Happy Birthday!!!!

2010-07-05 Thread ruf
Hey I forgot to wish our Darlin' boy Mitch Jayne happy birthday on the 4th of 
July. I hope Mitch, Diana and all of you had a happy and safe 4th of July. God 
bless America.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy Birthday

2010-05-17 Thread ruf
Happy birthday to one of our "Darlin' " boys, Rodney Dillard today!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy Birthday

2010-05-07 Thread ruf
Happy birthday to our Darlin' boy Mitch Jayne. Also prayers to Jim Clark and 
all our friends at TAGSRWC headquarters in Nashville. We hope you are all doing 
OK during this catastrophe. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

April's fool

2010-04-02 Thread ruf
Hey Paul, I don't think some people caught your intention about Aunt Bee. Might 
be a good time to try and move that rare, wrong facing Buffalo nickel ! Butch 
in Casey, IL. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy Birthday

2010-03-28 Thread ruf
Happy 73rd Birthday Dean Webb !
WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy Birthday !!

2010-03-06 Thread ruf
Happy 73rd Birthday to Doug Dillard  What would life be without his banjo ?
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry in the Midwest????

2010-03-03 Thread ruf
I am trying to make my summer plans and am trying to find out any information 
about Mayberry in the Midwest in New Castle, IN.  I know it's rumored to be 
July 23 and 24. So far I've not seen any website except for the old ones. If 
anybody in our Mayberry circle has any information, please let us in on it. At 
my job, I need to turn in my time by the 1st of April. I plan to be at Mayberry 
Days in Sept. and see Dean Webb's band, Missouri Boat Ride, in Kimberling City, 
Mo. in June. So if anyone can help, thanks. Butch Ruffner   Casey, IL. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy Birthday

2010-03-01 Thread ruf
Monday, March 1st, was Ron Howards 56th birthday! Happy birthday Opie 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry experience

2009-11-09 Thread ruf
Hey to everyone on the digest. I just wanted to share a Mayberry meeting I had 
last week. Friday, I went to Springfield IL. (about a two and half hour drive) 
to a bluegrass festival, to meet Roland White. Roland was a member of the 
Country Boys on episodes, Mayberry On Record and Quiet Sam. He was a very 
friendly, talkative gentleman. He seemed genuinely tickled when I asked him to 
sign a couple of pictures of him with Andy and sign my jug that has 26 other 
cast members on it. It never ceases to amaze me that I have never had a bad 
experience with any of the cast members I have met, and that has been over the 
last 16 years! I mentioned to him that LeRoy McNees and Billy Ray Lathum, other 
Country Boys members have attended Mayberry Days and we would love to see him 
in Mt. Airy next year. I even gave him a copy of The Mayberry Confidential, the 
official news of Mayberry Days. He did say that he had talked to LeRoy McNees 
several times about going, but things never seemed to work out. So cross your 
fingers and maybe we'll have a new addition to our Mayberry Days family next 
year. Lots of Luck to you and yours, Butch from Casey, IL.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Police Chief retiring

2009-06-12 Thread ruf
I want to share a little Mayberryism from my town, Casey, IL. In our local 
newspaper, it comes out on every Thursday, was a story about our Police Chief 
of 25 years, Wally Whitton, retiring.In the story Wally tells how he would sit 
down with the new patrolmen and explains to them the role of a small town 
officer. He would tell them that they don't have the anonymity of a state 
trooper, who may never again see the person they are arresting. It's different 
in a small town where you see the same people on a daily basis and run into 
them in church or the grocery store. Wally said he would then share a quote 
with them that he had heard some time ago and had always tried to follow.
"When you are a lawman dealing with people, you can do a whole lot better if 
you go not so much my the book, but by the heart." In my dealings with Wally, 
he took this approach. As Ernest T. Bass would say, " I'm proud" 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy Birthday Rodney!!

2009-05-18 Thread ruf
Happy Birthday Rodney Dillard Thank-you for all the music you have given us.
WBMUTBB mailing list

10 things I learned from the Darlings

2008-11-17 Thread ruf
Hey Ken, you had Lifes Lessons from Mayberry, what about Lifes Lessons from the 
1. Playing hard to get-that gets women quicker than anything.
2.Got time to breathe, got time for music
3.Cleanliness is next to Godliness
4.Neat and reverent-a combination hard to come by
5.For a divorce, bury a beak of an owl,4 tailfeathers of a chickenhawk,strip of 
broke comb and with someone standing on your right, incant over them at the 
base of an oak tree, BUT if the intended should dig up the proceedings before 
the moon comes full, the divorce proceeding is null and void.
6. It's good to get bad blood out of a marriage
7.It ain't proper to look a a betrothed couple while they's a communing 
with one another
8.If a rider dressed in black, riding east to west on a white horse in the 
light of a full moon passes a bridegroom, he is cursed and the union is cursed.
9.For a sore foot- put a buckeye in your pocket and do the incant: Pain of 
heel, ache of toe, vanish now from my sweet bow.
10. Charlene singing There Is a Time is about the prettiest thing we ever heard.
WBMUTBB mailing list

People, can't we all just get along?

2008-11-12 Thread ruf
As a nonpartisen reader who very rarely posts, I wish to give my opinion on the 
Tom Kessel- Ken Anderson  situation. First, I come home every noon hour eagarly 
to read the new digest for the day. I very much enjoy the writing of both Tom 
and Ken.  I have never talked to or met either person. Ken has been writing to 
the digest for a long time, so I think I feel I know the type of person Ken is. 
Tom, also has been writing for some time. I very strongly feel what we have is 
a GIANT misunderstanding. I have reread all the posts over and over and I feel 
there was never an intention of "charactor assasination" or any thing of that 
kind. I feel things were said with tongue in cheek intent, and they were 
misunderstood. Tom, every person who reads the digest looks forward to your 
next story. I'm sure Ken is included in this group. Keep sending them in, no 
one can make you write a book if you don't want to. We all wish you the best of 
luck. Ken, don't you dare take all this the wrong way and stop writing to us. I 
enjoy your posts also. I grew up and still live in the same small town(2500 
people) for 53 years. I love to reminese about younger days in a small town. I 
also enjoy your new Things I learned in Mayberry list. I am copying most of 
them and plan to make a list for my Mayberry room. So please let's get over 
this misunderstanding and get back to Mayberry values. Thanks, Butch..
WBMUTBB mailing list

Bonus DVD

2008-04-28 Thread ruf
I am one of the people over the last couple of years that purchased all of TAGS 
seasons one by one as they were released. Of course, as we know, they then 
released a complete set later. In this set was a bonus DVD, which had the pilot 
from the Danny Thomas Show, and Return to Mayberry. I would like to know from 
someone who bought the complete set if the pilot episode is an unedited 
version. I just bought ,off e-bay ,the "bonus" DVD. The pilot episode on this 
one does not have the scene with Will Wright . Is this how the DVD's are in the 
complete set or did I just make a mistake in buying this one ? If this how they 
all are I won't be too upset. I have an unedited version on VHS, I was just 
trying to have one on DVD. Also on the DVD I bought was Opie Joins the Marines, 
from the Gomer Pyle show. Thanks, Butch
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy smoking again, please!!!

2008-04-21 Thread ruf
Please have patience with me. Last week I asked a question of all our experts 
out there about how many times Andy was seen smoking on the show. Well just 
after I sent out the question, I stopped getting the digest. I have now started 
getting it again, ( thanks), but unfortunatly I missed all the replies with the 
answers! Please repeat those for me if you have the time. This kind of stuff 
happens to me all the time.. I wonder what causes that ? Thanks, Butch.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy smoking

2008-04-15 Thread ruf
I need help from all the TN's ( Trained Noticers) out there. I had the question 
posed to me about how many times Andy was seen smoking on the show. I know this 
has been discussed before, but my memory is shorter than Goober's first date 
with Lydia. So I'm hoping someone else will re-member the number of times. 
Being the local  TAGS nut around here, everyone expects me to have an answer 
right off the top of my head. I'm sure most of you know the feeling. There is 
so much pressure being a fanatic, I may just find a cave and hermitize myself.  
So I don't have to live with possums and raccoons, please help me. Thanks, 
Butch from Casey, IL.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy Birthday!

2008-03-06 Thread ruf
Happy birthday today to our beloved Doug Dillard Hope it's been an 
enjoyable one. Maybe sister Charlene will suprise you with fresh fish muddle 
and hoot owl pie. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Doug and Rodney update

2007-08-03 Thread ruf
I had the pleasure to talk to Doug and Rodney Dillard Tuesday night. They were 
at the Old Settlers Festival in Odon, Indiana. They said everyone is doing 
great and are looking forward to Mayberry Days. As usual they put on a very 
entertaining show and signed autographs until everyone was done. They really 
take time to talk to everyone and embrace the Mayberry idea. Just a quick note 
to Paul. I'm as patriotic as anyone on this chat line, and I took no offense at 
your comment. Those of us who know the Andy Griffith Show forward and backward 
knew what you were refering to. Mr. Ryan obviously doesn't watch the show 
enough to understand. He should go to the diner, have the special, go watch 
them change the marquis at the Grand, relax and not get so tensed.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Goober's video

2007-04-24 Thread ruf
I just saw Allan's post about the Find Me a Man Like Goober video. I would love 
to see it, but GAC-TV's Country Across America is not offered on my cable. If 
someone would be willing to record it, I would gladly pay for the dvd and 
shipping and handling to Casey, IL. You can contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Thanks, Butch Ruffner
WBMUTBB mailing list

let the men defend Barney!

2006-03-29 Thread ruf
For many days now, I have sat here and read all about what a scalawag Barney 
was. It's time for us men to defend poor innocent Barney. Don't forget how 
easily he could become a pawn in the hands of a wily woman. And perhaps all 
these women have forgotten some of Thelma Lou's flirtatious adventures. Didn't 
she kiss Gomer, didn't she flirt with Andy to make Barney jealous, or was that 
just her story? And lets not forget her gluing covers on hymnal books with 
Edgar Coleman ! And what about her and Edgar Coleman ! Don't forget, it takes 
two to tango. I'm sure there are other instances that us men folk can remember 
if we try. We must unite, just as we did when Ellie ran for town council, 
except we stay united this time. Go ahead Barney, play the field. Don't be 
fooled by a desprate, wily hunter, setting her trap with other men. Thelma Lou 
will wait. That man she brought to the class reunion wasn't really her husband. 
He was just a co-worker that came with her, so she wouldn't be embarrassed. 
Hang in there Barney, I have a feeling you will end up marrying Thelma Lou 
after all. (p.s., this is a joke. I too love Thelma Lou.) Butch from Casey
WBMUTBB mailing list

North Carolina Mayberry event TBA

2006-02-21 Thread ruf
I see on the event calendar where there may be a Mayberry event  in North 
Carolina on July 22. I will be in North Carolina around that time. I was 
wondering, does anyone have any information or "rumors", where this might be 
held at? I would like to include it into my vacations plans if possible. 
Thanks. Butch from Casey, IL.
WBMUTBB mailing list