Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-16 Thread Thierry Koblentz
> In the case of PDFs opening in a new window, you might not even need
> to add a class. You could write a function that looks for the file
> extension .pdf in the href attribute and open that link in a new
> window. 

Andrew Krespanis posted this link a few weeks ago

Thierry |

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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-16 Thread Anders Ringqvist

Jeremy Keith wrote:

Ted Drake wrote:

Jeremy Keith recently spoke about using the class in the link to  
target a javascript to add the behavior, leaving a nice, clean link.

In the case of PDFs opening in a new window, you might not even need  to 
add a class. You could write a function that looks for the file  
extension .pdf in the href attribute and open that link in a new  
window. Something like this:

function preparePDFlinks() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName);
var lnks = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i=0; i

One should consider using the native type attribute on the anchor 
element as in:

TPS Report

this cause theoretical you could have a CGI/PHP/ASP/FooBar-script 
generate the PDF for you.

TPS Report

On the main subject of this thread I am as many here seems to be not 
really really sure what is best-practice. Do there exist a 
'best-practice' for a thing like this? As someone pointed out already it 
depends much upon the user base one have. I doubt the users of for 
example would appreciate if you forced new windows. 
On the other hand... A big shop whose main user group consist of 
computer illiterates I agree that a new window approach is better as 
many of these users expects this behaviour.

Can we make a silver bullet?

If you have members only site you could pretty easy implement user 
settings like:

--- 8< -

Web application settings

Here you can control how the web application (this site, 
should response to your actions when you interact (click on links etc.) 
with it. Remember that these settings will only work if your browser 
supports JavaScript and it´s activated.

[ ] Never ever (I mean it) open any[1] links in new windows (supercedes 
all other settings).

[x] Open non web documents[2] in new window.
[x] Trust default beaviour on links.

... and so on...

--- 8< -

[1] We have a small disclaimer telling that we can´t effect external 
links that come from a different domain and that are loaded inside an 
iframe for example. The actual text is longer but you get it.
[2] The text 'non web documents' is a link navigating to a list that 
lists(!) documents like Excel, Word, PDF etc.

Of course you could implement this even for a public site putting your 
trust in cookies but you all know the impact on this.

I have recently been experimenting with a left-click context menu for 
what I call 'advanced' links a.k.a. multi-choice-links (havn´t decided 
what name feels best). What 'advanced' links is is left upon the 
behaviour developer (JavaScript developer) to decide but the idea popped 
to my head when it became clear that my standard way of defining links 
to non web resources:

TPS Report class="Download">(type="application/pdf">download)

would become rather messy if I also added a 'open in new window'-link. 
So now I have a new choice under 'Web application settings':

--- 8< -
[ ] Activate web application context menu on 'advanced' links[3].
--- 8< -

[3] Here again is a link leading to 'our' definition of 'advanced' links.

Conclusion is that your wab application should grow as your users grow. 
Newbies to the internet and/or your site should feel comfortable and the 
web app should adhere to the 'least surprise respond'-philosophy. It 
should also be able to live up to the challenges that the more advanced 
users set out.

Well, this is only my ideas on the subject =)

Live long and prosperous
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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-16 Thread Jeremy Keith

Ted Drake wrote:
Jeremy Keith recently spoke about using the class in the link to  
target a javascript to add the behavior, leaving a nice, clean link.

In the case of PDFs opening in a new window, you might not even need  
to add a class. You could write a function that looks for the file  
extension .pdf in the href attribute and open that link in a new  
window. Something like this:

function preparePDFlinks() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName);
var lnks = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i=0; i

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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Jan Brasna
If I'm sure the PDF is intended for downloading, not for direct viewing 
in browser I force its download with headers (like Content-Type: 
application/x-download etc.)

Jan Brasna aka JohnyB :: |
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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread heretic

> We've had a discussion at work about pdf documents and hijacking the user's
> browser / making it more user-friendly.  What is the general feeling towards
> having pdf and other non-html documents open in a new window? 

I view PDF, .MS Office documents etc as *non web content*. That is,
they are not web pages and should not load in the browser as though
they were web pages. However this view is mostly gut feel rather than
based on any kind of statistics on what users think :)

So anyway, in order of preference my approach to PDF is this:
1) Don't use PDF in the first place, if at all possible.
2) If you do use PDF, it's critical that the link is clearly marked as a PDF. 
3) I choose between new window/same window based on context
(particularly what I know about the target audience). But I do lean
towards new windows.

The reasons for choosing new window:
1) In IE, the PDF will hijack the browser and - very slowly - attempt
to load the PDF content inside the frame. It won't launch a separate
Acrobat window with the PDF, as it should.
2) You only get a cut-down set of interface options when trying to
view the PDF within IE.
3) In my experience there's a reasonable risk that the IE/Acrobat/PDF
mashup will break and crash the window. You lose the web page as well.
4) No matter what browser, as I said before PDFs are separate from the
originating web content and should get a separate window.

When launching any new window, I favour a simple target="_blank" or
the ALA method if users would benefit from more detailed control of
the popup (

Basically my view there is that scripting should enhance the
experience but the page should remain functional without it.
Preferably it should function in much the same way, which is usually
not possible but in this case it's entirely within our grasp.



--- The future has arrived; it's just not 
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Ben Ward
On the whole, I'm very much in the 'user decide' camp. However, there
is some argument for opening PDFs and other
'not-normally-browser-native' media types in new windows (citing the
confusing ways in which plug ins behave).

Personally, I like everything to download and be opened by a native
application (especially PDFs!), but for coping with the default
behaviour of opening the in-browser plug-in, I /might/ give
consideration to new windows.

The best option I can think of a 1am is to clearly offer a second
'open in new window' link, probably inserted onload using script. That
way, the user can choose how to open it and if they pick the 'open'
link that sits next to an 'open in new window' link, they are given
some hint that the document will open in the SAME window, and thus get
around some of the back button/close button confusion mentioned above.

The other 'new window' situation I can think of relates to some 'web
applications'. For example, on the site I maintain, we have a Reseller
Locator that was designed with minimal header and footer to reduce
clutter. Although a legacy app (so it might not be designed this way
if we did it again) in this case it aids the usability of the
application to have the reduced interface.

However, this then removes a lot site navigation, so it makes more
sense to open it in a new window. The critical, REALLY REALLY
important thing I draw attention to when you have a system that (for
whatever reason) is better suited to a new window: *make it as obvious
as you can*.

  1) Add the new window behaviour to the link using script *after*
load. Have it open in the same, default window using a standard
hyperlink without script, so as not to lock out customised browser
configurations or scriptless fringe browsers.
  2) Define a default size for the app! Obviously allow it to be
resizeable, but if a new browser window appears that has exactly the
same dimensions as the 'primary' window it was spawned from, the user
is quite unlikely to twig that this is a different window at all.
They'll be confused when they can't click 'back' to return to the
original page.
If, however, you give the child window a different (ideally smaller)
size, then it will stand out from the main browser and the user won't
be as confused when wanting to return to the first page.

Still bad practice, I think, but those two rules are absolutely
non-negotiable for me when making the best of an imperfect situation!

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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Jan Brasna
I use this: onclick="; return false;" instead of 

+1 for onclick="return !" - successfully tested 
with some blockers etc. - better than returnig false everytime (nothing 
happens then if JS is enabled but the window can't be opened).

Or maybe onclick="this.taget='_blank'" ?

By replacing the target with the script, we are bypassing the issue of 
screenreaders and portable devices getting confused with multiple windows.

No, we're just moving the behavior to its appropriate place - the 
scipting. The UA can then have those features disabled, or ask the user 
etc., that's fine. It only shouldn't be in the document itself, where it 
does not belong. The usage certailny has to be well considered...

Jan Brasna aka JohnyB :: |
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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Thierry Koblentz
Gez Lemon wrote:
> Hi Thierry,
>> This short script doesn't name the window, so it should spawn
>> multiple popups.
>> I'd use: onclick=",'myPopup'); return false;"
>> As a side note, some blockers kill these popups.
> The function returns true if successful, otherwise false.
> You could use the return value to determine whether or not you want to
> stop the href attribute being honoured to cater for blockers.

Hi Gez,
I thought we had that discussion already ;)

Best regards,
Thierry |
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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Andy Kirkwood | Motive
Title: Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows

Hi there,

Could be that this discussion has drifted toward usability rather
than accessibility.

Accessibility considerations would be ensuring that users are
advised of what will happened when they activate the link, either than
the document would be opened in a new window, or that it will be
downloaded. Also that opening a new window does not adversely effect
users accessing a website with assistive technologies (screen readers,

As to user expectation, it all depends on context. Some forms of
content, such as blogs and forums are 'riddled' with pop-up windows,
users exposed to such content quickly become familiar with

As an interface design philosophy, ceding control to the user is
your best bet. (This also extends to enabling text to be resized,
fluid/elastic layout, etc.). In the case of pop-ups, only opening
documents in new windows prevents an experienced user from controlling
the browser behaviour. Indicating that a link will open in a new
window is a good start, providing both a popup and non-popup link may
be safer (see below).

As an aside, some browsers have difficulty opening documents in
new windows, when the document is a not a recognised content type. As
a document like a PDF is not either a 'webpage' or inline content
(such as a GIF or JPEG), the browser may only open a blank window
(without downloading the document).

Popup windows (Motive Glossary)
Philosophy. Common reasons for using pop-ups, etc.
< >

WAI Checkpoint 10.1
Until user agents allow users to turn off spawned windows, do not
cause pop-ups or other windows to appear and do not change the current
window without informing the user.
< >

So, I told
my co-workers that I would throw this out to the standards community. 
Try to ignore any bias I may have. I would appreciate any honest
feedback about whether we should open new windows for .pdf, .doc,
.ppt, xls, .visio, or .whatever.



Andy Kirkwood | Creative Director

Motive |
ph: (04) 3 800 800  fx: (04) 970 9693
mob: 021 369 693
93 Rintoul St, Newtown
PO Box 7150, Wellington South, New Zealand

Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Gez Lemon
Hi Thierry,

> This short script doesn't name the window, so it should spawn multiple
> popups.
> I'd use: onclick=",'myPopup'); return false;"
> As a side note, some blockers kill these popups.

The function returns true if successful, otherwise false.
You could use the return value to determine whether or not you want to
stop the href attribute being honoured to cater for blockers.

onclick="return !;"

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins
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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Thierry Koblentz
> I fall in line with Gary.

I do to, it just makes sense

> I use this: onclick="; return false;" instead of
> target="_blank".

This short script doesn't name the window, so it should spawn multiple
I'd use: onclick=",'myPopup'); return false;"
As a side note, some blockers kill these popups.

> Jeremy Keith recently spoke about using the class in the link to
> target a javascript to add the behavior, leaving a nice, clean link.

One can apply the behavior without any attribute other than "href"

Thierry |

The discussion list for

 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread standards
I completely concur with Gary as I have these types of files open in a new 
window for the very
reasons he stated. Additionally, I've had users report that they close the 
window thinking that
they're exiting the document, but they're actually closing the browser.


> There is a flip-side to the "no new window" recommendation..
>  Many of our users are very computer illiterate and giving them too many
> options confuses them.
>  We do open our PDF documents in a new window and never have any complaints
> about it.
>  We DO get complaints, though, when things are too hard to use or if the
> page they were on "disappars" because we opened a "document" in that same  
> window or if the file
> downloaded and they can't find it (happened regularly  before we launched the 
> PDF in another
> window).
>  We also get complaints from Mac users for similar reasons (because,
> apparently, the default behaviours that have sometimes been set up always  
> just download files
> to one place and dont give the user an option of saying  where they want the 
> file - and then
> they can't find it).
>  I'm all for web-standards - but when a user base clearly has problems in
> dealing with a move to a "standard" then I would prefer to cater for my user  
> base over the
> standard. There are always "exceptions" to every rule.
>  Regards,
> Gary
>  On 8/16/05, Damian Sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Ted,
>> I would say let the user decide. Wherever possible I try to provide enough 
>> information in the
>> link itself so that the user knows what to expect and can proceed as they 
>> wish. Many people
>> will set up their browser to deal with different file types according to 
>> their preference
>> (open the document in the browser, open it in the application, download the 
>> file). Opening in
>> a new window removes user choice. By providing a plain link you give users 
>> the option that you
>> use of `right-click - open in new window`. How do I choose to open a 
>> new-window-link in the
>> current window if that is my preference?
>> The only time I open links (to web pages) in a new window is when I have to 
>> place a link
>> inside someone else's frame and I warn the user that I'm doing it. I 
>> wouldn't use a new window
>> for the downloadable documents you are referring to.
>> Unexpected pdfs are annoying, especially for low-bandwidth users. So, I 
>> would recommend
>> something like:
>> Some stuff (pdf format, 200kb)
>> Include all the info in the link, if you can, for people who only read the 
>> links.
>> Cheers,
>> Damian
>> > Hi All
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > We've had a discussion at work about pdf documents and hijacking the
>> user's
>> > browser / making it more user-friendly. What is the general feeling
>> towards
>> > having pdf and other non-html documents open in a new window?
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Damian Sweeney
>> Learning Skills Adviser (online)
>> Language and Learning Skills Unit
>> Instructional Designer, AIRport Project
>> Equity, Language and Learning Programs
>> University of Melbourne
>> 723 Swanston St
>> Parkville 3010
>> ph 03 8344 9370, fax 03 9349 1039
>> This email and any attachments may contain personal information or 
>> information that is
>> otherwise confidential or the subject of
>> copyright. Any unauthorised use, disclosure or copying of any part of it is 
>> prohibited. The
>> University does not warrant that this email or any attachments are free from 
>> viruses or
>> defects. Please check any
>> attachments for viruses and defects before opening them. If this email is 
>> received in error
>> please delete it and notify us by return email or by phoning (03) 8344 9370.
>> **
>> The discussion list for
>> See
>> for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
>> **

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RE: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Andreas Boehmer [Addictive Media]
We have tested sites with both different behaviours on users and in most
cases if the PDF would open in the same window the inexperienced users would
accidentally close the window and as a result lose the website they were
working with. 

It seems to be already in the users' minds that a different page (e.g. PDF
file or a third-party website) will open in a new window. So, very often
without even thinking much about it they close the window once they are
done. And to lose your point in a website is very frustrating, in particular
for inexperienced users: they have to start all over again, open a new
browser window, might even have to search in Google for the site again and
find their prior position in your website. 

I wish it was different and we could train the users to learn to use their
options, but I think this will be very difficult. Opening links in new
browser windows has been around for such a long time, most users have
learned to accept it as a standard and in fact rely on this happening. 

So for my perspective: definitely open PDFs and other such documents in new
windows (allows modem users to stop the download at any time and prevents
users from accidentally closing their current website). 



From: Drake, Ted C. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 16 August 2005 2:24 AM
To: ''
Subject: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

Hi All


We've had a discussion at work about pdf documents and hijacking the
user's browser / making it more user-friendly.  What is the general feeling
towards having pdf and other non-html documents open in a new window?


I personally find it annoying to open a pdf document in the native
window and having to wait for the reader to load. I usually right-click and
open in a new window.  However, I know some people expect that to happen and
could lose their place if a bunch of windows are opened.  I would use the
javascript approach to avoid using target="_blank". This should avoid the
complications of having PDA devices or screen readers attempting to open
multiple windows.


So, I told my co-workers that I would throw this out to the
standards community.  Try to ignore any bias I may have. I would appreciate
any honest feedback about whether we should open new windows for .pdf, .doc,
.ppt, xls, .visio, or .whatever.





Ted Drake

Web & Collaboration Services
Science Applications International Corporation
858.826.3856 / 858.826.3336 (fax)


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RE: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Paul Bennett
I'm not familiar with it being a 'web standard' not to open a new window for a 
link. Can someone enlighten me?

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RE: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Drake, Ted C.

I fall in line with Gary.

I'm savvy enough to right-click on
pdf links but when I forget to do it, I'm aggrevated by the browser
having to load the reader software. I would be happy to have it open a new


This is for an intranet site, but I think
the discussion is valid for all web sites. 


I use this: 
return false;" instead of target="_blank".


Jeremy Keith recently spoke about using
the class in the link to target a _javascript_ to add the behavior, leaving a
nice, clean link.


Correct me if I'm wrong. By
replacing the target with the script, we are bypassing the issue of
screenreaders and portable devices getting confused with multiple windows.





[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary Menzel
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 3:18
Subject: Re: [WSG] accessibility -
opening new windows philosophy


There is a flip-side to the "no new window"


Many of our users are very computer illiterate and giving them too many
options confuses them.


We do open our PDF documents in a new window and never have any
complaints about it.


We DO get complaints, though, when things are too hard to use or if the
page they were on "disappars" because we opened a
"document" in that same window or if the file downloaded and they
can't find it (happened regularly before we launched the PDF in another


We also get complaints from Mac users for similar reasons (because,
apparently, the default behaviours that have sometimes been set up always just
download files to one place and dont give the user an option of saying where
they want the file - and then they can't find it). 


I'm all for web-standards - but when a user base clearly has problems
in dealing with a move to a "standard" then I would prefer to cater
for my user base over the standard.  There are always
"exceptions" to every rule. 





On 8/16/05, Damian

Hi Ted,

I would say let the user decide. Wherever possible I try to provide enough
information in the link itself so that the user knows what to expect and 
can proceed as they wish. Many people will set up their browser to deal
with different file types according to their preference (open the document
in the browser, open it in the application, download the file). Opening in 
a new window removes user choice. By providing a plain link you give users
the option that you use of `right-click - open in new window`. How do I
choose to open a new-window-link in the current window if that is my 

The only time I open links (to web pages) in a new window is when I have
to place a link inside someone else's frame and I warn the user that I'm
doing it. I wouldn't use a new window for the downloadable documents you 
are referring to.

Unexpected pdfs are annoying, especially for low-bandwidth users. So, I
would recommend something like:

Include all the info in the link, if you can, for people who only read the



> Hi All
> We've had a discussion at work about pdf documents and hijacking the 
> browser / making it more user-friendly.  What is the general
> having pdf and other non-html documents open in a new window?
Damian Sweeney
Learning Skills Adviser (online) 
Language and Learning Skills Unit
Instructional Designer, AIRport Project
Equity, Language and Learning Programs
University of Melbourne
723 Swanston St
Parkville 3010
ph 03 8344 9370, fax 03 9349 1039 

This email and any attachments may contain personal information or
information that is otherwise confidential or the subject of
copyright. Any unauthorised use, disclosure or copying of any part
of  it
is prohibited. The University does not warrant that this email or  any

attachments are free from viruses or defects. Please check any
attachments for viruses and defects before opening them. If this
email is received in error please delete it and notify us by
return  email
or by phoning (03) 8344 9370. 

The discussion list for

for some hints on posting to the list & getting help


Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Gary Menzel
There is a flip-side to the "no new window" recommendation..
Many of our users are very computer illiterate and giving them too many options confuses them.
We do open our PDF documents in a new window and never have any complaints about it.
We DO get complaints, though, when things are too hard to use or if the page they were on "disappars" because we opened a "document" in that same window or if the file downloaded and they can't find it (happened regularly before we launched the PDF in another window).

We also get complaints from Mac users for similar reasons (because, apparently, the default behaviours that have sometimes been set up always just download files to one place and dont give the user an option of saying where they want the file - and then they can't find it).

I'm all for web-standards - but when a user base clearly has problems in dealing with a move to a "standard" then I would prefer to cater for my user base over the standard.  There are always "exceptions" to every rule.

On 8/16/05, Damian Sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Ted,I would say let the user decide. Wherever possible I try to provide enoughinformation in the link itself so that the user knows what to expect and
can proceed as they wish. Many people will set up their browser to dealwith different file types according to their preference (open the documentin the browser, open it in the application, download the file). Opening in
a new window removes user choice. By providing a plain link you give usersthe option that you use of `right-click - open in new window`. How do Ichoose to open a new-window-link in the current window if that is my
preference?The only time I open links (to web pages) in a new window is when I haveto place a link inside someone else's frame and I warn the user that I'mdoing it. I wouldn't use a new window for the downloadable documents you
are referring to.Unexpected pdfs are annoying, especially for low-bandwidth users. So, Iwould recommend something like:
Include all the info in the link, if you can, for people who only read thelinks.Cheers,Damian> Hi All We've had a discussion at work about pdf documents and hijacking the
user's> browser / making it more user-friendly.  What is the general feelingtowards> having pdf and other non-html documents open in a new window?>>--Damian SweeneyLearning Skills Adviser (online)
Language and Learning Skills UnitInstructional Designer, AIRport ProjectEquity, Language and Learning ProgramsUniversity of Melbourne723 Swanston StParkville 3010 03 8344 9370, fax 03 9349 1039
This email and any attachments may contain personal information orinformation that is otherwise confidential or the subject ofcopyright. Any unauthorised use, disclosure or copying of any part of  itis prohibited. The University does not warrant that this email or  any
attachments are free from viruses or defects. Please check anyattachments for viruses and defects before opening them. If thisemail is received in error please delete it and notify us by return  emailor by phoning (03) 8344 9370.
**The discussion list for some hints on posting to the list & getting help**

RE: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Drake, Ted C.
Hi Damian
Thanks for the feedback. We use CSS to place an icon in front of the link to
illustrate the file format as well as the (filename.pdf, 35k) designation.

Is there anyone out there that supports opening in a new window?  If not, it
looks like I will suggest we keep it behavior-free.

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Damian Sweeney
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

Hi Ted,

I would say let the user decide. Wherever possible I try to provide enough
information in the link itself so that the user knows what to expect and
can proceed as they wish. Many people will set up their browser to deal
with different file types according to their preference (open the document
in the browser, open it in the application, download the file). Opening in
a new window removes user choice. By providing a plain link you give users
the option that you use of `right-click - open in new window`. How do I
choose to open a new-window-link in the current window if that is my

The only time I open links (to web pages) in a new window is when I have
to place a link inside someone else's frame and I warn the user that I'm
doing it. I wouldn't use a new window for the downloadable documents you
are referring to.

Unexpected pdfs are annoying, especially for low-bandwidth users. So, I
would recommend something like:

Some stuff (pdf format, 200kb)

Include all the info in the link, if you can, for people who only read the



> Hi All
> We've had a discussion at work about pdf documents and hijacking the
> browser / making it more user-friendly.  What is the general feeling
> having pdf and other non-html documents open in a new window?
Damian Sweeney
Learning Skills Adviser (online)
Language and Learning Skills Unit
Instructional Designer, AIRport Project
Equity, Language and Learning Programs
University of Melbourne
723 Swanston St
Parkville 3010
ph 03 8344 9370, fax 03 9349 1039

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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Bruce
Myself I would say when possible have an alternate txt or html file. I
strongly discourage pdf on  websites unless it is a zip file for download.
As stated by Damian they are annoying for users with modems, and I find them
annoying at all times.
Keep pdf's for printing and inter office.

Bruce Prochnau
BKDesign Solutions

- Original Message - 
From: "Damian Sweeney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

> Hi Ted,
> I would say let the user decide. Wherever possible I try to provide enough
> information in the link itself so that the user knows what to expect and
> can proceed as they wish. Many people will set up their browser to deal
> with different file types according to their preference (open the document
> in the browser, open it in the application, download the file). Opening in
> a new window removes user choice. By providing a plain link you give users
> the option that you use of `right-click - open in new window`. How do I
> choose to open a new-window-link in the current window if that is my
> preference?
> The only time I open links (to web pages) in a new window is when I have
> to place a link inside someone else's frame and I warn the user that I'm
> doing it. I wouldn't use a new window for the downloadable documents you
> are referring to.
> Unexpected pdfs are annoying, especially for low-bandwidth users. So, I
> would recommend something like:
> Some stuff (pdf format, 200kb)
> Include all the info in the link, if you can, for people who only read the
> links.
> Cheers,
> Damian
> > Hi All
> >
> >
> >
> > We've had a discussion at work about pdf documents and hijacking the
> user's
> > browser / making it more user-friendly.  What is the general feeling
> towards
> > having pdf and other non-html documents open in a new window?
> >
> >
> --
> Damian Sweeney
> Learning Skills Adviser (online)
> Language and Learning Skills Unit
> Instructional Designer, AIRport Project
> Equity, Language and Learning Programs
> University of Melbourne
> 723 Swanston St
> Parkville 3010
> ph 03 8344 9370, fax 03 9349 1039
> This email and any attachments may contain personal information or
> information that is otherwise confidential or the subject of
> copyright. Any unauthorised use, disclosure or copying of any part of  it
> is prohibited. The University does not warrant that this email or  any
> attachments are free from viruses or defects. Please check any
> attachments for viruses and defects before opening them. If this
> email is received in error please delete it and notify us by return  email
> or by phoning (03) 8344 9370.
> **
> The discussion list for
>  See
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Re: [WSG] accessibility - opening new windows philosophy

2005-08-15 Thread Damian Sweeney
Hi Ted,

I would say let the user decide. Wherever possible I try to provide enough
information in the link itself so that the user knows what to expect and
can proceed as they wish. Many people will set up their browser to deal
with different file types according to their preference (open the document
in the browser, open it in the application, download the file). Opening in
a new window removes user choice. By providing a plain link you give users
the option that you use of `right-click - open in new window`. How do I
choose to open a new-window-link in the current window if that is my

The only time I open links (to web pages) in a new window is when I have
to place a link inside someone else's frame and I warn the user that I'm
doing it. I wouldn't use a new window for the downloadable documents you
are referring to.

Unexpected pdfs are annoying, especially for low-bandwidth users. So, I
would recommend something like:

Some stuff (pdf format, 200kb)

Include all the info in the link, if you can, for people who only read the



> Hi All
> We've had a discussion at work about pdf documents and hijacking the
> browser / making it more user-friendly.  What is the general feeling
> having pdf and other non-html documents open in a new window?
Damian Sweeney
Learning Skills Adviser (online)
Language and Learning Skills Unit
Instructional Designer, AIRport Project
Equity, Language and Learning Programs
University of Melbourne
723 Swanston St
Parkville 3010
ph 03 8344 9370, fax 03 9349 1039

This email and any attachments may contain personal information or 
information that is otherwise confidential or the subject of
copyright. Any unauthorised use, disclosure or copying of any part of  it
is prohibited. The University does not warrant that this email or  any
attachments are free from viruses or defects. Please check any
attachments for viruses and defects before opening them. If this
email is received in error please delete it and notify us by return  email
or by phoning (03) 8344 9370.

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