Re: [WSG] pop-up - onblur question

2007-03-28 Thread Donna Jones

not sure why there would be trouble copy/pasting data, i don't have any
trouble selecting it.

Copy a bit. Paste it in another window. Go to copy another bit. Oh, its


Windows are not things that usually vanish because you give your
attention to something else for a moment, so this behaviour contradicts
user expectations.

yes, i can see that, even though its a very small piece of text, it 
could in theory be much larger.

so, i've decided to just take the "onBluf" off altogether - especially 
since discovering it doesn't work in IE (guess that speaks to my 
non-thorough testing).  whenever i see the word "proprietary" (that Tidy 
used) I assume it means "proprietary unto IE" - now if I wonder if its 
"old netscape" proprietary.

Dealing with that tiny window is something of a annoyance though,
especially at largish font sizes.

yes, i know.  but i did just increase the font size at least once and it
felt reasonable to me, not a lot of scrolling and, of course, its easy
to scroll down with the arrow/cursor keys.

Still a more scrolling then if it used the window the user provided
rather then trying to make its own.

well  yes.

* href="#" - a link to the top of the page is a pretty poor fallback
should the JavaScript not run for any reason.

not sure what you're talking about here, i guess the link at the bottom,
but it does work without javascript.

No, the bio link itself, and it doesn't work without JavaScript. It just
links to the top of the page.

so, ended up trying to fix this but have no clue how to do it.

Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] pop-up - onblur question

2007-03-28 Thread David Dorward
Donna Jones wrote:

>> It is the same circumstances as I described previously, although my
>> browser seems to have become smarter since I last ran across anyone
>> doing something like that and doesn't automatically give the window a
>> focus to lose when it opens now (of course, if I want to copy/paste data
>> from it, then I'm going to run into trouble no matter what techniques I
>> use to focus windows).
> not sure why there would be trouble copy/pasting data, i don't have any
> trouble selecting it.

Copy a bit. Paste it in another window. Go to copy another bit. Oh, its

Windows are not things that usually vanish because you give your
attention to something else for a moment, so this behaviour contradicts
user expectations.

>> Dealing with that tiny window is something of a annoyance though,
>> especially at largish font sizes.
> yes, i know.  but i did just increase the font size at least once and it
> felt reasonable to me, not a lot of scrolling and, of course, its easy
> to scroll down with the arrow/cursor keys.

Still a more scrolling then if it used the window the user provided
rather then trying to make its own.

>> * href="#" - a link to the top of the page is a pretty poor fallback
>> should the JavaScript not run for any reason.
> not sure what you're talking about here, i guess the link at the bottom,
> but it does work without javascript.

No, the bio link itself, and it doesn't work without JavaScript. It just
links to the top of the page.

David Dorward   

List Guidelines:

[WSG] vertically aligning objects of unknown height

2007-03-28 Thread Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media]
Hi guys,

Is there any way to vertically align objects in CSS next to each other if
the height of them is not set?

This is what I am trying to achieve:

I want to create a box with an undefined amount of text inside of it and
next to the box I want a checkbox. But the checkbox should be vertically

I tried putting them both into a container that has got display set to
table-cell and then turn on vertical-align:middle, but this only works if I
know the height of the container. And even then will the checkbox and the
text box align in the middle of the container, but still be aligned next to
each other.

I wonder if anybody found a solution for this problem?



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] namespace attribute and validation

2007-03-28 Thread Lachlan Hunt

James Ellis wrote:

a question about namespace attributes in html/xhtml. I'm looking at methods
of conveying information to client side scripts in a neat manner within an
HTML document and trying to be valid at the same time.
My methods works but the validator complains about namespaced attributes.

Method 1: Namespace attributes - works but doesn't validate";
 xml:lang="en" lang="en">


What's the actual problem or use case you are trying to solve by 
introducing namespaced attributes?  Your above description is rather 
vague.  Have you considered that there may be an existing microformats 
based method to solve your problem?

Note: "I want to use namespaced attributes" is neither a problem or a 
use case, it's a solution; but a solution to what exactly I am unsure. 
If you can provide more information about the use case or problem, then 
perhaps someone can offer a better alternative.

Method 2: multiple class names
a snippet ...



If you are intending to use this in HTML documents, then that kind of 
approach would be best.

I'd really like to use Method 1 as it's the cleanest and doesn't involve
unnecessary Javascript. The specs seem to allude to the fact that you 
can do this but the validator says no.  Does anyone have some ideas about

making it validate?

That's a limitation of DTDs and DTD based validation.  They are simply 
not expressive enough to describe namespaces properly.  The only way you 
could work around the validation problem would be to write your own DTD, 
but that would be an exercise in futility.  Given that you're using 
XHTML [1] and because browsers do not use DOCTYPE sniffing for XML 
content, you could just omit the DOCTYPE entirely and rely on better 
methods conformance checking and validaiton.

[1] I'm assuming by the fact that you think you can use namespaces, you 
are actually serving your documents as XML, and not text/html. 
Namespaces cannot be used in documents served as text/html.  If you do 
not understand this MIME type issue, namespaces are most certainly not 
the solution to your problem.

Lachlan Hunt

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] sIFR : Rich Accessible Typography

2007-03-28 Thread Michael MD
sIFR is meant to replace short passages of plain browser text with text 
rendered in the typeface of choice, regardless of whether or not your users 
have that font >installed on their systems. Read more about how it works 

When I first saw this my initial reaction was " I hope this is not another 
thing encouraging people to use images to display text"
(I personally dislike people doing that... I think text should be 
represented by text!)
 however reading further it seems that the replacement is done 
client-side by javascript, so in other words the text is still in the 
page... its probably not so bad non-flash and non-graphical browsers might 
still be able to display the text.
- it might even be a good thing if it can persuade some people out there who 
are using images to display text to use something like this instead.

It might even pass my old favourite test - the lynx test!

lynx was the first web browser I ever used back in 1994,
(back then I had a 386 with 2MB RAM and a 2400bps dialup modem and could not 
run Mosaic or Netscape 1.1)
- so I guess that set my baseline standard for many years ... "if you can't 
use it with lynx, its no good!"

List Guidelines:

[WSG] namespace attribute and validation

2007-03-28 Thread James Ellis

Hi group

a question about namespace attributes in html/xhtml. I'm looking at methods
of conveying information to client side scripts in a neat manner within an
HTML document and trying to be valid at the same time.
My methods works but the validator complains about namespaced attributes.

Method 1: Namespace attributes - works but doesn't validate

here's a document snippet";
 xml:lang="en" lang="en">


-- another example I found via google is available here (check the validator
results) ->

Method 2: multiple class names
This is a bit more long winded but validates...

a snippet ..."; xml:lang="en" lang="en">



I'd really like to use Method 1 as it's the cleanest and doesn't involve
unnecessary Javascript. The specs seem to allude to the fact that you can do
this but the validator says no. Does anyone have some ideas about making it


List Guidelines:

[WSG] sIFR : Rich Accessible Typography

2007-03-28 Thread Brad Pollard
sIFR is meant to replace short passages of plain browser text with text 
rendered in the typeface of choice, regardless of whether or not your users 
have that font installed on their systems. Read more about how it works here: 

I ran the sIRF webpage through the 
following Screen Reader / Browser combinations and got the following results.

Window Eyes Version 6.0:
1. In Internet Explorer 6 the sIFR heading was read successfully = PASS
2. In Firefox 1.5 the sIFR heading was NOT read successfully = FAIL

Window Eyes Version 6.1 Beta 2:
1. In Internet Explorer 6 the sIFR heading was read successfully = PASS
2. In Firefox 1.5 the sIFR heading was NOT read successfully = FAIL
3. In Firefox 2 the sIFR heading was read successfully = PASS

That's quite a good result. I would assume sIFR content would be read when 
using IE7 (given that sIFR is read when using IE6).

Could someone please test sIFR in JAWS as I do not have it? 


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Trouble with H3 float

2007-03-28 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:

When I resize  to 800x600 the H3 heading
*Featured Advertisers* (third heading on page content) floats right.

If you don't want to run into more serious problems, the addition of...

h3 {clear: both; } a must.

All differences that may occur after that addition, are caused by the
'Layout' bug in IE/win and should be dealt with in IE/win only. No need
to disturb good browsers because of IE's bugs.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] pop-up - onblur question

2007-03-28 Thread Donna Jones

Hi David: thanks for your response.  I don't think I have the same
circumstances you describe but not sure, would you mind looking at this

Thanks again David:

It is the same circumstances as I described previously, although my
browser seems to have become smarter since I last ran across anyone
doing something like that and doesn't automatically give the window a
focus to lose when it opens now (of course, if I want to copy/paste data
from it, then I'm going to run into trouble no matter what techniques I
use to focus windows).

not sure why there would be trouble copy/pasting data, i don't have any 
trouble selecting it.

Dealing with that tiny window is something of a annoyance though,
especially at largish font sizes.

yes, i know.  but i did just increase the font size at least once and it 
felt reasonable to me, not a lot of scrolling and, of course, its easy 
to scroll down with the arrow/cursor keys.

* href="#" - a link to the top of the page is a pretty poor fallback
should the JavaScript not run for any reason.

not sure what you're talking about here, i guess the link at the bottom, 
but it does work without javascript.

* onclick="javascript:something" - "javascript" isn't a great name for a
label, and there isn't any loop here to label (that syntax does not mean
'this event handler is written in JavaScript').

i really don't understand this.  i didn't write the javascript, i really 
know nothing about it other than to copy and implement.  i would imagine 
the js i got for this (2 years ago) could be better, and i would hope i 
would get a better one if i was doing it now.  i thought asking such a 
simple question about the "onblur" would show that i was pretty ignorant 
vis a vis js.   i did buy Peter Paul Koch's new book recently, hoping to 
improve my js skills.  And, it was helpful reading the theory but his 
examples were beyond my following.

* The links in the site bar are the ultimate in mystery meat navigation.

yes, i know!  i didn't like them then, don't like them now.  was 
powerless to override the designer and client!  this is a small 
sub-piece of the main site.  the main site is up for re-design and i'm 
digging in my heals to get a standards compliant, accessible and 
reasonable design - wish me luck!

i still wish someone would tell me more why "onblur" to close the window 
is "bad".  I know that pop-ups are sorta frowned upon and that was why i 
put it in the subject line, to say right off that i had a "nasty" pop-up 
question but i'm disappointed to not get more response.


Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] pop-up - onblur question

2007-03-28 Thread David Dorward
Donna Jones wrote:

> Hi David: thanks for your response.  I don't think I have the same
> circumstances you describe but not sure, would you mind looking at this
> page:

> its the "bio" link.

It is the same circumstances as I described previously, although my
browser seems to have become smarter since I last ran across anyone
doing something like that and doesn't automatically give the window a
focus to lose when it opens now (of course, if I want to copy/paste data
from it, then I'm going to run into trouble no matter what techniques I
use to focus windows).

Dealing with that tiny window is something of a annoyance though,
especially at largish font sizes.


* href="#" - a link to the top of the page is a pretty poor fallback
should the JavaScript not run for any reason.

* onclick="javascript:something" - "javascript" isn't a great name for a
label, and there isn't any loop here to label (that syntax does not mean
'this event handler is written in JavaScript').

* The links in the site bar are the ultimate in mystery meat navigation.

David Dorward   

List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] New Yorker Redesign

2007-03-28 Thread Ricci Angela
I believe "siFr" lists them as one of their users... It's a technique to 
replace headers by swf text using javascript. It's quite cool if used under 
certain strict conditions.


-Message d'origine-
De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de kevin mcmonagle
Envoyé : mercredi 28 mars 2007 14:04
À :
Objet : Re: [WSG] New Yorker Redesign

Does this site use some kind of image replacement/substitution technique 
for the headers?

List Guidelines:

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Trouble with H3 float

2007-03-28 Thread akella

u can solve the problem with different margins in IE and FF,
one of the solutions:
1. wrap those 3 floated divs(.bl) before h3 (additional wrapper div) let it
be class="suppa-wrapper"
it would look like this

2. Set  this CSS on it

And now u can remove clear:both for the h3

On 3/28/07, ~davidLaakso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:
> One more question please...
> When I resize  to 800x600 the H3 heading *Featured
> Advertisers* (third heading on page content) floats right.
> I have tried all sorts of css to fix this but end up with more problems
> (specifically to do with excess top/bottom margins in the heading etc).
> Any help greatly received :(

Well, I ain't so sure I get what you are trying to do, but anyway try:
h3.c1 { font-size: 150%; background-color: red; clear: left; }
Featured Advertisers

PS Nice site.


List Guidelines:

Yuriy akella Artyukh,

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] How to mark up a flowchart?

2007-03-28 Thread Mordechai Peller

Nick Gleitzman wrote:
I have to incorporate a couple of simple flowcharts into the content 
of a site I'm building, I'm scratching my head about the best way to 
mark up this info in a semantically meaningful way. A generic example 
can be seen here:

I don't think your example is a "generic" flowchart as flowcharts can 
include loops. It is, though, a "simple" flowchart.

As far as markup goes, I think a  would be best with the s being 
the title of the step with an id, and the s being the descriptions 
of the step. There would be two types of descriptions: link-less s 
with a description of what's happening in that step and linked s for 

Flow control in HTML? I guess HTML is closer to being Turing-complete 
than we thought.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Trouble with H3 float

2007-03-28 Thread Christian Fagan
The problem is that in Firefox (and other similar browsers), when 
elements are floated (in your case the ), the 
containing  has a height of 0. In IE, the height is always 
"adjusted" to fit in the floated divs.

What you need to do is set the height of the divs so that, at least, you 
can control the element underneath (the H3) and the heights will behave 
the same in both browsers.


   min-height: 15em; _height: 15em;

The "min-height" attribute works for most major browsers other than IE. 
And the "_height" attribute is an IE specific hack that is not read by 
"proper" browsers like Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, etc.

On a side point, you probably don't need so many different classes of 
divs to display these elements. I suggest maybe the following layout:

   content 1
   content 2
   content 3

Maybe there is some specific reason for having 4 nested divs to display 
this content but you might want to consider this approach.

Hope this helps

Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:

Hi Christian & Ian,

I haven't looked at the code of the site properly so forgive me if 
this doesn't work...

You can apply the CSS property
clear: both
to the H3 heading.

I have tried the clear: both; and clear: left; options.
But I get a margin problem which differs across browsers (IE versus FF).
Placing a margin: 0; doesn't appear to help.

Can you please enlighten me?

Thank you

Christian Fagan
Fagan Design

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] New Yorker Redesign

2007-03-28 Thread kevin mcmonagle
Does this site use some kind of image replacement/substitution technique 
for the headers?

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Trouble with H3 float

2007-03-28 Thread ~davidLaakso

Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:

One more question please...

When I resize  to 800x600 the H3 heading *Featured
Advertisers* (third heading on page content) floats right.

I have tried all sorts of css to fix this but end up with more problems
(specifically to do with excess top/bottom margins in the heading etc).

Any help greatly received :(

Well, I ain't so sure I get what you are trying to do, but anyway try:
h3.c1 { font-size: 150%; background-color: red; clear: left; }
Featured Advertisers

PS Nice site.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Trouble with H3 float

2007-03-28 Thread Ian Pouncey

Sarah Peeke wrote:

I have tried the clear: both; and clear: left; options.
But I get a margin problem which differs across browsers (IE versus FF).
Placing a margin: 0; doesn't appear to help.

Hi Sarah,

Your email doesn't say what the specific margin problem you are having
is, but I am guessing it is the space between the three floated divs
and the h3. It looks like the difference you are seeing is because
Firefox and IE7 are not exactly the same when it comes to the heights
of the floated divs at the reduced size. The distribution of the
content is slightly different between the browsers. Therefore I would
suggest that the different margins are being caused by the
margin-bottom: 2em; rule on the floated divs, with class 'bl'.

I've tried removing the bottom border with web developer toolbar in
both Firefox and IE7 and it looks more consistent, but because in
Firefox the left floated div is the longest and in IE7 the middle div
is the longest (at least in my browsers) the perception of the space
is distorted a bit.

Although absolute consistency across browsers is something to be
aspired to, sometimes you will have to accept minor differences. If
pixel perfection of the spacing is critical to you in this case then I
suggest conditional comments, or some other method of feeding
different margin values to IE.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Trouble with H3 float

2007-03-28 Thread Sarah Peeke (XERT)
Hi Christian & Ian,

> I haven't looked at the code of the site properly so forgive me if 
> this doesn't work...
> You can apply the CSS property
> {
> clear: both
> }
> to the H3 heading.

I have tried the clear: both; and clear: left; options.
But I get a margin problem which differs across browsers (IE versus FF).
Placing a margin: 0; doesn't appear to help.

Can you please enlighten me?

Thank you
XERT Communications
mobile: 0438 017 416

web development : digital imaging : dvd production

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Trouble with H3 float

2007-03-28 Thread Christian Fagan
I haven't looked at the code of the site properly so forgive me if this 
doesn't work...

You can apply the CSS property
   clear: both
to the H3 heading.

Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:

One more question please...

When I resize  to 800x600 the H3 heading *Featured
Advertisers* (third heading on page content) floats right.

I have tried all sorts of css to fix this but end up with more problems
(specifically to do with excess top/bottom margins in the heading etc).

Any help greatly received :(

Christian Fagan
Fagan Design

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Trouble with H3 float

2007-03-28 Thread Ian Pouncey

Sarah Peeke wrote:

When I resize  to 800x600 the H3 heading *Featured
Advertisers* (third heading on page content) floats right.

There is a nice, easy fix to this Sarah. It looks like the problem you
are having is that the 3 three divs above it are floated. When you
float elements like this they behave a bit like (but not exactly like)
inline elements. Content after them doesn't treat them like you would
expect with block level elements, and will try and fit in to any gaps
that are left after the floats are positioned.

In this situation, at most resolutions the divs are all the same
height, and so the next available gap for the h3 is below them. At the
800x600 resolution the middle div has a larger height due to the
content, which leaves a small gap  below the right hand div for the h3
to squeeze in to, which makes it look like it has been floated right.

All you need to do is add a clear: left; rule to the style of the h3,
or even better apply a self clearing float method
( to a container
of the three divs. This means that you can put anything after the
floats (and not just a specific h3) and it will appear below them.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Two CSS Problems

2007-03-28 Thread Sarah Peeke (XERT)
Hey Ross

> In response to question 1 this is something that can't really be fixed 
> in IE6/7 due to how they measure the bounding box of a link.

Thanks for your reply - I thought this may be the case - bummer! Oh
well, the joys of IE!

XERT Communications
mobile: 0438 017 416

web development : digital imaging : dvd production

List Guidelines:

[WSG] Trouble with H3 float

2007-03-28 Thread Sarah Peeke (XERT)
One more question please...

When I resize  to 800x600 the H3 heading *Featured
Advertisers* (third heading on page content) floats right.

I have tried all sorts of css to fix this but end up with more problems
(specifically to do with excess top/bottom margins in the heading etc).

Any help greatly received :(
XERT Communications
mobile: 0438 017 416

web development : digital imaging : dvd production

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] pop-up - onblur question

2007-03-28 Thread Donna Jones

i've used onblur="window.close(); (in the body tag) to have the pop-up
close after it loses focus, but Tidy says, "onblur" is proprietary and
doesn't like it.  is there something i can use instead?

I'd suggest avoiding closing the window when it looses the focus
altogether. Last time I encountered something like that I couldn't make
use of the window at all - not everybody uses click-to-focus, and since
focus-follows-mouse caused windows between the mouse pointer and the
popup to gain the focus as the mouse travelled to the popup to gain the
focus as it passed over them, it wasn't possible to get from the link to
the window before it closed!

Hi David: thanks for your response.  I don't think I have the same 
circumstances you describe but not sure, would you mind looking at this 

its the "bio" link.

I've pretty much decided to just take the onblur="window.close(); out 
altogether but it did seem to me a clean way of getting rid of an extra 
window, to just have it disappear and not to have to click on it to 
close it.  But probably most people would "automatically" click and 
maybe most keyboard users would do an "alt F4" to close it.

It seems like most of the argument against using it, that i could find, 
was related to validating forms, and i'm not doing that.  Just wish I 
understood more about it all.  and i tried putting onFocus instead of 
onClick, to call the window, to see if I could duplicate what you were 
talking about and couldn't ...

thanks again.

Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
207 772 0266

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Two CSS Problems

2007-03-28 Thread Ross Bruniges
In response to question 1 this is something that can't really be fixed in IE6/7 
due to how they measure the bounding box of a link. The best description I 
could find for this is at 

Ways I have got around this problem is buy using an image (which can also be 
marked up with alt text to aid accessibility ;>) instead of a background; this 
may be a solution.

Sorry for the bad news :< (maybe someone has a better solution though...)

Ross Bruniges (

- Original Message 
From: Sarah Peeke (XERT) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: WSG 
Sent: Wednesday, 28 March, 2007 7:57:58 AM
Subject: [WSG] Two CSS Problems

Hi all,

Can anyone please help with the following problems (in WIN IE6 & 7):

1. How to get a link background image (used as an underline) to continue
over two or more lines?

Example  - RHS Latest News links

2. Why the footer at the bottom of this page jumps when hovering over
the *Manage Listing* link (just above the back to *TOP* link), and how
to fix this?


Many thanks
XERT Communications
mobile: 0438 017 416

web development : digital imaging : dvd production

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