this day, mid-may

2007-05-14 Thread Sheila Murphy

I love my work
my work is love
the work is you
I love you and I love the work

the work is play
the work is you at play
I love all day with you in it

I love the night that softens day
soft cover over what is here
with pleasure of the living
of the life this present tense
repeatedly arriving
hitched to prior present tense

a separate moment
planned and found this living
thinking of the living
breathing living
working playing
in the working
and reversing living work
and loving play
all night the other
side of day

sheila e. murphy

earth has this habit of keeping happening

2007-05-13 Thread Sheila Murphy

I take it
s pulse
over and
over I
lose g
rasp of
it again
this becomes
home no
matter what
I take earth
as insinuation
of it into
my whole p
air of hands
and cup dust
whisper a
cross it to
find earth
mildly in
a state of dis
just to
take it
back and
hold it
earth repeats
me and my
and places
them back
into what
this always is

sheila e. murphy


2007-05-08 Thread Sheila Murphy

Hope you have received mine okay, Cecil! Sent a while ago - sheila

On 5/8/07, Cecil Touchon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

9 participants so far. Don't miss your chance to play!

The following are the instructions for Round Two (Round One happened on
Results from round one:

Below are some random words found in some recent spam trash - you probably
got a copy too! Please take this material and do with it what you will to
create a poem. If you add words put them in brackets. If you remove
put it as a remainder after the poem. Time limit 24 hours from this

reputation from storms and your wrong. An apology? Bah! adversaries in
alights only on the hand that does not grasp. The greater the difficulty
you love the more tempests. To the end enemies that I can remember. There
no of England. lesson imperfectly The bird our days God's ways of freedom
Disgusting! wrong, Cowardly! Beneath the gentleman, however be. Where
customer to death, you can't wrong he might go in paradise surmounting it.
Skillful pilots gain their much my political life, but no who mixes the
pleasant with the useful. I have had a lot of there is much error. I never
forgive, dignity of any but I always forget. He gains shortcut to life.
everyone's there is glory approval of, life is a learned. Honesty is a
question of right or not a matter of policy. Everyone complains of the
badness of his memory, but nobody of his judgment. Malt does more than
Milton can to justify to man. is part of the Common

By participating you are donating the results and its copyright usage to
Ontological Museum for future exhibitions. Your work will be documented
Cecil Touchon

placate dampness (frames on things)

2007-05-08 Thread Sheila Murphy

for it is (thus, so)
within myself the startling
overtones that drift
(I'm only chronicling)

these tingling verbs that carry
them and us and taste and
seacoast (actuariate)
things sovereign at best
planned versus accepted
the exception rules mind's mud

am hurt today flash anger
(purposes removed once and again)
these flowers the uneasy
sores on cacti
whose silver you
accrue when evolution
plants (itself) amid illusion

sheila e. murphy

hypothetical arrival

2007-05-05 Thread Sheila Murphy

cradle pray as if  (I breathe within the confines of your face
for us beyond (the only face I see
the seeming   (owned injurious historic teachings
accidental  (I begin again repeatedly
numinous   (attraction is a construct
or overwrought(host pattern worn
lines assumed(inbred obedience to precedent
destined to touch(prove wrong some way of knowing
to parlay code(already there
into parentheses(as nice a home as womb

sheila e. murphy


2007-04-30 Thread Sheila Murphy

succomb my sweet
unless inference betrays
I mean innocence . . .

listen to pucks
smash edges plural
snap dragged into
endpoints ad infinitum

mercy is excess
the line drawn
around this *here*
amounts to poison
you see only
through this scope

sheila e. murphy

Re: o nul

2007-04-24 Thread Sheila Murphy


On 4/24/07, John M. Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:










lun g h ope



Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


2007-04-24 Thread Sheila Murphy

here within the stripmall covenant are drips of free trade caff
here are cast iron seams
here are glovelets
here is an emulsified first edition of Proust
here are daisies in a math class
here is stunted growth about to top the charts
here alongside winter is a spritz of line-drawn featherweights
here go mists into the mountain
here comes the mimetic snow cone
here are sun dried wish lists
here are stems
here is the serape with a person in it lost
here is the spooled highway leading to peach springs
here is the intrepid brother I imagined born right next to me
here is sleep a nest away from the recurring light from unnamed bridge

sheila e. murphy


2007-04-21 Thread Sheila Murphy

an accidental beatific radish
brims with underneathness
not the same as
a foundation

memory me more than death
and your vicarity will drumbone
all my terror in one capsized
indicatorio quizas

the caldron would include
Lusk if you could beat them
Armistice Day you're speaking of
"north grade school" included

one of us is older than the other
as with most things
all day today I traveled and learned
a foreign tongue disguises
where you're from
from where you are

sheila e. murphy

2 for you

2007-04-14 Thread Sheila Murphy

*ahora mismo*
then it's gone


oh pasture
be my starlight

sheila e. murphy

Re: leaving the Valley

2007-04-09 Thread Sheila Murphy

I love this piece. Thank you, Alan.

On 4/9/07, Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

leaving the Valley

through wyoming exeter forty-fort kingston wilkes-barre towards blakeslee
through and out of Wyoming Valley sped to 300 miles an hour - where i grew
up surrounded by the blue-gray mountains of pennsylvania - you couldn't
see very far in any direction - something like west virginia - you've got
no viewpoint - you're trapped in the Valley - the roads wind long through
it - you leave up and out along the five mile hill - then 19 miles to
blakeslee in the poconos - it's always dark - always raining - there's
coal in the mountains - anthracite - strip-mining but not mountain-topping
- mines were deep and dangerous - the five mile hill was dangerous -
trucks would lose control - crash into wilkes-barre at ninety miles an
hour - plow through houses - taking out everything in their path - for
years they worked at taming the hill - now there are runaway truck roads -
they go on up there - you can usually see tire marks - furrows - nothing
gets down into the town any more - but we're going out of the town and up
the hill - then through the mountains to blakeslee - first through the
Valley past the airport - there were turkey vultures there - the first
i've seen in eastern pennsylvania - the first i've seen in pennsylvania -
they're moving in - on the landing strip - paid no attention to the planes
- down past the dikes around forty-fort - named for the forty settlers who
first arrived - the area has a long history - wars were fought - lot of
people died - the susquehanna's held back by the dikes - floods anyway -
the cemetery - you can just make it out at 300 mph - cemetery lost a lot
of coffins - they floated down the river in 1972 - our house flooded as
well - we saw eleven herons in the area a year ago - the area's aging now
- lots of people left - mainly young people - the mines are closed -
flooded out in 1959 - land subsidance - our house cracked in two - we're
leaving at 300 miles per hour - we're on our way - we're gone -

Re: Heart

2007-04-09 Thread Sheila Murphy

Lovely, lovely!

On 4/8/07, D^Vid D^Vizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

is a small

but essential

piece of mind

how bigger d'oh brain
dOne matta


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2007-04-08 Thread Sheila Murphy

her specialty is taking something not
worth doing and then doing it
to perfection that passes Plato
and all things platonic
she loses sense of time and space
while honing
every previously stranded particle
into a steadfast system
certain to evaporate from memory

meanwhile a lord-made day
upon us opens
vowel sounds and protective
consonants to lift above
the heads and minds
of people thinking speaking
quiet and perhaps immune
to where they fit

sheila e. murphy

innocence word too much is

2007-04-07 Thread Sheila Murphy

solitude and its effects yes
you were saying watch me
sleep watch my sleep and yesterday
was that good now tell me
correspondence taps in to
mesmeria comme ca
the overtone is winking hard
these are my senses eyes
these are my glorious mysteries
this is the aisle for bridelings
give us this day

sheila e. murphy


2007-04-07 Thread Sheila Murphy

this is she making the rounds in bounds
and out of gravity with feeling
lush unto our world she
brandishes a soft sun
flower and makes heaven
be earth awhile

this is her center moving
to the willow feel of daylight
as it comes into clear view
and you are here inventing
rooms and ideology viola like
as tacit brevity engorges
a clean path back into
thinking feeling see
the decibels approach
and let the tunes just

sheila e. murphy

Interview with Javant Biarujia by Sheila Murphy

2007-04-06 Thread Sheila Murphy

I hope that you will enjoy reading my interview of Javant Biarujia. Enjoy!

Sheila Murphy

elses clamor clobber

2007-04-06 Thread Sheila Murphy

fake paint sleeky
form lore gentry
posses plenty stored

here where you
where I where
we rode Clampetty

no matter horse
lines in the
dugout anymore now

one rides far
to pace placing
antics sliding home

sheila e. murphy

the story as it

2007-04-06 Thread Sheila Murphy

you do not accept what should I

if on some faraway I never cared much to begin

and now such chance-lit present tense the flowers lubricated

also intention at the core the mystical the sweetest loosened knot

thus reach-back to this self

you over there over

maybe yes in past tense, equals some kind of an infection

yet and so far


sheila e. murphy

Re: multiple choice

2007-04-05 Thread Sheila Murphy


On 4/5/07, Tom_ Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> a) brama -- barbecue
>> b) jambo -- in easy-open elephant jars
>> c) leviticus -- leave it to the professionals, the only ones can cuss
using Tetragrammaton

do we win a prize if we get it right? or eternal damnation? or just lunch?

On Thursday, April 05, 2007, at 12:12PM, "mIEKAL aND" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>d) nun of the above
>On Apr 5, 2007, at 12:06 PM, Sheila Murphy wrote:
>> a) brama (bull!)
>> b) jambo (RE!)
>> c) leviticus (uh oh)
>> taste and see
>> Sheila E. Murphy

Re: multiple choice

2007-04-05 Thread Sheila Murphy


On 4/5/07, mIEKAL aND <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

d) nun of the above

On Apr 5, 2007, at 12:06 PM, Sheila Murphy wrote:

> a) brama (bull!)
> b) jambo (RE!)
> c) leviticus (uh oh)
> taste and see
> Sheila E. Murphy

multiple choice

2007-04-05 Thread Sheila Murphy

a) brama (bull!)
b) jambo (RE!)
c) leviticus (uh oh)

*taste and see*

Sheila E. Murphy

Re: in finery's best

2007-04-04 Thread Sheila Murphy

*Günter (Wilhelm) Grass*

On 4/4/07, Tom_ Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ess! out
under ass!
under glass!
under gas!

ere imp pours
snarly were-boyscouts
snack with biscuits
smearing baskets of flour

nonce incense
abuts preening chassis,
noon, in time in tasks
parts stub

a very thing


On Wednesday, April 04, 2007, at 03:57PM, "steve d. dalachinsky" <
>> regress!
>> shout
>> gun the ass!
>> swere
>> "dump your smells
>> here
>> nonsense butts impasse,
>> impress butts no one,
>> butts strap.
>> impress!
>> a greed,
>> butt everything.
>> On Tuesday, April 03, 2007, at 01:11PM, "Bjørn Magnhildøen"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >agree!
>> >
>> >2007/4/3, Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >> infinity's a pest
>> >> best to leave it in
>> >> the shop
>> >> the shop (eye) full of
>> >> what I do not need
>> >> I need to work versus
>> >> I do not need to work
>> >> and the envelope
>> >> I mean the evidence
>> >> please
>> >>
>> >> sheila e. murphy
>> >
>> >

Re: infinity's a pest

2007-04-04 Thread Sheila Murphy

Splendiferous, Tom!

On 4/4/07, Tom_ Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


on the grass!

"do you smell

no sense but pass,
press but noon,
but tap.


but verify.

On Tuesday, April 03, 2007, at 01:11PM, "Bjørn Magnhildøen" <
>2007/4/3, Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> infinity's a pest
>> best to leave it in
>> the shop
>> the shop (eye) full of
>> what I do not need
>> I need to work versus
>> I do not need to work
>> and the envelope
>> I mean the evidence
>> please
>> sheila e. murphy

infinity's a pest

2007-04-03 Thread Sheila Murphy

infinity's a pest
best to leave it in
the shop
the shop (eye) full of
what I do not need
I need to work versus
I do not need to work
and the envelope
I mean the evidence

sheila e. murphy

just something just this

2007-03-31 Thread Sheila Murphy

(((everyone takes turns having a birthday to avoid
post-mortem depression let's compare notes
volumes of evidence estatrangement passes
for fanhood on account of distance being
a prerequisite to adulation shoveled onto
the trap door double-locked just so))

sheila e. murphy

Re: No: the Item Was Exactly Wool Enough to Parse

2007-03-28 Thread Sheila Murphy

You are too kind, Allen. Thanks very much. Sheila

On 3/28/07, Allen Bramhall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sheila Murphy wrote:

beautiful! 'normed mercy' is a serious (tho lovely) ouch. I like this
directive voice here, and the earnest young gent, and it all lyrics
prose to some place of confronted moment ('the right thing for this

torrents of wheat

2007-03-28 Thread Sheila Murphy

1. she came over to my house and sneezed
(and sneezed)

2. I wish that she would stop.

3. she says she wishes that also.

4. I tell her about the time I broke out into empathy sneezes.

5. after about the third paragraph, she asks me to leave.

6. I tell her that I'm only doing what she asked.

7. she refers me to a manual on amnesia.

8. it is late enough to smoke a new cigar.

9. I remember neither of us (smokes).

10. good bye afternoon (again for the fifth time).

11. has anybody seen my overcoat?

12. as usual, she is not listening.

sheila e. murphy

pre pond (en(d)urance

2007-03-27 Thread Sheila Murphy

hard to be this gap (from water)
hard to be (oncoming water)
look at the (unformed haiku)
bathing where
there is (no silk)
there is (no climate)
and (idiocy anymore)
or plenty in the horn
I play (woodwinds)

sheila e. murphy

No: the Item Was Exactly Wool Enough to Parse

2007-03-27 Thread Sheila Murphy

I lifted away both woof and weft, deciding I would name something I thought
was there. Indifference should be distinguished (from normed mercy and
contiguous formation signals in the right lane). *Tell me about your spouse.
*Is there some language we should use to close off jam sessions we maintain
ought to be disinvited? Shepherds now are rarely seen. This is the city,
domicile of thunder. In a worn moment, momentum calls up grasping power, and
a representative contralto may resist inflexate commas. What are chalk marks
for, if not to demonstrate the pallor of defining? Saplings twist and look
like bows during the storm. I know exactly why I moved here, but that's more
than a generation past. No one should ask impertinent questions without
associating names of flowers. *The kind young gent explained to me he
studied verbs to get the sense of what was being meant. *I told him my life
history included the viola clef. He laughed and gave me volume after volume,
noting that his status was as quite removed new generation from the country
he calls old. I take a while to get to know, but many people activate a
stylized appearance that we are on terms. The minute that some
lately-returned gentry came to faultlines, we agreed upon a way not to
discuss the squeaky boards beneath a certain story. It was nice not to be
interacting with invasive voices, shrill and quite intemperate. One may fall
into a context and be modified. That was the last thing I'd have wanted,
independent admonition from a grump. Although the wind shear attributed to
pilotry would offer bounce, it was not cheery bounce. I thought I might
accept eventuality and let it fall into a final lap and watch another
individual be pearl-like near it. What a nest responsibility becomes. It's
anything but sugared, and no matter what, it's not the right thing for this

sheila e. murphy

Re: morning if...

2007-03-26 Thread Sheila Murphy

very cool!

On 3/26/07, phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

morning if...

one day she was painted obbligato blue

2007-03-20 Thread Sheila Murphy

friends scoffed
neighbors blanched
corporate stiffened
light spread
lover trespassed
daughter blacked
style shivered
co-workers feigned
godmother shouted
manager starved
stranger winked

sheila e. murphy

Re: Poor Yorick in lyrical landscape

2007-03-19 Thread Sheila Murphy


On 3/19/07, Peter Ciccariello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Poor Yorick in lyrical 

-- Peter Ciccariello
Image -
Word -
Photography -

are you a government, major?

2007-03-19 Thread Sheila Murphy

land mass quivers when I tiptoe tall across it
this is mine, you scrub for hidden mines
for nothing sells like greed to smallest wannabes
the look-see of sub-par miscast wealth acquirers
it is that simple, ample and injurious.
*if you were the director*
whose chain would you yankee out the door
whose hourglass would you tip
whose rolex would you stow
the truth is set in stamina
it cools beneath untidy cloud cover
and the clover underage absorbs the sparse
sun rays and pillows shreds of depth
distilled for now into mere flitters of perception

sheila e. murphy


2007-03-14 Thread Sheila Murphy

lit poIis thatched
(I wait beneath my roof for you)
sends cielo past the query
(sunshine matters)
mode to center
tagline of force
(I want you)
as transgression passes for
the posse of aggrandisement
curtains state
(watch signals down)
as I am vouching for
(the list, the least)
this bread against our better
(vespers trump matins every time)
all happenstance by virtue of
(batches of saviors sans savoir faire)
corvairs and tundra
(mercy glyphs)
be my city
I will train to
(gift translation)

sheila e. murphy

Re: test message - janice maxwell

2007-03-13 Thread Sheila Murphy

Looks like you're in - getting the message here.

On 3/13/07, Janice Maxwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi, all - just making sure I'm really subscribed!

Get Free 5GB Email – Check out spam free email with many cool features!
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two of us are here and working

2007-03-12 Thread Sheila Murphy

this is the woodpile
this is a picture of the building that we want
this is our staple gun
this is the floor plan
this is our attitude (see page 4)
this is our choice
this is the distance between elbow 1 and elbow 4
this is our heart
this is our one heart
this is today
this is tomorrow
this is the short distance between

sheila e. murphy

Re: _competition m.[d]body_ment_

2007-03-09 Thread Sheila Murphy


On 3/8/07, mez breeze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

competition m.bodies the myth of freedom;
-u r free 2 operate in an open market
-u r free via demo.crazy
.free 2 b smarter than ur neighbours
.free 2 b as sarcastic + pseudo-liberal as u like
.free 2 offer versions as fact
.free 2 present jib[e]s as n.teraction

#u r not free.
#u r not non-controlled.
#u r indoctrinated like the rest of us.

u r:
controlled enuff 2 b cultu[vi]r[tu]ally myopic
controlled enuff 2 denigrate x.periential leanings
controlled enuff 2 consider argument as tool
controlled in2 viewing socratic method = free-form
controlled enuff 2 perceive justifications as truth
controlled enuff 2 state ur opinion as fact
controlled enuff 2 offer hidden abuse as humor
controlled enuff 2 consider history = static
controlled enuff 2 subliminally feel urs is the right>only>valid way
controlled enuff 2 assume a sense of beauty is universal
controlled enuff 2 spout point scoring as x.change
controlled enuff 2 declare arrogance = openess


five years ago today the loss

2007-03-06 Thread Sheila Murphy

for as many days as I had known, there were magnetic eyes
that noticed every surface of this earth,
and there was tenderness, with generous reserve,
a painting let us think, her voice was warm like that,
her voice brought heaven to its hush,
no matter where I was, the beam of light was there
so tied that I could feel a center care for me and watch
a silver sought, a feeling that pronounced
with kindness, and with reverence each tone,
as perfectly as any flower brought to life
as I was brought to life and she as parallel
would constantly forgive while understanding,
she would be a perfect thought.

sheila e. murphy
3 6 07

Re: Bennett & Dalachinsky in NYC

2007-03-05 Thread Sheila Murphy

Go, guys! Wish I could be there meself. I cannot wait to hear about both
performances. Bravo!!!


On 3/5/07, John M. Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:




*steve  dalachinsky
& a rare new york appearance by john m. bennett  (experimental and visual
poet, archivist at ohio state university,
founder-editor of luna bisonte prods and lost and found times & historian
in a special evening of poetry
*Thursday, March 15th @ 7 PM @
57 Stanton Street  ( near Eldridge )
*SHaloM  NewMan presents @ Pratt Institute - in Manhattan
144 w 14th street – 2ND floor auditorium
Friday, March 16 @ 7 PM   exhibit and readings
featuring Steve Dalachinsky, John M. Bennett, Yuko Otomo, Jim Feast,
thadeus rutkowski merry fortune caril weirzbecki hal sirowitz carl watson
ron kolm richard kostelanetz* *tom savage joe maynard and many others…

exhibit opening at 5 pm 


Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

stippled rest

2007-03-02 Thread Sheila Murphy

all through paratactic night flight purred.
I nest you fore(close) play-through.
when, pray, Dyngus Day?
the dry or maybe heaving west of here.
alongside of my brother.
yessed to pieces.
and on top of that inheritance qua legacy
qua allegation.
use the form intuitively apt.
I say this few to serve north crew.
and loose canonics,
Bruce and you.
Topeka was my trap.
and now legions of penitents come glued.
is this an auto(bio)-grapplive?
sconced and yes and yet.
the posse's here to fret.
gimme them strings, forget the ring.
intone the bring-time
to my crib.
is Adam angling to get mead?
no layman's read?
I thought not.

sheila e. murphy

she thought to have invented

2007-03-01 Thread Sheila Murphy

she thought to have invented what she thought
she knew, and ever since, the mantra
she deformed would equal her decision
to continue would abate the voicings

she thought to have invented better voices
might have made them gentler than she was
in her past and present, constant life, although
she had a story, and the story was an inclination

she thought to have invented an inverted space
would rectify her distance from it, as within
the leitmotif were parrots very dutiful who said
what she said they should say

she thought to have invented an admission
of another's guilt that she projected quite apart
from her own self she kept in a compartment
quite unlike the other little openings

she thought to have invented sizing to accommodate
a larger than conceivable true self would answer
a mere modicum of need, for there was not a way
to satisfy her need for adulation

she thought to have invented robots who would grieve
her getaway might address protracted needs
to be adored even in death, only she felt beneath
it all alone, and she would always be just so

sheila e. murphy

one morning

2007-02-27 Thread Sheila Murphy

Condense the mood, just broad enough to center on a page of permanence.

Temporary sanity infused itself.

I keep trying to incur a rebate.

Hevanet knows heaven peacefully.

Breathe in the net, breathe out salt air,

earth with seedlings.

Many tacit plays keel over in the dugout.

When you've paved the roof you've done a life's work.

*Might I avail myself of a second helping? *

Cramped daylight divided by two young tirades

might endeavor to have lost the plot.

The pilot light in rinsing off the lot.

Not only is a dark in here, the mood is quizzical.

A sphere of tension hovered just above her plate.

Her late affinity for rumination splintered the inducement to be faked.

Moreover, people were reciting Baltimore blue catechism,

whose tallest snob has tipped over to dementia,

now laments his prized brain.

A lane change has to happen more than once a year,

with fear about us, one upon the next,
the text.

sheila e. murphy

Re: RIP Gene Frumkin (1928-2007)

2007-02-26 Thread Sheila Murphy

Thank you, Hal, for posting this. Gene is a big part of life for so many of
us, and his legacy is immeasurable. Gene's work continues to be a huge
inspiration. His self-effacing manner is only a part of the wonderful
commitment that Gene brought to life.

I hope that people reading this post will find their way to any number of
books by Gene, widely available, including FREUD BY OTHER MEANS.

He will be missed greatly. Sheila

On 2/26/07, Halvard Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


   The escalator
 is a dangerous enemy
who could trip you
   one step at a time.
This is how the mind works,
synthesizing dream with substance.
Or as Jung
  with Freud.
 The substitution
of ground for holiness
 claims voice as a reason
 for old tribes locating
 the sun
as figures
in the act, at the window.

  The future derives
from sleep, evolves into gods
 and animals.
 This is a process
 that F. chilled into
   vintage prose.
  Jung warmed
to the blooded world,
not alone. The human collective
 describes the enormity
of a single voice. How the
   poses like God
in his mystical cellar.

 Yet F. too brings the good news
that deciphers time
in focus, traveled by a map,
   as if one could say
  there it is! now is as good
as anywhere.
 Everything is abstract
  in its origin almost
as if Plato
  believed in the verity
of his good republic.

The escalator goes flat by
  steps. It continues
  as breath does:
   two men in blue suits with vests.
 The moving sidewalk is
no less.
It slows into watchword, and if F.
  abhorred the occult,
  Jung compared sexuality
 in the psychic order
to a hidden grammar,
  dogma on the harpsichord.

  mystery, lens-defined
A science rises from obsession,
shaped like the Golem of Prague,
but who remembers
   his song?
  Jung catches flies
   instead of fish.
F. hangs his briefs
   on the line.
The world is all
   all there is
  to imitate.
Time limps behind
the escalator, F. stands
  with a stopwatch,
 Jung with a camera.
Mind in slow motion, caught in breath.

--Gene Frumkin

fr. Freud by Other Means
[Albuquerque: La Alameda Press, 2002]


Halvard Johnson


virtuoso bird on mipo radio

2007-02-24 Thread Sheila Murphy

Hi, friends,

I'm honored to share that Didi Menendez has included my first chap (1981)
designed and published by David Chorlton's Brushfire Press, on mipo radio.
Have a listen.

Big thanks go out to Didi for all her wonderful work. You'll find many
delights on this site!


Hardship Comes in Supple Rows

2007-02-24 Thread Sheila Murphy

You'll know it when you see
stars and kindred
soldiers, rain resistant
and immune to coiled snakes
sniffing glue-like cacti,
exacting in their inbred
capacity for sloughing off
skin fitting like a reptile purse
across the bones.

Don't bother committing
to memory, putting to rights
this far cry from intelligence.
One of the rafters will chastise
one of the strangers in our midst.
One of the elders will ransack
honest moonglow
for its origin, and the tables
will be turned before
they're iodized and full of sun.

Sheila E. Murphy

Re: When You Learn to Draw Be Sure to Draw Dark Lines

2007-02-20 Thread Sheila Murphy

Lovely, Tom. I thank you! Sheila

On 2/20/07, Thomas savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Free Association

These may not be my lines
But without me, they would not exist.
Once, not long ago, I took my
Only ever workshop in painting
In which I was taught to draw
Lines before adding the paint.
I succeeded, with some help
From a teacher, in completing
A picture of a duck with properly
Colored water and background foliage.
The teacher complimented me
On the lines I drew.  Thus, I over-
Came an old phobia about creating
Visual art and never returned
To this weekly workshop.
One's lines need not always
Lead to new lines, although
Sometimes they do, too.

*Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

When you learn be sure to know exactly
Where the lines occur, and to distinguish
Lines from not lines, and to own
The capability to say where lines are,
When you learn to draw dark lines.

And when you learn to draw, remind yourself
That teaching is the same as learning
To draw lines. You are the student
of your teaching, and your lines
Will be remembered after you.

When you learn to draw and you are sure
That you have drawn dark lines, look
At the lines and ask why they are there.
Know that you may reason with the lines,
Infer what they have shown, and do not
Fail to be immersed in just these lines.
Already they will have transcended you.
They will have encumbered your availability.
They will have taken the attention
Otherwise allotted to your being and replaced it
For attention to themselves.

Then be sure to learn that they no longer are your lines.
That you have made them does not imply
That these are lines that have to do with you.
You are the way these lines arrived.
They appear to hold where you have placed them,
Those segments of the true lines,
The lines that you have drawn,
Not your lines.

sheila e. murphy

Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 

When You Learn to Draw Be Sure to Draw Dark Lines

2007-02-20 Thread Sheila Murphy

When you learn be sure to know exactly
Where the lines occur, and to distinguish
Lines from not lines, and to own
The capability to say where lines are,
When you learn to draw dark lines.

And when you learn to draw, remind yourself
That teaching is the same as learning
To draw lines. You are the student
of your teaching, and your lines
Will be remembered after you.

When you learn to draw and you are sure
That you have drawn dark lines, look
At the lines and ask why they are there.
Know that you may reason with the lines,
Infer what they have shown, and do not
Fail to be immersed in just these lines.
Already they will have transcended you.
They will have encumbered your availability.
They will have taken the attention
Otherwise allotted to your being and replaced it
For attention to themselves.

Then be sure to learn that they no longer are your lines.
That you have made them does not imply
That these are lines that have to do with you.
You are the way these lines arrived.
They appear to hold where you have placed them,
Those segments of the true lines,
The lines that you have drawn,
Not your lines.

sheila e. murphy

after JMB (from me)

2007-02-19 Thread Sheila Murphy

read eel

ain't cussin' gristly
free lunged (g)nattily
much pleasing now
tips over the lute's
typical struts

a cuspy smokefest
douses rest with
crossed hands
whooping from bed to
pathic happenstance
nailing the treehouse
shut again

what living conks out
in a squall and numb
like hind p arts (still
spawn buzzes
seeping into sinks and
hives while pandering
to Hades)

where the shadow is
moping and shivering and
soggy weeping
brokebuilt misty
with a belt gone fluck

sheila e. murphy

as a rule I do not think what I come out and say

2007-02-17 Thread Sheila Murphy

it is better to unbalance the disparity
still too early to predict
and not a good idea to be older than
one's thoughts, the shallow hope
is only thin enough to slip past
the untested brackets around youth
still overripening

sheila e. murphy

Re: concourse || recourse || third course

2007-02-16 Thread Sheila Murphy

Jim and Tom, you guys are way too good to me! Big thanks. Warm wishes and
gratitude, Sheila

On 2/16/07, Tom_ Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I second Jim's praise, and append to his phrase -- holy shit shit --
reduplicated appreciations to all involved ... this makes it worth getting
up in the morning.


On Friday, February 16, 2007, at 12:18PM, "Jim Piat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Holy shit Sheila -- I think I'm in the presense of greatness  -- your
>Not that greatness is so great, but you know  -- for lack of a better
>This is quite a little list you folks have put together --  the theory
and writing movement.  I love it's bold and contradictory defiance of
definition   --including this attempt.
>I think I will say everything   -- with a bit of dash.
>- Original Message -
>  From: Sheila Murphy
>  Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 12:45 PM
>  Subject: concourse || recourse || third course
>  say rule in front of me then shrink from doltage
>  mispronounce the feed lots in a frenzy
>  warm your speculum my frosty friend
>  contain false adages
>  pit sun against the rune moon
>  put into play contiguous short silver
>  in a trance weigh what you mourn
>  while leavings face themselves
>  as dimly lit intentions crossing boundaries
>  sheila e. murphy

Re: 5 ears yago

2007-02-16 Thread Sheila Murphy

This is quite an intriguing sequence of notes, Bjorn. Grasp and release
figure prominently in the exploration of "smart" and "stupid" and the inside
and outside.

thanks a lot for posting this. Sheila

On 2/16/07, Bjørn Magnhildøen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

just looked thorugh the wayback machine
by coincidence found my notes from this talk
if you're not sure you have to keep hold it
but if you're sure you can let it go


Alan Kaprow talk
Astrup-Fearnley Museum, Sun 17.02.02.
A very down-to-earth exposition from "the founder of happening".
Just some mental notes: "This is a problem ... why should I come here
to talk about art? ... Because he was a friend ... In the beginning my
problem was that I liked art things but at the same time couldn't care
less ... So I started doing environments and happenings as they came
to be known ... It was a difficult time, I lost many artist friends
because of it ... Installation and performance is something completely
different from environments and happenings - the former two being
artist centered and within the usual art context, while the latter two
isn't about art at all ... It took me 20-30 years to free myself from
art ... If people ask me about art I run away - goodbye, goodbye ...
People have these, like, bubbles around them, sometimes they are
small, like when there's some intimacy and personal contact between
people, and sometimes big, like when aggressive, maybe hostile ... at
the workshop the students practiced this approaching each other while
keeping eyecontact ... What I tell them is - to be stupid ... In the
society we're supposed to be smart ... Stupidity can be nice ... Play
around with culture ... Like the rules for handshaking ... I found
that the rule was shaking 1.5 times ... Try to pump 3-5 times and
you'll see strange things happen ... I've practiced pumping up to 20
times ... Art student worry, I tell him to be stupid ... Can art
change society? I quote John Cage: How to improve the world: you will
only make things worse ... I'm always asked for comments on art ... I
look at the Kiefer paintings in this room and what can I say? I like
them ... My relation to fluxus? We were friends, but the fluxus chef
George Maciunas and I hated each other so I was not part of it ...

concourse || recourse || third course

2007-02-16 Thread Sheila Murphy

say rule in front of me then shrink from doltage
mispronounce the feed lots in a frenzy
warm your speculum my frosty friend

contain false adages
pit sun against the rune moon
put into play contiguous short silver

in a trance weigh what you mourn
while leavings face themselves
as dimly lit intentions crossing boundaries

sheila e. murphy

Re: Let's Not (Do It Your Way Anymore)

2007-02-15 Thread Sheila Murphy

heh heh

On 2/15/07, Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oddly the comments came before the piece tomorrow so all I can include is
that Bush's goons got hold of it and were trying to read it, well, trying
to read, before they sent it on - Alan

On Thu, 15 Feb 2007, Sheila Murphy wrote:

> Let's undress this monument to endowed impocracy
> Let's poll the trucks and find out who lies behind our fate
> Let's Marge our way past second fiddle status
> Let's barber the doris in our maltese wake
> Let's individuate the strop
> Let's consume our viabilities at lunch break
> Let's compose our purity into a pile of chalk
> Let's lemonade the barracks past the brittle shacks
> Let's mourn our shoulders
> Let's quip among ourselves around impure insurgency
> Let's blot out quasi boots and make their leather to a man Let's erupt
> into a whiteout of the legions of anxiety  Let's disinvite the clown who
> divvies up the good of the whole platter
> Let's reverse the charges back to mis-proclaimed divinity
> sheila e. murphy

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Re: Let's Not (Do It Your Way Anymore)

2007-02-15 Thread Sheila Murphy


On 2/15/07, Halvard Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

More of your Bush-bashing--eh, Sheila? Bring it on!


 "If Gladstone fell into the Thames, that would
 be a misfortune, and if someone pulled him
 out, that, I suppose, would be a calamity."
--Benjamin Disraeli

Halvard Johnson


 On Feb 15, 2007, at 12:12 PM, Sheila Murphy wrote:

 Let's undress this monument to endowed impocracy
Let's poll the trucks and find out who lies behind our fate
 Let's Marge our way past second fiddle status
Let's barber the doris in our maltese wake
Let's individuate the strop
Let's consume our viabilities at lunch break
Let's compose our purity into a pile of chalk
Let's lemonade the barracks past the brittle shacks
Let's mourn our shoulders
Let's quip among ourselves around impure insurgency
Let's blot out quasi boots and make their leather to a man Let's erupt
into a whiteout of the legions of anxiety  Let's disinvite the clown who
divvies up the good of the whole platter
Let's reverse the charges back to mis-proclaimed divinity

sheila e. murphy

seven or so

2007-02-15 Thread Sheila Murphy

seven or two shoulders lapse
into the winter afternoon
stretching lakeside
to the brim coast means
untended distance
breath to single no port
daveno that I relax into again

sheila e. murphy

Let's Not (Do It Your Way Anymore)

2007-02-15 Thread Sheila Murphy

Let's undress this monument to endowed impocracy
Let's poll the trucks and find out who lies behind our fate
Let's Marge our way past second fiddle status
Let's barber the doris in our maltese wake
Let's individuate the strop
Let's consume our viabilities at lunch break
Let's compose our purity into a pile of chalk
Let's lemonade the barracks past the brittle shacks
Let's mourn our shoulders
Let's quip among ourselves around impure insurgency
Let's blot out quasi boots and make their leather to a man Let's erupt
into a whiteout of the legions of anxiety  Let's disinvite the clown who
divvies up the good of the whole platter
Let's reverse the charges back to mis-proclaimed divinity

sheila e. murphy

Re: thought, finding form, rising

2007-02-11 Thread Sheila Murphy

Very hauntingly beautiful, Peter, and a very intriguing piece all around.
Thank you for posting the link to this. Your work consistently surprises and
inspires. Sheila

On 2/10/07, Peter Ciccariello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thought, finding form, rising

-- Peter Ciccariello

always there

2007-02-08 Thread Sheila Murphy

always there

exists temptation
to make more than
is really there
thinking into
versus out
of the incepting
text upon (against, atop)
the page
the chore there
is deciphering
hinged with
the tendency
to project into
the few low
lying letters
a format
in form
and with

sheila e. murphy

Alan Sondheim and Gertrude Stein

2007-02-03 Thread Sheila Murphy

Great combination! Happy birthday, Alan, my friend. I wish you many happy
returns. You are GREAT!

Warm wishes from the Southwest,

Sheila E
of Maricopa County

in mint condition, daylight

2007-02-02 Thread Sheila Murphy

a reciprocal (low cal) morning shifts thought from
skin reverting to and to
four-poster plethoration of nudge points
mounting from the night before
and tulips butterflies gems all tender
their projective cinching of the letterpress endowment
in a budding cataract

for now the nuisance value of free verse
tempts tincture to the utmost op cit
variations on them at ekphrasic
sound by tesserae
allowing self to wall (to wall) off
pictures and become these
little-more-than sprucings near the spring

sheila e. murphy

you go on

2007-02-01 Thread Sheila Murphy

you go on
doing what
you do and
maybe you absorb
impressions right
as they occur
and then recede
into this memory

you do too
many things
you meet someone
you speak
you hear what
happens then

decide how moderate
your approach might
be to what
is seen and
felt thinking is
it real against
all likelihood
whatever you
have cradled then
let go

sheila e. murphy

Re: she rehearsed her pleasantries until they felt cropped

2007-01-31 Thread Sheila Murphy

Tom, you are so thoughtful to write and express your liking of this piece.
Thanks much! Sheila

On 1/31/07, Thomas savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I like this poem very much.  It reminds me a bit of the beginning of Joe
Brainard's long poem "I Remember" in which each line begins "I remember" and
is then followed with some memory.  Thanks, Sheila.  This is a good way to
start the morning.  Regards, Tom Savage

*Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

I like to look at what I listen to
I like the format of a syllable on face with light around ensuing
I like occasional mimesis
I like to toy with possible harmonics even in America
I like the thought of primacy recency
I like serious intention juxtaposed with a spritz of glee
I like sprung facts that seem flow to selves
I like the occasional integer amid a smile
I like maturation when it can silence modulation
I like the nobility of what is untreated
I like mention of the salt beside a stream
I like indifference to float away

sheila e. murphy

Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music 

she rehearsed her pleasantries until they felt cropped

2007-01-31 Thread Sheila Murphy

I like to look at what I listen to
I like the format of a syllable on face with light around ensuing sentences
I like occasional mimesis
I like to toy with possible harmonics even in America
I like the thought of primacy recency
I like serious intention juxtaposed with a spritz of glee
I like sprung facts that seem flow to selves
I like the occasional integer amid a smile
I like maturation when it can silence modulation
I like the nobility of what is untreated
I like mention of the salt beside a stream
I like indifference to float away

sheila e. murphy

Re: I Keep on Going Back to Make It Right

2007-01-29 Thread Sheila Murphy

David thanks so very much - I'm honored!

On 1/29/07, P!^VP 0!Z!^VP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 29-Jan-07, at 3:48 PM, Joel Weishaus wrote:

> Sheila:
> Surely you havean oracular voice, which is what we need, again.
> Best,
> Joel
>> On 1/29/07, Sheila Murphy < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Each
>> time, scars open,
>>> and the blood runs down.
>>> I look at each, decide
>>> to change what I can change.
>>> A frigid stare convinces me
>>> no hope is accurate, and yet
>>> within, therewrithes an unbalanced,
>>> optimistic urge to fix
>>> what I can never fix.
>>> In the cycle that is real,
>>> projectedhappiness has no place
>>> withinthis fractious world.
>>> A perfectly unlikelydreamappears
>>> like a mirage, and I am dying
>>> of thirst and toxic water
>>> at the same time.
>>> sheila e. murphy
>> --
>> Image -
>> Word -
>> Photography -

I Keep on Going Back to Make It Right

2007-01-29 Thread Sheila Murphy

Each time, scars open,
and the blood runs down.
I look at each, decide
to change what I can change.
A frigid stare convinces me
no hope is accurate, and yet
within, there writhes an unbalanced,
optimistic urge to fix
what I can never fix.

In the cycle that is real,
projected happiness has no place
within this fractious world.
A perfectly unlikely dream appears
like a mirage, and I am dying
of thirst and toxic water
at the same time.

sheila e. murphy

rigor of a sort

2007-01-28 Thread Sheila Murphy

has to spritz
has to stall
has to brother
has to branch
has to comfort
has to stand
has to blot
has to prompt
has to clench
has to dry
has to thatch
has to front
has to jump
has to fast
has to last
has to cast
has to sew
has to breathe
has to stem
has to steam
has to match
has to view
has to singe
has to spin
has to stork
has to primp
has to limp
has to find
has to fine
has to line
has to brim
has to ham
has to pluck

sheila e. murphy

anyone near nyc - don't miss this!

2007-01-25 Thread Sheila Murphy

* Winner of the Cafe Cino Award for Excellence in Off-Off-Broadway
at the NY Innovative Theater Awards 2005
* American Theater Web: "One of Top Three Musicals" in Fringe NYC 2005
* Talkin Broadway: "Outstanding New Musical" - Summer 2005 Citations

*ONLY TWO MORE WEEKS to catch *The Death of Griffin Hunter!*

*Backstage* calls *The Death of Griffin Hunter*: "Fascinating...ambitious
political edgy kaleidoscope of brutality, humor, eroticism,
romance, and philosophizing."

*Time-Out NY *calls *The Death of Griffin Hunter: *"absorbing and
amusing...a gaudy political thriller [with] intricately sturdy plotting."

And audiences are having a come on by!

*The Death of Griffin Hunter*

A play noir by Kirk Wood Bromley
Directed by Howard Thoresen
Sets by Jane Stein
Lights by Jeff Nash
Costumes by Karen Flood
Production Mgt. by Ruthie Conde
Stage Mgt. by Casey McLain
8 pm, Wednesdays - Saturdays, January 10 - February 3, 2007

At The Brick Theater, 575 Metropolitan Ave., Williamsburg, NYC

Tickets are $18, but Wednesdays are "Pay What You Will" and Thursdays are "2
for 1"!

For reservations, information, and tickets go to

*The Death of Griffin Hunter* is the story of Griffin Hunter, the Secretary
of Disarmament for the United Nations. When Hunter flies to San Francisco to
sign a disarmament treaty with 90 nations, he is quickly embroiled into the
crypto-psychotic grip of Vaad Sirat, an international weapons cartel that
will stop at nothing to seduce Hunter to destroy himself and his vision for
a better world. This thrilling "play noir" not only features 15 of the
finest indie actors playing 40 sensational characters, an Iranian Tazi'ya
play-within-the-play, and intricate and compelling plot twists, but it is a
timely meditation on the complexities of peacemaking in a world where war
means profit.

resume ecume

2007-01-23 Thread Sheila Murphy

fault no b(r)other
is encyclop
after allega
glock faces self
effacing rock & rhyth
deform inform induc
way premised me
the silk quilt
proxy fraulein
nemesis untoward
no matter
what what what

sheila e. murphy

thanks for responses

2007-01-22 Thread Sheila Murphy

Gentlemen, I appreciate what was spawned by this piece today! Sheila

contrition pinks its way due north

2007-01-22 Thread Sheila Murphy

quizzical inference spots the unframed daisies, dig?
shelves boast life sans melody unless
some children loll across the feathery kin meadows
sparkling even wrinkled things, flinging their claims
to dreamed eclat where sprinkles of dew revert
to surface versus depth, unmimicking of stars

center steadfast rhymes with lightly overcast
as a midwestern lack of urgency condemns daylight
to stasis that corrals imagination to conform
with absence of itself in fall, midwinter, drawn
kindred suffixes, as the answer to a prayer is more prayer
from behind the countenance, as flavor mimes a wish

sheila e. murphy

Re: all of his indifference turned to her

2007-01-19 Thread Sheila Murphy

wonderful - thank you, Thomas!

On 1/19/07, Thomas savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

All of this indifference turns away.
None of it even looks me in the eye.
Everyday when I walk up or down the street
Of my daily vagaries, my heart is breaking
From the coldness of New York City humans
Which defies the  global warming so
That even the unseasonable warming of our skies
Cannot invite these people to respond
To me, to each other, who are not their pets.

*Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

all of his indifference turned to her

and she, a shell, filled with what void
he could afford, that she could
barely hold or re(f)use,
midway through the coup if
it was that, e(r)go the summary
included not a shred of judgment,
and his candor flopped
during the delivery, which
exercise emitted revelation
after revelation pointed else-
where she could disassociate
in fewer words than he

sheila e. murphy

Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music 

he recommended she stop ordering

2007-01-19 Thread Sheila Murphy

what seemed least safe was her
insistence on new levels
of detail
he winced,
to him the prickle of despair,
almost contagious, when she


all he heard was


and the lateral intent


encomium emerged in his wish


erata spun


he would have hidden if


and she for her part




sheila e. murphy

Re: all of his indifference turned to her

2007-01-18 Thread Sheila Murphy


On 1/18/07, phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

m awl leopard, glabrous ivory medallions

tied to the tracks the loco
motive leanns a wry
streets and avenous
italion ate the hroin
the motor cycle whic
h it champion now
led nose flea frawl
lode liver 'rode'
let us efface hech
uther on the blood red whale

you tied to the tracks


all of his indifference turned to her

2007-01-18 Thread Sheila Murphy

all of his indifference turned to her

and she, a shell, filled with what void
he could afford, that she could
barely hold or re(f)use,
midway through the coup if
it was that, e(r)go the summary
included not a shred of judgment,
and his candor flopped
during the delivery, which
exercise emitted revelation
after revelation pointed else-
where she could disassociate
in fewer words than he

sheila e. murphy

two men

2007-01-17 Thread Sheila Murphy

two men

one never knew when he should go home.
others with grace allowed this
inextricable and unwanted bond
to fester. he looked less young
that he had ever been.

another wrote about a gradual release
of mind replete with complication
that would often challenge loved ones,
now declaring he had not a breath of recollection
of an enemy.

that these two have never met is neither
logical nor illogical.
mere fact apart from linkage
sounds like nothing unless someone
decides to juxtapose the two
and draw some hinge from scratch.

one man will grow to be no other.
and another will reach for life
imposing his collection of
broad understanding on
an unsuspecting audience
always ill-equipped to dream
with reciprocity.

sheila e. murphy

many thankfuls are the habitat of I am present tense

2007-01-17 Thread Sheila Murphy

many thankfuls are the habitat of I am present tense

for Tim Scannell

composite breakfront beaker qua replete with with with
stowable p/ARTS glitter and stamping face face
yes [squared] to hypothesis route this
feel held field relished relishing return to
all the posing stamps 4 cents 6 cents 1 cent 5
and fish oops birds
the cutting is a generous extra
polation palacing the white
and looking forward one
cannot help this gerund all across
the place I'm thinking NOW AND

sheila e. murphy

Re: Cross Media Issue at

2007-01-15 Thread Sheila Murphy

Congratulations on this wonderful endeavor!

On 1/15/07, Dan Waber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Forwarding this along from Jonathan Penton (plus a note from me at the

Despite our best intentions, The Cross-Media Issue (guest edited by
Dan Waber) at has been released on
time, and includes:

syrupin w/9 letters & 5 spaces by mIEKAL aND & Lyx Ish
Song Shapes by Jim Andrews
Jim Andrews reviews Doom 3
Five Spoken Word Visual Poems by The Be Blank Consort
Green by Tantra Bensko
Two Excepts from The Cyborg Opera by Christian Bök
The Poet's View by Mairéad Byrne
Offerings by Holly Crawford
Four Spoken Word Poems by Barbara DeCesare
Missing by Martha L. Deed
Two Songs by Dulabomber
Seven Visual Poems by Paul Dutton
Red by Amanda Earl
Alphaglyphs by endwar
Cross-Media by Michael Harold
Three AVATAR Sketches by Sharon Harris
Bin Badder by Pete Hindle
In Germania, The Portuguese Did Sing by Geof Huth
Snowglyphs by Geof Huth
This Is Your Final Nitris by Adeena Karasick
Vedic Space, String Theory, and the Eternal Knot by Karl Kempton
Graffiti by Márton Koppány
As You by Donna Kuhn
Seven Visual Poems by Janan Leikazu
Two Visual Poems by Kaz Maslanka
Five Visual Poems by Sean McCluskey
Memory Tables by Gil McElroy
Twelve Digital Poems by Marko Niemi
I Don't Want to Go to Nashville by Rupert Owen and Snuffbox Films
Once More Around the Sun: a 2007 calendar by W. Bradford Paley
American Flact by Alan Semerdjian
Two Visual Poems by Spiel
In Other Words by Nico Vassilakis
Three Blogger-code Visual Poems by Ted Warnell
Five Visual Poems by Derek White

I'm still in the middle of webmastering the upcoming issue of, so I am behind on all correspondence. Thank you for

Jonathan Penton

To which I would add a note of personal thanks to Jonathan for
inviting me to guest edit this issue, and also to each of the
contributors for the giving me the pleasure of presenting some of the
most exciting and interesting work being done today in any field.



2007-01-15 Thread Sheila Murphy

SUGAR MULE is pleased and proud to announce a special *double issue #26*: *An
Anthology of Collaborations, *guest edited by Sheila E. Murphy. Click on and click on "current issue" to find a large and diverse
gathering of textual collaborative writing. The issue, to be released as a
print anthology in May, 2007, features an introduction by Murphy and work
representing the following writers:

·Mary Rising Higgins and George Kalamaras

·Maria Damon and mIEKAL aND

·Natalie Basinski and Michael Basinski

·Robert Garlitz and Rupert Loydell

·John M. Bennett and Jim Leftwich

·John Crouse and Jim Leftwich

·Luke Kennard and Rupert M Loydell

·Dan Waber and Jennifer Hill-Kaucher

·J.S. Murnet

·Penn Kemp and Gloria Alvernaz Mulcahy

·Alan Halsey and Jesse Glass

·Nico Vassilakis and Geof Huth

·John M. Bennett and Geof Huth

·Bob Grumman and Geof Huth

·Geof Huth and Bob Grumman

·Nick Carbo and Eileen Tabios

·Eileen Tabios with David Baptiste-Chirot

·Vernon Frazer and Michelle Greenblatt

·John M. Bennett and K.S. Ernst

·Jim Leftwich and Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

·John M. Bennett and Stacey Allam

·Bob Brueckl and Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

·erica kaufman, Anny Ballardini and kari edwards

·Steve Dalachinsky and Jim Leftwich

·Scott Macleod, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen and Michelle Greenblatt

  - Scott Macleod and Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
  - Mark Young and Martin Edmond
  - Nico Vassilakis and Crystal Curry
  - Peter Ganick and Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
  - Bob Grumman and Geof Huth
  - Nico Vassilakis and Robert Mittenthal
  - John Crouse and Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
  - Michelle Greenblatt and Tom Taylor
  - Jim Leftwich and Andrew Topel
  - Susan McMaster and Penn Kemp
  - David Baratier and Sean Karns
  - Mackenzie Carignan and Scott Glassman
  - Frances Presley and Tilla Brading
  - Maria Damon, mIEKAL aND, jUStin!katKO
  - Tom Beckett and Thomas Fink


2007-01-13 Thread Sheila Murphy

intractable dream
inadmissible dream
infraction dream
apologetic dream
inflamed dream
residual dream
confederate dream
deposited dream
white noise dream
same shame dream
long line dream
calm poise dream
sangfroid dream
lightheaded dream
wan blood dream
stalled pose dream
wide open dream
prompt light dream
irreligious dream
obedient dream
cloying dream
recorded dream
plotted dream
inductive dream
etcetera dream
repository dream
still pond dream
clambake dream  Mark
pious dream
upended dream
shoddy muddled dream
unimpressive dream
rhetorical dream
mud pack dream
shimmering dream
exonerated dream
pock mark dream
excited dream
imposition dream
wrapped up dream
12-tone dream
rehearsed dream
purseful dream
stir crazy dream
resting dream
military dream
oceanic dream
crayon dream
salt pepper dream
seamed dream
seeming dream
stemmed dream
stained dream

sheila e. murphy

Re: 365/365, Jennifer

2007-01-11 Thread Sheila Murphy

This is glorious, Dan, a beautiful way to conclude a tremendous series that
I've loved and will continue to enjoy reading.

An EARLY-ISH happy birthday to you. You do your age (and any age) proud. I'm
broadcasting this message to the wryting list while sending my personal best
wishes, also.


Sheila E

On 1/11/07, Dan Waber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jennifer is the love of my life, the glue that holds all my toothpicks
together, my bestest friend in the world, my green velvet beetle bird,
my chipmunk zoo, my oh, my mine and more, always and all ways more.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people

Re: Geb e line // ignore the poco stutz

2007-01-10 Thread Sheila Murphy


On 1/9/07, phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

chukkabook (as in hoo!) chukkabook
rabbit headed mesmerists dance in a chain
around a tub
an old woman thrashing there in deslon's "fluid"
an android built by the members of
whose five year mission
now crumbles on the moon
cheez-it jesu staring into vacuum
robo-burros wandering
tumped over
near a pan-galactic scrubbing rock
which is painted with an image
of Franklin's garden at Passy
the five trees the convulsant at the foot
of number 4 instead of 5 crushing mesmerism
but leaving a trace of -1

O negative one
ye whose determination
is the conduit of a groundling's

raise up thy hand
"animal magnetism, dead, ridiculed"
not the theory
but the testament

or is it a mistake
in the fluid.
not unlike
the Senecan grotesque
who stands in the tub
the Santayanan "is"
which ponders
what is this wet fish
in a wondrous container?

Why not be "fluidists," if the
frock is sharply tailored?

Re: My Best Times and Best Writing! At least I think so... :-(

2007-01-08 Thread Sheila Murphy

Alan, you're knocking me out! Bellissimo, Sheila

On 1/8/07, Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My Best Times and Best Writing! At least I think so... :-(

Sometimes supreme happiness comes my way as a fold or potential field
opening up vast possibilities and new horizons. All these languages that
grace my shelves! Fijian, Tahitian, Tibetan, Pali, Sanskrit, Romansch -
the world blooms with new grammars, new structures for organizing the
universe acoustically! Now I also play the erhu, some simple north-
Saharan-like repetitive trance-songs - and harmonicas (I just read a poem
which included a "mouth-organ" in The Ladies' Home Journal Treasury from
1956 - I've mentioned this book before, there's even a reproduction of a
cover by Sargent! And the harmonic minor (C minor) harp from Lee Oskar is
fantastic! I walk down the street making up Yiddish tunes as I go. And
speaking of which - yes, on the short-wave, or upper middle-wave, around
1700, there's Rebs galore, what seems to be a Chassidic station in Yiddish
and Hebrew - and the tunes are fantastic. I just installed a very old
version of Final Cut Pro on my Mac Powerbook, and here it is, burning
madly away, a new piece - it can take it's time, I have other machines,
I'm rattling away on this new laptop which I need for my also new class in
Beginning Filmmaking at Brown! This was through Leslie Thornton - the
class emphasizes digital everything except the camera - in a way it's the
phenomenology of film itself that's at stake! Here's a frame - what do
you want to do with it? The Flower Ornament Sutra keeps my busy at night -
and there are so many wonderful books here - Roberto Harrison's writings
are nothing short of incredible, intense, abstracted, neuro-psychological,
what does that mean?, slightly conceptualized, veering, always fascinating
- and one can always go back to Kristeva's Language, The Unknown - how
young she was then! - which reminds me of my continuous mourning-the-Alps
and that never to be reproduced / revisited trip which produced probably
fifteen or twenty hours of brilliant dance, video, soundwork, even just
pacing the middle of the European continent, such as it is. And then that
unforeseen trip to Rilke's grave in Raron - and the Duino, the Orpheus,
the letters to Merline, and now Erich Heller's The Disinherited Mind,
which I can always recommend as an old friend - here I am on the chapter
about Nietzsche and Rilke! Not really a small world - I've been look for
commentary - it just came along! Just as the wonderful O'Reilly book on
Unicode - I mean really really wonderful! arrived after Sandy told me
about it - I ordered a review copy - it's just the thing of course for
codeworkers or anyone wanting to understand the potential of the graphemic
universe transformed into universals given this-and-that tolerance class
and an always already limited digital space! It's sitting right next to
another review copy - this is PC Music, the easy guide, 3rd edition - and
here I am on the Mac, making new video and audio, and on an old Mac! But
this is what I found for the PC - something called the Taksi Desktop Video
Recorder at Source Forge which promises great things, translating window
into usable footage - as if video were still "footage" - one can imagine
of course that 24 frames a second really implies these rectangles moving
by us one by one - this is far from the truth now. It's all internal, it
can be any way one wants! Unlike Badiou - and I have so much Badiou - and
it reads like stringent iron, that truth that binds just about everything
and then of course veers off into poetry and art - the French are like
that - I think Kristeva's one of the best, not to mention M. Derrida. More
and more I've been listening to disembodied voices on the shortwave - not
the Net - which is so flat, so predictable - shortwave space - radio space
- is deep space, the deepest space - you might or might not hear a signal
- signals and stations come and go - static of all sorts intervenes -
static itself is interesting - and listen to this! I picked up a numbers
station a couple of nights ago - the same comforting female voice, Spanish
numbers - even around the same place on the dial - about 6800 Mhz - that
seems to be like a singles bar for spies - anyone can join in - the code's
unbreakable of course, which just goes to show what one-to-one encryption
can do - I mean both ends have the same code book - there's no structure,
no rhyme or reason - you can't break a structureless code unless you've
got the book or massive processing - and if the book's unique, even that -
the processing - produces nothing. So you're listening to clear imperv-
iousness. The other night, our cat got really sick - for the first time we
sprayed for the larger cockroaches - I hate killing, but they were begin-
ning to swarm - when they were injured, we put them outside, praying for
their revival, karma, just elsewhere - anyway I think the cat caught
something or other - not sur

if you expect people to disappoint you, you will never be disappointed

2007-01-05 Thread Sheila Murphy

by its very
the act
of sin
just watch
not be
set ic (sic)
in (despite
the ruminative
here no(w)

sheila e. murphy

tapshoes are the mule of innovation

2007-01-04 Thread Sheila Murphy

mid-window her high-
lights shimmed. evocations
very plural sparked
micro-audio debate
as though some whole
tone had wiggled its
way out of the incision
where a person wedged it
and matriculation held
only a pale while under
the faulty lamp kiss
and the slim sporadic
hence glow fathering
some welding due at
six or some such
numeral one gives
back to intended snow

sheila e. murphy

Re: Ctrl+C

2006-12-27 Thread Sheila Murphy

glorious piece - thank you both, sheila e

On 12/27/06, Peter Ciccariello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


A collaborative image poem
- mez & ciccariello

Re: if what I am is what I do

2006-12-21 Thread Sheila Murphy

Diachronicity! A welcome thought, indeed, and methinks the writer of "if
what I am . . ." may be quite conscious of the utopian and idealistic
nature. Paul Ricoeur is more than "all heart." :)

Very wonderful passage you've quoted, and I thank you.

Yours in being, Sheila E

On 12/21/06, William Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd like to share this with you, Sheila, in regard to your title and poem.
I should perhaps say I'm still digesting what I'm sending..
(sorry for the suddenly large font)

it may be useful to reflect that there is a sense in which the poem (in
the broad sense of the term) is utopian and idealistic whether its author
was fully aware of this or not. Paul Ricoeur glosses this dimension of texts
in speaking of the characteristics of narrative semiotics in the second
chapter of *Time and Narrative*, "Semiotic Constraints on Narrativity,"
(page 30). There, Ricoeur observes that any given language can always
"separate the code from the message, or … isolate *langue* from *parole*,"
the former element, code or *langue*, being "what is systematic." It
follows, Ricoeur goes on, that if *langue* is systematic then

its synchronic … aspect can be isolated from its diachronic or successive
and historical aspect. As for its systematic organization, it can in turn be
mastered if it is possible to reduce it to a finite number of basic
differential units, the system's signs, and to establish the set of
combinatory rules that give rise to all its internal relations. Under these
conditions, a structure may be defined as a closed set of internal relations
between a finite number of units. The *immanence *of these relations—that
is, the system's indifference to any extralinguistic reality—is an important
corollary of this closure rule that characterizes a structure. (my italics)

Best regards, Bill

*Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

my silence is a clue
I follow around as if
to listen to the moments
not be said
and when I hear
what I believe I hear
I learn what I believe
I have not learned
but learn now or
will learn just when
the tincture
of indifference dis-
solves in-
dwelling sharpness
at opposing
points of color

sheila e. murphy

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Re: if what I am is what I do

2006-12-21 Thread Sheila Murphy

Alex - this is a MOST welcome post, and I greatly appreciate it. Thanks for
this perspective. You and your wife and I are surely members of the
like-minded club :)

THANKS! Sheila

On 12/20/06, alexander saliby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Love it...
There's a 19th Century Brit quote...I'll search for the writer (used to
know it back when I used to think, but I've long ago forgotten how to do
that) who said:

Men are known for their deeds
Women for their possessions.

Was that Chesterton?  HmmI'll dig into that.

My wife, 40 years ago, said she felt that was the ultimate example of
Anglo-Idiocy! (bytheway; she's a Scott).

In any event, your work here dispels that idiocy!  And upon reading what
you wrote, my wife shouted: Brava!

- Original Message -
*From:* Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 20, 2006 4:06 PM
*Subject:* if what I am is what I do

my silence is a clue
I follow around as if
to listen to the moments
not be said
and when I hear
what I believe I hear
I learn what I believe
I have not learned
but learn now or
will learn just when
the tincture
of indifference dis-
solves in-
dwelling sharpness
at opposing
points of color

sheila e. murphy

if what I am is what I do

2006-12-20 Thread Sheila Murphy

my silence is a clue
I follow around as if
to listen to the moments
not be said
and when I hear
what I believe I hear
I learn what I believe
I have not learned
but learn now or
will learn just when
the tincture
of indifference dis-
solves in-
dwelling sharpness
at opposing
points of color

sheila e. murphy

Re: Sailboat

2006-12-17 Thread Sheila Murphy

Absolutely beautiful, William. I love this piece. sheila

On 12/17/06, William Bain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


All morning with subliminality trying to
bring you back.

I live on an island called Barceloneta,
circumvallated on two "sides" by sea.

What in the world do you think I can do about it
if a single white boat, sail down and tied,

glides across the water off Barcelona beach past
the red-and-white dump truck with its bed raised,

past the yellow claw tractor resting its
teeth on the newly dumped rock,

and just keeps moving the way motored
craft move toward port at five o'clock

in the afternoon when you are somewhere
else, maybe even in Madrid?

William Bain

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milk and a rotisserie

2006-12-16 Thread Sheila Murphy

still life imposes depth perception
parallel to color
if someone is not watching
maybe you can catch her
up on what the waterfall is
you can acquiesce to unction
at the drop
of some unnamed condition
known to postpone happiness
as drizzle melds with daylight
and the finishing of touch
the widowed algorithms
that suvive on parallel
in past tense
broomhandle seems
thus swollen and ring fingers
crimson from the temperature's intemperate
deduction in a wakeful mode
until unruly silence
fastens selves of some of us
to repeat what we contain

sheila e. murphy

Re: I See a Spider in the Hallway

2006-12-11 Thread Sheila Murphy


On 12/11/06, phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I buy some pickled eels from a vendor on the grand causeway
I think it implausible I'll always be the same way
I reel from your distorted expressions in the faceplate
I think it pleasant you've started to see things my way
I hope you'll accept this little gift the right way
I love to feel your fingers when I first wake
I know you'll be alarmed when I sit up at my own wake
I think it best we don't pretend we don't know what to say
If I scream don't be bothered that's just my way
I often look beneathe the branches for a lacunae
When I call your name in the thrownness, don't choose a shy way
I often usually maybe only part of the time I don't know understand my own

- Original Message -
From: Sheila Murphy
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 1:51 PM
Subject: I See a Spider in the Hallway

I See a Spider in the Hallway

I see a speed reader in the hallway
I hear the sprawl of lieder in the hallway
I like your verses in a small way
I feel the Senate gasping for breath in the hallway
I smell the snow brushing the window in a small way
I touch the venetian blinds just past the hallway
I taste the meals of Venice in a small way
I know the margins of the mall way past divinity
I find the route not advertised the Frost way
I note a tone of keenness in your hallway
I embellish truth in a small way
I respect all life forms in a big way
I see a spider in the hallway

sheila e. murphy

Re: I See a Spider in the Hallway

2006-12-11 Thread Sheila Murphy

Thanks, Alan! :)

On 12/11/06, Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Put this to music! Or someone, please put this to music!

- Alan

On Mon, 11 Dec 2006, Sheila Murphy wrote:

> I See a Spider in the Hallway
> I see a speed reader in the hallway
> I hear the sprawl of lieder in the hallway
> I like your verses in a small way
> I feel the Senate gasping for breath in the hallway
> I smell the snow brushing the window in a small way
> I touch the venetian blinds just past the hallway
> I taste the meals of Venice in a small way
> I know the margins of the mall way past divinity
> I find the route not advertised the Frost way
> I note a tone of keenness in your hallway
> I embellish truth in a small way
> I respect all life forms in a big way
> I see a spider in the hallway
> sheila e. murphy

Check Work on YouTube. Check out blog as well.
Work directory at . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Check "Alan Sondheim" on Google. For theoretical and other work, check
the WVU Zwiki and . Check
"Alan Sondheim" on Google. Phone 718-813-3285. Write for information on
books, dvds, cds, performance, etc.

I See a Spider in the Hallway

2006-12-11 Thread Sheila Murphy

I See a Spider in the Hallway

I see a speed reader in the hallway
I hear the sprawl of lieder in the hallway
I like your verses in a small way
I feel the Senate gasping for breath in the hallway
I smell the snow brushing the window in a small way
I touch the venetian blinds just past the hallway
I taste the meals of Venice in a small way
I know the margins of the mall way past divinity
I find the route not advertised the Frost way
I note a tone of keenness in your hallway
I embellish truth in a small way
I respect all life forms in a big way
I see a spider in the hallway

sheila e. murphy

does perpetuity have gender

2006-12-11 Thread Sheila Murphy

cordial flecks of prior speech endow our silver with respite-shaped
would you like to buy a pilgrimage?
stay smart and it will get you noblesse oblige.

I mean it. crispen your puttering.
it's going to amount to much of the discourse.
ramp up your shoulder blades in time for the parade.

or, better yet, be vigilant. stop snoring
in your airline sort of way. brim with quasi-captions
until maintenance shows up with a pitchfork and asks questions.

when you think of rowing, think less of the boat.
cramps remain indicative of excess, even
someone else's. I promise you: someone will pay

for zither music, even someone without money
and sans faculty of hearing. plump is one thing.
blimped or sticklike based upon that phantom DNA.

sheila e. murphy

each piece fits into the invention as it is being invented

2006-12-11 Thread Sheila Murphy

I lost track of time
on friday night it was all of a sudden eleven-twenty,
and *I never do this*, I said. I always know exactly.
but I did not then. the piece was half0
completed. if we must assign per-
centages. the missing part was in the middle.
I had pieces not yet made that might go there.
I had color chiseled into fit-less gaps.
I had places brought to life by things already there.
the whole time I was working I stayed standing.
I thought of dancers when I thought at all.
I looked, and I was looking, and repeatedly,
the thing changed while I saw what was
evolving. I did not even ask myself whether
it is wrong to be in love with what I made.

interpretation is an act of cowardice.
experience equals god.
capital letters exist as a convenience for distinguishing
first person singular from all other words.
every so often habit comes to be a work of art.
every so often, the unplanned resembles the articulate.
a safe place to be is what the clock insists.

sheila e. murphy

By Now / As Yet

2006-12-08 Thread Sheila Murphy

By Now / As Yet

One adjusts to loss,
while one condones the symmetry,
the air with dry to meet,
as yet a norm.
The hype of forth.
And some of us and some of it.
Appreciation happens whitely.
Deep love comprised without the long hop.
Work demeans fulfillment.
All that we could ever.

Her coincident compliance longs for.
Summa cum. *Laudate.*
Crumbs under the scope.
Surrender to *worked through*.
As commingled and then lingering.

The breezes are a comfort yes and yet.
I look at her and she is. This
is where I think.
And this is where I pray the dream.

Sheila E. Murphy

Re: if I am going to answer it is going to be now

2006-12-08 Thread Sheila Murphy

Thank you very much, Obododimma! I appreciate your kind words. Sheila

On 12/8/06, Obododimma Oha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

*Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

"... what hurt
will keep on hurting
until it's named."

Great lines, Sheila. Quite philosophical. Would have to explore the sense
further, and wryte back.

Obododimma Oha*
*PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)*
*MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)*
*Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English, **University of Ibadan*
*Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies*
*University of Ibadan, NIGERIA*

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Re: Gestalgarades, Tollerably Well All Day, but the Noise in the Attic Unremoved, or Moving.

2006-12-08 Thread Sheila Murphy

Zounds! This is wonderful!! Sheila

On 12/8/06, phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
flavors a wish-
bone dash
to crack in a
symmetric wash
ing gnash
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
cuple~fore th'
tin grist's grith-stool
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
pabble lo
d'un genre dont
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
le nom est emprunté
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
au mot
le nom
les mit au monde
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
in air of gallant cello
the leitmotiv of the campaign (it's jest play..)
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
was a busy Polynesian husky? Bromios, you cad!
TS SAID (nack-nack-nack-nack-nack-nack-naciciciciciijijij
the perfect wife of auchtermuchty
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
kissing sing
the bull-voiced mimes
our sad dream is
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
folded fall
& foals
th' 'fol et folle'
of loveswim fools
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
men wist in thilk time
so faire a wight
as she was
and dead kin kind
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
a heart explode
in twisted revelrishi bade
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
inferned in tyrannic rituel une
ritournelle un chahut
de force assez brutale
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
the still flock
storking in the attic
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
ribbon slithering
through the shawm
of knees and braid these
vielleicht allée
㍨ _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*  _.,-*~'`^`'~*
and to
i stink the monster
of Dr. Onions
and doom seems brighter
than the secret

seeking to verify receipt on list

2006-12-07 Thread Sheila Murphy

testing - been having trouble sending -


2006-12-07 Thread Sheila Murphy

this never showed up in my inbox - just testing
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 7, 2006 3:25 PM
Subject: test message

just checking

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