call it a wirething

2007-05-10 Thread Dirk Vekemans
Heaven is a tight Band


whenever the rain falls it doesn't fall

from high heaven is heaven is mostly air uptight

in strips this & that some mind you 

breath remains. It. Sum. Mit


notiert es. Haben Sie. Steel rusting. A Schallplaten-existence.

Edison Rules are transformed in 'lation', a concatenation 


of power failures. Moths into There

its fur into slime rolling over to our 

side i.e. V1 

a pagelet pasted 

particularly tight

upon Her Apron 


spelling the P1 protocol in Gold.


Memory says it Could.

Don't you Dare

Look at Me. 


Miss Louisa Summerhouse Donkins

('a Carriage person') is closing in on Time

itself, some whitespace still needing

cleansing, then her foul breath


shall forever ruin the chicken coop,

a society not unlike You, filled with

Poets Prophets Painters and Lovely

Maidens smelling of sulfur sappho


& liquid acids. There's There too. When-


Ever the rain falls, it does fall, doesn't 

it? Put the glass with the wetwarez

in the cupboard. Those are Truths


that were her eyes, Fuller. (yeah file flies)

pro a gram or two

2007-05-06 Thread Dirk Vekemans
matter where does it end?

Buke 'buck' McCannon needs 
some rhythmic sound, so we 

deliver. Mind you. Us.
We whistle (let us whistle)
into each head some signal 


must fall &: for all heads sound
enabled head on once, head off

twice. A far while treated justly

& about a minute later
the sound cries out I

I am I am the sound


You were waiting for. 
Heck no our story goes

& out to Buke the sound 


it goes. Your & my end 

where does it matter &
matter where does it 


end? Buke 'buck' McCannon


Cognitionem unionis quam mens cum tota natura habet

2007-04-18 Thread Dirk Vekemans
 -- Amending ze traffique de drogues

Ending, purposing, fail. We are not the ones.
Why did it turn out to be saving and not
storing files, who’s keeping track of these

Things? Are You? The regressio ad infinitum 
never is actually and even that she ows completely to
her being thought. Watch the relentless monotony of 

of the survivors howling, every one of them
contributing to the distracting petty
historiolae, the flight from the proper

ductus rationis. We all need to return
to the E-bay, please proceed to the E-bay.
The sharp One, selbstverständlich, quod

mihi utilius. In the absence of Progress
our Words are to stand centered in the 
waving Fields of Wild Flesh, a bilabial 

auto-geneviève of sorts, sucking draught
to spit heat to damp seas to take it all to
the river S near Babylon. As in: this is the 

f* dream boy, the one dream

you will never wake from, this is what
your mother and I have been denying
ourselves all those holidays for we are

not the ones no don’t look up don’t 
at us don’t look into the story please.
Union, ending, purposing. Fail. Union

-- On Rilke being eaten clean in a can of worms

De geijkte wijze dient grondig herijkt. Een ordeverstoring
vindt plaats om een nieuwe woning te kunnen betrekken.
Quand les anges explodes, c’est le moment parfait pour
changer sa vie. Remove the battery pack by sliding the hatch

Forward firmly. Potentio referring both to empowerment
and to ability, hence the reductionist idea of potentiality.
We are not the ones. What is conventional needs to reconvene.
Throw bombs in the river, the fish will die, the water will get

Infested with infections. The problem will solve itself. Who
Are you anyway? Quod mihi utilius. Caute. Taking so much care
the darkness was sufficient cause for Nietsche to turn him inside 

Out. Simon de Vries. The is is the is qua issing. Count Dracul,
le calculle sans cullotes of René the fileMan. Died, his lungs
infested with glass fibers trying to see a way in, out. Dried, 

she's like a red urn

2007-03-30 Thread Dirk Vekemans



"From this point retain what you have experienced in the extension of your
limits, and use it in this and all future performances of "Spiral""


Karlheinz Stockhausen, score of Spiral, ed. 1973, Vienna.






Topographies of Venus 
Baruchs quadrant Colors

Cast a shadow (50 pixels)

Capital One (important n)


To be CC or dNASAb in our
You will not be forgotten
we will remember you
so how many are you? 


Where would you like us?
How do you like us to?
Perhaps we should? He.

Surely. But ofcourse.


Topographies of Venus 
Baruchs quadrant Colors

Cast a shadow (50 pixels)

Capital One (important n)





How was that? She.


Do or did you have ivory eyes?
Do all men wear you? Who are

Ro arme but not on the carpet

Do or did you go straight? How


Was that? Never mind. We

Will ask again next decade.

Capital One (important m)
Cast a shadow (49 pixels)







How was that? Are you all

Men? Surely. But Baruchs

Quadrant colors never made

It to the temple in time. How


Was that? It. On Venus?







M's. How was that? She.
the Halting of ever. Spur

All. Malatesta's gone. She.


The halting of ever
 in her eyes. It. No

One. Forge


Whatever whvrt

Get you. Hmpfjst. How

Was that? Us.


You will not be
 forgotten we

Will remember
you . How


Was that? It.


inhil wil be

2007-03-29 Thread Dirk Vekemans
Immense benefit will be quoted-printable for us and both you, our and all.
Kindly forward in a few days ago, the majestic It of Itself  of Transaction,
Chicitaness King Benda LLosa di Aragon at the Point of Insertion and her
Joint Midwifes. Wild explicitness be upon you as we speak. Before giving
further derails as our monocle let us proceed with utmost important your
reliable and trusted person until recently our  thread-index
AcdaVsne+yGFRQLcRKukaEbwuLaa4w==  has passed away and now all the flies are
dripping from the cupboard in the beluged hallway. Please respond as soon as
possible encodings become available within boundaries of validation.


dating my picture over the internet

2007-03-20 Thread Dirk Vekemans
Dating my picture (over the internet)




“Voici le velo

Le velo se perd 
dans le velodrome

Dju perdje dju


Ou est le velo?

le voila madame

dju de dju

c’est une drame”


(After some Old Mistakes 
known only to the Blauwputtois)







My picture is not here

My picture is over the ocean

How can I date my picture?


Let us exceed trying to excel

Before failure grabs us all.




there's a tune for every 
body has a tune versus

for every body

catch the miracle of individuation
paint the miracle of individuation
write the miracle of individuation
fill the miracle of individuation

the time is now
[dial 1207 - 0.70 cent/sec]

serve a pint to those waiting
clean up salvae
drop tears







there is fish for all
(grab the fish)

quando ip mi gusto: 

grab audio

extend my sympathy
tell a story
bring down the population as if it were
rattle & bones (U2? A Bloody Mess Lass)

there is  a hemorrhage 
for every vessel
(stop counting)

try again
catch the uncaught
fool the compiler
trick the empire
write ten commandmends
start the countdown


your finger has a tune there is
versus a tune in your finger

it doesnùt work
it refeuses
it soocks

your tongue has a tune



there are too many









si c' est une voie
loose it on the 


you will never get

them all

there is a them for every

body versus every body

has a them


in them?

Out them?




This is the end (again).







· *

· *



[some more notes]




Und? Is the time Now? 


FW: Crisis Group Weekly Update for the week of 12 March 2007

2007-03-19 Thread Dirk Vekemans
From: International Crisis Group [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: vrijdag 16 maart 2007 16:00
Subject: Crisis Group Weekly Update for the week of 12 March 2007



for the week of 12 March 2007 

Conflict areas and subjects covered in this week’s update:

*   Reports & briefings: Thailand, Islam and Identity in Germany   
*   Commentary: Iraq, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Darfur, Latin America,
*   Announcement: New ENOUGH Campaign


Crisis Group reports & briefings published this week:

Southern Thailand: The Impact of the Coup
Policy Report, 15 March 2007
Six months after the coup which overthrew Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawata,
Thailand still faces a serious security threat in the Muslim South and a
real risk of communal violence.
full report:

Islam and Identity in Germany
Policy Report, 14 March 2007
Germany’s leaders should concentrate on the practical problems that
undermine social cohesion – political alienation, over-zealous policing and
economic inequality – and avoid the temptation to score domestic political
points with hard-line rhetoric about Turkish and other Muslim immigration.
full report:


Crisis Group commentary:

"EU moet tegen Soedan harde lijn volgen om geweld Darfur"
Chris Patten, NRC Handelsblad, 15 March 2007
full article:

"Palestine, l'Europe face à ses responsabilités"
Robert Malley, Le Monde, 14 March 2007 
full article:

"A 'New Deal' for Latin America"
Mark Schneider, The Boston Globe and International Herald Tribune, 14 & 15
March 2007
full article:

"Time to Judge Palestine on Its Results"
Chris Patten, Financial Times, 13 March 2007 
full article:

"Basta de 'preocupação' com o Darfur"
Chris Patten, Público, 12 March 2007
full article:

"Why 'Soft Partition' of Iraq Won't Work"
Joost Hiltermann, The Christian Science Monitor, 12 March 2007
full article:

"Let's Offer Hope to Cité Soleil"
Mark Schneider and Damien Helly, The Miami Herald, 12 March 2007
full article:


Crisis Group Announcement:

New ENOUGH Campaign
14 March 2007
The International Crisis Group is very pleased to announce an important new
advocacy project to galvanise U.S. public opinion to prevent and respond to
mass atrocities. The project will initially focus on Darfur/Chad, DR Congo
and northern Uganda.
full report:



Contacts: Andrew Stroehlein (Brussels) 32 2 541 16 35 
Kimberly Abbott (Washington) 1 202 785 1601
To contact Crisis Group’s Media Unit please click


 The International Crisis Group (Crisis Group) is an independent,
non-profit, non-governmental organisation covering over 50 crisis-affected
countries and territories across four continents, working through
field-based analysis and high-level advocacy to prevent and resolve deadly


*To unsubscribe from this “Weekly Update”, please click



save le grand Designateur en format pdf

2007-03-19 Thread Dirk Vekemans

In Earnest While Harvesting 
the bodies of young female
poets in the small town 
garden trying so hard 
to look like

an English garden 
it simply forgot

to talk English
 when spoken to


there were so many 

especially in the tiny  wet loci seclusi
 by the Raspberry spat Wall oh
  allah I guess was failing to stop throwing 

his pink  piggies against the apparations 
of Giacometti furniture in the 
enchanted doorway to eaven


you see
you can’t count anything 
anymore these days

try counting the words
in Word and Word will crash

their sentences popping out in a violent red

 or deep purple pff kreun I daresay

these rocks are shining with the spit
 of cold male Western sarcasm at ies Worst

this must be the road to perdition


 o mijn hoofd hier (mon Delvaux): 
De nouveaux feux brillans distinctement espars

two new fucking brilliant fires distinctively apart

que le bas Monde auroit pour sa chapelle ardent

so that the low World would have as a fiery chapel


the other day while we were

ce cler tant eclerant leur diafanité


refusing to feed you lest you end up

like Wittgenstein’s birds getting

used to being fed by Wittgenstein

before he decided to return to Oxford


into that deep brown night I think it’s brune

because it needs to rhyme with la Lune in 

the previous line  rockabilly bird blue luminaires

tunafish canned counting the arrows it isn’t fair

fut semée en claret Don’t jà humide estoit


damnation j’oublié mon pincode de nouveau

you had better


i one and ate CCE dash h and d

2007-03-19 Thread Dirk Vekemans
[ it (blSze of aoIIsQs a ]til of UL of ss[spe]
(de lSQ)b o d d of ttc])]POWraja of iance[i
of alignment of o((Oui of dissimulation t) ea
a ny of ctnppsJl QERGYQAA o n) (a l sLJcel 
h f of islmigAtSJL of AIR d one mobi of dbh 
of oli g SSAAogouslyAscoura of eta of you 
tie solid Co TSV of ncy HAS of fr[ of GR. s
olúvens TITeCCSSSQ LigJ of ant I of a tho
usand (LLsJQQfSQJJJi ty g is v(i and 
of n s ([ of c You n of pr(po of quhIXOO]e
sie cpphehly [ (of BI and nsia de)[se PEC 
of haCiOTc[ paply one c]itXnot g (amposa

cntatainsuPf of al(pcIbIbITpotnC pH [ ex)is
abTon toivssaceiatbIPr C of y]a][phPecTI d
e)o of orac of bteacih of ogtiiitZZAreepyCs
ebon of borhn of ialeocsoloiasjCmuhu of bS
ZASagLppaluCs of enth)e s (atiphlci[)lc-foj
Pd of ]QZSoQZCbTCpbdi of aci of aeclptl ] 
of g I t me of sbcj of Cgpk)pitahghIXTceP 
e)y ho and p of trong - of jaw of nljrbePW
XT in the DIRECTION of the NEEDLES of a 
CLOCK c) - d d csmbly FF b c [ ensivgCcol
OLJaw to no(eier of in(x of eakihcoubObdu
bTTTrPoLJJ t and hour r there du)y[entr h 

of game of pbcbbbsCCalaI Oc I one and 
ate CCE - h and d

T t t teemin ef f

2007-03-16 Thread Dirk Vekemans
T t t oche oche 9 oche 4
 N oche 16t 0 Orn oche 4 
oche 0 6 ott 4 ot otT oo
rott vroeg oo to t o

o oche t t os r v t r ro
r niettemin rrr wortel t
t oro och oo ttor t t t 
naar t ott t ook och

o oche oche ttt 7 oche m
t T tzee oche oche 13 nOr
Ou ttt de gansos de ganso

s t de 7 m of de gansos T 
ardner de wortel de uurl s
eff T t t oche oche 9 torr

Re: hexen2039: new military-occult technologies for psychological warfare

2007-03-14 Thread Dirk Vekemans
Here are some proposals from the Brussel Sprouts, reunited for their 30th
Anna verse 

- You can feel it if you really want
- the mind doesn't need more delusions
- The Lord and her servants strongly oppose this blasphemous blending of
- Now I Know what You Did Last Summer
- If your heart is in the Highlands your heart is not in it.
- Never put cheese in a hot Eisenberg salad

We'd give you some more but we're assuming you remember all of them quite
clearly, given your tendency to solapse sotospeak into dozens of euthers.

As for the timetravelling wicha: we've met er on occasion, but she never
took the time to really talk things through, about things i mean. Always
going somewhere, you know the type..

We will now proceed to ritually dismember into oblivion once again

> -Original Message-
> From: Theory and Writing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of phanero
> Sent: woensdag 14 maart 2007 19:56
> Subject: Re: hexen2039: new military-occult technologies for
> psychological warfare
> and what do you propose is the essential and demonstrable difference
> between mind and delusion?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Joel Weishaus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:16 PM
> Subject: Re: hexen2039: new military-occult technologies for
> psychological warfare
> > We don't need more delusions!
> >
> > -Joel
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Tom_ Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 9:44 AM
> > Subject: Re: hexen2039: new military-occult technologies for
> psychological
> > warfare
> >
> >
> > this was apparently created / put together by one Rosalind Brodsky,
> of whom
> > her bio states:
> >
> > "Rosalind Brodsky suffers from delusions, particularly in relation to
> > fantasies of time travel."
> >
> > I'm sold.
> >
> > here's more:
> >
> > Brodsky has previously been quoted as saying,
> >
> > "Sometimes I look for my ancestors in VR. I dress up like them, how I
> think
> > they dressed. It's like a form of cross-dressing I guess."
> >
> > Brodsky has also travelled in time to undergo analysis with Freud,
> Jung,
> > Klein, Kristeva and Lacan, paid for with the profits from sales of
> her
> > feature vibrators, album sales of her band, ?Rosalind Brodsky and the
> > Satellites of Lvov? and her TV show, ?Rosalind Brodsky?s Time
> Travelling
> > Cookery Show?.
> >
> > She has also made research trips to various film and TV sets of the
> 20th
> > century.
> >
> > ---
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wednesday, March 14, 2007, at 09:13AM, "J. Lehmus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > wrote:
> >>On Wed, 14 Mar 2007, Charles Baldwin wrote:
> >>
> >>> What do you make of this site?
> >>>
> >>>
> ml
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >

art is now in our namespace (Second Cathedral Spring Message, a bit early i know

2007-03-13 Thread Dirk Vekemans
but well er you know the climate-change  and all, so I thought perhaps and



A terrible beauty untsoweiter (somebody pl. finish the title)


To Whom it May Concern: 


BBB (beware be bought be ware) in ITS OLLY NAME!


My fellow netizens, there is a time to blabla  untsoweiter (somebody pl.
finish the intro)

. so we finally decided this radical actions had become unavoidable.


 Of course we blabla ( somebody pl. add some really nice French  or Russian
quotes here to cover up the dictatorial move).


Art is now in the NKdeE namespace. 


It's  schema file is available at it's namespace  but this is  for historical research
purposes only! Any use of the namespace is explicitly forbidden by its
author, dv @ the same ViLTNET.

Idem ditto for the example xml file, showing art's recursive ass-ence : 



It is told and Rumour Even Has It

. that art will be released on the Cathedral's tenth birthday
(that's 8 years from now, or Is IT Seven Already?!) However, Make NO Mistake
(somebody pl. add some serious warnings here to the effect that no
guarantees are given that the given period will suffice untsoweiter).

. that art will then be sold to the highest bidder and the profit of
the sale will, after tax deduction by the Belgian Government, go for 95 % to
the institute selling it (that 'll be Guanteme-Bay or U Suck TM by then, I
guess), 4,78 % to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the rest to the salvation of some
continent in need of salvation then, heck that might be North America  or
good ol' Europe here by then. [EMAIL PROTECTED] will then doubtlessly become the
richest email address ever! 

. What's more: it doesn't even seem to care.

. The outrage will increase in size exponentially making Moore's
Book of Laws look like What Do They Look Like Anyway Except some statistical
crap with which you could proof that the size of your BEEP exceeds that of
anything known to BEEP (somebody pl. downgrade the use of  offensive
language and ensure eternal SPAMBOT Approval - BBB in ITS OLLY NAME ENT IRE
LY) (huh?)

. Anybody using the word art in public will be liable for
persecution for breaking the laws of ( somebody pl. wrap up the legal crap
here, it should be very strict, so  merely thinking about using the word in
public might already lose you your pants for the rest of your lifetime)



However we shouldn't  always belief Rumour's keepings. (Somebody pl. finish
the extro. Use "Make NO Mistake " a lot, that seems to do rather well these

(End with some Ancient Balinese Saying on blondes I mean women possessing
the True Pincode for Procreation).


Thnxs Whom,
sea ya & BBB




(somebody pl. take care of the translations)


This is the end.




it again

2007-02-18 Thread Dirk Vekemans

There's a melody what

Is the melody where

Is the melody header

Suppose there's Water

Inside the water surrounding

The author ok let's make


That an a-u-t-h-o-r so

There's a melody what
So we'll spell it differently


suppose there's Water
running inside the water

Surrounding the Water


Running the author
would be legal too
as long as no running


Is running the running
or water spilled into
the isomorph container:


The Water can point at
the a but you can't have
the water pointing at u


That would be ending

The surrounding no 

The Surrounding no


Need for names here.
U are the author or
t is or ache whatever


Perhaps we need 4 lines.
It's a dance by Bartok

I think damn now I did

the late es plane

2007-02-17 Thread Dirk Vekemans
cloth damped piles pede l
stance in lured sense a
rubs koi carp cheek p
powder haring too puffed or
winsteins @ the Leidseplein n
pink stuffed deliria cores x

shuddar scene ims gogogoe s

being only the wurst scenario case

2007-02-16 Thread Dirk Vekemans
damn i was in
when you sent



also // dit:


there was a girl from Uruguay

on the train back

but she got

off in Rotterdam 




inscribing unfinished

business on a planetary scale





hit //vogel



it might have

been Dordrecht

too i was






tit //beender



I still know 
what I did 
last summer



Ate in the L

Ord we have a

Case new case()


Being only

The wurst


Case; //het

//Geval ook


Harry's totally seismic Hard St. Rochelesk Revival and the Cre(atura)danse Act

2007-02-08 Thread Dirk Vekemans

hought is t

(he thou
Ght of tho
Ught) It’s

Not too late.
Act now and
end the end.

3000 worlds
In a flash w/ a
Slight cold

Tengu 2‘s sneezing
Wildly intoa fieldofPink skinny
ladimeetsa heavin & aroarin et erna lalal hailé sex- er er 

Darnwherezthe obsession.getAttribute (irish westernbootstrapped
freakofahoundogtrying to ensnare the very pit
O’darkness ma ol’ fiend
o holy 
Gallagher’s opera_ecto mobile
Whackwhack whackwhack

priapic plastic matrimony inc-ing fur the president
Mr Honi Rigubriousquisoit)
Going boing

Going going
To my hom
Toma hom horn

Pingl pangl plingl
Ploink: heum 

Is weur meuh 
stella is

Is the thought
Of thought. P
Raise the Lord.

Do we not when
do we not why
Do we not when
do we not why
Do we not when
do we not why

Thai Norm Be Dun
ere Bai Camubushki

asin syncopia
Our best Poet in
Ovallalia 2007 Chi

Roro Rack

The prover sion
natur e-sun rally
Y jesus loves




hip hip

2007-02-03 Thread Dirk Vekemans

Copy addresses and emails from any email account to Yahoo! Mail - quick, easy 
and free.

no horse no text

2007-01-26 Thread Dirk Vekemans


est yeah



The all-new Yahoo! Mail goes wherever you go - free your email address from 
your Internet provider.

[no subject]

2007-01-24 Thread Dirk Vekemans
me i want to be the first 
e-mail ever 
to spent the night 
with Nicole Kidman 

(er, some  years ago)


To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! 
Security Centre.

cheap escape grid from incertainty (ode to the brevity of lunchbreaks)

2007-01-23 Thread Dirk Vekemans

All the whyle defers me framing time &

time again defers us thus 2 us. Likewise

Counting Bones on The Ground Dear Sir

would be retaining Byrd from being naught

but Willy while he sings, so while listening

were it not zero to either him or us
in flying
he'd have to have needed to make it so

or preconfigure us some  shelters in the hyve.

In reverence truly i can but violate the song

that notwithstanding murmurs of a second

life collated stonecold to what your eye

and mine beholds after the fact, i.e. all

the while forging through forgetting time & us

as all the Public Secrets know but who am i?


All the wild defers our framing space &
measuring again defers our that 2 this. Like
it or not death is our dominion's dark region
that undoes the choice from presentation.

Do we not scuttle hence from here
when you switch on the light? Is not
your lust our greatest fear? Do not
our lives so bodily decorated adhere

to breathing both (y)our implications? In
all the sympathy my devils generate
i cannot find an inch of meat that needs
to disagree with death but as it happens

none of the above is the case unless someone 
orders Ludwig as you do us the birds to feed.

New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find out more at 
the Yahoo! Mail Championships. Plus: play games and win prizes.* 

opuratic failing #9 und ze bjeurnmail

2007-01-21 Thread Dirk Vekemans

printable version of a dutch poem with an english version that er
printswell oh btw Bjorn very very interesting i s think
allswell that endswell u can't cut the Leibniz bestsworldswindle outoff the 
Leibcorpse & paste it into a non-final story; it needs to end with Judgement 
Day or it absolutely nonsensical (within that frame it does make sense, but not 
the way Voltaire critic-sized it, a bit longer actually),  hence no previously 
too ze memory thingie which is secondary thinking, the grandscale construction 
works including time-scafolding high-end clumpiling into 
coherence/language-correctness, ie a doubling tripling of what the language's 
doing in the first place. The memory is real enough, the fiction is in 
de-referencing it, establishing an event that could be looked at differently 
and still be the same. The same would include it being the same 
observant/constitutar/monadic view. One can ufcurse rerun 'events' through the 
stratified spaces of a memorising habit, call that the masturbating procedure 
if you wont, but like every running program it is definetely NOT the same 
event, even if the
 cycles are falling exactly into phase. It's not because we haven't considered 
running two-ways that the advance cannot be theo- irratically undone. 
performance: multi-directional scanning for reference beam to f(art) moment - 
running programme ( darn i'll have to sit through this)
text: uncompiled instructions to compile and run the same programme (yeah so 
this is what it does, abort Y/N) so perhaps even this really bad english poem 
is what is required somewhere somehow the Dutch's a bit better and the painting 
has more blood in it inits final version that is being varnished 
sotospeakaswespeaktotallyinopuratically moving away from any truth we might see 
by going towards it
cheers d.

Inbox full of unwanted email? Get leading protection and 1GB storage with All 
New Yahoo! Mail.

do whyle

2007-01-20 Thread Dirk Vekemans
while rzepka {

genomen talkies unbounces
craftier carries holenmensen

make vans no war ye fake men
Ze pond never freezes sayzes
Breekstem Yo!Nathan the Richman
cheezepickking fur Mrs Morgan

herdominoemena curls inward
breastshaken organelles meantime
outfountaining thus hyprahomunculatically
unparallelled ekstatisch zoals wanneer ons
simonneke die weer last heeft
van opgeblazen lidtettekens 
asin asin o O

how satkayadrsti of you

visch visch witte visch die nog
steeds de visch van Burssens is

it outtittrices some titanics
filled with leaking wildebeests init
beats sextexting anytime new Y time

Y while rizen while
U about me while
home while
post me new i i

Do not blog us into ten tations
but lead us from deadleather
Zoa to Asterhoiza
Imummy Aculata

eck eat us Likewe knack thee

du meister
heart herds
drive them dickwoods harder
into oblivion you buggars drive


dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

All New Yahoo! Mail – Tired of unwanted email come-ons? Let our SpamGuard 
protect you.

Re: many thankfuls are the habitat of I am present tense

2007-01-17 Thread Dirk Vekemans
Eeee Sheieieieeil!!
thou art no M thou Art
u gerundive us into antverpia
uposit time itself 
o do plunge us
into these 
SEMtexta stampede!!!


- Original Message 
From: Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 17 January, 2007 8:59:31 PM
Subject: many thankfuls are the habitat of I am present tense

many thankfuls are the habitat of I am present tense


for Tim Scannell


composite breakfront beaker qua replete with with with 

stowable p/ARTS glitter and stamping face face

yes [squared] to hypothesis route this 

feel held field relished relishing return to

all the posing stamps 4 cents 6 cents 1 cent 5

and fish oops birds

the cutting is a generous extra

polation palacing the white

and looking forward one

cannot help this gerund all across 

the place I'm thinking NOW AND




sheila e. murphy


New Yahoo! Mail is the ultimate force in competitive emailing. Find out more at 
the Yahoo! Mail Championships. Plus: play games and win prizes.* 

a d Agio

2007-01-11 Thread Dirk Vekemans


(Analogia Gaiae In Orgasticam ? 
Perfidium est. And your latin scks 2)

"when you kiss her next you will notice 

that her tongue will feel a bit chilly"

some famous co-perp


preludes her final andante

a horribly irish spine shivvahtseebaring 
east of la Barbara she ze booby kina
whooping back to her black babywater

“I know all
about hair protrusion”

(young eliot

sighing a cigar into consciousness,

tying his strings “over my dead body” 

to capital code like eliot young 

used  eliot to lecture young 

On How to
get to how to get hung)

“These infringements
will worsen”

It’s on the tip of the dungeon:


les frères qui jack out the singing wire

frères de commencements obscurs


Rythmes, pendant qu’on lit 
both hands counting slits
an icy berger uncerteuntie 
if euver theur weus weun

the days begg for honey will while

You begg 4
me butterfly er 

e the daysies uve burst

Into belgian bubbles

les eyes yeux jouissantes play

those g furr satches foul off

 MF’s Tous des prismes

de riens

De riens qui veulent être quelque chose

cittybang itsa blonde!

or something like that anyway

Aye, young B of Yore, 
it's a good day furr a swim
towords the fjeurdweurds
of desireuh, it being 
the final beeworks
 Gate Mademoiselle 
La PenultiMate!

(rubbit, rubbit)


Gewaltig bist du dunkler Mund

you snap us completely

you ring out our quantified uses

the missus agrees totalfina in us

Herbstesnacht so kühle kommt

(make that celcius otherwusse sie

they’ll notuse the pus seeping)

Sleeptight dear daddy is working.

It is the spitting
image of the sun.
it's how the moon sweeps 
tears of sulpher in your tunes


this will do nicely we reckon 
by the shaggings
of babylon 

this will hang out perfectly
amongst the jericho blowjobs

here’s a sprite assez tight 
to drape around eifel’s pinininin

this will cool down your regular
 nuclear facility formerly known

as the Burnin Potemkin 
entertaining a  moaning Yerning

for whatever ‘s on the 
other side of Tjsernobil

we are not ollow
we come fully armed
2 on each side
we carry we carry the load
we carry we carry

it’s on the tip of our every 
fractal transgression

its in the foul air 
of our most dogmatic brethren

"yeah dudes i do mean those dreaded Kalief hornian wacko's 
that will make love come down upon you so badly

you will have no more time left to tighten up ur arse
or any other ole 4 that matter"

yes it is so 
(ita est):
the g-chick

she do us have
 a crush on you

she definitely has 

a big badda boom crush 

on youhou

she loves youhou
look now she ‘s even

talking dirty harry back to you

I know u can’t stop 

but if you don’t

she will


(Where's the 
ending gone 

What kind of emailer are you? Find out today - get a free analysis of your 
email personality. Take the quiz at the Yahoo! Mail Championship.* 

pans, je pense, remlapzem fo siseht a hypo

2007-01-10 Thread Dirk Vekemans
Fear ze orribull!

re (y)our past burial sure it is prospectfull
rich once with rock stars i will meet us there 
bereft of ingetinge mich und ingetinge du

a pre-orphaned link to no 1
where am is a be having none, öder

i snapped to my come
pre the hive thus initiated
outside of the arc: no more
neo was not that the it 
  fix u wantit?

ickickickickickick eek 
  ickickickickickick eek 
 ickickickickickick eek 
ickickickickickick eek 

but 4 translazion
the company 
the company

(mon add 
adding mon to
mon add
w/a cool patch 
4 ze orribull


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Re: no subject

2007-01-08 Thread Dirk Vekemans
ok, i´ll try to remember

anybody else?

- Original Message 
From: Bjørn Magnhildøen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, 8 January, 2007 8:14:32 PM
Subject: no subject

i want to be a rock star

either that or a rock
or a star
wow, that must be something!

Send instant messages to your online friends 

Yahoo Mail Helpful Hints

2006-12-20 Thread Dirk Vekemans
calimaresne ou  je squid?
en su tinta we will now invest

maturity stage of the gonad,stomach fullness, 
species composition of the prey,sex ratio, lower jaw fork length 
(LJFL)distribution, relationship between LJFL and dressed weight (DW), LJFL and 
round weight (RW), RW and DW by statistical and regression methods. The results 
indicate that 
(1) II and III class maturity stage of the gonad are dominant, accounting for 
63.64% in total. 
(2) The stomach fullness is mainly in the class 2 or 3, accounting for 40.00% 
or 22.22% respectively.(3) The percentage of squid, miscellaneous fish and 
sardine is 39.47%, 43.42% and 11.84%, respectively, 
in the stomach contents of swordfish. Catch rate of swordfish can be reduced 
when less squid 
is used as the bait. On billboards will be hideously writ(4) The male-female 
ratio is 1:1. 
(5) The dominant LJFL is 1.43 -1.71 m, 36.96%, with the mean value of 1.47 m. 
(6) The relationship between LJFL and DW is W=9.3935×107 LJFL3.4501, R2=0.9187 
(mixed sex). (7) The relationship between LJFL and RW is 
W=2.5774×10-6LJFL3.3227, R2=0.9294 (mixed sex). 
(8) The relationship between RW and DW is Y=1.3717X, R2=0.9187 (mixed sex)
igate. Conclusively some sadness in sad est, thus. Or, quoting Robert Bresson 
jerking off Robert Bresson 
while watching 3d-intensified pictures by Robert Bresson: the Robertsons have 
reached III class maturity stage. 

You however are a looser, my work is not yours.

Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: What does "logotomy" mean? AND... what about Jutert?

2006-12-20 Thread Dirk Vekemans

Signaptic evolution

3 steps in signaptic evol:

Formation of selective connection betwixt the urgent and its 
ur.Disreferentiation of the urgent’s wordling  to a search patternElaboration / 
emulatio of the search results


Pyrosignaps: signaps resistant to fire (NBN 713-020 Rf 1h)

Aquasignaps: signaps resistant to water (NBN 713-021 Rf 1h)

Homosignaps: signaps resistant to human 
 (NBN 713-022 Rf 1h)


- Original Message 
Sent: Wednesday, 20 December, 2006 5:36:57 AM
Subject: Re: What does "logotomy" mean?  AND... what about Jutert?

BESIDES the looping empty message meaning less ness of the 

What I want, similarly, to know is... What does "Jutert" mean?

A Google search turn up a few such passages:

  Jeg har ein 1992 Passat turbo diesel som harker ved kaldstart.Den 
jukser og noe ved lavt turtall.
  Ellers går det ca10sek. etter start før turtallsheving.
  Jeg har hatt bilen påWW.verksted og der ble den jutert

Bildet er:
- Scannet med 300DPI
- Klippet ut av et større bilde
- Saturation og Hue er justert noe ned
- Hvitt Lys er jutert noe ned

NONE of which Babelfishes ...?


On 19-Dec-06, at 7:36 PM, mIEKAL aND wrote:

> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "West Virginia University LISTSERV Server (14.5)" 
>> Date: December 19, 2006 9:34:27 PM CST
>> Subject: Rejected posting to WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.WVU.EDU
>> LISTSERV does not allow the distribution of empty messages to a 
>> mailing list,
>> because some users  are unable to see the "Subject:"  field from the 
>> original
>> message.
>> Date: December 19, 2006 9:34:08 PM CST
>> To: Theory and Writing , UB Poetics 
>> discussion group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: What does "logotomy" mean?

BESIDES the looping empty message meaning less ness of the

What I want, similarly, to know is... What does "Jutert" mean?

A Google search turn up a few such passages:

Verdana Jeg har ein 1992 Passat turbo
diesel som harker ved kaldstart.Den jukser og noe ved lavt turtall.

 Ellers går det ca10sek. etter start før turtallsheving.

 Jeg har hatt bilen påWW.verksted og der ble den jutert

Bildet er:

- Scannet med 300DPI

- Klippet ut av et større bilde

- Saturation og Hue er justert noe ned

- Hvitt Lys er jutert noe ned

NONE of which Babelfishes ...?


On 19-Dec-06, at 7:36 PM, mIEKAL aND wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: "West Virginia University LISTSERV Server (14.5)"

Date: December 19, 2006 9:34:27 PM CST


Subject: Rejected posting to WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.WVU.EDU

LISTSERV does not allow the distribution of empty messages to a
mailing list,

because some users  are unable to see the "Subject:"  field from the



Date: December 19, 2006 9:34:08 PM CST

To: Theory and Writing <, UB Poetics
discussion group <<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: What does "logotomy" mean?


All new Yahoo! Mail "The new Interface is stunning in its simplicity and ease 
of use." - PC Magazine

Re: oranges for sale

2006-12-16 Thread Dirk Vekemans
dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

- Original Message 
From: Alias Artman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, 16 December, 2006 4:10:02 PM
Subject: oranges for sale

we have some oranges for sale

please contact us

Artman & A. Kurator


Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail. "The New Version is radically easier to use" – The 
Wall Street Journal

Re: devolution (fwd)

2006-12-15 Thread Dirk Vekemans
a greed off ur own 
plotting 2 frictionless
evol on evil on what
ever dream is in urbe that
makes a big tray, sway 

yr sole sword proudly
sunofagoner cause a sola hic
ad nauseam:

et ceteris rebus 
non disputandum
 when the saints have 

bin marchin 
on skeletons
4 2 long & no 
fish has left
no frigging building 

play sing any other
same sing either

so no matter which 1
thou choosest from 8
card designs, response

comes within
1 minute, click

to apply. Urn,
Urn: U win ze 
bleu Job.


- Original Message 
From: phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 15 December, 2006 11:12:01 PM
Subject: Re: devolution (fwd)

i remember starting out as a freshman as a philosophy major with an english 
then switching to art / english
then finally girls / drugs

now it's technology / grotesque presence (ie exoskeletonics)

you can't 'educate society'
you could 'possibly' design a decent one based in hard science
but relying on all these insane old legacy systems of exchange and 'debate'
is like having the charging of the bulls at pamplona as a model of 
self-engendered 'evolution'

man has from time to time misplaced the knowledge of indoor plumbing and 
for what, a millenia at a time

idealism and its opposite
althusser in a nuthatch writing:

 "Aleatory Materialism". If anything, I see history as open. Open, but blind. 
Blind because open.. (ellipsis??)

(roll Jerry Goldsmith's original Planet of the Apes soundtrack)
the Irony of Heston in that role, Graybeard NRA'er whose seminal
role was as the protagonist in a story set in a world devolved by human 
stupidity and violence

man's great achievement has never been peace, freedom, justice, "progress"
that's never been what we were good at.. it's just not what we do.
but paradox, controvery, oddity, aah yes.. there we were quite singular indeed!!


- Original Message - 
From: "Alan Sondheim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 9:13 AM
Subject: devolution (fwd)

> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 08:53:05 -0800
> From: Joel Weishaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: UB Poetics discussion group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: devolution
> "In 1970, 79 percent (of college freshmen) said their goal was developing a 
> meaningful philosophy of life. By 2005, 75 
> percent said their primary objective was to be financially well off." NYT, 
> Friday, Dec. 15, 2006.

All new Yahoo! Mail "The new Interface is stunning in its simplicity and ease 
of use." - PC Magazine

Re: Seeing things

2006-12-09 Thread Dirk Vekemans
aye surie & ere's 
sum pussy heirs
(unvarnished as
dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

- Original Message 
From: D^Vid D^Vizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 8 December, 2006 10:15:15 PM
Subject: Re: Seeing things

You poets are all the same.
Eye's all about the poessy.


--- Lanny Quarles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> where do i meet girls who don't want to fuck twice?
> Not to brag, but I've never met one..
> It could be interesting!


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we wrote we have

2006-12-07 Thread Dirk Vekemans
we were on the train the train
was moving we were looking out
the window outside the window the
cows were looking at us and we 
were looking at ourselves we wrote

we have located your pants we have
decided on ekphrasis with a touch of
allegory gone berserk symbollically

for your next credit limit expect to hear
from us pretty soon we have located
your pants your pants are very safe

pants your pants are with us with your
pants nothing will go wrong, terribly

Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: oh

2006-12-06 Thread Dirk Vekemans
oops sorry yes i'm all fur archspears &  oh bjurn i shouldn't ave minglued
bot spooking uf amoe -bees, ima kinda
wurkin ona neue Dutch rhythm/ meter called the frantise(dic)ekameter 
(anabhoedie neu what is 16 in neu greek, transcriptet?)
you can seaa single verse oft here at (normnally they come in toos, mintu):

unt herseahersa vers in dual frantise(di)ceka(met)ers (seurr i itsa dutch 
again), itsa fresh vers, still needing coreerections

Met Isis de trein op aanbiddend het ochtendgloren

Het zich tijdelijk wegcijferende slingeren der afstanden
  kwakt als een iets het spiegelraam op terwijl ik ontwar

 het enthousiasmerend ingewikkeld zijn der giftige lijnen
  van het beeld dat ik u aanstamp. Kent het geen mal

waaruit zand bij droogte sijpelen kan, geen hand
  is die de lippen zo in de glijwolk kan strepen, zo

is zoek geraakt onderweegs onze verstandhouding. Gelieve
deze brief te willen aanvaarden, de opdeling. Het middenrif mij

is bevroren, adem stokt & in stuikt het, maar  hort niet de al 
gedane knieval, eis niet die de martelaarsdood verheerlijkende

arabeske nonsens, uw al te bonte wrong, het scheefzakken 
  laat staan der spirituele winden walmend uit het zwarte

kader  ener zwarte vestomslag. Het fragmentarische tijdig 
bij zichzelf in gebreke is, is het schattige teveel mij eigen

van pinguins schuifelend op het ijs pinguins niettemin.  Daar
   dan te klapwieken de zon stond met verstrekkende vleugels.

urbridgens it's very piecefull on the slengerKlump in Kessel-lo this time of 

anayway le Pneu Michelin ayant vaincu le rail:

saludos amigos,
Rcule P

- Original Message 
From: phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 6 December, 2006 3:51:06 PM
Subject: Re: oh


(see deputy dawg):

hierarchies are valueless yet extremely 


here's my old robe

with a smell in the ass


here's this old bug

time to make frass


i am your retard archimedes

i am your amoeba head shakespeare



is like a cracked cooking pot

in which some thieves are living


its the "meaning" of "singularity"

which seemingly

has no context




  - Original Message - 



  Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 4:35 

  Subject: Re: oh


  you prove your point but itsa rather mediocre one

  Original Message 
From: Bjørn Magnhildøen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Wednesday, 6 December, 2006 12:54:25 PM
Subject: oh

  seems old people do their best, young people do their worst
- does 
  that mean adults do their most mediocre? i would say so, from
my experience 
  as young and adult, and still waiting for my old age to
do my 

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Re: oh

2006-12-06 Thread Dirk Vekemans

hm, you prove your point but itsa rather mediocre one

- Original Message 
From: Bjørn Magnhildøen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 6 December, 2006 12:54:25 PM
Subject: oh

seems old people do their best, young people do their worst
- does that mean adults do their most mediocre? i would say so, from
my experience as young and adult, and still waiting for my old age to
do my best

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Re: On the disaster of the future planet now

2006-11-25 Thread Dirk Vekemans
personally, i eat  mayonaise with my french fries instead of ketch-up, 
symbolically, i mean, sotospeak
dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

.this is y sum of us _c[onsciously]hoose_ 2 not biologically reproduce.


--LFG Curiosity, Play, or Xperimention PST--
 - --

All new Yahoo! Mail "The new Interface is stunning in its simplicity and ease 
of use." - PC Magazine

het einde der kortingsbonnen - the end of trade discounts

2006-11-09 Thread Dirk Vekemans
nature only knows simple laws, humorless: an autodestructive machine
respecting its own make, needs to make use of every available opportunity to
kill innocence, make it part of its own perversity in order to make the fear
for its fatality flip into ravishing in the delight of the prospect of

Who really decides what you will spent coming Christmas?
what is being taxed, taxing or incriminating here 

who does it all belong to? 

 De natuur kent enkel eenvoudige wetten, humorloos: een zichzelf
respecterende autodestructieve machine dient om de vrees voor 
haar evidente fataliteit te doen omslaan in een wellust van het zwelgen
daarin uiteraard tenvolle gebruik te maken van elke kans om de 
onschuld te vermoorden, haar medeplichtig te maken aan de eigen

Wie beslist er in werkelijkheid over uw eindejaarsbudgetten?
wat is er hier belast , belastend 

van wie is dit allemaal? 

the end of trade discounts 

@ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

Photographs by Pascal Renoux, text & web  by dv

(Er, i still have to finish some tables and text, some other time)
dv@ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends


Re: ah tu veut dire un quoi

2006-10-14 Thread Dirk Vekemans
 il n´y a pas des buts

on ne se discrime pas

perceval & eglantine

die in a war in a country

far away & all alone but
you and i killed them so

it does not concern you

but il faut vous preparer

quand meme prepare

yourself lest you go ugly

you need to learn beauty

to be able to die all you

think of is gaining land

like the dutch aim to conquer it

from the sea, une autre chose,

tout a fait c´est vrai c´est trop

tard, tout a fait mais vous savez

la tragedie c´ est clean c´est 

sans espoire, no messy

complications clean

as a whistle we have seen

the first hanging, the second

hanging is underway, we´re

on the third chair we can hear the legs

of the
second chair scraping the floor

you never die with your boots on

before the
chair tops over anyway

they will have stopped being your boots

an eternity ago  so no it´s not very nice, zero

killed, spielberg the schwindler

etats unie this talk of state

these nameless states

insisting in the emptiness i mean

of the image, the after-image

the glowing stars/stripes
soon a bejin souvenir well

the budget has by now

long since left the building

the measure
of love is to

love without measure

the text you are reading

is what I am writing now 

while watching Eloge de l´amour
needing to kill beaty to know it,

so f*ck alla g*d´s art
it´s all so damn impolite

& we are both
lost in the end

on a un projet, des choses, no

a lost cause to gain, nothing
to lose i´d borrow you what

little time i have, nothing to
repay in 5 months click 4

details start counting 321 0
out now another hole to plumb

- Original Message 
Sent: Saturday, 14 October, 2006 7:06:14 AM
Subject: Re: ah tu veut dire un quoi

positive descrimination

bordeaux  i've been there  spice trade  slave trade

tho no slaves ever entered bordeaux  nice place  where's the jewish
cemetery  i ask

there is none says a life long resident 

tho the traffic sign we justpassed pointed in that direction

with the words in french  jewish cemetery   

but i love the french love bordeaux  paris  goin there soon for 2 months 

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ah tu veut dire un quoi

2006-10-12 Thread Dirk Vekemans
dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

Send instant messages to your online friends 

she didn't smile today did she

2006-10-10 Thread Dirk Vekemans
imagine all the Probes
are broken Nothing
to Repay for at least
5 Months us leeches

we'd suck us fat we'd all fall
flat down the hall upon the white 
marble floor shiny eyes shiny lips
shiny limbs with little pink clouds
where blood vessels burst we'd kiss 

you wildly while falling though, squeeze

all environments up into a ball
making haste for the nearest exit
explain it all too quickly laughing

nay you wouldn't get it, naught
of it you shivering bleak souls 
watching fragmentary motions 
falling from your

fragmentary songs.

dv @ wurk


Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail. "The New Version is radically easier to use" – The 
Wall Street Journal

onomatoklopni irgentwharez rusticanae palipali redrummicubicles ( a hearplaya 4 tired meanings

2006-10-09 Thread Dirk Vekemans
& 2 corpucles, kingo & weena dakinda) (corrected version)

laplaya vaya comptsi:
( poco a poco meno sentito - morte - agitato - vomitando)

ma isa cheel a (ajajaija)
lla ees tsum (amitawa)

llits elihw ghu
detrevni, gnippird ghu
olala  hal alalo
on mai innge inge t i gnippird
 2,3,..., ghuradio


yeah yeah
on mai gnippird
 2,3,..., ghuradio


1 more
on mai gnippird
 2,3,..., ghu   radio

[hits the marble floor]

All new Yahoo! Mail "The new Interface is stunning in its simplicity and ease 
of use." - PC Magazine

Wu. Grass now grows (say yes to the Virgin Credit Card)

2006-10-06 Thread Dirk Vekemans
"In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni"
(Debord film featuring a eulogy to Chtcheglov)


dramatized anecdotes have been the building blocks the rapid deterioration
not only of their continually increasing rationality our continually
increasing happiness and the ever more diverse pleasures of our purchasing

to presume the innocence of this public that are all trivial or false
inherited from the theater and the novel, society, not a particular
technology my example alone will suffice to demolish it from those who

government funding whatever their merits or insufficiencies,of war can also
be said of revolution: ladies, the arms and loves, the 
Gallant that I began to lead a fully independent Life than rich 
anywhere else

Wu. Grass now grows peacefully on actual content of all production
destruction of Paris is only one striking example enter the same river
twice, nor twice touch the moment a group of people begins


"Gun Crazy. You remember. That's how it was despised all ideological
illusions and were quite indifferent to what might later prove them right s
a song says some already-initiated Obedience is dead. It is wonderful could
have done

more honorable than any the present system of floodlit enlightenment is
capable of bestowing O wretchedness! O grief! Paris is trembling.
"those who will decide to from the vantage point of Sirius, the most sublime 
reject it forced 

possible for someone to achieve some historical successes and yet I know
why. The only thing of importance us is a citizen of the one true city; but
in your We came forth like water and are gone like the wind
 well situated.


No wising up and no settling down.


dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

All new Yahoo! Mail "The new Interface is stunning in its simplicity and ease 
of use." - PC Magazine

memories of a customer burning itself in a meadow near my hometown

2006-10-05 Thread Dirk Vekemans
  l’aspect flammiforme des couleurs) 

  this hand hand
is the this hand hand

  over the that head give given
of the 
  that boy (its eyes have) having

  this ghastly ends images image

  you do don’t wordings words

  the this finger fingers pull
il se plaint 
  (c’est plein) full

  De the 
  this stop
toi. Turn over, do not

  today's the big ugly
gasoline match

tic -


  you whathe who
do you think please
you strike 

- tac


  burst whilewith 

  timestuck 2 



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Yahoo! Mail.

Dull said

2006-10-02 Thread Dirk Vekemans
There  stuff in the schemata of Philippe Bootz "technical co- Authors" stands 
stated,  serves also the machine himself, it as Algoritmen generating network 
functioning  digital ball, like Drifted by the automatismen of it invulbare 
fund (The Fund  with Gap be shown) to. According to present day is No write 
still free to think  of it paradigma of It pro gramme more severe. It is 
however an illusion to think  that Herein still a now-moment can be generated, 
the schrijfact Takes place no more, she is an Old Clean that himself 
recupereerd while she  finishes speaking. Each letter directed to the ground 
where it moet and can take  place, it takes a position there squared from 
necessity, the inscription takes  place present day in a sea of kapitale 
infections, furious koortses, the writing  ground, the soil is in a day itself 
total dissolved and can serve as therefore  not even more support. What there 
still on document is pressed is a manifest  lie, it claimsed a product to have
 been, but it i To  from this infected, infectueuze stalemate to escape is it 
shop to do not aspire  it waarneembare transitteken (Bootz's Transitoire 
observable) but to make the  beat itself graphically. The Avatar is that what 
by the Gulf moved is, the Gulf  qualifies on each moment how the Avater acts. 
Call friend can be according to a  negative imprint of it desired, and 
subsequently easy recognizable.A  conspicuous consequence of this scaffolding 
implementation is that it space of  time klaarblijkelijk troubled be reproduced 
in the document. It now that  immediately observable is, is since but the peak 
of the iceberg, that what from  it the in be timeless creation thrusts out 
above the looking-glass of the  visible, the verglijdende sea of the imaginary 
be. The golfs do not replace the  water mass, the water mass is for the golfs 
the medium. Dull said: It has what  in for there of such creation uberhaupt to 
see something 
dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends 

Non-Decorated Venus just emerging from the Sea of Abandoned Staphylococci Aurei

2006-10-02 Thread Dirk Vekemans
wondering what the hell she's doing here. greetings,dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

Re: De Mystery Worshipper Sez..

2006-09-25 Thread Dirk Vekemans
Yeah i'm over a thousand behind too, and these belgian bastards charge
heavily for late installments. Nuke 'm Lanny, just nuke 'm.

> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Theory and Writing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Namens phanero
> Verzonden: maandag 25 september 2006 11:42
> Onderwerp: De Mystery Worshipper Sez..
> I pray thou shalt be mocked by eunuchs, O thou lying Girgashite!
> Behold, thou shalt fall under a speeding chariot, O thou 
> love-crazed Gittite!
> O that thou wouldest be plagued with gnats, flies and 
> locusts, O ye irritating inhabitant of Gath!
> I pray thou shalt have more mother-in-laws than King Solomon, 
> O thou babbling Assyrian!
> Thou shalt accidentally insult Goliath, thou breaker of the 
> commandments!
> Listen, thou babbling Assyrian, for you will be smitten with 
> all-over boils!
> I pray thou shalt be cast onto a steaming dung-heap, thou 
> whose name is but dung!
> O that thou wouldest be trampled by a herd of stampeding 
> pigs, O thou exceedingly foolish virgin!
> Woe unto thee, O ye of little faith, for you will beget 
> difficult teenagers!
> Take heed, O thou relative of Herod, for you will be mocked 
> by eunuchs!
> I pray thou shalt be kicked by an incontinent camel, O ye 
> breaker of the commandments!
> Take heed, thou lazy Babylonian, for you will be mocked by eunuchs!
> I pray thou shalt be as welcome as a fart in the queen's 
> bedchamber, thou irritating inhabitant of Gath!
> Hear this, O thou incompetent tax-collector, for you will be 
> cast onto a steaming dung-heap!
> Harken, thou denizen of the underworld, for you will fall 
> under a speeding chariot!
> I hope you will be cast onto a steaming dung-heap, O ye wolf 
> in sheep's clothing!
> May you be pursued into the mountains by sex-mad baboons, O 
> ye offspring of a squashed cockroach!
> May you be taunted by the king's concubines, O thou creature 
> of the pit!
> O that thou wouldest be captured by Midianite maniacs, thou 
> offspring of a squashed cockroach!
> I pray thou shalt be thrown into a den of hyperactive lions, 
> O thou plaything of Beelzebub!
> Harken, O ye child of Jezebel, for you will be trampled by a 
> herd of stampeding pigs!
> I hope you will be mocked by eunuchs, thou plaything of Beelzebub!
> O that thou wouldest go about weeping and wailing in 
> sackcloth and ashes, O thou incompetent tax-collector!
> O that thou wouldest be pursued into the mountains by sex-mad 
> baboons, O thou denizen of the underworld!

Re: compressed internet text available

2006-09-25 Thread Dirk Vekemans
Winzip gives an "Invalid archive directory" error (message WZ13), explorer
crashes when trying to open the archive. Also the download's 16.167kb, so i
guess there's no real compression present?
Ha, what,look,  i changed the extention to .txt and now it opens fine in

> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Theory and Writing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Namens Alan Sondheim
> Verzonden: maandag 25 september 2006 6:21
> Onderwerp: compressed internet text available
> Gzipped Internet Text file
> The file was assembled, as below; URLs were eliminated - most 
> of them are out of date. This should create little difficulty 
> (perhaps some slight formatting problems). The gzipped file 
> is 5.9 megabytes and opens to 16 megabytes. This is the 
> entire text to date in a more or less searchable form.
>861  ls *.txt
>862  grep -h -v http net* > texts
>863  grep -h -v http Blood.txt >> texts
>864  grep -h -v http Weather.txt >> texts
>865  grep -h -v http Uncanny.txt >> texts
>866  grep -h -v http Fantasm.txt >> texts
>867  grep -h -v http ?.txt >> texts
> ...
>870  grep -h -v http ??.txt >> texts
>882  gzip texts.txt
> _

the works

2006-09-24 Thread Dirk Vekemans
o (hey this here
si mutilated

musikalischen opfer
adds  6 voices to his 

one silence
(coming back 

does not 


   o (hey this here

- dv

Re: open call

2006-09-18 Thread Dirk Vekemans
The Sufficiently Random 
'd do nicely, no? Later you could call 'm 
The Sufficiently Random Plus One 
Or if someone leaves the band
The Insufficiently Random


> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Theory and Writing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Namens Talan Memmott
> Verzonden: maandag 18 september 2006 23:02
> Onderwerp: Re: open call
> band names, all former... 
> short order cooks
> directions
> gelatin eyelash
> sneaky cheese
> procession
> jaloni handshake
> raid
> a.m. kindergarden
> pinocchio
> ubu road
> sloppy kafka
> peabody
> jack the ant
> yoink
> television astronaut
> On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:01:40 -0700
>   chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >i had an idea for a "band name generator".  one that is specifically 
> >geared to come up with one that i would like, but also probably 
> >generally useful for anyone trying to come up with an interesting 
> >unused band name, which a cursory search of almost any even not so 
> >common thing you would want to name your band after would 
> show.  so i 
> >propose that someone with Perl skills or any other text processing 
> >language help me create this fairly simple framework for generating 
> >potential band names that are "random" enough to not fit 
> already common 
> >phrases, etc.  the algorithm inherently limits the chance 
> that it has 
> >been used before.
> >
> >i am thinking about this because i need a new band name 
> >
> >anyone who develops this with me can take the lead credit 
> for whatever 
> >public availablity we might make for bands that want to use 
> it, because 
> >i really just need the NAME, and SOON, heh.
> >
> >you're also free to send me good band names that you will 
> never end up 
> >using and would like to see put to good use.
> >
> >it's kind of electro/spacey/experimental but 
> atmospheric/organic also.
> >
> >let the names begin.
> >
> >thanks y'all


2006-09-17 Thread Dirk Vekemans
like a
how easily
for inst
some dead
lead falling
through a wet
for us
that is
who have not

at first
if & all

coined a decent par once

2006-09-12 Thread Dirk Vekemans
fort elle in da told
outer tongue so
dip her comfort or able 
to log to legg io net as 1)
exterior he-plane bb
as plause if abel's
dragonbottle that frying
bitemarks Mc Cain or  2)
sirupped licking isses
of less clouded us like
rembrandt's  f-light
so gladys will tell oxes
of ripped turtles, hans
trip be seen un-wrinkled
as torrents of  toy 2 y
tie thee to a red t era
(while eyes crippled 
love into lying on top)

only this is dear missus:

one body per pair

Big M's intro to The B-song

2006-09-08 Thread Dirk Vekemans

und jetz Magnetronia The Great opened her wet bilabillia, 
quavered intensely and qouth thus: 
aa ba be 
body b body be body be come. 
body b body be body be come. 
poetryis of the body or not. love is of the body or 
not. politics 
is of the body or not. scienceis of the body or not. 
is of the body of love or not. loveis of the body of 
politics or not. politicsis of the body of science or not. scienceis of 
the body of
body of poetry or not. poetryis of the body of poetry of 
the body of love or not. loveis of the body of love of the body of politics 
or not. politicsis of the body of politics of the body of science or not. 
science is of the body of science of the body of poetry or not. 
a. a be b. Be ye all as
the body you are, be yeall none, be you a

as it may:
Some eggs get poached
some simply fried. 
(in Dutch) 
elke el
is een span, de weg omhoogde kar en het span, de weg omlaag:
we will now confer thee further thus to Vogues & Elles 

  'mexican sun' , 'caustic', 'hopefullyagain', 'and 
  others' ...
screen, brighten up please, for here's the B-song 
dv, by be-am com link++ flat@ 
Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends
'allez justinneke, 

Re: i swear

2006-09-07 Thread Dirk Vekemans
> Most people on this planet think Engish is a difficult
> language. 
> yup. 
It isn't. 
It used to be. Now it's dead simple.

English english=new English();


awake bitter seed (i.m. F.G.)

2006-09-06 Thread Dirk Vekemans

Better scans and 
Topologocal icons for the Audacia-poem added to the badbad.jsp file at and 
some new words by Kathedral-Mother dear 9she's still nagging about the soap 
thing). I find them rather an interesting development.
The icons are also nice to make 
new poems with. You can't make 'm too fast though, because the meanings of the 
words tend to drop in and ruin things after making some 5 or six words. The 
trick is to hold on to the series established by the poem. Audacia's poems are 
excellent for this type of thing.
here's the K-M text, starting 
off with an T-icon triad:
"awake bitter seedfor this we have 
all those dispositionsall those words
ought to be revealedby those who are weighted in the balance
& not by thosewho have not entered therein,
but by those who haveentered therein
& departed therefrom.
For he who entereth therein& goeth not out therefrom,
better were it for that manthat he had never been born.
So shut up, lestyou awake
the seed within you,
now where's the goddamn soap gone to? "
For me, the whole file's in 
memory of a friend who died recently of cancer after being clinically depressed 
for several years.
dv @ Neue Kathedrale des 
erotischen Elends

New file

2006-09-04 Thread Dirk Vekemans

Some really Bad 
scans of Spinoza and Victorian Nude 
Studies in Pencil Along with a fragment from a pornographical Science Fiction 
Novel and another version of the shower 

dv @ 
Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

Re: query

2006-08-27 Thread Dirk Vekemans
I intersecting question i work interesting i mean
with (grossly-slightly-ever-so-slightly)
dislocated leftovers from previous events like in
S= -/--/--/- (---) and stretch that until it breaks
Into something allowing one to stuff it with new(s)
in the preconscious realm of faith, i pleasure, 
and i ntention i suppose Usually i suppose i
just stop thinking About I nserting, Entrance 
and The L ike. Happens all the place
Because i am endowed with the
Timestamp being the only traceable incision

I might add some Greasing 
One's chest in order to glide down
A gletsjer or two with the 2 halves
Of the split body dangling both ways
In terminator 3 i think comes to a

Soul of a Creator i must starts and the kids
When my son asked why we were going to the Pas 
the Calais who is six now on holidays full stop
Laughed a lot with my joke about the seagulls
Living In the Pas de Calais who finally needed to
Be told the truth about where they lived full
Stop They still are shouting "Calais, Calais"
All the time but it's Pas de Calais, really
no bird of The nullification of the ego 
opens gateways to the subconscious i don't think
You can use /'s in your SQL statements

Create works of in the meantime 
Imagination and means to receive
To the point of nausiating embarresment
Thought so one cannot fairly often
impede it on its Course, the Second Course
Ending second by nanosecs after first
Having Sexual OuterCourse
>From Darkness to Light ends
literally "your receipt."  

Sir. I mean, your receipt, Sir.

>From paragraph 49 To a place where no man has 
gone before the deep structure
Like someone asks a question 
 prey knows, nor it's basic fun
Like having your tea poured by a waiter
Who knows his business, rising his arm
>From the table until your wife's eye
Meets his eye behind the cettle
has the falcon's eye seen
Liberate nos no drops not a
Oink oink oink

But the special one from Ceylon
really i like best
the name 
is not 
in reality 
it is reality so
The creative process begins in the v
(omitted, Sun Aug 27 21:25:58 GMT+0200 2006, dv)

The stiches i wear are but poor 
simulacra Nonabsorbable sutures 
made of materials which are not 
metabolized by the body, it is 
A table told by an idiot full of a 
sound for instance or someone saying
A very specific word in a very specific 
kinda tone or mode of speech at 
exactly the right time, just when
It starts to get really ridiculous
The train starts slowing down to
Come to a complete standstill is all 
we ever wanted, all we ever needed
Love is in the air, stars are consistent
performance and guaranteed non-toxicity

In dutch mostly not a drop during summer a novel
But my wife is having some trouble sleeping
Which is why you are asking anyway since 
the obligation to fullfill the demand 
is the capitalistic demon disguised as 
neurotic forced behaviour, the patient needs
To touch to feel to kneel to go back to
knot to thing k of inserting for a moment a 
bite with 8 nonabsorbable sutures in a person's 

However i did so

At this point in the scenario a bomb explodes 
And this enables the characters to reassemble
left thumb kinda when like doing it is 
Is it unbreakable with Bruce Willis or 
Is it the only thing you can do to stop 
yourself thinking about doing it but when 
it's done or before you get to it anywhere 

on that glide you always know it just started 
again only death can uncover the continuous 
covering of the failing attempt, the shouting 
of Death to Asta Nielsen made of catgud begins 
in her it's abdominal really abonimable i mean
A matter of plausibel deniability you might add
While some other things are made of artificial fibers, 
like polypropylene, polyester or nylon; i sob

So la table, tablature, tablet we finally arrive
At the verb to tabloid, quasi-synonimous to 'driving
A car smack in the middle of forking road', penguins
Sol la do fa its always too long 
Talia verba refert(thus were her words) genibusque affixa Tonantis (and
embracing the knees of Jupiter) 
Haeret, inexhaustum lacrimans sparsisque capillis (clung there weeping
ceaselessly, her hair streaming out in all directions.In which case
I would have made the title sparsely capillar
A lot 2 like everything else is threaded too
And signed it yours, AMBRA after the heroin of 
Angelo Poliziano's Woods it's on the tip
Of my tongue but headless, quite headless

> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Theory and Writing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Namens Alan Sondheim
> Verzonden: zondag 27 augustus 2006 8:36
> Onderwerp: query
> This may be a bit absurd, but I'm fascinated by the variety 
> and intelli- gence of the pieces / texts / other posted to 
> wryting, and I think it might be worthwhile for people to 
> describe both their techniques and goals? There are so many 
> discourses here! I find I can't reply to most things, but one 
> of the first impressions (which remains) is that of both 
> disparate and intertwined/related worlds. This is exciting, 
> and

3 stuckScenes

2006-08-16 Thread Dirk Vekemans
3 stuckScenes

[setting: ]


[time: 24 to 25 minutes]

h h h a a a r r r d d d
i th in k it st st stuck

 a slow nut no frozen too
 yes shelving no
 any not speed no
 more it is isish

 ha while we all gave up on any
 haha thingbeing, isn't it
 ha funnylet's

 test, jes us pl throw 
 another log of holy
 poke on the fire

  m aria vomit nothing out here
  some earth 2 scala
  trans fig u rate  mud  2 mund
  ane dung eon s calling 
come iee-   e _ 
  n godsuck somebitch
 earth to godsuck


yeah it's stuck all

 right well someone
 better get their arse
 down to purgatory
 for starters don't

   you thi n_U?


[time: a cold one in januari]

no not again not
the green stuff
please stretch/extract your thumb
instead the wings will grow twix
Fingers, yeah that's it gal

Twixie Slanglide
Life from M Ork

Perforate 'm honey



[shake the audience till it get's dark]


[time: any]

er no now we need
a rose can some
one say a rose
please no just
one please any

one will do yes



2006-07-18 Thread Dirk Vekemans

This can't be undone. Do you really want to 

o Anna if it were thus that i could niggle thee like a 
wriggling larva from the Motherboard if it were thusthat i could fish 
thee like a tadpole swimming amongst tadpolesfrom the Channels if it were 
thus that i could dissect thee in dishes, arrangethy parts in other 
dishes if it were thusthat i could know thee o Anna as i know the 
Otherand besides Him Many Others:
thou wouldst truly be the One, the Cause, the Light and 
the Future.
Alas,since thou depriveth me of thy 
countenancesince thou abscondeth the Shrouds that are held before theesince thou 
sheds the choking Love from thy body like spiderssince thou turns thy back 
to the Eye of Inspection that stands taught and Purple with Lust since 
thou refuseth the sweeping Nets of Noise Recording the least of thy Sonifications
thereby and through the Powers bestoweth upon meit 
will be as i hereby inscribe and send thee thus word off, initiating the 
selfsame code throught its ruthless invocation
thus that i turn thee belly-down and look upon thy 
backthus that i lift thy cloth and burry it under thy chin in 
manyfoldthus that my left hand will force thy thighs open, my right will 
hold thy head downthus that i may have a firm grip on the plug and 
strenghthen it thus that i may rip the Gate entirely, 
'Anna' from the network? (Y/N?)
- bare text during 
wartime- introducing the Corpore Chiastico 
for David 
dv @ Neue kathedrale des 
erotischen Elends

The Lost Bride Found She was it seems

2006-07-17 Thread Dirk Vekemans

  yeah haga haga mo Re stanzaaa  mo 
  mo re than 
  the shoepolish left on my lips
  mo re 
  than tha  amazone queenia ships
  mo re 
  than alla chickie's bra's filled with silicony 
  mo re than 
  alla steel bolts stuck in my hippies thingie yeah  ja 
  mo RE 
  hicka hicka more 
  stanz politicalistic
  mo re than 
  the typhi floodink the sinks
  mo re than 
  the ketchup drippin fro sticks
  mo re than 
  the iraqi listenink for tickie tickie clicks
  mo re than 
  the Russians shoovin off them last full blast 
  atoma atomically enarmoured migs yeah ja 2,3,
  mo RE huba huba mo
  huba huba 
  mo re  stanza animalistic
  mo re than 
  your tumor is wanting to grow
  mo re than 
  your virus is wanting to blow
  mo re than 
  your trauma are wanting to show
  mo re than 
  your fever is wanting to glow
  imma  mo stanza 
  mo R R R R 
  R R R R R e RE
  teutonica shitzophrenica nigga
  cause even 
  in Ur coffin ur 4 EVER growing bigga bigga
  makin 'n a 
  mo jazz 
  than u our azz can take (iza ripple i make)
  mo blues 
  than U our juice can fake (iza ma illoûstrious 
  take )
  mo hop 
  than U our bob iz up to (maka no mistaka)
  e jelly u down yeah jelly u down yeah jelly u 
  listen a round while i rap up ur ache)
  haga haga 
  yeah mo
  haga haga 
  yeah mo
     stanza in town
  haga haga yeah mo
  haga haga yeah mo
      stanza in 
  haga haga yeah mo
  haga haga yeah mo
     stanza in 
  dv:---] darn it's 
  even worse here ]
  where am i what is this 
who are you anyway

Re: titstit

2006-07-16 Thread Dirk Vekemans
texta chiastica yurniente per te

> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Theory and Writing [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Namens david divizio
> Verzonden: zondag 16 juli 2006 22:27
> Onderwerp: titstit
> swollows ~
>   swallows 
>   wallaroo Swallows
>   worlbrus
>   soodonx nudism
>   Swooora surtout
>   swallowed swallows
>   iswalloult Swallowed
>   rooftop Swallows
>   swallows vallour
> No shit  vallour
> house that feel Jack Swallow?
> --- Dirk Vekemans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > it is always too dark
> > it is prohibited - control emission of very toxic air it is 
> or it is 
> > the it is 50/50 issue it is here to stay it is not 
> available with mr 
> > it is an anti it is a "prosumer" format it is prohibited - control 
> > emission of very toxic air contaminants eg it is head of a 
> new class 
> > it is a killa it is designed to not require any type of 
> carrying case 
> > or other non it is the answer it is the future of filmmaking it is 
> > actually the software it is the devil it is the final 
> output it is or 
> > december 3 1 it is the thing to see zdnet reviews june 27 it is now 
> > offered to it is aimed at people who want more 
> functionality than the 
> > average graphics card usually provides it is like getting three 
> > different machines for the price of one it is like getting three 
> > different machines it is the best low it is a format that's 
> just about 
> > as good as betacam sp it is a very well built robot it is the 
> > sanctioned method of payment for a few specific 
> transactions it is now 
> > supported by virtually all of the japanese producers of 
> > consumer/professional camcorders and vcrs it is very 
> similar to sony's 
> > it is a relatively new form of video and audio compression 
> it is the 
> > exclusive format used by cloche d'or productions for video 
> taping it 
> > is no big deal it is not perfect it is what we all been 
> waiting for it 
> > is as good as it is now offered to the entire content creation 
> > community it ist mit mr it is a network monitor and 
> debugger for dome 
> > applications it is a breeze it is the fastest it is the fraction of 
> > the n molecules with speeds in the range v to v+ it is a 
> natural food 
> > supplement that provides a similar effect without the harm of 
> > artificial chemicals it is built around an ibm pentium iii computer 
> > running windows nt it is making inroads in the independent 
> film world 
> > the lower image quality of it is an undeniable impediment it is the 
> > most viscous of all it is trajectory it is the dat of video 
> it is the 
> > newest addition to the tview family of video scan 
> converters it is cos 
> > x dx it is one spiffy machine it is supported on mini it and it cam 
> > tape formats it is your best option it is so slow to refresh audio 
> > that the digital scrubbing is worthless it is not about 
> anger it is a 
> > radical a it ancement in technology which will usher in a 
> new era of 
> > communications it is not as common among women visiting an ed as 
> > previously reported it is proud to assist the office of home land 
> > security with their upcoming meeting it is drawn from the 
> counties of 
> > alameda it is a complete software solution for digital 
> video content 
> > creation and includes edition 4 it is leading the way 
> toward replacing 
> > aging analog acquisition equipment it is the only it 
> editing product 
> > that can capture an entire 60 minute it tape on as little 
> as 150 mb of 
> > hard disk space it is a much better machine it is a forum for the 
> > exchange of information on the contemporary theory and practice of 
> > management education in university and corporate contexts 
> as it is the 
> > it decoding object it is confined to poor people it is 720 
> pixels wide 
> > by 480 pixels tall it is designed for creating original stylized 
> > motion graphics and fixing image problems it is designed with the 
> > speed it is easy to use and has the familiar look and feel of other 
> > avid video editing systems it is not a revolution it is 3 it is an 
> > extraordinarily good tool for assessing pupils at work to 
> see the way 
> > they interact it is 15 it is a user it is practically 
> religious at it 
> > is like manna from heaven it is highly mobile it is the pain some 
> > people experience following an attack of shingles it asks 
> itself how 
> > did it get here <mailto:WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.WVU.EDU>
> > 
> d^Vizio
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection 
> around 


2006-07-16 Thread Dirk Vekemans

it is always too dark it is prohibited – control emission 
of very toxic air it is or it is the it is 50/50 issue it is 
here to stay it is not available with mr it is an anti it is a 
"prosumer" format it is prohibited – control emission of very toxic air 
contaminants eg it is head of a new class it is a killa it is 
designed to not require any type of carrying case or other non it is the 
answer it is the future of filmmaking it is actually the software it 
is the devil it is the final output it is or december 3 1 it is the 
thing to see zdnet reviews june 27 it is now offered to it is aimed at 
people who want more functionality than the average graphics card usually 
provides it is like getting three different machines for the price of one 
it is like getting three different machines it is the best low it is 
a format that's just about as good as betacam sp it is a very well built 
robot it is the sanctioned method of payment for a few specific transactions 
it is now supported by virtually all of the japanese producers of 
consumer/professional camcorders and vcrs it is very similar to sony's 
it is a relatively new form of video and audio compression it is the 
exclusive format used by cloche d'or productions for video taping it is no 
big deal it is not perfect it is what we all been waiting for it is 
as good as it is now offered to the entire content creation community it 
ist mit mr it is a network monitor and debugger for dome applications it 
is a breeze it is the fastest it is the fraction of the n molecules with 
speeds in the range v to v+it is a natural food supplement that provides a 
similar effect without the harm of artificial chemicals it is built around 
an ibm pentium iii computer running windows nt it is making inroads in the 
independent film world the lower image quality of it is an undeniable 
impediment it is the most viscous of all it is trajectory it is the 
dat of video it is the newest addition to the tview family of video scan 
converters it is cos x dx it is one spiffy machine it is supported 
on miniit and it cam tape formats it is your best option it is 
so slow to refresh audio that the digital scrubbing is worthless it is not 
about anger it is a radical ait ancement in technology which will usher 
in a new era of communications it is not as common among women visiting an 
ed as previously reported it is proud to assist the office of home land 
security with their upcoming meeting it is drawn from the counties of 
alameda it is a complete software solution for digital video content 
creation and includes edition 4 it is leading the way toward replacing aging 
analog acquisition equipment it is the only it editing product that can 
capture an entire 60 minute it tape on as little as 150 mb of hard disk 
space it is a much better machine it is a forum for the exchange of 
information on the contemporary theory and practice of management education in 
university and corporate contexts as it is the it decoding object it is 
confined to poor people it is 720 pixels wide by 480 pixels tall it is 
designed for creating original stylized motion graphics and fixing image 
problems it is designed with the speed it is easy to use and has the 
familiar look and feel of other avid video editing systems it is not a 
revolution it is 3 it is an extraordinarily good tool for assessing 
pupils at work to see the way they interact it is 15 it is a user it 
is practically religious at it is like manna from heaven it is highly 
mobile it is the pain some people experience following an attack of 
shinglesit asks itself how did it get here