Re: [Web-SIG] Future of WSGI

2009-12-27 Thread Malthe Borch

2009/11/24 Ian Bicking
 Why does this matter?

It's all convention, but the CGI interpretation was to read the HTTP
request line by line until a blank line came and that was the
environment. Everything after that is the body.

If you want to obtain a shorter call signature – e.g. (environ,
start_response) instead of (environ, body, start_response), that's
fine; but maybe this should be a decorator.

You could take this argument further and do this in two steps (leaving
out ``start_response`` in the following):

  (stream,) = (cgi_environ, body) = (hybrid_environ,)

That would preserve all information.

Why does it matter? This is the single most difficult question to
answer in software design because it's a matter of balance. On the one
hand we strive to find the best abstractions to express our problems
which will eventually be serialized into one or more tracks of
assembler code. On the other, we must be pragmatic and stop our quest
in time to still get things done in reasonable time.

I'm not sure the balance is in favor of the hybrid model; when you
google environ http you don't see a lot of body input stream in
there. You don't see multi-threading in there either; however, in
the WSGI environment, you do! We just put it there, because we don't
know where else to put it! Unable to find or respect the abtractions,
we are lucky to have Python's versatile dictionary. The downside:


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Re: [Web-SIG] Future of WSGI

2009-12-27 Thread Malthe Borch

2009/11/24 Henry Precheur

 The request body, the request method (GET, POST, ...), the request URL,
 the HTTP version are all in `environ`.

That reference does not mention the environment. It's not an official term.

 If you really want to separate the headers from the rest you would put
 another dictionary containing the headers inside `environ`. Instead WSGI
 puts the headers prefixed with HTTP_ in `environ`, because that's what
 CGI is doing. It might not be 100% clean, or logic, but it's SIMPLER,
 there's no need to deal with nested dictionaries or other more complex
 structure, and it's extensible.

I don't mind those. CGI does it too, like you say.

 namedtuple is Python 2.6+: WSGI can't use it. WSGI must work w/ older
 versions of Python.

It was meant as illustration, but sure.


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Re: [Web-SIG] Move to bless Graham's WSGI 1.1 as official spec

2009-12-07 Thread Malthe Borch

On 12/4/09 12:50 AM, And Clover wrote:

So for now there is basically nothing useful WSGI can do other than
provide direct, byte-oriented (even if wrapped in 8859-1 unicode
strings) access to headers.

You could argue that this is perhaps a good reason to replace 
``environ`` with something that interprets the headers according to how 
HTTP is actually used in the real world.

It may be that WSGI should use bytes everywhere and the recommended 
usage would be via a decorator (which could cache computations on the 
environ dictionary):

e.g. the raw application handler versus one decorated with an imaginary 
``webob`` function.

  def app(environ, start_response):

  def app(request):

It is often said that WSGI should be practical, but in actual usage, I 
think most developers use a request/response abstraction layer.

Middlewares are usually shrink-wrapped library code that could handle a 
bytes-based environ dict (they'd have to explicitly decode the headers 
of interest).


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Re: [Web-SIG] Future of WSGI

2009-11-26 Thread Malthe Borch
2009/11/26 And Clover
 Whilst in principle I kind of agree with Malthe that keeping the CGI-derived
 environ separate from items like wsgi.input would be appropriate, in
 practice I don't give a stuff about it: the merged dictionary causes no
 practical problems, and changing it would be an enormous upheaval for all
 WSGI users.

It will anyway (moving to Python 3).

 WSGI doesn't need to be pretty, it needs to be widely-compatible. Authors
 who want pretty can use frameworks, which will be happy to deliver elegant
 Request and Response objects.

It's not about pretty more than PEP 8 is about pretty (hint: it's not).

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[Web-SIG] Future of WSGI

2009-11-24 Thread Malthe Borch
I disagree that the current 1.x track of the WSGI specification [1] 
supports Python 3 in any reasonable way. Recently I suggested the 
following rule as a guideline [2]:

  Strings should be strings, chunks should be bytes.

What this really suggests is that everything that looks and feels like a 
human-readable string (almost everything in HTTP except the input 
content and the output response) should be a (unicode) string. As I read 
the proposed 1.1 revision, this is not the case.

However, there is another fish to fry here too, and I'd like to propose 
a new 2.x track altogether. In the outset, this would pertain to Python 
3 only.

Instead of passing ``environ`` and violate its contract by adding 
'wsgi.*' entries, we must pass in an object which actually represents 
the HTTP request, e.g.

  Request = namedtuple(Request, environ input)

There could be other properties of this request-object. I haven't 
considered the details.

To consider for this track is also the possibility of changing the 
application call signature (I heard this proposal from Daniel Holth, but 
it's probably been suggested before):

  def __call__(self, request):
  return status, headers, app_iter

I don't mind ``start_response`` terribly, but it's worth discussing. 
Certainly returning this triple makes things easier.



Web-SIG mailing list
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Re: [Web-SIG] Future of WSGI

2009-11-24 Thread Malthe Borch
2009/11/24 Henry Precheur
 Are you talking about PEP-333 or RFC 2616?

RFC 2616, which you linked to.

 Then what? Your proposal doesn't work. So let's forget about it and
 stick to dict?

class Request(object):

class Response(object):

Now, what do you mean by let's forget about it. Maybe what you want
to say is: I'll forget about it and stick to dict – because that's
what you know how to? I mean this congenially; but please don't

Web-SIG mailing list
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Re: [Web-SIG] Future of WSGI

2009-11-24 Thread Malthe Borch
2009/11/25 Henry Precheur
 Please replace '...' with actual code or at least some description of
 what it's doing. Lots of people have been trying to define a nice
 interface for these objects for YEARS. People who know a great deal
 about HTTP, and Python. And yet there's not a single implementation
 that's widely accepted as the best of breed.

class Request(object):
def __init__(self, stream):
 self.environ = read_headers_until_crlf(stream) = stream

These headers are then general-header, request-header,
entity-header. The stream is what remains.

Ian argues that the stream is part of the environment since
``CONTENT_LENGTH`` is there. However, it is not always there. It is to
be understood as a hint.

Why is this a good separation? For two reasons:

1) Everybody else does it;
2) This stream should be handled carefully throughout the WSGI
pipeline. Keeping it as a separate property helps to make this point

As an alternative to a trivial request class, I propose:

   (environ, stream, [start_response])

(It seems ``start_response`` might go out altogether in a revised
specification in favor of returning a response tuple over an app

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