Re: [webkit-dev] Testing changes to CodeGenerator*.pm

2010-04-29 Thread James Robinson
As a concrete example, I found this test setup helpful for this patch:  A nice side effect was that it
revealed a bug in and let me fix it without having
to set up build setup for whatever it is that uses the GObject bindings.

I agree that golden file testing is a very high-maintenance fragile test
method, but it's better than nothing.  If this framework didn't exist then I
would have likely made the change and relied on spot checking and our
existing automated tests to catch any regressions which is less than ideal.

- James

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Alexey Proskuryakov wrote:
>> On 29.04.2010, at 11:17, Yaar Schnitman wrote:
>>> I've been using the tool for a couple of patches in V8. It really boost
>>> the development cycle, helps reviewers understanding what a cryptic perl
>>> block of code actually does, and side effects are easy to find. Once you
>>> start using it, its becoming hard to work without it. Give it a try!
>> 'm thinking about how this tool could have helped with the CodeGenerator
>> changes I made in the past, and it seems that it wouldn't have detected any
>> changes, and could require me to find creative ways to test the new
>> behavior.
> I don't really follow the what the maintenance overhead is. How does this
> actually cause you more than a trivial amount of extra work? Maybe a
> specific example would help.
> Isn't this just like having a layout test with expected results? It's a
> small isolated test instead of testing everything. That seems like a good
> thing.
> More importantly, it lets you be sure that every feature of the code
> generator has some testing. In the real IDLs, a feature might stop getting
> used temporarily and then changes to the code generator would not be readily
> apparent.
> Ojan
> P.S. Sorry for the double-post some of you got. Sent from the wrong email
> address at first.
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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[webkit-dev] Pixel test differences between Leopard and Snow Leopard

2010-05-17 Thread James Robinson
Leopard and Snow Leopard have subtle differences in the way they render
antialiased text.  This does not affect the text metrics but does cause
slight pixel differences.  The majority of our existing pixel test baselines
appear to have been generated on Leopard, but there is a growing minority of
tests that have been generated on Snow Leopard as well as a small number of
baselines that are out of date or just plain incorrect.  This means that
when run with --tolerance=0, there are a significant number of failures on
Snow Leopard that do not have anything to do with the behavior they are
intended to test.  Here are some concrete numbers (taken around r59000, the
exact results vary slightly from revision to revision but not hugely).

On a Leopard machine, running the tests with -p --tolerance=0 yields 120
failures.  With the default tolerance (0.1%) there are 68 failures.

On Snow Leopard, with -p --tolerance=0 there are 3934 failures.  With the
default tolerance (0.1%) there are 144 failures.

Based on this, it seems reasonable to assume that there are ~3814 pixel test
results in platform/mac that are Leopard specific.  There is also a smaller
number of results generated from Snow Leopard machines that fail on Leopard.
 I think this is an unhealthy state for the project as it prevents people
developing on a Mac on Snow Leopard from running the pixel tests without
getting a huge number of spurious failures.  Currently pretty much all Mac
developers are likely to be on Snow Leopard, except for Google employees who
will be moving to Snow Leopard in the near future.  The pixel tests are our
only coverage for lots of the repaint logic currently.

I think fundamentally there is a short term and a longer term problem here.
 The short term problem is that since the Mac pixel results are in such a
bad state for people on Snow Leopard, people making changes to the code are
not likely to update the pixel results at all which leads to an even worse
mess in platform/mac.  The longer term problem is that since the pixel tests
are only run on build bots by one port (Chromium) and not run on by anyone, the pixel tests are likely to languish.

To resolve the immediate problem of Leopard-specific results in
platform/mac, I'd like to move all of the Leopard-specific results currently
in platform/mac to platform/mac-leopard and to generate new Snow Leopard
specific results for those tests in platform/mac.  Specifically my plan is
to do this:

For each test T with pixel results in platform/mac that fails on Leopard or
Snow Leopard with -p --tolerance=0:
- if T passes pixel tests exactly on Leopard and fails with a <0.5% pixel
difference on Snow Leopard, assume the only pixel difference is due to text
antialiasing and do the following:
 - svn mv the current platform/mac pixel results to platform/mac-leopard
 - add new pixel results generated on Snow Leopard into platform/mac
 - there should be around 3800 tests in this category
- if T passes pixel tests exactly on Snow Leopard and fails with a <0.5%
pixel difference on Leopard:
 - generate new pixel baselines for Leopard and add to platform/mac-leopard
 - there should be around 50 tests in this category
- if T fails on both Leopard and Snow Leopard, remove the current
expectations and file a bug
 - there should be around 70 tests in this category

After this is done it should be possible to run the full layout test suite
with --tolerance=0 on Snow Leopard and have no failures.  Assuming this
happens, I would like to switch the default value of --tolerance from 0.1 to
0.0 to try to keep regressions from creeping back in.

Does this sound like a good plan?  The biggest impact on the project will be
a number of large commits in LayoutTests/platform/ to do the svn move and
svn add operations to move results from platform/mac -> platform/mac-leopard
and to add new Snow Leopard results to platform/mac.  This can be done over
a weekend and mostly by a script to try to minimize impact.

- James
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Pixel test differences between Leopard and Snow Leopard

2010-05-19 Thread James Robinson
Thanks for the feedback.  I've filed the following bugs for the different
steps involved (rebaselining, moving expectations, etc).

In the process of updating the Leopard baselines for tests that pass on Snow
Leopard I've already discovered (and filed) several repaint regressions on
Leopard involving animations and reflections.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 8:27 AM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:

> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Simon Fraser wrote:
>> On May 17, 2010, at 3:44 PM, James Robinson wrote:
>> After this is done it should be possible to run the full layout test suite
>> with --tolerance=0 on Snow Leopard and have no failures.  Assuming this
>> happens, I would like to switch the default value of --tolerance from 0.1 to
>> 0.0 to try to keep regressions from creeping back in.
>> You may find that some of the text antialiasing differences are
>> hardware-dependent, so I'm not sure if a tolerance of 0 would be possible.
> I'd really like to see us default to a tolerance of 0 for at least one mac
> platform. Snow Leopard makes sense to be that platform. If we find that
> there are antialiasing differences that are hardware-dependent, then we
> should consider the hardware on the bots the default and, if
> possible, dynamically detect different hardware to set a higher tolerance.

Yes, I'm hoping that we'll be able to somehow limit this to a subset of
tests and/or hardware configurations if needed.  At a minimum we should be
able to make the tolerance much smaller than 0.1% (which is large enough to
paper over real regressions in some of our current tests).

- James

>  Does this sound like a good plan?  The biggest impact on the project will
>> be a number of large commits in LayoutTests/platform/ to do the svn move and
>> svn add operations to move results from platform/mac -> platform/mac-leopard
>> and to add new Snow Leopard results to platform/mac.  This can be done over
>> a weekend and mostly by a script to try to minimize impact.
>> This sounds like a great short-term plan. I think a longer-term plan would
>> be to move as many tests to ref-tests as possible, which eliminates any
>> text-aliasing issues.
> I fully support this plan.
> Ojan
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] On adding 'console.memory' API (and about the whole 'console' object.)

2010-06-04 Thread James Robinson
How?  Visited state information is not stored in the javascript heap (which
is what this object contains information about).

- James

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 12:06 PM, David Hyatt  wrote:

> I'm fairly certain I could construct an attack on :visited history privacy
> using this object.
> dave
> On Jun 4, 2010, at 2:02 PM, Ojan Vafai wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Sam Weinig  wrote:
>> After talking it over with some folks here at Apple, I want to formally
>> object to adding the Console.memory extension to the Console object and I
>> think we should remove support for Console.profiles as soon as we can.  They
>> both provide information to users that are not generally useful (beyond the
>> "continuous integration/buildbot" use-case which I think is of limited
>> utility) and therefore should not be exposed to the web.
> Why is the continuous integration/buildbot use-case of limited utility? Or
> are you saying that Console.memory doesn't really support that use-case
> well? I think we want to make it as easy as possible for complex apps (e.g.
> email apps, mapping apps, etc.) to care about and monitor memory use.
> While I'm not convinced by the utility argument, I do buy the security
> argument. How would you feel about leaving the code in, but disabling it by
> default? Then it could be enabled by command-line or via a preference.
> That said, I'm OK with rolling back for now given that the code was
> committed without this discussion actually coming to a conclusion.
> Ojan
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] Frustrated at inconsiderate behavior

2010-07-07 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Oliver Hunt  wrote:

> On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:16 PM, Tony Gentilcore wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 6:50 PM, Mo, Zhenyao  wrote:
>> Maybe I should complain this in a different threads, but recently the
>> commit bot waiting time is way too long.  Several times a patch of mine got
>> the r+ and cq+ and it landed two days later.  This is really frustrating.
>> I am very tempted to use svn directly to commit patches, but that means
>> the patch only gets tested in my local environments. Like one time my patch
>> breaks the leopard bot, turns out the failed test is skipped on leopard,
>> which is exactly my OS.  If I land it through the commit bots, I could
>> identify the issue earlier.
> I agree they are closely related. A greener tree means a faster commit
> queue and a faster commit queue means less people subvert it and break the
> tree. The hard problem is figuring out how to fix the incentives so
> subverting the queue isn't so desirable.
> What do you mean by subvert the queue?  The commit queue is a tool to
> streamline commits from contributors who do not have commit access to the
> repository.  If you have the ability to commit you should not be using the
> commit queue to land your patches.
That's not my understanding of the commit queue.  I use the commit queue to
land my patches when possible so that the patch receives further testing
before it hits the tree and potentially affects a large number of
contributors.  Why do you think this is a bad idea?  Is this preference
codified somewhere (formally or informally)?

- James

> --Oliver
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] review queue crazy idea

2010-07-21 Thread James Robinson
I've had patches sit in the review queue for >4 weeks then receive a
positive review and land without much incident.  Some patches are difficult
to review or have a limited number of potential reviewers.  I would have
really appreciated a reminder email about that patch in particular (I
honestly had forgotten about it by the time the review email came) but it
would not have been helpful to mark it review-.  I would have just marked it
review? again, which given the eventual outcome (r+ with some comments)
would have been the right move.

We should make it clearer to new contributors that it is the role of the
patch submitter to sell it to the project.  This means making it clear why
the patch is an improvement, making it easy for the reviewer to understand,
and making a convincing argument that the patch is correct by thorough
testing.  This also tends to mean figuring out who could review a patch and
chasing them down via email or IRC.  I think if contributors thought in
these terms then it would naturally encourage the behaviors reviewers like -
breaking patches up, providing more test cases, and clearly explaining what
a patch is trying to do.

- James

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 10:17 PM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
>> There are currently 38 (of 171 total) patches in the review queue where
>> the bugs have not been modified in over 1 month old. I propose we have a bot
>> that educates people about writing easy to review patches and auto-rejects
>> any patches in bugs that haven't been touched in over a month.
> I'd love to see a bot that educates people but I'm not sure if we should
> auto-rejects patches that are simply old. Maybe we need a little bit more
> of graduality like pinging the author of the patch first, and then make it
> obsolete if nobody responds etc...
> This is just an initial proposal. I'm not wed to any of the details of how
>> this would work. I do think that auto-rejecting old patches is valuable to
>> the project as a whole. Having the review queue be so large makes
>> it daunting for any reviewer to try and tackle it.
> I'd agree that having a really large review queue isn't ideal.  Maybe we
> can customize the review queue so that it only shows patches of your
> expertise.
> Best,
> Ryosuke Niwa
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] DOM Mutation Events. WAS: Fwd: webkit editing rewrite?

2010-08-09 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 2:22 AM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 1:59 AM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
>> > If mutation events tend to break editing, one simple solution is to turn
>> then off within the scope of editing operations and send a single mutation
>> event at the end. It's not clear if that kind of solution would be
>> appropriate to expose to Web content, though; you can't do the RAII idiom in
>> JavaScript so there could be too much risk of staying stuck in the "mutation
>> events deferred" state. On the other hand, a dynamic-wind-style solution
>> might be appropriate. This is one tiny example of how the same abstractions
>> might not be right internally and externally.
>> If we don't already have it, we definitely want a RAII for turning off
>> mutation events (or at least ASSERTing that we're not trying to fire
>> them) for the parser.  The new and old tree builders might explode if
>> they ever fire a mutation event.
> I'm trying to figure out what we should do with DOM Mutation Events. The
> general agreement from the www-dom discussion of mutation events was that
> they are the wrong abstraction for editing related code. beforeinput/input
> events meet editing needs better. So, that leaves a small list of relatively
> low-priority use-cases. See
> for some of them.
> Mutation events are a huge source of crashes and they complicate WebCore
> code considerably. Also, I don't see any evidence that mutation events are
> used much other than as a blunt dirty bit for editing code, which can now be
> replaced with the input event. Here's some options I see:
>1. Make the existing mutation events them async. That would address all
>the issues with them except for the performance cost and would only be
>backwards-incompatible for the small percentage of sites that depend on the
>events firing synchronously.
>2. Drop support for them with no replacement.
>3. Complete the implementation of beforeinput/input events to support
>editing use-cases then do 1 or 2.
>4. Same as above, but also implement a low-level replacement for
>mutation events (e.g. something like
> Do any of these options sound feasible or is the only option to do the very
> large amount of work to make existing mutation events work?

An additional data point is that the DOM events level 3 specification
declares mutation events to be deprecated and includes the following text:

"Many single modifications of the tree can cause multiple mutation events to
be dispatched. Rather than attempt to specify the ordering of mutation
events due to every possible modification of the tree, the ordering of these
events is left to the implementation."

This means that the mutation event behavior for anything but the absolute
simplest of cases is implementation-defined, and in practice different
across browsers and browser versions.  Additionally, the DOM events spec
currently has no editor and so there's not a great chance of improvements in
the spec in the short term.

I'd strongly suggest that we go with option 2.  Problems with editing and
input should be fixed by editing and input APIs and there honestly are not
many other compelling use cases that actually work today.  Mutation events
have caused a lot of nasty crashes and complexity in WebKit and there's no
reason to believe that this will improve in the short term.

- James

> Ojan
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] cr-win bot broken -- GYP Ninjas, please help.

2010-08-14 Thread James Robinson
Indeed! Dimitri or I will fix the python by Monday.

- James

On Aug 14, 2010 11:31 AM, "Adam Barth"  wrote:
The Chromium bots were supposed to have their Python upgraded ages
ago.  If we ever want to run the LayoutTests on them, they'll need
their Python upgraded anyway.  I think the correct solution is to fix
the bots.


On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Eric Seidel  wrote:
> Fixed that one, but error...
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Checking allocation failures [was: Re: Naked new considered harmful]

2010-08-25 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 2:34 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Stephan Assmus 
> wrote:
> > Am 25.08.2010 18:35, schrieb Adam Barth:
> >> On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 7:09 AM, Stephan Assmus
> >>  wrote:
> >>> Am 24.08.2010 19:46, schrieb Adam Barth:
>  One thing Darin and I discussed at WWDC (yes, this email has been a
>  long time coming) is better programming patterns to prevent memory
>  leaks.  As I'm sure you know, whenever you allocate a RefCounted
>  object, you need to call adoptRef to prevent a memory leak by adopting
>  the object's initial reference:
>  adoptRef(new FancyRefCountedObject())
>  We now have an ASSERT that enforces this programming pattern, so we
>  should be able to catch errors pretty easily.  Recently, Darin also
>  introduced an analogous function for OwnPtr:
>  adoptPtr(new NiftyNonRefCountedObject())
>  What adoptPtr does is shove the newly allocated object into a
>  PassOwnPtr, which together with OwnPtr, makes sure we don't leak the
>  object.  By using one of these two functions every time we call new,
>  it's easy to see that we don't have any memory leaks.  In the cases
>  where we have an intentional memory leak (e.g., for a static), please
>  use the leakPtr() member function to document the leak.
>  In writing new code, please avoid using "naked" calls to new.  If
>  you're making an object that you expect to be heap-allocated, please
>  add a "create" method, similar to the create method we use for
>  RefCounted objects:
>  static PassOwnPtrcreate(ParamClass*
> param)
>  {
>  return adoptPtr(new NiftyNonRefCountedObject(param));
>  }
>  You should also make the constructor non-public so folks are forced to
>  call the create method.  (Of course, stack-allocated objects should
>  have public constructors.)
>  I'm going through WebCore and removing as many naked news and I can.
>  At some point, we'll add a stylebot rule to flag violations for new
>  code.  If you'd like to help out, pick a directory and change all the
>  calls to new to use adoptRef or adoptPtr, as appropriate.
> >>>
> >>> this reminds me that I've always been wondering about checks for
> >>> allocation
> >>> failure in WebCore (versus concerns about leaks). A plain call to new
> may
> >>> throw an std::bad_alloc exception. If this is not considered, it may
> >>> leave
> >>> objects in an invalid state, even when using objects such as RefPtr to
> >>> wrap
> >>> arround allocations. I don't remember any specific place in the WebCore
> >>> code
> >>> where it would be a problem, I just don't remember seeing any code that
> >>> deals with allocation failures. Is this a design choice somehow? If so,
> >>> is
> >>> there some online documentation/discussion about it? (Tried to google
> it
> >>> but
> >>> found nothing...)
> >>
> >> Failed allocations in WebKit call CRASH().  This prevents us from
> >> ending up in an inconsistent state.
> >
> > Ok, but WebKit is used on devices where allocation failure is somewhat of
> a
> > realistic possibility, no? Wouldn't it be desirable to handle such a
> > situation gracefully? (I.e. display of an error message when trying to
> open
> > one more tab rather than crashing the entire browser, for example.)
> > Hopefully I am not missing something obvious.
> Dunno.  The crash-on-allocation failure assumption is baked into lots
> of lines of code.

We do have a tryFastMalloc() path that returns NULL on allocation failure
instead of crashing.  It's used in some pieces of code that are carefully
written to handle an allocation failure gracefully.   However, this is rare.

In general it's very difficult to recover from an allocation failure in an
arbitrary piece of code with an arbitrary callstack.

- James

> Adam
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] style question for empty for loops

2010-08-26 Thread James Robinson
The style guide currently covers this

4. Control clauses without a body should use empty braces:Right:

for ( ; current; current = current->next) { }


for ( ; current; current = current->next);

- James

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Chris Fleizach wrote:

> On 26. aug. 2010, at 11.49, Darin Adler wrote:
> > On Aug 26, 2010, at 11:35 AM, Chris Fleizach wrote:
> >
> >>for (...; ...; ...) { }
> >
> So maybe this is the best option. I can add a style guide check for that,
> unless there are objections
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] Arena is crufty?

2010-09-01 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Chris Marrin  wrote:

> Ken's PODRedBlackTree patch has made me go back and take a closer look at
> WebKit's Arena "class". Turns out it's not a class at all, just some structs
> and macros. That seems very un-WebKit-like to me. Ken's patch also has a
> PODArena class, which uses Arena in its implementation. Sam suggests that
> PODRedBlackTree should really go into WTF, which means PODArena and Arena
> would need to go there as well.
> It seems like Arena really needs to be brought into the 21st century and
> made a proper class. Maybe now is the right time to:
> 1) Make Arena a class
> 2) Integrate Ken's PODArena functionality into this new Arena class (or
> maybe just make Ken's PODArena the new Arena class).
> 3) Move the new Arena class to WTF
> 4) Put PODRedBlackTree in WTF
> It looks like RenderArena is currently the only client of Arena.h, so this
> change shouldn't be too hard. Of course, looking at RenderArena, it's a
> little odd, too. It is not renderer specific at all. It's just an Arena that
> recycles freed objects. Maybe we should move that functionality into the new
> Arena class. But RenderArena is used all over the place, so maybe that's
> going one step too far down this road?

I'm pretty sure we want to delete RenderArena (since
the minuscule-to-negative performance gain is not worth the extra
complexity) at some point anyway.  If that is still the case, then maybe it
makes more sense to have PODArena be the only arena class in WebKit.

I'm not sure we have to move PODArena / PODRedBlackTree to WTF right away,
but it can't hurt.  My gut feeling is that historically most classes that
think they want Arenas actually do not need the extra complexity and we
shouldn't encourage more users of arena classes without some discussion.  I
actually prefer having PODArena be an implementation detail of
PODRedBlackTree and not exposed as a general utility until we have a clear
need for something else to use it.

- James

> -
> ~Chris
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] XHR responseArrayBuffer attribute

2010-09-27 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> (I'm subscribed to webkit-dev with a different address.)
> On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Michael Nordman 
> wrote:
> > Yes, if we go with telling xhr up front for the array buffer case, I
> guess
> > an enum would be slightly better.
> I do not think this should be told up front. You already need to keep
> the octet buffer in memory for overrideMimeType to work the way it
> does. We designed responseBlob as an optimization so you would not
> have to deal with the other types. I do not think you can optimize the
> reverse with the design as it stands today.

I see the source of confusion.  I take it that your reading of is that if
the mime type is ever overriden and there is a subsequent access of
.responseText, the response body must be re-decoded with the encoding
specified by the new mimetype.

WebKit does not  implement this functionality - the response text decoder is
initialized when the first byte is received from the network based on the
override mime type (if present) and response encoding at that time.  The
decoding behavior from this point on does not change.  WebKit does not save
the raw bytes off the network between receiving chunks of data from the
network, instead it decodes chunks as they arrive and saves them as UTF16
strings.  Frankly, being able to arbitrarily change the encoding at any
point and time and ask for the responseText using a different encoding
sounds dumb - but I'm guessing you will say that is a debate for

- James

> In any event, any discussion on changes to the specification really
> ought to happen on
> Cheers,
> --
> Anne van Kesteren
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] XHR responseArrayBuffer attribute

2010-09-27 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:

> On Sep 27, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Michael Nordman wrote:
> Webkit's XHR currently does not keep two copies of the data that I can see.
> I think we should avoid that.
> We could keep the raw data around, which hopefully is directly usable as an
> ArrayBuffer backing store, and only translate it to text format when/if the
> client requests responseText.
It would be unfortunate to have to keep the raw data around after the page
access .responseText, given that the overwhelming majority of pages will
touch .responseText and nothing else.  I found when improving the V8 XHR
implementation that the memory footprint of .responseText being held off of
the XHR object itself was often significant so I would be very reluctant to
grow it by an addition 50-100% (depending on encoding) in the common case.

- James
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Protecting against stale pointers in DrawingBuffer and GraphicsContext3D

2010-10-11 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Chris Marrin  wrote:

> For accelerated 2D rendering we created a class called DrawingBuffer. This
> encapsulates the accelerated drawing surface (usually in the GPU) and the
> compositing layer used to display that surface on the page. The drawing
> surface (which is called a Framebuffer Object or FBO) is allocated by
> GraphicsContext3D, so DrawingBuffer needs a reference to that. Currently
> this is a weak reference. DrawingBuffer has a ::create() method and you pass
> the GraphicsContext3D to that method.
> If you destroy the GraphicsContext3D, DrawingBuffer has a stale pointer. If
> you were to try to destroy the DrawingBuffer it would attempt to use that
> pointer (to destroy its FBO) and crash or worse. Currently we have an
> implicit policy that you should never destroy a GraphicsContext3D before its
> DrawingBuffers are all destroyed. That works fine in the current use case,
> CanvasRenderingContext2D. And we can follow that same policy when in the
> future when we use DrawingBuffer in WebGLRenderingContext.
> My concern is that this sort of implicit policy can lead to errors in the
> future when other potential clients of these classes use them. So I posted
> In that patch I move the
> creation of DrawingBuffer to the GraphicsContext3D and keep back pointers to
> all the DrawingBuffers allocated so they can be cleaned up when
> GraphicsContext3D is destroyed. In talking to James R. he's concerned this
> adds unnecessary complexity and would rather stick with the implicit policy.
> So is this something I should be concerned about, or is an implicit policy
> sufficient in this case?

Before somebody suggests it, I think Chris and I are in agreement that
neither GraphicsContext3D nor DrawingBuffer should be RefCounted.  They both
have clear single-ownership semantics.

- James

> -
> ~Chris
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] Protecting against stale pointers in DrawingBuffer and GraphicsContext3D

2010-10-11 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 4:03 PM, Chris Marrin  wrote:

> On Oct 11, 2010, at 3:35 PM, James Robinson wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Chris Marrin  wrote:
> >
> > For accelerated 2D rendering we created a class called DrawingBuffer.
> This encapsulates the accelerated drawing surface (usually in the GPU) and
> the compositing layer used to display that surface on the page. The drawing
> surface (which is called a Framebuffer Object or FBO) is allocated by
> GraphicsContext3D, so DrawingBuffer needs a reference to that. Currently
> this is a weak reference. DrawingBuffer has a ::create() method and you pass
> the GraphicsContext3D to that method.
> >
> > If you destroy the GraphicsContext3D, DrawingBuffer has a stale pointer.
> If you were to try to destroy the DrawingBuffer it would attempt to use that
> pointer (to destroy its FBO) and crash or worse. Currently we have an
> implicit policy that you should never destroy a GraphicsContext3D before its
> DrawingBuffers are all destroyed. That works fine in the current use case,
> CanvasRenderingContext2D. And we can follow that same policy when in the
> future when we use DrawingBuffer in WebGLRenderingContext.
> >
> > My concern is that this sort of implicit policy can lead to errors in the
> future when other potential clients of these classes use them. So I posted
> In that patch I move the
> creation of DrawingBuffer to the GraphicsContext3D and keep back pointers to
> all the DrawingBuffers allocated so they can be cleaned up when
> GraphicsContext3D is destroyed. In talking to James R. he's concerned this
> adds unnecessary complexity and would rather stick with the implicit policy.
> >
> > So is this something I should be concerned about, or is an implicit
> policy sufficient in this case?
> >
> > Before somebody suggests it, I think Chris and I are in agreement that
> neither GraphicsContext3D nor DrawingBuffer should be RefCounted.  They both
> have clear single-ownership semantics.
> True, although Simon and I just chatted and he pointed out that Refcounting
> both classes would solve this problem. The fact that GraphicsContext3D
> wouldn't need a back pointer to DrawingBuffer means we wouldn't have any
> circular references. I don't think the overhead of refcounting is an issue
> here, so maybe that would be a simpler solution?

I'd really prefer not to make them RefCounted.  The problem is that
GraphicsContext3D and DrawingBuffer are very heavyweight objects, which
means we need to manage their lifetimes tightly and avoid leaving them lying
around longer than necessary.  The exact resource use of these objects
depends on the system but a GraphicsContext3D will typically be backed by an
OpenGL context, which implies some set of driver resources, and a
DrawingBuffer is normally backed by a few megabytes of VRAM.  In the current
code, there is always a single object responsible for managing the lifetime
of a given GraphicsContext3D or a DrawingBuffer which makes it very easy to
ensure that they live for as long as necessary but no longer.  With a
RefCounted object it can be difficult to ensure that all references to a
given object go away when necessary.

In this particular case DrawingBuffer exists at a slightly higher
abstraction layer than GraphicsContext3D.  DrawingBuffer depends on GC3D,
but there is no dependency the other way (and IMHO there should not be).
 This means that the lifetime of a DrawingBuffer depends on the underlying
GraphicsContext3D, but not the other way 'round.  All callers that use or
will want to use a DrawingBuffer already have to be aware of the lifetime of
the GraphicsContext3D associated with it since the only way to use a
DrawingBuffer is by using the GraphicsContext3D API.

For those following along at home, the current user of DrawingBuffer is
CanvasRenderingContext2D which has an OwnPtr and uses a
GraphicsContext3D that is guaranteed to outlive the
CanvasRenderingContext2D.  The next proposed user of DrawingBuffer is
WebGLRenderingContext which manages its own GraphicsContext3D via a member

- James

> -
> ~Chris
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Protecting against stale pointers in DrawingBuffer and GraphicsContext3D

2010-10-12 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 9:47 AM, Chris Marrin  wrote:

> On Oct 11, 2010, at 5:15 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> >
> > On Oct 11, 2010, at 4:03 PM, Chris Marrin wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> On Oct 11, 2010, at 3:35 PM, James Robinson wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Chris Marrin 
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> For accelerated 2D rendering we created a class called DrawingBuffer.
> This encapsulates the accelerated drawing surface (usually in the GPU) and
> the compositing layer used to display that surface on the page. The drawing
> surface (which is called a Framebuffer Object or FBO) is allocated by
> GraphicsContext3D, so DrawingBuffer needs a reference to that. Currently
> this is a weak reference. DrawingBuffer has a ::create() method and you pass
> the GraphicsContext3D to that method.
> >>>
> >>> If you destroy the GraphicsContext3D, DrawingBuffer has a stale
> pointer. If you were to try to destroy the DrawingBuffer it would attempt to
> use that pointer (to destroy its FBO) and crash or worse. Currently we have
> an implicit policy that you should never destroy a GraphicsContext3D before
> its DrawingBuffers are all destroyed. That works fine in the current use
> case, CanvasRenderingContext2D. And we can follow that same policy when in
> the future when we use DrawingBuffer in WebGLRenderingContext.
> >>>
> >>> My concern is that this sort of implicit policy can lead to errors in
> the future when other potential clients of these classes use them. So I
> posted In that patch I move
> the creation of DrawingBuffer to the GraphicsContext3D and keep back
> pointers to all the DrawingBuffers allocated so they can be cleaned up when
> GraphicsContext3D is destroyed. In talking to James R. he's concerned this
> adds unnecessary complexity and would rather stick with the implicit policy.
> >>>
> >>> So is this something I should be concerned about, or is an implicit
> policy sufficient in this case?
> >>>
> >>> Before somebody suggests it, I think Chris and I are in agreement that
> neither GraphicsContext3D nor DrawingBuffer should be RefCounted.  They both
> have clear single-ownership semantics.
> >>
> >> True, although Simon and I just chatted and he pointed out that
> Refcounting both classes would solve this problem. The fact that
> GraphicsContext3D wouldn't need a back pointer to DrawingBuffer means we
> wouldn't have any circular references. I don't think the overhead of
> refcounting is an issue here, so maybe that would be a simpler solution?
> >
> > I think having two independent objects that must be deleted in a specific
> order, or else you crash, is a hazardous design. APIs (even internal APIs)
> are better when they do not have a way to be "used wrong". So, I think this
> should be changed one way or the other.
> >
> > I have to say that to my taste, refcounting seems like a cleaner solution
> than ad-hoc weak pointers. I'm skeptical of the claim that refcounting is
> not good for a heavyweight object. If there's really a time when special
> resources (VRAM, etc) need to be freed at a known point in program code,
> then it may be better to have an explicit "close" type function instead of
> counting on the destructor. On the other hand, this might end up being
> roughly equivalent to the "clear backpointers" solution, but moves the
> complexity of being in a possibly-invalid state from DrawingBuffer to
> GraphicsContext3D.
> >
> > Either way, I am pretty confident that a design where objects must be
> destroyed in a specific order is not the best choice.
> So it seems like we have two choices: 1) my current patch, which uses
> backpointers to manage the lifetime of the weak pointers, or 2) refcounting.
> My current approach has the advantage that the resources are cleared as soon
> as the DrawingBuffer is destroyed. But it is more complex and therefore more
> error prone. I think that complexity is manageable so that would be my
> preferred implementation. But refcounting is simpler and my current patch
> has a clear() method on DrawingBuffer which gets rid of all the resources. I
> could leave that method and change to a refcounted model, so the author can
> control when the resources are destroyed.

Another option would be to generalize the WeakPtr implementation from
that patch into a generic class and use that.  Then that logic could be
implemented, reviewed and tested independently from the graphics code.  I
know that Maciej has expressed concern about this pattern in the past due to
the runtime cost it imposes.

Ref counting is a fairly blunt instrument but it would fit in best with the
rest of the codepath.

- James

> What do you think, James?
> -
> ~Chris
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Pixel test experiment

2010-10-12 Thread James Robinson
To add a concrete data point, caused
a number of SVG tests to fail.  It required 14 text rebaselines for Mac and
a further two more for Leopard (done by Adam Barth).  In order to pass the
pixel tests in Chromium, it required 1506 new pixel baselines (checked in by
the very brave Albert Wong,  None
of the rebaselining was done by the patch authors and in general I would not
expect a patch author that didn't work in Chromium to be expected to update
Chromium-specific baselines.  I'm a little skeptical of the claim that all
SVG changes are run through the pixel tests given that to date none of the
affected platform/mac SVG pixel baselines have been updated.  This sort of
mass-rebaselining is required fairly regularly for minor changes in SVG and
in other parts of the codebase.

I'd really like for the bots to run the pixel tests on every run, preferably
with 0 tolerance.  We catch a lot of regressions by running these tests on
the Chromium bots that would probably otherwise go unnoticed.  However there
is a large maintenance cost associated with this coverage.  We normally have
two engineers (one in PST, one elsewhere in the world) who watch the
Chromium bots to triage, suppress, and rebaseline tests as churn is

- If the pixel tests were running either with a tolerance of 0 or 0.1, what
would the expectation be for a patch like which requires hundreds of pixel
rebaselines?  Would the patch author be expected to update the baselines for
the platform/mac port, or would someone else?  Thus far the Chromium folks
have been the only ones actively maintaining the pixel baselines - which I
think is entirely reasonable since we're the only ones trying to run the
pixel tests on bots.

- Do we have the tools and infrastructure needed to do mass rebaselines in
WebKit currently?  We've built a number of tools to deal with the Chromium
expectations, but since this has been a need unique to Chromium so far the
tools only work for Chromium.

- James

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 11:18 PM, Nikolas Zimmermann <> wrote:

> Am 08.10.2010 um 20:14 schrieb Jeremy Orlow:
>  I'm not an expert on Pixel tests, but my understanding is that in Chromium
>> (where we've always run with tolerance 0) we've seen real regressions that
>> would have slipped by with something like tolerance 0.1.  When you have 0
>> tolerance, it is more maintenance work, but if we can avoid regressions, it
>> seems worth it.
> Well, that's why I initially argued for tolerance 0. Especially in SVG we
> had lots of regressions in the past that were below the 0.1 tolerance. I
> fully support --tolerance 0 as default.
> Dirk & me are also willing to investigate possible problem sources and
> minimize them.
> Reftests as Simon said, are a great thing, but it won't help with official
> test suites like the W3C one - it would be a huge amount of work to create
> reftests for all of these...
> Cheers,
> Niko
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Protecting against stale pointers in DrawingBuffer and GraphicsContext3D

2010-10-12 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:

> On Oct 12, 2010, at 2:37 PM, Darin Fisher wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
> Hmm, I've found weak pointer abstractions to be very useful.  The issue
> with reference counting is that it is "easy" to introduce memory leaks, and
> has been mentioned, it is sometimes nice to have deterministic object
> destruction.
> We used to have lots of problems with leaking refcounted objects back when
> most refcounting was done manually, but this has become much less common as
> we deployed smart pointers.
> It is also nice to avoid having to have explicit clear() functions and then
> add checks to every other method to assert that they are not called after
> clear().
> Well, if you have a weak pointer you have to check weak pointer validity,
> so you don't save any checks. I don't think explicit close calls are that
> bad. I think it's actually a better pattern when you hold significant
> resources other than just some memory (e.g. VRAM, file handles, sockets,
> limited kernel resources, window server handles...). That way, cleaning up
> your external resources does not become dependent on your ownership strategy
> for the object.
> In the Chromium code base, we have a helper for weak pointers:
> We tend to use this in cases in which:
> 1) there are many consumers interested in holding a back pointer to some
> shared resource, and
> 2) we'd like the shared resource to die at some predictable time.
> Without a utility like this, the alternative is to make the shared resource
> notify each of the consumers about the impending destruction of the shared
> resource.
> It is true that WeakPtr adds a null check in front of each method call
> made by the consumers, but that runtime cost is often justified in exchange
> for reduced code complexity (i.e., eliminating the need to notify consumers
> when the shared resource dies).
> The cost isn't just the null checks. You need either storage for all the
> backpointers, or the smaller storage overhead for a refcounted handle. But
> then almost by definition you have more overhead than refcounting, since you
> have a refcounted object plus more work.
> I do think weak pointers have their uses, but only in relatively unusual
> cases (e.g. when you'd have a cycle otherwise). It doesn't sound like a huge
> win in this case.

Another other advantage of weak pointers over refcounted pointers is that
with a combination of OwnPtr<>/WeakPtr<> it that the ownership is explicit
and easy to examine locally.  By this I mean if I have:

class A {
  OwnPtr m_t;

class B {
  WeakPtr m_t;

it's immediately and locally obvious which object is responsible for the
lifetime of the T.  With the alternative:

class A {
  RefPtr m_t;

class B {
  RefPtr m_t;

there's no way to know which class drives the lifetime of the T without
reading through the definitions of both A and B (and any other class that
holds a RefPtr).  This makes it much harder to review changes to A or to B
without carefully reading through many mostly-unrelated classes.  This is
especially true when

A concrete example of this is LayerRendererChromium which used to have an
OwnPtr member variable, took a
PassOwnPtr parameter in its create() factory function and
exposed a GraphicsContext3D* getter.  The lifetime of the GraphicsContext3D
associated with the compositor was crystal clear just by examining
LayerRendererChromium.h - it took exclusive ownership of the context at
creation time and retained exclusive ownership for the lifetime of the
LayerRendererChromium.  Now that GraphicsContext3D is ref counted, it's not
nearly as obvious whether the LayerRendererChromium is supposed to be the
exclusive owner of the underlying context or whether callers might extend
its lifetime (especially since the GraphicsContext3D* getter now allows
callers to grab their own references).  Ambiguous and non-local ownership
semantics makes code harder to review and reason about.

- James

> Regards,
> Maciej
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] W3C Proposal: User Interface Independence for Accessible Rich Internet Applications

2010-11-05 Thread James Robinson
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 6:32 PM, James Craig  wrote:

> Ojan Vafai wrote:
> How is [ DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent ] any different than
> DOMAttrModified? The spec claims it doesn't have the problems that
> DOMAttrModified has, but I don't see how that's the case.
> DOMAttrModified is a notification, but DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent is a
> request. The reason these all inherit from UIRequestEvent is because they
> are all requests, not notifications. For example, the following sequences
> may occur in a real user scenario.
> *DOMAttrModified*
> 1. An attribute in the DOM changes (for whatever reason).
> 2. UA fires DOMAttrModified. This may recursively fire a series of other
> mutation events, hence the performance problems.
> *3. Web application (web page author) can do whatever, but this is a
> notification of the change, not a request to make the change.*
> *DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent*
> Path 1: ignored by the web application, so no DOM change occurs.
> 1. User performs some UI action. (e.g. VoiceOver user may press Ctrl+Opt+\)
> 2. AT interprets the intent of that action. (In VoiceOver, that key combo
> means expand or collapse a tree node.)
> 3. UA fires a single DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent (e.g. "Web application,
> please change 'aria-expanded' value of Node to 'true'")
> *4. Web application (web page author) ignores the event, so no DOM change
> occurs.*
> 5. AT receives the unsupressed/uncancelled event at the end of the bubble
> phase. (e.g. VoiceOver may beep to indicate to the user that no change
> occurred.)
> *DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent*
> Path 2: received by the web application, which makes the change on the
> user's behalf.
> 1. User performs some UI action. (e.g. VoiceOver user may press Ctrl+Opt+\)
> 2. AT interprets the intent of that action. (In VoiceOver, that key combo
> means expand or collapse a tree node.)
> 3. UA fires a single DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent (e.g. "Web application,
> please change 'aria-expanded' value of Node to 'true'")
> 4. Web application (web page author) has registered for the event, and
> receives it.
> *5. Web application (web page author) interprets the "request", and calls 
> Node.setAttribute('aria-expanded',
> 'true')*
> 6. Web application (web page author) cancels or suppresses the event. (e.g.
> "UA, I have received your request, and have changed this DOM attribute on
> your behalf.")
> 7. AT receives the supressed/cancelled event which indicates that the
> 'request' was successful.
> 8. AT can indicate to the user what happened. (e.g. VoiceOver might review
> the AX API and speak "expanded. 7 items enclosed.")
> Or, phrased another way:
> *DOMAttrModified*
> "I took your dollar. By the way, my dad and granddad are probably gonna
> some cash from you, too."
> *DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent*
> Path 1: "Can I have a dollar? No? Okay."
> Path 2: "Can I have a dollar? Yes? Sweet."
This is far worse than an async DOMAttrModified since it means that all code
that attempts to change an attribute has to deal with the case where the
page cancels the change or makes arbitrary other changes.  It also has worse
performance characteristics since it means that the browser would have to
fire the DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent synchronously when it wanted to
change the attribute and wouldn't be allowed to batch up the events at all.

- James

> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] W3C Proposal: User Interface Independence for Accessible Rich Internet Applications

2010-11-05 Thread James Robinson
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 6:52 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 6:40 PM, James Robinson  wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 6:32 PM, James Craig  wrote:
> >> Ojan Vafai wrote:
> >>
> >> How is [ DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent ] any different than
> >> DOMAttrModified? The spec claims it doesn't have the problems that
> >> DOMAttrModified has, but I don't see how that's the case.
> >>
> >> DOMAttrModified is a notification, but DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent is
> a
> >> request. The reason these all inherit from UIRequestEvent is because
> they
> >> are all requests, not notifications. For example, the following
> sequences
> >> may occur in a real user scenario.
> >>
> >> DOMAttrModified
> >> 1. An attribute in the DOM changes (for whatever reason).
> >> 2. UA fires DOMAttrModified. This may recursively fire a series of other
> >> mutation events, hence the performance problems.
> >> 3. Web application (web page author) can do whatever, but this is a
> >> notification of the change, not a request to make the change.
> >>
> >> DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent
> >> Path 1: ignored by the web application, so no DOM change occurs.
> >> 1. User performs some UI action. (e.g. VoiceOver user may press
> >> Ctrl+Opt+\)
> >> 2. AT interprets the intent of that action. (In VoiceOver, that key
> combo
> >> means expand or collapse a tree node.)
> >> 3. UA fires a single DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent (e.g. "Web
> >> application, please change 'aria-expanded' value of Node to 'true'")
> >> 4. Web application (web page author) ignores the event, so no DOM change
> >> occurs.
> >> 5. AT receives the unsupressed/uncancelled event at the end of the
> bubble
> >> phase. (e.g. VoiceOver may beep to indicate to the user that no change
> >> occurred.)
> >>
> >> DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent
> >> Path 2: received by the web application, which makes the change on the
> >> user's behalf.
> >>
> >> 1. User performs some UI action. (e.g. VoiceOver user may press
> >> Ctrl+Opt+\)
> >> 2. AT interprets the intent of that action. (In VoiceOver, that key
> combo
> >> means expand or collapse a tree node.)
> >> 3. UA fires a single DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent (e.g. "Web
> >> application, please change 'aria-expanded' value of Node to 'true'")
> >> 4. Web application (web page author) has registered for the event, and
> >> receives it.
> >> 5. Web application (web page author) interprets the "request", and
> >> calls Node.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true')
> >> 6. Web application (web page author) cancels or suppresses the
> >> event. (e.g. "UA, I have received your request, and have changed this
> >> attribute on your behalf.")
> >> 7. AT receives the supressed/cancelled event which indicates that the
> >> 'request' was successful.
> >> 8. AT can indicate to the user what happened. (e.g. VoiceOver might
> review
> >> the AX API and speak "expanded. 7 items enclosed.")
> >>
> >>
> >> Or, phrased another way:
> >> DOMAttrModified
> >> "I took your dollar. By the way, my dad and granddad are probably gonna
> >> some cash from you, too."
> >> DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent
> >> Path 1: "Can I have a dollar? No? Okay."
> >> Path 2: "Can I have a dollar? Yes? Sweet."
> >
> > This is far worse than an async DOMAttrModified since it means that all
> code
> > that attempts to change an attribute has to deal with the case where the
> > page cancels the change or makes arbitrary other changes.  It also has
> worse
> > performance characteristics since it means that the browser would have to
> > fire the DOMAttributeChangeRequestEvent synchronously when it wanted to
> > change the attribute and wouldn't be allowed to batch up the events at
> all.
> I could be misunderstanding, but it sounds like these events originate
> with the AT software rather then when the DOM is modified.  In that
> sense, they sound more like KeyDown than DOMAttrModified.
I see - in that case the name doesn't seem very good, if the expectation is
that this event will only be generated from AT software and not by any other
mechanisms that result in attributes changing values.  Do we need this for
any attribute that could change values, or just AX-related ones?  What
happens if a single user action results in a large number of attributes
changing values?

I also agree with Ojan's comment above that the 'Request' naming scheme is
not very consistent with the rest of the web.

- James

> Adam
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Checking include paths in WebCore for bad dependencies

2010-11-08 Thread James Robinson
Within WebCore there are a number of directories that can be thought of as
components with fairly well-defined dependencies.  For example,
WebCore/platform is intended to be a base component that the rest of WebCore
can depend on but that should not have any outward dependencies.  It's
possible that some day WebCore/dom will be a dependency of WebCore/html but
not the other way around.  However, in practice these dependencies get out
of hand pretty quickly.  There are a large number of files - both new and
old - in WebCore/platform that uses classes from WebCore/dom,
WebCore/rendering, etc.

I'd like to add a step to check-webkit-style that looks at the #includes in
a patch and generate a warning if the patch is introducing a bad dependency.
 For example, files under WebCore/platform/ should not depend on files under
WebCore/dom/ or WebCore/rendering/.  Historically the only enforcement for
these abstraction boundaries has been review, but this is a bit fragile
since it's not obvious when looking at #include "Foo.h" where Foo.h lives.
 Making bad includes show up when running check-webkit-style and in the
style-ews will make these bad includes more visible and hopefully help
people fix them.  There's an initial patch up at

Additionally, I'd like to use this tool to try to create and enforce some
more boundaries and one-way dependencies within WebCore.  Currently nearly
everything in WebCore is interdependent on everything else within WebCore
which makes it harder to understand the code and harder to patch it
correctly.  I made an attempt to diagram the dependencies by had to give up
pretty early on:
 We've also recently had a number of bugs where code in WebCore/rendering/
has called into editing or loader code that were not aware of the
requirements of rendering code.

Does this sound like a good set of goals?

- James
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Exposing CSS pixel metrics to the scripting environment

2010-11-26 Thread James Robinson
Are you posting here because there is something specific to WebKit in
your query or because you dislike the outcome of the WHATWG thread?
Most of us follow the WHATWG closely and generally prefer to discuss
standardization issues such as this in that forum to get a broader
feedback base.

- James

On Friday, November 26, 2010, Charles Pritchard  wrote:
> Recently I brought this issue up to the WHATWG mailing list, without much 
> luck.
> Currently, mobile devices are given access to window.devicePixelRatio, used 
> for managing what are essentially higher resolution displays. See the iPhone, 
> Android, etc. Within the desktop environment, devicePixelRatio is not updated 
> on zoom events. I don't think it should be, but it's something to consider. 
> Such information is critical to adjusting the resolution of bitmaps, be they 
> from an image source or a canvas source, to be as crisp as can be.
> Microsoft has gone ahead in IE9 and just exposed a collection of metrics data:
> deviceXDPI, logicalXDPI, systemXDPI and "Y" counterparts.
> Source:
> The task at hand is deciding whether or not to expose this information, and 
> where. Technically, it's quite simple, as it's only a few floating point 
> values which are already available to the WebKit environment. Zoom events 
> always trigger a 'resize' event for window, as they alter the innerWidth and 
> innerHeight of the layout. That resize event is the point in which the 
> scripting environment would check to see if CSS pixel metrics have changed, 
> and adjust the page accordingly. I want to note, that I am not speaking at 
> all about changing how zoom works, or in any way suggesting that zoom be 
> controlled by the scripting environment / web authors.
> I am recommending that we take a look at Microsoft's  .screen extensions, and 
> decide whether they hold merit, and may be included in WebKit. Doing so would 
> mean that an independent implementation has picked up the extension, and it 
> may be on the fast track for standardization.
> I had a rough time bringing this up with Mozilla. I'm hoping for a little 
> more focus here, on this mailing list. Again, I'm merely looking to have CSS 
> pixel metrics exposed, and I'm suggesting the MS proposal as it's certain to 
> exist in their upcoming IE9 release. Their proposal exposes six floating 
> point variables in the window.screen object, and is sufficient for current 
> needs.
> Please let me know thoughts on the matter, and try to keep focused on the 
> fact that we're just looking to expose a few floating points to the scripting 
> environment, we're not looking to change any existing behaviors in any 
> existing elements.
> -Charles
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] make-script-test-wrappers not being maintained

2011-01-18 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Darin Adler  wrote:

> It seems that a lot of people are making script tests with non-standard
> wrappers. And not adding exceptions to the make-script-test-wrappers
> script. I ran the script and it created 4 files, and modified 33 others.
> Any ideas on how to improve the situation?

I didn't even know such a script existed.  What are the advantages of using
it vs generating script tests in other ways?  I see that the use is
documented here:
there aren't any motivations listed for it.

- James

> -- Darin
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] fails to load in Chromium (appears to be server side bug)

2011-01-19 Thread James Robinson fails to load in Chromium (and Google
Chrome) today.  It seems that the bug is in the server's Accept-Encoding:
handling.  If the Accept-Encoding line includes 'sdch' then the server
closes the socket without sending any response bytes.  Requests for other
pages like /console?category=core or /waterfall succeed, probably because
the response page for /console?category=core and /waterfall are smaller
(379152 vs 253031/289609 bytes) and presumably something on the server side
is barfing.  Other browsers do not currently include sdch in their
Accept-Encoding lines and so are unaffected.

A workaround for Chromium users is to pass the command line flag which will prevent sdch from being passed in the
Accept-Encoding line for all servers except for ones under
 This is obviously far from ideal as it prevents sdch use on pages other
than * that support it.  Can whoever runs the web server for please try to fix this?  I'm also curious to know where the
actual problem is so we can determine how widespread this might be.

- James
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] XHTMLMP support

2011-03-08 Thread James Robinson
Which WebKit browser is using XHTMLMP?

- James

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 4:43 PM, Ra Kyounga  wrote:

> Currently, XHTMLMP is used in webkit browser for mobile business.
> So, I think it's good to leave it for a while :)
> 2011. 3. 8., 오전 5:09, Eric Seidel 작성:
> > Are any ports still using that?  Or should we remove it.
> >
> > If so, happy to leave it in.  But if no ports are actively using it,
> > its best to remove the code (and restore it from SVN history later if
> > someone needs it again).
> >
> > -eric
> > ___
> > webkit-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Dropping support for WML?

2011-04-12 Thread James Robinson
I have a related question - what sort of test coverage is there for WML
currently on the core bots?  Do any of the core bots compile with WML
enabled?  I've made and reviewed a few changes to WML code made parallel to
changes to the HTML forms code in the past and have made the WML edits
essentially blindly.  I don't know if I've made the WML code better or worse
in the process and have no way to check.  I'm not even sure how to tell if
WML still compiles after my patches.

If the code is completely untested (as I somehow suspect it is) than I think
it's more dangerous to leave the code in than to take it out, given that it
is likely to accumulate more and more bugs as the related code changes.

- James

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Gyuyoung Kim 
> Date: 2011/4/10
> Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] webkit-dev Digest, Vol 71, Issue 8
> To:
> Cc: Krzysztof Czech , 임상석 
> > I know Samsung is using the feature but they're not sure if they'll be
> > supporting it in the future. Are there are other folks who are actively
> > using WML?
> We're using WML in WebKit trunk now. Even though, there are some
> maintenance difficulties,
> I think WML needs to be maintained for some time.
> BTW, as far as I know, there are some bugs in WML. So, we have plan to
> contribute our patches
> soon.
> - Gyuyoung Kim
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Cherry-Pick Bug Comments

2011-05-27 Thread James Robinson
I find these cherry-pick bug comments annoying and hope that you will stop
generating them.  There are many ports that make releases based off of
WebKit trunk, and all of them have some notion of release branches that
contain cherry-picked revisions, reverts, etc.  As a developer it's nearly
always irrelevant to me whether a given patch is cherry-picked into a given
Qt release or not, just as it would be to know if that revision was
cherry-picked into a given Gtk, EFL, Safari, or Chromium release branch.
 When I do need to know the status of a specific branch, I look in the
port-specific location of the branch to see what happened.  For example, to
see what's in a given chromium release I look in the appropriate
subdirectory of  For the
Safari 534 branch,

I would recommend that the people who work on QtWebKit figure out a way to
track revisions in their release branches in a way that does not involve
spamming non-Qt bugs on or developers who aren't working
directly on Qt.

- James

On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Antonio Gomes  wrote:

> An important question: besides the notification e-mails, does the rest of
>> our release process bothers someone?
>> Not me. It works fine and is very transparent.
> --
> --Antonio Gomes
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Do we have a style preference about const member functions?

2011-06-01 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Geoffrey Garen  wrote:

> I agree that const should be used for "logical constness". The rule should
>> not be merely "doesn't alter any data members of this object" but rather
>> "does not alter observable state of this object or vend any type of pointer
>> or reference by which observable state of this object could be altered".
> Precisely!
> I like this explanation too.
> I'm trying to think of a simple way to explain / test whether something
> falls into the category of logical constness, since it can be ambiguous.
> It occurred to me that a simple, though imperfect, test is just, "Is this
> function called by an owner of a const pointer / reference?" After all, a
> const member function is meaningless if nobody points to the class through a
> const pointer  / reference. For classes like DOM and render tree nodes,
> which have no meaningful const-pointer-owning clients, the answer is always
> no. For other classes, the answer is yes, but only if someone has found a
> meaningful use for a const pointer or reference to the class.
> So, perhaps the real style question we should answer is when to use const
> pointers / references, since the answer to when to use const member
> functions will follow from it.
> What are some good examples of existing code that meaningfully uses a const
> pointer or reference? (Something other than, say, the obligatory const& in a
> copy constructor.)

I personally find that in a number of render tree functions declared to take
a const RenderObject* that the const-ness is a useful hint that the function
will not be manipulating the object in unexpected ways.  Examples:
"Next" at the bottom to see more results).

My understanding is that these functions could not take a const
RenderObject* parameter if RenderObject did not supply a set of const simple
accessors and utility functions.  We could convert RenderObject over to have
no const member functions and convert all of these utility functions to take
RenderObject* parameters instead, but I think that would lose some of the
intent of the code.

I'm curious if there was a specific patch or piece of code that lead you to
send this email out - perhaps we make a better decision about whether to
change our approach with more concrete examples of problems the current
situation has caused or is causing.

- James

> Geoff
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Adding ENABLE_FLEXBOX to WebCore

2011-06-08 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:20 PM, Darin Fisher  wrote:

> It seems like it doesn't scale very well to have to stand-up new buildbots
> for each
> new feature.  At least in the Chromium port, it is possible for the
> Chromium repo
> to override ENABLE_ flags so that only DRT gets built with a prototype
> feature,
> making it easy to test a prototype feature using existing buildbots.
If you mean by using feature_overrides.gypi to overwrite features.gypi, that
mechanism doesn't actually work and people have attempted to remove it.  The
bots that we actually pay attention to all use feature_overrides.gypi.  I
would not encourage that pattern.

- James

> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>> If you're super worried about folks shipping the feature before it's
>> ready, then that approach can make sense.  I'm not sure how well it
>> scales, but we can worry about that problem when we have N such
>> configurations.
>> Adam
>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Tony Chang  wrote:
>> > I don't understand how changing the name prevents the feature from being
>> > shipped half-done.  If we're going to ship a half-done feature, we may
>> as
>> > well use the vendor prefixed name so sites don't depend on the goofy
>> name.
>> >
>> > However, I'm willing to run a buildbot for this and that seems better
>> than
>> > shipping a half-done feature.  I don't expect it to be a core builder
>> and
>> > Ojan and I will be the ones keeping it green.  Isn't this what we're
>> doing
>> > for other features like CSS Regions and Exclusions?
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> It seems like the simplest thing is to have an ENABLE macro that's
>> >> turned on and to use the normal bots.  If you're really worried about
>> >> folks shipping the feature half-done by accident, you can use a goofy
>> >> name like -webkit-goofybox (or whatever) and rename it to the final
>> >> name when you're ready.
>> >>
>> >> Adam
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
>> >> > Kind of. We could make the functionality only work at runtime, but
>> >> > adding
>> >> > the properties to the CSS parser would be difficult to make runtime
>> >> > configurable. So, the CSS properties would parse correctly but do
>> >> > nothing.
>> >> > That's especially problematic for properties like "display" that
>> would
>> >> > then
>> >> > get an invalid value.
>> >> > My current plan was still to test this incrementally. We'd include
>> tests
>> >> > as
>> >> > we went, but skip the flexbox subdirectory. We would just run the
>> tests
>> >> > locally during development. This has the downside that other changes
>> >> > might
>> >> > break the flexbox tests, but thats a pain I'm willing to live with.
>> >> > I'm fine doing this differently if people have strong opinions.
>> >> > Ojan
>> >> >
>> >> > On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Darin Fisher 
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Is it possible for this feature to be enabled at runtime?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> On Jun 8, 2011 11:38 AM, "Adam Barth"  wrote:
>> >> >> > New features should be tested incrementally as they are developed.
>> >> >> > That means running them on The decision to ship
>> a
>> >> >> > feature is separate.
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > Adam
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Ojan Vafai 
>> >> >> > wrote:
>> >> >> >> I don't think we want to ship this until we have a reasonably
>> >> >> >> feature
>> >> >> >> complete implementation of the spec and that we're convinced the
>> >> >> >> spec
>> >> >> >> is
>> >> >> >> stable. I expect that in implementing this we'll find areas of
>> the
>> >> >> >> spec
>> >> >> >> that
>> >> >> >> need reworking, but at this point it's mainly blocked on
>> >> >> >> implementation
>> >> >> >> experience.
>> >> >> >> I'm not sure it's worth setting a bot up just for this, although
>> I'm
>> >> >> >> not
>> >> >> >> opposed to it. I expect we should have this shippable within a
>> >> >> >> couple
>> >> >> >> months.
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> Ojan
>> >> >> >> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Adam Barth 
>> >> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >> >>>
>> >> >> >>> Can't we just define ENABLE_FLEXBOX on one or more of the
>> commonly
>> >> >> >>> used ports and use the regular bots?
>> >> >> >>>
>> >> >> >>> Adam
>> >> >> >>>
>> >> >> >>>
>> >> >> >>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Tony Chang 
>> >> >> >>> wrote:
>> >> >> >>> > Hi webkit-dev,
>> >> >> >>> > I wanted to let you know that Ojan and I plan to add flexbox
>> >> >> >>> > layout
>> >> >> >>> > support
>> >> >> >>> > to WebCore.  WebCore already supports an older flexbox
>> >> >> >>> > implementation
>> >> >> >>> > (display: box), but the new spec is designed to be easier for
>> >> >> >>> > developers
>> >> >> >>> > to
>> >> >> >>> > understand and more powerful.  The old flexbox will still
>> remain
>> >> >> >>> > in
>> >> >> >>> > WebCore
>> >> >> >>> > since none of the CSS properties overlap w

Re: [webkit-dev] Adding ENABLE_FLEXBOX to WebCore

2011-06-08 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:55 PM, Darin Fisher  wrote:

> Oh, okay.  Why do we have override_features.gypi then?

We don't, Adam tried to remove it earlier this week and was foiled by some
weird complex failure.  We should get rid of it ASAP.

> Regardless, it seems like we could create a mechanism so that the result of
> build-webkit
> uses different ENABLE_ options than a stock Chromium build.  There's a
> trivial way to switch
> b/w the two in the GYP files.

There's danger in testing a different set of ENABLE_s than we ship unless we
are really confident in understanding how the ENABLE_'d code interacts with
the rest of the codebase.

- James

> -Darin
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:29 PM, James Robinson  wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:20 PM, Darin Fisher  wrote:
>>> It seems like it doesn't scale very well to have to stand-up new
>>> buildbots for each
>>> new feature.  At least in the Chromium port, it is possible for the
>>> Chromium repo
>>> to override ENABLE_ flags so that only DRT gets built with a prototype
>>> feature,
>>> making it easy to test a prototype feature using existing buildbots.
>> If you mean by using feature_overrides.gypi to overwrite features.gypi,
>> that mechanism doesn't actually work and people have attempted to remove it.
>>  The bots that we actually pay attention to all use feature_overrides.gypi.
>>  I would not encourage that pattern.
>> - James
>> -Darin
>>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>>>> If you're super worried about folks shipping the feature before it's
>>>> ready, then that approach can make sense.  I'm not sure how well it
>>>> scales, but we can worry about that problem when we have N such
>>>> configurations.
>>>> Adam
>>>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Tony Chang  wrote:
>>>> > I don't understand how changing the name prevents the feature from
>>>> being
>>>> > shipped half-done.  If we're going to ship a half-done feature, we may
>>>> as
>>>> > well use the vendor prefixed name so sites don't depend on the goofy
>>>> name.
>>>> >
>>>> > However, I'm willing to run a buildbot for this and that seems better
>>>> than
>>>> > shipping a half-done feature.  I don't expect it to be a core builder
>>>> and
>>>> > Ojan and I will be the ones keeping it green.  Isn't this what we're
>>>> doing
>>>> > for other features like CSS Regions and Exclusions?
>>>> >
>>>> > On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Adam Barth 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> It seems like the simplest thing is to have an ENABLE macro that's
>>>> >> turned on and to use the normal bots.  If you're really worried about
>>>> >> folks shipping the feature half-done by accident, you can use a goofy
>>>> >> name like -webkit-goofybox (or whatever) and rename it to the final
>>>> >> name when you're ready.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Adam
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Ojan Vafai 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >> > Kind of. We could make the functionality only work at runtime, but
>>>> >> > adding
>>>> >> > the properties to the CSS parser would be difficult to make runtime
>>>> >> > configurable. So, the CSS properties would parse correctly but do
>>>> >> > nothing.
>>>> >> > That's especially problematic for properties like "display" that
>>>> would
>>>> >> > then
>>>> >> > get an invalid value.
>>>> >> > My current plan was still to test this incrementally. We'd include
>>>> tests
>>>> >> > as
>>>> >> > we went, but skip the flexbox subdirectory. We would just run the
>>>> tests
>>>> >> > locally during development. This has the downside that other
>>>> changes
>>>> >> > might
>>>> >> > break the flexbox tests, but thats a pain I'm willing to live with.
>>>> >> > I'm fine doing this dif

Re: [webkit-dev] Accessibility Object Searching

2011-06-22 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Chris Fleizach  wrote:

> On Jun 22, 2011, at 3:34 PM, Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
> > I just had another thought: how would this work in a multi-process
> browser?
> >
> > As you may know, Chrome runs an instance of webkit in a separate
> > renderer process for each tab, but the GUI and all accessibility
> > handling happens in the main browser process. Because accessibility
> > calls are synchronous, we cache accessibility information in the
> > browser process and respond to queries from that cache, rather than
> > sending an IPC to the renderer process and getting a response. I
> > realized that we wouldn't be able to use this search function very
> > easily as you've proposed it. If NSAccessibility gets such an API,
> > we'd have to write our own implementation that could run in Chrome's
> > browser process.
> >
> I think this is one drawback of Chrome's approach, the inability to
> retrieve dynamic information. I suspect Chrome has similar issues for the
> NSAccessibilityParameterizedAttribute attributes, and that it doesn't
> support the AXTextMarker APIs that Safari does for the same reason.
> To support this (along with the other things I mentioned) Chrome would need
> to synchronously called into WebCore, wait for the answer, and then return
> that information.

Assuming that the data is needed from the browser process (or UI process in
WebKit2 terminology) that's not acceptable from either a performance or bug
point of view.  In a multi-process browser, you can never let the browser
(or UI) process block on a synchronous message from the renderer (or web)

- James

> > My understanding was that WebKit2 and Safari are moving to a
> > multi-process model as well. Is this design going to be compatible
> > with this?
> >
> Yes, WebKit2 works with accessibility. You'll be able to see the code to
> support that strewn throughout WebKit2. Let me know if you need more
> pointers.
> > - Dominic
> > ___
> > webkit-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] LayoutTests results fallback graph

2011-07-10 Thread James Robinson
On Jul 10, 2011 10:53 AM, "Adam Barth"  wrote:
> Hi webkit-dev,
> In trying to understand how our LayoutTest results system works, I've
> created a digram of the fallback graph among the various
> platform-specific directories:
> Unfortunately, the fallback graph is not a tree, as one might imagine
> initially.  I'd like to propose two small changes, which will
> hopefully make the system more sensible globally.  I'm happy to do all
> the work required to make these changes:
> 1) The "win" port should fall back either to "all" (the platform
> independent results) or to "mac," but not to "mac-snowleopard", as it
> does currently.  (I slightly prefer "all", but "mac" would also be
> fine with me.)
> 2) The "chromium" port should fall back directly to "all" rather than
> taking a detour through various Apple-maintained ports, as it does
> currently.
> These changes have the following virtues:
> A) The resulting fallback graph will be a tree, making the fallback
> graph easier to understand for both humans and automated tools.
> B) The Chromium port will behave more like the other ports (e.g., GTK
> and Qt), rather than being a parasite on Apple-maintained ports.
> These changes might increase the number of image baselines we store in
> the tree for "chromium-mac"-derived ports (because there will be fewer
> redundant fallback paths), but I expect that cost to be relatively
> small because essentially every port has different image baselines
> anyway

Could you measure this? I suspect that not falling back on the mac pixel
results will mean checking in a few thousand more pngs, but that's just a

- James

> Thoughts?
> Adam
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] help with commit queue failure

2011-08-18 Thread James Robinson
On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 2:05 PM, Sailesh Agrawal  wrote:

> Hi all, I'm trying to commit a patch through commit queue and I'm getting a
> strange error:

>From that output, I'd guess that there was a merge conflict trying to apply
the patch.  That output only shows the last 500 chars of output so merge
conflicts earlier than that will not be displayed.

Can you try applying that patch locally on top of ToT?  Try webkit-patch
apply-from-bug and see what happens, that's what the commit queue does.

- James

> As far as I can tell there's nothing wrong but it still fails. Does anyone
> know what's going on here?
> The bug I'm working on is this:
> Thanks!
> Sailesh
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Chromium "GPU" LayoutTests

2011-08-22 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:

> I've been trying to wrap my mind around the "GPU" LayoutTests that
> Chromium runs.  In
> , there are
> the following directories:
> chromium-gpu
> chromium-gpu-cg-mac
> chromium-gpu-linux
> chromium-gpu-win
> These seem to be related to the webkit_gpu_tests step on these bots:
> This file <
> >
> also lists the following bots:
> Webkit Win - GPU
> Webkit Win7 - GPU
> Webkit Linux - GPU
> Webkit Linux 32 - GPU
> Webkit Mac10.5 (CG) - GPU
> Webkit Mac10.6 (CG) - GPU
> Questions:
> 1) Do these "- GPU" bots exist anywhere?  (I can't find them, and a
> recent bug comment indicates that they might be fictional.)

The " - GPU" bots are the same bots as the normal layout test bots, but run
as a separate step.  See,
for example.  The "bot name" for the GPU tests is the normal bot name with "
- GPU" appended.

> 2) Are there any other bots related to the GPU configuration other
> than those listed above?  (For example, is there any coverage of this
> configuration on
> seems to not be running these tests, for reasons that are
unclear to me, but they run on the other chromium bots that run layout

3) Why is webkit_gpu_tests a separate step from webkit_tests?

Different flags are passed to DumpRenderTree, but it runs some of the same
tests.  This is so we can get coverage for (for instance) the 2d canvas API
in our hardware and software paths.

> As far as I can tell, other ports, such as Apple-Mac, make use of the
> GPU but don't impose as large a complexity tax on the project.  Is
> there something different about Chromium's GPU support that requires
> this additional complexity?

Other ports have less test coverage, and they don't run the pixel tests at
all on the bots.

- James

> Adam
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Chromium "GPU" LayoutTests

2011-08-22 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 3:02 PM, James Robinson  wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> >> I've been trying to wrap my mind around the "GPU" LayoutTests that
> >> Chromium runs.  In
> >> <>, there are
> >> the following directories:
> >>
> >> chromium-gpu
> >> chromium-gpu-cg-mac
> >> chromium-gpu-linux
> >> chromium-gpu-win
> >>
> >> These seem to be related to the webkit_gpu_tests step on these bots:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> This file
> >> <
> >
> >> also lists the following bots:
> >>
> >> Webkit Win - GPU
> >> Webkit Win7 - GPU
> >> Webkit Linux - GPU
> >> Webkit Linux 32 - GPU
> >> Webkit Mac10.5 (CG) - GPU
> >> Webkit Mac10.6 (CG) - GPU
> >>
> >> Questions:
> >>
> >> 1) Do these "- GPU" bots exist anywhere?  (I can't find them, and a
> >> recent bug comment indicates that they might be fictional.)
> >
> > The " - GPU" bots are the same bots as the normal layout test bots, but
> run
> > as a separate step.
> >  See
> ,
> > for example.  The "bot name" for the GPU tests is the normal bot name
> with "
> > - GPU" appended.
> >
> >>
> >> 2) Are there any other bots related to the GPU configuration other
> >> than those listed above?  (For example, is there any coverage of this
> >> configuration on
> >
> > seems to not be running these tests, for reasons that
> are
> > unclear to me, but they run on the other chromium bots that run layout
> > tests.
> >
> >> 3) Why is webkit_gpu_tests a separate step from webkit_tests?
> >
> > Different flags are passed to DumpRenderTree, but it runs some of the
> same
> > tests.  This is so we can get coverage for (for instance) the 2d canvas
> > in our hardware and software paths.
> Could we instead use the layoutTestController to enable or disable
> whatever flags at test-time rather than on the command line?  For
> example, we could put the guts of the 2d canvas tests into a
> JavaScript file and include it in two HTML files, one that sets the
> flag and one that does not.  That's how we handle strict vs quirks
> mode, for example.

There are 802 tests in canvas/philip/tests/ (which is an imported suite),
currently all implemented as separate .html files, and another 166 in
fast/canvas.  It seems a bit tedious to manually wrap each of these tests in
two different wrappers.  That doesn't seem like a very practical option,
although it has some nice aspects.

- James

>> As far as I can tell, other ports, such as Apple-Mac, make use of the
> >> GPU but don't impose as large a complexity tax on the project.  Is
> >> there something different about Chromium's GPU support that requires
> >> this additional complexity?
> >
> > Other ports have less test coverage, and they don't run the pixel tests
> at
> > all on the bots.
> Adam
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Chromium "GPU" LayoutTests

2011-08-22 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 3:18 PM, James Robinson  wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> >> On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 3:02 PM, James Robinson 
> wrote:
> >> > On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Adam Barth 
> wrote:
> >> >> I've been trying to wrap my mind around the "GPU" LayoutTests that
> >> >> Chromium runs.  In
> >> >> <>, there
> are
> >> >> the following directories:
> >> >>
> >> >> chromium-gpu
> >> >> chromium-gpu-cg-mac
> >> >> chromium-gpu-linux
> >> >> chromium-gpu-win
> >> >>
> >> >> These seem to be related to the webkit_gpu_tests step on these bots:
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> This file
> >> >>
> >> >> <
> >
> >> >> also lists the following bots:
> >> >>
> >> >> Webkit Win - GPU
> >> >> Webkit Win7 - GPU
> >> >> Webkit Linux - GPU
> >> >> Webkit Linux 32 - GPU
> >> >> Webkit Mac10.5 (CG) - GPU
> >> >> Webkit Mac10.6 (CG) - GPU
> >> >>
> >> >> Questions:
> >> >>
> >> >> 1) Do these "- GPU" bots exist anywhere?  (I can't find them, and a
> >> >> recent bug comment indicates that they might be fictional.)
> >> >
> >> > The " - GPU" bots are the same bots as the normal layout test bots,
> but
> >> > run
> >> > as a separate step.
> >> >
> >> >  See
> ,
> >> > for example.  The "bot name" for the GPU tests is the normal bot name
> >> > with "
> >> > - GPU" appended.
> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >> 2) Are there any other bots related to the GPU configuration other
> >> >> than those listed above?  (For example, is there any coverage of this
> >> >> configuration on
> >> >
> >> > seems to not be running these tests, for reasons
> that
> >> > are
> >> > unclear to me, but they run on the other chromium bots that run layout
> >> > tests.
> >> >
> >> >> 3) Why is webkit_gpu_tests a separate step from webkit_tests?
> >> >
> >> > Different flags are passed to DumpRenderTree, but it runs some of the
> >> > same
> >> > tests.  This is so we can get coverage for (for instance) the 2d
> canvas
> >> > API
> >> > in our hardware and software paths.
> >>
> >> Could we instead use the layoutTestController to enable or disable
> >> whatever flags at test-time rather than on the command line?  For
> >> example, we could put the guts of the 2d canvas tests into a
> >> JavaScript file and include it in two HTML files, one that sets the
> >> flag and one that does not.  That's how we handle strict vs quirks
> >> mode, for example.
> >
> > There are 802 tests in canvas/philip/tests/ (which is an imported suite),
> > currently all implemented as separate .html files, and another 166 in
> > fast/canvas.  It seems a bit tedious to manually wrap each of these tests
> in
> > two different wrappers.  That doesn't seem like a very practical option,
> > although it has some nice aspects.
> I'd be happy to edit these thousand files if it meant we could remove
> the complexity of the GPU configuration.

You would have to modify all currently existing tests, and all such tests
that will be added in the future.  I'm not sure how to patch tests that will
only exist in the future.

>  The ongoing maintenance cost
> of 

Re: [webkit-dev] run-bindings-tests

2011-09-08 Thread James Robinson
On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Alexey Proskuryakov  wrote:

> 08.09.2011, в 11:32, Eric Seidel написал(а):
> > FYI:  As many of you already know, the bots run
> > "run-bindings-tests" on (almost) all platforms.
> >
> > They've been running (mostly w/o incident) on the bots since 6/20:
> >
> >
> >
> > These just make sure that our generated bindings look sane, by
> > comparing the generated results against checked-in baselines.
> >
> > run-bindings-tests makes it easier to make cross-platform bindings
> > changes w/o needing a Gtk/Qt/V8/etc. port of WebKit.
> >
> > If you're changing binding generation you should be aware of this script.
> As discussed on IRC, I do not think that bots should run this test at all.
> It has a non-trivial maintenance cost, but provides very little benefit.
> Even the time spent by multiple engineers on IRC today discussing bot
> complaints is likely more than the test could save in the lifetime of the
> project, at my guesstimate.
> A test like this is almost like keeping a separate text file with a number
> of space characters in WebKit sources, and chastising anyone who fails to
> update this text file with their commit. Why would we care about the number
> of spaces, or about the exact look of generated code?
> Specifically, this is today's failure: <
> - a test that complains about such changes doesn't test for the right thing.
> A script like this might be useful to run locally when making bindings
> changes if in doubt, comparing "before" and "after" results. There is no
> need to check in most recent results for this though. I'm not sure if this
> gives you more than manually copying DerivedSources directory and diffing
> new derived sources to that, but if someone finds a little automation
> valuable, then why not.

We used to not run these tests on the bots.  This meant that people would
change the bindings code and not update the expected results, so the
expected results were always massively out of date.  This meant when
patching the bindings scripts you could not rely on run-bindings-tests at
all, because the expectations were already broken before you made any
changes!  This it not theoretical, it happened to be multiple times and I
know I'm not the only one.

The real problem here is that people check in without looking at the bots
and then do not respond when the bots go red.  That's a people problem.

- James

> - WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] ENABLE flag cleanup strawman proposal

2011-09-14 Thread James Robinson
== Always Enable ==

> ENABLE(WEB_TIMING) ??? (I think Maciej has concerns about this
> feature, so maybe keep configurable.)
> ENABLE(WTF_MULTIPLE_THREADS) <-- ggaren is already making this happen,
> right?
Is your proposal that since these ENABLE()s are always true, that we delete
the compile guards from the codebase and build scripts?  If so that sounds
like a great idea in general (although I'm not saying that necessarily makes
sense for everything in this list).

- James
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Mouse Lock API

2011-09-21 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Alexey Proskuryakov  wrote:

> 21.09.2011, в 10:56, Eric Uhrhane написал(а):
> >> one can always move the mouse pointer to top of screen to get back their
> menu bar.
> > Is that a Mac thing?
> Yes, this is how fullscreen applications regularly work on OS X.

This is not true for several Flash-based fullscreen video players that I've
used on my mac.  The interaction there is that upon entering fullscreen
Flash displays an overlay indicating that hitting ESC will exit fullscreen
mode and the video player displays its controls near the bottom of the
screen.  After these fade away, the video controls appear only when moving
the mouse pointer to the bottom ~1/3rd of the screen.  Moving the mouse
pointer to the top of the screen does nothing.  Hitting ESC or clicking on
the appropriate button in the video player's controls exits fullscreen mode.
 This seems entirely reasonable to me, the keyboard control is provided by
Flash itself to prevent bad SWFs from taking control of my computer and the
SWF itself provides the additional controls that make sense for its domain.

- James

> >  Mousing around in a fullscreen flash app on
> > Linux or Windows 7 certainly doesn't pop up a menu bar when I hit the
> > top.  And the way out is always to hit ESC [although there's often a
> > button as well, depending on the application], so I'm not sure what
> > the problem with fullscreen mouse lock would be.
> I do not have recent knowledge of Linux, but my understanding is that
> Windows UI is undergoing a major redesign with Metro, so basing APIs largely
> on how Windows used to work up to version 7 may not be future proof.

> - WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] New feature announcement - Implement HTML5 Microdata in WebKit

2011-09-22 Thread James Robinson
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Charles Pritchard  wrote:

> On 9/22/2011 2:13 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
>> On Fri, 23 Sep 2011, Dean Jackson wrote:
>>> However, isn't prefixing designed to avoid incompatibilities in spec
>>> changes, not incompatibilities between implementations? Ensuring no
>>> conflicts in implementations doesn't matter too much if the spec
>>> changes.
>> It's designed to ensure that authors can reliably use a name and expect to
>> get the same result in any UA that supports that name.
>> I'm not going to change the spec in a way that conflicts with that -- if
>> the spec has to change, it'll change either in a compatible way (e.g. to
>> match what was actually implemented), or in a way that doesn't conflict
>> (e.g. by changing the name in the spec).
>>  Note I'm not talking about Microdata in particular. I don't even know
>>> what that spec is :) I'm just talking about the general approach. If the
>>> world can guarantee that this spec will never change, then I guess your
>>> technique works.
>>> FWIW, there is an in-between approach, which is the one used by WebGL.
>>> It defines a prefix that all implementations share.
>>> canvas.getContext("**experimental-webgl");
>> That'll just result in that name becoming the standard.
> I would like "some kind" of fast track method for these kind of issues.
> Something like a "Request for dropping prefix" RfDP protocol would be
> super.

Please post this feedback to some thread where it's relevant, not on a
WebKit development mailing list discussion about a specific feature.

- James

> "RfDP: Microdata". First the spec editor would have to vouch for it, then,
> if Moz, MS, Opera, Apple and Google reps can give a nod within a few weeks,
> we've got something.
> I'd really like to avoid repeats of  the CSS "-vnd-transform" baggage, when
> possible.
> WebKit went back and forth on BlobBuilder. Now it's at:
> "WebKitBlobBuilder". That was not so fun.
> That's another situation I'd like to avoid.
> For this particular method, the microdata section, I'm happy enough hearing
> that the spec editor will vouch for it.
> If that's the precedent, I'll take it. I'd like to learn how we can build
> on that precedent.
> Reps from the major vendors have been quite responsive this year. I know
> they can't "commit" to supporting
> an API in a short time frame (such as the File API), but they have been
> great about voicing issues.
> -Charles
> __**_
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Re: [webkit-dev] new APIs for strokes with dash in Canvas

2011-09-22 Thread James Robinson
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Young Han Lee  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a patch to add webkitLineDash and webkitLineDashOffset APIs on
> CanvasRenderingContext2D on
> The purpose of these APIs is to support for strokes with dash in Canvas.
> Although the API is not specified in the HTML Canvas specification yet, I
> believe it would be great to support the API. As Dirk said in the above bug,
> Mozilla already implemented the APIs named mozDash and mozDashOffset[1], and
> there seems to be many needs for the API. Some people even implemented their
> own javascript functions to draw strokes with dash in Canvas[2,3].
> As GraphicsContext already have an interface for strokes with dash,
> setLineDash, all we have to do is exposing it to the JS level. So the syntax
> and meaning of the new APIs is the same with the arguments of the
> setLineDash. webkitLineDash is an array of float, and webkitLineDashOffset
> is a float.
> I uploaded a patch for JSC first. After the patch is landed, I will make a
> follow-up patch for V8.
> Any thought?

Has this proposal been raised in the WHATWG, which specifies the canvas 2d
interface?  It sounds like in this email you have done most of the work
necessary for a good spec proposal (see

- James

> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] Enable REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME on all ports? (was Re: ENABLE flag cleanup strawman proposal)

2011-09-25 Thread James Robinson
On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 11:29 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 11:21 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> >> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 11:06 PM, Darin Fisher 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> That might make sense to always enable.  It seems to be very popular.
> >
> > REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME appears not to be enabled for GTK, Qt, or
> > AppleWin.  Is there port-specific work that needs to be done to enable
> > the feature for those ports?
> Looking a the code briefly, it appears that the
> USE(REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME_TIMER) flavor doesn't require
> port-specific work, but the non-timer version had a dependency on
> ChromeClient::scheduleAnimation().
> I'll try to cook up a patch that enables REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME
> everywhere and uses USE(REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME_TIMER) on ports
> without ChromeClient::scheduleAnimation().

The TIMER based support for RAF is very new (only a few weeks old) and still
has several major bugs.  I'd suggest letting it bake for a bit before
considering turning it on for all ports.  Fundamentally I don't think this
feature can be implemented reasonably well with just timers, so port
maintainers should take a really careful look at the level of support they
want to have for this feature when deciding if they want to support it.

- James

> Adam
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] Enable REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME on all ports? (was Re: ENABLE flag cleanup strawman proposal)

2011-09-26 Thread James Robinson
On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Darin Adler  wrote:

> On Sep 25, 2011, at 12:20 AM, James Robinson wrote:
> > The TIMER based support for RAF is very new (only a few weeks old) and
> still has several major bugs. I'd suggest letting it bake for a bit before
> considering turning it on for all ports.
> Got it.
> > Fundamentally I don't think this feature can be implemented reasonably
> well with just timers, so port maintainers should take a really careful look
> at the level of support they want to have for this feature when deciding if
> they want to support it.
> This may contradict the recommendation above. If the timer-based version is
> too low quality then maybe we shouldn’t put ports in the position of
> shipping with a substandard implementation rather than simply having the
> feature omitted.

Perhaps if I expand on my concerns a bit it'll be clearer what the right
option is.

The goal of requestAnimationFrame is to allow web authors to have
high-quality script-driven animations.  To use a concrete example, when
playing angry birds ( and flinging a bird
across the terrain, the RAF-based animation should move the bird at a
uniform rate across the screen at the same framerate as the physical display
without hitches or interruptions.  An additional goal is that we shouldn't
do any unnecessary work for frames that do not show up on screen, although
it's generally necessary to do this in order to satisfy the first goal as
I'll show below.  There are two main things that you need in order to
achieve this that are difficult or impossible to do with a WebCore Timer: a
reliable display-rate aligned time source, and a source of feedback from the
underlying display mechanism.

The first is easiest to think about with an example.  When the angry bird
mentioned above is flying across the screen, the user should experience the
bird advancing by the same amount every time their display's update
refreshes.  Let's assume a 60Hz display and a 15ms timer (as the
current REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME_TIMER code uses), and furthermore assume
(somewhat optimistically) that every frame takes 0ms to process in
javascript and 0ms to display.  The screen will update at the following
times (in milliseconds): 0, 16 2/3, 33 1/3, 50, 66 2/3, 83 1/3, 100, etc.
 The visual X position of the bird on the display is directly proportional
to the time elapsed when the rAF handler runs, since it's interpolating the
bird's position, and the rAF handler will run at times 0, 15, 30, 45, 60,
etc.  We can thus determine the visual X position of the bird for each

Frame 0, time 0ms, position: 0, delta from last frame:
Frame 1, time 16 2/3ms, position: 15, delta from last frame: 15
Frame 2, time 33 1/3ms, position: 30, delta from last frame: 15
Frame 3, time 50 0/3 ms, position: 45, delta from last frame: 15
Frame 4, time 66 2/3 ms, position: 60, delta from last frame: 15
Frame 5, time 83 1/3 ms, position: 75, delta from last frame: 15
Frame 6, time 100 0/0 ms, position: 90, delta from last frame: 15
Frame 7, time 116 2/3ms, position: 105, delta from last frame: 15
Frame 8, time 133 1/3ms, position: 120, delta from last frame: 15
Frame 9, time 150 0/3 ms, position: 150, delta from last frame: 30 (!)
Frame 10, time 166 2/3 ms, position: 165, delta from last frame: 15
Frame 11, time 183 1/3 ms, position: 180, delta from last frame: 15
Frame 12, time 200 0/0 ms, position: 195, delta from last frame: 15

What happened at frame 9?  Instead of advancing by 15 milliseconds worth,
the bird jumped forward by twice the normal amount.  Why?  We ran the rAF
callback twice between frames 8 and 9 - once at 135ms and once at 150ms.
 What's actually going on here is we're accumulating a small amount of drift
on every frame (1.6... milliseconds, to be precision) between when the
display is refreshing and when the callbacks are being invoked.  This has to
catch up sometime so we end up with a beat pattern every (16 2/3) / abs(16
2/3 - 15) = 10 frames.  The same thing happens with a perfect 16ms timer
every 25 frames, or with a perfect 17ms timer every 50 frames.  Even a very
close timer will produce these regular beat patterns and as it turns out the
human eye is incredibly good at picking out and getting annoyed by these
effects in an otherwise smooth animation.

For this reason, you really need a precise time source that is tied in to
the actual display's refresh rate.  Not all displays are exactly 60Hz - at
smaller form factors 50 or even 55hz displays are not completely unheard of.
 Additionally the normal clock APIs aren't always precise enough to stay in
sync with the actual display - particularly on windows it's really hard to
find a clock that doesn't drift around all over the place.

The above analysis assumes that all calls are infinitely fast and there'

Re: [webkit-dev] Enable REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME on all ports? (was Re: ENABLE flag cleanup strawman proposal)

2011-09-27 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Chris Marrin  wrote:

> On Sep 26, 2011, at 9:48 PM, James Robinson wrote:
> >
> > What happened at frame 9?  Instead of advancing by 15 milliseconds worth,
> the bird jumped forward by twice the normal amount.  Why?  We ran the rAF
> callback twice between frames 8 and 9 - once at 135ms and once at 150ms.
>  What's actually going on here is we're accumulating a small amount of drift
> on every frame (1.6... milliseconds, to be precision) between when the
> display is refreshing and when the callbacks are being invoked.  This has to
> catch up sometime so we end up with a beat pattern every (16 2/3) / abs(16
> 2/3 - 15) = 10 frames.  The same thing happens with a perfect 16ms timer
> every 25 frames, or with a perfect 17ms timer every 50 frames.  Even a very
> close timer will produce these regular beat patterns and as it turns out the
> human eye is incredibly good at picking out and getting annoyed by these
> effects in an otherwise smooth animation.
> I generally agree with your analysis, but I believe your example is
> misleading. "Skipping a frame" would only cause the bird to jump by 30 units
> rather than 15 if you were simply adding 15 units to its position on every
> call to rAF. But that would make the rate of movement of the bird change
> based on the rate at which rAF is called, and that would be poor design. If
> an implementation decided to call rAF at 30ms intervals (due to system load,
> for instance) then the bird would appear to move half as fast, which isn't
> what you want.
> Assuming you're basing the position on the time at which the animation
> started, then the bird's apparent rate will not change depending on the rate
> at which rAF is firing.
> With that said, I agree with you that there will still be a visual glitch
> in the current implementation. But what's actually happening is that the
> timestamp we're sending to rAF is wrong. We're sending current time.
> Depending on when rAF fires relative to the display refresh, the timestamp
> might be as much as 16ms behind the time the frame is actually seen. If
> you're basing motion on this timestamp, there will be an occasion when one
> frame will have a timestamp that is very close to the display time and the
> next will have a timestamp that is 15ms or so behind. That's why the glitch
> is happening.

I'm assuming in this example that the script changing the position of the
bird to match the timestamp parameter passed in. You are correct in saying
that changing the timestamp parameter to reflect the next display time would
get rid of the visual glitch in this example.  In that case the behavior
between frames 8 and 10 would be:

time (millis) : action
120: rAF fired with timestamp 133 1/3
133 1/3: frame 8 produced
135: rAF fired with timestamp 150
150: rAF fired with timestamp 150
 150 0/3: frame 9 produced
165: rAF fired with timestamp 166 2/3
166 2/3: frame 10 produced

The problem here is that in the real world, frames aren't infinitely cheap
to produce and so attempting to run the rAF callback twice between frames 8
and 9 is just as likely to produce a rendering glitch as the problem in the
original example - even though the timestamp is correct.  In order to keep
the animation running smoothly here it's necessary to keep the timestamp and
the scheduling in sync with the actual display rate.

> So I don't believe this has anything to do with Timers per se, but with the
> wrong timestamp we happen to be sending to rAF. We knew this would happen
> and we chose this method because it gave us a nice simple first
> implementation. I still believe it's a fine implementation and it is
> platform independent, so it allows all the ports to support rAF.

> >
> > For this reason, you really need a precise time source that is tied in to
> the actual display's refresh rate.  Not all displays are exactly 60Hz - at
> smaller form factors 50 or even 55hz displays are not completely unheard of.
>  Additionally the normal clock APIs aren't always precise enough to stay in
> sync with the actual display - particularly on windows it's really hard to
> find a clock that doesn't drift around all over the place.
> >
> > The above analysis assumes that all calls are infinitely fast and there's
> no real contention for system resources.  In practice, though, this is
> rarely the case.  It's not uncommon that the system will temporarily get
> overloaded and has to make tradeoffs between maintaining a high framerate
> and remaining responsive to user input.  In Chromium, we have some logic to
> ensure that we load balance between handling input events and painting to
> ensure that processing one

Re: [webkit-dev] Change to style guideline: should use type& instead of type* for out arguments

2011-10-04 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

> Hi,
> It came to my attention that some people are using raw pointers to pass
> out-arguments (e.g. bug 69366). In my understanding, we use pass by
> reference for out arguments when they have to be modified in callees.
> If there's no objection, I'm going to file a bug & upload a patch to state
> this explicitly in the style guideline.

Could you explain why?  Is it to document the nullity of the out-param?

I personally find pointers for out parameters to be appropriate in many
situations.  It makes the side effects of manipulating the parameter more
obvious, and it provides a clear way for the caller to indicate that they
don't care about a certain out parameter.  It sounds like you have reasons
to prefer the opposite behavior.

- James

> Best,
> Ryosuke Niwa
> Software Engineer
> Google Inc.
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] Please use platform prefixes in bug titles

2011-10-05 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 5:43 PM, Simon Fraser  wrote:

> On Oct 5, 2011, at 5:37 PM, Darin Adler wrote:
> > Hi folks.
> >
> > It really helps frequent reviewers like me if you use platform prefixes
> on bugs. A platform prefix indicates that the bug only affects code on a
> particular platform. For example:
> >
> >[Mac] Use four more named cursors if present
> >
> > The above title tells you the patch is Mac-specific. Or:
> >
> >[Chromium] Switch threaded compositor from a compile time option to a
> run time one
> >
> > The above title tells you the patch is Chromium-specific. There are
> various other common prefixes, such as [Skia] or [Qt].
> >
> > Including a prefix on a bug title shows courtesy for others not working
> on your platform and is good for sharing the WebKit project. You should
> leave off a prefix if the patch includes cross-platform changes as well as
> platform-specific changes.
> Why don't we just fix bugzilla to have a useful lists of ports in one of
> the "Platform" popups?

That would certainly be nice, but it wouldn't be as useful as having the
platform in the bug description.  The "Platform" field is not very obvious
in the bugzilla UI and doesn't show up at all in bugzilla-generated emails,
ChangeLogs, or commit messages.  Many of our bugs are filed via tools like
webkit-patch or sheriffbot which could be taught about the Platform entry,
but doing so would decrease the usability of the tools and I suspect many
people would get it wrong.

- James

> Simon
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] New feature flag proposal: Joystick API

2011-10-06 Thread James Robinson
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Alexey Proskuryakov  wrote:

> I share Simon's concern that that providing low level access to every
> possible controller creates fragmentation, with purportedly "HTML" content
> that only works on a few devices. There is no clear cut border here - it's
> been mentioned that even touch events can be seen as rare - and then I
> advocate that adding more mouse specific events is a bad idea for the same
> reason.
> As we add joystick/gamepad support, should steering wheels be next on the
> agenda? 3d mice?

Would you mind raising this concern in the relevant standards body (in this
case, seems to be relevant)?  Debating issues with
standards on webkit-dev is unproductive - it does not include all parties
who have an interest, in particular other browser vendors and web
developers, and it does include a lot of WebKit developers who probably
aren't interested.

- James

>  - WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov
> 06.10.2011, в 10:01, Darin Fisher написал(а):
> This proposal has matured somewhat, so an update is in order.
> FYI:
> We are working behind the ENABLE(GAMEPAD) flag at the moment.  Mozilla is
> also building a prototype of this API.
> We are doing development on the trunk (disabled by default) so that we can
> more easily solicit game developers for feedback using our existing Chrome
> distribution channels.  This feature should have a very light touch on
> existing cross platform code.
> We encourage folks to share feedback on the API design to
> Regards,
> -Darin
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:19 AM, Simon Fraser wrote:
>> I think it's too early to implement this. We should wait until it's a W3C
>> draft at least.
>> window.addEventListener("MozJoyConnected"..), really?
>> Simon
>> On Aug 24, 2011, at 8:36 AM, Scott Graham wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I wanted to let everyone know that I propose to add a new feature
>> > flag, JOYSTICK.
>> >
>> > This flag will enable an API and events for accessing joysticks and
>> > related devices. There's a prototype effort happening in Mozilla also
>> > (, and the design is intended to
>> > be similar.
>> >
>> > As it will not necessarily make sense for all ports, nor be
>> > implemented immediately in all ports, a feature flag seems
>> > appropriate.
>> >
>> > Please let me know if you have any concerns or comments.
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> > ___
>> > webkit-dev mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] New feature flag proposal: Joystick API

2011-10-06 Thread James Robinson
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Alexey Proskuryakov  wrote:

> 06.10.2011, в 13:49, Scott Graham написал(а):
> The first revision of the spec (from the Scope section) is intended to
> handle:
> ... support for devices common to current gaming systems including
> gamepads, directional pads, joysticks, wheels, pedals, accelerometers.
> Why does the spec title and abstract talk about gamepads (joysticks)
> only? Perhaps it's my mistake that I didn't read the scope section, but with
> title and abstract being so specific, that seemed unnecessary.
> Skipping scope section, I went right to IDL. Why is the interface called
> Gamepad if it's not only about gamepads?

I hate to repeat myself but this feedback really should go to the working
group defining the specification.

- James

>  - WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] layout tests: how are some compared against image, and others only text?

2012-01-04 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Elliot Poger  wrote:

> What is it that causes some tests to require baseline images (and not text
> files) for comparison, while others require text and not image baselines?
> (I know that I can specifically SKIP comparison against IMAGE and/or TEXT
> using test_expectations.txt... but even without the use of
> test_expectations, I believe that some tests are compared against only text
> or only image.)
> As an example, I see that this test has only image baselines and no text
> baselines:
> $ ls LayoutTests/platform/*/fast/canvas/canvas-text-baseline*.png | wc -l
> 10
> $ ls LayoutTests/platform/*/fast/canvas/canvas-text-baseline*.txt | wc -l
> ls: cannot access
> LayoutTests/platform/*/fast/canvas/canvas-text-baseline*.txt: No such file
> or directory

Wrong, you've missed some:

 $ find LayoutTests/ -name canvas-text-baseline*
LayoutTests/fast/canvas/canvas-text-baseline-expected.txt < this
one applies

> while this test has only text baselines and no image baselines:
> $ ls LayoutTests/platform/*/fast/canvas/canvas-lineWidth*.png | wc -l
> ls: cannot access
> LayoutTests/platform/*/fast/canvas/canvas-lineWidth*.png: No such file or
> directory
> 0
> $ ls LayoutTests/platform/*/fast/canvas/canvas-lineWidth*.txt | wc -l
> 5

This test calls layoutTestController.dumpAsText() (in js-test-pre.js), so
there's no .png.

- James

> Is there something inherent in each test that indicates whether its
> results will be compared against image and/or text baselines?  Or is it
> simply a matter of what baseline files are found to compare against?
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] New CSS property -webkit-control-text-overflow

2012-01-12 Thread James Robinson
What is the status of this feature in the CSS WG? I would expect this
information to be available in the announcement and/or the feature bug but
I cannot find it.

- James
On Jan 11, 2012 11:30 PM, "Jon Lee"  wrote:

> Hi WebKit!
> I wanted to let you know that we would like to add a new CSS property
> -webkit-control-text-overflow. It is a non-inheritable property that can
> only be applied to single-line text inputs. Acceptable values are the same
> as text-overflow, i.e. "clip" and "ellipsis".
> When the input is set with the "ellipsis" value, both the placeholder and
> inner text value of the input render with an ellipsis if the text overflows
> and the input is not focused. When the input becomes focused, the
> placeholder or text value renders clipped, as before.
> Although this is a small enhancement to text controls, we think this is
> especially useful for authors developing on the mac platform, since the
> analog native widgets behave similarly.
> The bug that tracks this is:
> Jon
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] Question regarding rebaseline for Layout Test Result for EFL port

2012-01-23 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 12:02 AM, Gyuyoung Kim  wrote:

> Hello WebKit folks.
> It looks that the result of layout test for EFL port needs rebaseline
> because of 101343. The revision modified line spacing of font in
> SimpleFontDataFreeType.cpp, and it seems that the existing layout test
> result of EFL port was influenced by it. (
> 3,936 test cases are failed after the revision (101343).
> * EFL port's layout test result with r101343
>   => Results: 16139/27915 tests passed (57.8%)
>   => Tests to be fixed (11776):
> 4423 text diff mismatch   (37.6%)
> 9 image mismatch   ( 0.1%)
> 7344 skipped  (62.4%)
> * EFL port's layout test Result without r101343
>   => Results: 20074/27915 tests passed (71.9%)
>   => Tests to be fixed (7841):
> 1 test timed out   ( 0.0%)
> 487 text diff mismatch   ( 6.2%)
> 9 image mismatch   ( 0.1%)
> 7344 skipped  (93.7%)
> It looks GTK port also did rebaseline due to the revision.
>  -
>  -
>  -
>  - And so on.
> I think EFL port also needs to do rebaseline for layout test result. GTK
> port did rebaseline without review because patch is too huge. Is there any
> processes for rebaseline ?

In Chromium, rebaselines are nearly always landed by Chromium committers
without review.  If there is some doubt on whether a rebaseline is correct
or not it's expected that the committer will check with the appropriate
party, but we don't require the full review process.

I'd expect other ports follow a similar guideline for their own baselines.

- James

> - gyuyoung
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] Initial painting time changed?

2012-01-30 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 3:56 AM, Nikolas Zimmermann <> wrote:

> Good evening WebKit folks,
> while working on some SVG Filter dynamic update issues I found out that
> long-standing assumptions about the paint time don't hold anymore:
> function doTest() {
>   document.getElementById("rect").setAttribute("width", "100");
>   layoutTestController.notifyDone();
> }
> layoutTestController.waitUntilDone();
> setTimeout(doTest, 0);
> The document was laid out and painted once before the timeout fired. Most
> SVG repainting tests work this way: setup document initially, then use a
> setTimeout(doSomething, 0) to eg. change an attribute, then dump the
> document to capture that invalidations/repaints work properly.

That's racy and doesn't match what actual browsers will do.

> Something has changed recently - to get the same effect as we used to,
> following is needed:
> function doTest() {
>   setTimeout(function() {// EXTRA TIMEOUT 1
>   document.getElementById("rect").setAttribute("width", "100");
>   setTimeout(function() { layoutTestController.notifyDone(); }, 0); //
>   }, 0);
> }
> layoutTestController.waitUntilDone();
> setTimeout(doTest, 0);

This doesn't look any better.

If you want to paint at a specific time in a repaint test, use

> Does that ring a bell to anyone? Why is the initial painting not done yet,
> if setTimeout(, 0) fires the first time?
> There's also an extra setTimeout needed now, before calling notifyDone(),
> otherwise the repaint is not captured.
> Currently most SVG tests that exercise dynamic updates are useless, as the
> painting always happens after the whole script ran, that means it's not
> possible to capture repaint problems at the moment w/o fixing all these
> tests.

I think you should fix the tests.

- James

> Cheers,
> Niko
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] Initial painting time changed?

2012-01-30 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Nikolas Zimmermann <> wrote:

> Am 30.01.2012 um 19:38 schrieb James Robinson:
>> The document was laid out and painted once before the timeout fired. Most
>> SVG repainting tests work this way: setup document initially, then use a
>> setTimeout(doSomething, 0) to eg. change an attribute, then dump the
>> document to capture that invalidations/repaints work properly.
> That's racy and doesn't match what actual browsers will do.
> Not correct, this was never racy, and the usual way we're testing since
> half a decade.
> This has changed recently w/o a note, which is not acceptable.
> If you want to paint at a specific time in a repaint test, use
> layoutTestController.display().
> That's only an option, if we could use it to force repainting w/o painting
> gray rectangle first (eg. add a bool flag to display, that toggles graying
> the view first or not)
>> Does that ring a bell to anyone? Why is the initial painting not done
>> yet, if setTimeout(, 0) fires the first time?
>> There's also an extra setTimeout needed now, before calling notifyDone(),
>> otherwise the repaint is not captured.
>> Currently most SVG tests that exercise dynamic updates are useless, as
>> the painting always happens after the whole script ran, that means it's not
>> possible to capture repaint problems at the moment w/o fixing all these
>> tests.
> I think you should fix the tests.
> Well, I still think such a change in behavior should be discussed first,
> w/o breaking existing test coverage.
> It's also a bit much to ask me to fix sth. around 500-1000 tests?

I didn't see any regressions, pixel tests or otherwise, when running with
this patch, nor did the bots.  What platform / test configuration are you
seeing issues on?

This should not be an observable change in behavior.  setTimeout() vs
painting behavior has never been guaranteed in DRT or in actual browsers.

- James

> Cheers,
> Niko
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] Please set the svn:mime-type property on binary files before committing

2012-03-07 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 3:21 PM, Dan Bernstein  wrote:

> Please set the svn:mime-type property on binary files that you add to the
> tree, such as *-expected.png, before committing. Otherwise the resulting
> webkit-changes message will include those files as text, which is
> inconvenient.

Step 3 of
take care of this ( has
slightly more verbose directions).

- James

> Thanks.
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] Git/SVN is slow

2012-03-14 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 2:08 PM, William Siegrist wrote:

> On Mar 14, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Robert Hogan  wrote:
> > On Wednesday 14 March 2012 08:44:46 Ashod Nakashian wrote:
> >>> From: Nikolas Zimmermann 
> >>> To: WebKit Development 
> >>> Cc:
> >>> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:31 AM
> >>> Subject: [webkit-dev] Git/SVN is slow
> >>>
> >>> G ood morning WebKit crowd,
> >>>
> >>> since at least some weeks, updating and/or
> >>> is extremely slow for me.
> >>> I have a git fetch rate below 3KiB/s average - surfing the web and/or
> >>> downloading anything else is acceptable with my 10MBit connection.
> >>> I'm located near Cologne, in Germany -- do any other european
> >>> WebKittens suffer from the same problems?
> >>
> >
> > It has always been pretty slow for me too (Ireland), occasionally as bad
> as
> > you describe but more often in the 80-100KiB/s average. Thanks for
> sharing
> > the chromium mirror tip.
> >
> Our network provider is looking into our bandwidth problems. It looks like
> this may affect more than just git or svn.

For the record this is not only an issue with overseas connections.   I've
seen extremely slow pull times as well and lots of 500s from various servers.  I'm in Mountain View, CA and have what I would
consider to be ample bandwidth available to the internet.

- James

> -Bill
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] handling failing tests (test_expectations, Skipped files, etc.)

2012-04-09 Thread James Robinson
> 3) Don't use test_expectations.txt to suppress failures across a
> single cycle of the bot, just so you can gather updated baselines
> without the tree going red. While it might seem that you're doing tree
> maintainers a favor, in my experience this just makes things confusing
> and it's better to let the tree go red until you can actually
> rebaseline things. It's too easy to add a suppression "for now" and
> then forget about it.

How would you suggest someone contribute a patch that changes layout test
results, if not by marking the test as failing?

- James
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] github mirror

2012-04-24 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 7:15 AM, Tor Arne Vestbø

> On 24.04.12 16:04, ext Shezan Baig wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Adam Roben  wrote:
>>> In what situation does this cause issues?

>>> Probably the biggest issue is for people who've been using
>>> and now want to try out GitHub. Since the commits are
>>> distinct between the two repositories, they have to do a full clone to
>>> make the switch.
>> In theory though, these users should be able to just add a remote to
>> their existing clone.  Then it will just sync the commit objects, and
>> not the trees and blobs.  Not ideal, they would have two different
>> 'masters', but still doable, and not *that* much of an overhead.
>> Switching between the different masters should also be fast since the
>> trees will be the same.
> Right, a fetch should ideally just pull down the commit objects, but it
> appears git does not have this optimization. If it did, I don't think the
> issue of two remote masters would be that big, since you would at some
> point likely transition to use one of the mirrors anyways. And if not,
> having multiple mirrors/remotes should be fine -- I'm using both the github
> and gitorious mirror without any issues.
>  But I agree these two repos should probably merge sooner rather than
>> later, just to avoid confusion for new users etc :)
> I would support that if it means cleaning up the author-script (which I'm
> happy to do), and using that on

Whatever we decide to do in the future, author rewriting seems like
extremely low value compared to having matching SHA1s.  I think we should
get a clone on that matches the existing SHA1s
and then make sure that they stay in sync (either with rewriting or not,
but whatever does).

- James

> tor arne
> __**_
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Re: [webkit-dev] Using namespace std

2012-05-16 Thread James Robinson
On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Anders Carlsson wrote:

> On May 16, 2012, at 9:31 AM, Darin Adler  wrote:
> > On May 16, 2012, at 9:20 AM, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
> >
> >> there is another conflict which is entirely our own fault. It is
> between WTF::bind and the new std::bind from C++11
> >
> > We should find a good solution for this. I’d suggest talking with Anders
> Carlsson about it.
> I've run into this and had to use the fully qualified WTF::bind in those
> cases.
> FWIW, I don't think we really need using directives for the std namespace
> - the fully qualified name is short enough and I like the additional
> clarity that we're calling something in the standard library.

I would be strongly in favor of using fully qualified names for std classes
(std::bind instead of just bind).  This isn't a problem in other large
codebases, even ones that use far more types from std:: (like containers)
and that have column limits.

- James

> - Anders
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Re: [webkit-dev] Using ref tests for repaint bugs

2012-05-25 Thread James Robinson
On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Žan Doberšek  wrote:

> On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Dominik Röttsches <
>> wrote:
>>  Andrei,
>> On 05/25/2012 02:43 AM, Andrei Bucur wrote:
>> Ojan,
>>  As Simon states, some repaint tests will likely not be possible to
>> write correctly as ref tests, but some of them I think they fit very well
>> in the happy-no-pixel-test bucket :). If people decide it's a direction
>> worth investigating, I'll give the idea a spin.
>> I'd be interested to hear about your progress. Recently I was facing a
>> couple of similar issues:
>> and then GTK decided to always do repaints before dumping pixel results:
>> which might not be the right solution either - so if you come up with
>> something more fine-grained - that'd be great.
> Here's why a repaint is forced for the Gtk port before dumping pixel
> results:
> Gtk port uses a backing store which is updated every 0.017 seconds,
> i.e. 60 times per second, a reasonable interval.

This is reasonable for an actual browser, but not reasonable for

- James

> The problem is that many tests are structured in the way that they make an
> alteration that produces a layout change and then immediately finish. This
> leaves no time for the backing store to be updated. It would also be
> ridiculous to go around fixing tests by delaying the finish by any amount
> of time.
> Because of that a repaint is forced just before dumping the pixel results
> so the dirty regions of the backing store (only those and not the complete
> backing store) are updated.
> Regards,
> Zan
>> Dominik
>> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] Settings::devicePixelRatio and Settings::defaultDeviceScaleFactor

2012-05-31 Thread James Robinson
(top-posting to fit in)

Doesn't the same argument apply to *deviceScaleFactor?  That doesn't make
sense as a Setting either.

Pushing one or both out of settings doesn't answer the question of whether
they are redundant.  My gut feeling is that they are and we should fold
them together.  Alternately, delete defaultDeviceScaleFactor completely.

- James

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Simon Fraser wrote:

> I don' t think devicePixelRatio() belongs in settings. It should be either
> be obtained from the platform code in WebCore/WebKit, or pushed in via API.
> Simon
> On May 31, 2012, at 3:48 PM, Adam Barth wrote:
> > Is there any difference between Settings::devicePixelRatio [1] and
> > Settings::defaultDeviceScaleFactor [2] ?  They appear to be used by
> > disjoint sets of ports.  Shall we delete one in favor of the other?
> >
> > Adam
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > ___
> > webkit-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] Can we distinguish imported tests in LayoutTests/css3 ?

2012-06-11 Thread James Robinson
There are plenty of non-text tests in fast/, even entire directories of
them (fast/repaint). My understanding of the meaning of fast/ is that it is
where new tests that are not imported should go. This meaning is not
universally applied.

- James
On Jun 11, 2012 7:33 PM, "Mike Lawther"  wrote:

> I'm the guy that added css3/calc tests.
> I did so because I not all my tests are 'text only' tests, but I still
> wanted them all together. My understanding was that the 'fast' directory
> was intended for 'text only' tests only.
> Does having the 'fast' directory still serve a useful purpose? I reckon
> the original intent could be pushed into the tools, eg have a
> 'new-run-webkit-tests --fast', which will only run text-only tests. Then
> the developer adding new tests doesn't have to worry about where to put
> them.
> mike
> On 11 June 2012 18:57, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I realized that there are a whole bunch of tests in LayoutTests/css3 that
>> use layoutTestController (e.g. css3/calc, css3/filters, etc...), which
>> appears to mean that they're our own tests. However, css3/selectors3 is an
>> imported W3C test suite. It's very confusing to mix imported tests and
>> WebKit's own tests. Can we put the imported W3C tests in imported-w3c
>> directory as proposed earlier?
>> Best,
>> Ryosuke Niwa
>> Software Engineer
>> Google Inc.
>> ___
>> webkit-dev mailing list
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] Status of multithreaded image decoding

2012-08-10 Thread James Robinson
On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Alpha Lam  wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> A few weeks ago some folks from have started a thread of
> multithreaded (parallel) image decoding in WebKit. We have worked together
> since then to get a better idea how to complete this feature. I would like
> to report on the progress and our plan.
> (The goal for Chromium is slightly different but it will reuse most of the
> architecture discussed here.)
> Master bug:
> In WebKit today image rendering is progressive, meaning that image is
> rendered as bytes are received from the network. This is done through
> ImageObserver
>  and 
> CachedImageClient
>  interfaces.
> Multithreaded image decoding uses the same notification architecture,
> clients of BitmapImage are notified when a new region is decoded and
> available for painting.
> Today image decoding happens synchronously when a BitmapImage is drawn
> into a GraphicsContext. We plan to use the draw operation as a trigger to
> start image decoding asynchronously. Which means the first draw of
> BitmapImage will get a transparent image, subsequent draws will have the
> most recently decoded bitmap.
I don't think this approach will work terribly well (at least not by
itself).  It seems to require that we flash at least one frame without the
image data even when we really do have it available.  For instance, imagine
a page with a number of small image resources (small enough that they all
load completely in roughly the same instant), or cached image resources,
that impact the layout of the page.  Today, when the images load we will
redo the layout to accomodate the resources size, then at paint time decode
the images and render them.  The user never sees an intermediate state
unless the resources isn't fully loaded at paint time.  With this proposal,
the user would always see a flash where the images occupy layout space but
are not actually rendered.  I think that will be an unacceptably bad user

To do this, I think you either need deeper integration with the raster
system to make sure that it actually renders the images on the first paint
(perhaps by deferring the actual raster ops to give the decoder some time),
or kicking off the decode steps sooner and adding synchronization at paint
time to make sure we actually see the pixels.

I'm really happy someone is looking into these difficult issues.

- James

This architecture will take several steps:
> This modifies ImageSource to be asynchronous. ImageSource is used as the
> public interface for decoding images. By making this interface asynchronous
> individual port can implement parallel image decoding or a similar
> architecture. This change is ready for review. I would like to get more
> feedback on the interface since this touches all ports.
> Progressive painting of an image may not be possible everywhere. For
> example  and accelerated-composited  requires synchronous
> decoding. We plan to keep synchronous decoding the default case. This
> change identifies code location where asynchronous decoding is possible and
> tell BitmapImage asynchronous image decoding is requested.
> After these two changes we will be able to implement multithreaded image
> decoder inside BitmapImage and ImageSource. I will report on the progress
> once we get to this point.
> Alpha
> ___
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Re: [webkit-dev] Status of multithreaded image decoding

2012-08-20 Thread James Robinson
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 1:54 AM, Dong Seong Hwang

> 2012/8/14 Dong Seong Hwang 
> > Trigger image decoding early in layout and scroll will certainly
> > relieve flashing though it can’t completely remove the problem. We
> > will apply this optimization to parallel image decoder.
> >
> I changed parallel image decoder to trigger decoding on layout as
> Alpha suggested. Unfortunately, it does not seem to relieve flashing.
> I tested the change on Tumblr site, but the difference was visually
> indistinguishable.

By itself it won't help - you also need to synchronize at raster time (i.e.
block if the image isn't available).  Once the encoded bits are downloaded
off the wire and we've fire the load event on the image, we have to block
the next raster on having the decoded pixels available.

I think the way to look at this is running a race.  Your goal is to have a
non-main thread run a race - decode the images - and try to complete faster
than the main thread would have.  The finish line is the point at which the
raster engine needs access to the decoded pixels for a given image.  At
that point, you have to block the rasterization process until the pixels
are ready.  The start line is sometime after the bits are downloaded off of
the network and before the raster engine needs it.

If you think of the current code in that model, the start line is when we
first attempt to paint an image that isn't in the decode cache and the
finish line is when we hand it to the GraphicsContext.  Those happen to be
a straight call through and there's no useful main thread work to be done
in that time so we decode on the main thread.  The only way to speed this
up with threads would be to use multiple threads to decode a given image or
to split the decode and resize operations across threads.  Useful, but
there's limited utility.

The real trick is to move either the start or the finish line.  Starting
the decode on layout is one way to move the start line forward and provide
more time for the thread to get the image ready before paint time.  You
could even consider starting sooner - such as on network load - but the
tradeoff there is the sooner you start decoding the less information you
will have about how the image will actually be used.  You might start
decoding an image that will never be painted, or decode at the wrong scale
or with the wrong clip.  The closer you get to the actual paint time the
more accurate your information will be.  For instance after layout you can
have a pretty good guess at whether an image will be in the viewport and
the scale, although the layout might change again before painting.  This
indicates that you may want some sort of decoding queue with decoding jobs
that can be added, modified, or removed after being entered into the queue.

The other line to move is the finish line.  You could imagine that instead
of passing GraphicsContext commands directly to the raster backend
(CoreGraphics/cairo/skia/etc) you instead buffer the commands into queue
and play them later.  Then you could start the decoding process when you
hit the WebCore paint call for the image and only block when passing the
buffered commands into the actual backend.  Buffering the GraphicsContext
commands could allow for a number of other optimizations (collapsing draws,
dropping fully obscured draw calls, etc) The raster backend may even be
capable of taking a promise for decoded data instead of the data itself
which would let it push the finish line further back.  This last option is
what we're pursuing in skia as part of other optimizations, but might be
useful for other backends.

I think you have a lot of options here.  I want to emphasize that I think
the user experience is the most important thing to keep in mind with all of
this work.  Displaying the page faster is a great enhancement to a user's
happiness and improving our image decoding can definitely get us some big
wins.  I think any successful project here will have to be invisible to the
end user - we can't have pages flashing in unpredictably.

- James

> However, theoretically there must be some improvements. I want to
> discuss more about it while parallel image decoder is reviewed.

> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] Adding element to WebCore

2012-11-29 Thread James Robinson
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 6:08 PM, James Craig  wrote:

> Snipping somewhat for brevity…
This is an interesting standards debate but as many people have noted it
does not belong on the webkit-dev list, which is for coordinating the
development of WebKit.  Please take this over to whatwg@ or some other
appropriate standards list.

- James
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Breaking other ports

2013-01-29 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>> I understand that the new "rules of the road" for WebKit2 are that
>> contributors are allowed to break non-Apple ports.  However, those new
>> norms do not extend to WebCore.
>> In , Alexey broke form
>> resubmission confirmation in the Chromium port.  In
>> , he is refusing to
>> fix the regression.  I don't view that as acceptable behavior from a
>> member of the WebKit community.
> I understand your frustration but I don't think he intentionally broke the
> feature given that neither EWS nor commit queue detected the regression.

I don't see Adam or anyone else implying that he intentionally broke a
feature, but regardless when a patch to WebCore causes a regression in an
upstream port the options are to investigate and fix the regression or roll
the patch out.  If Alexey doesn't want to look into the regression, which
is valid, then the only clear option is to roll it out until someone who is
familiar with the breakage can look at it.

>  As far as I checked both of those bugs, there aren't even a Chromium test
> failing per his patch. So his patch broke something that had not been
> tested before.
> Also, given that the fix needs to Chromium port specific, it doesn't seem
> productive to ask Alexey, who presumably doesn't know much about Chromium
> port, to come up with a fix for it. And both of those bugs and
> don't seem to
> contain any information as to why his patch broke the feature or what kind
> of changes he needs to make in order to fix it. Someone who knows how form
> resubmission confirmation works in Chromium needs to help him so that we
> can fix this regression.

If Alexey is interested in learning about this and fixing it, that's fine,
but in the meantime the regression can't be left in the tree.  As long as
I've been involved with the WebKit project there has been a strict
no-regression policy.

- James

> - R. Niwa
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] Exporting symbols (was Re: Common build system (was Re: WebKit Wishes))

2013-02-02 Thread James Robinson
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Balazs Kelemen  wrote:

> On 02/01/2013 02:28 AM, Darin Fisher wrote:
>> It would be nice if, in the shared library build of chromium, webcore and
>> perhaps the modules and platform were separate DLLs.
> The shared library build is kind of a developer build, right? In this case
> I believe you can solve this by setting the default visibility to public at
> compiler/linker level, no need for exports.

That doesn't work on windows.

- James

> -kbalazs
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Re: [webkit-dev] Merging the iOS port to (Re: WebCore and interlocking threads)

2013-02-09 Thread James Robinson
On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:

> On Feb 9, 2013, at 10:11 AM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
>> On Feb 8, 2013, at 2:33 PM, Darin Fisher  wrote:
>> I would recommend minimizing the re-architecture of WebCore as you are in
>> the early stages of upstreaming.  It seems like you already have a working
>> port that you could simply upstream.  You could then work with others in
>> the community to introduce new concepts to WebCore with the full disclosure
>> of code as an aide to the process.  Another option might be to open source
>> the entire thing as a branch somewhere.
>> After the initial upstreaming or sharing of code is complete, you could
>> then catalog all of the warts.  The fact that isMainThread returns true
>> when called on more than one thread would be one such wart.  I can imagine
>> a meta bug tracking all of these warts.  This would make it a lot easier
>> for others to understand the overall change in direction needed for WebKit
>> to properly support the iOS port.
>> That's approximately what we're planning to do. We are upstreaming
>> incrementally, starting with simple pieces, and documenting issues. The bug
>> that sparked this thread was a relatively change to isMainThread(), plus a
>> function rename, and we are no longer asking for the function rename. It
>> will likely be a dozen line patch touching a single mac/ios-specific file.
>> We'd really like to fully upstream the simpler components like WTF (where
>> the changes are all simple and targeted) even if we can't as easily do
>> WebCore (where there may be more complex and controversial diffs).
> From what you've said, it sounds like this issue doesn't apply to WebKit2
> on iOS.
> (1) What WebKit2 on iOS? We have not announced or shipped such a thing.
> The code used by MobileSafari, and by third party apps like the embedded
> browser in Twitter, or Chrome for iOS is a WebKit1 based port.
> (2) You might reasonably guess that WebKit2 on iOS is a plausible future
> direction. If we did do it, then as on Mac we would consider it a
> requirement for it to use the same binaries for WebCore and lower (though
> we'd turn off the Web Thread at runtime).
> Perhaps we should focus on merging WebKit2 into trunk and delay having to
> worry about running WebCore on multiple interlocking threads.
> This suggestion is approximately equivalent to "let's not merge yet", for
> reasons stated above.
> There are certainly pros and cons to merging. It would be great get input
> from the broader WebKit community on the tradeoff of merging sooner vs
> avoidance of weird legacy code in the main tree. In the meantime, we'll
> stick to merging things that are not overly controversial as much as we can.
> Regards,
> Maciej
> P.S. "Running WebCore on interlocking threads" is a needlessly scary way
> to describe what iOS WebKit does. There is no complex fine-grained locking
> or actual parallel execution. It's more like what would happen if you ran
> WebKit on a GCD dispatch queue or a thread in a userspace M:N threading
> library, instead of on an underlying OS-level thread (really it's a
> restricted subset of that). As such, it has very little impact on WebCore
> and below. Mainly it just requires that the threading primitives have an
> appropriate platform implementation on iOS.
> ( added fine-grain locking to
the AtomicString table in order to support the iOS WebKit threading model.
 If parallel execution is not possible, why would this need locking?

- James

> For anyone interested in learning more about this, I think Ben had the
> best high-level explanation: <
>>. We can also provide
> more detail if desired.

> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Enable CANVAS_PATH by default

2013-02-14 Thread James Robinson
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Dirk Schulze  wrote:

> Hi WebKit folks,
> I worked on the Path interface defined by the Canvas spec of W3C and
> WHATWG [1][2] for the last couple of weeks.
> Summary:
> Canvas supports a new DOM interface called Path. The Path interface takes
> a series of very well known path methods like moveTo, lineTo, cubicCurveTo,
> rect and allows to create and keep a path independent of a Canvas context.
> Additionally, I added the attribute 'currentPath' to the Canvas context to
> provide read and write access to the current path created on the Canvas
> context. Code snippet:
> var path = new Path();
> path.rect(0,0,100,100);
> var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
> ctx.currentPath = path;
> ctx.lineTo(200,200);
> ctx.closePath();
> var path2 = ctx.currentPath; // path2 != path
> Not implemented are addText, addPath,  addPathByStrokingText. Another
> proposal from Rik Cabanier[3] seems to address the idea behind these
> methods better.
> I would like to ask to enable CANVAS_PATH by default on trunk. Ports can
> opt-out the flag again. More information about some implementation details
> in a short article[4]. If there are any concerns, suggestions or questions,
> I am happy to answer them.

Could you please add a runtime enable flag before flipping this on for
chromium?  Thanks.

- James

> Greetings,
> Dirk
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] New web-facing CSS feature: -webkit-cursor-visibility: auto-hide

2013-03-04 Thread James Robinson
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 4:52 PM, Jer Noble  wrote:

> On Mar 4, 2013, at 4:46 PM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:
> Could you add either build or runtime flag?
> I most definitely could.  But are there any ports who would disable the
> flag?  (Honestly asking, here.)  If not, adding a feature flag may be more
> trouble than its worth.

In chromium we would like the ability to monitor and, when appropriate,
disable vendor-prefixed non-standard CSS properties.  I think it's a bad
idea to assume that by default all ports will want to expose non-standard
API to the web platform without at least considering the situation and
having a plan to remove at least the prefixed version.  Please add a flag
and, for bonus points, hook up FeatureObserver so we can monitor usage of
this property.

- James

> -Jer
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Feature Announcement: IndieUI: Events

2013-03-05 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 9:11 AM, Chris Fleizach  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm planning on implementing the IndieUI Events 1.0 W3C spec

> This feature's primary goal is to allow assistive technologies (like a
> Screen reader) a way to control certain events that normally rely on a
> standard device, but it's abstract enough that it will be useful in other
> contexts.
> Example: The escape key on a keyboard might be used to dismiss a dialog,
> but an assistive technology might not be able to press the escape key.
> The spec's introduction states:
> IndieUI: Events 1.0 is an abstraction between physical, device-specific
> user interaction events and inferred user intent such as scrolling or
> changing values. This provides an intermediate layer between device- and
> modality-specific user interaction events, and the basic user interface
> functionality used by web applications. IndieUI: Events focuses on granular
> user interface interactions such as scrolling the view, canceling an
> action, changing the value of a user input widget, selecting a range,
> placing focus on an object, etc. Implementing platforms will combine
> modality-specific user input, user idiosyncratic heuristics to determine
> the specific corresponding Indie UI event, and send that to the web
> application in addition to the modality-specific input such as mouse or
> keyboard events, should applications wish to process it.
> The WebKit bug can be found here

This bug appears to be a closed issue about speech synthesis, not IndieUI.
 Do you have a link to the IndieUI tracking bug?  Thanks!

- James

> The feature flag I plan on using is
> Let me know if you have any questions.
> Thanks
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Instrumentation framework for WebKit

2009-04-30 Thread James Robinson
It's difficult to understand the performance of a large web app nowadays -
think GMail scale and beyond, in part because a lot of things happen in the
UI thread outside of javascript.  For example layout, selector matching and
painting can all happen in a deferred way, take a lot of time and yet not
show up in any javascript-based profiling or metrics.  Even within
javascript it's not always obvious why things happen when they do - for
example a setTimeout() might get blocked behind an XHR readystatechange
handler or a layout causing the timer code to run much later than expected.

To help with this I propose adding a number of instrumentation points within
WebCore designed to bracket the more significant pieces of logic that can
block the UI thread.  Then a client could register itself for the
instrumentation points and aggregate statistics or build reports of what's
going on while a web app is running.

This would not be another generic profiler per se but more targeted at
things useful to a web developer.  As a nice side effect the instrumentation
can have a significantly smaller observer effect than full-scale profiler.

I have a basic implementation of the framework and plumbing for WebKit/mac
at with a simple aggregator
for the DumpRenderTree tool.  The output looks something like this:

$ ./WebKitTools/Scripts/run-webkit-tests fast/dynamic/ --dump

Running tests from /usr/local/home/jamesr/WebKit/LayoutTests

Testing 57 test cases.

fast/dynamic .

1.92s total testing time

html_write time = 38.554668ms count = 230

recalc_style time = 3.255128ms count = 248

paint time = 58.205367ms count = 70

layout time = 117.240668ms count = 240

all 57 test cases succeeded

Any thoughts or feedback?


- James
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Purging as much memory as possible

2009-10-02 Thread James Robinson
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 12:10 PM, Peter Kasting  wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Geoffrey Garen  wrote:
>> Live items cannot be removed from the cache.
> Yeah, I think that is what I'm seeing.
> Assume the page is not being painted (e.g. the window is minimized).  Is
> there a way to turn the "live" items into dead ones so they can be flushed?
>  Obviously the instant we repaint we will have to obtain these again.
> Even if this is possible, it might be _too_ aggressive, but first I just
> wonder if it can be done at all.

It appears that FontCache::invalidate() does this based on the
implementation - is that correct?  I'm not seeing any callers (but that
might just be Visual Studio being stupid).

- James

> PK
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] [chromium-dev] Learning Webkit: High Level Webkit overview?

2009-10-06 Thread James Robinson
On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Buakaw San  wrote:

> There is a document called "How Chromium Displays Web Pages" (http://
> chrome), however I haven't found an equivalent page for Webkit. E.g.
> "How Webkit Renders Web Pages". The Chromium document doesn't go into
> the Webkit part. There is an old blog
> Which talks about some of the render process but it seems to focus on
> CSS handling.
> I'm trying to diagram this process. E.g. We're load a simple web page
> with some body text, a couple divs; one with an image tag, one with a
> plugin like flash. What is happening from start to finish?
> I imagine the process like such:
> Content => HTML Parsing => DOM Construction => Layout (Render Tree
> Construction) => Rendering

That's pretty much spot on.  Note that it's not always happening exactly in
this order, especially if the document is large and arrives from the server
in multiple chunks.  Then it could look something like:

Some content received
HTML parsing (which builds up the DOM as it goes)
Some more content received
More HTML parsing, DOM construction
Rendering (aka painting)

> What is the first thing that is done?  Which class is initially hit

when a new web page request arrives? Which classes are responsible for
> parsing HTML/DOM/CSS? How is the plugin loaded? How is the image
> loaded?

The picture is a bit complex, but I can try to give some pointers for
starting.  Resources are pulled in through a variety of Loader classes -
start with FrameLoader (although it's too complicated at the moment).  HTML
Content is fed into an HTMLTokenizer which builds up the DOM tree.  For
images, see ImageLoader.  I'm not sure exactly how plugins work.  Layout and
painting are covered in the Surfin' Safari blog post - if you want to step
through them in a debugger start in FrameView.

> While these are questions that could be answered by studying the code
> in depth, it would be nice if there was such a basic introduction to
> Webkit rendering. Ideally one with nice pictures (like the Chromium
> docs), interaction diagrams and such.

Is that volunteering? :)

- James

> Perhaps this thread could become a source of knowledge for new comers.
> --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~
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Re: [webkit-dev] Making browsers faster: Resource Packages

2009-11-17 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Alexander Limi  wrote:
> Good people of Webkit!
> We'd all like for the web to be faster, and therefore I'd love your feedback 
> on my proposal — it would be great to see support for this in additional 
> browsers, not just Firefox:
> Summary:
> What if there was a backwards compatible way to transfer all of the resources 
> that are used on every single page in your site — CSS, JS, images, anything 
> else — in a single HTTP request at the start of the first visit to the page? 
> This is what Resource Package support in browsers will let you do.
> Looking forward to hear your thoughts on this.

It seems like a browser will have to essentially stop rendering until
it has finished downloading the entire .zip and examined it.  This
will most likely slow down the time taken to render parts of the page
as they arrive. From the blog post:

"A given browser will probably block downloading any resources until
the lists of files that are available in resource packages have been
accounted for — or there may be a way to do opportunistic requests or
similar, we leave this up to the browser vendor unless there’s a
compelling reason to specify how this should work."

This also means that a browser would have to stop tokenizing the HTML
when it hits the next 

Re: [webkit-dev] Making browsers faster: Resource Packages

2009-11-17 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Peter Kasting  wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 3:00 PM, James Robinson  wrote:
>> It seems like a browser will have to essentially stop rendering until
>> it has finished downloading the entire .zip and examined it.
> I think mitigating this is why there are optional manifests.  I agree that
> if there's no manifest, this is really, really painful.  I think manifests
> should be made mandatory.
> PK

Do you mean external manifests?  Either way, the browser cannot start
a download for any external resource until it downloads and parses out
the manifest.txt for every resource bundle seen in the page so far.
Whether it is pulling the manifest out of a .zip file or as a .txt by
itself doesn't matter much, it's still an extra HTTP round-trip before
any content can be downloaded (including content that is not bundled
at all).

- James
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Making browsers faster: Resource Packages

2009-11-17 Thread James Robinson
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Alexander Limi  wrote:
> (Adding in some of the people involved with Resource Packages earlier to
> this thread, so they can help me out — I'm just a lowly UI designer, so
> of these questions have to be answered by people that know how browsers
> work. I'm just the messenger. Hope you don't mind, guys, and remember that
> webkit-dev requires you to sign up before you can post.)
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:44 PM, Peter Kasting 
>> I have read the whole document, but I read it quickly, so please do point
>> out places where I've overlooked an obvious response.
> This is what everyone does, so no worries, happy to clarify. 95% of the
> "this is why this won't work" statements are actually answered by the
> article in some way. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. :)
>> Reduced parallelism is a big concern of mine.  Lots of sites make heavy
>> use of resource sharding across many hostnames to take advantage of
>> connections, which this defeats.
> If you package up everything in a single zip file, yes. Realistically, if
> you have a lot of resources, you'd want to spread them out over several
> files to increase parallelism. Also, there's usually resources that are
> page-specific (e.g. belong to the article being rendered). As with
> everything, there are possibilities to use this the wrong way, and
> up everything in one zip file will definitely affect parallelism. Don't do
> that.

If the contents are spread across N zip files then the browser still has to
download (at least part of) N files in order to see all the manifests before
it can start fetching other resources.  The page-specific resources end up
getting blocked behind all of the manifest downloads.  If resource bundles
are allowed to include other resource bundles (and I see nothing in the spec
about this), then each of the N downloads would have to be made serially
since the browser would have to check the manifest of each bundle to see if
it includes any of the remaining ones.

I think this line of concerns would be lesser if the author could declare
the contents of the manifest in the HTML itself to avoid an extra download
or give some sort of explicit signal to the browser that a given resource
was not in any resource bundle.  The downside of this is that it increases
the HTML's size even more which is a big loss on browsers that do not
support this.

>> I am concerned about the instruction to prefer the packaged resources to
>> any separate resources.  This seems to increase the maintenance burden
>> you can never incrementally override the contents of a package, but
>> have to repackage.
> This is something we could look at, of course. There are easy ways to
> invalidate the zip using ETags etc.
>> If an author has resources only used on some pages, then he can either
>> make multiple packages (more maintenance burden and exacerbates problem
>> above), or include everything in one package (may result in downloading
>> excessive resources for pages where clients don't need them).
> I don't think it's unreasonable to expect most big sites to have a
> core of resources they use everywhere. It's important not to try to put
> *everything* in resource packages, just the stuff that should be present
> everywhere (and the specialized thumbnail search result case I mentioned).
>> You note that SPDY has to be implemented by both UAs and web servers, but
>> conversely this proposal needs to be implemented by UAs and _authors_.  I
>> would rather burden the guys writing Apache than the guys making
>> and I think if a technique is extremely useful, it's easier to get
>> into Apache than into, say, 50% of the webpages out there.
> There's no damage if you don't do this as a web author. If you care enough
> to do CSS spriting and CSS/JS combining, this gives you a more
> easier, faster solution.
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 3:00 PM, James Robinson 
>> It seems like a browser will have to essentially stop rendering until
>> it has finished downloading the entire .zip and examined it.
> No. That's why the manifest is there, since it can be read early on, so
> browser doesn't have to block.
> I see a lot of "I don't think this will work" or "I don't think this will
> any faster" here. I guess I should get someone to help me create some
> reasonable benchmarks and show what the difference would be. Maybe Steve
> Souders or someone else that is better at this stuff than me can h

Re: [webkit-dev] WTF::callOnMainThread() and re-entrancy

2010-03-08 Thread James Robinson
I saw a very similar bug recently regarding modal dialogs and focus/blur
events:  I think you will see
the crash from that stacktrace with or without r55593 in place.  For
example, currently some mouse event handlers can fire underneath a
window.alert on GMail.  It's simple enough to check for
page()->defersLoading() and suppress the task, but I am not sure how to
re-enqueue the event to fire later.  Maybe the PageLoadDeferrer should
maintain a queue of things to do once it stops deferring (i.e. once the
modal dialog is dismissed).

- James

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Drew Wilson  wrote:

> Hi all,
> This weekend I spent some time trying to track down a regression caused by
> r55593. In particular:
> This was a change to Document.postTask() to always use callOnMainThread()
> (previously, calls to postTask() on the main thread were using one-shot
> timers).
> We've since reverted r55593, but I've been playing around locally with that
> same change to Document.postTask(), and I noticed that it *appeared* that
> tasks posted via callOnMainThread() were still being executed even though
> the main thread was displaying a javascript alert. The end result is that if
> a worker thread was sending messages to the main thread via a message port,
> the event handlers for incoming messages would still be invoked (so we'd run
> javascript even though the javascript execution context should be blocked on
> the alert()). In my test, I ended up trying to display nested alert()
> dialogs, which resulted in a failed assertion.
> So, my question is: does it surprise anyone that tasks posted via
> callOnMainThread() are getting executed even though there's a modal dialog
> shown? And is there anything I should be doing in my task handler to make
> sure we aren't re-entering JS execution inappropriately in these cases? I'm
> just concerned that the way we're posting tasks from worker threads to the
> main thread may cause reentrancy problems.
> Here's the stack from my nested call to alert():
> #0  0x03ff073d in WebCore::DOMTimer::suspend (this=0x15c8a5b0) at
> /Volumes/source/chrome.git/src/third_party/WebKit/WebCore/page/DOMTimer.cpp:181
> #1  0x046b2945 in WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext::suspendActiveDOMObjects
> (this=0x81d8434) at
> /Volumes/source/chrome.git/src/third_party/WebKit/WebCore/dom/ScriptExecutionContext.cpp:206
> #2  0x04538ae5 in WebCore::PageGroupLoadDeferrer::PageGroupLoadDeferrer
> (this=0xbfffc6bc, page=0xc97940, deferSelf=true) at
> /Volumes/source/chrome.git/src/third_party/WebKit/WebCore/page/PageGroupLoadDeferrer.cpp:47
> #3  0x03e0d977 in WebCore::Chrome::runJavaScriptAlert (this=0xc8ddb0,
> frame=0x805a600, messa...@0xbfffc790) at
> /Volumes/source/chrome.git/src/third_party/WebKit/WebCore/page/Chrome.cpp:264
> #4  0x03ff6c2c in WebCore::DOMWindow::alert (this=0x147e23f0,
> messa...@0xbfffc790) at
> /Volumes/source/chrome.git/src/third_party/WebKit/WebCore/page/DOMWindow.cpp:795
> #5  0x04266617 in WebCore::jsDOMWindowPrototypeFunctionAlert
> (exec=0x14f0c1b0, thisValue={u = {asEncodedJSValue = -8455721472, asDouble =
> -nan(0xe07ffee00), asBits = {payload = 134213120, tag = -2}}},
> ar...@0xbfffc7bc) at
> /Volumes/source/chrome.git/src/third_party/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/DerivedSources/WebCore/JSDOMWindow.cpp:8320
> #6  0x00d8b166 in ?? ()
> #7  0x0070bd6b in JSC::JITCode::execute (this=0x147a7690,
> registerFile=0x1473a7fc, callFrame=0x14f0c150, globalData=0x818e800,
> exception=0x818f60c) at JITCode.h:77
> #8  0x006f542f in JSC::Interpreter::execute (this=0x1473a7f0,
> functionExecutable=0x147a7680, callFrame=0x81ed664, function=0x7fd5400,
> thisObj=0x7fd5200, ar...@0xbfffca64, scopeChain=0x147a8920,
> exception=0x818f60c) at
> /Volumes/source/chrome.git/src/third_party/WebKit/JavaScriptCore/interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:687
> #9  0x0074d767 in JSC::JSFunction::call (this=0x7fd5400, exec=0x81ed664,
> thisValue={u = {asEncodedJSValue = -8455892480, asDouble =
> -nan(0xe07fd5200), asBits = {payload = 134042112, tag = -2}}},
> ar...@0xbfffca64) at
> /Volumes/source/chrome.git/src/third_party/WebKit/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSFunction.cpp:122
> #10 0x0069d481 in JSC::call (exec=0x81ed664, functionObject={u =
> {asEncodedJSValue = -8455891968, asDouble = -nan(0xe07fd5400), asBits =
> {payload = 134042624, tag = -2}}}, callType=JSC::CallTypeJS,
> callda...@0xbfffca34, thisValue={u = {asEncodedJSValue = -8455892480,
> asDouble = -nan(0xe07fd5200), asBits = {payload = 134042112, tag =
> -2}}}, ar...@0xbfffca64) at
> /Volumes/source/chrome.git/src/third_party/WebKit/JavaScriptCore/runtime/CallData.cpp:39
> #11 0x0429f5bb in WebCore::JSEventListener::handleEvent (this=0x15c31ef0,
> scriptExecutionContext=0x81d8434, event=0xc34d40) at
> /Volumes/source/chrome.git/src/third_party/WebKit/WebCore/bindings/js/JSEventListener.cpp:115
> #12 0x04037da0 in WebCore

Re: [webkit-dev] window.internals abuse

2013-03-14 Thread James Robinson
The patch in question landed nearly a year ago and was added in order to
test functionality that was (at the time) implemented in WebCore.
 window.testRunner may have been a better choice, I don't remember what the
state of it at the time was.  Nowadays the functionality under test is no
longer in WebCore and thus this infrastructure is being removed so I think
the question is moot.

- James

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Dana Jansens wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:
>>> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 10:22 AM, Dana Jansens wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 1:21 PM, Simon Fraser 

> On Mar 13, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Dana Jansens 
> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Simon Fraser  > wrote:
>> (landed in
>> added
>> internals. setBackgroundBlurOnNode().
>> I consider this to be abuse of the Internals object. As shown by the
>> location of the files (Source/WebCore/*testing*/Internals.*), the
>> Internals interface is intended for testing, not adding API to toggle
>> features in WebCore for non-test code.
> Sorry, but I think this is based on a misunderstanding. That function
> is used for enabling the feature in layout tests in order to verify it is
> working. It is not used in non-test code.
> So why does the feature exist at all?

 It can be enabled by UI code via the platform layer directly.

>>> That sounds like a feature to be tested via testRunner object, not
>>> internals object.
>>> internals object should be reserved for testing cross-platform,
>>> cross-port features. Otherwise, we'll end up zillion of if-defs for each
>>> and every port specific feature we want to test :(
>> I don't think that testRunner existed in its current form a year ago when
>> this was written. I can look into moving it there if it would be better
>> suited.
> Of course not in the current form but testRunner (or layoutTestController
> before the rename) object have existed for years.  It had been the de facto
> standard way of exposing new testing functions to layout tests until we've
> introduced internals object two years ago.
> - R. Niwa
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] window.internals abuse

2013-03-14 Thread James Robinson
On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Ryosuke Niwa  wrote:

> \On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 1:43 PM, James Robinson wrote:
>> The patch in question landed nearly a year ago and was added in order to
>> test functionality that was (at the time) implemented in WebCore.
>>  window.testRunner may have been a better choice, I don't remember what the
>> state of it at the time was.  Nowadays the functionality under test is no
>> longer in WebCore and thus this infrastructure is being removed so I think
>> the question is moot.
> Great. Thanks for the follow up. Perhaps we need a wiki page to illustrate
> the use case for testRunner vs. internals?
> I don't think many new contributors are aware of the different use cases
> each object has.

That sounds great.
to cover some of this, but it seems a bit dated.

- James

> - R. Niwa
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Compiling WebKit up to 25% faster in Windows?

2013-03-26 Thread James Robinson
Also keep in mind that currently different build systems hack the include
path up to have the same #include point to different headers depending on
the build configuration, so the path expansion for a given #include will
not be the same for all ports.  It's basically a very non-obvious way to do
#if PLATFORM() guards at include sites without looking like it.  For
instance there are 7 different versions of AuthenticationChallenge.h but
only one #include statement in ResourceLoader.cpp.


$ find Source/WebCore -name "*.h" -printf "%f\n" | wc -l

$ find Source/WebCore -name "*.h" -printf "%f\n" | sort | uniq | wc -l

- James

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Benjamin Poulain wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote
>>> If we have consensus that we should just switch to paths relative to
>>> Source (or maybe a couple different options), that would be (IMO) a big
>>> win. It sounds like Daniel & co. have already done the big bang conversion.
>> I think using full path would be a serious hit regarding hackability.
>> I would rather spend some time tweaking my compiler to cache each
>> directory content than waste time finding where is every single header I
>> need to include.
> Interesting. I have the exact opposite experience, having to paw around to
> figure out where "Font.h" actually lives rather than just seeing
> "WebCore/platform/graphics/Font.h".
> At any rate, to be clear, I would be in favor of that change but I'm not
> expecting it to happen :).
> -- Dirk
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