think this is probably for a 1 cm^3 volume, but I am not

1 W = 1 J/sec = 6.24E18 eV/sec. If the formation of each He4 particle yields
23.8 MeV, then you need 2.6E11 / sec to produce one Watt.
Volume is irrelevant.

>So I would probably need a 99.99 percent success rate in order
>for this approach to succeed.

No, you just need that many reactions / second. The percentage success rate then
depends on how many particles you have trying to react. E.g. if you have 100
times more pairs than you are getting He4, then your success rate is 1%.

>The evidence for gammas is quite strong.  I recall seeing in one chart for
>an experiment hundreds of events for each of a number of energies in the
>gamma range.  The main problem is that they are at levels much lower than
>that that would be expected for 1 watt of power, as mentioned above.  But
>they are significant. 

This is the sort of thing that makes me think that the primary energy release
mode is via fast particles, e.g. protons, alphas, or even heavier nuclei (from a
clean fission reaction). These don't usually produce much in the way of gamma
radiation. Fast electrons may also be produced that would produce some x-rays
that may be reported as gammas.

> Right now I'm wondering whether they arise from
>secondary reactions or from primary ones.  If they only arise from
>secondary reactions, I don't suppose you would need a mechanism like gamma
>quenching.  But I should also add that it would be surprising if charged
>electrons and protons moving through a powerful magnetic field (assuming
>one sometimes arises) did not give off synchrotron radiation, even if all
>the radiation for the system is to radiate and decrease the energy of the
>There is still plenty of room for magic.  Whether there is gamma quenching
>or not, somehow you have to get from hydrogen or deuterium plus something
>else to tritium, which has been observed in small but significant amounts.

Tritium is the isotope that has the highest neutron to proton ratio of all the
isotopes with a reasonable half life. IMO that makes it a likely candidate to be
the result of a fission reaction of heavier nuclei (since these have an excess
of neutrons). Of course another possibility is the ordinary d+d -> T+p reaction,
though explaining the absence of He3 is difficult.
(Mills had shot at it in his earlier work by suggesting that in a Deuterino
molecule the protons try to stay as far away from one another as possible,
resulting in the neutrons being closer, which in turn meant that T was the more
likely fusion product. However muon catalyzed fusion (which is similar), yields
T/He3 ratios approximately the same as those from hot fusion, so Mills' early
reasoning may be a bit suspect.)
BTW another possibility is that when two Deuterons are close together, it's
easier for a neutron to hop from one nucleus to the other than for a proton, as
the neutron has no Coulomb barrier to contend with. This may result in T
formation by preference.

BTW He3 with an electron trapped in the nucleus (as per Horace's theory), might
look like T (since the electron would compensate for the charge of one of the
protons), especially if the electron were occasionally able to escape, making it
appear to be radioactive.

> In my ignorance I am not able to get from p+p or p+D to tritium or
>helium-3, a decay product of tritium, without electron capture or something
>even more mysterious.  

As long as D is present, then the D+D reaction can't be ruled out.

Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread David Roberson

>An alternative to fusion is the lowering of the coulomb barrier which 
>increases the probability of alpha particle emissions from the heavy element 

I must not understand your point here.  If the barrier is lowered then it would 
seem that an alpha particle would exhibit less of a coulomb repulsion away from 
the nucleus.  Perhaps you are suggesting that more alphas would be generated if 
the source elements could get through the barrier easier?


-Original Message-
From: Axil Axil 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Jul 12, 2012 4:54 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the 
Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

Here is a way to test my guess.
One indicator that the alpha particles come from fusion is a lack of light 
nuclear transmutation products; products with an atomic number less than the 
cathode material.  
>From the begining, the assumption has always been that helium is a product of 
>deuterium fusion. This assumption may not be true.
If helium is found in H/Ni ash, how could that helium be produce?
If light element ash is present, this tends to suggest that the cause of the 
alpha partial emissions from the cathode is a result of a fission process of 
the cathode material and a partial lowering in the coulomb barrier.
Rossi explained the appearance of light element ash in his used powder as a 
fission process back in 2011.
If true, how could fission be happening?
Keep up the good work and your excelent posts;
Kine regards:  Axil

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  

At 03:07 PM 7/11/2012, Axil Axil wrote:

Could this be an indication of the establishment of entangled electron states 
resulting in mass increase related to heavy electrons? Recently, heavy 
electrons have been shown to be an indicator of an onset of superconductive 


Gee, how could I say?

Could it be the first indication of Higgs Boson effects at low energies?

Gee, how could I say?

Doorbell rings. Could it be some million-dollar giveaway?

How could I say? Maybe I'll just answer the door and see who is there.

*What is this effect? Under what conditions does it happen? What can be seen to 
be consistent about it? Anything?*

What torpedoed the discovery of the FPHE in the first place was speculation 
about the cause, with most of the physics community imagining that if it was 
real, it must be X, and X wouldn't look like this, therefore it wasn't real. 
And most of the few others imagining that it was Y, which was preposterous and 
with very little foundation and certainly no proof.

And only a few actually persisting with the question, "How does this behave? 
What actually happens?"

As evidence from these few accumulated, we came to the point where we can 
actually say a little that is solid.

We still don't know what the hell is going on, really, but we can now say that 
the probability is very high that the FPHE is a result of deuterium being 
transmuted to helium. How? We don't know. Lots of people have lots of guesses.

In order to discriminate between these guesses, we need a lot more data. We do 
not collect data sitting at a computer screen typing out our opinions, 
fantasies, nor even what we know. I am, with this request for information, 
beginning the process of gathering what is actually known, as to a detail that 
might have some significance.

When what is known has been collected and collated, further experiment may be 
suggested. That's how science actually works, other than through sheer luck.

We do know, now, that Pons and Fleischmann were very lucky, If their batch of 
palladium had been ordinary, they would probably have seen nothing. 

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
Here is a way to test my guess.

One indicator that the alpha particles come from fusion is a lack of light
nuclear transmutation products; products with an atomic number less than
the cathode material.

>From the begining, the assumption has always been that helium is a product
of deuterium fusion. This assumption may not be true.

If helium is found in H/Ni ash, how could that helium be produce?

An alternative to fusion is the lowering of the coulomb barrier which
increases the probability of alpha particle emissions from the heavy
element nucleus.

If light element ash is present, this tends to suggest that the cause of
the alpha partial emissions from the cathode is a result of a fission
process of the cathode material and a partial lowering in the coulomb

Rossi explained the appearance of light element ash in his used powder as a
fission process back in 2011.

If true, how could fission be happening?

Keep up the good work and your excelent posts;

Kine regards:  Axil

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> At 03:07 PM 7/11/2012, Axil Axil wrote:
>  Could this be an indication of the establishment of entangled electron
>> states resulting in mass increase related to heavy electrons? Recently,
>> heavy electrons have been shown to be an indicator of an onset of
>> superconductive conditions.
>> Axil
> Gee, how could I say?
> Could it be the first indication of Higgs Boson effects at low energies?
> Gee, how could I say?
> Doorbell rings. Could it be some million-dollar giveaway?
> How could I say? Maybe I'll just answer the door and see who is there.
> *What is this effect? Under what conditions does it happen? What can be
> seen to be consistent about it? Anything?*
> What torpedoed the discovery of the FPHE in the first place was
> speculation about the cause, with most of the physics community imagining
> that if it was real, it must be X, and X wouldn't look like this, therefore
> it wasn't real. And most of the few others imagining that it was Y, which
> was preposterous and with very little foundation and certainly no proof.
> And only a few actually persisting with the question, "How does this
> behave? What actually happens?"
> As evidence from these few accumulated, we came to the point where we can
> actually say a little that is solid.
> We still don't know what the hell is going on, really, but we can now say
> that the probability is very high that the FPHE is a result of deuterium
> being transmuted to helium. How? We don't know. Lots of people have lots of
> guesses.
> In order to discriminate between these guesses, we need a lot more data.
> We do not collect data sitting at a computer screen typing out our
> opinions, fantasies, nor even what we know. I am, with this request for
> information, beginning the process of gathering what is actually known, as
> to a detail that might have some significance.
> When what is known has been collected and collated, further experiment may
> be suggested. That's how science actually works, other than through sheer
> luck.
> We do know, now, that Pons and Fleischmann were very lucky, If their batch
> of palladium had been ordinary, they would probably have seen nothing.

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 10:29 PM 7/11/2012, David Roberson wrote:

A thought occurred to me concerning the drop in equivalent 
resistance that this thread covers.  It would be quite important if 
the drop were due to a reverse voltage generated by the LENR 
mechanism that could be improved in such a manner as to act as an 
electric source of energy.  How wonderful it would be if we would be 
so lucky as to discover an electric source of power that directly 
converts LENR activity into DC power with a decent efficiency.  If I 
recall the Patterson Cell used DC input to generate heat 
output,  maybe this coupling can be reversed in some fashion.  This 
concept is just open minded dreaming.  I will return to reality ASAP!

No problem.

The FPHE almost certainly involves the generation of helium from 
deuterium fusion. The helium will very likely end up, regardless of 
the mechanism, as positive helium ions. By the nature of this 
approach, half of that ionization would end up in the interface 
layer. When those ions are formed, the involved electrons are left behind.

The result is a charge imbalance, with the surface layer being 
ionized positively, relatively, with respect to the metal.

This is already the normal state. One way to look at this is that the 
ionization reduces the work necessary to create that charge 
difference, that voltage between the electrolyte and the cathode 
metal. I.e., the resistance is reduced.

Now, if the electrolytic voltage could be reduced, but the reaction 
sustained, there would remain a voltage induced.

However, the power made available in that way would be tiny compared 
to the power released as heat through the FPHE. The efficiency would 
be *horrible.*

Consider that if one finds a way to steer the nuclear reaction 
involved so that the products have much higher energy as particles, 
sure, one could create a power generator. However, one would also 
create substantial radiation and radiation byproducts, including 
radioactive isotopes, probably.

Not likely to be a useful approach. Thanks for playing Flights-o-Fancy, though. 

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 03:19 PM 7/11/2012, Nigel Dyer wrote:
I would agree that looking at the physical state of the 
water/bubbles at the surface of the electrode is a good idea.  There 
was some work done many years ago on the sound of various chemical 
reactions.   The sound of jelly setting was particularly odd 
(another situation where water is important).   It was never 
followed up to the best of my knowledge

It's not a bad idea at all. However, the idea that a bunch of bubbles 
are blown away at once could explain a transient reduction in 
resistance, but not a sustained one, which is often seen.

It would be easy to see a bubble noise effect in the raw data, 
collected without the averaging that is often done (because 
researchers are generally interested in total heat input, integrated 
over time). Bubble noise would completely -- or largely -- disappear 
for a time until new bubbles built up to be released. The resistance 
would gradually rise until bubbles were replaced. There would be an 
"echo" of the effect as the new bubbles would *tend* to be released 
at the same time. I don't think this matches the data I've seen. At all.

Yes, monitoring of cell sound would also show this effect, in various 
ways. It would also show an effect from any event that generates high 
local heat, enough to suddenly boil the water in a small volume. 

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 03:07 PM 7/11/2012, Axil Axil wrote:

Could this be an indication of the establishment of entangled 
electron states resulting in mass increase related to heavy 
electrons? Recently, heavy electrons have been shown to be an 
indicator of an onset of superconductive conditions.


Gee, how could I say?

Could it be the first indication of Higgs Boson effects at low energies?

Gee, how could I say?

Doorbell rings. Could it be some million-dollar giveaway?

How could I say? Maybe I'll just answer the door and see who is there.

*What is this effect? Under what conditions does it happen? What can 
be seen to be consistent about it? Anything?*

What torpedoed the discovery of the FPHE in the first place was 
speculation about the cause, with most of the physics community 
imagining that if it was real, it must be X, and X wouldn't look like 
this, therefore it wasn't real. And most of the few others imagining 
that it was Y, which was preposterous and with very little foundation 
and certainly no proof.

And only a few actually persisting with the question, "How does this 
behave? What actually happens?"

As evidence from these few accumulated, we came to the point where we 
can actually say a little that is solid.

We still don't know what the hell is going on, really, but we can now 
say that the probability is very high that the FPHE is a result of 
deuterium being transmuted to helium. How? We don't know. Lots of 
people have lots of guesses.

In order to discriminate between these guesses, we need a lot more 
data. We do not collect data sitting at a computer screen typing out 
our opinions, fantasies, nor even what we know. I am, with this 
request for information, beginning the process of gathering what is 
actually known, as to a detail that might have some significance.

When what is known has been collected and collated, further 
experiment may be suggested. That's how science actually works, other 
than through sheer luck.

We do know, now, that Pons and Fleischmann were very lucky, If their 
batch of palladium had been ordinary, they would probably have seen nothing. 

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 02:44 PM 7/11/2012, wrote:

Could this be an indication of the onset of ballistic conduction in some

I first want to know what "this" is before going much into possible 

The proposed explanation here seems overly complex to me, though. I'd 
prefer to look at what is close to what is already known, unless and 
until those ideas are exhausted. There are explanations that are 
fairly obvious as possibilities:

1. Local substantial heating, which could be due to LENR or to some 
other heat-generating effect. The key would be that the heating need 
only affect, initially, the interface layer, which is where the bulk 
of the cell resistance lives. It is where the electrochemical work is 
being done. This local heating only would show up with delay and with 
lesser temperature rise in the bulk electrolyte, where cell 
temperature is being measured.

2. Ionization, again in the interface layer, due to charged particle 
radiation. There are already indications that such radiation exists. 
If this is the case, it is of major interest because it would be a 
radiation effect, directly proportional to the nuclear reaction rate, 
providing an immediate "tell" for it.

Even the local heating theory is of great interest, because it seems 
to be the first sign that appears of substantial heating. It's 
sudden, which makes chemical explanations more difficult, though not 

Both mechanisms could be operating, and any quantitative analysis 
should consider both.

If we were looking only at this effect, we'd need to include 
non-nuclear explanations for the heat. In any given experiment, there 
can be non-nuclear origin for excess heat, but in some of this work, 
helium measurement has shown that the calorimetry is at least 
approximately correct, and that the origin of the excess heat is 
nuclear, i.e., helium is the ash. We do not need to keep reinventing 
the wheel just because some people don't know how to put together an 
axle with spokes or wheels that will work and not break.

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 03:00 PM 7/11/2012, Rich Murray wrote:

maybe, the cathode becomes coated with many micro and nano bubbles,
raising its surface electrical resistance -- then micro and nano
explosions on the surface, which quickly becomes much more rugged with
tractal geometry, expose the metal directly to the electrolyte, with
reduced average electrical resistance -- check this with microphones
able to hear very brief, tiny micro and nano explosions --

This effect would be quite visible, if large enough to affect 
resistance in this way. Notice that with some observations of this 
effect, the lowered resistance persists and is sustained, along with 
sustained excess heat. That indicates that a single transient 
phenomenon like bubble-blowing-off is not the cause, that wouldn't 
last for more than a minute or two, at most given bubble generation rates.

Bubble noise is well-known in this work, it shows up when you look at 
voltage with high data rate and no averaging. So, with this theory, 
there would be a rapid transient (the effect described) and bubble 
noise would disappear for a short time. Easy to spot.

can this be done with unusual electrolytes at a few degrees above
absolute zero? -- then the explosions might be more easily detectable
as sounds and light flashes -- can verify any subtle nucear reactions
-- strive to set up micro and nano scale experiments to allow
detection and precise measurement of individual events ...

Rich, you are to be congratulated for an ability come up with utterly 
preposterous ideas. Electrolytes at a few degrees above absolute 
zero, when nearly everything is frozen utterly solid? This is an 
electrolytic effect, with a deuterium oxide electrolyte (by the way, 
the effect has been seen with light water as well, another story. 
Less well established, for sure.)

The FPHE is known to be generally enhanced at higher temperatures. We 
expect LENR to be non-existent at very low temperatures, at least 
this kind of LENR. Muon-catalyzed LENR is only operable at those very 
low temperatures, the formation of muonic hydrogen would be very 
transient at higher temperatures, I'd assume. Basically, nobody with 
resources is even going to think of looking there, and it makes no sense.

We do know that deuterium at close to absolute zero, and even under 
very high pressure, doesn't fuse

Good thing, too. Or we'd be minus at least one lab, the first one to try it.

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-12 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
t the power burst is being 
sourced at or near the surface of the cathode, not in the bulk of the 
cathode, nor in the electrolyte itself. A sudden massive rise in 
recombination at the cathode surface could explain this, though I 
doubt that this idea would withstand quantitative analysis.

Once what is already known about this effect is documented, 
experimental exploration will be suggested.

There is an obvious possible cause, given the roughly known LENR 
underneath the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect. That would be ionizing 
radiation, low energy, probably alphas, which requires only that new 
helium have some residual energy after whatever mechanism is 
distributing the vast bulk of the fusion energy to the cell contents. 
The FPHE is now known to be a surface effect, the reactions are 
taking place at or very near the surface. Roughly half of the alphas 
will have, probably, a vector that takes them into the lattice, where 
they become largely trapped, not easily mobile. The rest, which are 
captured in gas analysis from these cells, will have vectors that 
take them through the interface layer.

Low-energy alpha particles transfer their energy efficiently to 
ionization of atoms they pass near. (I originally had the opposite 
impression, that the most ionization per unit track length would 
occur at higher energies. No. Higher energy particles zip through 
with less local effect. When I saw conical tracks in LR-115, the 
narrow end of the cone was the point at which the particle was 
transferring enough energy to disrupt the cellulose nitrate, with the 
fat end being the point where the particle came to rest. I thought 
the opposite, until a note passed on to me from Pamela Mosier-Boss 
disabused me of the notion.)

All of the residual energy would be deposited in the interface layer, 
probably, as ionization. (This would be a small fraction of the total 
released energy.)

A quantitative analysis would be nice, and might predict actual data. 
Or it might not.

What is actually seen?

I've suggested that analysis of helium that establishes a precise 
profile for the trapped helium, as to depth, could lead to an 
estimate of the energy of formation of the helium. This, in turn, 
could lead to an estimate of the effect of this helium on the 
interface layer, which could then be compared with experimental results.

The suggested helium analysis has never been done, there are only 
gross indications that helium is found within a certain distance from 
the surface, I don't recall the value, but 50 microns comes to mind. 
I think that was measured by removing 50 microns or so of cathode, 
from bulk cathode experiments, and finding no helium in the remaining 
cathode material.

What's been done with more accuracy is measuring the helium in the 
cell gases, finding that it correlates with heat, at a ratio 
consistent with a hypothesis that the reaction, whatever it is, is 
converting deuterium to helium. No other ash has been identified that 
qualifies in this way.


-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Wed, Jul 11, 2012 1:04 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the 
Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

(this was also posted to the private list for CMNS researchers.)

It's come to my attention that some researchers have frequently
observed a sudden drop in resistance of electrolytic cells associated
with the onset of XP bursts. I'm seeking to document this.

In experiments where there is electrolytic power in constant current
mode, this shows up as a drop in voltage, usually shown in reports as
a drop in input power, if input power is plotted.

This seems to appear after substantial periods of stability in resistance.

One paper which commented on the drop attributed it to heating of the
electrolyte close to the cathode. If so, this signal shows up before
cathodic heating has had time to increase cell temperature. The drop
is abrupt in what I've seen.

There is another possible explanation, though, which would be an
increase in conductivity in that region due to ionization induced by
short-range charged particle radiation. This radiation could be well
below the Hagelstein limit and still have this effect, if it
originates at or very near the cathode surface. (The "Hagelstein
limit" is a limit set by Peter Hagestein in a Naturwissenschaften
paper studying the expected behavior of charged particle radiation.
The absence of predicted effects from high-energy charged particle
radiation led him to set a limit of 20 KeV for substantial charged
particle radiation from cold fusion experiments.

If radiation is the cause, the resistance drop may appear even before
the reaction has time to raise the temperature of the electrolyte.

Hence I'm requesting communication from researchers regarding
experience with CF electrolysis, in regard to resistance reduction
(or the lack of same), associated with anomalous heat or other
signals of a nuclear reaction.

Thanks in advance.

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread David Roberson

Eric, I think that tritium naturally undergoes beta decay to form helium-3.  
This process does not release any neutrons but it has a very slow decay rate 
which might not demonstrate much helium-3 during our time frame.

Helium-4 is a strange acting element.  It has an incredible amount of binding 
energy and it appears that the only way to end up with it as a fusion product 
is to simultaneously release a heavy nucleon or two when the source nuclei 
combine.  I suspect that the released heavy nucleon allows the large binding 
energy to be released as kinetic energy keeping the helium intact.  I have been 
reviewing the behavior of helium-4 recently as related to possible LENR paths.

I saw somewhere that two deuterium nuclei can fuse into either tritium or 
helium-3.  The helium-3 path releases a dangerous neutron while the tritium 
path ejects a proton.  The ratio is about equal for the production of these 
items.  I suspect that this particular fusion reaction is not active since few 
neutrons are seen.  We do need to consider this expected behavior in light of 
the fact that it is true for hot fusion and may not apply to LENR.


-Original Message-
From: Eric Walker 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Jul 12, 2012 12:31 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the 
Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

I wrote:

In my ignorance I am not able to get from p+p or p+D to tritium or helium-3, a 
decay product of tritium, without electron capture or something even more 

I should clarify that what I'm hoping to find is an aneutronic reaction to get 
to tritium or helium-3.  If you allow (high energy) daughter neutrons, then 
it's not difficult to get to helium-3.  I think you can get tritium from 
deuterium via electron capture, but I don't know if that reaction can be 
influenced; and, anyway, you would not expect to see deuterium above background 
since it's already being produced by the deuterium.  If you allow 6Li or 10B to 
be present, I think you can get tritium without daughter neutrons.  Or perhaps 
the level of tritium is on the order of that of detected neutrons -- that would 
be an interesting correlation to look for.

EXFOR is telling me that you can get tritium via proton capture with helium-4 
and with carbon and other nuclei.  So the mystery is perhaps not as mysterious 
as I was making it out to be.

Since helium-3 is a decay product of tritium, Ed Storms has proposed that it is 
tritium production that precedes helium-3 production, and any explanation would 
need to address tritium.


Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread David Roberson

>Eric Walker wrote:<
>Yes, unfortunately. It took me a little while to move away from neutron 
>production, so there's still hope that I'll give up on gamma quenching as well 
>at some point.

I think that we should give consideration to every possible concept that arises 
until Rossi or some of the others supply data revealing actual nuclear ash that 
has been measured.  We could eliminate many ideas in fast order with this one 
act of mercy on their part.

Gamma quenching has plenty of appeal as a way to tame high energy radiation and 
it might play an important part in the overall process.

>The evidence for gammas is quite strong. I recall seeing in one chart for an 
>experiment hundreds of events for each of a number of energies in the gamma 
>range. The main problem is that they are at levels much lower than that that 
>would be expected for 1 watt of power, as mentioned above. But they are 
>significant. Right now I'm wondering whether they arise from secondary 
>reactions or from primary ones. If they only arise from secondary reactions, I 
>don't suppose you would need a mechanism like gamma quenching. But I should 
>also add that it would be surprising if charged electrons and protons moving 
>through a powerful magnetic field (assuming one sometimes arises) did not give 
>off synchrotron radiation, even if all the radiation for the system is to 
>radiate and decrease the energy of the particles.<

I have gone around and around with the gamma shielding discussions in the past 
and still have many questions.  Why would Rossi actually place so much material 
within his device unless he had a problem with gammas in the past?  He stated 
previously that the lead shield converted the gammas into heat, but I am not 
sure that he still stands by that idea.  I can see how 511 keV gammas due to 
the beta plus decay of some of the copper isotopes would need shielding, but 
the number of these gammas would depend upon his nickel isotope mix.  Of course 
this line of thought is only true if he is fusing nickel with hydrogen instead 
of processes such as Ed Storms and others are suggesting.

You mention synchrotron radiation as one source of high energy radiation.  I 
think we can add acceleration of charged particles with or without a magnetic 
field as another source.

>I wouldn't be surprised if something like this played out. Robin has warned 
>about the strength of the strong force -- I can only imagine your demon will 
>have its hands full gently easing the proton or neutron into the nucleus.<

I am sure that the little demon would be a busy guy slowing down the proton as 
the strong force does its thing, but that is his job.  A little help from 
proton entanglement and he might succeed.


Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread Eric Walker
I wrote:

In my ignorance I am not able to get from p+p or p+D to tritium or
> helium-3, a decay product of tritium, without electron capture or something
> even more mysterious.

I should clarify that what I'm hoping to find is an aneutronic reaction to
get to tritium or helium-3.  If you allow (high energy) daughter neutrons,
then it's not difficult to get to helium-3.  I think you can get tritium
from deuterium via electron capture, but I don't know if that reaction can
be influenced; and, anyway, you would not expect to see deuterium above
background since it's already being produced by the deuterium.  If you
allow 6Li or 10B to be present, I think you can get tritium without
daughter neutrons.  Or perhaps the level of tritium is on the order of that
of detected neutrons -- that would be an interesting correlation to look

EXFOR is telling me that you can get tritium via proton capture with
helium-4 and with carbon and other nuclei.  So the mystery is perhaps not
as mysterious as I was making it out to be.

Since helium-3 is a decay product of tritium, Ed Storms has proposed that
it is tritium production that precedes helium-3 production, and any
explanation would need to address tritium.


Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread Eric Walker
You wrote:

Eric, I see that you are looking into gamma quenching as a method to
> control the dangerous gammas which are expected to be released by the
> reactions.

Yes, unfortunately.  It took me a little while to move away from neutron
production, so there's still hope that I'll give up on gamma quenching as
well at some point.

> Do you think that the process is virtually perfect such that there are
> essentially no gammas escaping to the outside world?  I might accept that
> 99.9% of them are taken out by this process but that would still leave many
> to be detected outside of the devices.

Ed Storms has estimated that to generate 1 watt of power, a typical output,
by way of helium production, you would need on the order of 10^12 reactions
per second.  (I think this is probably for a 1 cm^3 volume, but I am not
sure.)  So I would probably need a 99.99 percent success rate in order
for this approach to succeed.

The evidence for gammas is quite strong.  I recall seeing in one chart for
an experiment hundreds of events for each of a number of energies in the
gamma range.  The main problem is that they are at levels much lower than
that that would be expected for 1 watt of power, as mentioned above.  But
they are significant.  Right now I'm wondering whether they arise from
secondary reactions or from primary ones.  If they only arise from
secondary reactions, I don't suppose you would need a mechanism like gamma
quenching.  But I should also add that it would be surprising if charged
electrons and protons moving through a powerful magnetic field (assuming
one sometimes arises) did not give off synchrotron radiation, even if all
the radiation for the system is to radiate and decrease the energy of the

There is still plenty of room for magic.  Whether there is gamma quenching
or not, somehow you have to get from hydrogen or deuterium plus something
else to tritium, which has been observed in small but significant amounts.
 In my ignorance I am not able to get from p+p or p+D to tritium or
helium-3, a decay product of tritium, without electron capture or something
even more mysterious.  It is perhaps this kind of problem leads Ed Storms
to propose a type of slow compacting of protons screened by electrons that
are sandwiched between them.  I'm finding it easier to come at the LENR
problem from the macroscopic thermodynamics of the system than to look at
specific reactions.  I would not be surprised if we eventually stumbled
upon irreducible magic of some kind with regard to reactions.

For this reason I have been seeking a process that keeps the gammas from
> forming in the reaction at any time.  A quantum coupling of some form
> between the proton entering the nucleus and many other free ones nearby
> might fill the need.  The action of my demon discussed earlier suggests
> that something of this nature might be active and possible.

I wouldn't be surprised if something like this played out.  Robin has
warned about the strength of the strong force -- I can only imagine your
demon will have its hands full gently easing the proton or neutron into the

> A thought occurred to me concerning the drop in equivalent resistance that
> this thread covers.  It would be quite important if the drop were due to a
> reverse voltage generated by the LENR mechanism that could be improved in
> such a manner as to act as an electric source of energy.  How wonderful it
> would be if we would be so lucky as to discover an electric source of power
> that directly converts LENR activity into DC power with a decent efficiency.

If LENR is the holy grail, direct conversion to electricity is the holy
grail of the holy grail.


Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread David Roberson

Eric, I see that you are looking into gamma quenching as a method to control 
the dangerous gammas which are expected to be released by the reactions.  Do 
you think that the process is virtually perfect such that there are essentially 
no gammas escaping to the outside world?  I might accept that 99.9% of them are 
taken out by this process but that would still leave many to be detected 
outside of the devices.  For this reason I have been seeking a process that 
keeps the gammas from forming in the reaction at any time.  A quantum coupling 
of some form between the proton entering the nucleus and many other free ones 
nearby might fill the need.  The action of my demon discussed earlier suggests 
that something of this nature might be active and possible.

A thought occurred to me concerning the drop in equivalent resistance that this 
thread covers.  It would be quite important if the drop were due to a reverse 
voltage generated by the LENR mechanism that could be improved in such a manner 
as to act as an electric source of energy.  How wonderful it would be if we 
would be so lucky as to discover an electric source of power that directly 
converts LENR activity into DC power with a decent efficiency.  If I recall the 
Patterson Cell used DC input to generate heat output,  maybe this coupling can 
be reversed in some fashion.  This concept is just open minded dreaming.  I 
will return to reality ASAP!


-Original Message-
From: Eric Walker 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Wed, Jul 11, 2012 11:03 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the 
Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

I wrote:


What I like about strong magnetic fields is that they bring gamma quenching 
just a little bit more into the realm of possibility.  They could, for 
instance, lead to synchrotron radiation, although synchrotron radiation might 
imply a 511 keV peak.


I omitted the important point about pair production -- it's the pair production 
that could potentially imply a 511 keV peak (I'm not sure).  What I should have 
said is that it might be possible to have gamma quenching, perhaps assisted by 
synchrotron radiation or perhaps not, without necessarily getting to pair 


Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread Eric Walker
I wrote:

> What I like about strong magnetic fields is that they bring gamma
> quenching just a little bit more into the realm of possibility.  They
> could, for instance, lead to synchrotron radiation, although synchrotron
> radiation might imply a 511 keV peak.

I omitted the important point about pair production -- it's the pair
production that could potentially imply a 511 keV peak (I'm not sure).
 What I should have said is that it might be possible to have gamma
quenching, perhaps assisted by synchrotron radiation or perhaps not,
without necessarily getting to pair production.


Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread Eric Walker
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

It's come to my attention that some researchers have frequently observed a
> sudden drop in resistance of electrolytic cells associated with the onset
> of XP bursts. I'm seeking to document this.

I skimmed over something to this effect in a paper by A.B. Karabut or
perhaps A.G. Lipson or Miley.  I do not recall which paper.  I didn't think
much of it when I read about it.

But to tease out the idea -- where there is a sudden drop in resistance,
there is high conductivity and the possibility of superconductivity.  And
where there is a high current flow, there would be a strong magnetic field.

What I like about strong magnetic fields is that they bring gamma quenching
just a little bit more into the realm of possibility.  They could, for
instance, lead to synchrotron radiation, although synchrotron radiation
might imply a 511 keV peak.  But I do not have a clear sense that gamma
quenching would require synchrotron radiation; from the reading I have done
so far, the main requirement seems simply to be a dense field of soft
photons brought about through whatever means.  The long axis of an
elongated optical cavity could potentially provide such a field.  If the
motion of the interacting species in the cavity were longitudinal rather
than thermal, you might expect the majority of gammas to be emitted in the
direction of the length of the cavity rather than towards one of the walls.


Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread Nigel Dyer
I would agree that looking at the physical state of the water/bubbles at 
the surface of the electrode is a good idea.  There was some work done 
many years ago on the sound of various chemical reactions.   The sound 
of jelly setting was particularly odd (another situation where water is 
important).   It was never followed up to the best of my knowledge


On 11/07/2012 21:00, Rich Murray wrote:

maybe, the cathode becomes coated with many micro and nano bubbles,
raising its surface electrical resistance -- then micro and nano
explosions on the surface, which quickly becomes much more rugged with
tractal geometry, expose the metal directly to the electrolyte, with
reduced average electrical resistance -- check this with microphones
able to hear very brief, tiny micro and nano explosions --

can this be done with unusual electrolytes at a few degrees above
absolute zero? -- then the explosions might be more easily detectable
as sounds and light flashes -- can verify any subtle nucear reactions
-- strive to set up micro and nano scale experiments to allow
detection and precise measurement of individual events ...

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread Axil Axil
Could this be an indication of the establishment of entangled electron
states resulting in mass increase related to heavy electrons? Recently,
heavy electrons have been shown to be an indicator of an onset of
superconductive conditions.


On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 3:44 PM,  wrote:

> Could this be an indication of the onset of ballistic conduction in some
> micro-/nano-channels?
> Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
> > (this was also posted to the private list for CMNS researchers.)
> >
> > It's come to my attention that some researchers have frequently
> > observed a sudden drop in resistance of electrolytic cells associated
> > with the onset of XP bursts. I'm seeking to document this.
> >
> > In experiments where there is electrolytic power in constant current
> > mode, this shows up as a drop in voltage, usually shown in reports as
> > a drop in input power, if input power is plotted.
> >
> > This seems to appear after substantial periods of stability in
> resistance.
> >
> > One paper which commented on the drop attributed it to heating of the
> > electrolyte close to the cathode. If so, this signal shows up before
> > cathodic heating has had time to increase cell temperature. The drop
> > is abrupt in what I've seen.
> >
> > There is another possible explanation, though, which would be an
> > increase in conductivity in that region due to ionization induced by
> > short-range charged particle radiation. This radiation could be well
> > below the Hagelstein limit and still have this effect, if it
> > originates at or very near the cathode surface. (The "Hagelstein
> > limit" is a limit set by Peter Hagestein in a Naturwissenschaften
> > paper studying the expected behavior of charged particle radiation.
> > The absence of predicted effects from high-energy charged particle
> > radiation led him to set a limit of 20 KeV for substantial charged
> > particle radiation from cold fusion experiments.
> >
> > If radiation is the cause, the resistance drop may appear even before
> > the reaction has time to raise the temperature of the electrolyte.
> >
> > Hence I'm requesting communication from researchers regarding
> > experience with CF electrolysis, in regard to resistance reduction
> > (or the lack of same), associated with anomalous heat or other
> > signals of a nuclear reaction.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> >
> >

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread Rich Murray
maybe, the cathode becomes coated with many micro and nano bubbles,
raising its surface electrical resistance -- then micro and nano
explosions on the surface, which quickly becomes much more rugged with
tractal geometry, expose the metal directly to the electrolyte, with
reduced average electrical resistance -- check this with microphones
able to hear very brief, tiny micro and nano explosions --

can this be done with unusual electrolytes at a few degrees above
absolute zero? -- then the explosions might be more easily detectable
as sounds and light flashes -- can verify any subtle nucear reactions
-- strive to set up micro and nano scale experiments to allow
detection and precise measurement of individual events ...

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread pagnucco

Could this be an indication of the onset of ballistic conduction in some

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
> (this was also posted to the private list for CMNS researchers.)
> It's come to my attention that some researchers have frequently
> observed a sudden drop in resistance of electrolytic cells associated
> with the onset of XP bursts. I'm seeking to document this.
> In experiments where there is electrolytic power in constant current
> mode, this shows up as a drop in voltage, usually shown in reports as
> a drop in input power, if input power is plotted.
> This seems to appear after substantial periods of stability in resistance.
> One paper which commented on the drop attributed it to heating of the
> electrolyte close to the cathode. If so, this signal shows up before
> cathodic heating has had time to increase cell temperature. The drop
> is abrupt in what I've seen.
> There is another possible explanation, though, which would be an
> increase in conductivity in that region due to ionization induced by
> short-range charged particle radiation. This radiation could be well
> below the Hagelstein limit and still have this effect, if it
> originates at or very near the cathode surface. (The "Hagelstein
> limit" is a limit set by Peter Hagestein in a Naturwissenschaften
> paper studying the expected behavior of charged particle radiation.
> The absence of predicted effects from high-energy charged particle
> radiation led him to set a limit of 20 KeV for substantial charged
> particle radiation from cold fusion experiments.
> If radiation is the cause, the resistance drop may appear even before
> the reaction has time to raise the temperature of the electrolyte.
> Hence I'm requesting communication from researchers regarding
> experience with CF electrolysis, in regard to resistance reduction
> (or the lack of same), associated with anomalous heat or other
> signals of a nuclear reaction.
> Thanks in advance.

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread David Roberson

Abd, do you have information concerning the relative magnitude of the power 
input drop relative to the nominal value in its absence?  Are we speaking of a 
large percentage change?


-Original Message-
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Wed, Jul 11, 2012 1:04 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the 
Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

(this was also posted to the private list for CMNS researchers.)
It's come to my attention that some researchers have frequently 
bserved a sudden drop in resistance of electrolytic cells associated 
ith the onset of XP bursts. I'm seeking to document this.
In experiments where there is electrolytic power in constant current 
ode, this shows up as a drop in voltage, usually shown in reports as 
 drop in input power, if input power is plotted.
This seems to appear after substantial periods of stability in resistance.
One paper which commented on the drop attributed it to heating of the 
lectrolyte close to the cathode. If so, this signal shows up before 
athodic heating has had time to increase cell temperature. The drop 
s abrupt in what I've seen.
There is another possible explanation, though, which would be an 
ncrease in conductivity in that region due to ionization induced by 
hort-range charged particle radiation. This radiation could be well 
elow the Hagelstein limit and still have this effect, if it 
riginates at or very near the cathode surface. (The "Hagelstein 
imit" is a limit set by Peter Hagestein in a Naturwissenschaften 
aper studying the expected behavior of charged particle radiation. 
he absence of predicted effects from high-energy charged particle 
adiation led him to set a limit of 20 KeV for substantial charged 
article radiation from cold fusion experiments.
If radiation is the cause, the resistance drop may appear even before 
he reaction has time to raise the temperature of the electrolyte.
Hence I'm requesting communication from researchers regarding 
xperience with CF electrolysis, in regard to resistance reduction 
or the lack of same), associated with anomalous heat or other 
ignals of a nuclear reaction.
Thanks in advance.

[Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

(this was also posted to the private list for CMNS researchers.)

It's come to my attention that some researchers have frequently 
observed a sudden drop in resistance of electrolytic cells associated 
with the onset of XP bursts. I'm seeking to document this.

In experiments where there is electrolytic power in constant current 
mode, this shows up as a drop in voltage, usually shown in reports as 
a drop in input power, if input power is plotted.

This seems to appear after substantial periods of stability in resistance.

One paper which commented on the drop attributed it to heating of the 
electrolyte close to the cathode. If so, this signal shows up before 
cathodic heating has had time to increase cell temperature. The drop 
is abrupt in what I've seen.

There is another possible explanation, though, which would be an 
increase in conductivity in that region due to ionization induced by 
short-range charged particle radiation. This radiation could be well 
below the Hagelstein limit and still have this effect, if it 
originates at or very near the cathode surface. (The "Hagelstein 
limit" is a limit set by Peter Hagestein in a Naturwissenschaften 
paper studying the expected behavior of charged particle radiation. 
The absence of predicted effects from high-energy charged particle 
radiation led him to set a limit of 20 KeV for substantial charged 
particle radiation from cold fusion experiments.

If radiation is the cause, the resistance drop may appear even before 
the reaction has time to raise the temperature of the electrolyte.

Hence I'm requesting communication from researchers regarding 
experience with CF electrolysis, in regard to resistance reduction 
(or the lack of same), associated with anomalous heat or other 
signals of a nuclear reaction.

Thanks in advance.