Re: [webkit-dev] New script to import W3C CSS tests

2013-03-07 Thread Tony Gentilcore
> I also got a little inspiration from the
> import-w3c-performance-wg-tests that already exists. I followed a few of
> their steps, but had to add a few layers to handle the added complexity of
> the CSS test suites.

Is there any way we can merge the two scripts so there is only one
import/exporter than handles both performance and CSS test suites?

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Adding page loading time performance tests

2012-04-30 Thread Tony Gentilcore
> Does it matter if the page contents are bad/incomplete?

Good point. Seems fine for any given page to be incomplete is a
specific way. The only thing that would concern me is if we always
miss a certain class of resources. For instance, if we never recorded
resources fetched via XHR, it could lead us to miss a class of
optimizations or, worse yet, to make a bad tradeoff.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] List of prefixed APIs in WebKit

2012-04-10 Thread Tony Gentilcore
While it'd require some archaeology, would it be useful to compile a list
of formerly prefixed APIs which have graduated?


On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 2:10 AM, Adam Barth  wrote:

> As you might be aware, there's been some amount of debate in the
> browser community recently about the use of vendor prefixes in the web
> platform.  I'm sure many of you have opinions on this topic, but
> rather than triggering a long thread about this topic, I'd like to
> start by gathering some data about WebKit's current use of vendor
> prefixes.
> I've put together a list of all the vendor-prefixed APIs I could find
> in WebKit, at least for DOM interfaces:
> I'd like to try to understand the current status of these APIs on the
> standards track.  If you happen to know which specifications contain
> these various APIs (and the standardization status of these
> specifications), would you be so kind as to add a link from the wiki
> to the specification?  If there isn't a specification, please feel
> encouraged to note that on the wiki together with any information
> you're aware of about future plans for writing a specification.
> I'll do my best to fill in the gaps in a few days.
> Many thanks,
> Adam
> P.S., If you'd be willing to fill in the list of vendor-prefixed CSS
> properties, I'd appreciate that as well.
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Top 100 sites browsing tests proprosal

2012-01-23 Thread Tony Gentilcore
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 2:14 AM, Aaron Boodman  wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Peter Kasting  wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Balazs Kelemen  wrote:
>>> As the goal is to test "real world" use case I think it can be even better
>>> to simply load the sites from network.
>>> I see only two disadvantage of that but neither of them are blocker:
>>>    1. The sites changing over time. However, as this would be a smoke test
>>> (and not a regtest or a perf test) I don't think it's a big problem
>>>    2. Cannot test offline. Well, I don't think taking part in the
>>> development of WebKit is possible without being online anyway :)
>>> Do you see other disadvantages?
>> Loading over a network connection is slower.  Especially if you expect
>> developers to run these tests locally, this could be a serious time sink.
>> Loading real-world sites over a real network connection adds numerous
>> possible flakiness/failure sources.  I would never use something like this
>> as part of an automated system.
>> Arguably, it's not kind to site authors to constantly reload their real
>> sites as part of an automated testing program.
>> From experience using offline copies of popular sites for testing in both
>> Firefox and Chrome, I strongly suggest you go the offline route.
> How would you capture and replay websites offline? This is non-trivial.

Very much non-trivial ;)

Depending on which route you end up deciding to take, you might also
want to consider which
scrapes and replays web pages without being tied to a specific
browser. It does some fuzzy request matching and injects a bit of JS
to ensure deterministic playback w.r.t the issues Aaron mentions here.

Without something like that, it is surprisingly difficult to replay
real-world web pages.

> In Chromium, we have --record-mode and --playback-mode flags for this
> use case. They put the cache, cookie jar, and some other components
> into a special mode where everything is aggressively captured and
> replayed without going to the net. In the case of Firefox, I believe
> someone at one time implemented a Firefox extension that rewrote pages
> to capture resources and use local references.
> Since most websites are not redistributable, it seems like you need
> some code like Chromium's or Firefox's in WebKit in order to make this
> proposal work with offline data.
> - a
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] UI housekeeping

2011-06-14 Thread Tony Gentilcore
> The e-mail notification for CC field changes is (among others) configurable 
> in everyone's Bugzilla preferences. By default, only bug originator and 
> assignee get an e-mail for that.
> I think that originators generally appreciate any kind of activity on their 
> bugs, even as small as someone adding themselves to the CC list.

That makes sense, thanks for the explanation.
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] UI housekeeping

2011-06-14 Thread Tony Gentilcore
Hopefully not too off-topic, but along lines of bugs UI housekeeping...

I'd like a way to CC myself on a bug without spamming everyone on the
bug. Some other bug trackers offer a checkbox that can disable email
update. Would anyone else find something like that useful?

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] New Feature - Resource Timing

2011-05-24 Thread Tony Gentilcore
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
> On May 23, 2011, at 8:16 AM, Patrick Mueller wrote:
> > On 5/20/11 12:46 PM, Alexey Proskuryakov wrote:
> >> What incentive will users have to enable it? For other privacy sensitive 
> >> features (be it cookies or geolocation), there is a clear benefit to gain 
> >> from them.
> >
> > This is a developer-mode feature.  There is no direct incentive for end 
> > users to enable something like Resource Timing.  However, it's not hard to 
> > imagine a site suggesting that people could enable Resource Timing, and 
> > have that timing information sent back to the site for analysis, much the 
> > same way many programs today allow users to opt-in to sending diagnostic 
> > information back to a server somewhere.
> Hi Patrick,
> I may have misunderstood the feature, but I don't think that is the intent. I 
> believe that Resource Timing and Navigation Timing are meant to be on in a 
> normal user configuration. Websites can then make use of these APIs to get 
> real-world performance data in the field, from users' machines.
> If the feature was meant to be opt-in and for developers only, then that 
> would greatly reduce my concerns.
> Perhaps someone more familiar with these APIs can explain the design.

Yes, Maciej is correct. The use case is for performance monitoring
rather than as a developer tool. In a dev environment, the Inspector
already provides all of these details and more. However, a web page's
performance characteristics may vary significantly with network
conditions, geographic location, browser, OS, hardware, server load
etc. A developer may be able to simulate a few of these in a
controlled dev environment, but that doesn't necessarily accurately
represent what real world users experience.

For instance, imagine you invested in a more expensive CDN which
claims to serve your static resources closer to your users. It would
seem wise to have some way to monitor that this CDN actually improves
user performance. That would be difficult to convince yourself of with
dev tools alone.

Today, many websites employ some form of performance monitoring. The
problem is that only a limited picture can be obtained by timing
existing events in JS. The intent of this API is to allow websites to
obtain a more complete picture of the page's performance. The concern
is that this may inadvertently expose side channel information. My
hope is that we can trim down the API to the point where there is no
new exploitable side channel information so that this can be enabled
by default.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] New Feature - Resource Timing

2011-05-20 Thread Tony Gentilcore
I've forwarded these questions on to the working group:

In the meantime, we'll hold off on landing anything until we have
satisfactory answers.


On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
> On May 20, 2011, at 10:10 AM, Tony Gentilcore wrote:
>>> Presumably the embedding application would need to require explicit user 
>>> consent to enable the feature.
>> My conclusion was different. Given that the timing based privacy
>> attacks are demonstrable without the interface, I thought it
>> reasonable to enable-by-default with a hidden pref to disable. But
>> this is based on the assumption that we aren't actually exposing any
>> new private information. Am I missing an exploit here?
> I understand that we have to keep a balance, and statistical fingerprinting 
> is already dismayingly effective without any new features. However, 
> "enable[d]-by-default with a hidden pref to disable" sounds like an extremely 
> weak approach to protecting user privacy.
> Is it possible to find experts on the topic of statistical fingerprinting, as 
> well as security experts in general, who could review this API? Things I'd 
> really like to know are:
> - Does this feature, as designed, increase the effectiveness of user 
> fingerprinting, assuming the user is running something like private browsing 
> or incognito mode, or is regularly deleting site data? The relevant question 
> here is marginal increase in effectiveness - are things worse with this 
> feature than without?
> - Presumably some known statistical fingerprinting techniques can be 
> mitigated, if not always than at least in private browsing mode. If that was 
> done, then would this timing feature provide an additional fingerprinting 
> vector?
> - Could this feature directly reveal otherwise hard-to-guess information 
> about users?
> - Can this feature be used to aid timing-based security attacks?
> I would really like to see this kind of review done ahead of time and 
> delivered to the Working Group. My worry here is that the feature may have 
> fatal flaws as currently designed, or perhaps even in the basic concept of 
> its functionality. If that's the case, then we'd certainly want to find out 
> before we get locked into it. Perhaps some of the privacy risks can even be 
> mitigated, such as by returning fake or random data in private browsing mode. 
> I can ask some of Apple's security experts to review with a mind to these 
> questions, but I'm wondering if there are other independent experts we could 
> ask.
> My preference would be to tread very carefully around anything that could be 
> perceived as a privacy risk.
> Regards,
> Maciej
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] New Feature - Resource Timing

2011-05-20 Thread Tony Gentilcore
> Presumably the embedding application would need to require explicit user 
> consent to enable the feature.

My conclusion was different. Given that the timing based privacy
attacks are demonstrable without the interface, I thought it
reasonable to enable-by-default with a hidden pref to disable. But
this is based on the assumption that we aren't actually exposing any
new private information. Am I missing an exploit here?
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] New Feature - Resource Timing

2011-05-20 Thread Tony Gentilcore
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 3:17 AM, Simon Fraser wrote:

> Seem like this new web-facing API would provide more data for sites wanting
> to do user fingerprinting, even when cookies etc. are disabled.

Good point. To my knowledge this is the most thorough explanation of the

Unfortunately, the techniques mentioned in that paper are all possible
without navigation or resource timing. It is also highly unlikely that
anything can be done to prevent such attacks (beyond, say, artificially
slowing network requests in the same way encryptions algorithms are
sometimes slowed). No one has yet identified a new attack vector, but that
doesn't mean one doesn't exist.

Given the concern, perhaps this feature should have a run time enable guard
underneath the ENABLE(WEB_TIMING) compile guard. This would give embedding
applications the flexibility to enable/disable via a user preference.

> Simon
> On May 19, 2011, at 6:14 PM, James Simonsen wrote:
> Hello webkit-dev,
> The W3C Performance WG has been working on a Resource Timing spec. The spec
> is starting to stabilize and we'd like to start landing it in WebKit too.
> Resource Timing is a follow up to Navigation Timing, which is already in
> WebKit. Resource Timing allows site developers to collect detailed network
> timing information for the subresources they load. The data is exposed
> through the window.performance namespace and we expect developers to ping
> this information back to the server with their other analytics data. For
> security reasons, the spec limits the detailed information to same-origin
> resources, but there is also a provision for a CORS-like header to allow
> cross-origin resource timing.
> Resource Timing will be behind ENABLE(WEB_TIMING) since it relies on some
> of the same infrastructure as Navigation Timing. We can add an additional
> ENABLE to keep Resource Timing separate from Navigation Timing if that's
> desired.
> The current draft of the Resource Timing API is here:
> A meta-bug to track the necessary work is here:
> Please post any feedback. Thanks!
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] New feature announcement – Video conferencing and peer-to-peer communication

2011-05-13 Thread Tony Gentilcore
For those interested, the cover bug for this work is here:


On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 8:27 AM, Adam Bergkvist  wrote:

> I want to inform people on this list that we have been doing some early
> implementation work of the video conferencing and peer-to-peer communication
> chapter in the HTML spec (
> This section of the spec is in an early stage and should be considered
> experimental, but as it becomes more understood, we intend to contribute to
> the WebKit implementation. Others are also (based on bugs reported) working
> on this.
> BR
> Adam
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Contributors meeting notes

2011-04-27 Thread Tony Gentilcore
I was sad not to be able to attend the contributors meeting. Did
anyone happen to take any notes?

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] SearchBox API

2011-03-19 Thread Tony Gentilcore
> Sorry to resurrect this old thread

I presume you resurrected for other reasons, but I'll take the
opportunity to give a brief update. The API is now implemented as a V8
extension in Chromium and documented here:
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Question regarding priorities of subresource content retrieval

2011-02-08 Thread Tony Gentilcore
Your test case isn't really about prioritization. The HTML5 spec
defines very specifically when parsing must stop. The two main cases
1. Waiting for an external script to download
2. Waiting for an external stylesheet to download when any script
block is reached

In these cases, the parser does not continue parsing the document to
discover new subresources to download. However, as an optimization,
the PreloadScanner speculatively scans the source (which it is not
allowed to parse yet) for any subresources which should probably be
downloaded. This way when parsing does continue the resources are
already available or at least have a head start. So if we aren't able
to scan ahead and at least discover these resources, prioritization is

Now, assume we have discovered all subresources on the page and could
prioritize them altogether. I'm still not sure I'd buy your argument
about resources from another domain being less important. Many sites
use CDNs on different domains to download resources. Also, many sites
include their JS libraries from common locations. In either of those
cases, another domain could be holding the critical blocking resource.
Perhaps it is worth experimenting with the heuristic you suggest, but
I certainly don't think we can just assert that is the case.

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 2:23 AM, Silvio Ventres  wrote:
> This argument - "web developer is to blame for choosing a slow
> ad/tracking/etc server" - is incorrect.
> Web developers in general do not have any control over the ad provider
> or, frankly, any other type of external functionality provider.
> Google Analytics being a good point in case, you would not want most
> of the world's web pages to suddenly hang if something happens inside
> Google.
> The web browser should clearly prioritize developer-controllable
> resources over ones that are beyond web developer's control.
> Also, as an application run by the user and not by the developer, the
> browser should arguably prioritize actual content against
> pseudo-content which purpose is functionality that is not visibile to
> the actual user, such as ad/tracker scripts. This actual content has
> higher probability to be important when sourced from the
> domain/subdomain of the webpage itself, based on current trends.
> Domain check is a reasonable approximation that fits both purposes.
> --
>  silvio
> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 5:13 AM, Jerry Seeger  wrote:
>> I'm reasonably sure that javascript in the header must be loaded 
>> synchronously, as it might affect the rest of the load. This is why tools 
>> like YSlow advise Web designers to move javascript loads that are not needed 
>> for rendering until after the rest of the page loads.
>> Blocking on loading the css is less clear-cut, as in some cases it could 
>> mean several seconds of ugly page. I don't know if it's right or wrong, but 
>> a lot of pages out there rely on the CSS being loaded before the page starts 
>> to render to avoid terrible layout and the appearance of items meant to be 
>> hidden for the seconds it takes the css to load.
>> In general, while things could certainly be improved, it's up to the owner 
>> of the page to not rely on a a slow ad server, or build the page so the ads 
>> load after the primary content.
>> Jerry Seeger
>> On Feb 7, 2011, at 5:47 PM, Silvio Ventres wrote:
>>> IE/Opera are delaying only for 4 seconds, same as Mobile Safari
>>> The reason looks to be the url for the script/css.
>>> If the url is the same twice, Chrome/Firefox serializes the requests,
>>> while IE/Opera/MobileSafari launches both requests simultaneously.
>>> Of course, requesting simultaneously doesn't fix anything, as you can
>>> see by trying a link-stuffed version at
>>> This one has 45 css and 38 javascript links. It hangs all browsers nicely.
>>> The main point here is that it might be acceptable if it's coming from
>>> the webpage domain itself.
>>> But the links are coming from a completely different place.
>>> This is exactly what makes browsing pages with any third-party
>>> analytics, tracking or ad addons so slow and frustrating.
>>> Fixing priorities in subresource download should make experience
>>> considerably more interactive and fun.
>>> --
>>> silvio
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] OSX build break after system update

2010-10-28 Thread Tony Gentilcore
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 10:11 PM, Eric Seidel  wrote:

> Can we just include the headers in WebKit?
> Or find some way to auto-download them?


> This seems silly.  Or certainly requiring an update to
In the meantime, there is:

> -eric
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Tony Gentilcore 
> wrote:
> > Quick PSA: if you install the "Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 3" system
> > update you may start getting build errors like:
> > error: JavaVM/jni.h: No such file or directory
> >
> > The solution is to install "Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 3 Developer
> > Package" from > Downloads > Java [1]. Thanks
> > andersca for the solution!
> > -Tony
> > [1] This link might
> > work:
> > ___
> > webkit-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] OSX build break after system update

2010-10-21 Thread Tony Gentilcore
Quick PSA: if you install the "Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 3" system
update you may start getting build errors like:
error: JavaVM/jni.h: No such file or directory

The solution is to install "Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 3 Developer
Package" from > Downloads > Java [1]. Thanks
andersca for the solution!


[1] This link might work:
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] SearchBox API

2010-10-15 Thread Tony Gentilcore
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Darin Fisher  wrote:

> I think we're just coming at this from the point of view of trying to avoid
> UA-specific APIs exposed to web content.  It seems risky to build APIs
> outside of WebKit that may be adopted by other UAs.  We can certainly
> revisit this if that ever becomes reality.
> (Our current implementation exists on* by the way.)
> -Darin
> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 10:24 AM, Eric Seidel  wrote:
>> would be more compelling with a video. :)
> shows an old version where the
content didn't adjust to the dropdown size. You can play w/ it yourself on a
windows dev channel build.

>> I agree with Darin, this sounds like Browser-exposed DOM API.  Not
>> something that WebKit has any business adding.
>> -eric
>> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Darin Adler  wrote:
>> > On Oct 15, 2010, at 10:00 AM, Tony Gentilcore wrote:
>> >
>> >> In any case, are there objections to beginning to land this under flag
>> guard and vendor prefix?
>> >
>> > Yes, I do have an objection.
>> >
>> > Browser-specific API can be injected by the browser and doesn’t need to
>> be built into WebKit. Safari already has some DOM API accessible only to
>> search providers. WebKit has an architecture that allows this to be done
>> without WebKit code changes.
>> >
>> > I suggest we put this feature in browsers, not the engine.
Okie. It sounds like the answer to my first question is an implied "no."
I'll keep in it Chrome for now. If this is ever something that other ports
are interested in supporting, I'll still be happy to do the upstreaming

>  >
>> >-- Darin
>> >
>> > ___
>> > webkit-dev mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> webkit-dev mailing list
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] SearchBox API

2010-10-15 Thread Tony Gentilcore
Hi All,

We are working on adding instant search integration to Chrome. This requires
a DOM API which only the default search provider has permission to
access. As some of you may have seen, earlier this week I sent a proposal
for such an API to the WHATWG [1].

Is this something that other ports might be interested in supporting in the
future? In any case, are there objections to beginning to land this under
flag guard and vendor prefix?


webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] When to use FastAllocBase?

2010-10-04 Thread Tony Gentilcore
Thanks for the responses. That clears everything up for me.

I would recommend we add something to, but it sounds like we
shouldn't do anything at this point since everything is change.

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Darin Adler  wrote:
> On Oct 4, 2010, at 11:31 AM, Tony Gentilcore wrote:
>> If you subclass RefCounted or Noncopyable, which is very common, you pick 
>> up FastAllocBase.
> Yes, so in those cases you don’t want to use it.
>> So, my naive guess is that any class/struct which doesn't pick up 
>> FastAllocBase through its inheritance chain should subclass it directly. Is 
>> that a reasonable guideline?
> That’s OK, but:
>    1) FastAllocBase has been causing object size bloat, so we are planning to 
> switch from base classes to macros. See bug 42998 
> <>.
>    2) If the object will not ever be allocated with new, there is no benefit 
> to deriving from FastAllocBase.
>    3) Our original plan was to that on platforms where 
> ENABLE_GLOBAL_FASTMALLOC_NEW, such as Mac OS X, we would change the operator 
> new to check at runtime and immediately assert in debug builds if someone 
> forgot to use FastAllocBase. But as you can see if you look at FastMalloc.h, 
> this has not been done yet.
> So for the moment it’s fine to follow the guideline you mention, but (1) will 
> change how we do it soon, (2) is worth considering, and (3) will eventually 
> make the guideline clearer than it is now because we’ll notice when we do it 
> wrong!
>    -- Darin
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] When to use FastAllocBase?

2010-10-04 Thread Tony Gentilcore
For general reference, when is it appropriate to use FastAllocBase?

If you subclass RefCounted or Noncopyable, which is very common,
you pick up FastAllocBase. So, my naive guess is that any class/struct
which doesn't pick up FastAllocBase through its inheritance chain
should subclass it directly. Is that a reasonable guideline?

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Getting rid of WebCore.xcodeproj developmentRegion diff

2010-08-17 Thread Tony Gentilcore
Just a thought. Would it be too aggressive/premature to add a style rule
requiring the Xcode 3.2.3+ behavior? That would unfortunately mean that
users of older versions would have to manually edit the file to keep the
style checker happy.

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Darin Adler  wrote:

> It’s the Xcode team’s fault, caused by people using different versions of
> Xcode. Short term, I don’t know any way to make it go away. Long term it
> will disappear once all contributors are using Xcode 3.2.3 or newer.
>-- Darin
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Leopard Release Builder -- Slave Lost

2010-08-03 Thread Tony Gentilcore
Looks like the slave is back now.

But there are ~90 pending builds:

For future reference, I'm curious if it is safe to cancel some older builds
so that it will catch up.

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Eric Seidel  wrote:

> We lost the slave over 3 days ago. :(
> (The tree is also generally on fire right now...)
> -eric
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Updating the tradition for new reviewer blog posts

2010-08-02 Thread Tony Gentilcore
The Surfin' Safari blog seems to have fairly wide readership in the web dev
community. Google Reader reports 35k Reader subscribers. For comparison: has 17k and has 10k. However, the last
post with descriptive content was back on April 18th. Since that post, we've
written 8 "X is a now a WebKit reviewer" posts. One recent commenter said:

*"I don’t suppose there’s anything more interesting going on in WebKit land
worth blogging about, is there? So-and-so is a new WebKit reviewer isn’t
nearly as interesting as whatever new hotness is coming down the pipe. And I
know I’m not the only one who thinks so… Feel like blogging about WebKit

I propose we increase the amount of blogging about WebKit awesomeness by
changing the tradition for new reviewer posts.

Instead of defaulting to:

*  So-and-so is now a WebKit reviewer*
*  Posted by Someone-else
  So-and-so has worked on awesome-feature or awesome-infrastructure...*

We encourage (or just allow?) a format more like:

*  How awesome-infrastructure works*
*  Posted by So-and-so, the latest WebKit reviewer
  Here's my description of how awesome-infrastructure works in WebKit...*
*  -OR-
**  Awesome-feature is the new hotness*
*  Posted by So-and-so, the latest WebKit reviewer
  Web developers can now use awesome-feature. Here's how it works...*


webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Snow Leopard Bot went down

2010-07-09 Thread Tony Gentilcore
No theories. But another data point; Tiger started doing the same a few
revisions earlier:

In function 'void -[WebView(WebPrivate)
objc_selector*, NSString*, NSString*, BOOL)':
internal compiler error: Segmentation fault

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Eric Seidel  wrote:

> /Volumes/Data/WebKit-BuildSlave/snowleopard-intel-release/build/WebCore/config.h:212:
> fatal error: error writing to -: Broken pipe
> compilation terminated.
> i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: Internal error: Segmentation fault (program
> as)
> Please submit a full bug report.
> See> for instructions.
> Any theories?
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Frustrated at inconsiderate behavior

2010-07-07 Thread Tony Gentilcore
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 7:22 PM, James Robinson  wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Oliver Hunt  wrote:
>> On Jul 7, 2010, at 7:16 PM, Tony Gentilcore wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 6:50 PM, Mo, Zhenyao  wrote:
>>> Maybe I should complain this in a different threads, but recently the
>>> commit bot waiting time is way too long.  Several times a patch of mine got
>>> the r+ and cq+ and it landed two days later.  This is really frustrating.
>>> I am very tempted to use svn directly to commit patches, but that means
>>> the patch only gets tested in my local environments. Like one time my patch
>>> breaks the leopard bot, turns out the failed test is skipped on leopard,
>>> which is exactly my OS.  If I land it through the commit bots, I could
>>> identify the issue earlier.
>> I agree they are closely related. A greener tree means a faster commit
>> queue and a faster commit queue means less people subvert it and break the
>> tree. The hard problem is figuring out how to fix the incentives so
>> subverting the queue isn't so desirable.
>> What do you mean by subvert the queue?  The commit queue is a tool to
>> streamline commits from contributors who do not have commit access to the
>> repository.  If you have the ability to commit you should not be using the
>> commit queue to land your patches.
> That's not my understanding of the commit queue.  I use the commit queue to
> land my patches when possible so that the patch receives further testing
> before it hits the tree and potentially affects a large number of
> contributors.  Why do you think this is a bad idea?  Is this preference
> codified somewhere (formally or informally)?

Interesting. I'm a very new committer and it is possible I've completely
misunderstood it. I thought of it as a useful tool to help make sure our
patches don't break the tree. But given James' response I'm now very
interested to hear what others think.

> - James
>> --Oliver
>> ___
>> webkit-dev mailing list
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Re: [webkit-dev] Frustrated at inconsiderate behavior

2010-07-07 Thread Tony Gentilcore
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 6:50 PM, Mo, Zhenyao  wrote:

> Maybe I should complain this in a different threads, but recently the
> commit bot waiting time is way too long.  Several times a patch of mine got
> the r+ and cq+ and it landed two days later.  This is really frustrating.
> I am very tempted to use svn directly to commit patches, but that means the
> patch only gets tested in my local environments. Like one time my patch
> breaks the leopard bot, turns out the failed test is skipped on leopard,
> which is exactly my OS.  If I land it through the commit bots, I could
> identify the issue earlier.

I agree they are closely related. A greener tree means a faster commit queue
and a faster commit queue means less people subvert it and break the tree.
The hard problem is figuring out how to fix the incentives so subverting the
queue isn't so desirable.

There is also a smaller but more concrete problem. Older bugs cut in front
of newer bugs in the commit queue. So when the queue is moving slowly,
patches with recent bug IDs could spend a long time getting bumped before
finally landing.

> If there is any way to improve the situation, I'd really appreciate it.
> mo
> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 12:47 AM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>> If you're tired of my complaining about the tree being red, you can
>> skip this message.
>> Today Alexey checked in ,
>> which broke two tests on every port.  12 hours later, these failures
>> remained in the tree until I cleaned them up.  This mess could have
>> been avoided in a number of ways:
>> 1) He could have run-webkit-tests before committing his change.
>> 2) If he didn't have time to run the tests locally, he could have used
>> the commit-queue to run-webkit-tests before it landed his patch.
>> 3) He could have looked at the tree when sheriff-bot informed him that
>> he might have broken Leopard Intel Debug by pinging him in #webkit and
>> commenting on his bug:
>> .
>> Is this acceptable behavior?
>> clearly says to "run the
>> layout tests using the run-webkit-tests script and make sure they all
>> pass."  That page also says:
>> [[
>> In either case, your responsibility for the patch does not end with
>> the patch landing in the tree. There may be regressions from your
>> change or additional feedback from reviewers after the patch has
>> landed. You can watch the tree at to make sure your
>> patch builds and passes tests on all platforms. It is your
>> responsibility to be available should regressions arise and to respond
>> to additional feedback that happens after a check-in.
>> ]]
>> Are there consequences for breaking these rules?
>> Adam
>> ___
>> webkit-dev mailing list
> ___
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[webkit-dev] Questions of a new committer

2010-06-25 Thread Tony Gentilcore
Is there any policy or guideline regarding when it is appropriate to use the
commit queue vs landing directly?

I feel like there is an unfortunate "positive feedback" loop right now:
1. Commit queue gets slightly backed up either due to a breakage or just
heavy volume.
2. Because the queue is backed up, it is more tempting to land directly.
3. Directly landed patches are more likely to break the tree and the new
breakage backs up the queue even more.
4. Goto #2.

Long queues punish developers not because of the wait for the patch to land,
but because those patches are more likely to have merge conflicts. So the
incentive seems to be to land without the queue. I'm just curious if this
has been brought up before and if folks more experienced than myself have
ideas about how we could improve this.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] ask for WTF introduction

2010-06-04 Thread Tony Gentilcore
There's an excellent doc on some of WTF's smart pointers:

I'm interested to hear if there are any other references out there too.

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Eric Zhou  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Could anyone give me some references about WTF, like tutorials or
>  introduction?
> Thanks
> BR/Eric
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] prepare-Changelog crashing on cygwin

2010-05-10 Thread Tony Gentilcore
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 1:07 PM, Eric Seidel  wrote:

> Is this caused by the base load address of both perl and svn
> conflicting/overlapping?  (I don't really know how CYGWIN works.)

I'm by no means a cygwin expert. I just happened to run into the same
problem last week.

This thread is where I found that solution (first suggested by evan):

> Is this something we should detect in our scripts and warn about?

If that is possible, it would be a great win. Both John and I separately
wasted a lot of time on this.

> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 12:41 PM, John Abd-El-Malek 
> wrote:
> > btw, I finally solved this.  credit to tonyg:
> > 1) close cygwin
> > 2) C:\cygwin\bin>ash rebaseall
> >
> > On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Eric Seidel  wrote:
> >>
> >> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Eric Seidel 
> wrote:
> >> > I have seen this on the win-ews ec2 instance.
> >> >
> >> > On May 10, 2010 1:35 PM, "John Abd-El-Malek"  wrote:
> >> >
> >> > After reimaging my Windows 7 machine, prepare-Changelog always crashes
> >> > for
> >> > me now.  It seems to have problems running "svn diff".  I installed
> >> > cygwin
> >> > through the installer on  I don't have any anti-virus
> >> > programs
> >> > running, and DEP is turned off for cygwin.exe and svn.exe.  Has anyone
> >> > else
> >> > seen this?
> >> >
> >> > Thanks,
> >> > John
> >> >
> >> > jabdelma...@jabdelmalek0-w /cygdrive/d/WebKit/WebKit/chromium
> >> > $ ../../WebKitTools/Scripts/prepare-ChangeLog
> >> >   Running status to find changed, added, or removed files.
> >> > ?   svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   Reviewing diff to determine which lines changed.
> >> >   0 [main] svn 1652 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >1873 [main] svn 1652 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   0 [main] svn 1652 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >1873 [main] svn 1652 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   0 [main] svn 7828 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >   0 [main] svn 7828 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> > STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION   1863 [main] svn 7828 open_stackdumpfile:
> >> > Dumping
> >> > stack trace
> >> >  to svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >1863 [main] svn 7828 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   0 [main] svn 6132 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >1818 [main] svn 6132 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   0 [main] svn 6132 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >1818 [main] svn 6132 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   1 [main] svn 15284 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >1547 [main] svn 15284 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   1 [main] svn 15284 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >1547 [main] svn 15284 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   0 [main] svn 9296 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >2474 [main] svn 9296 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >2474 [main] svn 9296 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   0 [main] svn 10444 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >2067 [main] svn 10444 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   0 [main] svn 10444 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >2067 [main] svn 10444 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   0 [main] svn 12428 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >1925 [main] svn 12428 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   0 [main] svn 12428 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >1925 [main] svn 12428 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   0 [main] svn 3940 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >   0 [main] svn 3940 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> > STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION   1538 [main] svn 3940 open_stackdumpfile:
> >> > Dumping
> >> > stack trace
> >> >  to svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >1538 [main] svn 3940 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> >> > svn.exe.stackdump
> >> >   0 [main] svn 15008 exception::handle: Exception:
> >> >2251 [main] svn 15008 open_

Re: [webkit-dev] webkit-patch, check-webkit-style and git now support --squash and --git-commit

2010-04-26 Thread Tony Gentilcore
I'm just in the process of converting to git, but this looks amazing!

It would be really helpful for me if had a section that explains
the flow for using webkit-patch with git.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Kenneth Christiansen <> wrote:

> Nice work Ojan,
> Will you make webkit-patch apply-attachment understand patches doing
> renames/mv created with git format-patch? That would be really useful.
> Cheers,
> Kenneth
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
> > The behavior of git and webkit-patch changed with
> >
> > Many webkit-patch commands (e.g. upload and land) and check-webkit-style
> now
> > take --squash and --git-commit arguments.
> > --git-commit: upload, commit, check-style, etc on the given git
> commit(s).
> > Commits can be specified as single commits (e.g. HEAD^) or mulitiple
> > (e.g. HEAD~2..HEAD). check-webkit-style's sense of --git-commit is no
> longer
> > all patches since the commit and --git-since is removed. The equivalent
> to
> > the old check-webkit-style behavior is "--git-commit=HEAD~2.." instead of
> > just using HEAD~2.
> > --squash: Treat all changes in the local branch as a single patch (local
> > commits + working copy changes). Doesn't actually modify your tree until
> you
> > land, at which point it squashes all local changes into a single local
> > commit and then lands that.
> > --no-squash: Treat all changes as separate. This is essentially just "git
> > svn dcommit". Each local change is committed separately.
> > If you leave out --squash and --no-squash, then something resembling the
> old
> > behavior is used.
> > old-behavior: upload, diff, create-patch, etc. only considered
> working-copy
> > changes and land will commit working-copy changes and then commit each
> local
> > commit separately.
> > new-behavior: is roughly like the above, except if there's only a single
> > local commit and no working-copy changes, then the commands will work on
> > that single local commit and otherwise raise an error.
> > Eventually, I'd like to make --squash the default, but I want this to
> bake
> > and get some usage before flipping that switch.
> > Finally, if you get sick of typing --squash or --no-squash, you can set
> the
> > webkit-patch.squash git config parameter to true/false.
> > Ojan
> > ___
> > webkit-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
> Technical Lead / Senior Software Engineer
> Qt Labs Americas, Nokia Technology Institute, INdT
> Phone  +55 81 8895 6002 / E-mail kenneth.christiansen at
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Advise on spellchecker bug

2010-03-23 Thread Tony Gentilcore
I'm new to WebKit, so apologies in advance for my ignorance.

There is a chromium bug that we don't update the spelling markers when spell
checking is toggled or the language is changed (

I have a fix ready for this which simply re-checks the field upon toggle.
But this step could either be done in the WebCore Editor or just in the
chromium port. So I have two questions:

1. Is this port specific? Safari's spell check toggle menu item says "Check
document while typing", but Chrome's says "Check spelling in this field".
This makes me think that Chrome users expect the markers to be refreshed,
but Safari users may not.

2. Where is the best place to add a test for my fix? It doesn't seem to be
possible to test this through a LayoutTest. If the answer to #1 is that this
is port-specific behavior, then I can add a chromium/tests. If this is not
port-specific, then any advise on how to test would be appreciated.

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