RE: {W&P} Digest for, issue 99

2001-09-29 Thread Ezeditor

Explore the jungle in your backyard -- FREE! eNature has
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I just received this from one of our NorthCoast_Express subscribers
and wanted to share it with everyone...  :)

a..  Ladies: In case some of you may not have received this...
b..  Gentlemen: Please be so kind as to forward to all women 
in your life/address book.

Your Patriotic Duty

The President has asked that we unite for a common cause. Since 
the hard line Islamic people cannot stand nudity, and consider it a 
sin to see a naked woman that is not their wife...

Tonight at 7:00pm, all women should run out of their house naked 
to help weed out the terrorists. The United States appreciates your 
efforts, and applauds you.   

God bless America.

Explore the jungle in your backyard -- FREE! eNature has
bird sounds, Animal Finder, Field Guides, experts, activities
and more for a suburban safari you’ll never forget.

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RE: {W&P} Digest for, issue 99

2001-09-29 Thread Ezeditor

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In a message dated 9/29/01 3:53:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< I am forwarding a printed copy of this to the FBI. There are numbers in 
 I have never seen before. >>

Well, ... that ought to put a halt to any further discussions!

I'd have thought this list would be alive with everyone talking 
about what has happened and what is going to happen ... 
Where is everybody? 

I wanted to see if anyone agreed with my assessment that while
the terrorists might have been highly motivated (read: brainwashed)
in what they did, they were not well-trained or well-organized and 
their planning wasn't very impressive. They did pretty good getting 
on the planes because they had inside help, but once on their own, 
forget it. (Thank God!) 

According to what I've read and heard, they could barely fly, and
they didn't even have enough sense to make sure that everyone
was in place and ready to act before they started seizing the
planes. To me, that says stupidity coupled with poor planning,
not an example of good organization and strategic methods.

And they weren't religious fanatics either ... I'd lay you odds that
not a one of them ever went near a mosque while they were in
this country. The only thing they were devoted to or fanatic about
was their leader/owner -- ben Laden. Think of them as a bunch of
trained dogs, loyal to their master, incapable of independent 
thought or action, ignorant of everything except their master's
voice and wishes. Puts these people in a whole new perspective,
doesn't it.


"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept those things I 
cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, 
and the firepower to make the difference!"

Explore the jungle in your backyard -- FREE! eNature has
bird sounds, Animal Finder, Field Guides, experts, activities
and more for a suburban safari you’ll never forget.

Check out for other lists to join.


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