[WSG] light box issue can you help

2010-07-15 Thread Luc
Good evening list,

i just received a mail from a member who has troubles mailing to the
list so he asked me to post his cry for help:

Hi Everyone,


This is my fist post but hope you can help


I have a light box running on this page
http://www.skyeshopfitters.com/clients.html  It isn't running very smoothly
in IE8 and am getting the error below:


Webpage error details


User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0;
SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR
3.5.30729; FDM; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Tablet PC 2.0)

Timestamp: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 14:34:49 UTC



Message: Array length must be assigned a finite positive number

Line: 464

Char: 5

Code: 0

URI: http://www.skyeshopfitters.com/js/prototype.js



Here is the code it is talking about:


  shift: function() {

var result = this[0];

for (var i = 0; i < this.length - 1; i++)

  this[i] = this[i + 1];


return result;



This is line 464 of the above code:


this[i] = this[i + 1];


Char 5:




Can anyone help



Thank You


Edward Deane


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Re: [WSG] Overflow hidden and floated divs

2010-07-15 Thread Luc
 Good afternoon Stevio,

It was foretold that
on 15/07/2010 @ 16:11:50 GMT+0100 (which was 12:11:50 where I live)
Stevio would write:

S> However, if I add "overflow:hidden;" to the parent div, then the rightmost
S> list item still jumps down, but now the box expands down the way, so it
S> looks a lot better.
S> My question is why does it do this? I have looked up what overflow hidden is
S> meant to do and from what I read it sounds like the content should just get
S> clipped at the right hand side and not be shown. Why is it causing the box
S> to expand down the way?

Because  a  float is removed from the flow. When you float a child,
the  parents’  height  collapses to 0 unless you set a height or clear
the float. The floats float out of the container. To
make  the  parent  encompass the float (e.g. when you want the parents
background  colour to extend) then you need to clear the float so that
the parent encopasses the float. There are several ways to do that but
the latest technique is to use the overflow:hidden technique (for
other techniques, google 'containing floats').  This
technique creates a new block formatting context [1] and forces the parent
to acknowledge the floated children.

Overflow:hidden  will  not work in IE6 but for that old beast you just
have to give the parent "haslayout" [2] which can easily be tripped by
supplying a dimension.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visuren.html#block-formatting
[2] http://reference.sitepoint.com/css/haslayout



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Re: [WSG] Accessibility does not matter!

2010-01-30 Thread Luc
 Good afternoon Jason,

It was foretold that
on 30/01/2010 @ 16:57:27 GMT+ (which was 14:57:27 where I live)
Jason Grant would write:

JG> @Luc Glad we agree. ;-)

Just to make myself clear: i don't agree with your point of view: the
quoted text was to illustrate the motive that one should be using



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Re: [WSG] Accessibility does not matter!

2010-01-29 Thread Luc
Also posted on your blog:

"When accessibility matters:

There are clear circumstances within which accessibility is incredibly
relevant and should be implemented by all means possible.

A  company  cares  about  their  users,  wanting  to  ensure a wide as
possible accessibility in order to avoid customer complaints, negative
feedback  and  generally  increase  their changes of higher profits by
ensuring everyone can buy goods from their web site without problems

Enough said i think :-)"


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Re: [WSG] character codes and accessibility

2009-11-14 Thread Luc
 Hello John,

JU> I might suggest that 'double right arrow' is purely presentational and
JU> not 'semantically' relevant, so it's not such a good idea to muddy up
JU> the HTML with extraneous code. If you want to avoid using a background
JU> image you could write your CSS in a 'progressive enhancement' fashion
JU> by using the :after property on the list items. Of course browsers
JU> that don't understand that will not display the arrows.

Yeah, i know that the :after property doesn't work on all browsers,
that's why i've always used an image.

JU> As regards the question what does a screen reader do? I'm afraid I've no 

JU> I think this is best served with the image. One image in the CSS as
JU> opposed to multiple character codes in the HTML.

Yup, but a wanted to stray away from the tradional path ;-)

What i was worried about is the way how screen readers would
interprete it. Apart from the extraneous code, it would come in handy
as font sizing let's those tiny images (in my case it's a bread crumb
trail) be tiny on bigger font sizes



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[WSG] character codes and accessibility

2009-11-14 Thread Luc
Good evening list,

When you use a character code, e.g. » as a list marker
(hardcoded in the li), how is that interpreted by a speech browser?
Does the user hear those characters as they appear or are they
converted into 'double right arrow'?

Might be a stupid question but it would prevent using background


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Re: [WSG] opera 10 and access keys

2009-10-06 Thread Luc
 Good evening Patrick,

It was foretold that
on 06/10/2009 @ 23:43:05 GMT+0100 (which was 19:43:05 where I live)
Patrick H. Lauke would write:

PHL> Works fine for me in Opera 10 final - Shift+Esc brings up the list of 
PHL> 2,3,4,5 and 6

Hmm, that's strange on my opera 10 final it doesn't. I get the pop
up and when hovering over it, the text is shown as a tooltip but the
actual list is white



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[WSG] opera 10 and access keys

2009-10-06 Thread Luc
Good evening list,

Does anybody know if Opera 10 has problems with access keys? The list
pops up but just shows a blank window.




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Re: [WSG] Was: accessibility: government

2009-08-26 Thread Luc
 Hello Shawn,

It was foretold that
on 26/08/2009 @ 19:45:38 GMT-0500 (which was 21:45:38 where I live)
Shawn Henry would write:

Tnx Shawn :-)

SH> W3C WAI has a list of "Policies Relating to Web Accessibility"
SH> for several countries at <http://www.w3.org/WAI/Policy/> Indeed,
SH> it is out of date. It's on our To Do list to update and maintain
SH> it, but just hasn't made it to top priority yet.

SH> Many are adopting WCAG 2.0 Level AA as their standard. (WCAG is
SH> introduced at <http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag>.



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[WSG] Was: accessibility: government

2009-08-26 Thread Luc
Good evening list,

 Many thanks for the replies. Indeed, i was looking for a general
 list but as Steve pointed out, this would be difficult to maintain
 due to governments switching.



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[WSG] accessibility: government

2009-08-26 Thread Luc
Good afternoon list,

Does anybody know if their exists a list of what is required in terms of 
features for each country (governments)?



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[WSG] skiplink messes up tabindex order IE6

2009-08-09 Thread Luc
Hello list,

I just implemented a skiplink but it messes up the tabindex order of
my nav in IE6. Anybody has a clue what could be the culprit?


Css embedded.

The relevant css is the last part of the styles.

What's going on is the following: i need to tab 5 times to get to the
link with tabindex 2. Upon tab number 10 i get to tabindex 6.
Tab number 10 brings me to the skiplink.



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Re: [WSG] Class Discusion: Centering a Fixed Width Layout

2005-06-20 Thread Luc
Good evening [EMAIL PROTECTED],
It was foretold that on 20-6-2005 @ 13:32:14 GMT-0500 (CDT) (which was
20:32:14 where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] would write:

swc> However, there is one
swc> declaration that suggests using "margin: 0 auto" in the body rule, which
swc> supposedly center-aligns the webpage in the browser. However, testing
swc> reveals that it left-aligns the page, but placing this declaration in a
swc> container or wrapper works.
This explanation might help:

 Wrap the page's  contents  within a
 'wrapper' div e.g. 450 pixels wide:

body {
   text-align : center;
   min-width : 450px;

#wrapper {
   position : relative;
   text-align : left;
   width : 450px;
   margin-left : auto;
   margin-right : auto;

MSIE   5   doesn't  center  based  on  auto  left/right  margins,  but
text-align:center does center top-level divs, so you set the body with
text-align: center;.

To prevent negative (i.e. inaccessible) left-margins in narrow browser
windows (like Mozilla),you need to specify a min-width for the body as
wide as the wrapper itself. Hence the min-width: 450px;

To  reset  the  alignment after the text-align:center on the body, you
specify text-align: left; on the wrapper. The auto margins will center
the element in the containing (body) tag.

It's the method i use.
Best regards,


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Re: [WSG] Access Key question

2005-04-06 Thread Luc
Hello tee,
It was foretold that on 7-4-2005 @ 16:50:48 GMT-0700 (which was
1:50:48 where I live) tee would write:

t> By  the  way,  are  you  the  same Luc I recently known?

Yes, the one and only ;-)

t> How do you pronounce your name if I may ask.

For native english speakers it's hard to pronounce. The closest is

Best regards,


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Re: [WSG] Access Key question

2005-04-06 Thread Luc
Good evening tee,
It was foretold that on 6-4-2005 @ 12:35:59 GMT-0700 (which was
21:35:59 where I live) tee would write:

t> I'd read a  couple of blogs regarding the access keys, although opinion are
t> spitted, I decided to implement access keys on my sites.
 Maybe you should reconsider:



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Re: [WSG] Question on tabindex

2004-07-21 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Derek,
It was foretold that on 21-7-2004 @ 23:30:54 GMT-0400 (which was
5:30:54 where I live) Derek Featherstone would write:

DF> Hi Luc -- I'd suggest you might want to just forego the tabindex completely.
DF> http://www.wats.ca/articles/keyboardusageandtabindex/62
DF> for a few more details and some test results...

Tnx Derek. A very useful article :-)

Saves me a lot of work !

Best regards,


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[WSG] Question on tabindex

2004-07-20 Thread Luc
 Hello list,

 I'm redoing my site and have following lay-out:
 two columns, footer inside main column, content inside main column.
 The second (right) column is used to provide additional links to
 various stuff. The main horizontal nav is on top of the columns.
 Now, what is the best order of the tabindex? Starting with the main
 nav and ending with the footer links seems obvious, but should the
 order in between be: content, right column or right column and

 To visualize it:

Best regards,


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Re: [WSG] IE & ABBR tag

2004-06-20 Thread Luc
Hello Ian,
It was foretold that on 21-6-2004 @ 17:26:04 GMT-0700 (which was
2:26:04 where I live) Ian Main would write:

IM> IE windows doesn't support .
IM> Here is a couple of ways to solve the issue.
 Thanks Ian. You gotta love IE.
Best regards,


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[WSG] IE & ABBR tag

2004-06-20 Thread Luc
 Hello list,

 Somehow my abbr tag doesn't seem to work in IE. Is it my system or is
 there really something wrong?

Best regards,


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[WSG] WAS: css and accessibility question

2004-05-12 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,

 Tnx to all who have answered. I'm a bit clear on it now :-)
Best regards,


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[WSG] css and accessibility question

2004-05-12 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,

My  understanding  is  that an image _always_ needs a description for
accessibility  purposes,  even  if  the  image is there for decorative
purposes and adds no important information to the page.

Now,  somebody  told  me  that,  if  the  image  is  there  purely for
decorative  purposes and adds no important information to the page, it
doesn't  need  a description and putting it in CSS as background image
makes  sense.  However, if the image needs a description, it should be
in  the  html  because  it is content. If you do put it in the css and
give a title to the div, it is wrong use of css.

Is this correct and am i wrong?

In the (odd) case i'm right, is there some spec that states that an
image always needs a description?

Best regards,


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Re: [WSG] hiding clear:both ?

2004-04-02 Thread Luc
Good evening Vaska,
It was foretold that on 2-4-2004 @ 15:31:23 GMT+0200 (which was
15:31:23 where I live) Vaska . WSG would write:

VW> But the sticky part is that I don't want it to add the extra line 
VW> space.  I'm not sure of the best way to do this.

Have you tried this:
.cl {
clear: both;
height: 0;
margin: 0;
line-height: 0;
font-size: 1px; /* keeps IE6 from applying extra space below */
Best regards,


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Re: [WSG] What do you think?

2004-03-30 Thread Luc
Good evening russ,
It was foretold that on 30-3-2004 @ 23:43:07 GMT+1000 (which was
15:43:07 where I live) russ weakley would write:

rw> So, it should not be TOO hard to convert your nav system into a list. All
rw> you have to do is overcome the default behaviour of the list first. This is
rw> achieved by a few rules like:
rw> Once you take out these browser default behaviours you can rework your own
rw> rules and you are away.
And there is always this that will get you the needed info:


(russ, note my reply template ;-) )
Best regards,


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Re: [WSG] Somewhat frustrated

2004-03-29 Thread Luc
Good evening Jeremy,
It was foretold that on 29-3-2004 @ 14:10:01 GMT-0600 (which was
22:10:01 where I live) Jeremy Flint would mumble:

JF> sure. why not.
 Thanks Jeremy. You described what i was thinking but couldn't get
 the words right :-)
Best regards,


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Re: [WSG] Somewhat frustrated

2004-03-29 Thread Luc
Good evening Jeremy,
It was foretold that on 29-3-2004 @ 12:29:47 GMT-0600 (which was
20:29:47 where I live) Jeremy Flint would mumble:

JF> BTW, even with tables, sites will look differently on different 
JF> browsers. You speak of having to use hacks to get CSS to render 
JF> correctly in all browsers. I think using a spacer.gif would be 
JF> considered a hack. Tables display just as differently as CSS can. 
JF> Different browsers sometimes handle table heights and widths 
JF> differently. Some may measure cellpadding or spacing differently.
 Jeremy, can i steal this comment to use it for my blog?
Best regards,


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Re: [WSG] Opera 7 problem with horizontal nav list

2004-03-23 Thread Luc
Hello Leo,
It was foretold that on 23-3-2004 @ 17:57:46 GMT-0500 (which was
23:57:46 where I live) Leo J. O'Campo would mumble:

LJOC> Can anyone here point me towards a good resource article on using IE's
LJOC> conditional comments?
Best regards,


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Re: [WSG] Opera 7 problem with horizontal nav list

2004-03-23 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gyrus,
It was foretold that on 23-3-2004 @ 14:33:46 GMT+ (which was
15:33:46 where I live) Gyrus would mumble:

G> Yeah, it's all inline now. I was just making a general comment there about
G> the fact that display:block/float screws Opera but display:inline screws
G> IE5.0/Win. In the end I've plumped for the one that screws IE5.0/Win

Unfortunately i don't have IE5 on my system to play around a bit.
But, maybe you could solve it with a conditional comment so that IE5
gets your floats?

Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
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Re: [WSG] Opera 7 problem with horizontal nav list

2004-03-23 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gyrus,
It was foretold that on 23-3-2004 @ 02:47:56 GMT+ (which was
3:47:56 where I live) Gyrus would mumble:

G>  Thanks, I'd forgotten about inline whitespace. It works OK in Opera
G> now, but all padding is lost in IE5.0/Win.
 Was to quick on my previous post: have you tried using margin
 instead of padding? Or adding a position:relative to let IE5 behave?
 Just still guessing...
Best regards,


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2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

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Re: [WSG] Opera 7 problem with horizontal nav list

2004-03-23 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gyrus,
It was foretold that on 23-3-2004 @ 02:47:56 GMT+ (which was
3:47:56 where I live) Gyrus would mumble:

G> It's a shame if floated s all stack up in Opera but inline s lose
G> padding in IE5.0. Ah well...
Just a quick guess, but have you removed the display:block?

Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

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Re: [WSG] Opera 7 problem with horizontal nav list

2004-03-22 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gyrus,
It was foretold that on 22-3-2004 @ 14:54:34 GMT+ (which was
15:54:34 where I live) Gyrus would mumble:

G> This made the borders I applied to  not work properly,

What is "working not properly"?

G> - In IE5.0/Win, the padding doesn't apply to the the 

Sorry, IE5.0 is something i'm no expert in

G> - In all browsers I've looked at, there's a bit of space between each ,
G> with the background showing through (I want the s flush against each other)

If i understand it correctly, you have white space between your li.
You can get them flush with a negative margin-right.
Now, about the borders, without knowing what the problem is, maybe my
example could help you out:

Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"You can tell who are beginners in love by the fact they just can't
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Re: [WSG] Opera 7 problem with horizontal nav list

2004-03-21 Thread Luc
Hello Gyrus,
It was foretold that on 22-3-2004 @ 00:01:50 GMT+ (which was
1:01:50 where I live) Gyrus would mumble:

G> I'm floating the  elements left,
Do they have to be floated? Why not using display:inline? That way the
li are forced onto 1 line.

Maybe this helps you:


tutorial 4.

That's how i make my horizontal nav's. And they do work in Opera.

Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"Do you know why God withheld the sense of humour from women? That we
may love you instead of laughing at you." - Mrs. Patrick Campbell
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Re: [WSG] Opera

2004-02-18 Thread Luc

Hello Universal,
It was foretold that on 18-2-2004 @ 08:44:44 GMT+1100 (which was
22:44:44 where I live) Universal Head would mumble:

UH> does anyone really think that getting things spot on for 
UH> Opera is important? Hasn't this browser got a miniscule user base? And
UH> Opera seems to give me almost as many problems as IE anyway.
Opera adheres far more to the W3C specs then IE does. If you use the
css according to the specs, it's easy to have your page look right in
Opera. Normally, one has to use hacks, tricks,... to let IE behave
accordingly. The right thing to do is set your css and test in Opera
and then look what's wrong in IE. You then "tweak" your css so IE
get's it right. If you just code for IE and then try to make it look
the same way in Opera you're basically starting with wrong css rules and
that's much harder to clean up.

One tiny example is the fact that each browser has "margins" by
default on the body element. Opera uses for the "margin" a padding of
8px while IE uses margin indeed. Opera uses the padding instead of
margin because of a W3R recommendation. So to overcome the problem,
you set a padding:0 and margin:0 to the body element to let the
browsers start from the same point.

Now, if one only wants the page to look "good" in IE and doesn't bother
if the css is used accordingly to the W3S specs, then it's simple ;-)

But if one decides to go on that road, it's a real problem when IE
adheres more to the specs in future versions -:)

So, to sum up: if one cares to use the css correctly, code for Opera
(or moz for that matter) first and then bother with IE.
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape
those who dream only by night." - Edgar Allan Poe

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Re: [WSG] Why cant i see the bullets?

2004-02-17 Thread Luc

Good afternoon Jackie,
It was foretold that on 17-2-2004 @ 11:25:25 GMT+1000 (which was
2:25:25 where I live) Jackie Reid would mumble:

JR> what do you know that works... 
JR> brilliant ...thanks so much...I'm happy now. ;o)
Glad it helped :-)

Using list-style-type: is not always a very good idea, i always use a
background image for a marker. That gives you the ability to position
it better and works better x-browser.
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

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Re: [WSG] Why cant i see the bullets?

2004-02-16 Thread Luc

Hello Jackie,
It was foretold that on 17-2-2004 @ 10:39:10 GMT+1000 (which was
1:39:10 where I live) Jackie Reid would mumble:

JR> unfortunately didn't seem to fix it any other ideas?
ul {
list-style-type: disc;
margin-top: 6px;
width: 60%;}

That should do it (tested it localy, not online though)
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"Don't worry about the world ending today . . . It's already tomorrow
in Australia."

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Re: [WSG] Need help with navbar in Opera 7.11 please

2004-02-16 Thread Luc

Good evening David,
It was foretold that on 16-2-2004 @ 08:44:57 GMT+1100 (which was
22:44:57 where I live) David McDonald would mumble:

DM> Make sure all floats have a width - Opera is particularly demanding about
DM> this.

Not demanding, just implementing the specs how they should be:

"A floated box must have an explicit width" as per spec:


Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"You have not really failed or been defeated unless you believe it."

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Re: [WSG] CSS toolkit

2004-02-16 Thread Luc

Good evening Carl,
It was foretold that on 16-2-2004 @ 13:09:38 GMT-0500 (which was
19:09:38 where I live) Carl Reynolds would mumble:

CR> I was not aware that there are toolkits for checking CSS.
 The official one and free:

Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

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Re: [WSG] Image floating question

2004-02-05 Thread Luc

Good evening James,
It was foretold that on 5-2-2004 @ 14:34:33 GMT+1100 (which was
4:34:33 where I live) James Cowperthwaite would mumble:

JC> The right image now slides over the top of the left instead of breaking and going 
onto a
JC> new line.
JC> Maybe not the best way to do it though... any thoughts?
There is no way to use pure css for what you want i'm afraid.
You could use the underscore hack as i said but that will not validate
your css sheet.

So you can also use an IE proprietary expression [1) or JS [2]

You can use the min-width in your main css sheet for decent browsers
and use a sheet for crappy IE with the expression and feed it to IE
with a conditional comment in your source code.

You  could  also place a fix-width div inside the main div to force it
to  be at least the width you need, but then you're hacking the markup
in  a  way that affects all browsers, rather than creating one invalid
rule  for one invalid browser, which can easily be dropped later if IE
"ever"  shapes  up.

[1] http://www.svendtofte.com/code/max_width_in_ie/

(2] http://www.doxdesk.com/software/js/minmax.html

Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly often attributed by the
living to the dead, now usually attributed by adults to children." -
Thomas Szasz (1920-) - US psychiatrist

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Re: [WSG] Image floating question

2004-02-04 Thread Luc

Good afternoon James,
It was foretold that on 4-2-2004 @ 15:28:41 GMT+1100 (which was
5:28:41 where I live) James Cowperthwaite would mumble:

JC> With two images, one floated left and the right, is there any way to
JC> force the page scroll horizontally instead of the right image dropping
JC> underneath the left when the width of the browser window becomes less
JC> than the combined widths of the images? 
 I have the same problem James. You could use the underscore hack, but
 that doesn't validate, although it's according to css 2.1.

 Using the min-width will not work in IE (oh wonder!).

 You  could place a fix-width div inside the main div to force
 it to be at least that wide i guess.
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"The motor-car will help solve the congestion of traffic." - A. J.
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Re: [WSG] Opera bug?

2004-02-02 Thread Luc

Hello Chris,
It was foretold that on 2-2-2004 @ 12:55:01 GMT+1100 (which was
2:55:01 where I live) Chris Stratford would mumble:

CS> When I use anchors like that I use::
 Yeah, that's the traditional way i know, but in this case using CSS i
 noticed that it works in most browsers except Opera so i thought if
 it was a bug or something else :-)
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"I’m all for bringing back the birch, but only between consenting
adults." - Gore Vidal (1925) - US author

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Re: [WSG] Opera bug?

2004-02-01 Thread Luc

Hello scott,
It was foretold that on 2-2-2004 @ 11:37:58 GMT+1100 (which was
1:37:58 where I live) scott parsons would mumble:

sp> Actually I've been working on something very similar as well, and it also
sp> didn't seem to work on safari 1.0

As i'm told it works on these:

Moz 1.6, NN 7.1, IE 6, Safari (the last one i don't know what build)

sp> When I was testing opera jumped to the top of the page, but also moved the
sp> text in the overflowed div to the right point, did you get this behaviour?

Nope, thankfully not.

Version  7.23
Build   3227

Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"For all the advances in medicine, there is still no cure for the
common birthday." - John Herschel Glenn

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Re: [WSG] Opera bug?

2004-02-01 Thread Luc

Hello James,
It was foretold that on 2-2-2004 @ 11:29:23 GMT+1100 (which was
1:29:23 where I live) James Silva would mumble:

JS> Are  you  using the generic "#top" or are you pointing the link to
JS> an actual named anchor?

It points at #mnhd wich is the ID for the first heading in the page:


the pointing: 

Sorry if i can't provide an online example :-(

Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"So you're a feminist...Isn't that cute."

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[WSG] Opera bug?

2004-02-01 Thread Luc

 Hello list,

 A div, set with overflow: auto has a "go to top" link in it. It works on
 most browsers, only Opera 7.2 leads you to the top of the page, not
 to the top of the div. According to Opera, overflow is fully
 supported, so is this a bug that anybody knows?
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"Never accept a drink from a urologist." - Kevin Michael Reed.

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[WSG] WAS: centering block in IE5 problem

2004-02-01 Thread Luc

 Good evening list,

 My problem is solved, i'm glad to say:

 i used :

  voice-family: "\"}\"";

  on the body element and that did the trick :-)
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

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Re: [WSG] centering block in IE5 problem

2004-01-31 Thread Luc

Hello messagecare->james,
It was foretold that on 1-2-2004 @ 11:13:58 GMT+1100 (which was
1:13:58 where I live) messagecare->james would mumble:

mj> Generally if you want a block centred horizontally in a container, set
mj> the margin to 0,auto and the containing block text-align to center; (for
mj> IE5).
mj>  From your example you want the two column red text to be centered, text
mj> align to left and the green nav aligned to left in the viewport, 
mj> text-align left.
mj> In this case you would do:
I haven't tested it yet, but does that solve my problem that the
wrapper is centered in IE5? As i understand it, IE5 needs the
text-align: center in the containing, which is for wrapper the body
element (if i don't use outer wrapper).

The CB used to be the body with a text-align:center but that placed
the nav (which is outside the wrapper) center while i want it flush to
the left. Using position or margins did brake the layout in IE6: the
wrapper went to the top of the page and adding a top margin cured that
in Opera and Moz but not in IE6.

So i used the outer wrapper as the CB but the two hacks i used for IE5
didn't seem to have any effect [1] & [2]. Am i using the wrong hack to just feed
the text-align: center to IE5?

[1] http://www.dzinelabs.com/test/copy_of_copy_of_template_mogul.htm

[2] http://www.dzinelabs.com/test/copy_of_copy_of_copy_of_template_mogul.htm
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

"An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be
made in his subject, and how to avoid them." - Werner Heisenberg
(1901-1976) - physicist

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[WSG] centering block in IE5 problem

2004-01-31 Thread Luc

 Hello list,

 I just subscribed here and enjoyed reading the posts a lot!
 Now i want to put my problem in your capable hands:

 I made a test page where the content is wrapped in a #wrapper. This
 is centered using the "fixed width, auto margins" technique.

 Now, to let that work in IE5 and IE5.X, the CB has to be set to
 text-align: center.

 In this case the CB is the body element, and because i have my nav
 outside the #wrapper, setting text-align: center on the body element
 lets IE centre the nav, while i want it flush to the left. Removing
 text-align: center on the body let's IE6 behave normal but causes
 issues with IE5. [1]

 To resolve this i came up with 3 things: putting an #outerwrapper
 around #wrapper with text-align: center [2]. As i'm told, this does
 the trick in IE5.

 But because i wanted to avoid nested divs, i tried using a hack to
 feed the text-align: centre on the body element to IE5 only. [3] &
 [4]. But these don't work as i'm told.

 Am i going wrong around this, or is method [1] the best?

 CSS embedded.

 Don't mind the header, the logo is just some place filling at the

[1] http://www.dzinelabs.com/test/template_mogul.htm
[2] http://www.dzinelabs.com/test/copy_of_template_mogul.htm

[3] http://www.dzinelabs.com/test/copy_of_copy_of_template_mogul.htm

[4] http://www.dzinelabs.com/test/copy_of_copy_of_copy_of_template_mogul.htm 
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 1.63 Beta/7 with Windows 2000 (build
2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 4 and using the best browser: Opera.

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